Greek School Ayia Triada Birmingham · 2020-03-28 · e 4 Our Approach Greek School of Ayia Triada...


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. S. Tryfonos

Greek School Ayia Triada Birmingham




About us


Our Approach


Our Staff




Music and Dance


My Learning Journey


Reporting Progress





About us: Greek School of Ayia Triada opened its doors for the first time in 1984 but it was not until very later an Early Years group started. In 2011, we have welcomed for the first time our Early Years Group. This group was mainly for children of four years old. We did not have a base at

the beginning, but gradually we started fundraising and we have managed to create our nursery group classrooms. Since 2011 our Early Years Group has become a big part of the school, and a highly valued one for the love for working with children, the caring ethos, the sense of professionalism that is developed over the years and dedication of our staff towards the children and their families. What some of our parents say....

"Our daughter has been teaching her teacher how to spell her name in Greek and how to count to ten. She is excited about coming to school and I think she started to settle in now. She keeps telling me and her dad how much she loves Greek School" Cara.

"We really like it that this year we keep receiving photos

and information of class activities by the teacher. It is nice to know

what children are learning at school every Saturday…” Antonios

“It is really nice to see how caring and thoughtful the teachers of the nursery are…” Maria

Dr. S. Tryfonos Headteacher



Our Approach Greek School of Ayia Triada Early Years Groups is one of our newest departments of our school. Established in 2010, the nursery originally opened in the ground floor of our school in one of our smallest classrooms as we started with only five children. The EYF department of our school aims to provide high quality care and education for children aged 3 years to 6 years in a caring and inclusive environment providing an induction to the Greek language learning. As our philosophy, we strive to encourage children to learn through play and discovery.

We understand the decision to place your child/children in an Early Years setting in the Greek School can be a daunting and emotional time. Here at the Greek School of Ayia Triada Birmingham we make it our priority to ensure your child receives all the love, care and attention that they do at home. We ultimately care for their well-being and happiness as we understand a child will not be able to grow if they do not first feel loved and comfortable in their surroundings. Greek School is no exception to this, even though it is not the main school setting of your child. We believe that we come to complete what your child’s nursery is providing, through enabling your child to discover the mother language, and its family roots.

The nursery is easily accessible from various routes in our area; it is accessible by foot, bus and car, and there is also a big lake and a park available outside to encourage parents to walk with their children or ride to nursery.

Our SEN approach Here at the Greek School of Ayia Triada we aim to be approachable, pupil centred, caring and supportive. We have personal as well as professional experience of the education process, Statements of Special Educational Needs and the problems which can arise. Our staff is able to relate to and empathise with their pupils, as well as our headteacher and Management Board members as most of them are parents and have also experience from their environment of children with additional needs, as well as from their educational background and training.



Our Staff All of our staff are highly qualified in teaching the Greek Language as well as have experience in childcare. Additionally, all our teachers and support staff are trained in First Aid, Safeguarding Children in Education Child Protection. They have also SEN training in progress.

We are one of a few Greek Schools in the UK which ensures staffing arrangements to meet not only the Cypriot and Greek Ministries of Education Standards and Guidance but also the British Education Department’s Guidance. We ensure that staffing arrangements must meet the needs of all children and ensure their safety. We also ensure that children are adequately supervised and decide how to deploy staff to ensure children’s needs are met.

The nursery is owned and run by the Greek School of Ayia Triada Management Board and is an important part of the Wider Greek Cypriot Association of Midlands. Our Staff, and our school has passed through successfully many stages of observation, standardisation and quality inspections. We are also proud that the growing number of students in our school shows exactly the amazing work of our staff.

Mrs M. Koufomeriti BA Educ. MA

Teacher Reception, Year 2 Teacher, Mature Students Groups

(Erd, Tam., Stour)

Mrs Georgia Violari BA Education (Early

Years Education) Reception

(Erd, EYF - Reception)

Miss Elisabeth N.



Mrs E. Tsenteme


ASD Key Worker



The Curriculum we follow Here at the Greek School of Ayia Triada we follow not only the National Curriculum Guidelines on Social Emotional and Cognitive development of all children by also in terms of language acquisition we follow fully the New Approved Greek National Curriculum which is approved both but the Ministry of Education and Culture of Cyprus and the Ministry of Education, Culture and Faith of Greece.



