Guía Para Entrenadores a las Diapositivas del Módulo 10 ... · Guía Para Entrenadores a las...


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Construyendo el Legado: IDEA 2004

Guía Para Entrenadoresa las Diapositivas del Módulo 10:

Escrito por: Lisa Küpper & Theresa RebhornTraducido por: Bernardita McCormickCentro Nacional de Diseminaciónde Información Para Niños con Discapacidades

NICHCY, c/o AED, 1825 Connecticut Avenue N.W., Washington, DC 200091.800.695.0285 (V/TTY) • •

La Evaluación Inicial y laReevaluación Bajo IDEA

NICHCY is pleased to offer this training modulein Spanish as a helpful resource to the field. Wehope you find the module useful in helpingSpanish-speaking families throughout the UnitedStates understand the nation’s special educationlaw and how to participate effectively in theirchild’s education.

The module looks in detail at the evaluationprocess under IDEA, including reevaluations. Themodule includes a slideshow presentation, thisTrainer’s Guide showing the content of the slidesand how the slideshow operates, and handoutsin Spanish for participants. Detailed discussionof each slide’s content is available in the Englishversion of this training module (available onlineat

The handouts for participants includetranslations of selected final regulations of IDEA2004. These are not official translations of IDEA'sregulations, however, and are not to be construed assuch.

10-2 Módulo 10: Evaluación Inicial y la Reevaluación bajo IDEA

August 2009National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities

Copyright free. You’re welcome to share this module far and wide. Pleasedo give credit to its producer, the National Dissemination Center forChildren with Disabilities.

Esta información queda en manos y dominio del público. A los lectores se lesanima a copiar y compartir la información, pero por favor den crédito aNICHCY, el Centro Nacional de Diseminación de Información paraNiños con Discapacidades (en inglés, National Dissemination Center forChildren with Disabilities).

Citation of the original material in English:

Küpper, L., & Rebhorn, T. (2007, March). Initial evaluation and reevalua-tion (Module 10). Building the legacy: IDEA 2004 training curriculum.Washington, DC: National Dissemination Center for Children withDisabilities. Available online at:

The training curriculum Building the Legacy is aproduct of NICHCY, the National DisseminationCenter for Children with Disabilities.

This Trainer’s Guide was developed by AED (theAcademy for Educational Development) underCooperative Agreement H326N030003 betweenAED and the Office of Special Education Programs,U.S. Department of Education.

The contents of this document do not necessarilyreflect the position or policies or the U.S. Depart-ment of Education, and the mention of commercialproducts and organizations does not imply theendorsement of the federal government.

Editor:Lisa Küpper, NICHCY


Director of NICHCY:Stephen D. Luke

Federal Project Officer:Judy L. Shanley

Special thanks go to IndiraMedina, bilingual informa-tion specialist at NICHCY,for her help in reviewing allparticipant handouts andslideshows in Spanish.

Module 10: Initial Evaluation and Reevaluation under IDEA 10-3


1.800.695.0285 (V/TTY)

About This Trainer’s Guide

Guía para Entrenadores a las Diaspositivas del Módulo 10:Evaluación Inicial y la Reevaluación Bajo IDEA

An English version of this guide (Trainer’s Guide to Module 10:Initial Evaluation and Reevaluation) is also available—and it’s whereyou’ll find the explanations of content that go with the Spanishslides shown herein.

Other training materialslike this one

This training module, with its many components, is part of a muchlarger training package on the legal requirements of the Individualswith Disabilities Education Act, as amended in 2004. The full pack-age is called Building the Legacy: IDEA 2004 Training Curriculum and isa product of the National Dissemination Center for Children withDisabilities (NICHCY), produced at the request of the Office ofSpecial Education Programs (OSEP) at the U.S. Department ofEducation. A synopsis of the full training package is given on thenext page.

Accompanyingmaterials you’ll need

• Slideshow 10-Sp: PowerPoint® show of Evaluación Inicial y laReevaluación Bajo IDEA

• Tema C Folletos Para Participantes (Handouts for Theme C inSpanish for participants)

• English version of the Trainer’s Guide for Module 10, which explains(in English) the content of the slides shown here in Spanish.

Where to find thesetraining materials

How to use this guide This guide shows how the Spanish language slides in this trainingmodule operate, so you’ll know the order of events and how towork your way through this training in Spanish on the evaluationprocess under IDEA. Refer to the Trainer’s Guide for Module 10 inEnglish for complete explanations of the content of these slides.

Pair the PowerPoint shows in Spanish for Module 10 with theparticipant handouts in Spanish for Tema C (Theme C): LasEvaluaciones bajo IDEA.

10-4 Módulo 10: Evaluación Inicial y la Reevaluación bajo IDEA

A Snapshot Look at This Training Curriculum

Cancelled, pending reauthorization of NCLB

All available online right now!

