globalwatch-paratechpreviewFeb, 2012



A Special Report Preview Production from Rema Marketing The Paratechnology report preview is a publication of Rema Marketing For any queries regarding this service please contact us at ©Rema Marketing 2011. All Rights Reserved.

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A Special Report Preview Production from Rema Marketing

The Paratechnology report preview is a publication of Rema Marketing For any queries regarding this service please contact us at ©Rema Marketing 2011. All Rights Reserved.

“The Number one weekly report which provides concrete evidence of a New World Order & One World Government agenda”

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Welcome to this Special Preview It seems like only weeks ago when we released our last special publication “The Antichrist Identity V”, Yet this was actually all the way back in November 2011. Since then Mel Sanger has retired and we have had to move ahead without his direction. From the emails we receive each day it would seem that for most of you we are performing a satisfactory service. When I took over as editor for the Vision Report Watch in July 2011 I understood that up until then the report despite the best intentions was a rather hit and miss affair. Since July 2011 I am delighted that we have been able to meet the monthly targets for ensuring the Vision Report is issued every month. Some of you have been members since we started the Vision Report towards the end of 2010 and have been with us through various challenges and so we are grateful that you have persevered to see the day when the reports are now consistent. We are not the finished article and there plenty of improvements to come. However we are humbled by your words of comfort and support for our ministry. The Global Watch Weekly has been an extension of the Vision Report in being able to provide you information on a more frequent basis. Whilst the Vision Report was great, events are happening so fast that we needed a more regular publication to address the more current themes of the present day, and we are again delighted that many of you look forward to the release of the new editions very Friday. However this week our main focus is on a new publication which we have been referring to over the last several weeks. “Paratechnology” is our first special 4 part report of 2012 and is a breath taking insight into the Antichrist technology which is being prepared as part of a wide scale deception. Never before have we managed to consolidate in one report such a tremendous wealth of knowledge and insight on technologies which in some cases seek to merge actual science along with the supernatural/paranormal. We even coerced Mel Sanger to write the “Introduction” for this major report so all in all it has been a successful project and one which we know will keep your interest for a long time. For now enjoy the special preview on “Paratechnology”.

The Paratechnology report preview is a publication of Rema Marketing For any queries regarding this service please contact us at ©Rema Marketing 2011. All Rights Reserved. (Goes Live March 7th 2012)



The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch® is a paraphysical "code-book" described as a text of higher consciousness experience which explains how the human race is connected with a more advanced higher evolutionary structure of universal intelligence. The linkage is made through 64 areas of future science, that defines the course of human

development. The book covers a cosmology that is now being confirmed by a wide spectrum of independent scientific confirmations. The author Dr Hurtak is a social scientist, comparative religionist, scholar, author, and founder and president of The Academy for Future, a non-profit corporation that examines new scientific ideas for the future. He is the author of the New age text “The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch” and has written and translated over 15 books, including commentaries on ancient mystical and gnostic texts including the Pistis Sophia. The content of the book is based on a real experience that Hurtak had where through prayer and meditation an angelic being appeared calling himself Enoch, and asked him if he was ready to go into 'the Father's midst'. A great field of light was placed upon his body and he sped upwards to the stars and heaven to Arcturus, a so called major programming centre of the galactic council serving "the Father' on this side of the galaxy which he was told is under the direction of the Council of Nine, the governing body of the local universe. Whilst there Hurtak received spiritual-scientific teaching from two higher teachers of universal intelligence "Enoch" and "Metatron." This may sound like something out of a marvel comic but there are some interesting reasons we discuss in “Paratechnology” as to why fallen angels would reveal themselves as “Enoch” and “Metatron”.

