GRADUATION PROJECT Ahmet Hakan Demir Department of


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February 2021

Design of and factors affecting the performance of solid rocket motor

Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Alim Rüstem Aslan

Ahmet Hakan Demir

Department of Astronautical Engineering



February 2021



Ahmet Hakan Demir


Department of Astronautıcal Engineering

Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Alim Rüstem Aslan

Design of and factors affecting the performance of solid rocket motor



Thesis Advisor : Prof. Dr. Alim Rüstem ASLAN ..............................

İstanbul Technical University

Jury Members : Prof.Dr. Fırat Oğuz EDİS .............................

İstanbul Technical University

Dr. Cuma YARIM ..............................

İstanbul Technical University

Ahmet Hakan Demir,student of ITU Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics

student 110150127, successfully defended the graduation entitled “DESIGN OF


MOTOR”, which he/she prepared after fulfilling the requirements specified in the

associated legislations, before the jury whose signatures are below.

Date of Submission : 1 February 2021

Date of Defense : 8 February 2021



To my family and my friends,




I would like to express my appreciation to my supervisor Prof. Dr. Alim Rüstem

ASLAN for his guidance. Also i am grateful to him since he taught us how to study with

a discipline in spacecraft system design lesson. Finally, I want to say my very lovable

thanks to my family for their love and patient. Without them there is no meaning of the


February, 2021

Ahmet Hakan Demir





FOREWORD ............................................................................................................. ix

ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................. xiv

LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................................. xvi

LIST OF FIGURES .............................................................................................. xviii

SUMMARY .............................................................................................................. xx

1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Purpose of Thesis ............................................................................................... 1

1.2 Literature Review ............................................................................................... 2

1.3 Classification of Rocket Motors ......................................................................... 2

1.3.1 Solid Propellant Rocket Motors .................................................................. 3

1.3.2 Liquid Propellant Rocket Motors ................................................................ 3

1.3.3 Hybrid Rocket Motors ................................................................................ 3

2. SOLID PROPELLANT ROCKET MOTORS .................................................... 5 2.1 Main Parts of Solid Propellant Rocket Motors .................................................. 5

2.1.1 Insulator ...................................................................................................... 5

2.1.2 Igniter .......................................................................................................... 6

2.1.3 Motor Case .................................................................................................. 6

2.1.4 Propellant Grain .......................................................................................... 6

2.1.5 Nozzle ......................................................................................................... 7


EQUATIONS .............................................................................................................. 9 3.1 Ballistic Parameters ............................................................................................ 9

3.1.1 Characteristic Velocity ................................................................................ 9

3.1.2 Thrust ........................................................................................................ 10

3.1.3 Nozzle Throat Area ................................................................................... 10

3.1.4 Density ...................................................................................................... 10

3.1.5 Specific Impulse ........................................................................................ 11

3.1.6 Chamber Pressure ..................................................................................... 11

3.1.7 Nozzle Expansion Ratio ............................................................................ 12

3.1.8 Burning Rate ............................................................................................. 12

4. FACTORS THAT AFFECT SOLID ROCKET MOTOR PERFORMANCE13 4.1 Burning Rate .................................................................................................... 13

4.1.1 Erosive Burning ........................................................................................ 13

4.1.2 Discussion of the Results and Effect on Operations: ................................ 16


4.2 Grain Design Analysis and Typical Grain Configurations ............................... 16

4.2.2 End Burning Grain .................................................................................... 17

4.2.3 Internal-Burning Tube Grain ..................................................................... 18

4.2.4 Star Grain .................................................................................................. 18

4.2.5 Grain Design Comparisons ....................................................................... 19

4.2.6 Discussion of the Results and Effect on Operations ................................. 23

4.3 Design of Solid Rocket Motor For Different Kind of Operations .................... 23

4.3.1 Assumptions of the Flight: ........................................................................ 24

4.3.2 Some of the obtained ballistic parameters of the rockets .......................... 24

4.3.3 Analysis of Propellant Effect on Solid Rocket Motor Performance ......... 25

4.3.4 Discussion of the Results and Effect on Operations ................................. 26

5. CONCLUSION ..................................................................................................... 27

REFERENCES ......................................................................................................... 28

APPENDICES .......................................................................................................... 30




a : Burning rate coefficient

Ae : Nozzle exit area

At : Nozzle throat area

C* : Characteristic velocity

Cf : Thrust coefficient

DB : Double base

HMX : cyclotetramethylene tetranitmarine

Is : Specific impulse

K : Kelvin

�̇� : Mass flow rate

e : Exit pressure

c : Combustion pressure

rb : Burning rate

SPRM : Solid propellant rocket motor

: Specific heat ratio





Table 4.1: Grain Classification[16] .................................................................................. 17

Table 4.2: The star grains used in SPRMs ....................................................................... 19

Table 4.3: Properties of NGR-A propelant [20] ............................................................... 19

Table 4.4: Internal ballistic parameters of 5 numbered star grain[21] ............................. 21