Introduction to the concept of the Early Years Curriculum

Mrs M. Papalouca

Chief Inspector of Cyprus Educational Mission (CEM) in the UK

Η παροικιακή εκπαίδευση είναι πρωταρχικός στόχος των Αποδήμων

Κυπρίων και Ελλαδιτών στο Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο (ΗΒ), που αγωνιούν

και αγωνίζονται να κρατηθούν στις ρίζες τους και τον πολιτισμό

των προγόνων τους.

Το Ελληνικό Παροικιακό Σχολείο (ΕΠΣ) σήμερα όσο ποτέ είναι μια αναγκαιότητα που όλοι

αναγνωρίζουν και επιζητούν και σκοπό έχει να κρατήσει τη νέα γενιά στους κόλπους του

ελληνισμού. Επιδιώκει να διδάξει στα παιδιά και τους νέους μας την ελληνική γλώσσα,

να τους δώσει ευκαιρίες να βιώσουν ήθη και έθιμα μας, να γνωρίσουν τις αλήθειες της

ελληνορθόδοξης χριστιανικής πίστης μας, την ιστορία μας και τον πολιτισμό μας. Έτσι,

θα διατηρήσουν την εθνική, θρησκευτική και πολιτιστική τους ταυτότητα, θα νοιώθουν

περήφανα για την καταγωγή τους και θα αποφύγουν την αφομοίωση από την οποία

κινδυνεύουν στην πολυπολιτισμική χώρα στην οποία ζουν.

Τα τελευταία χρόνια, η αναθεώρηση του Αναλυτικού Προγράμματος για τα ΕΠΣ ήταν μια

αναγκαιότητα, που η Κυπριακή Εκπαιδευτική Αποστολή (ΚΕΑ) έχει θέσει σαν

προτεραιότητα της. Εργάστηκε με συστηματικότητα λαμβάνοντας υπόψη τα σημερινά

δεδομένα των ΕΠΣ, το γεγονός ότι οι μαθητές και μαθήτριες μας είναι κατά το πλείστον

2ης , 3ης ή και 4ης γενιάς αποδήμων στο ΗΒ, το επίπεδο των ελληνικών με το οποίο

ξεκινούν οι μαθητές τη φοίτησή τους και το επιθυμητό αποτέλεσμα με την ολοκλήρωση

της φοίτησης τους στο δημοτικό.

Η προσπάθεια ολοκληρώθηκε με πρόταση που παρεδόθη στο Υπουργείο Παιδείας και

Πολιτισμού (ΥπΠΠ) της Κύπρου για έγκριση, μέρος της οποίας παρουσιάζεται στον παρόν


Οι Θεματικές Ενότητες του Νηπιαγωγείου και της Προδημοτικής τάξης αναμένεται να

αποτελέσει βασικό βοήθημα και οδηγό του εκπαιδευτικού στο αντίστοιχο επίπεδο για την

επίτευξη των επιδιωκομένων στόχων.

Είμαι σίγουρη για την πλήρη και επιτυχή αξιοποίησή του.

Μαρία Παπαλούκα

Σύμβουλος Εκπαίδευσης της Κυπριακής Υπάτης Αρμοστείας

Επιθεωρήτρια – Προϊσταμένη ΚΕΑ



EYFS Curriculum In the next pages you will be presented with an overview of the curriculum we follow, through abstracts taken from the Cyprus Educational Mission suggested curriculum document. You will also see how this Curriculum is adopted and delivered in our school as well as how teaching staff is observing and recording progress. As mentioned previously your child will mostly be taught through playing and exploring and our curriculum is mainly focused on the following learning areas: (a) communication and language, (b) personal social and emotional development, (c) literacy, (d) basic number skills relating to language learning, (e) understanding the world, (f) expressive arts and design. The following two pages outline the main Learning Objective as well as the learning intentions and approaches in delivering the curriculum. We have not translated or changed any of the curriculum’s areas (from the Greek version) as we would like you to receive it in its authentic form. Should you have difficulty understanding it please feel free to ask your child’s class teacher for further details.


