Good Teaching Practice by Rhina Benitez


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  • 8/12/2019 Good Teaching Practice by Rhina Benitez


    Good Teaching Practice.

    By: Rhina Benitez


    Rhina Arely Bentez Diaz

    Elmer Jorge Guardado. MAT



  • 8/12/2019 Good Teaching Practice by Rhina Benitez


    Good Teaching Practice.

    By: Rhina Benitez

    Teaching Practice 2


    Teaching is a complex, multifaceted activity, often requiring us as instructors to juggle

    multiple tasks and goals simultaneously and flexibly. This document contain a set of things that

    are involved in teaching like the principles that define the kind of teacher that each one is and a

    series of methodology that also defined the teaching style, remember that every teacher has his or

    her own teaching style.

    These are the questions to the development of the topic:

    What is a principle? What are the principles, and how would be the development of each one in the TP? How is the designing of the TP that define the teaching style? How to teach English on-line?-What is E-learning?

    - What is Blended Learning?

    Reflection of the TP Designing (Conclusion)

    Each of these questions will be developed according to a previous teaching experience

    and the planning of a new one, taking into account the new information, and the knowledge about

    teaching and everything that is included in the this area, in order to make improvements in the

    Teaching Practice which is already known that it is what would defined the reality of the kind of

    teacher to become taking in consideration the necessity of the students.

  • 8/12/2019 Good Teaching Practice by Rhina Benitez


    Good Teaching Practice.

    By: Rhina Benitez

    Teaching Practice 3

    1-What is a principle?A principle is a law or rule that has to be, or usually is to be followed, or can be

    desirably followed, or is an inevitable consequence of something. The principles of a system are

    understood by its users as the essential characteristics of the system, or reflecting system's

    designed purpose, and the effective operation or use of which would be impossible if any one of

    the principles was to be ignored. (Wikipedia, 2014)

    In the teaching area, the principles define the teachers, for the reason that is not possible

    that without principles the teacher is going to be clear about what he or she wants to achieve with

    the students. Principles allow the teacher to have clearer objectives, and thus may achieve. It is

    very important to know what principles are included in our own teaching style, and to know thoseare going to be used in the classroom, and that would become what we call as the teaching


    2- What are the principles, and how would be the development of each one in theclassroom?

    The following small but powerful set of principles can make teaching both more

    effective and more efficient, by helping teachers to create the conditions that support student

    learning and minimize the need for revising materials, content, and policies. While implementing

    these principles requires a commitment in time and effort, it often saves time and energy later on. Principles in the teaching area are essential for developing a good class, a teacher without

    principles is not a teacher, that is why the importance of them.

  • 8/12/2019 Good Teaching Practice by Rhina Benitez


    Good Teaching Practice.

    By: Rhina Benitez

    Teaching Practice 4


    What and how I will develop eachprinciple in my TP?

    Good practices


    interaction between

    students and faculty

    Frequent student-faculty contact

    in and out of class is a most

    important factor in student

    motivation and involvement.

    Faculty concern helps students

    get through rough times and

    keep on working. It also enhances

    students' intellectual commitment

    and encourages them to think

    about their own values and plans.

    (Arthur W. Chickering and

    Stephen C. Ehrmann, 1987)

    Human beings are universally

    driven to act, or behave, by the

    anticipation of some sort of

    rewardtangible or intangible,short term or long termthat will

    ensue as a result of the behavior.

    (Brown H. Douglas, 2000)

    The interaction between

    teacher-student is really

    important in the classroom. I

    would ask the students for their

    expectations during the process,

    and what they expect from me

    as their teacher. This kind of

    activities let the students to

    enter into a relaxed

    environment and they would

    start talking about what they

    want, what they hope or expect,

    and they will do it in a

    comfortable way. As a teacher I

    will need to encourage my

    students any time in any

    situation that they would befacing about their learning

    process. I would make a round

    table, and start interacting,

    talking about different things

  • 8/12/2019 Good Teaching Practice by Rhina Benitez


    Good Teaching Practice.

    By: Rhina Benitez

    that need to be discussed, so in

    this way I encourage the

    interaction between my

    students and I.