Table 4.5: Internal ballistic parameter results of the internal end burning grain ............. 23

Table 4.6: Preliminary design parameters of the rockets ................................................. 24

Table 4.7: Performance parameters of the rockets ........................................................... 25

Table 4.8: Properties of the tested propellants ................................................................. 25





Figure 1.1: Comparison of the rocket motors..................................................................... 2

Figure 2.1: Solid propellant rocket motor .......................................................................... 5

Figure 3.1: Mach number and erosive burning relation ................................................... 14

Figure 3.2: Inıtial propellant temperature and erosive burning relation........................... 15

Figure 3.3: Pressure rise and erosive burning relation[14] .............................................. 15

Figure 4.1: End burning grain configuration .................................................................... 17

Figure 4.2: Internal burning tube grain ............................................................................ 18

Figure 4.3: The design of 5 numbered star grain for RM-3 motor ................................... 20

Figure 4.4: The design internal end burning grain for RM-3 motor ................................ 20

Figure 4.5: 5 numbered star grain pressure and thrust curve[21] ..................................... 21

Figure 4.6: Results of Terzic et al [21] ............................................................................. 22

Figure 4.7: Results of the Openmotor .............................................................................. 22

Figure 4.8: Performance comparsion graphic of the propellants ..................................... 26






Solid propellant rocket motors are the most preferred propulsion systems for military

applications that require high thrust to weight ratio for comparatively short time

intervals. The range of magnitude and duration of the thrust are related to many factors.

For this study, significant criteria that affect performance of solid propellant rocket

motor is researched with detailed. According to researches, the most effective of these

design criteria is concerned geometry of the solid propellant motor grain. It is observed

that by changing only dimensions of the grain, average pressure, thrust and specific

impulse could be increased seriously. These parameters do not impact only performance

of the rocket motors, also mass of the payload can be increased. In order to make

performance comparison between two types of the grain analysis of internal ballistic

solver is necessary. Without an internal ballistic solver pressure curve could not be

obtained. In this analysis, only type of the grain is changed and all other design

parameters are taken same for the test. Also, to verify the correctness of the analyses, the

obtained results are compared with test results and their affect on space operations is

discussed. After that effect of the erosive burning is analyzed. Factors that change

erosive burning are investigated and its effect on operations discussed too. Lastly, 3

different types of solid rocket motors are designed and all of them are assigned with a

duty. The purpose of designing here is related to analyze determining preliminary design

parameters for different conditions which are concerned altitude and payload. These

preliminary design parameters are determined by looking at successful rockets in the

past. Since altitude and operation duration are proportional to each other nozzle have to

be designed according to this criteria. Also one of the rocket is tested with three different

type of solid propellant to analyze effectiveness of the propellant on solid rocket motor’s






Katı yakıtlı roket motorları özellikle kısa sureli çalışan ve yüksek itki- ağırlık oranlı bir

itki sistemine gereksinim duyan askeri askeri uygulamalarda en sıklıkla kullanılan itki

sistemleridir. Bu tarz sistemlerde ihtiyaç duyulan itki miktarı ve süresini belirleyen pek

çok faktor bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmada katı yakıtlı roket motorlarının performansını en

çok etkileyen faktörler detaylı bir şekilde araştırılmıştır. Araştırmalara gore, en etkili

dizayn kriteri katı yakıtlı roket motorunun yakıt tanecik tasarımıdır. Yapılan çalışmalara

gore yakıt taneciğinin ölçüleri değiştirildiği zaman bile roketin ortalama basıncı, itkisi ve

özgül itkisi önemli bir şekilde artmaktadır. Bu parametreler sadece performası

arttırmakla kalmayıp, roketin taşıdığı görev yükünü de arttırabilir. Yakıt tanecik

tasarımında performans karşılaştırması yapılabilmesi için iç balistik programı

kullanılması zorunludur. Balistik program olmadan zamana bağlı basınç grafiği elde

edilemez. Yapılan analizde, sadece yakıt tanecik tasarımı değiştirilmiş ve diğer tüm

parametreler sabit tutulmuştur. Elde edilen balistik sonuçların doğrulanması için test

sonuçlarıyla karşılaştırılmıştır. Bu çalışmadan sonra aşınımlı yanma üzerine durulmuş

bunu etkileyen faktörlerden bahsedilmiştir ve operasyonlara olan etkisi açıklanmıştır.

Son olarak, 3 farklı roket tasarımı yapılarak her birine bir görev verilmiştir. Bu

çalışmanın yapılmasının amacı ön hazırlık parametrelerinin görev yükü ve irtifaya bağlı

olarak nasıl belirlemesi gerektiği açıklanmıştır. Bu ön koşul parametreleri geçmişte

yapılmış benzer görevlerden yararlanılarak bulunmuştur. İrtifa ve operasyon süresi de

lüle tasarımıyla bağlantılı olduğundan lüle tasarımı da bu durum baz alınarak

yapılmıştır. Ek olarak 3 farklı katı yakıt seçilerek performansı nasıl etkilediğine dair bir

analiz de yapılmıştır.