Το παιδί να:

• έρχεται με ευχαρίστηση στο Ελληνικό σχολείο

• έρθει σε επαφή με θρησκευτικά, πολιτιστικά και ιστορικά στοιχεία της Κύπρου και της Ελλάδας

• χρησιμοποιεί βασικό λεξιλόγιο και φράσεις για να επικοινωνεί στην ελληνική γλώσσα ΓΕΝΙΚΟΙ ΣΤΟΧΟΙ

Εισαγωγή Οι πιο κάτω στόχοι είναι γενικοί και αναφέρονται τόσο στο νηπιαγωγείο όσο και στην Προδημοτική. Αναμένεται ότι ο κάθε εκπαιδευτικός θα επιδιώξει την επίτευξη των στόχων σε βαθμό ανάλογο με το επίπεδο και τις εμπειρίες των παιδιών της τάξης του. Το κάθε παιδί αντιμετωπίζεται ως ξεχωριστή οντότητα και του παρέχεται διαφοροποιημένη εργασία, όπου χρειάζεται.

Το παιδί αναμένεται να: Ακρόαση – κατανόηση

• έχει οπτική επαφή με τον ομιλητή

• ακούει προσεκτικά τον ομιλητή

• ακολουθεί απλές οδηγίες

• ανταποκρίνεται θετικά στη ρουτίνα της τάξης

Προφορική έκφραση

• χρησιμοποιεί τις λέξεις και φράσεις που διδάσκεται

• λαμβάνει μέρος σε διαλόγους

• εκφράζει βασικές ανάγκες μονολεκτικά ή με μικρές φράσεις

• απομνημονεύει παιδικά τραγούδια και ποιήματα

Ανάγνωση – κατανόηση

• αναγνωρίζει το όνομά του

Γραπτή έκφραση

• αντιγράφει/γράφει το όνομά του



• αντιγράφει λέξεις ή φράσεις σχετικές με τα σχέδια ή τις κατασκευές του (ισχύει μόνο για την προδημοτική τάξη)


• κατακτήσει το εννοιολογικό λεξιλόγιο που δίνεται στις ενότητες και να το χρησιμοποιεί σε μικρές φράσεις και προτάσεις

Συναισθηματική καλλιέργεια

• αναπτύξει θετική στάση απέναντι στο Ελληνικό σχολείο

• μιλά ελληνικά με αυτοπεποίθηση, ανεξάρτητα από πιθανά λάθη του

• συμμετέχει με προθυμία στις γιορτές και εκδηλώσεις του σχολείου

• νιώθει περήφανο για την καταγωγή του


Επικοινωνιακή προσέγγιση Αποτελεί σημαντικό παράγοντα στη διδασκαλία παιδιών μικρής ηλικίας ο εκπαιδευτικός να:

• εμπνέει εμπιστοσύνη στα παιδιά

• δημιουργεί ένα πλαίσιο με πραγματικές συνθήκες επικοινωνίας

• αντιμετωπίζει τη γλώσσα σαν εργαλείο μάθησης και επικοινωνίας

• ενισχύει κάθε μορφή επικοινωνίας μην έχει ρόλο εξωτερικού παρατηρητή, αλλά να είναι μέρος της ομάδας συμμετέχοντας στις δραστηριότητες των παιδιών

Γενικές αρχές Για καλύτερα αποτελέσματα είναι απαραίτητο ο εκπαιδευτικός να:

• κάνει συχνές επαναλήψεις

• επιμένει τα παιδιά να χρησιμοποιούν τις λέξεις που διδάσκονται

• να χρησιμοποιεί την αγγλική γλώσσα στην αρχή για επικοινωνία με τα παιδιά και σταδιακά να την περιορίζει όπου είναι απαραίτητο

• έχει ευελιξία και να εκμεταλλεύεται ευκαιρίες που παρέχουν τα ίδια τα παιδιά για επαναφορά και εμπλουτισμό λεξιλογίου

• να αποδέχεται τα λάθη ως μέρος της μαθησιακής διαδικασίας και να τα διορθώνει απλά επαναλαμβάνοντας τις λέξεις, σωστά

Τεχνικές διδασκαλίας Ο εκπαιδευτικός καλείται να χρησιμοποιεί διάφορες τεχνικές διδασκαλίας για να διδάξει στα παιδιά το νέο λεξιλόγιο, όπως:

