Gl Training Manual-1


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Oracle User Training

General Ledger 

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Oracle General Ledger 

Table of Contents:

1. INTRODUCTION TO ORACLE GENERAL LEDGER .............. .............. .............. .............. ........... ....4

2. JOURNAL INQUIRY .............. .............. ............... .............. .............. .............. .............. ........... ..... ...... .....12

3. ACCOUNT INQUIRY .............. .............. ............... .............. .............. .............. .............. ......... ..... ..... ..... ..18

4. FUNDS INQUIRY ............. .............. .............. ............... .............. .............. .............. .............. ....... ..... ..... ...24

5. ACCOUNT INQUIRY DRILL-DOWN ............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ........ ..... ...... ...... ...29

6. VIEW BALANCES (ACCOUNTS) ............... .............. .............. .............. .............. ............. ..... ...... ...... ...37

7. VIEW BALANCES (BUDGET) ............. .............. ............... .............. .............. .............. .............. ....... .....43

8. UTPA FUNDS AVAILABLE REPORT ............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ............... ........... ..50

APPENDIX A – LEADER’S GUIDE .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ............. ...... ..... ..... ..... .58

APPENDIX B – Q&A .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ............... .............. .............. .............. ....65

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Oracle General Ledger 

Typographic Convention in Oracle Applications Navigation Path


(M) MenuBar 

(T) Tab (B) Button

(H) Hyperlink (N) Sub Tab (I) Icon

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(M) Menu Bar 

(I) Icon

(T) Tab

(B) Button

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Oracle General Ledger 

1. Introduction to Oracle General Ledger 


Oracle General Ledger is a comprehensive financial management solution thatdramatically enhances financial controls, data collection, information access, andfinancial reporting throughout the organization. Oracle General Ledger providestremendous flexibility for managing and streamlining the accounting processeswith an extremely versatile chart of accounts, accounting calendar and is thecentral repository of accounting information, receiving transactions from bothOracle and non-Oracle sub-ledgers.

UTPA Oracle General Ledger There are numerous functions available within the Oracle General Ledger to

meet the business needs of different types of organizations. UTPA leveragesselect functionalities of Oracle General Ledger to conduct the businessoperations.

The main purposes of Oracle General Ledger (GL) module at UTPA is:

- to integrate and maintain all of the university’s financial informationincluding that of other Oracle modules- to administer all university legal reporting to outside entities- to inquire, report and distribute ad hoc reports on university’s financialinformation- to provide a complete audit trail

Note: Although all financial information will integrate to GL, project managerswill utilize the General Ledger to inquire on revenue activity only; projectexpenditure detail will be made available via Oracle Projects & Grants

UTPA Accounting Calendar The accounting calendar is based on a fiscal accounting year, beginning onSeptember 1st and ending on August 31st. It consists of twelve periods thatreflects the fiscal calendar. The months within that calendar year will be withinthat fiscal year and months not in that calendar year will be in the subsequentfiscal year. For example

Aug 2005 = Aug – FY2005Sep 2005 = Sep – FY2006


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Oracle General Ledger 

Key Definitions:Chart of Accounts - The account structure used to record transactions andmaintain account balances.

Key Flexfield (KFF) – the segments making up the account code structure that

can be customized e.g. in GL the Key Flexfield Name is “Accounting Flexfield”.

Descriptive Flexfield(DFF) – the field to enter additional information for whichOracle has not provided a field

Segment – the individual fields within an account number string

Cross Validation – Rules that govern what combination of segment values arevalid.

UTPA Chart of Accounts (CoA)CoA defines what segments each account for the organization consist of. TheCoA is made of accounting structure definition, Code combinations etc.,   Theobjective of structuring UTPA’s CoA is to provide a simple, comprehensive,understandable accounting structure that is flexible, easily maintained andexpandable.

UTPA has defined a six segment structure for the chart of accounts as shownbelow. The legacy FRS had only two segments: Account and Object.


“Project Account” in Oracle - 10.G0015.25150.140ENGL00.53030.00010

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Correlation of FRS to OracleThe following table illustrates the correlation of a ‘Grant Account’ in the legacyFRS system to the same ‘Grant Account’ in Oracle General Ledger. It is obviousthat the ‘Account and Object’ segments of FRS are mapped to the ‘Project andObject’ segments respectively in the Oracle General Ledger.