Nowadays, most of the weapon systems are used with some kind of propulsion system

that helps them move to from one location to another. For complex weapon systems like

aircrafts and so on, very complex propulsion system is required. Depending on mission

requirements, the propelling system must be able to run throughout operation, refueling

must be easy and service life must be suitable. For this kind of applications very

complex propulsion system like internal combustion engines or gas turbines are used.

For simple weapon systems like artillery rockets or surface to air rockets, cheaper,

simpler and maintenance free propulsion system is required. These systems require a one

shot operating propulsion system. After the missile or rocket reaches the desired target,

the propulsion system explodes with the payload. These type of motors are the most

common used propulsion system for such applications. Most importantly, rocket motor

does not need the surrounding air for oxidizing the propellant. Therefore rocket motor is

capable of in space or somewhere where there is no free oxygen for the propulsion

system to use. This situation makes very convenient to use rocket motor since there is no

alternative solution for space applications.

1.1 Purpose of Thesis

The aim of the study is related to discuss about general design of solid rocket motors and

understanding the main steps of designing process evaluation. Also to show the most

important factors that affect SPRM performance with numerical methods and discuss

their impacts on space operations.


1.2 Literature Review

After World War 2, the war winner countries developed themselves in space field

rapidly. Also with the affect of Cold War, space racing became a symbol for power

demonstration[1].As a result, many contributions have been made to improve

performance of rocket motors. In 1956, Lenoir and Robillard [2] developed first erosive

burning based solid propellant rocket model and tested it. This model has been improved

and still has been using to analyze solid engine performance. In 1977, Woltosz [3]

suggested to use pattern technique to obtain solid propellant grain design. Since

propellant grain burning efficiency is related to type of solid propellant researches also

gained acceleration to find proper propellant. In 1980, Swanamithan and Madhavan [4]

attempted to find optimal propellant composition, by increasing the rate of aluminium of

the propellant. Also Nisar and Ghouzhu [5,6] used Genetic Algorith metholodology to

optimize wagon wheel and finocly grain for solid rocket motors.

1.3 Classification of Rocket Motors

Classification of rocket motors can be made in many aspects. However according to

engineering literature, the most common way of classification is regarded to usage of

type of propellant and oxidizer.

Figure 1.1: Comparison of the rocket motors


1.3.1 Solid Propellant Rocket Motors

In solid propellant motors, both the fuel and the oxidizer are used in solid form. They are

premixed and react inside the combustion chamber at the production phase. Solid

propellant rocket motors are not complex compared to the other motors so that they do

ot need any mechanism for supplying mixture to the combustion chamber. Therefore

they are the simplest rocket motors among them.

1.3.2 Liquid Propellant Rocket Motors

In liquid propellant motors, both the fuel and the oxidizers are used in liquid form.

Unlike solid propellant rocket motors, they are stored in different tanks. In this motor

type usually hydrogen and hydrocarbons are used as fuel due to oxidize properties of

these materials. Also oxygen is usually used as oxidizer. Despite the fact that liquid

propellant rocket motors have higher specific impulse than other type of motors, they

have much more complex design and expensive. Although it requires more effort to

produce liquid propellant rocket motors, Nazis launched more than 3000 V-2 rockets

between 1939-1945 [7]. Considering technological insufficiencies at these times it was

great success since some of the developed countries still can not produce liquid

propellant rocket motors.

1.3.3 Hybrid Rocket Motors

In hybrid rocket motors, fuel and oxidizer are not stored in the same place. This situation

provides stability to the fuel since their mixture may cause some problems in motor due

to their different state properties. Therefore hybrid rocket motors avoid some of the

disadvantages of the rocket motors. However, storage of the fuel and the oxidizer in

different locations cause complexity at combustion process in hybrid motors and this

leads to low regression problem. This motor type has higher specific impulse than solid


motor and lower than liquid motor. Although development of hybrid motors have been

started at early years, compared to other type of traditional rockets, they are not

commonly used at these days.



As mentioned in previous chapter, solid propellant rocket motors are the most widely

used rocket motors for military applications. Their simplicity and cheapness features

make appealing to use these types of rockets for this applications. Also solid rocket

motors have high reliability since they are usually produced for single operation

conditions. They can achieve very huge thrust levels up to millions of Newtons.

Figure 2.1: Solid propellant rocket motor

2.1 Main Parts of Solid Propellant Rocket Motors

2.1.1 Insulator

In combustion process product gasses inside the motor can reach above 3000 K.

Therefore protection of the motor case and other structural components are necessary.

Most of the rocket insulators have low thermal conductivity and high heat capacity.

These properties increase heat loss between parts of the rockets so that high temperature

in combustion chamber does not affect the other parts of the rocket significantly. Most


widely used insulator materials can be stated as EPDM (Ethylene Propylene Diene

Monomer) which has the features as it is mentioned in previous sentence[8].

