Graphic Communication Portfolio 2012



A Portfolio of work created in my first year of studying (Ba Hons) Visual Communication at Birmingham City University.

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Alice Lucy Underhill

P o r t f o l i o


Alice Lucy


Tel: 07837247797

Education Birmingham City University2011 - PresentVisual (Graphic) Communication BA (Hons)

Llandrindod High School2003 - 2010Art , History, English (B B C)

Being from a rural area I enjoy exploring the city with a fresh perspective, absorbing the many stimulating visuals & vibrant places. I am now in my second year of study & equipped with an open mind, plenty of imagination &enthusiam i’m excited to begin my career in the world of Visual Communication.

Painting Photography Dance Exploring

I’m inspired by all areas of art & Design& love to paint.

I take my camera everywhere.


Cadbury PicnicAn advertising campaign to make the Cadbury Picnic bar popular again.

Ideas for a campaign to promote the Picnic bar’s unique chewy texture & flavour & to capture the fun, quirky spirit of Cadbury.


Development : Cadbury Picnic

Development : Cadbury Picnic

The Big Teeth Campaign Promotes the Picnic’s uniquely chewy texture, suggesting the consumer needs Big Teeth in order for them to tackle a Picnic bar. The Big Teeth idea works well across a variety of platforms as itprovides strong, bold visuals for print, playfulness & humour for TV & viral and the idea also lends itself to 3D with teeth in packaging & options for Guerilla advertising.

Development : Cadbury Picnic

Development : Cadbury Picnic

The New Definition of Knobbly Campaign

Development : Cadbury Picnic

The new Definitionof Knobbly.


Development : Cadbury Picnic

The Knobbly Knees Campaign promotes the Picnic’s uniquely knobbly and ugly appearance & turns a possible negative into a positive selling point. The idea that the Picnic bar has now become the new definition of knobbly provides a wide range of visual possibilities. This campaign is full of humour & quirkiness and would work best as a TV commercial or viral ad aswel as providing strong visuals for print. Knees and many other knobbly objects could be used & replaced by a Picnic bar with endless possibilities for fun and rememberable outcomes.

Development : Cadbury Picnic

Space MagazineA Group project to create a Magazine designed to promote Birmingham, focusing on a unique aspect of the city. We chose to focus on Birmingham’s unusual spaces.

Discovering Birmingham’s Secrets ..Photographs taken of the city for inspiration.

Inspiration : Space Magazine

Photographic inspiration.

Inspiration : Space Magazine

Time to Discover Birmingham ...


Development : Space Magazine

Developing the Front cover of the magazine & ideas for the layout

SPACE reveals and highlights Birmingham’s spaces, fromthe concealed, anonymous to the grand and the favourite.

From the many derelict buildings that stand without purposeand contain hidden secrets to the idealistic, tranquil

areas. Certain spaces generate certain feelings and emotions,SPACE enables you to think and to start looking at

our cities spaces differently and imagining the potentialthey hold.

Development : Space Magazine

The Inside cover page of the Magazine tempts the reader further..

Development : Space Magazine

An article on unused Space in Birmingham. Capturing images of unused buildings & looking into the future with imagination by giving them a possible use.

We found the landscape of Birmingham dotted with lonely buildings which stood without a purpose, Buildings that have been forgotten in time and are no longer used. These spaces stand out from the mundane officeblocks and steel sky scrapers as their crumbling walls and peeling paint tell a story about the past. Through these buildings we gain a glimpse into Birmingham’s history and are able to imagine a previous way of life in the ever changing city.

Development : Space Magazine Images that compare Birmigham’s Urban space to rural spaces.

A Tunnel through

Birmingham Space.

Development : Space Magazine

C l i c k o n t h e L i n k

Development : Space Magazine

An IDENT to promote the Magazine by giving the viewer a short glimpseinto the Spaces of Birmingham.

Semiotics A Series of images to represent the world of allergies.


Research: Semiotics

Development : Semiotics

“create images that represent your chosen subject & sum up thier meaning.”

Representing Allergies.The traffic cones symbolises warning, inconvenience & danger. To peoplewith hayfever pollen filled plants symbolise the same. By combinig both objects it creates multiple meaning and exaggerates the danger.

Development : Sem


Development : Semiotics

To create the final image a 3D version of the design was necessary. The image could be used in a variety of ways to represent a warning to hayfever sufferers.

Childline A Project to create a 3D space for kids which promotes the services of Childline.

The Audience...

The Audience...

Ideas : Childline

Development : Childline

Digital Pods. Pods were designed for children to sit in & feel secure and happy. The egg-like appearance gives the child a sense of protection & also attracts attention. Inside the pod there is a world of imagination for the child to get lost in. With digital games full of colourful graphics. Once the child has be drawn inside the pod and finished their chosen game a message appears telling the child to visit Childline’s website to recieve their score. With this indirect approach the Child doesn’t feel pushed towards the website in a negative way & will hopefully find comfort and information in a positive, private & safe way.

Digital P o d s ... P

Development : Childline

Development : Childline

Development : Childline


Development : Childline

The Pods will be displayed in school enterances to target anappropriate audience.


ISM Creating a 21st Century Ism with a promotional poster.

ISM Creating a 21st Century Ism with a promotional poster.

Freehandism is a twenty first century movement and concept that questions whether our lives, spirits and personalities are being defined and dictated by technology.

Social networking profiles encourage us to edit and change who we are and how we are seen. Mobile phones encourage the idea that without being in constant contact with others we wouldn’t be strong enough on our own.

Today’s society and the world of design is becoming dictated by the strengths and limits of technology and Freehandism states that the power of the human brain and spirit is able to create ideas and decisions that are far more powerful and limitless. Freehandism rebels from the idea of hand held technology being permanently imbedded in our hands and controlling our lives and thoughts.

With your hands free from technology you have a broader choice and are able to make physical connections and experience the world. With your hands free from technology your initial ideas and experiences of the world are far purer, have great-er depth and are more powerful.

Freehandism isn’t anti-technology it embraces new possibilities. Freehandism protests against the idea of being controlled by technology as the power of human nature andfreewill is far greater and should not be forgotten or overlooked.

Development : ISM Ideas for images

Development : ISM

Development : ISM

Development : ISM

The Image for the final poster represents my ISM well. The image of christ isinstantly recognisable all over the world and represents a spirit. The Crown of thorns has been replaced by wires suggesting the spirit is being controlled by technology. The image is bold, eye catching & contraversial & is perfect for a print poster.


My Skills as a Designer...

Fresh Ideas & ImaginationI’m open minded with untainted ideas & enthusiasm & a Child-like approach to imagination.

InterestedI’m fascinated by how the world works & stimulated by meeting new people & discovering new places.

Fresh Ideas & ImaginationI’m open minded with untainted ideas & enthusiasm & a Child-like approach to imagination.

InterestedI’m fascinated by how the world works & stimulated by meeting new people & discovering new places.

Determination I’m dedicated & passionate about design & won’t stop until I’ve reached a successful outcome to a problem.

Natural CreativityI have always absorbed things visually& had a healthy creative side that doesn’t have to be forced.

BalancedI’m able to look at my imaginative ideas objectively & make sure my solutions actually work.

I love being Inspired by other Designers & combining ideas with others. I’m open to other people’s suggestions on how to improve myself and my work.

Thank you For Your Time.

Alice Lucy Underhill Portfolio 2012

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