Goal Setting for Students ® Notes for the Presenter This presentation can be used as a stand alone...


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Goal Setting for Students®

Notes for the Presenter• This presentation can be used as a stand alone resource or used in conjunction with the

individual student workbook. For BEST RESULTS consider getting a book for students to keep and refer back to as they develop these new life skills.

Available formats: E-book Paperback Kindle

• The FREE presentation includes 60 slides. We also offer four (4) shorter versions

that are 20 - 25 slides each and are designed for one class period.

• Professional development seminars are available (please contact us for details)

• Other FREE items on the Goal Setting for Students website:

– Goal setting form - Sample book chapter

– Best Advice ideas - Life skills ideas

Contact Information: John Bishop Accent on Success GoalSettingForStudents.com Email

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Goal Setting For Students®

Accent On Success is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping students succeed

in school and in life. ---------

This free presentation is a step by step guide for the award winning book –

Goal Setting for Students


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What We Will Discuss

• What is Success? • Principles of Goal Setting• Samples & Practice • How to Invest in Yourself • How to Measure Your Progress• Meeting the Challenges • How and Where to Get Started • Summary

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Chapter 1 What is Success?

• Success is “accomplishing or completing a desire or want”

• Successful people have goals

• Successful people help others

• ALL goals have two things in common: - Desire - Action

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What is Success? (con’t)

• Success means different things to different people.

• Success is setting and accomplishing your goals.

• Success takes planning and a strong desire.

• Success is taking action.

• Success means reaching your goals even when the going gets tough.

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One Definition of Success

“To laugh often and much; to win the respectof intelligent people and the affection of

children; … to appreciate beauty, to findthe best in others; to leave the world a little

better; whether by a healthy child or a garden patch … to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.

This is success.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Definition of Success #2

“Be honest and work hard to get what you want. Don’t take shortcuts; you are only cheating yourself in the long run.

Success is not measured by money or fame, but by how you feel about your own goals and

accomplishments and the time and effort you put into them.” Willie Stargell, Baseball Hall of Fame

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Points for Discussion

• How do you define success?

• How would you define success in this class?

• Name a person you think who is successful and why?

• What two things did you learn about success from this lesson?

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Chapter 2 Principles of Goal Setting

What to Expect• Why Goals Are Important?

• Goal Setting 101

• Four Key Questions to Ask

• Dreams vs. Goals

• Quotes to Ponder

• Points for Discussion

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Why Goals Are Important?Goal = Dream + Action Steps + Target Date

Goals provide direction, a sense of accomplishment and help you define your growth and development.

1. Roadmap - Would you drive to Los Angeles without one?

2. Recipe – Would you make the holiday dinner without them?

Why go through life without goals?

Goals are your roadmap for a successful education and life.

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Goal Setting 101Clearly define the challenge facing you.

What issue, problem or desire are you trying to change or achieve?

Examples of misguided challenge definitions:

Low grade in class – Teacher does not like me vs. lack of effort on your part? Need more money – Quitting your job vs. talking to your boss

and doing extra work.


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The Four Key QuestionsEstablish your goals by answering these questions:

1. Define the Challenge Why do I want it? Define the desire or challenge facing you.

2. Goal What do I want? Write down the goal you want to achieve.

3. Action Steps How will I get it? Your specific step-by-step action plan to reach your goal.

4. Target Dates When do I want it? The completion date to reach your goal.

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Goal Setting 101• It is very important to write down your Goal,

Action Steps and Target Date

• Use the positive, action-oriented words – I can and I will in your goal statement and with your action steps

• Read your goal(s) every day

• Stretch your abilities

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Stretching Your Abilities

There is a big difference between stretching

past your “comfort zone” and setting unrealistic goals.


Start with goals that stretch your capabilities and then

build on your successes.

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Dreams vs. Goals

Goal Setting is like shooting an arrow.

You may want to hit the target, but if you don’t take action – shooting the arrow –

you only have a dream.

The difference between a dream and a goal is


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Do you think yourteachers have goals?

-----------How can they measure their

progress toward reaching them?

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Teachers DO have goals for their classes


They measure their progress toward reaching their goals with tests, quizzes, active class

discussions, term papers, etc.

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Quotes to Ponder

Do you agree with these quotes? Explain.

• “Great minds have purpose, others have wishes.” Washington Irving

• “Tell me the company you keep and I’ll tell you what you are.” Miguel de Cervantes


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Points for Discussion

• What is the difference between a dream and a goal?

• What are the four key questions in goal setting?

• Why is it important to correctly define the challenge you face?

• Why are goals important?