2.1.2 Igniter

The aim of the igniter is to stimulate combustion reaction in a controlled and

predictable manner. Initiation of the ignition could be started with mechanical, electrical

or chemical sources. However most of the time electrical signal is used to provide safer

conditions for the motor. After initial process heat transfer occurs between igniter and

propellant surface and this allows to burning of the grain surface which stems from

formed hot gasses. Proper design of the igniter is very crucial since sufficient heat and

temperature are necessary in order to burn to grain surface.

2.1.3 Motor Case

Solid propellant rocket motor case covers the propellant grain, igniter and insulator. The

combustion process occurs in the motor case; thus, for some cases it can be stated as

combustion chamber.The case must be able to resist the internal pressure which stems

from the motor operation, thereabout 3-30 MPa. Also the case has to be designed with

sufficient safety factor to support the motor structure. The motor case is usually

constructed from either metal (titanium alloy, alloy steel, aluminum alloy 2024) or from

composite materials (glass, Kevlar 49, graphite IM) [8]. Moreover, thermal stresses

maybe sometimes critical in the combustion chamber so that determining the thickness

of the case and the selecting the material of the motor case play significant role on solid

rocket motor design.

2.1.4 Propellant Grain

Propellant grain is described as cast which has certain configuration and geometry. The

propellant grains can be analyzed in two general configurations: case- bonded grain and


free standing grain. Since the bond and case are bonded to each other, case- bonded

grains directly casts the case of the motor so that extra thermal insulation is not required

for propellant grain. Free standing grains are not produced as compound of the motor

case so that the propellant is cast in some exclusive mold. They can be loaded into or

assembled into the motor case. Free standing grains can be also described as cartridge-

loaded grains [9]. With internal ballistic results of the SRM, analysis of different type of

grain designs could be evaluated and some changes could be done to satisfy flight

conditions. These mentioned propellant grain topic will be analyzed detailed in further


2.1.5 Nozzle

In a rocket motor, the thrust force is obtained by discharging energy due to high

temperature and high pressure. The design of the nozzle is significant because total

chemical energy of the product gasses are converted useful work energy in the nozzle

which is directly related to specific impulse and thrust. In converging- diverging

nozzles, since product gasses have high pressure in the converging part of the nozzle, the

gasses will accelerate through this part. After that pressure of the gasses drop and gasses

reach sonic speed at the throat of the nozzle. Finally, the gasses accelerate through the

diverging part, which results in reduce of pressure and the gasses are discharged into to

the atmosphere from exit of the nozzle. The magnitude of the exit gasses and momentum

of the rocket are proportional to each other. Nozzles can be categorized depending on

structural assembly technique or the shape of the contour; like movable nozzle, bell

shaped nozzle and submerged nozzle.The most selected nozzle type is bell shaped

nozzle due to efficiency and ease of manufacturing. In addition, rocket motor nozzle

materials should not be underestimated. The product gasses reach very high

temperatures like 3000 K or even more. To satisfy thermal conditions in the nozzle, the

material for the solid rocket motor must be selected carefully prevent to exceed

allowable temperature conditions in the nozzle. Usually carbon fiber containing

composites and graphite are used at the nozzle since risk is the highest in this part of the






Initial step of designing a solid propellant rocket motor starts with determining the

mission requirements. The mission requirement can be simply defined as what is

expected from the SPRM. The duration of operation, the required thrust, the operating

environment conditions and the geometrical restraints are given to the designer. Aim of

the designer is to develop SPRM to provide all the needs that are given to him/her.The

SPRM designer can change some parameters to obtain required parameters which are

mostly done for configuration the grain design. These parameters are called as ballistic

parameters. In many resources these parameters are classified in which are dependent

and independent parameters, but for some conditions dependency can not be decided


3.1 Ballistic Parameters

At introduction part of the chapter 3, the required parameters are mentioned briefly. In

order to analyze the internal ballistic results the parameters are explained detailed in

following captions. Since some of the parameters are related to each other, some of the

explanations are done with the aid of other parameters.

3.1.1 Characteristic Velocity

Characteristic velocity is a measure of propellant thermodynamics properties and

combustion chamber design so it is independent from nozzle features. Considering this


information characteristic velocity is used to analyze performance of the different kind

of propellants (double -base propellants, composite propellants so on ). The formulation

can be showed by :

𝐶∗ =𝑃𝑐𝐴𝑡

�̇� (3. 1)

3.1.2 Thrust

Thrust is the force that keeps the rocket moving through the air and space. It is one the

main design constraints of the rocket propulsion systems. It can be obtained by:

𝐹 = 𝐶𝐹𝑃𝑐𝐴𝑡 (3. 2)

3.1.3 Nozzle Throat Area

Nozzle throat area is a parameter that which affects the thrust of the SPRM. At the

design stages of the SPRM nozzle throat area is fixed so that thrust can not be modified

during the operation. Since some of the parameter equations are related to each other

nozzle throat area can be obtained by using expansion ratio and so on.

