GravitX (GRX) is an AntiGravity rebasing, autonomous


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GravitX (GRX) is an AntiGravity rebasing, autonomous, community token with an automatic liquidity pool algorithm (quantum entanglement), and automated token buyback with burn (blackhole mechanism). The supply is mathematically guaranteed to increase in price until it reaches a ceiling of 1,337,000 USD per token, and go to the moon and beyond. GRX makes use of an elastic supply mechanism to dynamically adjust itand meet an increasing price peg.

This means that the price of a token will continuously go up, resulting in a chart resembling the trajectory of a rocket.GravitX gets its name from its mechanism called Antigravity, which ensures these spectacular effects. Providing the token pre-sale supply sells out the peg begins at $0.0000000007 and increases by g = 9.81% every 8 hours until it reaches the ceiling. The network collects a per transaction tax of 9.81% and splits this tax between liquidity provision, token buyback with burning, and a marketing provision. This will be explained in details in another section of our spacepaper.

Rebasing is the subatomic structure of GravitX, its fundamental materiality.

The rebasing of a currency has no impact on its exchange rate in relation to other currencies. In other words, the price is going up, but the marketcap is not related to the rebase. It may, however, have apsychological impact on the travellers of our spaceship by suggesting that a period of hyperinflation is over, and remove the reminder of how much inflation has impacted them. The reduction in the number of zeros also improves the image of the currency.

GRX uses rebases to float up in price and travel threw space, discovering new galaxies, at a minimum rate of g = 9.81% every eight hours. Our ultimate goal is to go so far away from earth that we will find life out there, and resolve all kind of scientific and metaphysical mysteries.

An elastic supply (or rebase) token works in a way that the circulating supply expands or contracts due to changes in token price.This increase or decrease in supply works with a mechanism called re-basing.

When a rebase occurs, the supply of the token is increased or decreased algorithmically, based on the current price of each token.In some ways, elastic supply tokens can be paralleled with stablecoins. They aim to achieve a target price, and these re-base mechanics facilitate that. However, the key difference is that rebasing tokens aim to achieve it with a changing (elastic) supply.

GRX differs by having an increasing peg price and no positive rebases, making GRX an AntiGravity upcoin. We called this new tech the AntiGravity Contract, and thats why we’re travelling so fast, by giving wrong to the universal limitation of the speed of light calculated by Einstein.

GRX is the token with the higher rate of rise guarantee in the entire market ! You wont find a faster trip into space, not even with Elon spaceships.

The contract mathematically guarantees a constant minimum price increase over time before reaching a ceiling. This process is entirely automatic after the first supply-adjustment is called.

All the initial liquidity will be locked until the ceiling is reached, so you can relax and sleep on the confortable spacebeds you have at your disposal. Take the time to enjoy the view as your bag grows more and more in value.

The taxes are a part of the GRX travel.GRX introduces RFI type burning and an LP acquisition fee mechanics for every trade, amounting to a total of 12% :4% is used to buy back tokens, which are sent to a burn address : that’s the Black Hole.Another 4% is added to the GRX/BNB LP, which is the quantum entanglement.

The intended goal is to minimise price movements when large wallets decide to sell their tokens in the future, which when compared to coins without an AutoLP system, leads to a reduction in significant price fluctuations away from the exponentially increasing price floor. This also acts as an arbitrage resistant mechanism that secures a portion of the volume of GRX as a reward for the holders.The 4 remaining percents are used to bring a galactic marketing to the token : everyone in the galaxy is gonna hear about GRX,resulting in more and more travellers embarking in our spaceship, and a bigger marketcap.

You've bought $GRX, you took your seat in our spaceship, and now the quantity of your tokens have decreased... Dont be disappointed, that’s absolutely normal !Let’s take some time to understand why.

The quantity of your tokens will rise and fall because it is an elastic supply token. The only important thing is the pourcent of marketcap you hold, that is fixed and can't move.This is the exact same thing for every token you can find. You need an example to make this more concrete ? Let’s go !Imagine there are 100 existing tokens and each token is worth $1, this means the market cap is $100.If you own 2 Tokens at $1 each, you own 2% of the market cap. If the quantity of tokens decreases from 100 to 50, you have now 1 token but you still own 2% of the Mcap.

The marketcap hits $300 ? You have now 3x your investment !It’s as simple as that.