Grateful hearts 1




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,i:'Me ka IVa'au llo'otqtaiha'i ,gffi#'. :E:-JB+. 1u

Septernber 20i4

l)ear Sisrers and Brothcr, in Chrisr.

ln 200i. whcn I u,as blessc.i wirh rhis qrcar Jiocese. I quickly lectignizcd rhe challeriges wc

laced aird rirc olrligation I [e]r. as Bishop. to plan lor our luture, Thc rnissiorr ro de"elop a

Road Map began in 2006 with a cornprehensive study of d:e needs of our church in l{aw'aii, starting ",vith cr-er-v. I Tr t t { . i (arwr.,

par':sn. r r)e resilrr was rhc 2008 planning docurirenr "Witness toJesus: Diocesan Road Map 2008-2013,"

ir everything, from religio.rr.ol.rl*tion anctr priest retire***or, to the purchasing nf l.,rd for iurure churches.

lo hring tlris Road Map ro iifc. I approved an rmhirious $J0 milli,rn capiial and.'ndoivnrenlt'ampaigrr tu htip

meer rhe shorr anel icing-rerm needs irientified in rhe Road lviap. lJue to the wonderfiri efforts of our pastcral leaderso,

and nrany of you, the campaign generated rnore dran $52 miliion in pledges" CurrentXy, the With Grate&.ltr &{ea::es

filfcH) campaign office has lcceived over 5.i4 rr:iljion, most oltuhich lrrs bccn iuvesretl and/or lllocareJ io hclp lurrd

-. .-:C . .- ^-) .,.^,r^,.,,diocesan-wide mirrisrries. spccial prugrams and indiridual parish projccts. Mahalo lbr yotrl sacrtiices and su;rpruir:!U

Alrhough pledge redemption r,vi1l conrinue for some well into ,,f ,t:,I

want to take this opport""r: ,: ::ptt: "j,

our pr'ogress so iar, ancl ro tharrk you tbr y()ur genrrous src\ ardship oFtreasure in siiplto:'t oIour Carholi. tniss:on

- b,:th at the parish level and beyond.

Sineerely yoirrs in Christ,z /), a

t \-?/ Y //-f .AarttO A//U'4.v)/

RishoP Larr" Sil'an, I a t t ! !Hislrop ol HcnolulLi

Fururu m!$TRxmurisne$ Af{m &ee*&&pL,sF{rtrttrruys &TTffig&*iYHm ?Gysuffi sajpB*ffiy *F ThflE qryffi*4 cannpAlGN:

pAmlS*'{ Sh*ARE Ft$ErXffi: $13 tt4[LE-ESru. Rcrurne<l 3B perccnr oFrhe funr'ls coilecred ro parishcs io supporr rheir rrrinisrries. reciuce Jcbr. pai'firr i.rcilirv

renovarion and new corr.strucrion, and more. Ask -vour parish about locrl proiecis arrd improlentl'ltts.

FArThi FtrRAm&TE*&lr $T .a,k?E!-Ll#&{. Dcvclopcd new religious cducarion programs.

' Lxpanded the Dcacon irorrnaritln l)rograrn, which now

has 27 deacons-i n-trai ning.* F{ired an Adult Forrnaticn Coordinator to provide

parisir consultations, workshops, retreats rrll ."u**r".u.

' Fundcd the planning document "Harvaii CarholicSchools S1-srem lor"

" ldelped bring Immaculare Fdeart Catholie R"adio A-M 740t,,r thc lslands,

St. Michael the Archangei Church, Kailua-Kom - under constuction

' Created a fund ro supporr a sustainable seminarian training p,rogram. Fund nowexceeds $2.8 miliioo'dr'r. to investrnent gains.

LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT: S2 MILLION^ .J-i-i"rr.t^"". Implemented training progran-rs for parish and'diocesan achninistrators

n Standardizedparish and school financial systems. :

. Created a new diocesan websire wirh more features to iome.

. Funded programs for priest convocations and stewardship resources,* Sponsor.d illrUor"tir" programs berween the tlawaii Catholic Schools office and

Chaminade Universiry.


* Invested in the retirement plan for diocesan priests - assisting atr1who have givenour church a lifetime of devotion and service. ': '

YOUTH & YOUNG ADULT IvIINISTRY: $ 1'6 MILLIONrinins. ' "* Established new office to coordinate diocesan-wide trairting

. Provided funds ro supporr Diocesan Youth Day, Island Youtir Da;.s;, retreats, and the "Bagels with Bishop"

TUIT!ON ASSISTANCE FUND: $1.5 MILLION. trnvested in the Augustine Educarion Foundation fund, resulti*g i, over $100,000 in scholarships given to

quali$,ing Catholic-school sudents frorn ali trslands. The fund has grown to neartry $2 million due to

lnvesrment galns.

. FJelped prevenr.people in crisis from becoming homeless by placing more than 3,500 individuals inaffordable housing.

. Provided ..suur..-, ro increase collaboration amongst_the diocese's Carholic Charities Hawaii, HOPE Services

Hawaii, and dre Office for Social &,z{inistry, resuldng in expanded parish food arld prison rninistries, and


LAND & PARISH ASSET MANAGEMENT: S2 MILLlON. Funded a cornprehensive study'of the current managernent and use of land and properties owned by tFre

Catholic Church in Hawaii * including diocesan, parish and school faciiities.. Follow up funding provided fo,

" ,rrrtigic plan that addresses fi-iturc cxpansion and acquisitions, and upon

fuli cxecurion, increased porrfolio yicld and decreased hold,ing expenses.

cATHEDRALREsToRATloN:51.2MlLLloN...::.:..:..:. Invesred in historical research, forensic analysis and architecmral planning to restore the 171 year old "rnotl-ret

church" of the Hawaiian islands.


For more information about the WGH Canqtaign and tlte Roman

Catholic Church in the State of Hauaii, please uisit:

www. catholichawaii. o rs

tWa&eata far Yoas?" Gewerows Steward*lcip af T'fue,'Talqnt dr Treasare!