3.1.4 Density

Density of the propellant is significant factor considering volume limitations of the

SPRM. Since density and mass of the propellant are proportional to each other the

denser propellant is preferred in the same volume. However the density of the solid

rocket motor propellant is not effective on rocket’s performance by only itself. As it is

mentioned in nozzle chapter, conversion of the energy in the solid rocket motor is

significant since it directly affects the SPRM performance. Considering this situation,


the obtained energy from per volume of the propellant is more significant then mass of

unit volume from it self. Therefore, density factor of the propellant has less effect on

performance of the rocket.

3.1.5 Specific Impulse

Specific impulse can be considered most significant notion for all rocket motors. It is

described as total impulse that obtained from per unit of consumed propellant. Rocket

performance efficiency and magnitude of specific impulse are proportional to each

other. Also it is very significant in the selection of the proper propellant for the mission

to satisfy ballistic requirements. Specific impulse can be defined as:

𝐼sp =𝑐∗𝐶𝐹



𝑚𝑔̇ 0 (3. 3)

3.1.6 Chamber Pressure

Chamber pressure defines the pressure value of the combustion chamber during the

operation of SPRM. This pressure value varies to different amount of values during the

whole operation. Chamber pressure is one of the most important parameter which affects

thrust of the rocket motor. Considering mechanical properties of components of motor

and motor case the maximum operating pressure is fixed to save these parts of the

SPRM. The designer has to avoid exceeding the limit of this pressure during the action

of the SPRM. Chamber pressure also represents the average pressure of SPRM which is

important performance criteria of a rocket motor. This value is obtained from pressure

curve at the duration of the operating time. The average pressure value of the SPRM

depends on the grain geometry which will be discussed detailed in further chapters.


3.1.7 Nozzle Expansion Ratio

It defines the ratio between nozzle exit area and nozzle throat area. From the ratio it can

be understood that pressure value reduction before the exhaust process. In order to

obtain maximum acceleration from the SPRM, nozzle expansion ratio must be set at

proper value which is stated as optimum ratio. If the nozzle expansion ratio is higher

then the optimum ratio, causing a shock at the exit of nozzle which is not desirable; if

the expansion ratio is lower then the optimum value some of the energy is lost until the

conversion of useful energy. The mentioned nozzle types are called as over expanded

and under expanded nozzles respectively. The optimum expansion ratio of the SPRMs

can be obtained from equation below:


𝑨𝒆= [








𝜸 √𝜸+𝟏

𝜸−𝟏[𝟏 − [




𝜸] (3. 4)

3.1.8 Burning Rate

In rocket motors, propellant grain burns in a direction perpendicular to grain surface and

burn rate is the rate defines the exposed part of the consumed propellant surface.

Burning rate depends on many factors. It can be changed by the followings [8]:

1) Chamber pressure

2) Initial temperature of the propellant

3) Motor motion of the rocket (acceleration and spin induced stress)

4) Magnitude of the gas flow velocities parallel to the burning face.

𝑟𝑏 = 𝑎 ⋅ 𝑃𝑐𝑛𝑟𝑏 (3. 5)



As it is stated at the beginning of the thesis, there are primarily 3 factors which affect the

SPRM performance. They are related to burning rate, burning surface and grain design

[11]. Since type of the propellant and its properties affect burning rate and burning

surface, it is discussed detailed in this chapter.

4.1 Burning Rate

Burning rate can be increased by many methods which are explained chapter 2. Since

burning rate depends on many factors, performance of the SPRM could be increased by

applying of the mentioned criteria. It provides advantageous solution because some

criteria may not be changed due to finished complete preliminary design of SPRM.

4.1.1 Erosive Burning

The erosive burning refers to increase in the burning rate of the propellant due to axial

gas flow combustion flow gasses inside the chamber [12]. According to obtained

ballistic results, it has a significant affect SPRM performance. Since pressure and the

velocity of the combustion gas values are proportional to each other, if the velocity

increases which affects the pressure, results in increase of thrust at initial stages of

burning. However erosive burning causes higher pressure than non erosive SPRMs so

that this increase may give damage some parts of the SPRM. Furthermore, insulation at

the aft end must be thickened since erosive burning induces to propellant at the aft end


of the SPRM to burn up sooner than the head end. Erosive burning can be changed by

the following parameters [13] :

1) Axial cross flow velocity

2) Chamber pressure

3) Propellant initial temperature

4) Reynolds Number

5) Rocket motor size

6) Propellant properties

The effect of some of these parameters on erosive burning can be observed from the

figures below:

Figure 3.1: Mach number and erosive burning relation


Figure 3.2: Inıtial propellant temperature and erosive burning relation

Figure 3.3: Pressure rise and erosive burning relation[14]


4.1.2 Discussion of the Results and Effect on Operations:

Actually erosive burning of the SPRM should be shown by internal ballistic results. In

addition, erosive burning is very useful for the rocket at the initial stage of the rocket

flight. It can be understood from figure, the spike of the pressure provides good start for

the rocket which increases the performance of the SPRM [15]. However some designers

do not prefer erosive burning for the SPRM since the internal ballistic solver results may

be misleading which makes it difficult to understand.

