Guide to foundation stage - Brompton-Westbrook … Foundation Stage covers ages 3 to 5 FS1 is...


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Foundation Stage

Induction Meeting Tuesday 29th March 2016

Guide to our

Foundation Stage

Claire Lewis

Session Aim

To provide an overview of the

Foundation Stage here at

Brompton-Westbrook Primary


The Foundation Stage covers

ages 3 to 5

FS1 is Nursery

FS2 is Reception

The Early Years Foundation

Stage curriculum (EYFS)

involves practical play-based


Early years expectations by the

end of nursery

The EYFS curriculum is separated into ages and

stages and starts from birth and ends at 40-60mths.

At the end of reception, your child will be assessed

against the Early learning goals.

In the nursery we focus on the 3 prime areas which

help your child settle and should enable them to be

able to access the whole curriculum.


Communication and language Listening & attention



Children will be asked to sit and listen

attentively during whole class stories and also

during adult led sessions which they will take

part in every session.

Children will be given the opportunity to speak

to their peers and adults during the session.

Adults will help and support children with their

speech and use of language, making a referral

for speech and language therapy if necessary.


Physical development

Moving & handling

Health & self-care

Children are helped to develop their fine and

gross motor skills whilst at our nursery. They

will take part in a scheme called Write Dance

which concentrates on movements to help

support early writing.

We encourage your children to be as

independent as they possibly can. We will help

and support your child to look after their

belongings by supporting them to put things

away in the correct place, to wash their hands

and to dress themselves.


Personal, social and

emotional development

Self-confidence & self-


Managing feelings &


Making relationships


Literacy in FS1



Writing in the nursery is

encouraging your child to write

for a purpose - Writing lists for

shopping, practise writing their

name, writing friends and family

members cards etc

Reading in nursery is knowing

that print is read from left to

right and that writing gives a

message to the reader.


Mathematics in FS1 Numbers

Shape, space & measures

Count dinner items they need to set the

table, count their steps, use their

fingers to show numbers, do they know

how old they are and how many fingers

that would be?

Look for shapes in the environment,

talk about what the shapes are called,

use language to describe what they

can see - tall, short, long. Build

constructions and talk about what they

have used.


Understanding the world

People & communities

The world


We encourage your children

to ask questions, be

inquisitive about the world

and people around them, to

use technology to enhance

their learning and



Expressive arts and design

Exploring & using media

and materials

Being imaginative

We encourage your child to take

part in all activities, even the messy

ones! We help support your child in

role play activities and letting their

imaginations run wild.

An environment that fosters

well being and involvement

The Curriculum

Effective use of the Outdoors

Whatever the weather!

Opportunities for risk,

challenge and problem solving

Time to explore

Support for independent learning

Supporting your child’s learning

Talk to your child, both male and female role models

Set aside quiet times to read to your child - at least 10 minutes each day

Involve your child in everyday activities

Play with your child – anything from board games to hide and seek

Communicate with your child’s teacher rather than the school gates

Read the learning blog on the website each week

Read, Write, Inc.

Read, Write Inc. is a literacy scheme which

incorporates reading, writing, handwriting and

comprehension. This is a specific teaching

structure which has been used to create the

new national curriculum. If you want to find

out more and help support your child in

learning their sounds, reading, writing and

handwriting, look out for dates in the school’s


Home Learning

Each week, in the school learning blog, you will be told about activities that you can do with your child at home to help support their learning.

Learning Stories - Each child will have a special book which they put their work ‘writing’ and photographs in. They have free access to these folders during their play time as well as work completed with support from an adult. You will be asked to help add bits in from home so please look at the boards outside. During parent consultations, you will be able to look through these special books and see just how well your child is doing.

Events at school

Events for parental


Helping in school

We are always looking for parent helpers in

school. If you have spare time, be it an hour

or a whole morning/afternoon, please let us

know as we will always find some way you

can help us and our children in school.

Wow slips

Your child will have ‘wow’ slips for you to fill in

to let us know things they have achieved at


We will display them on our class boards and

share their learning/achievements

You will be given your first slip but then

further slips can be printed off the school’s


Wow Messages

As part of our schools behaviour policy

any child that has achieved something

‘wow’ will receive a wow text message.

Each term this will be added up and

when they have received a certain

amount they will receive a reward


Healthy schools Healthy snacks - fruit given by the government for all

children under 7 and healthy snacks bought in from


Freely available water

Free Milk

School uniform

It is expected that all children wear

school uniform. We believe that school

uniform helps children to feel part of

their school.

Uniform can be ordered from School

Time in Chatham

Supporting by being

organised! Make sure your child:

Gets to school on time - 08.40/12.30 Doors will close

at 08.45 or 12.35

Wears correct school uniform as stipulated in the

school brochure - available from School Time in


Is properly equipped for school – book bags and

spare clothes which MUST be in school everyday

FS1: Term 1

March Home Visits

Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th April 2016

Meet the teacher sessions. You must attend both

sessions with your child.

Wednesday 20th April 2016

Your child will start nursery and the sessions will

be 8.40-11.40 for am children and 12.30 – 15.30

for pm children


You should have picked up a school

brochure with further information inside.

Please read it and if you ever have a

query about our systems, policies or

expectations, the answers should be in

there. If not then please feel free to

speak to your child’s class teacher.

Any Questions?

Assistant of School

Final Thoughts


Talking to us


Friends of Brompton

Sure Start