Green computing


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Green computing is the study and practice of using

computing resources efficiently. The primary objective of

such a program is to account for the "People, Planet,

Profit” to maximize energy efficiency during the product's

lifetime and promote recyclability or biodegradability of

defunct products and factory waste.

Modern IT systems rely upon a complicated mix of people,

networks and hardware as such, a green computing

initiative must be systemic in nature.

In 1992, the US Environmental Protection

Agency launched “Energy Star”, a voluntary

labeling program which was designed to

promote and recognize energy efficiency in

monitors, climate control equipment, and

other technologies. This resulted in the

widespread adoption of sleep mode among

consumers of electronics.

The term "green computing" was probably

coined shortly after the “Energy Star



As computers play an ever-larger role in our lives, energy

demands, costs, and waste are escalating dramatically.

• The added heat from inefficient computers can increase the

demand of air conditioners and cooling systems, making

your computing equipment even more expensive to run.

• Even though most of today’s desktop computers are

capable of automatically transitioning to a sleep or hibernate

state when inactive, about 90% of systems have this function



Desktop consumption has reached 100 watts

Total Personal Computer(400 million) energy usage in 2000 was 26 nuclear power plants

Power is the bottleneck of improving the system performance

Power consumption is causing serious problems because of excessive heat.

Water Cooled Computer





1980 1990 2000 2010














Pentium Pro

Pentium 2

Pentium 3

Pentium 4

In order to achieve sustainable computing, we need to rethink from a “Green Computing” perspective, because :

Green Computing:

*Maximize energy efficiency

*Reduce of the use of hazardous materials such as lead

*Maximize recyclability of both a defunct product and of any factory waste

• Understand all levels of the


• Understand where power is


• Think about ways to reduce power

usage at all levels

8 9


Integrated Circuit

Digital Logic

Instruction Set Architecture

Operating System

Assembly Language

High Level Programming5








• An average desktop computer requires 85 watts just to be

idle, even with the monitor off. If that computer were in use or

idling for only 40 hours a week instead of a full 168, over $40

in energy costs would be saved annually.

• If each household in a region the size of the metro Boston

area turned off its computer for just one additional hour per

day, it would save $3.2 million in electricity costs and prevent

19,000 tons of CO2 from heating the atmosphere.

• Electricity production is the largest source of greenhouse

gas emissions in the United States, ahead of transportation.

“The performance of software systems is

dramatically affected by how well software

designers understand the basic hardware

technologies at work in a system.

Similarly, hardware designers must understand

the far-reaching effects their design decisions

have on software applications”

Our computer’s SLEEP and HIBERNATE settings are two of the most

effective ways to make our computer more environmentally friendly.


Sleep mode conserves energy by cutting off power to our display, hard


and peripherals. After a pre-set period of inactivity, our computer

switches to a low power state. .


Hibernate mode saves energy and protects our work by copying system

data to a

reserved area on our hard drive and then completely turning off our

computer. It also reduces wear and tear on our components. When we

turn power back on,

our files and documents appear on our desktop just as we left them.


• Algorithmic Efficiency

• Power Management

• Video Card

• Display

• Materials Recycling

• Telecommuting

The efficiency of algorithms has an impact on the amount of

computer resources required for any given computing function

and there are many efficiency trade-offs in writing programs.

As computers have become more numerous and the cost of

hardware has declined relative to the cost of energy, the energy

efficiency and environmental impact of computing systems

and programs has received increased attention

The Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI), an

open industry standard, allows an operating system to directly

control the power saving aspects of its underlying hardware.

This allows a system to automatically turn off components

such as monitors and hard drives after set periods of inactivity.

In addition, a system may hibernate, where most components

(including the CPU and the system RAM) are turned off.

A fast CPU may be the largest power consumer in a computer.

Energy-efficient display options include:

•No video card - use a shared terminal, shared thin client ,

or desktop sharing software if display required.

•Use motherboard video output - typically low 3D

performance and low power.

•Select a GPU based on low idle power, average wattage,

or performance per watt.

CRT monitors typically use more power than LCD

monitors. They also contain significant amounts of

lead. LCD monitors typically use a cold-cathode

fluorescent bulb to provide light for the display.

The recycling of old computers raises an important

privacy issue. The old storage devices still hold private

information, such as emails, passwords, and credit

card numbers, which can be recovered simply by

someone's using software available freely on the


Teleconferencing and telepresence technologies are

often implemented in green computing initiatives. The

advantages are many:

• Increased worker satisfaction,

•Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions related to


•Increased profit margins as a result of lower overhead

costs for office space, heat, lighting, etc.

• Turn off the computer when not in use, even if just for an hour.• Turn off the monitor when not in use (as opposed to running a screen saver).• Use power saver mode. • Use hardware/software with the Energy Star label.• Don’t print unless necessary.• Use LCDs instead of CRTs as they are more power efficient.