Government November 9, 2004 1. Warm up—How many members of Congress are there? 2. Review homework...


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GovernmentNovember 9, 2004

1. Warm up—How many members of Congress are there?

2. Review homework

3. Powers of congress

GovernmentNovember 10, 2004

1. Warm up—Which power of congress is most important? Why?

2. Chapter 10 discussed

3. Powers of Congress (4th period)

4. Vocabulary on Congress

GovernmentNovember 12, 2004

1. What are the basic qualifications to be a member of Congress? What additional qualifications would you add?

2. Committee and making bills into law (class activity)

GovernmentNovember 15, 2004

1. Warm up—What is a standing committee?

2. Parliamentary procedures (p308)

3. Focus question: Should discrimination be prohibited in private facilities? (finish for homework)

Focus question (p274)

1. What happened at the Heart of Atlanta Hotel?

2. Outline the arguments for each side. Consider the purpose of the Civil Rights act of 1964? Does the 5th Amendment apply in this case? Does the 13th Amendment apply?

3. How did the court decide? (p764)

GovernmentNovember 16, 2004

1. Warm up—What is Robert’s Rules of Order?

2. Review questions3. Refocus4. Iran-Contra (video, notes,



Now answer the focus question, this time using what you’ve learned about the case and the Constitution.

The Iran-Contra Scandal highlighted the frequent tension between the President and the Congress. Examine the principles of Separation of Powers, Checks and Balances, Limited Government using “Iran-Contra” as a test case. How did public opinion shape this case?

GovernmentNovember 18, 2004

1. Warm up—What is a conference committee?

2. Iran-Contra reviewed

3. EXAM info: Congress, etc.

4. A few basic questions for the exam.

GovernmentNovember 19, 2004

1. Warm up—2. Silent Review3. EXAM4. The Executive Branch

GovernmentNovember 22, 2004

1. Warm up—What qualities do expect in a president?

2. Chapter 13 (in groups)3. Testing conclusions (p348)Homework: p350-351 Main

Ideas 1-12 (due Tuesday)

GovernmentNovember 23, 2004

1. Warm up—list the roles of the president

2. Collect homework3. Sections 3-6 examined

(groups)4. Testing conclusions (p348)

GovernmentNovember 24, 2004

1. Warm up—What is maximum number of years someone can serve as President?

2. Quick review: The roles of the President

3. Focus question: should the government limit individual liberties during wartime?

GovernmentNovember 29, 2004

1. Warm up—what does it mean to say the president is chief diplomat?

2. Focus Question: should the government limit individual liberties during wartime?

3. Korematsu v. United States, 1944

Page 369

1. What was Executive Order 9066?

2. What is the 5th Amendment? Does the 14th Amendment apply as well? Why or why not?

3. Explain the arguments for each side. Which arguments are most convincing?

Page 389 (continued)

4. What political and social factors led to the Japanese internment. Was it reasonable to suspect Japanese-Americans of disloyalty? Explain.

5. Explain the court’s decision. 6. Could this happen today?

GovernmentNovember 30, 2004

1.Warm up - What checks on Presidential power as Commander-in-chief does the Constitution provide?

2. Quick Review: Korematsu3. Presidential power outlined in


GovernmentDecember 1, 2004

1. Warm up—List the last nine presidents in order.

2. Quick review: The Presidency3. The Clinton Years: part 14. Chapter 14 (p378-379 Main

Ideas 1-15, Critical Thinking 1-3)

The Clinton years (pt1)

1. How did Clinton and his staff underestimate the office of the president? Give a couple examples.

2. What challenges did Clinton face in his first term of office? Explain.

GovernmentDecember 3, 2004

1. Warm up—Why was the deficit such a problem for the incoming Clinton administration?

2. 5 questions about the presidency discussed

3. Foreign Policy (p455) Reading and discussion

GovernmentDecember 6, 2004

1. Warm up—Which cabinet member assists the President most directly in his job as Commander-in-chief?

2. From Isolationism to Global power (p455)

3. The Fog of War

The Fog of War

Meaning, Background, Application• Examine the meaning of each

lesson• What example does the film

provide?• Apply this lesson to something


GovernmentDecember 7, 2004

1. Warm up—What event brought the American public out of its sense of isolationism?

2. Quick Review

3. Fog of War continued

GovernmentDecember 8, 2004

1. Warm up—what does the phrase “fog of war” mean?

2. Fog of war continued.

3. Discussion,


The Fog of WarLesson 1:

Empathize with your enemy

The Fog of WarLesson 2:

Rationality will not save us

The Fog of WarLesson 3:

There’s something beyond one’s self

GovernmentDecember 9, 2004

1. Warm up—When should the president use his war powers?

2. Fog of war (continued 4th period only)

3. Practice quiz

4. Chapter 17 discussed
