GetResponse List Building Program Get Your First 1,000...


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GetResponse List Building Program

Get Your First 1,000 Subscribers Customize your confirmation and welcome emails !In the last section we set up the opt-in form, so people could sign up for your newsletter. Now, we’re going to customize the messages people get as they go through the sign up process. !To customize the confirmation message, go the dashboard of your account !Click the settings wheel to the right of the campaign name !

! !!!!GetResponse Get Your First 1,000 Subscribers!! ! ! !

Go to the “Permission” tab !

! !Customize the subject line of your confirmation message, or use one of the predefined subject lines !

! !!!GetResponse Get Your First 1,000 Subscribers!! ! ! !

Click the “Customize confirmation button” to edit your confirmation message. There are two sections you can edit in the confirmation message !

! !Add a short, 3-4 sentence message to the top field, and then write a nice close for the email in the bottom field. Include your name and contact information in the bottom field, like you were adding a signature line. !Click the save button, and you’re done editing the confirmation email. !Nice job. !!

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!Next, we’re going to set a custom confirmation page on our site. !This is the page people will go to after they have clicked the link in your confirmation email. It’s where they’ll download the lead magnet you created earlier. !Here’s how the settings look to do that: !

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You can have GetResponse host the confirmation page. This is a good idea if you’re not great with WordPress. !!But if you do want to go ahead and have the confirmation on your site, this is what that confirmation page looks like in WordPress !

! !This is what that confirmation page looks like on the live site !

GetResponse Get Your First 1,000 Subscribers!! ! ! !

! !!Creating a custom welcome email !Next we’re going to customize the actual welcome email. You could skip this part, and your sign up process would be done, but it’s a really good idea to create a welcome email. Welcome emails get the highest open and click-through rates of any email. This is because when people sign up, they’re eager to hear from you. They’re interested in what you have to say. It’s smart to take advantage of this moment and send them something good. !So let’s create a welcome email. !!!!GetResponse Get Your First 1,000 Subscribers!! ! ! !

In your GetResponse account, go to Messages > Create Autoresponder

! !!Click on the large “Subscribed” button in your GetResponse dashboard. !

! !!!!!!!!!!!!GetResponse Get Your First 1,000 Subscribers!! ! ! !

You’ll see this page: !

! !GetResponse will automatically set the welcome message to be sent immediately. !All we have to do is create a simple welcome email, and then name the autoresponder. I’ve named this autoresponder “welcome”. !!GetResponse Get Your First 1,000 Subscribers!! ! ! !

!Click “Create new email” in the Send message section of the page !

! !Enter the name and subject line of your welcome email. !

! !I’ve entered “Welcome” for the message name, and “Welcome to Start A Consignment Store’s email list” for the email subject line. When you’ve entered the message name and subject, click “Next step”. !GetResponse Get Your First 1,000 Subscribers!! ! ! !

!!There are hundreds of email templates to choose from. I picked a simple template called “Removal Red” !

! !!!!!!!!!!!!!GetResponse Get Your First 1,000 Subscribers!! ! ! !

This is what it looks like with the default settings: !

! !I picked this because the design is simple. I also picked it because it has a nice space for the main piece of content, which I’ll use for my welcome message. I’ll use the centered red “Read more” button to send people to the download page for their lead magnet. !!!!!!GetResponse Get Your First 1,000 Subscribers!! ! ! !

Customizing the message !!

1) I changed the welcome image

2) changed the top center headline

3) wrote a short welcome message

4) wrote a short message on the button

5) edited the button to specify the download page for the free



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Next, I wanted to use the rest of the email to point new subscribers to the most popular articles on the site !To do this, I added a horizontal line below the download button, and added a one-column text section above the three columns. I’m going to use each column to promote one article. !

! !!!!!!!!!!GetResponse Get Your First 1,000 Subscribers!! ! ! !

Here’s what it looked like after I made some edits !

! !!When you’re done editing your welcome email, click the “Next step” button. You’ll be brought back to the “Create autoresponder” page. !Click “Save and publish” and you’ll be brought to this screen. !

GetResponse Get Your First 1,000 Subscribers!! ! ! !

! !!This calendar view is great if you’re sending a series of autoresponders. For now, with just our one message, it’s fine. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!GetResponse Get Your First 1,000 Subscribers!! ! ! !

Now it’s your turn. !Create your confirmation email and welcome email. !Then, sign up with a test email to see how the process looks. !If anything needs an adjustment, go back in and make it. !This has been quite a bit of work to set up. The good news? Now this sequence will run every time a new subscriber signs up… whether you’re sleeping, making dinner, or hanging out with friends. Your business can grow and welcome your new subscribers – all while you do other things.

GetResponse Get Your First 1,000 Subscribers!! ! ! !