• Συζήτηση σε κύκλο

• Διάλογοι μεταξύ παιδιών και παιδιών – εκπαιδευτικού

• Ομαδικό παιχνίδι

• Τραγούδι

• Χορός και κίνηση

• Κάρτες με εικόνες

• Παραμύθι

• Μίμηση

• Χρήση τεχνολογίας (όπου είναι εφικτό)

• Θεατρικό παιχνίδι

• Κουκλοθέατρο

• Κατασκευές, χειροτεχνία Εφαρμόζοντας τα πιο πάνω στις ενότητες που ακολουθούν, διασφαλίζουμε μια αποτελεσματική και ταυτόχρονα ευχάριστη διδασκαλία της ελληνικής γλώσσας. Η εφαρμογή της επικοινωνιακής προσέγγισης στην εκμάθηση της ελληνικής γλώσσας, επιτρέπει τη συμμετοχή όλων των παιδιών, λαμβάνοντας υπόψη τα πολλαπλά μαθησιακά στυλ και τα διαφορετικά βιώματα του κάθε παιδιού.



Suggested Topics by Term

Greek English Τραγουδάκια Term 1


• Χαιρετισμοί και Συστάσεις

• Ο εαυτός μου

• Οικογένεια

• Το σχολείο και η ρουτίνα της τάξης

• Η εκκλησία-αγιασμός και σταυρός

• 1η Οκτωβρίου-γιορτή της σημαίας

• Τα χρώματα

• Φθινόπωρο

• Τα Χριστούγεννα-Πρωτοχρονιά-θεοφάνεια

• Greetings and Introductions

• All About me • Family • School and my

classroom routine • Church, blessings and

the cross • Colours • Autumn • Christmas • New years eve

Μουσικοκινητικά παιχνίδια:

• Καλημέρα(Λάχανα & Χάχανα) • Καλημέρα, τι κάνεις! • Ενας ήλιος,μια Γη. ένα

φεγγάρι! (Λάχανα & Χάχανα)

• Γεία σας!!

• Ηταν ένας ποντικός κατεργάρης πονηρός.

• Τραγούδια για την 28η Οκτωβρίου (Στρατιωτάκια, Ο Μιχάλης Ντύθηκε φαντάρος, Της Πατρίδας μου, Η σημαία)

• Εθνικός Ύμνος, Εμπρός! Μάρς)

• Χριστουγεννιάτικα

Term 2 Spring

• Τα φαγητά

• Γιορτή των Γραμμάτων

• Τα ρούχα

• Ο χειμώνας

• Το Καρναβάλλι

• Η κυρά Σαρακοστή

• Η γιορτή της μητέρας

• 25η Μαρτίου 1821

• 1 Απριλίου 1955

• Το Πάσχα και τα έθιμα του

• Η Άνοιξη

• Food • The Three Hierarchs • Clothes • Winter • Carnival • Lent • Mother’s Day • Greek Revolution 1821 • 1st April • Easter and Easter

customs and traditions • Spring

• Ο τεμπελης δράκος

• Με τα δυό χεράκια

• Η Βροχή

• Επετειακά Τραγούδα

• Επεράσαμε όμορφα! (καληνύκτα και όνειρα γλυκά!)

• Το γατάκι

• Τα εφτά ποτάμια

• Το ελεφαντάκι

Term 3 Summer

• Τα μέρη του σώματος

• Τα μέρη του προσώπου

• Τα φρούτα

• Το σπίτι

• Τα ζώα

• Το καλοκαίρι

• Οι διακοπές

• Our body • Our face • Fruits • House and Home • Animals • Summer • Holidays

• Το κουνελάκι

• Ο Μπαρμπα Μπρίλιος

• Ήταν ένας γάϊδαρος!

• Οταν θα πάω κυρά μου στο παζάρι!

• Κουνούσε την ουρά!

• Η κουκουβάγια!

• Το ελεφαντάκι,

• Τα καβουράκια

• Η αλφαβήτα

• Χαρωπά τα δυο μου χέρια!