    Good practice


    interaction and

    collaboration between


    Learning is enhanced when it is

    more like a team effort than a

    solo race. Good learning, like

    good work, is collaborative and

    social, not competitive and

    isolated. Working with others

    often increases involvement inlearning. Sharing one's ideas and

    responding to others improves

    thinking and deepens

    understanding. (Arthur W.

    Chickering and Stephen C.

    Ehrmann, 1987)

    Students will learn better if they

    are not selfish with what they

    know, and they practice

    cooperative learning. As a

    teacher is it important to

    implement good methodologies

    in which it would include theinteraction and collaboration

    between students, for example

    using the Community

    Language Learning method by

    using the Technique of Small

    group tasks, in this the students

    will share what they have andwhat they know with the rest of

    the students in order to

    motivate them to practice

    collaborative learning.

    Good practice uses

    active learning


    Learning is not a spectator sport.

    Students do not learn much just

    sitting in classes listening to

    teachers, memorizing

    prepackaged assignments, and

    Considering that students learn

    better in an active way, in the

    classroom the application of

    this principle would include a

    set of activities that motivates

  • 8/12/2019 Good Teaching Practice by Rhina Benitez


    Good Teaching Practice.

    By: Rhina Benitez

    spitting out answers. They must

    talk about what they are learning,

    write reflectively about it, relate it

    to past experiences, and apply it

    to their daily lives. They must

    make what the learn part of

    themselves. (Arthur W.

    Chickering and Stephen C.

    Ehrmann, 1987)

    the learning process and make a

    meaningful learning. For

    example using Audio-Lingual

    activities, putting in practice

    role play, questioning with an

    analytical purpose, solving

    problems, discussions, among

    other different activities that

    make an active learning. It is

    important to know that for the

    application of the principles it is

    necessary to build a good

    methodology to achieve what is

    required from the students.

    Good practice

    emphasizes time on


    Time plus energy equals learning.

    Learning to use one's time well is

    critical for students and

    professionals alike. Allocatingrealistic amounts of time means

    effective learning for students

    and effective teaching for faculty.

    (Arthur W. Chickering and

    Stephen C. Ehrmann, 1987)

    Time is really important when

    developing a class that is why

    teachers include timing in the

    lesson plans. All those activitiesthat are planned to do in the

    classroom have a limit of time.

    In the Teaching Practice I will

    try to respect the time for the

    activities, for explanations, for

    assigning task, etc. and it will

    give me advantages, and I

    know it because in my previous

    experience I almost always

    completed the class on time,

    which is very important as I

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    Good Teaching Practice.

    By: Rhina Benitez

    mentioned before.

    Good practice gives

    prompt feedback.

    Knowing what you know and

    don't know focuses your

    learning. In getting started,

    students need help in assessing

    their existing knowledge and

    competence. Then, in classes,

    students need frequent

    opportunities to perform and

    receive feedback on their

    performance. At various points

    during college, and at its end,

    students need chances to reflect

    on what they have learned, what

    they still need to know, and how

    they might assess themselves.

    (Arthur W. Chickering and

    Stephen C. Ehrmann, 1987)

    Feedbacks at the beginning or

    at the end of a class help

    students to understand better

    what they have learned. In the

    teaching practice would be

    good to ask the students what

    they have learned of the last

    class or of the current one, by

    asking some questions or

    asking them to make

    comments, and also as a teacher

    can be good to do a summary at

    the end of each class, so the

    students can easily remember

    what they have been doing

    during it. It is really important

    to give the students the chance

    to ask what they do not have

    clear or something that they do

    not know, and I, as the teacher

    have to give a prompt answer,

    that is why it is said that the

    teacher needs to be always


    Good practice respects

    diversity talents,

    Many roads lead to learning.

    Different students bring different

    In a classroom it is known that

    there a lot of students with

  • 8/12/2019 Good Teaching Practice by Rhina Benitez


    Good Teaching Practice.

    By: Rhina Benitez

    3- How is the designing of the TP that define the teaching style?

    The task of methodology is to enhance the process of teaching English by empoweringand facilitating teachers to work proficiently. Teaching involves a continuous analysis of ones own

    work, the experiences of other teachers and the search for new means to improve teaching. When

    teaching a foreign language a teacher must think about the specific qualities offered to students of

    experience, and ways of


    talents and styles to college.