The word "Metatron is the name of an angel in Judaism and some branches of Christian mythology. There are no references to him in the Jewish Tanakh or Christian Scriptures (New and Old Testament). Although he is mentioned in a few brief passages in the Talmud and also in the Book of Enoch. The book of Enoch actually describes the link between Enoch, son of Jared (great grandfather of Noah) and his transformation into the angel Metatron. The Keys of Enoch teaches that a greater unity can and must occur between the scientific and spiritual pathways in order for the problems of Earth to be solved and it is this underlining premise which is the basis for understanding what “Paratechnology” is. “Paratechnology” is the realization by some in the science that thousands of years of progress can be made in the science realm if science opens itself up to the doorway of the supernatural. The blending of science with the paranormal is the perfect combination by which man can rediscover the godhood status he lost back in the Garden of Eden.

Fellow to the American Academy for the Advancement of Science, Professor Emeritus William Tiller, of Stanford University’s Department of Materials Science, spent 34 years in academia after 9 years as an advisory physicist with the Westinghouse Research Laboratories. He has published over 250 conventional scientific papers, 3 books and several patents. In parallel, for over 30 years, he has been avocationally pursuing serious experimental and theoretical study of the field of psychoenergetics which will very likely become an integral part of




"tomorrow’s" physics. In this new area, he has published an additional 100 scientific papers and four seminal books. "For the last four hundred years, an unstated assumption of science is that human intention cannot affect what we call "physical reality." Our experimental research of the past decade shows that, for today's world and under the right conditions, this assumption is no longer correct. We humans are much more than we think we are and Psychoenergetic Science continues to expand the proof of it." The Scriptures caution us to “abstain from every form of evil” (I Thessalonian 5:22). Both the Old and New Testaments contain strong warnings about avoiding evil practices: “You shall not practice augury or witchcraft.” Leviticus. 19:26 “Now the works of the flesh are plain:… idolatry, sorcery….” Galations. 5:19-20 “When you come into the land which the Lord your God gives you, you shall not learn to follow the abominable practices of those nations. There shall not be found among you any one who burns his son or his daughter as an offering [human sacrifice], any one who practices divination, a soothsayer, or an augur, or a sorcerer, or a charmer, or a medium, or a wizard, or a necromancer. For whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord; and because of these abominable practices the Lord your God is driving them out before you. You shall be blameless before the Lord your God. For these nations, which you are about to dispossess, give heed to soothsayers and to diviners; but as for you, the Lord your God has not allowed you so to do.” (Deut. 18:9-14) THE PARATECHNOLOGY REPORT Whilst Dr Hurtak and William Tiller may seem like fringe New Agers/Pseudo scientists what has become more significant is when mainstream science and military science begins implementing some of these key technologies which seem to converge the power of science under the influence of the occult. In ancient times there is proof that whole civilizations were wiped out because they were unable to handle the technology they had come into

contact with which was beyond their time. On Wednesday 7th March our ground breaking 4 part report “Paratechnology” will be released. This mammoth 300+ page report with extensive footnotes, will bring you up to date with many of the most deceptive and sophisticated technologies that are being used today and in the future to trigger massive deception for the purpose of control. When the bible says in Matthew 24:24 that “if it were possible even the very elect would be deceived” what it means is that the demonic power behind these technologies, signs and lying wonders will be so great that it will take more than just “head knowledge” of the new world order to survive against its deception. It will literally take the seal of God and the Holy Spirit on a spiritual level to prevent even believers simply being over powered by the scale of the deception.

The power of deception and not being in control can be likened to gambling. Many online gamblers who have struggled to overcome their addiction have stated that when away from the internet they are able to convince themselves that they will gamble in moderation and if they lose a gamble not to

continue gambling trying to recover the loss from the initial gamble which then precipitates a major downfall. However when faced with a real live situation where they have lost the first gamble, many state that it is almost as if they become powerless to prevent themselves going ahead with further gambles in the hope that they can recover the initial money lost. They literally claim it is as if they are aware what they are doing has severe consequences but having no energy or will to resist the temptation of continuing on leading to more tragic losses. This is exactly how “Paratechnology” works. The technologies will work to effect such conviction and justification for its evil` intent that people will be