4.2 Grain Design Analysis and Typical Grain Configurations

Burning area of the propellant grain changes during the motor operation. Since burning

area changes at the operation process, this change also affects chamber and thrust of the

SPRM. Therefore performance of the SPRM is strongly depended to grain design of the

propellant. Grain design analysis is related to geometrical constraints of the propellant

grain so that it is purely geometrical. Considering mission requirements, operation time

and mass so on, different type of propellants are design to satisfy these criteria.

Although most of them reach same burning time, chamber pressure and thrust curve do

not behave same which can be validated from internal ballistic results.

4.2.1 Some General Grain Configurations

Since every type of the mission may have different type of requirements (different

pressure, thrust curve, neutral boost) grain must be designed to satisfy the mission

criteria. Grain configuration can be categorized in many aspects:


Table 4.1: Grain Classification[16]

Inner Shape of the


Outer Shape of the


Type of The Grain The dimensional


Star, wagon,

internal burning

tube etc.

Tubular, spherical Single and double

propellant grain

Two or three


4.2.2 End Burning Grain

End- burning grain (Figure 3.2) is the most simple grain configuration for SPRM. Since

the grain exposes directly to the chamber barrier to hot gasses, so that motor case

requires more thickened insulation. This situation increases the weight of the motor and

it invades the available chamber volume in SPRM which results in less fuel usage and

cost increase. [16] Although end- burning grain lacks from this properties of the SPRM,

it has a high volumetric loading. Since end burning grain has low thrust level, it is

mostly suitable for long duration and low thrust required missions.

Figure 4.1: End burning grain configuration


4.2.3 Internal-Burning Tube Grain

The internal burning tube grain is one of the most selected and preferred grain type of

the SPRM. Ease of manufacture and analysis of this design make convenient to use this

type of grain. They are case bonded designed which restricts the outer surface of the

grain. The grain burns radially and its aft end usually designed unrestricted to prevent

progressive burning [16]. The parameters are given by Length L and two diameters of

the grain.

Figure 4.2: Internal burning tube grain

4.2.4 Star Grain

Star grain is a radially burning grain cylindrical type of grain with specific geometric

properties. There are more independent geometric variables are used to define

characterization of the star grain compared to other types of grain. These independent

variables can be defined as: D out , r1, r2, 𝟂, ζ, N. Since variety of parameters are used to

define star grain, design of the star grains are more appealing to designers due to

flexibility. To satisfy flight conditions many parameters can be changed repetitively and

can be tested with internal ballistic analysis. Therefore, many significant space missions

are applied with star grain, as seen in the table below [17,18,19]


Table 4.2: The star grains used in SPRMs

Name of the SPRM Type of the grain used

Ariane 5 P-230 15 numbered star grain

Space Shuttle 11 numbered star grain

The Advanced Star grain

VEGA P80 12 numbered star grain

As it can be observed from the figure above star grain is used for some space

applications. Star grain is selected for these missions to satisfy thrust and pressure curve


4.2.5 Grain Design Comparisons

Since grain design is very crucial for performance of the rocket motor, two type of grain

designs are compared for the same rocket motor. The grain length kept same for the

same rocket motor and the motor is tested with both star grain and internal-end burning

grain. In addition, same propellant is used for internal ballistic results.

Table 4.3: Properties of NGR-A propelant [20]

NGR-A Double Base Propellant

Density(kg/m^3) 1600

Specific heat J(kg K) 1450

Temperature of combustion(K) 2351

Gas constant (J/(kgK) 344

Thermal conductivity (W/mK) 0.1853

The molar mass (g/mol) 24.18

RM-3 rocket motor is used for the analysis which have diameter of nozzle throat 29.4

mm and 12.87 of nozzle expansion ratio. Also the grain drawings are obtained by using

CATIA which are shown below:


Figure 4.3: The design of 5 numbered star grain for RM-3 motor

Figure 4.4: The design internal end burning grain for RM-3 motor

İnternal ballistic results of the star grain rocket motor is given below:


Figure 4.5: 5 numbered star grain pressure and thrust curve[20]

From this experimental analysis some internal ballistic parameters are obtained which

are given below:

Table 2.4: Internal ballistic parameters of 5 numbered star grain[21]

P average Specific Impulse Burning Time

12.26 MPa 258.06 sec 1.47 sec

To make comparison between two types of the grains, same procedure should be

applied. Despite the fact that internal-end burning grain rocket motor pressure curve is

given, there is no information about its ballistic parameters. In order to accomplish this

comparison, internal ballistic solver (openMotor) is used. Main assumptions of the

program are given below [22]:

- The combustion gasses are in ideal form.

- Combustion gas properties have constant values throughout the motor.