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Chapter 3 Sample and Practice

What to Expect

• Sample Goal – Completed

• Sample Goal – Partially Completed

• Now It’s Your Turn

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Sample Goal - Completed• Challenge I am not doing well in this class because I

have not given it my full attention.

• Goal I will put more effort into this course.

• Action Steps 1. I will listen better in class 2. I will take more notes 3. I will ask the teacher for help 4. I will hand all my homework in ON TIME. • Target Date

Review my progress in 10 days (make it a specific date)

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Sample Goal - Partially Completed Please finish this goal plan.

• Challenge – I need to get more involved in school.

• Goal - I will join a new group and fully participate.

• Action Steps 1. 2. 3.

• Target Date ___________

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Now It's Your TurnWrite down a goal that is important to you. It can be about school, sports, hobbies or personal.

Remember to answer the four key questions.

1. Challenge Why do I want it? Define the desire or challenge facing you.

2. Goal What do I want? Write down the goal you want to achieve.

3. Action Steps How will I get it? Your specific action plan to reach your goal.

4. Target Dates When do I want it? The completion date to reach your goal.

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You are a Winner!!

This is YOUR life! YOUR goals!

YOUR success!

Dream + Action Steps + Target Date = GOAL

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Chapter 4 How to Invest in Yourself

What to Expect

• THE QUESTION to ask daily

• Use your inner – voice to your advantage

• The five YES! Count on Me!! words

• The six Bummer Words

• Find a mentor

• Points for Discussion

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THE QUESTION ---Ask Yourself Daily

Am I giving my best efforts to today’s activities?(write it down on a piece of paper)

If you answer yes – congratulations.

If you answered no, what changes are you willing to make?

This is Your Life – Your Goals – Your Success!

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Your Inner Voice

“A man’s doubts and fears are his worst enemies.” William Wrigley, Jr.

• Everyone has an inner voice

• Everyone talks to themselves

• It’s your choice to be positive or negative

• You control the on/off switch – You have the power to turn off the negative thoughts

• Use your inner voice for positive self-talk. (Yes, everyone talks to themselves.)

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YES! Count On Me Words

Be positive and enthusiastic when you use these pro-active, I can do it words.

Yes….. I can….. I will…..

Sometimes called the five scariest words in the English

language. These five words tell people you are willing to be accountable for your actions.

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YES! Count On Me Words


• Yes, I will hand my homework in on time.

• I will be there on Saturday to help organize the car wash fund raising project.

• I can have my Science project completed by Friday.

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Bummer WordsThese six words can hold you back from reaching your full potential.



There are many times that you need to use these words. However, they become a Bummer Words when you use

them as an excuse for not doing something.

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Bummer Words


• If only I were taller.

• I could never get a good grade in Math.

• I can’t do that, I’m not any good.

• I won’t hand my homework in on time.

• Maybe I’ll try it, but I won’t like it.

• No, I don’t want to do it.

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How do tests, quizzes, term papers and classroom discussions help YOU?

They teach you how to:• Read and comprehend new information

• Organize your thoughts

• Communicate effectively orally and in writing

• Prioritize your time

• Listen and take notes

• Determine your areas of strength and areas that need more of your attention

How do they help your teacher?

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Find a Mentor

A mentor is ….part cheerleader, part coach, part teacher, part student, part guide, and part listener.

A mentor guides, inspires, encourages, counsels, advises, questions, and answers.

from MentorPlace.com

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Points for Discussion

• Why is it important to minimize the Bummer Words? (no, can’t, won’t, never, maybe and if)

• What is THE QUESTION to ask yourself daily?

• What does this quote mean to you?

“Goals determine your thoughts. Thoughts determine your life.”


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Chapter 5 Measure Your Progress

What to Expect

• Four ways to measure your progress toward reaching your goal

• Why helping others is important

• Quotes to Ponder

• Points for discussion


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Four Ways to Measure

• Reality Time

• Five Ways to Check Your Self-Image

• Taking Responsibility

• Completing Your Specific Action Steps

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Reality Time

• Reality time is a time to look yourself in the mirror.

• Find some alone time each day for an honest review of your daily activities.

• Be honest. This is YOUR reality.

• If you are dishonest about your efforts, you will only be hurting yourself.

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Five Ways to Check Your Self-Image

• Are you using the positive YES! Count On Me Words? Yes, I can and I will

• Are you using fewer Bummer Words? No, never, can’t, won’t, maybe and if

• Are you daily asking yourself: Am I Giving My Best Effort?

• Are you using your Reality Time for honest reflection?

• Do you have a positive mental attitude?