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literally swept away before they even realize what has happened. By then it will be too late and many will have signed their eternal damnation. The report gives one of the most intense and detailed insights into the whole spectrum of tools and technologies that are facilitating the mass deception to come. The “Paratechnology” report initially addresses the origins of technology and where it all began. Whilst many refer to the great exploits and achievements of previous world empires such as the Roman, Greek, Babylonian and Egyptian dynasties there is something which distinguishes the Sumerian empire from all others empires that followed it. The speed by which this empire acquired the knowledge of building a civilization, development of military weapons and the development of science was unlike any other empire that came after it.

Both the excavations of the 1800s in the area of Mesopotamia which uncovered an avalanche of clay tablets known as Cuneiform and the finding of the dead sea scrolls between 1947 and 1956 along the shores of the Dead Sea are the final pieces of the jigsaw puzzle which has allowed researchers to uncover the true reason behind the rapid technological and scientific advancements of this antediluvian area. The report brings us right up to date in understanding the tools to today that are part of the Antichrist strategy for control. Some are obvious and some not so obvious Controlling information and spying on citizens were hallmarks of totalitarian regimes in the 20th century.

Yet today, even moderate democracies are getting in on the action. In the last decade, as communication has shifted from traditional landlines, phone calls, and postal service to cell phones and email, governments around the world have struggled to maintain their ability to hunt down criminals and dissidents. As the world went wireless, intelligence gathering agencies have adapted and upgraded wiretapping skills, and major telecommunications companies have helped them do it. For instance Facebook and Google are two of the biggest online service providers. As of January 2012 there were over 800 million Facebook users and Google is the worlds largest search engine with billions of users using it every week.

Unknown to the vast majority of Facebook and Google users, specific privacy policy changes and agreements with nationals government has meant that combined, both companies represent the biggest scam of all time in regards to data privacy.

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One of the biggest weapons in their arsenal is that many of their products are free. With the psychology of sucking the population in through free services, both companies have literally entangled a significant portion of the world population into their net of deceit. In the report we provide unshakeable concrete evidence that Google, Facebook and other online service providers are some of the key instruments by which the Antichrist will have control not simply just because they impact millions of lives every day but also because of the companies and people behind them and the nature of their technologies.

For instance who would think that there is technology that has the ability to remotely take over the webcam on your computer and literally spy on you in your own home. Who would think that there are devices that the government can use to seize

control of the microphone on your computer and activate it so that they can hear what you are talking about in your house even if the computer is switched off. “And power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues and nations” Revelation 13:7 “And (the antichrist) think to change times and laws; and they shall be given into his hand” Daniel 7:25 The report also addresses one of the key reasons why the US government tried to bring Julian Assange of Wikileaks into custody. Whilst it obviously was related to the sharing of information that the US government deemed to be confidential, it is the nature of the technology involved which caused the US to make an aggressive bid to capture Assange. They feared that the release of something so controversial could seriously cause a panic on the world stock markets. One of the most fascinating aspects of the report is the development of holographic technology. Since the days of Project Bluebeam, holographic technology has evolved at a frightening pace. For instance did you know that the technology now exist

create a hologram which actually has a tangible element to it. Previous holographic technology was based on old procedures, the likes of which were seen when Prince Charles made a presentation via a hologram in January 2008 at the World Future Energy Summit in Abu Dhabi

The holographic technology of today would recreate that event in which you would be able to literally go up to the hologram image and shake his hand and not know that it was a Hologram. The report addresses all of these incredible scientific developments including ones which have resulted in loss of life and injury when they go wrong. For instances the Hadron Collider (LHC) in Geneva, Switzerland is the world's largest and highest-energy particle accelerator. It was built by the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) over a ten year period from 1998 to 2008, with the aim of allowing physicists to test the predictions of different theories of particle physics and high-energy physics. Many people don't realize what precedent was set in March 2010 when the device set the world record for the highest energy man made particle collision ever. In an attempt to recreate the “Big Bang” the project has put man in one of the most dangerous positions, not because of the explosions themselves but because of what may possibly come through the doorways into the earth realm should the project manage to achieve a specific level of energy.