- Erosive burning affect is not included

- Chamber gases inertia effect could be neglected.


To validate the ballistic solver results, the results are compared with the curve which

is given below:

Figure 4.6: Results of Terzic et al [21]

Figure 4.7: Results of the Openmotor


Table 4.5: Internal ballistic parameter results of the internal end burning grain

P average Specific Impulse Burning Time

9.821 MPa 250.183 sec 1.5 s

4.2.6 Discussion of the Results and Effect on Operations

As it can be observed from the obtained results, specific impulse value is higher for the

star grain rocket motor. Since more volumetric efficiency is created in star grain more

specific impulse is obtained. In addition, average pressure values and pressure. curve

behavior should not be underestimated for both designs. It can be understood that the

star grain rocket motor starts the ignition with higher pressure value and this situation

gives better start-up pressure value which also increases the performance of the engine.

Also pressure value for the star grain rocket motor is almost constant which increases

efficiency of the motor. Furthermore, the range of possible payloads can be increased

with star grain design since more average pressure is obtained. To sum up, star grain is

more effective than internal end burning grain due to mentioned factors. Since there are

so many parameters are involved in star grain design this configuration can be improved

and better results could be obtained. However, internal end burning grain lacks from

these advantages. At the beginning of the burning, proper surface area does not exist for

the internal end burning grain and burning stars with low pressure. At final point, it rises

to very high levels and therefore flow separation occurs and performance of the rocket

decreases [23].

4.3 Design of Solid Rocket Motor For Different Kind of Operations

Until this section some of the performance factors are analyzed detailed. However other

environmental factors and mass conditions should not be underestimated. Depending on

altitude, nozzle design and force requirements change. In order to compare these

requirements, 3 type of SPRM designs are studied and analyzed some internal ballistic

parameters which has a significant affect on SPRM performance.


Table 4.6: Preliminary design parameters of the rockets

Type of The Rocket The Sounding



Rocket 1


Rocket 2

Payload 4 kg 4 kg 700 gr

Altitude 100000 m 10000 m 700m

Throat Area the of


0.005453 m2 0.0028 m2 0.00025 m2

Nozzle Area Ratio 100 2.5 2.3

Chamber Pressure 4.895x106 Pa 2.5 x 106 Pa 2x106 Pa

The sounding rocket is designed for weather observations, the experimental rockets are

designed for testing of rescue system to analyze performance results. The determined

parameters are determined from similar type of missions [8,24,25]:

4.3.1 Assumptions of the Flight:

1- Drag and lift forces are neglected due to insufficient area information of the vehicles.

2- Atmospheric pressure varies depending on altitude.

3- Gravity force is constant through the flight.

4- The rockets are launched in vertical trajectory.

5- Start and stop transients are neglected.

4.3.2 Some of the obtained ballistic parameters of the rockets

By using design parameters from table 4-5, weight of the propellant, case weight,

specific impulse and force are found. The calculations are done in Matlab. For the grain

calculations simple cylinder configuration is used.


Table 4.7: Performance parameters of the rockets

Type of The


The Sounding



Rocket 1


Rocket 2

Force 49100N 9435N 662.5 N



290 sec 217 sec 213.85 sec

Case weight 352.66 kg 17.62 kg 0.4443 kg



11658.5kg 434.79 kg 15.49 kg

Burning rate 30.66 mm/sec 23.4 mm/sec 22.28 mm/sec



1.5 m 0.6 m 0.3m


operation time

60s 10s 5s

4.3.3 Analysis of Propellant Effect on Solid Rocket Motor Performance

To analyze propellant effect on solid rocket motor performance, 3 types of solid rocket

motor propellants are used. The differences of the propellants can be stated as aluminum

rate, flame temperature and amonium chlorate ingredients. The plot is obtained from

MatLAB and the calculations are done for experimental rocket 1.

Table 4.8: Properties of the tested propellants







2550 K 3880 K 4000 K

Density 1610(kg/m3) 1800(kg/m3) 1800(kg/m3)

Metal Content 0 % 20-21 % 20 %


Performance results of the propellants are obtained from MATLAB which is given


Figure 4.8: Performance comparison graphic of the propellants

4.3.4 Discussion of the Results and Effect on Operations

According to the results, the obtained performance parameter varies between each other.

Obtained thrust force is high for the sounding rocket since more throat area and nozzle

area are involved in the calculations. Considering the used in past sounding rockets,

generally they operate between 5-20 minutes time interval. However in this study, the

desired operation time the sounding rocket is taken as 6 minutes to 1 minute due to very

unrealistic amount of propellant requirements. Since the thrust force is high compared to

other type of sounding rockets, it is able to complete its task in given time. It is observed

that specific impulse, thrust and nozzle area ratios are higher than the experimental

rockets. Although performance of the sounding rocket is better than the experimental

rockets, it carries more propellant which increases cost of the operation. In addition,


since more propellant occupies more volume, the volume of the vehicle also have to be

increased which affects the material usage and cost.

