Great Swamp Baptist Church April 10, 2016


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Great Swamp Baptist Church

April 10, 2016

Great Swamp Baptist Church

April 10, 2016

Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 AM

Prelude GSBC Praise Band

Call to Worship

Hymn # 335 “Standing On the Promises”

The Welcome


Invocation Duane Armstrong

Selections of Praise and Worship

“We Believe”

We Pray for Special Needs

Pastoral & Offertory Prayer Rev. Ralph Lee, Jr

Demonstration of Stewardship


Special Music Robin Malphrus

Message Rev. Ralph Lee, Jr.


Today: Duane Armstrong




CALL THE CHURCH @ 726-3631


Next Week: Bjo Mills


Toll Committee For

April Helen Malphrus & Anita Blanton

Nursery Workers


Vanessa Smoak

Jason Smoak

Next Week:

Ann Malphrus

Today: Dorthie Armstrong Krey Lowther Next Week: Latrelle Steedly Krey Lowther

From Pastor Ralph’s Desk: The Story of the Church (Part IV)

Colossians 1: 15-21

Intro: When we began studying these verses, it primarily

was for the purpose of investigating the story of creation

as told by the apostle Paul. As we’ve already been saying,

it was the story of creation in a nut-shell. However, Paul

jumped right from the story of creation to the story of the

church, and the reason why is because both topics actually

have the same story and that is the story of Christ.

Now, the point that we will start looking at today is

the story of the church leaves no doubt whatsoever that the

story of the church is indeed and in fact all about Jesus

Christ. As a matter of fact, the statement we will examine

today is the building up of all the statements that we have

thus far examined in these set of verses. It really lets us un-

derstand more than all the verses that we’ve already

looked at, and all of them do the same thing, but this one is

the icing on the cake why the story of creation and the

church is the story of Christ.

V. The story of the church is the story of Deity, vs 19.

Now of course, the Deity that is being referred to is the De-

ity of Jesus Christ. When it says, “for God was pleased to

have all His fullness dwell in Him.”

A. Notice first of all, the declaration of His Deity,

vs. 19. In that verse which we first quoted flat out, unde-

niably and boldly declaring that in the person of Jesus,

all the fullness of God dwells. Now there are other Scrip-

tures that also make this same declaration. Colossians

2:9-10 says, “For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily

form, and in Christ you have been brought to fullness. He is the head over

every power and authority.” These two verses not only reveal

that the fullness of God indwelt Christ one time but two.

You might say well I only see it once in these two verses.

However, let me explain what I mean. For it says not

only the fullness indwells Christ but that also we have as

Christians also have this fullness. The question is, where

did we get the fullness from? Well, the answer is both

simple, yet amazing. We get it from Christ. So that is how

those two verses declare Christ’s Deity twice.

Again, we find a similar set of verses in Ephesians

3:17-19. “ so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I

pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together

with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep

is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you

may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.”

The closing statement of verse 19 is, “...that you may be

filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.” So, how

can we be filled with the measure of all the fullness of

God? Well, the start of verse 17 tells us “so that Christ

may dwell in your hearts through faith.” Since those

verses are tied together, Paul was saying that when

Christ dwells in your heart then all the measure of the

fullness of God also dwells in your heart, Amen and

Praise the Lord.

There are many other verses and activities that

scream out that all the fullness of God indwelt Jesus. He

directly said he that had seen Him, had also seen the Fa-

ther. The miracles that He performed could have only

happened by the fullness of God.

Now, one of the primary reasons why Paul makes this

declaration is so that the Colossian believers would not

get caught up in the false teachings going around Co-

lossus that taught Jesus was one of many spirit beings

that you had to go through in order to get to God. Paul

is attacking this lie square on and declaring that Jesus

and Jesus alone is the way to God because in Him all

fullness of God dwells.

Let us rejoice that our Lord and Savior is just that

100% our Lord and Savior for in Him all the fullness of

God dwells.

B. Second, today I want us to notice the duration

of His Deity, vs 19. So, the question is how long does

all the fullness of God indwell Him. Are we referring to

a temporary indwelling or are we referring to a perma-

nent one? Well, apostle Paul wrote it to us with no mis-

understanding as to how long of an indwelling we are

referring to. For in verse 17, he reminded us that Jesus

Christ was, “before all things.” That statement lets us

know that in Christ that all the fullness of God has al-

ways been.

You see you can’t be God temporarily. You either

always have been or you never were. Therefore, Jesus

could never proclaim that He was one with the Father if

He hasn’t always been one with the Father. His Deity is

eternal. Blessed be the name of the Lord this is the rea-

son why He and He alone can give us eternal life be-

cause He alone contains eternal life. When Jesus said

He would never leave us or forsake us, you can count on

it. For two reasons, all the fullness of God indwells Him

and it does so forever. Thus He will also permanently

indwell His people. Praise be to our eternal and ever-

lasting Savior.

Jesus Love You,

Ralph Lee, Jr.

Youth Yard Sale Saturday, May 7th

8:00am until

Items are needed for the annual yard sale. Furniture

Kitchen Items Appliances Electronics

Decorative Items Children’ S Toys Etc.

NO Clothes, Please!

Small items will be stored in the youth house.

Larger items can be picked up prior to the sale.

Call or e-mail Michelle Waitt

for more info.