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Few people are aware that on June 18, 2004, an unusual landmark was unveiled at CERN, the European Centre for Research in Particle Physics in Geneva – a 2m tall statue of the Hindu deity ‘Nataraja’ who is none other than ‘Shiva’. The statue, symbolizing Shiva’s cosmic dance of creation and destruction, was given to CERN by the Indian Government to celebrate the research centre’s long association with India.

Can there be a coincidence that the statue at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) is known as the primordial destructive force of the universe. Again we address the issue of stargates. Previously we have addressed the stargate factor in relation to Iraq but further discovery of stargates in other strategic positions across the earth show evidence of intelligent design and a matrix which could possibly also explain the constant formation of crop circles and their messages. What happens when a stargate cannot be closed? A major portion of the report is also connected to a term known as “Transhumanism”. The massive strides made in areas such as artificial intelligence, cybernetics and biometrics has created terrifying new opportunities which in the wrong hands would bring down the immediate judgement of God on humanity. To truly understand the significance of Transhumanism see the following quotes made by those about this area of human technology.

“How human transforming technologies will soon radically alter what it means to be human...and with it...the rules for spiritual engagement, is something people will neglect at their own peril” “Mind bending! That emerging technology will change everything we have ever known about spiritual warfare? This is the most forward thinking work for the church this decade.” “All of the boundaries are up for grabs. All of the boundaries that have defined us as human beings, boundaries between a human being and an animal and between a human being and a super human being or a god.” “The ability to tinker with our genes offers the astounding promise—and peril—of immortality, which mythically has been the defining difference between gods and mortals. It also offers the possibility of an even greater variety of breeds of humans than there is of dogs.” “Yet again humankind seems ready to plunge headlong into another human, or demonic, contrivance promising salvation and eternal happiness for all. This time the Faustian bargain is being struck with technology, what John McDermott referred to as the “opiate of the intellectuals.”

"As examples of emerging technologies in the last year or so, a couple imaginative inventions in particular, among many, are closing the gap even more between science fiction and the real world. Scientists have conceptualized... a touch display designed to be implanted just under the skin that would activate special tattoo ink on one’s arm to form images, such as telephone-number keys to punch or even a video to watch (Mielke, 2008). Together with ever-shrinking computing devices, we appear to be moving closer to cybernetic organisms (or "cyborgs"), that is, where machines are integrated with our bodies...

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In this massive 4 part report we address controversial weapons that the military have been tinkering with such as remote viewing, time travel, mind/spirit warfare and the extension of Niokola Tesla’s incredible research (whilst publicly claiming that his research was flawed)

The report also looks at cell phone technology and why the governments of this world absolutely love the iPhone and Blackberry compared to the pre android phone era. For instance did you know that there is now technology which allows the government not only to know where 95% of android phone users are at any specific time in the day but the technology like a virus can extend where they can know the location of your friends and family in your address book who also have android phones. This means within a matter of seconds a government agency spying on you could immediately know where you are, who your contacts are and where they are located (even without having direct access to their phone) by using you as the surrogate medium. “Paratechnology” is not just a new report. It’s a unique report of its kind because it brings into one place everything you need to know to escape the technology deceptions being used to embroil every single person on this earth into a central database where sophisticated and accurate human behaviour profiles can be generated of you.

Just think about this for the moment. Are you someone who is always constantly searching the internet on conspiracy theories, or looking for legal tax loopholes, interested in investing money offshore or a big fan of understanding more about end time prophecies? Is it not inconceivable that in the future you could be profiled as a threat to national security just for the sake of being someone who knows too much or your behaviour fits the category of someone who could be a potential danger!