As the chamber pressure increases, more thickness of steel requires to stand pressure

force. However, high combustion chamber pressure decreases the constraints of the

nozzle which provides more volume in the space vehicle. As it is mentioned in the first

chapter, thrust, specific impulse and nozzle constraints have to be determined according

to type of mission.

Also it can be understood figure 4-11, type of the propellant seriously affects

performance of the SPRM. However, there is a proportional rate between and cost and

efficiency of the propellant. Therefore, finding optimal type of the solid propellant may

results in to exceed budget limit of the project so that determination of the proper

propellant should be selected according to budget, available vehicle volume, required

thrust and specific impulse.


In conclusion, it is clear that changing type of the propellant and nozzle dimensions are

more effective than changing grain design. However, configuration of the nozzle and

using different type of the propellant affect many design steps for solid motors. For

instance, using highly qualified propellant impacts the budget limit. Since these motors

are produced for mostly profit making purposes, it is not a wise choice to use optimum

propellant composition. To mention nozzle configuration, increasing nozzle area and

throat area result in better specific impulse performance however, larger nozzle increases

the weight of the rocket which reduces to thrust to total weight ratio of the rocket and it

is not something desirable. Despite the fact that some grain types are very challenging to

produce, by changing only dimensions and the type of the grain specific impulse can be

increased with less changing other parameters of the motor so that is more beneficial and

practical than other performance affecting factors.



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Phoenix, Arizona, June 1973







%Performance calculations regarding to altitude and payload mass % k=1.25; Tx=3120 ; P2=1.958*10^3; At=0.005453; h=0:0.01:100000; P1=4.895*10^6; Px=101325; R=348; g=9.81; D=1.5; a=0.0003018; n=0.3; sigma=1.5168*10^9; roprop=1000; rocase=0.5; t=360; rosteel=8303.97;

for i=1:length(h)

P3(i)=Px*exp(-0.000012*h(i)); % altitude and pressure relation %


(P2/P1)^((k-1)/k))); % Nozzle Area Ratio Equation %

r=a*(P1)^n; % burning rate equation %

mflow=P1*At*k*sqrt(((2/(k+1))^((k+1)/(k-1)))/(k*R*Tx));% flow rate

calculation %

Cex= sqrt((2*k)/(k-1)*R*Tx*(1-((P2/P1)^((k-1)/k)))); % Exhaust Velocity

FOrmula %

Ceff(i)= Cex + (P2-P3(i))*(At/mflow);% effective exhaust velocity %

F(i)= mflow*Ceff(i); % OBtaining thrust %





It=Fm*t; % Total Impulse%



Vb=mpropellant/roprop; % Volume occupied by propellant %

b=r*t; % web thickness

% Dimesioning the case


% Grain configuration

Do= D- 2*d-2*0.254; % outside diameter of the grain%

Di= Do- 2*b; % Inside diameter of the grain %

L=(4*Vb)/(pi*(Do^2-Di^2)); % Length of the grain %

W=d*D*L*sigma + (pi/4)*d*D^2*rosteel% Weight estimate for Case %

figure(1) plot(h,F,h,Fy,h,Fz) xlabel('Altitude(m)') ylabel('Thrust Force(N)') title ('Sounding Rocket')

legend DB DB/AP/Al DB/AP-HMX/Al

figure(2) plot(h,I,h,Iy,h,Iz) xlabel('Altitude(m)') ylabel('Specific Impulse (sec)') title ('Sounding Rocket')

legend DB DB/AP/Al DB/AP-HMX/Al

%Erosive Burning calculations for % R=279.94; % specific heat ratio % Cs= 1400 ; % specific of the solid propellant J/kg.K % a= 3*10^-5; % pre- exponent factor m/s % n=0.4; % 0.4 % Tstag= 3610; % Stagnation temperature k % pstag= 7000000 ; % stagnation pressure Mpa% Pr=0.4922; % Prandtl number % Ts=1000; % Average surface burning temperature of the propellant K % Ti=300; % Inıtial propellant temperature K % D=0.1; % hydrauli diameter of the port grain % u=1.0049* 10^-4 ; % Viscosity of combustion products Poise % ropro=1750; % density of the propellant kg/m^3% M=0.5; % Mach Number % beta=60; %B value % Cp=1975;


syms rdot;

gama=Cp/(Cp-R); % Gama Value%

p=pstag*(1+ ((gama-1)/2)*M^2)^(-gama/(gama-1)); % combustion pressure

value %

k= (1/(ropro*Cs))*((Tstag-Ts)/(Ts-Ti)); % Expression for the k value %


1)/(2*(gama-1))); % MAss Flux %

rnon=a*p^(n); % burning rate with non erosive part

Fun=rdot== rnon + (0.0288*(G^(0.8))*Cp*(u^(0.2))*(Pr^(-

0.667))*k)/((D^0.2)*exp((beta*rdot*ropro)/G));% calculation of total

burning rate%



rero=rdot - rnon;
