Glaciology By Katrine Gorham And Sarah Glaciers and ice bergs Scientist Katrine Gorham specializes...


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GlaciologyBy Katrine GorhamAnd SarahGlaciers and ice bergs

Scientist Katrine Gorham specializes in glaciology as one of her main subjects. She works at summit station as a science project manager.Water and iceWater is the only substance that is less dense in its solid form than in its liquid form. This is why ice is able to float on top of water. Water can freeze and melt in seconds, this causes glaciers to be unstable.Water turns into ice in seconds

Why Glaciers moveMovement at the bottom of a glacier moves slower than movement at the top. Friction on the surface of the glacier is stronger. Glaciers periodically retreat or advance, depending on the amount of snow accumulation or ablation that occurs.Greenland GlaciersThere has been a heat wave or possible global warming, causing most of the Greenland ice sheets to melt. The Greenland ice sheet is changing rapidly before our eyes,.

How glaciers are formedGlaciers form when snow stays in the same area for a long period of time. There has to be enough snow for it to turn into ice. Each time snow falls it adds on to the previous snow and makes more layers. The ice crystalizes, the grains are similar to sugar. The crystals get larger over years but for a glacier to reach its maximum size it takes over a hundred years.

Glaciers cavesGlacier caves are normally started by water running through or under glaciers. Glacier caves are often called ice caves.

How glaciers effect animals

Glaciers also effect animals, they effect penguins and polar bears. For both penguins and polar bears use them to hunt.

effects of glaciers For the most part the effects of glaciers are good they provide fresh water and make basins lakes and islands.

What causes glaciers to formThis graph shows the average glacier loss over 120 years.

Calving glaciers