Federal Grant Revenue

Account Object

544100 0950



Organization Project Object NACUBO

40 R1000 50600 41FAID041 42003 000000










Federal Pell






Refer also “Accounts in the new e-Business Suite” (Link of ppt to training Webportal) 

UTPA Accounting Key Flexfield Segments

The following are the segments defined in the UTPA Chart of Accounts:

Fund – the segment in the Key Flexfield on which interfund transactions areautomatically generated to keep the set of books “in balance” (Debits = Credits).

Funding Source – a source or pool of money that funds a group of accounts.

Organization – departments within an institution; generally recognized in theorganizational structure.

Project (account in legacy) – used to capture costs of a particular project or activity.

Object – used to categorize costs by natural class, assets, liabilities, fundbalance, revenues and expenses.

NACUBO – used to categorize elements of cost by instruction, research, etc. for budgeting and reporting.

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FundThis is the balancing segment that groups types of funds within eachorganization. This segment facilitates financial reporting also. The construction of this segment is defined to be in number format as 99.

Structure: SegmentValue


10 Education & General

20 Designated

30 Auxiliary Enterprises

40 Restricted

50 Endowments

60 Loan

70 Plant

80 Agency


Funding SourceThis segment defines the funding source that also distinguishes betweenFederal, State and Local monies. Each funding source can be associated withmultiple organizations, projects and objects to generate the correct account codefor transactions. The construction of this segment is defined to be in alpha-numeric format as X9999.

Structure:Segment Value Description

G9999 General

D9999 Designated

A9999 Auxiliary Enterprises

R9999 Current Restricted

L9999 Loan

T9999,Q9999,E9999 Endowment

P9999 Plant

Z9999 Agency

Examples:G0005 Student RegistrationD3000 TPEGA5000 University Housing

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This segment is the department within UTPA recognized in the organizationalstructure of the planning units. Each organization can be associated with multiplefunds, projects and objects to generate the account code for transactions. The

description of organization account code is the same as the HR organization towhich the employees belong. The construction of this segment is defined to be innumber format as 99999.


Segment Value Description

10000 President

20000 Division of Academic Affairs

30000 Division of Business Affairs

40000 Division of External Affairs

50000 Division of Enrollment & Student Services

60000 Division of Information Technology

Examples:24200 Nursing (NURS)30200 Budget Office (BUDG)50801 Dean of Students (SDEN)

ProjectAll university activities will be organized into projects. Each project can beassociated with only one fund, multiple organizations and objects associated with

it to generate the account code for transactions. This segment links the accountto Project Accounting module to accommodate multi-year accounts and budgets.Oracle ensures that no functionality, budget or actuals, is lost by converting acurrent organization to a project. The construction of this segment is defined tobe in alpha-numeric format as 999XXXX99.


Segment Value Description

199XXXX99 Education & General

29XXXX999 Designated

399XXXX99 Auxiliary Enterprises

49XXXX999 Restricted599XXXXXX Loan

79XXXX999 Plant

89XXXX999 Agency


Oracle FRS

140ENGL00 114030

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21AXOF002 211595

41FAID041 544100



This segment represents the transaction classification within the University for accounting and reporting. Each type of object including the assets and liabilitiesis to be associated with the chart of accounts, which means that all segmentswithin the account code structure is requires for each and every transaction. Theconstruction of this segment is defined to be in number format as 99999.


Segment Value Description

10000 Assets

20000 Liabilities

30000 Fund Balance

40000 Revenue50000 Expenses

Examples:12501 Capital Asset Purchases42002 Federal Sponsored Programs51001 Salaries53005 Materials and Supplies57001 Travel


The segment categorizes elements of cost by instruction, research, etc. for budgeting and reporting and facilitates the use of Oracle Public Sector Budgeting. The construction of this segment is defined to be in number format as999999. Values greater than 000000 will be used to classify expenditures andvalue 000000 be used for all revenue entries.