• Το ναυτάκι είμαι εγώ



Music and Dance In recent years there has been huge developments in

neuroscience giving rise to large numbers of studies and many claims about the value and effect of music. Much of this research is focussed on the transfer effects of music and the way it might be used to support children’s learning and development; “l earning through music” (Z. Greenhalgh, 2016)

According to Greenhalgh’s (2016) conclusions, the most convincing evidence relates to; the development of

communication, listening and language skills; personal, social and emotional development, and executive functioning. What also becomes clear is that high quality musical training/activity is more valuable and effective in generating the effective transfer of skills to non-musical areas of development.

The positive evidenced effects of music making in the early years is: cognitive, emotional and social development, language and communication skills, interactive with others, confidence and self-belief, parent and parent attachment, culturally diverse practice, activities informed by involvement of parents/carers and taking multiagency approach. In our school music and dance play a significant role in the teaching and learning process of our Early Years and Foundation groups [Nursery and Reception]. A wide range of songs and dancing activities are planned alongside our curriculum activities. All singing activities are carried out by our music teacher and we aim at enabling children to: a) learn through music, rhythm and play, b)to learn songs related to national and religious celebrations, c) to develop an awareness of different types of music focusing mainly in children’s singing in Greek.



My Learning Journey Book Your child’s Learning Journey Book celebrates his or her experiences. Over time it will tell a story about your child - his or her learning, friends, and the experiences he or she enjoys sharing with others.

Our Staff watch and notice each child at play because it helps us to understand and support their individual wellbeing and development. We really get to know the children as unique people with special skills, interests and ideas. The more we understand about your special child, the better we can support them in the way that is right for them.

Your child’s teacher and family work together to build this Learning Journey as a record of your child’s Learning during their time at our Early Years Groups. Although the Learning Journey Books will be sent home once a term, you may wish to borrow them so you just

need to ask the class teacher! Throughout the year there will be opportunities when you will be invited to look through, and contribute to, your child's Learning Journal, but we encourage you to contribute and look through on a more informal, regular basis. We also encourage you to talk with your child about their Learning Journey Book and feel free to add in family photographs or other things of significance for your child.

At this age, so much happens so quickly and we would love to hear about events, activities or achievements which can be put into your child’s Learning Journey Book! And although the time your child spends at the Greek School is only very little compared to the everyday schooling experience, we do hope that the learning journey of your child in Greek School is as important as every other aspect of their learning. Feel free to write us a note, have a chat to a member of staff or bring in a photo, drawing or souvenir to share with us. When you tell us about your child a clearer picture unfolds and together we can plan more effectively to help your child’s learning and development. When children are ready, they can also choose to put things that are important to them in their Learning Journey Books- though it is mainly kept here it belongs to you and your child.

The Learning Journey Books will include the following:

Our Early Years Curriculum complies primarily with the provisions of the National Curriculum Offered by the Cypriot and Greek Ministries of Education, approved in 2015. Additionally we are planning our work around the areas of development as these described by the Early Years and Foundation Guidelines

Photographs - These capture moments and sequences of your child’s experiences during attending our Early Years Group. You can add some of your own from home. Sometimes, we will write down exactly what your child says about the photographs, so we know your child’s point of view. Sometimes we may add more general photos and explain what they represent, as to add to what they learning of the day was and your child’s work. This is also an accurate record of language development. Pictures of important people and things from home will help your child to feel secure when making the link between home and their educational setting. Please feel free to add any photos to the Learning Journal. You could also write down the names of family members or friends pictured in the photos and we will then be able to talk with your child about things that are important to them.

Observations - These are quick notes of significant moments we notice in your child’s learning.

Your child’s creations - These could be photos of models, photos of their role-play, marks they have made, or art-making – with an observation to explain what your child did or said.

Learning stories or detailed observations – On occasions teachers may add some more detailed observations and give snapshots of learning that your child has initiated themselves. Staff then think about what and how your child is learning, their development and how best to support them further.



issued by the British Department of Education. To be more precise, although our main focus is the Development of Communication and Language skills with regards to the Greek Language, this curriculum is planned around four main themes:

A Unique Child Positive Relationships Enabling Environments Learning and Development

Every child is a competent learner from birth who can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured.

Children learn to be strong and independent from a base of loving and secure relationships with parents and/or a key person.

The environment plays a key role in supporting and extending children’s development and learning.

Children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates and all areas of Learning and Development are equally important and inter-connected.