    Brilliant students in a seminar

    might be all thumbs in a lab or

    studio; students rich in hands-on

    experience may not do so well

    with theory. Students need

    opportunities to show their

    talents and learn in ways that

    work for them. Then they can be

    pushed to learn in new ways that

    do not come so easily.

    (Arthur W. Chickering and

    Stephen C. Ehrmann, 1987)

    different intelligences. In the

    teaching practice it is necessary

    to identify what kind of

    students I will have in order to

    apply the right methodology

    and use activities that help

    students equally. There are

    some students that learn better

    in a kinesthetic way, by doing

    movements with their bodies,

    and others that learn more just

    staying quiet, that is why we

    mixed methods and techniques,

    in order to make all the

    students learn at the same time,

    it is also important to be careful

    with the tasks and quizzes, they

    have to be made in the correct

    way in which everyone canunderstand.

  • 8/12/2019 Good Teaching Practice by Rhina Benitez


    Good Teaching Practice.

    By: Rhina Benitez

    a certain mother tongue. That means that the methodology of teaching English has to take into

    account the problems posed by the English language for the students who will learn it. The

    methodology of teaching English stands in relation with several challenges or problems:

    Teaching Practice 9

    1. What to teach? That means the amount of knowledge, skills and habits that students have toobtain within the process of learning the language.

    2. What are the aims of teaching? When a teacher is sure of the aim of teaching, he/she willhave the easiness of reaching the intended goal.

    3. How to teach? In this case one can call to mind the principles upon which teaching ofEnglish is based, the means, methods, fashion and tactics used in teaching in order to

    achieve the required final completion. (Elena Taralunga TAMURA, 2006)

    The designing of a good methodology is a great challenge, even though it seems to be

    easy. According to the MINED the English syllabus for high school is focused on the

    Communicative Approach, in which would be developed a combination of different methods

    clearly explained, as such as the role of the teacher and the students in communicative English as a

    Foreign Language class. So for my TP I will include a set of methods that are related on the

    development of the communicative competences, also for implementing the development and

    improvement of the four macro skills. In a class would be good to use interactive methodologies tomake the active learning work.

    A methodology as we know is combinations of methods, principles, techniques, and

    strategies used in the classroom, in order to achieve an effective learning. Here are the methods

    that in my opinion, would work very well for the Teaching Practice with students from High

    School. The Community Language learning, using this method the students will learn how to

    use English language communicatively with the help of its respective techniques and the strategies

    that are planned to use in the classroom. Reflection on experience technique is going to be used in

    the classroom where the students can share how they feel by using English language in and out of

    classes, a good strategy can be to share experiences, they write in their notebooks some ideas, and

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    Good Teaching Practice.

    By: Rhina Benitez

    then I name students to share with the others their own experience. Another method that I will use

    is the Communicative Language Teaching, this method will be used with the purpose that the

    students still developing communicative competences, due to the requirements of the MINED are

    focused on the communicative approach, this method will be accompanied by a series of

    techniques that will help to develop it in a better way like the application of the role plays, and the

    language games. These techniques are followed by some strategies that allow the methodology

    work effectively, for example, in the role play the students can simulate a conversation pretending

    to be someone else. And in this way they are practicing the language in an effective way if they

    follow the instructions correctly. On the other hand, the use of language games can work

    effectively if the strategies are mixed to apply this technique, but always following the same

    purpose of the developing of the communicative competences. (Diane Larsen Freeman, 2008)

    (MINED, 2008)

    -The use of the Audio-lingual Method can be very helpful, because it is focused on

    listening and speaking before than reading and writing; it can be applied by including techniques

    like the repetition drillsfor starting, and the strategy to put this technique to work would be that I

    put a set of words on the white board, so they will repeat them, or I can name someone to read

    words and the other students will repeat word by word. The other can be chain drills, this

    technique works in a more interactive way because they talk to each other, and a good strategy toput this in practice would be that I say a sentence for starting and this sentence go student by

    student following the sequence that link with the one that I said, it could change depending on

    what the students are going to say, but it must to follow a logic order, and in this way they get into

    a good interaction.

    I can Mix Audio-lingual Method with another which I personally think that is one of the

    most used in English classes, it is the Direct Method, I will use this for the fact that I want my

    students to use only the target language, which is English Language; I will try to set an English

    environment from the first class, expecting that it works, so they are going to get into this

    environment easily. The techniques that I will use for this method are for example the

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    Good Teaching Practice.