Segment Value Description

000000 Unassigned

000010 Instruction

000020 Research

000030 Public Service000040 Academic Support

000050 Student Services

000060 Institutional Support

000070 Operation and Maintenance

000080 Scholarships & Fellowships

000090 Auxiliary Enterprises

000100 Depreciation & Amortization

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Examples:000010, 000030, 00090


UTPA uses cross-validation rules within the Oracle General Ledger to preventthe creation of invalid GL accounts (Code Combination Id - CCID). Rules aredefined system-wide and apply to all system users. Each cross-validation rulespecifies the ranges of values that are permissible to use together, and,optionally, ranges that are not permissible to use together. Thus, for example, avery simple rule might specify that only funding source values D1000 throughD9999 may be used with 20 (fund segment – Designated).Oracle checks all the cross-validation rules to ensure that the combination isvalid, whenever any component of the Oracle applications attempts to create anew value/account (a combination of segment values that has not previously

been used). If the combination fails to pass any rule, the error messageassociated with that rule is presented. Whatever transaction was in process isnot allowed to continue until it has a valid digit combination.

This means, any inquiry on financial transactions should be based on a validcombination of segment values. An invalid combination will not retrieve any data.Use the “Oracle Cross-Walk for Account Numbers” to find the valid code combinations in Oracle thatcorrespond to the FRS segments.

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Oracle Cross-Walk Overview

The financials team has put together a “Legacy to Oracle cross-walk for AccountNumbers” document on the web to assist with the mapping from Legacy toOracle structure. The document lists the FRS accounts and their translation to

the corresponding code combination in Oracle General Ledger and other Oraclemodules. The valid Oracle code combination can be obtained from the websiteby using either the value of KFF segment “Project” in the code combination or theFRS account segments as the search criteria.

Example: Oracle value for “Project” 100PRES00, 21CMPT000

FRS Acct: 813470 obj: 6679514520 3685

Any value of Oracle KFF segment or FRS segment can also be used in the

search request.

For more information and instructions of use, visit

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Oracle General Ledger 

2. Journal Inquiry


In this session, you will learn about Journal Inquiry. Journal inquiry is done toreview the information about actual, budget, or encumbrance journal entrybatches in your set of books.


1. Navigate to the Journal Inquiry window

(N)Inquiry > Journal

2. Enter search data in the appropriate field of Find window

3. Select (B) Find

4. Select (B) Review Journal

5. Go to (M) File and select the Close Form


1. Navigate to the Journal Inquiry window

(N)Inquiry > Journal

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2.2. Enter the known information of the Journal, i.e., “%UTPA%” with theEnter the known information of the Journal, i.e., “%UTPA%” with the 

wild Card “%” as suffix and prefix in the Journal Field.wild Card “%” as suffix and prefix in the Journal Field.


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3. Select the Journal for the period “AUG – FY2005” for review andSelect the Journal for the period “AUG – FY2005” for review and 

select (B) Review (B) Review Journal. 

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4.4. Review details of the Journal for the period “AUG – FY2005”Review details of the Journal for the period “AUG – FY2005”

An example of the FRS mapping to a specified account in the journal isAn example of the FRS mapping to a specified account in the journal is  

given below:given below:

FRS OracleAccount Object Field Low High

Fund 10 10

Funding Source G0005 G0005

Organization 00000 00000

011400 Project 000000000 000000000

1100 Object 11101 11101

NACUBO 000000 000000

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5. Go to (M) File and select Close Form5. Go to (M) File and select Close Form

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3. Account Inquiry


In this session, you will learn about the Account Inquiry. Account Inquiry is usedto perform online inquiries for any summary or detail account in a set of books.You can review actual, budget, and encumbrance balances in any currency andinclude variance calculations between balance types.


1. Navigate to the Inquiry window

(N) Inquiry > Account

2. Click on (B) Show Balances

3. Click on (B) Summary Balances

4. Go to (M) File and select Close Form


1. Navigate to the Inquiry window

(N) Inquiry > Account 2. Enter the Accounting Periods as JAN-FY2006 to ADJ-FY2012

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3. Enter the query parameters and select (B) OK.

