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G.H.RAISONI COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING An Autonomous Institute Under UGC Act 1956 And Affiliated to R.T.M. Nagpur University)

Programmes Accredited by National Board of Acceredition




Medical Checkup

DESIGNED BY : LALIT BHUSHAN Orientation Programme

SYED AHID ALI counseling for Psychological



IIIIndustriandustriandustriandustrial Visit Of First Semester B.E. Sl Visit Of First Semester B.E. Sl Visit Of First Semester B.E. Sl Visit Of First Semester B.E. Students tudents tudents tudents

An industrial visit of First Semester B.E. students of section-H was organized by the First Year

Engineering Department on 11th

August 2012 at GHRCE. 70 Students of Section H visited TENICO

Aqua Beverages Plant at Sukli, Hingna.

The plant mainly deals with water purification in which they remove the undesirable chemicals

and contaminants from the regular water.The Biogas plant is of 15 kVA which requires a

minimum of 600 kg of biomass (dung and slurry) into the pit per day. A large PV disc of multiple

glasses fitted in such a fashion that the whole energy is concentrated at one point. The street lights

are powered with solar panels. A small wind mill is also erected which is generating electricity for

ashram.The students were accompanied by Prof.S.P.Nagmote,Prof. V.W.Khond, Dr. R.R.

Shrivastava and Prof.C.S.Wadaskar. Students got the opportunity to know many useful things

which will be beneficial to them in the future and will also enhance their practical knowledge.

A Poster Competition “ALCHEMYA Poster Competition “ALCHEMYA Poster Competition “ALCHEMYA Poster Competition “ALCHEMY----2012”2012”2012”2012”

A Poster Competition “ALCHEMY-2012” was organized

for the First Semester B.E. students by Applied

Chemistry faculties under the aegis of First Year Forum

‘FAITH’ at GHRCE on 18th

August 2012. The theme of the

competition was “Energy Sources of the Future”. The

competition was organized for six sections (G-L) of First

Semester B.E. The Posters presented by students were

observed and lauded by Director Dr. P. R. Bajaj, Dean

First Year Dr. B. P. Butey, Associate Dean First Year Prof.

A.M.Sudame and faculty members. The competition

received huge response from the students. Students

participated in the competition with great

enthusiasm.The faculties of first year engineering

department worked hard for the success of the event.

for First Semester B.E. Students in GHRCEfor First Semester B.E. Students in GHRCEfor First Semester B.E. Students in GHRCEfor First Semester B.E. Students in GHRCE On the auspicious occasion of the 65th “Independence Day” a Blood donation camp was jointly organized by the Department of First Year under the aegis of the First Year Forum “FAITH” and the National Service Scheme (NSS) at G.H.R.C.E. Dr. K. K. Dhote, Executive Director of Raisoni Group of Institutions and Ex-Joint Director DTE, Nagpur region inaugurated the camp. Director Dr. P. R. Bajaj, Dean Academics Dr.P. B. Nagarnaik, Dean First Year Dr. B. P. Butey, Head of the Departments and faculty members of various departments were prominently present at the event. Camp received a very good response from the students as well as the faculties of G.H.R.C.E. Around 200 participants donated blood voluntarily. The blood was donated to the Dr. Hedgewar Blood Bank, a social charitable organization for patients suffering from thalassemia, an incurable medical condition where the patients

are incapable of producing blood. The camp was attended by their Vice President Mr. Ashok Patki, Dr. Tungar, Dr. Kshirsagar, Dr. Deshmukh, Mr. Pravin Patil, Mr. Pritish Amte, etc. Teaching & non-teaching Staff of First Year B.E. Department proved to be instrumental in the success of the camp.

Orientation Programme for Psychological counseling was held at GHRCE in the month of August for First Semester B.E. students. Mrs. Sumitra Chatterjee who is a renowned psychological counselor cum motivator and is associated with GHRCE for the last six years to deal with the problems of the students of GHRCE conducted this orientation programme. The orientation programme was conducted for sections A,B,C,G,H. The main objective of the programme was to make students aware about the facilty of psychological counseling available in College. Students were made aware that they can approach the counselor with their academic and non-academic problems anytime and they should make the most of this facility available in College for them.