    By: Rhina Benitez

    Conversation practice, in which I will use different strategies in order to make them have a

    conversation, it can be that they make their own conversation or I can give them a made one; they

    can work in couples or trios, and then they will Practice the conversation in front of the other

    classmates, another way that would help to make this work is to make discussions; I assign them a

    topic and they will discuss about, using words that they already know. Also, I think that I can use

    TPR, in some of my classes, this can be mixed with any other method, the strategy to make this

    methodology works would be to make the students use kinesthetic learning, and also the listening

    and oral functions, for example combing repetition drills technique from the Audio-Lingual

    method followed by the use of Commands from TPR method, the students follow the commands,

    and at the same time they repeat it.

    I consider that the students need more practice of the listening and speaking skills, with

    my previous experience I can attest that the students learn better in an active way, practicing more

    speech, so this help them to feel motivated to use the language not only inside the classroom or just

    because the teacher ask them to do it, but also outside of it in an intrinsic way. The set of methods,

    strategies, and techniques that I have mentioned, form the methodology that is going to be used in

    my Teaching Practice, are always focused on the communicative approach which is like a goal for

    the course, and as a teacher I expect to reach this goal, and make them to develop communicative

    competences. It is good to mix some methods to make a better teaching style, for exampleCommunicative Language Teaching matches very well with the Audio Lingual Method for the fact

    that they share the techniques that work in the same way as the role play technique, and the

    strategies could change depending on the teachers creativity; and the other methods are mingled

    in the same way, so it becomes into a good methodology, those methods, strategies and techniques

    that are mentioned are the ones that in my personal opinion are more focused on the development

    of communicative competences, so that is why I chose them to create my methodology.

    Given that communicative competence is the goal of a language classroom, instruction

    needs to point toward all its components: organizational, pragmatic, strategic, and psychomotor.

    Communicative goals are best achieved by giving due attention to language use and not just usage,

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    Good Teaching Practice.

    By: Rhina Benitez

    to fluency and not just accuracy, to authentic language and contexts, and to students eventual

    need to apply classroom learning to previously unrehearsed contexts in the real world. (Brown H.

    Douglas, 2000)

    4- How to teach English on-line?IT in the methodology

    Following the same format of the designing of this methodology for my TP, it is also

    necessary to add IT in order to vary the way of teaching in and out of the classroom. Instructional

    Technology is being integrated into the classroom at alarming rates. As fast as integration has been,

    the development of new technologies has even been faster. The literature in the area of

    instructional technology is vast and sometimes overwhelming. Often times, articles will focus on

    how to integrate technology into the classroom and the recommendation of new technologies. A

    significant amount of research on instructional technology is associated with faculty competency

    and teaching effectiveness. (RYAN E. DUNMIRE, 2010)

    What is E-Learning?

    Nowadays, technology is a requirement in the classroom, most of the schools,

    high schools, and colleges must have the technological resources in order that the students not

    only learn in the simple way but also include technology in their learning process, each of the

    students are required to have a computer due to the reason that now, they not only can earn in the

    classroom but also they can attend classes on-line, or they can be in the classroom and also attend

    an on-line class. There are two ways of teaching on-line without forgetting the approach in which

    we are working on (Communicative). E- Learning is the first one, and it allows the students to

    learn anywhere and usually at any time, as long as they have a properly configured computer. Fora better understanding E-Learning is learning utilizing electronic technologies to access

    educational curriculum outside of a traditional classroom. In most cases, it refers to a course,

    program or degree delivered completely online. (Lee Ann Obringer, 2014)

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    Good Teaching Practice.

    By: Rhina Benitez

    Teaching Practice 13

    What is Blended Learning?

