Guerrilla Marketing on the Internet By Jay Conrad Levinson, Mitch Meyerson, and Mary Eule...


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Guerrilla Marketing on the Internet

By Jay Conrad Levinson, Mitch Meyerson, and Mary Eule


Reviewed by Matt Nielsen

Jay Conrad Levinson•Author of the 1984 book Guerrilla Marketing

•Has written 30 Guerrilla Marketing books and 24 other business books

•Guerrilla marketing is named after guerrilla warfare

Guerrilla Marketing at a Glance• Guerrilla Investment

– Guerrillas invest more time, energy, imagination, and knowledge than money.

– They work to achieve the best possible outcome using limited resources wisely.

– Don’t confuse “least cost” with “best cost”– Don’t make BIG mistakes, test on small scales first

• Guerrilla Intent– Amazement – “wow” the customer with the little things that set

them apart– Content – value substance over glitz.– Involvement – get customers involved in the experience

Guerrilla Marketing at a Glance

• Guerrilla Partnerships– Not winner take all – know they have to depend on others– Seek out partnerships and strategic alliances

• Guerrilla Psychology– Use laws of human psychology and behavior– People want to improve their current situation

The 12 Biggest Internet Marketing Mistakes – And How to Avoid Them

• Mistake 1: Putting up a website with no planning

• Mistake 2: Failing to research competitors and the marketplace

• Mistake 3: Developing poorly designed websites that are difficult to navigate

• Mistake 4: Failing to write effective direct response copy

The 12 Biggest Internet Marketing Mistakes – And How to Avoid Them

• Mistake 5: Failing to build permission-based email marketing lists

• Mistake 6: no traffic generation strategy

• Mistake 8: Not using online and offline marketing combinations

• Mistake 10: neglecting to build virtual teams and partnerships

High Impact at a Low Cost – Types of Websites

• Squeeze page

• Sales page/letter

• Blogs

• Continuity websites (subscription)

Squeeze Page

Sales Letter

High Impact at a Low Cost – Types of Websites

• Squeeze page

• Sales page/letter

• Blogs

• Continuity websites (subscription)

Choosing Domain Name and Hosting Company

• Domain name – Short, easy to pronounce and spell– Include keywords– Buy related or similar names

• Hosting company– Lowest cost isn’t best cost– Services, support, security, reliability

Outsourcing Web Development

• Check out lots of websites

• Survey current and past customers

• Finalize your requirements

• Determine how it will be maintained

Direct Response Marketing: Turning Visitors Into Customers

• Consumers purchase products, but buy dreams

• Direct response communication– Talk naturally– Provide just enough information to help them

make a decision– Paint a picture

Sales Page

• Create an attention grabbing headline• State their problem, offer a solution• Resolve their concerns• Offer something irresistible• Reverse the risk• Call to action

Guerrilla Communications – Email

• Getting your emails opened - Subject lines

• Getting your emails read

• Getting your readers to take action

• Make it unique – video and audio

Guerrilla Communications – Podcasts

• Why Guerrillas use podcasts

• More tips for effective podcasting

Guerrilla Traffic: Driving Visitors to Your Website

Guerrillas link with others• Inbound links

– Links to your site from the outside– These links act like votes for your website. Writing blogs

and articles are a good way to build links• Outbound and reciprocal links

– Outbound are one way links out of your site, they help enhance your credibility

– Swap links with others in similar areas, which will enhance customers experience, make it natural

• Guerrillas add relevant content

Guerrilla Traffic: Driving Visitors to Your Website

Guerrillas participate• Find out where they gather

• Become a part of the community

• Position yourself as an industry expert

Guerrilla Traffic: Driving Visitors to Your Website

Guerrillas partner using affiliate programs• How are affiliate programs managed?

Guerrilla Traffic: Driving Visitors to Your Website

Guerrillas use word of mouth marketing• Go viral

• Use tell-a-friend programs

• Set up email signatures

Guerrilla Automation: Online Systems for Effortless Follow-up

• Automation is necessary– Sequential Autoresponders

• Sends out emails automatically

• Processing online payments• Merchant accounts

– Gateway from their card to your account• PayPal and other third-party processors

– For a fee they will process your transactions• One-stop shopping carts

Guerrilla multimedia: Using audio and video for maximum impact

• Get both sides of the brain involved• Audio

– People buy from those they know– Record testimonials, add audio greetings, use


• Video– Show testimonials or interviews, demonstrate


Choosing Your Marketing Weapons

• Choose those that make the most sense

• Choose low cost or free first

• Match them to your audience

• Quality > Quantity

• Look towards others in your industry

20 Best Weapons– Guerrilla marketing internet knowledge and mindset– A well researched written plan for marketing on the internet– A professional looking and easy to use website– Keyword rich domain name– Effective SEO strategies– Compelling and well written direct response sales letter– Ad tracking software to measure op in and sales conversions– Blogs– Autoresponders– All in one shopping carts– Email campaigns

20 Best Weapons

– Email list building strategies that combine opt in opportunities with compelling offers

– Multimedia – audio and video to enhance communication– Fusion marketing partnerships – joint venture and strategic

alliances– Podcasts and nanocasts– Teleseminars, teleconferences, and webinars– Involvement devices: wikis, surveys, polls, forums, blogs– Affiliate programs – yours and others– Web 2.0 social media– Outsourcing – building a virtual team

How Guerrillas Use the Best-of-the-Best Web 2.0 Sites

• Social video websites: YouTube– use interesting titles and tags to make your videos easy

to find• Picture sharing websites: and

– highlight photos of themselves and customers, show their products and services

• Social networking websites:– 40% of MySpace users are 35-45 years old– Make sure to link to your site on your MySpace, spend 1

hour a week reaching out to others to build your network

Guerrilla Momentum and People Power

Fusion Marketing• Basics

– Working together is the best way to market your business, the internet makes it even easier as you can work with people from all over the world from your own house

• Joint venture partnerships– Usually temporary partnerships where people

combine resources and skills for a single project

Guerrilla Momentum and People Power

• Strategic alliances– work with another person/company on

multiple projects on a regular basis – often relying on each other to generate most of their revenue

Outsourcing: Building a Virtual Team the Smart Way

• Don’t wait too long• Calculate what you are losing (money and

opportunity costs• Write a job description on an outsourcing

site. Be short and to the point and include a maximum price– Tell them exactly what you want and provide

examples of work that you like.

Main Takeaways

• Make use of the underlying psychology behind consumer behavior

• Make the best use of the resources you have to develop a differentiated marketing strategy

• Understand that you can’t do it all yourself

Pro’s• Easy to read and comprehend

• Uses examples of the theories in practice

• Gives sound advice that makes sense and backs it up with evidence

Con’s• Can be repetitive at times

• Basic, may need additional information to put some things into practice