A general medical exam of Section-C of First Semester B.E. s was

carried out by colleges visiting physician Dr. Vinod Bora on 24th

August 2012. During the checkup, systematic examination of

individual student was carried out and various parameters viz.

weight, age, blood pressure etc. were noted. Also chronic

problems, if any, were discussed and further investigations were


Applied Physics Department of G.H.R.C.E. organized Focus Group Meeting on Saturday, 4th August 2012 for the faculties. The main motto of the meeting was upgradation of the syllabus and guidance for R&D. The meeting began with presentation of Prof. Dr. A.R.Kulkarni, Metallurgy and Material science Department, Currently Institute Chair Professor at IIT Bombay. He guided the Faculties on the topic “Nanotechnology and Materials for Advanced Batteries”. He emphasized on power saving and also explained about the progress of energy Resources. He further mentioned about green energy source SOFC fuel cells, and super-capacitors. Post lunch session began with the guest lecture by Dr.V.K.Deshpande, Professor, Applied Physics,Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, (VNIT) Nagpur on the topic “Challenges and opportunities for teachers in Engineering Institute” in which he emphasized how teacher can improve his/her teaching skills. He stressed that teachers should rather focus on educating students than just teaching to the students in the class room .Dr.Kulkarni and Dr.Deshpande also guided on various R & D schemes and collaborative research. This event was all out searching for the ultimate hands on team with great design minds who can cherish anything from the available situations The meeting was successfully conducted under the guidance of Dr. (Mrs.) B P Butey, Dean First Year. Mrs V.D.Raut coordinated the event & all the faculty members of Physics Department were instrumental for the success of the event.

Department of First year Engineering,(Applied Physics) GHRCE,

Nagpur organized a guest lecture on “Nano phospor –Research and

Development” for the first Semester B.E. students under the aegis of

First year forum ‘FAITH’ on 4th August 2012. The lecture was

delivered by the eminent research scientist Prof. Dr. A.R.Kulkarni,

Metallurgy and Material science Department, Currently Institute

Chair Professor at IIT Bombay. He explained different types of

luminescence like photo, thermal and so on. He also mentioned

application of nanotechnology in various fields. Guest lecture was

followed by an interactive session to discuss the doubts and queries

arose by students.

The event was successfully conducted under the guidance of Dr.

(Mrs.) B P Butey, Dean First Year. Mrs V.D.Raut coordinated the

event & all the faculty members of Physics Department worked hard

for the success of the event.

Various sports events were organized on Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th August, 2012 under the aegis of first year forum FAITH. Numbers of indoor and outdoor games were held including Table Tennis, Chess, Pool and Basketball. All first year sections actively participated in these sports which were arranged at GHRCE Sports Room and Basketball match was held at Ravi Nagar sports ground behind Manasi girls hostel, Nagpur

WinnersWinnersWinnersWinners and Runners upRunners upRunners upRunners up of these games are as follows:- GAME WINNERS RUNNER UP

Table Tennis

BOYS- Tavish Anwar Sec-(I)

GIRLS- Apoorva Sonavani Sec-(E)

BOYS- Navdeep Sethgopamawar(Sec-C)

GIRLS- Nupur Agrawal (SecA)


Prateek Husey

Abhishek Fulwadhawa(K)


Singles - Mohd. Ammar (Sec-B)

Doubles- Mohd. Ammar (Sec-B)

Akhil Bisen (Sec-H)

Singles - Nivesh Bisen(Sec-E)

Doubles - Nivesh Bisen(Sec-E)

Amit Bharne(Sec-A)



















NASA: Mars Curiosity rover in 'great shape'

Agust 07,2012 The rover Curiosity wrapped up its first full day on the Martian surface and is functioning perfectly, NASA officials said Tuesday.

“Curiosity is asleep right now getting ready for tomorrow," said Michael Watkins, a mission systems manager at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. "But we got a call through the orbiter with the status of what happened with that day's activities. Curiosity is healthy and still in great shape."

Curiosity, which landed in the Gale Crater on Mars early Monday morning ET, completed its first full Martian day of what scientists hope will be a two-year mission The robotic rover, which is the size of an SUV, is tasked with discovering if Mars has, or has ever had, the materials needed to support life, even in microbial form.

NASA scientists also hope Curiosity will be able to give them enough information to decide whether the Red Planet can support human life one day.

But for now, engineers are working to get Curiosity ready to begin moving across the surface of Mars, scooping up soil samples, blasting rocks with its laser and analyzing the dust. It will take a few weeks to make sure the rover's systems are working properly and to unload its antennas and mast.