    On the other hand, there is the Blended Learning. Blended learning means

    many things to many people, even within the relatively small online learning community. It is

    referred to as both blended and hybrid learning, with little or no difference in the meaning of the

    terms among most educators. In general terms, blended learning combines online delivery of

    educational content with the best features of classroom interaction and live instruction to

    personalize learning, allow thoughtful reflection, and differentiate instruction from student to

    student across a diverse group of learners. The integration of face-to-face and online learning to

    help enhance the classroom experience and extend learning through the innovative use of

    information and communications technology. Blended strategies enhance student engagement

    and learning through online activities to the course curriculum, and improve effectiveness and

    efficiencies by reducing lecture time. (John Watson, 2008)

    As the teacher, I should look at a new technology and ask how it fits in my learning

    objectives not the other way around where new technology is received and then I try to fit it into

    class, I have to know how the use of IT match with my objectives in the plan that I have. The use

    of technology in and out of the classroom needs to be a proactive practice by educators. It would

    be really good to add IT in the methodology that will be used during the Teaching Practice,

    because it is necessary to innovate, so the teaching style change and the students will feel more

    motivated. There are many different technological sources that can be very helpful to include in

    the methodology. For example the use of the Web-quests,

    ( it can be really good, with this my students can

    see the topics in which I will explain them with the necessary, and the enough information, then I

    assign them a task, but of course I have to explain carefully each step in order they understandcorrectly.
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    Good Teaching Practice.

    By: Rhina Benitez

    Teaching Practice 14

    This can work with both, E-Learning and Blended Learning; one thing that every

    teacher knows is that students love social networks, most in the case of young students, so it

    would be a great idea to share a class on Facebook

    ( or Twitter which are the most common

    social sites, there we can interact, with forums, make discussions about a topic, and in this way

    they are also improving their communicative skills not only in the oral way, but also practicing

    reading and writing. There are also Blogs (, where I can

    post documents, and then I can make a forum, also there is teaching through Skype, which is one

    of the commons as well, when the teacher cannot be at the classroom, I can develop the class in

    this way, and it could work very well, if I count with the necessary resources, also I would create

    a page in which my students can find what they need to know, anytime they want, not only in

    the classroom, but also when they are at home, it would help them to do their assignments.

    Teaching Practice 15
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    Good Teaching Practice.

    By: Rhina Benitez


    As conclusion, I personally consider that the Teaching Practice is as important as

    working on the reality and it is important to take it seriously, in the same way as it is taken in the

    real teaching life. It is also important to note that as it has been said about the Principles, teachers

    must work based on them, because based on the principles is like we are going to set clear

    objectives to achieve at the end of the course. Concerning teaching methodology, I believe that a

    variety of methods, strategies, and techniques makes up the most successful practice, it assists to

    maintain the whole attention of the students present in class, it encourages them and offers an

    attractive atmosphere and diminishes anxiety, shyness, etc. The Communicative Approach will

    allow to the students to learn in a better and interacting way, due to its purpose which is to

    develop communicative competences and improve Oral skill. In the end I would like to add the

    following fact: not all students share the same desire for studying a foreign language and it is

    sometimes a bit too hard for a teacher to teach a class even if he/she is very enthusiastic when

    teaching the lesson. As there are many kinds of students and each of them have their own

    character and learning rhythms and styles it is not easy to keep everyones attention. Some

    students might assimilate the information at once; others cannot do that, though. So that is why as

    a teacher I have to commit myself the have a better preparedness for my Teaching Practice.


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    Good Teaching Practice.

    By: Rhina Benitez

    Brown H. Douglas. (2000). Teaching by Principles.New York: Pearson Education.

    Diane Lanser-Freeman. (2008). Techniques and Principles in language teaching. In D. Lanser-Freeman,Techniques and

    Principles in language teaching(pp. 111,112,113). Oxford: Oxfod University Press.

    Diane Larsen Freeman. (2008). Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching .Oxford: Oxford University Press.

    Elena Taralunga TAMURA. (2006, October 05). Takasaki City University of Economics.Retrieved February 23, 2014,

    from The Economic Journal of Takasaki City University of Economics:


    John Watson. (2008, february 8). Promising practices in online learning.Retrieved febraury 24, 2014, from North

    American Council for Online Learning:


    JLee Ann Obringer. (2014).A Discovery Company. Retrieved February 24, 2014, from Hoe stuffs works :

    MINED. (2008). English Syllabus for High School Education.El salvador: MINED.

    Richards J.C. & T.S. Rodgers. (1897).Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching.United Kindom: Cambridge

    University press.

    RYAN E. DUNMIRE. (2010). THE USE OF INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY .Retrieved february 24, 2014, from Literature


    Wikipedia, t. f. (2014, february 9). Wikipedia.Retrieved february 22, 2014, from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: