Groovier testing with Spock



Talk given at the London Groovy & Grails User Group by Rob Fletcher of Energized Work on 2010-08-16

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Rob Fletchergit clone

• Expressive testing language

• Easy to learn

• Usable from unit to end-to-end level

• Leverages Groovy language features

• Runs with JUnit: compatible with IDEs, build tools & CI

• Extensible for specialized testing scenarios

"Everything is questioned, and only the essential is kept"

Classes extend spock.lang.Specification Feature methods:

def "name in quotes"() separated into labelled blocks

Lifecycle: setup cleanup setupSpec cleanupSpec

given: preconditions, data fixtures, etc.

when: actions that trigger some outcome

then: makes assertions about outcome

expect: short alternative to when & then

where: applies varied inputs

and: sub-divides other blocks

setup: alias for given

cleanup:post-conditions, housekeeping, etc.

import spock.lang.*

class TotalizerSpec extends Specification {

  def totalizer = new Totalizer()

  def "adding an item increments the total"() {    when: "a product is added"    totalizer.add(WIDGET)

    then: "the total reflects the product's price" == WIDGET.price  }}

assertEquals "Expo '86", album.titleassertFalse album.isCompilation()assertNotNull album.tracks.find { it == "Palm Road" }

JUnit 3…

assertThat album.title, equalTo("Expo '86")assertThat album.isCompilation(), is(false)assertThat album.tracks, hasItem("Palm Road")

JUnit 4…

then:album.title == "Expo '86"!album.isCompilation()album.tracks.find { it == "Palm Road" }


Condition not satisfied:

starship.speed == old(starship.speed) + warpFactor| | | | | || 8 | 5 7 2| false[USS Enterprise NCC-1701]

at StarshipSpec.starship accelerates predictably(StarshipSpec.groovy:44)

@Unroll("adding a #product increments the total")def "adding a product increments the total"() {  when: totalizer.add(product)

  then: == product.price

  where: product << [WIDGET, GIZMO, THINGY]}

def "a user can be retrieved using their id"() {  when: def user = registry.findUser(id)

  then: == name == email

  where: id | name | email 1 | "Rob Fletcher" | "" 2 | "Enoch Root" | "" 3 | "Edward Teach" | "" }

def "a message is sent when someone registers"() {  given:  def registry = new Registry()  def mailer = Mock(Mailer)  registry.mailer = mailer

  when:  registry.addPerson("Rob Fletcher", "")

  then:  1 * mailer.send("", "Welcome Rob!")}

import grails.plugin.spock.*

class UserSpec extends UnitSpec {

def "users can be saved and retrieved"() { setup: mockDomain(User)

when: def user = new User(name: "Rob").save()

then: !user.hasErrors()

and: User.findByName("Rob") }}

def "Login fails if incorrect details submitted"() { when: "a user visits the login page" def loginPage =

and: "enters their details incorrectly" loginPage.loginWith("blackbeard", "badpassword")

then: "they should see an error message" loginPage.loginError == LoginPage.LOGIN_FAILED_MSG

and: "they should not be logged in" !}

import geb.spock.*

class GoogleSpockSpec extends GebSpec {

def "perform search"() { when: to GoogleHomePage"spock framework")

then: at GoogleResultsPage resultLink(0).text() == "spock - Project Hosting

on Google Code" }}

Energized Work:


Twitter: @rfletcherEW