FRS Oracle

Account Object Field Low High

Fund 20 20

Funding Source D1000 D1000Organization 22100 22100

211641 Project 21ABLW000 21ABLW000

3406 Object 53020 53020

NACUBO 000040 000040

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5. Select the Account to be reviewed and select (B) Show Balances.

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4. Select the period for which Account Summary has to be reviewed andselect (B) Summary Balances

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5. Review summary balances of the selected account.

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6. Go to (M) File and select Close Form.

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4. Funds Inquiry


In this session, you will learn about the Funds Inquiry. You can review the fundsavailable and compare encumbrances and expenditures with budgets. We canreview functional currency budget, actual and encumbrance balances, and fundsavailable for any detail or summary account.


1. Navigate to the Funds Available Inquiry window.

(N) Inquiry > Funds

2. Select the Budget Name, Period Name, Amount Type and EncumbranceType, from LOV (List of values).

3. Select the Accounts from LOV.

4. View Funds Availability details


1. Navigate to the Funds Available Inquiry window.

(N) Inquiry > Funds

2. Enter the Funds Available Inquiry Parameters

Field Value

Budget Revised Budget

Amount Type Year To Date Extended

Period FEB – FY2006

Encumbrance Type ALLAccount Level ALL

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2.1. Click in the Accounts field in the Summary Block to open the Accounting


3. Enter the query parameters in the fields and select (B) OK


FRS Oracle

Account Object Field Low High

Fund 10 10

Funding Source G0010 G0010

Organization 30500 30500119621 Project 19HRSV00 19HRSV00

0999 Object 44050 44050

NACUBO 000000 000000

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4. Review available Funds details of the selected Accounts.

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5. Go to (M) File and select Close Form.

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5. Account Inquiry Drill-Down


In this task, you are shown how the Drill-Down is used to review the journal entries that comprise your account balances. You can use the Drill-Downto see the sub-ledger transactions that comprise the journals comprising your account balances.Journal and sub-ledger transaction information can be viewedas balanced accounting entries (i.e., debits equal to credits) or in the form of T–accounts.


1. Navigate to the Inquiry Accounts Window

 (N) Inquiry > Account.

2. Enter the query parameters and select (B) Show Journal Details

3. Select (B) OK

4. Select (B) Drilldown

5. Select (B) Show Transaction to review a selected transaction

6. Close the (I) Window

7. Select (B) Show Transaction Accounting to review the details of a selectedtransaction

8. Go to (M) File and select Close Form


1. Navigate to the Inquiry Accounts Window 

(N) Inquiry > Account.

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2. Enter the query parameters and select (B) OK

FRS Oracle

Account Object Field Low High

Fund 30 30

Funding Source A3000 A3000Organization 30831 30831

313014 Project 330ATFL01 330ATFL01

3291 Object 53005 53005

NACUBO 000090 000090


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3. Select the account to be reviewed and select (B) Show Journal Details

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4. Select Journal to be reviewed and select (B) Drilldown

5. Select transaction to be reviewed and select (B) Show Transaction

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6. Review the transaction

7. Close the (I) Window

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8. Select the transaction to be reviewed and select (B) Show TransactionAccounting

9. Review the details of Transaction Accounting

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10.Go to (M) File and select Close Form

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6. View Balances (Accounts)


In this session, you will learn how to review the balances of a particular account. You can review the summary balances for the specified range of periods and currency by performing an account inquiry.


1. Navigate to the Inquiry window

(N) Inquiry > Account

2. (B) Show Balances

3. (B) Journal Details

4. (B) Show Full Journals

5. (B) Details Balances

6. (M) File Close Form


1. Navigate to the Inquiry window

(N) Inquiry > Account

2. Enter the query parameters in the Selection Criteria Block

Field Value

From Date AUG – FY2006To Date ADJ – FY2007

Currency USD

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3. Click in the Accounts region to open the Accounting Flexfield

4. Enter the query parameters of the Account and select (B) OK


FRS OracleAccount Object Field Low High

Fund 20 20

Funding Source D1000 D1000

Organization 22100 22100

211641 Project 21ABLW000 21ABLW000

3406 Object 53020 53020

NACUBO 000040 000040


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5. Select the Account to be reviewed and select (B) Show Balances.


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6. Review Account Balances of the selected account.