Download them


Table of ContentsBuilding the Legacy

Theme A—Welcome to IDEA1: Top 10 Basics of Special Education2: Key Changes in IDEA

Theme B—IDEA and General Education3: NCLB in Brief4: Statewide and Districtwide Assessments5: Disproportionality & Overrepresentation6: Early Intervening Services and Response

to Intervention7: Highly Qualified Teachers8: NIMAS

Theme C—Evaluating Children for Disability 9: Introduction to Evaluation10: Initial Evaluation and Reevaluation11: Identification of Children with Specific

Learning Disabilities

Theme D—Individualized Education Programs12: IEP Team: Who’s a Member?13: Content of the IEP14: Meetings of the IEP Team15: LRE Decision Making16: Children with Disabilities Placed by

Their Parents in Private Schools

Theme E—Procedural Safeguards17: Introduction to Procedural Safeguards18: Options for Dispute Resolution19: Key Issues in Discipline



What’s availablein English:

What’s availablein Spanish:

• Handouts for participantsfor all themes, includinghandouts intended for usewith slideshows availableonly in English

• Slideshows and Trainer’sGuides for these eighttraining modules:

1: Los 10 Datos Principales Acercade la Educación Especial

6: Servicios de Atención Temprana yRespuesta a la Intervención

9: Introducción a la Evaluación10: Evaluación Inicial y la Reevaluación

12: Equipo del IEP: ¿Quién es miembro?13: Contenido del IEP14: Reuniones del Equipo del IEP

17: Introducción a las Garantías Procesales

Module 10: Initial Evaluation and Reevaluation under IDEA 10-5

Diapositiva 1El Título del Módulo

How the slide operates:

Slide loads fully. Noclicks are necessaryexcept to advance to thenext slide.

Temas enConstruyendo el Legado

Tema A¡Bienvenido a IDEA!


y la Educación General

Tema CLas Evaluaciones Bajo IDEA

Tema DProgramas EducativosIndividualizados (IEP)

Tema ELas Garantías Procesales

Disponible en lí


Haga CLICK para seguira la próxima diapositiva.

10-6 Módulo 10: Evaluación Inicial y la Reevaluación bajo IDEA

Diapositiva 2 Agenda


Slide loads withthis view. Noclicks are necessaryexcept to advancethe slide.

CLICK to advance to next slide.

Module 10: Initial Evaluation and Reevaluation under IDEA 10-7

Diapositiva 3Los Propósitos de la Evaluación

View 1

Clicks 1-2

Slide loads with thisview, with the header“Propósitos de laEvaluación Inicial”and Bullet 1.

Click 1:Bullet 2 appears.

Click 2:Bullet 3 appears.

CLICK AGAIN to advance to next slide.

10-8 Módulo 10: Evaluación Inicial y la Reevaluación bajo IDEA

Diapositiva 4Solicitando la Evaluación Inicial

View 1

Slide loadswith this view,includingBullet 1.

Click 1:Bullet 2 appears.

Click 1

CLICK AGAIN to advance to next slide.

Module 10: Initial Evaluation and Reevaluation under IDEA 10-9

Diapositiva 5 Antes de Cuaquier Evaluación Inicial

View 1

Clicks 1-2

Click 1:Bullet 2 appears:Procedural safeguardsnotice.

Slide loads withthis view, includ-ing Bullet 1on prior writtennotice.

Click 2:Bullet 2 appears:Parent consent.

CLICK AGAIN to advance to next slide.

10-10 Módulo 10: Evaluación Inicial y la Reevaluación bajo IDEA

Diapositiva 6 Antes de la Evaluación Inicial

View 1

Click 1

Click 1:The verbatim languageof IDEA appearsbelow the line.

Slide loads with onlythe picture (“Signhere”) and the words“El consentimientosirve sólo para laevaluación inicial, nadamás.”

CLICK AGAIN to advance to next slide.


Module 10: Initial Evaluation and Reevaluation under IDEA 10-11

Diapositiva 7


Consentimiento del Padre para la Evaluación Inicial

Slide loadscompletely. Noclicks are necessaryexcept to advance tothe next slide.

CLICK to advance to next slide.

10-12 Módulo 10: Evaluación Inicial y la Reevaluación bajo IDEA

Diapositiva 8 Puntos Claves Acerca de la Evaluación Inicial

View 1

Click 1

Slide loads withBullet 1 and thepicture.

Click 1:Bullet 2 appears.

CLICK AGAIN to advance to next slide.

Module 10: Initial Evaluation and Reevaluation under IDEA 10-13

Diapositiva 9 Puntos Claves Acerca de la Evaluación Inicial

View 1

Click 1

Slide loads withthis view, includ-ing Bullet 1.

