Goal 2 Dictionary By Hannah Dixon. Popular Sovereignty The idea of a government made by and lived by...


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Goal 2 Dictionary

By Hannah Dixon

Popular Sovereignty

• The idea of a government made by and lived by the people.


• The first line of the Constitution.

Reserved Powers

• The 10th Amendment of the Constitution states powers are reserved for the state.

Article I

• Part of the Constitution that is about the House of Representatives and the Senate.

Speaker of the House

• A member of the major party & an elected member of the House of Representatives.

Article II

• Part of the Constitution that talks about the duties of the President and Vice President.

Article III

• Part of the Constitution that talk about the court system.

Constitutional Convention

• Allows changes to be made to the Constitution if needed.

Loose Interpretation

• Lets the 3 Branches do things that is not specified to them in the Constitution.

Right to Bear Arms

• The right to have a gun and use it in a dangerous situation.

Interest Groups

• A group of people that come together over a certain cause.


• Money that the government gets.

User Fees

• Fees the government charges for specific services.

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

• The #1 law enforcing agency of the government.

GOAL 3State and Local Governments Under the North Carolina



• Allowing the North Carolina constitution to have changes made to it.

Popular Sovereignty

• Giving the people what they want

Constitutional Convention

• a convention called because the constitution needs revisions


• Laws of the state


• A county’s head law enforcement official

Fifteenth Amendment

• Makes sure citizens can vote

Balanced budget

• The amount of money the state spends cannot go over the amount of money the state takes in

Corporate income tax

• Makes people pay a percentage of their yearly income

Disposal fees

• Fees paid to state of local governments to remove waste, trash, garbage, etc.


• A building full of books you can borrow

Goal 4Active Citizenship

Political Parties

• A group of people who share the same beliefs about political issues and opinions


• One who runs for an office. Example: president, secretary, treasurer, etc.

Multi-Party System

• A system where there are more than two political parties. Countries that go by this system are the Netherlands, Israel, Denmark, etc.

Majority Vote

• Happens when a particular party has to have enough votes to win an election

Two-Party System

• A system that consists of two political parties. The United States is an example of a two-party system.


• A political party. Believes the government should be more involved with everything and they believe in higher taxes. Their symbol is a donkey. Democrats can be stereotyped as liberal.


• A political party. Believes the government should only be involved with protecting the country. Their symbol is an elephant. They can be stereotyped as Conservative.


• People’s whose beliefs consist of both democrat and republican beliefs.


• When people who want a certain candidate to win, go door to door or pass out flyers and such to encourage people to vote for their candidate.

Name Calling

• A form of negative campaigning where a candidate calls their opponent an offensive name.

Polling Places

• Places where people vote for the candidate they want to win. However, it’s not officially voting. Most polling places are schools, churches, community centers and or public facilities.


• A lists of the candidates to vote for.

Public Opinion

• Citizen’s thoughts, feelings, ideas, etc.


• A document stating a what a group of people want to change about something pertaining to their community and what not or about a specific government action.


• The time one spends in a prison, jail, youth detention center, etc. if they are convicted of a crime

Goal 5Conflict in the United States’ Political and Judicial Systems

Consensus Building

• The process where an agreement is reached. (Not an actual building)


• Crimes that are not very serious that require mild punishments. These punishments include: a fine, probation, less than a year in jail, etc.


• Serious crimes that have serious punishments. Punishments include: incarceration and or execution.


• Money that can be paid to not be incarcerated.


• An official document that commands one to go to court.

Oral Arguments

• When the attorney presents their case to the judge and answer any lingering questions the judge might have.

Majority Opinion

• A statement recorded about how the case’s outcome was made and how it was decided.


• An idea for a new bill

Public Hearings

• A hearing where the public hears what a bill says


• Happens when both houses and Congress pass the bill but the president does not pass it

Goal 6Purpose, Development, and Implementation of Laws

Legal Codes

• A list or rules and or laws and penalties if the laws and or rules are not obeyed.

Code of Hammurabi

• The first legal code ever. Created by Hammurabi who was king of Babylon. This code made sure the people had rights.

Ten Commandments

• These laws are obeyed mostly by people of the Jewish and Christian faith. These set of rules are a moral code.


• When one is punished for a crime they are guilty of committing.


• When one tries to make an effort to become a law-abiding citizen and gets the help they need.


• When one repeats criminal acts.

“Death Penalty”

• The punishment that one receives for committing a serious crime. Usually this punishment is received when one commits rape or murder.

House Arrests

• When someone is confined to stay in their house for a period of time. They are usually allowed to leave to go to school/work.


• A way for people to stay informed about the issues.

Sheriff’s Department

• Offers support for criminal cases and or civil cases (county-wide).

Family Law

• Laws pertaining to family cases including divorces, custody agreements, adoptions, etc.

International Law

• Laws that pertain to world wide trade and to all nations.

Goal 7Making Economic Decisions

Natural Resources

• Resources found in nature. Not man made. These resources can be renewable or nonrenewable.


• Items that people have to have in order to survive.


• Items that people don’t have to have in order to live, but they crave to have it.

Four Basic Factors of Production

• Capital, Entrepreneurship, Labor, and Land (CELL). Steps to having a successful business.


• The property that the business, factory, plant, etc. is at. The natural resources that makes up the business, factory, plant, etc.


• The work of humans to contribute to producing products. Can be physical and mental.


• All the equipment and tools that are useful for the business to run smoothly. Includes money.


• Puts a set amount of money that a consumer must pay to have a certain product.

Decision-Making Model

• Used for making an economic related decision. Allows you to look at all the alternatives and possible outcomes before making a definite decision.


• Something that motivates someone to get a task done a certain way i.e. reward.


• The items that are made to satisfy wants and needs.

Goal 8The US Economy


• A right legally granted to an artist, musician, writer, etc. to protect their work.


• A place that could be an apartment, house, condo, etc. where one lives with or without family and pays living expenses.


• One or more who works for some kind of good or service.

Circular Flow of Economic Activity

• The flow of businesses, households, & government.

Complimentary Goods

• Goods that can’t be used without another good.

Substitute Goods

• Goods that can be used to replace other goods.


• Not having enough product to supply the demand.


• Having too much of the product to supply the demand.

Consumer Tastes

• What the consumer finds preferable.


• A rise in prices in an economy.

Goal 9Factors Influencing the US Economy


• If the “trough” period of an economy gets even worse, it goes into depression.

Economic Indicators

• Things that aid to show the health of the economy.


• Moving from one place to another place.


• Coming to America to live permanently from another country.

Foreign Trade

• US trading with other countries.

Child Labor

• Children working in factories. Became illegal because it was unsafe.


• The percentage of tax that goes up when your amount of income goes up.

Human Rights

• Every human being has the certain rights.

Goal 10Issues and Responsibilities in US Society

Melting Pot Theory

• Everyone who come to the US should change their cultural differences beliefs and customs to ones of the US so it all blends together.

Tossed Salad Theory

• Everyone who come to the US should keep their cultural differences, beliefs, and customs so it is diverse.


• Judging someone by what their ethnicity is.


• Judging somebody based on their gender.


• Judging somebody based on their age.


• Ideas or beliefs one has that is one way or the other.

Religious Differences

• The constant battle between different religions. Some feel they are not getting treated fairly and some religions clash together.


• A physical or mental condition that can affect ones life. Some get discriminated for it.


• Learning that one can do to improve their self and their future.


• Has the ability to read/write.
