Government Mandatory 5. majority rule Majority rule is a decision rule that selects one of two...


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Government Mandatory 5

majority rule Majority rule is a

decision rule that selects one of two alternatives, based on which has more than half the votes.

individual rights Individual rights refer

to the rights of individuals, in contrast with group rights. An individual right is the sanction of independent action.

majority rule and individual rights

The conflict between majority rule and individual rights is freedom. The freedoms of an individual may be compromised by the votes of majority rule.


Liberty is a concept of political philosophy and identifies the condition in which an individual has the right to act according to his or her own will.


Equality is the condition or quality of being equal. No person is greater or has more rights than others.

liberty and equality

Liberty and equality conflict because Liberty is the freedom to do as you please but equality keeps that from happening. One persons ability to do as they wish may compromise another's liberty, making things not equal.

state authority in a federal system

State authority is the governing of a state, enforcing laws and protecting its citizens.

national authority in a federal system

National is the official governing body for the U.S. it consists of Military, postal services, national rangers, and other government officials.

state and national authority in a federal system The conflict between state

and national authority is how each makes a law. A state can make a law that is legal in the state but illegal in the country. This means that ultimately it is illegal but state police cannot arrest people for it.

Civil disobedience Civil disobedience is the active

refusal to obey certain laws, demands and commands of a government, or of an occupying power, without resorting to physical violence.

The rule of law, also called supremacy of law, is a general legal maxim according to which decisions should be made by applying known principles or laws, without the intervention of discretion in their application.

Rule of law

Civil disobedience and Rule of law The conflict between civil disobedience and

rule of law is fairly straight forward. People disobey laws and the law must act to keep it from happening.

Freedom of the press The freedom for media to print and publish

as they wish.

Right to a fair trial Right to a competent, neutral and detached

judge and (if applicable) jury, uninfluenced witnesses and ideally, a sufficient and equal amount of legal counsel for all parties

Freedom of the press and Right to a fair trial

These topics conflict because a fair trial requires an unbiased view on the case. This may not be possible if the jury sees a biased newspaper column or reads a misleading article.

Religion religion is an organized

approach to human spirituality which usually encompasses a set of narratives, symbols, beliefs and practices, often with a supernatural or transcendent quality, that give meaning to the practitioner's experiences of life through reference to a higher power or truth.

Government Government is defined

as the body within an organization that has authority and function to make and the power to enforce laws, regulations, or rules.

Religion and government are supposed to be completely removed from each other. This is a controversial topic for many reasons. If religion is involved with government than people would more than likely choose candidates of their religion. Religion causes a biased and uneducated opinion on government topics.

Religion and Government