Click 1:Bullet 2 and whatconstitutes“informaciónpertinente”appear.

CLICK AGAIN to advance to next slide.

10-14 Módulo 10: Evaluación Inicial y la Reevaluación bajo IDEA

Diapositiva 10

View 1

Clicks 1-2

Slide loadswith this view.

Clicks 1 - 2:Click 1 brings Bullet 1.Click 2 brings Bullet 2.

Repaso de los Datos de Evaluación Existentes (Diapositiva 1 de 4)

(continued on the next page)

Module 10: Initial Evaluation and Reevaluation under IDEA 10-15

Clicks 3-4

Clicks 3 - 4:Click 3 brings Bullet 3.Click 4 brings Bullet 4.

CLICK AGAIN to advance to next slide.

10-16 Módulo 10: Evaluación Inicial y la Reevaluación bajo IDEA

Diapositiva 11

View 1

Clicks 1-2

Slide loadswith this view.

Clicks 1 - 2:Click 1 bringsBullet 1.

Click 2 bringsBullet 2.

Repaso de los Datos de Evaluación Existentes (Diapositiva 2 de 4)

(continued on the next page)

Module 10: Initial Evaluation and Reevaluation under IDEA 10-17

Clicks 3-4

Clicks 3 - 4:Click 3 brings Bullet 3.Click 4 brings Bullet 4.

CLICK AGAIN to advance to next slide.

10-18 Módulo 10: Evaluación Inicial y la Reevaluación bajo IDEA


Diapositiva 12 Repaso de los Datos de Evaluación Existentes (Diapositiva 3 de 4)

Clicks 1-2

Slide loadswith this view,includingCheckmark 1.

Click 1:Picture changes,Checkmark 2 appears(re: participating ingeneral educationcurriculum).

(continued on the next page)

Module 10: Initial Evaluation and Reevaluation under IDEA 10-19

Clicks 3-4

Click 2:The text at the verybottom appears:Group may conductits review without ameeting.

CLICK AGAIN to advance to next slide.

10-20 Módulo 10: Evaluación Inicial y la Reevaluación bajo IDEA


Diapositiva 13


Click 1

Slide loads with thisview, answering thequestion, “No.”

Click 1:The text below “No”appears, saying whatthe public agencymust now do.

Repaso de los Datos de Evaluación Existentes (Diapositiva 4 de 4)

(continued on the next page)

Module 10: Initial Evaluation and Reevaluation under IDEA 10-21



Click 2

Click 3

Click 2:Now the questionis answered, “Sí.”Bullet 1, what theLEA has to do,appears.

Click 3:Bullet 2, anotherthing the LEA hasto do, appears.

CLICK AGAIN to advance to next slide.

10-22 Módulo 10: Evaluación Inicial y la Reevaluación bajo IDEA

Click 1

Diapositiva 14

Click 1:Bottom text appearscompletely, allbullets loaded.

Slide loads withthis view.

Determinando si Un Niño es Elegible (Diapositiva 1 de 4)

CLICK AGAIN to advance to next slide.


Module 10: Initial Evaluation and Reevaluation under IDEA 10-23

Diapositiva 15 Determinando si Un Niño es Elegible (Diapositiva 2 de 4)

Slide loads fully.No clicks areneeded except toadvance to thenext slide.

CLICK to advance to next slide.


10-24 Módulo 10: Evaluación Inicial y la Reevaluación bajo IDEA

Diapositiva 16


Determinando si Un Niño es Elegible (Diapositiva 3 de 4)

Slide loadsfully. Noclicks areneeded exceptto advance tothe next slide.

CLICK to advance to next slide.

Module 10: Initial Evaluation and Reevaluation under IDEA 10-25

Diapositiva 17 Determinando si Un Niño es Elegible (Diapositiva 4 de 4)

Slide loadsfully. Noclicks areneeded exceptto advance tothe next slide.

CLICK to advance to next slide.


10-26 Módulo 10: Evaluación Inicial y la Reevaluación bajo IDEA

Diapositiva 18 La Definición de “Niño con una Discapacidad” bajo IDEA

Click 1

Slide loads withthis question.

Click 1:View changes tothe full definitionof “niño con unadiscapacidad”—very small!

(continued on the next page)


Module 10: Initial Evaluation and Reevaluation under IDEA 10-27

Click 2

Click 2:The woman’sface appears,clearlysquinting totry and readthe slide.

CLICK AGAIN to advance to next slide.

10-28 Módulo 10: Evaluación Inicial y la Reevaluación bajo IDEA

Click 1

View 1

Slide loads with topparagraph (“Niñocon unadiscapacidad…”),the picture of thegirl, and the first 4disabilities in thelist.

Click 1:The next 2disabilitiesappear.