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Four Ways to Take Responsibility

1. See what needs to be done and do it before being asked.

2. Do things with more focus and energy.

3. Learn from your accomplishments and your missteps.

1. Everyone has a job – as a student, your job is to get a good education. Take an active and positive part in it.

Taking responsibility is a great way to tell people that you are growing up.

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Quote to Ponder

To you agree with this quote?To you agree with this quote?

“ What matters in today’s world is not the difference between those who believe

and those who do not,


the difference is between those who care and those who don’t.”

Abbe Pire

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Complete Your Action Steps

• Remember your goals should be written down and have specific action steps

• Each action step is like a rung on a ladder.

• Each completed action step gets you closer to reaching your goal.

A journey starts with a single step. Chinese Proverb

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Importance of Helping OthersSuccessful people:

1) Have goals

2) Measure their progress toward reaching them

3) Know it is important to help others

“Do something for somebody everyday for which you will not get paid.”

Albert Schweitzer

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Quotes to Ponder What do these quotes mean to you?

• “Don’t be afraid to fail. Experience is just mistakes you won’t make again.”

Joe Garagiola

• “I am somebody. I am me. And, I need nobody to make me somebody.” Louis L’Amour

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Points for Discussion

• How can asking that one important question help you to succeed?

(Am I giving my best efforts to today’s activities?)

• How can your inner voice help you develop a positive mental attitude?

• How can you take more responsibility for your education?

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Chapter 6 Meeting the Challenge

What to Expect

• Identify four potential obstacles to your success

• The importance of minimizing excuses

• How to change roadblocks into setbacks to be overcome

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Four Potential Obstacles

• Fear of failure

• Lack of determination

• Peer pressure

• Excuses, Excuses, Excuses

“Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.”

Henry Ford

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Fear of Failure• EVERYONE experiences it at some point

• It can stop people before they even get started

• Often includes negative self talk

• The cure – Goal Setting

Why? Because goal setting allows you to break down large projects into doable tasks.

Goals teach you to take action on your dreams.

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Lack of Determination

Determination is having the self-discipline not to quit even when the going gets tough.

Determination means you are:• Willing to try something new• Willing to work hard to improve• Willing to learn from your mistakes • Not going to make excuses or blame others

When you are determined to reach your goal –potential roadblocks become

problems to overcome.

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Quote to Ponder

What does this quote mean to you?

“I’ve missed over 9,000 shots in my career. Twenty-six times I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over again in life. And that is why I succeed.”

Michael Jordon

• How can you relate this quote to your education?

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Peer PressurePeer pressure is doing what someone wants you to –

even if you don’t want to do it.

Questions: • Are your friends helping you reach your goals? And, are you

helping them?

• Who’s in charge of your life?

This is YOUR Life, YOUR Goals, YOUR Success!

You Are a WINNER!


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Excuses, Excuses, Excuses• The world is full of people who make excuses.

• Some people use excuses to shift the blame to something or someone else for their lack of effort.

• Eliminate excuses by focusing your thoughts and imagination on the 3 D’s.


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Chapter 7 Review – Top 10 Points

10 key points from the Goal Setting for Students® book:

1. Set a goal by answering four key questions: a) Challenge Why do I want it?

b) Goal What do I want?

c) Action Steps How will I get it?

d) Target Dates When do I want it?

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Review – Top 10 Points (con’t)

2. Start by setting and achieving smaller, reachable goals. Build on your successes.

3. Write down your Goals, Action Steps, and Target Date

on a piece of paper. Read them everyday.

4. Develop an YES! Count on Me attitude.

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Review – Top 10 Points (con’t)

5. Eliminate excuses and take action on your goals.

6. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

7. Honestly answer THE QUESTION every day.

Am I giving my best effort to today’s activities?

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Review – Top 10 Points (con’t)

8. Use positive YES! Count on Me words – Yes, I can and I will & Minimize the Negative Bummer words – no, never, can’t, won’t, maybe and if.

9. Remember to help others.

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Review – Top 10 Points (con’t)

10. If you have reached your goal, congratulate yourself for a job well done.

If you missed the goal, explore the reasons why. Make some adjustments and try again.

Don’t ever give up on your dreams.

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How to Get Started

• Make education your TOP priority

• Take action - start right now – TODAY

• Ask your parents, teachers and friends to help you get started

• Don’t forget to help your friends set and achieve their goals

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This is YOUR life! YOUR goals!

YOUR success!

You are a Winner!!

Dream + Action Steps + Target Date = Goal

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Thank you for helping students succeed!!!!

For BEST RESULTS consider getting a workbook for students to keep and refer back to as

they develop these new life skills.

The final slide includes additional FREE items available for downloading from the website.