President Barack Obama

United States of America

Surgery / Recovery

Nursing Centers

Called to Ministry

Barry Jones (3/24)

Lane Malphrus (3/24)

Nicole Cole (3/24)

Church Needs



Chris Carter & Family

Robin Gray-Central Asia

GSBC Prayer Pages April 10, 2016

Sunday School

Small Groups

SFCA-Donna Carter

Ralph Lee, Jr. - Pastor

Richard Waitt- Music Director


Child Dev. Ministries

Mike Hodge (3/24)

Mary Cope (4/7)

Brice Rupert (3/10)

Wilma McGill (3/10)

April Malphrus (3/10)

Ellen Langford (3/24)

Patricia Malphrus (3/31)

Judy Wilson (4/01)

Annette Malphrus (4/7)

Cancer / Treatments


Barbara Mills (3/17)

Connie Way (3/24)

Grace Boyles (3/10)

Geneva Smith (3/10)

Jack Nettles (3/10)

Tom Everly (3/24)

Kistler Malphrus (3/24)

Joyce Sutler (3/31)

Phyllis Sutler (4/1)



Outreach Ministry

Nominating Committee

Brandi Freeman (3/10)

Saylor Moser (4/7)

Wanda Davis (3/9)

Alicia Holland(3/31)

Expecting / Births Beth Reynolds Cabiness—July

Other Health Needs

Elaine Degler-RNC

Bereavement Family


Michael E. Peeples

Brielle Hillary Spell

(Day Infant)

Jeffrey Stanley-Sav. Memorial

Teddy (Car Accident)

Jonathan Malphrus-Job Search

Ann Malphrus

Max Cole

Nursing Centers

Called to Ministry

Barry Jones (3/24)

Lane Malphrus (3/24)

Nicole Cole (3/24)

Church Needs

Bobby Emerson- Fort Hood-Army

Jared Blanton-Home

If you have someone who needs listing, call either the

church office a@726-3631 or E.L. Ambrose @ 726-5479.

Thank You

Pray For Our Military

Today’s Prayer Team

Group II Barbara Mills– Leader

Betty Robertson

Watchman Prayer Service

Saturdays @ 8:00am

Prayer Note For emergencies

a prayer chain

is available for needs.

You may access

by calling the

church @ 726-3631


E.L. Ambrose @ 726-5479

Please Continue To Remember

Ricky Cleland

Mike Hodge

Shirley Malphrus

Rose Boyles

Myia Angala Ellis

Susan L. Vaigneur

Lula Floyd

Mary Cope

Judy Smith

Dot Nettles

Jimmie Mills

Betty Nettles

Tom Hinely

Olivia Stanley

Joyce Sutler

Kevin Roach

Wofford Malphrus

Lois Bootle

Myrtle Rowell Smith

Billie Langford

Lisa Koon

Mitzi Cramer

Gary Way

Christy Gagel

Vera Miles

Mary Daley

Leonard Steedly

Chris Carter & Family

Robin Gray-Central Asia

GSBC Prayer Pages April 10, 2016

Cancer / Treatments

Barbara Mills (3/17)

Connie Way (3/24)

Grace Boyles (3/10)

Geneva Smith (3/10)

Jack Nettles (3/10)

Tom Everly (3/24)

Kistler Malphrus (3/24)

Joyce Sutler (3/31)

Phyllis Sutler (4/1)

Alone with the Redeemer on gathers precious treasure. To understand God’s direction for decisions of daily living require a keen discernment of doors opened and doors closed. What “seems” to be right with our thoughts are often not tested by prayer. Quick fixes are seldom God’s way. Would you Pray? E.L. Ambrose


Outreach Ministry

Nominating Committee

Elaine Degler-RNC

Bereavement Family


Michael E. Peeples

Brielle Hillary Spell

(Day Infant)

April 14th Truett Vaigneur

Mike Davis

April 15th Erma Cooler

Mike Hodge

April 16th Melonie Williams

April 13th Steven & Tina Lang

April 16th Max & Nicole Cole


Deacon’s Meeting

Monday , April 11th

Business Conference

Wednesday, April 13th @ 7:00 pm

Quilting Club

The Quilting Club is moving to the Old Parsonage

Thursday, April 14th @ 10:00am

Watchman Prayer Group

Saturday, April 16th @ 8:00 am

Searching for Volunteers


Crafts Decorating Security

Sign Up sheet in Lobby

Fried Chicken &



Tea & Coffee

Ann MalphrusCooking Team

Operation Christmas Child For the month of April, we are collecting:



Wash Cloths

Budget Offerings This Week Weekly Budget Surplus/Deficit

+ / -

Tithes & Offerings $3,821.50 $ 4,828.76 -$1,007.26

Designated Funds This Week ********* Acct. Balances

George Pepper Fund $100.00 ********** $1,588.03

SMB $96.00 ********** $565.85

OCC $1.00 ********** $670.55

Annie Armstrong $75.00 ********** $545.00

VBS $25.00 ********** $426.28

Kitchen Supplies $20.00 ********** $134.12

Great Swamp Baptist Church 9009 Tarboro Road, Ridgeland, SC

Office - 726-3631 Fax – 726-3294



Church Staff Pastor: Rev. Ralph Lee, Jr………………………………………………………………………

Music Director: Richard Waitt………………………………………………………

Sunday School Director: Wallace Malphrus……………………………………………

Pianist: Michelle Waitt…………………………………………………………………

Administrative Assistant: Sybil Reynolds……………………………………………

Treasurer: Faye Lowther……………………………………………………………

School Administrator: Donna Carter…………………………………………………………

Custodian: Ann Malphrus………………………………………………………………

Landscaper: Wallace Malphrus…………………………………………………………

Calendar of Events


April 4th through April 10th

Sunday Morning Breakfast (September thru May Only)........................................................................ 8:30AM

Sunday School………….….…………………............................................................................................ 9:45AM

Morning Worship…….….…...…………………........................................................................……….....11:00AM

Evening Worship…….…….……………………..........................................................................................6:00PM

Wednesday Night Supper (September thru May Only)........................................................................... 6:00PM

Wednesday Night Service………………………………...............................................................................7:00PM

Saturday Watchman Prayer…………….………….……….........................................................................8:00AM


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