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Grab a Sheet and Packet from the Front Table


Read the Primary Source

Warm Up

Early English Settlement

The Lost Colony

Roanoke Colony

Things to consider when working with Primary and Secondary Sources:Consider the Source – Who is the author? Do

they have bias?Consider the Support – Did the author back up

his opinions with solid fact?

Resource Work


Take Out Roanoke Colony Worksheet and Finish

The Lost Colony

Roanoke Colony


Rich merchants wanted to try againFormed Joint-stock CompanyCalled it Virginia Company

20 Years after Roanoke…

144 Settlers in 3 ships40 died en routeLanded near a the Chesapeake Bay and the

James river and built on a peninsulaLack of good farmland, marshy and hot

Back to the New World!


Jamestown founded April 16071608 – New resupply ship arrives 38 colonists

aliveJohn Smith the leader for first 2 years

Building Timeline

1609 – 400 more settlers arrive to boost the colony

Winter of 1609-1610 “The Starving Time”Spring 1610 40 alive


Jamestown becomes ViableColony taken from investors and made first

Royal ColonyJohn Rolfe organizes colonize

Forces people to workTobacco becomes cash crop

The House of BurgessesFirst form of Representative government in

the ColoniesJuly 1619

First Democracy in Action!

Slaves brought to colony in 1640’s to work the tobacco fields

The Beginning of the Peculiar Institution

Chapter 2Section 2-4