There are then 7 areas of learning and development. Here at the Greek School of Ayia Triada Birmingham our focus is language, but at the same time all the areas of Learning are equally valued and included in for planning and assessment purposes:

3 Prime Areas

Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED)

Communication and Language (C&L) Physical Development (PD)

4 Specific Areas

Literacy (L) Mathematics (M) Understanding the World (UtW)

Expressive Arts and Design (EAD)

Reference: Available online from:, [accessed 20/10/17]



Reporting of Progress It’s widely recognised that the more involved parents are in their child’s education, the better the pupil performs at their learning. Over the years, studies and papers have highlighted the relationship between child’s classroom performance and achievements are significantly influenced by the extent to which its parents become involved in school life, are supportive towards school and the interest they take in their child’s education.

Students respond very well to parents participating in their schooling – whether that’s just being aware of their progress and understanding their achievements, or whether it is when parents decide to take a more active role and become involved in the school itself. Either way, greater parental engagement often motivates the child to do well.

But in order to establish and maintain this interest, there needs to be a regular and reliable communication and sharing of information between the school and pupils’ families. Our School hopes to create an effective partnership by providing an open and communicative environment with the wider community, forming a link between the classroom and the home, and the school and the family.

Parents Evenings: Our Early Groups will follow the regular parents’ evenings along with the rest of the school. During the meetings the teachers will talk through their learning plan, targets, events and achievements and they will also share with the parents the work of their children. The following is the timetable for the parents’ evenings for 2017-2018:

End of Year Progress Report: will be given to parents during the Third Term’s parents’ evenings.

Branch End of Year

Parents Evening School Trip Sports & Fun Day 1 ERDINGTON

Monday 18:30-19:00 Library


Monkey Forest/Drayton

Manor-Thomas land

Saturday 20-06-2020

Monday 11-07-20



3 WORCESTER 19:30-20:30


4 TAMWORTH 19:00-20:00


5 STOURBRIDGE 19:00-20:30







Progress Notes and Reporting




Time Details 10:15 Children Arrive and Register

− Self Register (e.g. photo matching, name tracing, name tags or hand-writing)

− Morning activities for developing fine motor control (set play, story, lego and jgsaws, sensory play, puppets etc)

− Assembly-two assemblies a month 10:50 Circle time

− Hello Time (e.g. Καλημέρα, Εμένα με λένε.. αλφαβήτα, κ.α.)

− Σήμερα είναι....... Και ο μήνας είναι.... Και......

− Letters and Sounds 11:00 Time for Lesson!!! Reception Year- Topic time [total time 20 minute

session- Reception Year] -Structured activities for nursery

11:30 Dinner (We wash our hands all together, then with the help of the teacher children are escorted to the hall and assisted through their lunch)

12:30 Church time (first Saturday of each month)* 12:35-12:45

Toilet time Tidy Up time (lunchboxes are left in cloakroom area)

12:45 Music time (activities with the Music Teacher)

13:15 14:00

Dance and Drama Snack time: (milk or water, biscuit or fruit)

14:15 Free Flow Play/Reading corner Tidy up Time We all help! Everything has its place!



Story time Story Read by the teacher/ Puppet show time etc

Getting Ready for Home Parents collect children from the main hall

Important Note: It's perfectly understandable if you have concerns about how your little one's coping at our nursery and it’s always upsetting to see your child distressed. But the situation is probably not as bad as you may think. Your child may just need some time to adjust to his new routine. The following is general advice by the UK Education Department

• Talk about nursery positively: chat about nursery as much as you can at home. Tell your toddler that he’ll be safe, that the children and staff all like him/her, and that he’ll have great fun while he’s there.

• Tell your toddler that you'll be back: you know you'll pick him up at home time, but that may not be obvious to him. Explain this in a way that he can understand, such as "I'll be back after story-time".

• Keep goodbyes brief: when you arrive at nursery, make the drop-off loving but quick. Find a member of staff, give

your toddler a kiss and a hug goodbye, then leave. The briefer this exchange, the better.



Child’s School bag… and Arrival

A manageable school bag with all of your child’s needed things.

• Lunch box & a small bottle of water

• School bag-with child’s work portfolio/folder

• “Ooops Bag” to leave at school with labelled extra pants, shirt, underwear, face towel, socks and wet wipes (for children under 4 yrs old)

Arriving at school… • All children attending Saturday School must be

at school at 10:15. From 10:15-10:30 its registration and morning activities time. All children arriving after 10:30 must ring the doorbell to enter school.