During a press conference, Watkins reported that scientists had raised the rover's high-gain antenna, which will be used to communicate directly with Earth. So far, NASA has communicated with Curiosity by using orbiters to relay information back and forth. He said the antenna has been deployed, has a range of motion and is in good shape. The only catch was that it's not pointed directly toward Earth so direct communications still aren't working. Engineers hope to fix that Wednesday.

Source http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9230055/NASA_Mars_Curiosity_rover_in_great_shape_

NASA released photos taken by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter showing what scientists jokingly called the "crime scene." It shows the rover surrounded by the landing sites of several of its components, such as its heat shield, parachute and sky crane.

Several sensors have been tested, along with a camera on top of the mast, which is still stowed. This camera, which is pointing north, took a color image of the landscape. The image looks murky because the dust cover is still on the camera lens.

NASA also released photos and video sent back from Mars. One photo taken by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter shows what scientists jokingly called the "crime scene" photo. It shows the rover surrounded by the landing sites of several of its components, such as its heat shield, parachute and sky crane.

The mast, which rises to about 7 feet above the ground, carries seven of the rover's 17 cameras. The mast also carries a laser that will be used to zap rocks. The rover's instruments will then analyze the resulting dust and vapor to see if the rock is interesting enough to study up close.Engineers hope to deploy the mast Wednesday.

"The surface team is pretty excited still," said Watkins. "This is the start of their mission. It's great to keep looking around the neighborhood. My favorite images are those first few images because it gives you an idea of where you are ... This is what a lot of people have been working for five or six years for."

REFERENCE: www.computerworld.com › Applications › Emerging Technologies

By : Akash Patel


Superior Fuel Cell Material Developed

(Aug. 25, 2012) — Using a mixture of gold, copper and platinum nanoparticles, IBN

researchers have developed a more powerful and longer lasting fuel cell material. This

breakthrough was published recently in the journal, Energy and Environmental Science.

Fuel cells are a promising technology for use as a source of electricity to power

electronic devices, vehicles, military aircraft and equipment. A fuel cell converts the

chemical energy from hydrogen (fuel) into electricity through a chemical reaction with

oxygen. A fuel cell can produce electricity continuously as long as there is a fuel supply.

Current commercially available fuel cells use platinum nanoparticles as the catalyst to

speed up the chemical reaction because platinum is the only metal that can resist the

highly acidic conditions inside such a cell. However, the widespread use of fuel cells has

been impeded by the high cost of platinum and its low stability.

To overcome this limitation, a team of researchers led by IBN Executive Director

Professor Jackie Y. Ying has discovered that by replacing the central part of the catalyst

with gold and copper alloy and leaving just the outer layer in platinum, the new hybrid

material can provide 5 times higher activity and much greater stability than the

commercial platinum catalyst. With further optimization, it would be possible to further

increase the material's catalytic properties.

IBN's new nano composite material can produce at least 0.571 amperes of electric

current per milligram of platinum, compared to 0.109 amperes per milligram of platinum

for commercial platinum catalysts. This is also the first time that a catalyst has been

shown to enhance both the stability and activity for the fuel cell reaction with a

significantly reduced platinum content.

To make this catalyst more active than the commercial platinum catalyst, the researchers

have designed the core of the nano crsytalline material to be a gold-copper alloy, which

has slightly smaller lattice spacing than the platinum coating on the nano crystal's

surface. This creates a compressive strain on the surface platinum atoms, making the

platinum more active in the rate-limiting step of oxygen reduction reaction for the fuel

cell. Replacing the core of the nano particle with the less expensive gold-copper alloy

cuts down the usage of platinum, a highly expensive noble metal.

Professor Ying said, "A key research focus at IBN is to develop green energy

technologies that can lead to greater efficiency and environmental sustainability. More

active and less costly than conventional platinum catalysts, our new nanocomposite

system has enabled us to significantly advance fuel cell development and make the

technology more practical for industrial applications."

REFERENCE: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/08/120824103022.htm

-By: G.S.Tambe

Roll no. D-71

“GREAT HEIGHTS” To reach Great Heights

We strugglethrough great fights

He testsill our mights

And smile on all our cries

When we fall

He ignoresall our boasted calls

He laughs, He laughs

As heknows our ultimatevictry

He smiles on our little treakry

Falldownis a step ahead

As for the fallingstarheartlywish we made

Or thefallen flower that we keep

With genuine heart before the holly deep

God wants his sons to learn through fall

So thatultimately we stand tall. By: Rupesh S. rewatkar

G-38 1st year
