GINIE Data Policy workshop France F. Salgé G. Bertrand Y. Riallant


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GINIE Data Policy workshop


F. Salgé

G. Bertrand

Y. Riallant


from François 1er to 1982 centralised since 1982 the new way to decentralisation

22 régions, 100 départements, 36.000 communes, 60 M inhabitants, 550 000 km², 365+ kind of cheese

constitution - law - decree - arrêté - circulaire - practices

Key event-1

PAGSI :Programme d‘Action Gouvernemental préparer l'entrée de la France dans la Société de l‘InformationJanvier1998

"Préparer l'entrée de la France dans la société de l'information" Premier Ministre Hourtin Aout 1997



To generalize digitalization and the setting on line of the public data

Key events-2

Mission BACQUIAST juin 1998 Préparer l'entrée de la France dans la société de 'information "Administration 1998-2001 "

Rapport Carcenac : avril 2001

Assessment of the committed action

900 forms on line (51%)

3400 access points

Agence pour les Technologies de l'Information

et de la Communication dans l'Administration

The Agency, created by the decree of August 22, 2001, is situated in the continuation of the MTIC, that it is about its missions, about its methods of work or its means.

The new missions confided(entrusted) to the Agency concern more particularly the definition of a common frame of interopérabilité between the systems of information of the administrations and their partners. The Agency also receives a new role in the domains of the forming(training) and the recruitment of the computer specialists, as well as in that of the regular broadcasting(distribution) of information with the administrations and with the public.


GI Data Policies

PCI : Cadastre numérique (DGI) 1993 Livre blanc CNIG/AFIGEO Mai 1998 Rapport G. Lengagne sept 1999 Bleu de Matignon - RGE février 2001 Convention DGI – IGN février 2001

New French policies that will condition GI data policies-1

Policies and geodata availability (requirements)– Law on sustainable development– Law on urbanism and housing ( LOI SRU)

Territorial coherence and Local master plan for urbanism

– law on decentralisation grouping communes and requirements for more local democracy

Policies and geodata funding– Public tendering code– inter-ministerial funds for modernising governance

New French policies that will condition GI data policies-2

Loi n° 2002-285 du 28 Février 2002 autorisant la ratification de la convention d’Aarhusl'accès à l'information, la participation du public au processus décisionnel

et l'accès à la justice en matière d'environnement

LOI n° 2002-276 du 27 février 2002 relative à la démocratie de proximité

Projet de Loi sur la Société de l’Information


New French policies that will condition GI data policies

Policies and geodata accessibility– draft law on the information society– French conversion of the Aarhus convention

Policies and geodata regulation– decree on CNIG– arrêté on GI departmental council– presence of CNIG president at IGN's "Conseil


Legal issues

Freedom of information : no problem

data protection : Copyright Data base protection (1998)

Personal privacy : Commission Nationale Informatique et Liberté

Liability : IGN – SHOM Licencing : IGN competition and fair trading :