This is why the report “Paratechnology” is such a vital report because it not only tells you about the technologies that are being brought upon us but it also provides some fantastic advice regarding small changes you can make to ensure your whole personal privacy is not freely available to those behind the scenes.

In II Thessalonians 2: 9-11 the apostle Paul states “Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness……..Anf for this cause God shall send them strong delusion they should believe a lie” As you will see in “Paratechnology” when we provide an exegesis of this scripture and many more, it will become clear that the original intent of these scriptures was not only about the dangers of spiritual wickedness and deceit but also technological wickedness and deceit. “Paratechnology” will open up your mind and you will never look at Facebook, Google, your mobile phone the same again. “Oh, we haven't even touched on UFO technology!”

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My name is Reece Woodstock and if you didn't already know, I am the chief editor behind the Vision Report Watch and the Global Watch Weekly. Several weeks ago I was asked some questions by a UK Christian ministry about the development of “Paratechnology” which I have also been privileged to develop along with our research team, and thought I would share with you, what I told them in that short interview. HOW HAVE YOU COPED WITHOUT MEL SANGER? Its been difficult because Mel’s insight over the years has been the foundation for what we do. His retirement at the end of last year left a gaping hole in our ministry however we do have an excellent team of researchers and this has helped to lessen the blow. He did convince us to let him write the Introduction to “Paratechnology” so we allowed him a small break from his retirement. HOW DOES PARATECHNOLOGY COMPARE TO THE ANTICHRIST IDENTITY SERIES? It’s a totally different ball game. The Antichrist Identity Series was very much more focused on the political and economical aspects of the one world government although in the Antichrist Identity V, Mel did produce a section which dealt with privacy and the dark side of genetics. “Paratechnology” is exclusively focused on technological developments which are shaping the coming Mark of the Beast. However it is written in a way that even if you failed Chemistry, Biology and Physics at School you will understand exactly what we will be making references to in the report DOES THE REPORT TOUCH ON THE 2012 DEBATE? No, the 2012 debate is a totally separate issue. If

had also focused on the 2012 doomsday debate it would have been a 10 part report not a 4 part report. We do have plans to address the 2012 issue in a separate report probably in the latter part of this year when no doubt the publicity about the Mayan date of December 21st will hit fever pitch. ARE THERE ANY OTHER DEVELOPMENTS FOR THIS YEAR? We are in the process of doing some investigation into starting our own once a week radio show. We believe this would be another fantastic medium for info-sharing. However not just the typical online radio station where we are constantly talking about our views, but one where we interview experts (not just experts who may agree with our view but experts whose views are different to ours). We would also look to orchestrate member debates so that members have the opportunity to make a significant contribution as well. It’s still early days but its something we believe will be another string to the bow. WHAT EXCITED YOU MOST ABOUT PARATECHNOLOGY AS YOU AND YOUR TEAM WERE DEVELOPING IT? Understanding ancient civilisations much more than I had before. In fact it was simply astonishing to learn through primary sources of the level of technology they had back then. Its clearly one of the reasons why those types of civilisations simply imploded. Clearly that level of technology was beyond their means to cope with it. I also thoroughly enjoyed being responsible for the sections on Facebook and Google because it was simply unbelievable when you peel back the layers of skin to find out what is really going on with these companies. I immediately closed my facebook account down and in terms of how I do my online research there is a total lifestyle change in how I conduct my web activities. ANY FINAL THOUGHTS? Yes, just to let your bible study group know that “Paratechnology” goes live on Wednesday 7th March. We will ne notifying all members by email on this day. God Bless.


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Most of you will probably only know of Mel Sanger (Author of the Antichrist Identity Series, now retired) for his reports but he has a significant abundance of love for children especially children with disabilities. You see early on his childhood Mel suffered from dyslexia as well as low self esteem because he was unable to compete educationally with his peers during school. He also grew up in a family which was very conservative in their upbringing and many times suffered comments such as being told it was the Lords will that he was that way and so shouldn't try to seek help etc. The pain suffered during this time is something he felt no child should go through and so he has had a special affinity for groups that are committed to the well being of children suffering from disabilities.

