Guidelines For True/False, Matching, and Fill-in...


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09-20-2006 Multiple Choice Question Development

Guidelines For True/False, Matching,

and Fill-in Questions

TCH 345 Assessment & Evaluation

Department of Teacher EducationShippensburg University

Han Liu, Ph.D.


►There is only one simple guideline to follow: Make the item entirely true or false as stated.


►Matching is complex multiple-choice with a number of stems offered along with a number of responses.

Guidelines for Matching

► Provide clear and concise directions for making the match

► Keep the list of things to be matched short, 10 or less (5-10 items are the norm).

► Keep the list of things to be matched homogeneous

► Keep the list of response options brief in their wording and parallel in construction

► Include more response options than stems and permit students to use response options more than once (This way can avoid guessing)

► Keep the stem and response columns at the same page

Example for Strong Match

► Person….…………….……Achievement► Dates.………….…………..Events► Term…………….………….Definition► Rules…………….………….Examples► Symbols………….………..Concepts► Authors………..………….Book titles► Foreign words…………..English equivalents► Machines……………….…Uses► Plants/Animals………….Classification► Principles………………….Illustration► Objects…………………....Name of objects► Parts………………………..Functions

Matching-Basic Type


► ---1. Alabama

► ---2. Arkansas

► ---3. California

► ---4. Colorado

► ---5. Louisiana


►A. Baton Rouge

►B. Bismarck

►C. Denver

►D. Little Rock

► E. Madison

► F. Montgomery

►G. Sacramento

►H. Saint Paul

Matching-Three Column Type


► ----1. Alabama

► ----2. Arkansas

► ----3. California

► ----4. Colorado

► ----5. Louisiana


► A. Baton Rouge

► B. Bismarck

► C. Denver

► D. Little Rock

► E. Madison

► F. Montgomery

► G. Sacramento

► H. Saint Paul

States Flowers

► I. Apple blossom

► II. Blue Columbia

► III. Goldenrod

► IV. Golden poppy

► V. Magnolia

► VI. Camellia

► VII. Violet

► VIII. Zinnia

Choice in Sentence Type

A. Simple sentence

B. Compound sentence

C. Complex sentence

D. Compound – Complex sentence

1. During the winter the days are short and the nights are long.

2. Jane walked to school.

3. John and Ralph left school early.

4. Mama told a story that I have heard of many times from grandpa.

Advantages of Matching

►Good for evaluating ability to make associations and perceive relationships

►Good means of sampling when appropriate bodies of homogeneous materials are available

Guidelines for Filling Blanks

►Ask respondent a question and provide space for an answer.

►Try to stick on one blank per item.

►Don’t let the length of the line to be filled in be a clue as to the length or nature of the correct answer. It could really be a distraction to students.