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7. Go to (M) File and select Close Form.

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7. View Balances (Budget)


In this session, you will learn how to review balances (budget). We can reviewthe summary balances for the specified range of periods by performing a budgetinquiry on a detailed budget.


Navigation Steps:

6. Navigate to the Inquiry window

(N) Inquiry > Budget

2. (B) Show Balances

3. (B) Detail Accounts

4. (B) Budget Journals

5. (M) File Close Form


1. Navigate to the Inquiry window

(N) Inquiry > Budget

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7. Enter the query parameters in the Selection Criteria block

Field Value

Budget Revised Budget

Inquiry Type Drill Down this budgetCurrency USD

From Date SEP-FY2005

To Date ADJ -FY2007

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3. Click in the region of the Summary Accounts to open the Accounting flexfield

4. Enter the query parameters in the Summary Accounts block and Select (B) OK

FRS Oracle

Account Object Field Low High

Fund 20 20

Funding Source D1000 D1000

Organization 20150 20150

211400 Project 21DLTE000 21DLTE000

3000 Object 53000 53000

NACUBO 000040 000040

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5. Select the Account to be reviewed and select (B) Show Balances

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6. Select the period to be reviewed and select (B) Detail Accounts 

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7. Review period wise detailed Budget Balances of the accounts.

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8. Go to (M) File and select Close Form.

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8. UTPA Funds Available Report


UTPA Funds Available Report is used to find out the Budget amounts,Encumbrance amounts, Expenditures, Funds Available, Full year Budget and thePercentage of Full year Budget left.


1. Navigate to Financial Reports window.

(N) Reports > Request > Financial

2. Select the Report Name ‘UTPA Funds Available’.

3. Select on (B) Submit and view the report.

4.4. Go to (M) File and select Close FormGo to (M) File and select Close Form


1. Navigate to the Financial Reports window

(N) Reports > Request > Financial.

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2. Enter the Report Name: ‘UTPA Funds Available’ in the Report field andselect (B) Submit

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3. Select (M) View > Requests

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4. Select (B) Find to view list of requests

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5. Select the request ’UTPA Funds Available’ and select (B) View Output.

Note: The Phase of the Report should be “Completed” and the Status“Normal” before viewing the output of the report.

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6. Review the Report and Close the Report window

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7.7. Go to (M) File and select Close Form.Go to (M) File and select Close Form.

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Appendix A – Leader’s Guide

Course Description Summary

This training course is designed to explain and demonstrate the functions

required by a user in Oracle General Ledger.

Recommended Prerequisites for Participants

• Windows NT

• Oracle Navigation 11i

• Working Knowledge on GL in the Legacy System


• 2 Hrs

Materials/Preparation for Instructor • Review this Leader Guide.

• Ensure copy of Student Guide for each participant.


• In-Focus Machine or other LCD

• Flipchart, Markers, White board, White board makers

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INTRO TO CLASS Self (& Assistant(s) if any)



• UTPA General Ledger Overview1. UTPA Oracle General Ledger 

2. UTPA Accounting Calendar 

3. UTPA Chart of Accounts (CoA)

4. Correlation of FRS to Oracle

5. UTPA Accounting Key FlexfieldSegments

6. Cross-validation

7. Oracle Cross-Walk Overview

• UTPA General Ledger Inquiry

1. Journal Inquiry

2. Account Inquiry

3. Account Inquiry Drill-Down

4. Funds Inquiry

5. View Balances – Account

6. View Balances – Budgets

• UTPA General Ledger Reports

1. Journal Inquiry



The Student Guide is written to be a reference toolthat will refresh your memory when you’re workingwith the Applications. It is not necessary to

REMEMBER all of this.

As we go through each of the topics, take notes to jog your memory later. I’ll give you page numbersas we progress. If you are unsure where in themanual we are, please ask.

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Today, we plan to cover the required functions for auser in General Ledger. The responsibility requiredto perform these functions is “UTPA GL Inquiry”



Coffee & Vending

Cell phones

LOGINS Oracle Application login information has been

handed over to you already. The very first time youlogin to Oracle Applications, you will be asked youto change the password.