Diapositiva 19 La Definición de “Niño con una Discapacidad” bajo IDEA

(continued on the next page)

Module 10: Initial Evaluation and Reevaluation under IDEA 10-29

Click 3

Click 2

Click 2:The next 2disabilitiesappear.

Click 3:The next 5disabilitiesappear.

(continued on the next page)

10-30 Módulo 10: Evaluación Inicial y la Reevaluación bajo IDEA

Click 4

Click 4:Full list appears,with the text belowthe line emphasiz-ing “por la mismarazón...”CLICK AGAIN to advance to next slide.

Module 10: Initial Evaluation and Reevaluation under IDEA 10-31

Slide loadscompletely. Noclicks are necessaryexcept to advance tothe next slide.

Diapositiva 6Diapositiva 20 La Definición de “Niño con una Discapacidad” bajo IDEA

CLICK to advance to next slide.

10-32 Módulo 10: Evaluación Inicial y la Reevaluación bajo IDEA

View 1

Click 1:An arrow appears,leads to the “plus”sign, and the 2ndpicture appears,representing “Statedefinition + federaldefinition = ” Nomore clicks arenecessary; lastpicture loads itself.Taken as a whole,the slide depicts theinteraction betweenIDEA’s definition ofa “child with adisability” andindividual Statedefinitions ofthat term.

Slide loads withonly Picture 1 ofthe States,representing“State definitionsof disability.”

Click 1

Diapositiva 21 La Definición de “Niño con una Discapacidad” bajo IDEA

CLICK AGAIN to advance to next slide.

Module 10: Initial Evaluation and Reevaluation under IDEA 10-33

Slide loadscompletely. Noclicks are necessaryexcept to advance tothe next slide.

Diapositiva 22 La Definición de “Niño con una Discapacidad” bajo IDEA

CLICK to advance to next slide.

10-34 Módulo 10: Evaluación Inicial y la Reevaluación bajo IDEA


Diapositiva 23 La Definición de “Niño con una Discapacidad” bajo IDEA

Click 1

Slide loads with only“¿Retraso en elDesarrollo?” at thetop. Then “Definidopor el Estado” andthe picture appear.

Click 1:“Medido porprocedimientos...”appears, with a newpicture, and Bullets1-5 (as a group).

(continued on the next page)

Module 10: Initial Evaluation and Reevaluation under IDEA 10-35

Click 2

Click 2:The text “Definiciónincluya esa frasesobreimportante por lamisma razón” appears.

CLICK AGAIN to advance to next slide.

10-36 Módulo 10: Evaluación Inicial y la Reevaluación bajo IDEA

Slide loads withthis view. Noclicks are neces-sary, except toadvance to thenext slide

Diapositiva 24Determinando la Elegibilidad de un Niño

CLICK to advance to next slide.

Module 10: Initial Evaluation and Reevaluation under IDEA 10-37

Slide loads withthis view. Noclicks are neces-sary, except toadvance to thenext slide.

Después de Determinar la Elegibilidad del NiñoDiapositiva 25

CLICK to advance to next slide.


10-38 Módulo 10: Evaluación Inicial y la Reevaluación bajo IDEA


Diapositiva 26 La Reevaluación

Click 1

Top of slide loads....

Click 1:The “Deberáocurrir” textappears, thenthe exception initalics.

...and then theexception.

CLICK AGAIN to advance to next slide.

Module 10: Initial Evaluation and Reevaluation under IDEA 10-39

Slide loads with theheader “Lo que lareevaluación compartecon la evaluaciónincial” and Bullet 1.

Click 1—Click 4:Bullets 2-5 appear, oneper CLICK.

Click 5—Click 9:Bullets 6-10appear, oneper CLICK.

Diapositiva 27 La Reevaluación

Opening View& Clicks 1-4

Clicks 5-9

CLICK AGAIN to advance to next slide.

10-40 Módulo 10: Evaluación Inicial y la Reevaluación bajo IDEA


Diapositiva 28 Otras Provisiones para la Evaluación

Click 1

CLICK AGAIN to advance to next slide.

Click 1:Exception toevaluationbefore achange ineligibilityappears.

Slide loads withthis view.

Module 10: Initial Evaluation and Reevaluation under IDEA 10-41


Diapositiva 29 Otras Provisiones para la Evaluación

Clicks 1-2

Slide loads with thisview.

Click 1:Bullet 1 appears.

Click 2:Bullet 2 appears.

CLICK AGAIN to advance to next slide.

10-42 Módulo 10: Evaluación Inicial y la Reevaluación bajo IDEA

Click to END the slideshow.

Slide loads withthis view. Noclicks are neces-sary, except toEND the slideshow.

La Ultima Diapositiva del MóduloDiapositiva 16
