Gregory J. Pokorny National Information Society Agency (NIA) Global Planning & Consulting...


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Gregory J. PokornyNational Information Society Agency (NIA)

Global Planning & Consulting Department

Global IT Cooperation Division November 16, 2012

Gregory J. PokornyNational Information Society Agency (NIA)

Global Planning & Consulting Department

Global IT Cooperation Division November 16, 2012

Using e-Governance to AdvanceUsing e-Governance to AdvanceSustainable DevelopmentSustainable Development

Using e-Governance to AdvanceUsing e-Governance to AdvanceSustainable DevelopmentSustainable Development


E-Governance for DevelopmentE-Governance for Development1.1.

Integrating e-Gov with Sus. Dev.Integrating e-Gov with Sus. Dev.2.2.

Lessons Learned: Sus. Dev. & e-GovLessons Learned: Sus. Dev. & e-Gov3.3.

Utilizing e-Gov for Sus. Dev.Utilizing e-Gov for Sus. Dev.4.4.

Success Models of e-Gov for Sus. Dev.Success Models of e-Gov for Sus. Dev.5.5.




E-Governance for Development

e-Governancee-Governance Sustainable Sustainable Development Development

Political System Administrative System Civil Society




Bringing together both e-governance and sustainable development Enhancement of the capacity of government agencies for public service delivery through process of ICT-

enabled reform Using ICT to support the delivery of accessible & affordable services that are most needed by poor Enabling through ICT the increased participation of the disadvantaged groups in society in government

















Integrating e-Governance with Sus. Dev. [1]

Sustainable development through e-governance (especially in developing countries) could include:

1. Protecting basic rights of citizens and creation of valued services for higher living standards of people

2. For genuine development in society, sustainability is necessary

3. Pursuit of sustainability depends on the government integrating many services and providing one-stop, critical services to citizens

4. Efficiency is necessary to make things as simple as possible yet beneficial as possible as well

5. Transparency and accountability are important characteristics of decision-making for sustainability


Sustainable Sustainable Development Development

Social Sustainability – access to Information, gender inequality, illiteracy, etc…

Environmental Sustainability – climate change, disaster management, etc…

Economic Sustainability – energy consumption, logistics, transportation, etc…

Integrating e-Governance with Sus. Dev. [2]

Social Sustainability Environmental Sustainability Economic Sustainability

Consider accessibility in society for tech choices (e.g. mobile)

E-gov services support public health efforts

E-gov services in rural areas at the local level of government should target women (social and economic develop of families)

E-gov initiatives should help to narrow digital divide

Use of environmentally-friendly (Green) ICT equipment for government operations

Set up alert messaging service for populace in order to broadcast any forecasts of severe weather patterns that might cause natural disasters

Smart metering service for water management

Use of energy efficient technology equipment for both government procurement and operations (e.g. Korea)

Smart work initiatives to alleviate traffic/pollution, people work without and time or space constraints

Technology-enabled information and service provided to business and people to encourage interaction and growth


Integrating e-Gov with Sus. Dev. – Green IT



Energy-Efficient Buildings (1.68 billion tons)

Smart Grid Build-up(2.38 billion tons]

Efficiency Increases in Manufacturing Process (970 million tons)

Reduction of Paper Use (130 million tons)

Smart Transportation / Logistics (2.28 billion tons)

Unit: %

Expansion of Telecommuting/Teleconference

(360 million tons)

Carbon Emissions Reduction by Sector

Green IT is a term made up of ‘Green’ meaning the environment and information ‘technology.’ It refers to the transition toward a low-carbon society by reducing energy consumption in various IT devices (Green of IT) and using them in an eco-friendly way (Green by IT)

With the use of IT, a 15% reduction (7.8 billion tons) in the world’s carbon emissions is possible by 2020 (GeSI, 2008)

Green IT is a term made up of ‘Green’ meaning the environment and information ‘technology.’ It refers to the transition toward a low-carbon society by reducing energy consumption in various IT devices (Green of IT) and using them in an eco-friendly way (Green by IT)

With the use of IT, a 15% reduction (7.8 billion tons) in the world’s carbon emissions is possible by 2020 (GeSI, 2008)

Lessons Learned – Sus. Dev & e-GovSpecific Lessons Learned:

1.Create Political Support for Sustainable DevelopmentIn this case the rationale is that in reality there is a large gap that exists between experts and advocates on sustainable development and politiciansThose advocates, scientists and experts should narrow the divide and work with politicians and government entities in order to raise awareness about the potential benefits of sustainable policies

2.Engage the Public in identifying and developing solutions that help them the mostUse common-sense approach and establish those services that citizens will use, identify with and benefit them. Citizens see the benefit directly, they are more likely to keep using the services and [training and education is important]Examples: Korea with those e-services that are most used (resident registration, land, national defense, etc…), Kenya crop mkt. prices available through SMS (save time, $)

3.Utilize institutional arrangements and International Cooperation for sustainable development

High-level government commitment to sustainable develop articulated through a common strategic objective which can also inform governance at the local level

Institutional processes for ensuring meaningful participation of all civil society partners, including the private sector and local government thereby facilitating public awareness regarding sustainable development issues