One of Mel’s favourite charities is an organization known as KIDS

KIDS was established in 1970 by John Mulcahy, a teacher who became concerned about the development of a disabled child in one of his classes. John wanted to improve communication with this child and sought guidance from the child's mother. This in turn established the KIDS ethos of working in partnership with parent and carers to enable disabled children and young people to develop their skills and abilities and to fulfil their potential, hopes and aspirations. In 2003, KIDS merged with KIDSACTIVE, previously known as the Handicapped Adventure Play Association. KIDSACTIVE was founded in 1966 by Lady Allen of Hurtwood, one of the pioneers in the field of adventure play who believed that disabled children had the right to adventurous play.

KIDS is a charity which, in its 40 years, has pioneered a number of approaches and programmes for disabled children and young people. These include Home Learning (Portage), Parent Partnerships, Adventure Playgrounds and the inclusion of disabled children in mainstream settings. KIDS wishes to build on this history to meet the needs and aspirations of a new generation of disabled children and young people and their families. In doing this, KIDS will become one of the leading charities in developing both the thinking and services that create an inclusive world for disabled children, young people and their families.

It was Mel's wish that we featured this charity because some of you may be a parents or parents with children who may be disabled in some way and so understand the extreme challenges in ensuring that your children have the love and support they need against the backdrop of pressure and stereotypes imposed by the society in which we live.

Additionally there may be some of you who are adults who have experienced the abuse and low self esteem caused by what others may have told you about your life and destiny during your early childhood. However it is important to realize that the real you is not your physical appearance or your intellect but the real you is your soul. Once your soul is right with God your eternal destiny is assured and God will also be with you here on earth whilst you go through all the challenges that life can throw at us regardless of whether we are Christians or not.



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Dear All

My name is Kerry and I have been working at Rema Marketing for 9 months. I am

the one who bothers you every week telling you about the new editions of the Global

Watch Weekly (smile).

I just wanted to thank everyone of our members for their emails, contributions,

wishes as we would not be providing this service unless there were members like

you who were hungry for this type of information and constantly had us in your


I also wanted to make a special vote of thanks to the following:

1) Those of you who disagree with many of our views but still want access to our reports when they

become available. At Rema Marketing we understand that a) we don't know it all b) we can be wrong

and c) how important it is to have a spirit of humility. The Bible talks about “iron sharpening iron” and

when people disagree with us and provide constructive justification for their views it helps us to

reassess what we believe and to understand other points of view. This is why we cause some of you

discomfort by our motto of “not throwing the baby out with the bath water” or “not leaving the meat on

the bone” as one of our members told us. Because we seek truth where truth may be found it does

mean we may refer to non biblical sources or resources to help provide the evidence we need for

certain perspectives

2) Secondly we recognize that a significant portion of our membership are the elderly who are 60 years

and older. For those of you in this category we see you as jewels in our membership. Your

experiences, wisdom and foresight are invaluable, even those who are constantly chastising us for all

kinds of reasons, please know we know you do this in love. In your later years please remember

even if you are now retired, that you still have a duty to educate your family and friends about the

truth that you know. Please continue to be an active part of our membership and your thoughts,

suggestions and emails will always be reviewed. For instance many of you hate those top black

borders in the Vision Report Watch as it wastes too much ink, so from next month you will be happy

to know we will follow your advice and change this (smile).

I will continue to be of service to you as best I can.

Wishing you all the best in your personal and spiritual lives.

To God be the Glory



A QUICK NOTE FROM KERRY (Goes Live March 7th 2012)

A Special Report Preview Production from Rema Marketing

The Global Watch Weekly Report is a publication of Rema Marketing ( and is published every Friday. For any queries regarding this service please contact us at ©Rema Marketing 2011. All Rights Reserved.