• A member of our staff will be welcoming the children on their arrival and helping them to their classroom

• For all other days, children must be at school 15 minutes before the start of the lesson

• At the end of the school day, parents must collect their child from the entrance of the nursery class



Key Contacts • School Code of Conduct: Dr S. Tryfonos, Mrs K. Jordanou

• General Concerns and Complaints: the class teacher first and then any of the following people: Dr. E. Mavritsaki, Mrs V. Kyriakou, Mrs E. Trattos, Prof. A. Psichogios (written report might be required for serious concerns raised by any parent which may require further investigation) • Teaching, Learning, Attendance and Progress Concerns: The Class teacher and then the

Headteacher of our School. Should you need to escalate the matter please contact: Mrs E. Trattos or Mrs V. Kyriakou. Three consecutive absences of a student from school may trigger a letter of attendance concern to be sent home.

• Safequarding Issues: Dr. S. Tryfonos, Mrs K. Jordanou, Mrs E. Trattos (trained safeguarding Officers)

• Health and Safety: Mrs C. Elia, Mrs M. Ellina • Communications & Queries: Mrs B. Thouki, Mrs A. Ntaliou

• Fees and Finance Queries: Mrs K. Neophytou

• Examinations Queries and Concerns: Dr. S. Tryfonos, Mrs M. Koufomeriti

• Events and Day Trips: Mrs B. Thouki, Mrs K.Neophytou

• Concerns and Complaints local Branches: Local Representatives and Headteacher or the Chair of Management Board

• School Secretary: A. Ntaliou



Greek School of Ayia Triada Branches: 1. Erdington Monday: Support Classes & Meetings between 17:15-18:00 Lesson start: 18:00-20:30 Year Groups: EYFs (Nursery and Reception), Year 1, Year2, Year 3, Year 3, Year 5, GCSE & GCE 2. Erdington Wednesday: Mature Learners Greek Language- Intermediate Level: 19:00-20:00 Mature Learners Greek Language- Beginners Level: 20:00-21:00 Year 3: Writing & Grammar Class 18:00-19:00 Level A1 (Years 4 & 5): Ellinomatheia Exams Preparation Class 18:00-19:00 Dance Children: 19:00-20:00 Dance Youth and Adults: 20:00-21:00 3. Erdington Saturday: Support Classes & Meetings between 09:15-10:00 Lessons: 10:15-15:00 Year Groups: EYFs (Nursery and Reception), Year 1, Year2, Year 3, Year 3, Year 5, Year 6.

4. Stourbridge and Cannock Thursdays:

Year Groups: EYFs (Nursery and Reception), Year 1, Year2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 6

5. Worcester and Tamworth Tuesdays: Year Groups: EYFs (Nursery and Reception), Year 1, Year2, Year 3, Year 3, GCSE

6. Stoke on Trent Year Groups: EYFs (Nursery and Reception), Year2, Year 3, GCSE



ERDINGTON Main Building,Magnet Centre, Park Approach, Birmingham, B23 7SJ Representative: Mrs C. Elia, Mrs K. Neophytou 07710163513 Days: Mon 18:00-20:15, Wed 19:00-21:00, Sat: 10:30-15:00

TAMWORTH Oakhill Primary School Haskworth,Glascote Heath Tamworth, B77 2HH 07432306688/01675470022 Representative: Mrs Androula Cola

Day: Tue 17:00-20:00


Christopher Whitehead Lang.College, Bromwich Road, Worcester, WR2 4AF Representative: Mrs E. Demetriou, 07557678417 Day: Tue 17:30-20:30

Day: Tue 17:30-20:30

STOURBRIDGE Fairheaven Primary , arnett Lane, Dowells Gardens, Wordsley, DY8 5PY Representative: Mr Tasos Menoikos, 07980 622 465 Day: Tue 17:15-20:15

Head teacher: Dr. Tryfonos Stella ( Chair Management Board: Mrs Katerina Jordanou (


Greek Community Centre Stoke on Trent, ST31BS Representative: Mrs S. Neocleous, 07867951462 Day: Mon 17:30-20:30

Day: Tue 17:30-20:30

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