By utilizing outside organizations (NGOs and private sector - PPP), implementation can be enhanced and sped or scaled up as well as efficiency increased. If partnerships are established for project implementation, local communities can realize very real empowerment and ownership [Example: Korea Information Network Village (INVIL). 7

Utilizing e-Governance for Sustainable


In order to set the stage for an efficient and beneficial e-governance for citizens, a solid foundation of network infrastructure has to be established and made available or no matter what policies and initiatives are set up, nothing will work if the necessary infrastructure is not place

Broadband is that foundation and the ITU and UNESCO’s Broadband Commission made a Call to Action in advance of the United Nation’s Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20)

This Call to Action presented the context for the global community to acknowledge the potential of broadband for progress and sustainable development and include “broadband inclusion for all” as one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)


Utilizing e-Governance for Sustainable


This Call to Action states, “Broadband is unique in that it has the potential to address many sustainability challenges, while simultaneously increasing socio-economic development and quality of life. Broadband facilitates transformative change in a wide range of key sectors from power, transportation, buildings, education, health and agriculture. The impact of broadband on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) is now widely acknowledged and is a fundamental technology to achieve sustainable development that should also be recognized in future Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The Broadband Commission’s Call to Action resulted in Article 44 of “THE FUTURE WE WANT” :“We acknowledge the role of civil society and the importance of enabling all members of civil society to be actively engaged in sustainable development. We recognize that improved participation of civil society depends upon inter alia, strengthening access to information building civil capacity as well as an enabling environment. We recognize that ICT is facilitating the flow of information between governments and the public. In this regard, it is essential to work toward improved access to ICT, especially broadband network and services, and bridge the digital divide, recognizing the contribution of international cooperation in this regard.


Success Models of e-Governance for Sus.

Dev.The Info Ladies of Bangladesh

The Info Ladies project, created in 2008 by local development group D.Net and other community organizations, models itself after a program that helped make cellphones widespread in Bangladesh [Grameen Bank Mobile Phone Program – Muhammad Yunis] A number of these “Info Ladies” bike into far-flung impoverished Bangladeshi villages with laptops and Internet connections, which help thousands of people (especially women)- get everything from government services and connection services to loved ones via Skype and other forms of social media. It's a vital service in a country where only five million of 152 million people have Internet access The Info Ladies are trained for three months to use a computer, the Internet, a printer and a camera. It arranges bank loans for the women to buy bicycles and equipment. This way we are providing jobs to jobless women and at the same time empowering villagers with critical information


Success Models of e-Governance for Sus.

Dev.The Info Ladies of Bangladesh

The Info Ladies also provide many important and critical social services - some for a fee and others for free They sit with where they talk about primary health care as well as helping villagers seeking

government services where they may write complaints to government authorities under the country's newly-enacted Right to Information Act

They talk to farmers about the correct use of fertilizer and insecticides for crops and for 10 takas (12 cents) they help students fill in their college application forms online

The Info Ladies are viewed as both entrepreneurs and public service providers Currently there are nearly 60 Info Ladies working in 19 of Bangladesh's 64 districts The project is both innovative and having an impact on citizens at the grass-roots level


Success Models of e-Governance for Sus.

Dev.Information Network Village (INVIL) Project

INVIL (Information Network Village) is a project establishing self-sustainable village communities that are capable of continued growth by creating information network environments and improving the income of residents through e-commerce in agricultural, fishing, and mountain regions that are usually excluded from information networks

※ 363 villages have been created and are operational since 2001 to the present time


Success Models of e-Governance for Sus.

Dev.Information Network Village (INVIL) Project


Success Models of e-Governance for Sus.

Dev.The Future of INVIL – Strengthening the Foundation for

Sustainable Development

INVIL is already renowned far and wide as a successful project despite only being in existence for a relatively short duration of about 10 years

From this point forward, the Korean government will revisit the outcomes and visions of the future, and do all it can to systematically achieve its long-term goals

Above all, continuous re-evaluation and future-oriented research will be kick-started in order to lay the foundation for continued, self-sustainable operations.

At the same time, active discussions will be held with residents about operational matters, Informational education for leaders and experts as well as a variety of promotional activities will be carried out as well

Moving forward, the innovations of this project will be shared globally in order to give an opportunity for those residents of agricultural, fishing, and mountain villages worldwide to participate directly in government policies and improve the conditions of their villages through the use of information networks



Without a doubt, ICTs and e-governance contribute positively to both socio-economic and sustainable development

Contribute to help realize 2015 MDGs (Poverty, Education, Gender. Health, Environment Partnerships)

By using ICT and e-Government services, it supports the delivery of accessible & affordable services that are most needed by poor

Rural business productivity and effectiveness tend to increase once farmers and small land holders gain access to ICT – it is certainly true for many owners of farms, forestry and fishery businesses as they can utilize ICTs in order to receive text messages containing information on market prices of their products, weather patterns and forecasts and the availability of fertilizers

Real-world examples (Bangladesh Info Ladies, Korea’s Information Network Village [INVIL]) prove that by laying the foundation to information services and access brings sustainable

development and empowerment to the populace resulting in the narrowing of the digital divide


Gregory Pokorny