Demo the login steps

Introduction Introduction to General Ledger  

Write on the Whiteboard


• Oracle General Ledger overview

• UTPA Accounting Calendar & Fiscal Year 

• Key Definitions

• UTPA Chart of Accounts (CoA)

• Correlation of FRS to Oracle

• UTPA Accounting Key Flexfield Segments

• Cross-validation

• Oracle Cross-Walk Overview

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Journal Inquiry Journal Inquiry

Explain Batch, Review Journal, Source, Period,Currency (Usually USD), Status and Control Total

- Select “UTPA Journal USD” in the field Journal

- Click (B) Find

- Select the Journal for the period “AUG –FY2005” for review

- Select (B) Review Journal.

- Review the Journal- To see T-Accounts, Select (B) T Accounts (if required)

- Close the form

DO LAB Have them Do Lab

Journal Name: “Sales Invoices USD”

Account Inquiry/Balances /Drilldown

Account Inquiry/Balances / Drilldown


Inquiry >


Use Period Feb- FY2006to JUL- FY2006

The most important feature to emphasize inAccount Inquiry is the DRILL DOWN Capability

Talk about the Account Inquiry and when wouldthey do an account inquiry.


For example: When they are looking for the Subledger information or if they want to see the PTDand YTD balances. The subledgers can be viewedthrough this feature are Payables, Receivables andAssets.

Query on the Chart of Accounts and show them

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how to view the subledger information.

Fund -40

Funding Source- R1000

Organization- 00000

Project- 000000000

Object- 11305

NACUBO- 000000

Account Drilldown:

- Click on (B) Journal Details

- Query for “Sales Invoices USD” inJournal Entry Column

- Click on (B) Drilldown

- Click on (B) Show Transaction

DO LAB After the Topic the students have a Lab to do

Try this Account :40.R2000.21251.42BIOL000.57001.000020

Accounting Periods as JAN-FY2006 to ADJ-FY2012

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Funds Inquiry Fund Inquiry

Navigate > Inquiry >Funds

USE FEB -FY 2006 as the PERIODThe most important feature of the Fund Inquiry isto View all the following:

• Funds Available

• Budgeted and Encumbered values

• Actual.

Talk about when they would want to do a fundsinquiry: To view the Funds Available andencumbrance information

Field Value

Budget Revised Budget

Amount Type Year To Date Extended

Period FEB – FY2006

Encumbrance Type ALL

Account Level ALL

Use the followings accounts

Fund- 10

Funding Source – G0010Organization-30500Project-190HRSV00Object- 44050NACUBO- 000000

Show them the bottom half of the form where theycan see the money encumbered at the Requisitionsand the Purchase order level.

DO LAB Have them do labs

Parameters as above40.R1000.50400.41GEAR000.42002.000000

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UTPA Funds Available UTPA Funds Available

Navigate > Reports > Request >Financial

- Enter Report Name “UTPA FundsAvailable”

- Enter period APR-FY2006

- Enter Currency – USD

- Segment Override, if required

40.R2000.21251.42BIOL000.57001.00020 or 42BIOL000 for the project

- Select (B) Submit. Note the request ID

- (M) View > Requests

- Find the Request ID

- Select (B) Refresh

- Once completed normal, Select (B)View Output to view funds available.

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Appendix B – Q&A

1. What is Oracle General Ledger (GL)?The General Ledger organizes information byaccount. The chart of accounts acts as the table of contents for GL. It is a complete solution to journal

entry, budgeting, allocations, consolidation, andfinancial reporting needs.

2. What are the advantages of using OracleGeneral Ledger?

Integrate and maintain all financial information,administer inquire, report, distribute ad hoc reports,provide a complete audit trail, in-time use of application.

3. Is the application fields/ values case sensitive?Login is not case sensitive, account segments arecase sensitive.

4. Is the login secured?Yes. Oracle has tightly enabled security featuresusing username, password and responsibility basedrestrictions.

5. Who creates roles and responsibility? Is it our supervisor?

No. It will be created by the Oracle systemadministrator upon confirmation by the supervisor.

6. Where can we print the reports?The printers configured in Oracle can be selected toprint; required printers can be added for accesspurposes by the system administrator.

