Gi Reiki Hapkido Aikido Prana. Gi T & F tag + Correction


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T & F tag + Correction

Gi1. Gi is a force created by practicing martial arts.


Gi is a force created by practicing breathing exercises.

2. Gi is highly developed confidence.


Gi is highly developed concentration.

3. Gi is an electrical force circulating within the body of living creatures.


Gi4. Gi is a person’s soul.



5. The idea of gi comes from Europe.


The idea of gi comes from Asia.


Gi is a Korean term. The Chinese call it chi, the Japanese ki and the Indian prana.


Gi7. Gi can be used for health and relaxation and attacking.FGi can be used for health, relaxation and self-defense. 8. According to special gi doctors, some types of pain are caused by gi not being able to flow smoothly.T

9. Acupuncture helps unblock the areas where gi cannot flow freely.T

Gi10. Special gi doctors are able to direct the gi from the bodies of their patients into their own bodies.FSpecial gi doctors are able to direct the gi from their own bodies into the bodies of their patients. 11. The muscles of the heart, stomach, face and neck are the places where stress builds up the most.T

12. Probably the most well-known examples of gi development can be found in the area of martial arts.T

Gi13. Maybe science can prove the existence of gi with modern computer technology and sensitive recording equipment.T 14. When people do gi meditation, scientists have been able to detect large decreases of electromagnetic waves in their brains.FWhen people do gi meditation, scientists have been able to detect large increases of electromagnetic waves in their brains.

Gi15. According to computerized brain scans, people who do gi exercises use 25 percent more of their brain area than people who do ordinary meditation.T 16. Gi-gong practitioners are able to direct electricity to different part s of their body.FGi-gong practitioners are able to direct energy to different part s of their body.

Gi17. The energy flowing in the body of gi-gong practitioners can be observed on special machines used to record body weight.FThe energy flowing in the body of gi-gong practitioners can be observed on special machines used to record body heat. 18. Many people throughout Asia have no doubt about the existence and the healthy benefits of gi.T