7. How to login to Oracle e-Business Suite?

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Open Internet Explorer (or Netscape) > Type URL >Type Username/ Password > Select Login

8. I am getting page not displayed error, whatshould I do?

Please check if you have access to Oracle e-Business Suite. Make sure your computer isconnected to your organization’s network.

9. The system is displaying a blank page/ page notfound?

Your computer might not have JInitiator, which is apre-requisite to run Oracle e-Business Suite. Talk to

your system administrator for help.

10.What is JInitiator?The E-Business Suite Release 11i has twointerfaces: a web-based model for modules like Self Service HR (SSHR), iProcurement, and an OracleForms-based model for our professional servicesmodules like Financials.Oracle Forms are Java-based and require a JavaVirtual Machine (JVM) to run. Oracle JInitiator isOracle's licensed version of Sun's JVM, and the E-

Business Suite Forms-based modules are certifiedto run with Oracle's JInitiator.

11.Why, I am not able to see some of the featuresmy colleague can view?

Oracle E-Business Suite is tailored for everyindividual’s use. The permissions are categorizedbased on your job-responsibility.

12.Does Oracle support Federal Grants?Yes. Oracle does support federal grants using

Oracle Projects & Grants

13.What does Account Inquiry do?Account Inquiry helps us to inquire actual, budgetand encumbrance account balances for summaryand detail accounts.

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14.What is meant by PTD and YTD?PTD refers to Period-to-date; YTD refers to Year-to-


15.I have multiple rows returned for my query(search), how to select one?

Move cursor to the field you wish to view, select thespecific row, it will get highlighted to confirmselection.

16.What is Chart of Accounts?A Chart of Accounts (COA) defines what segmentseach account for the organization consists of. The

COA consists of things like defining the accountingstructure (the accounting structure is a framework or model that you will use to maintain your accounts),Account code combinations etc

17.What is a Value Set?Value Sets act as validations for the values enteredby users. When the users enter the values in any of the fields (on any form), if there is a value setattached to this field, the values entered by user arevalidated against the value set.

18.What does List of Values (LOV) mean?LOV is a field that populates data that requires to beselected by the user. User cannot enter data usingthis field.

19.Does Oracle support Encumbrances?Yes. Follow Encumbrance Inquiry procedures.

20.How to perform Account Inquiry?Navigate to Inquiry > Account

21.Does Oracle have Accounting Calendar?Yes.

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22.What is the difference between field and a flex

field?A field is a position on a form that one uses to enter,view, update, or delete information. A field promptdescribes each field by telling what kind of information appears in the field, or alternatively, whatkind of information should be entered in the field.A flexfield is an Oracle Applications field made up of segments. Each segment has an assigned nameand a set of valid values. Oracle Applications usesflexfields to capture information about your organization. There are two types of flexfields: key

flexfields and descriptive flexfields.

23.What is a Key Flex Field?It defines the account structure.

24.What is descriptive Flex Field?Field that is used to define additional information notprovided by Oracle

25.How many segments are there in Accounting KeyFlex Fields?

6 segments are made available in Accounting KeyFlex Field. It includes, Fund, Funding Source, Org,Project, Object, NACUBO (National Association of College and University Business Offices.

26.How to perform Journal Inquiry?Navigate to Inquiry > Journal

27.What is a “wild card” character?A wild card “%” is a character that is used to retrieveinformation pertaining to a field in Oracle

28.If I am not sure of the entire field value, how can Iquery?

One can query Oracle e-Business suite “queryfields” using wild card character and a partial value.This retrieves the entire list requested.

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29.Does Oracle handle multiple accounts?Yes. Oracle handles multiple accounts through

voucher entry.

30.Can we export report values to Excel?It can be done for some reports.

31.Can we review available funds for a specificaccount?

Yes. It can be accomplished using Funds Inquiry.

32.Can we view sub-ledger transactionsYes. It can be accomplished using balanceaccounting entries.

33.Can we view sub-ledger transactionsYes. It can be accomplished using balanceaccounting entries.

34.How to view budget balances?Navigate to Inquiry > Budget

35.How to view General Ledger Report?Navigate to the Financial Reports window Reports >Request > Financial, enter the Report Name in theReport field and select Submit