Genral Final With New Questions


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  • 8/15/2019 Genral Final With New Questions



    1. What type of tubes used in Air o!p oo"er#

    A. $prin%

    &. 'oatin%

    . type

    D. *+ed type

    2. The water from discharge side of the centrifugal pump is supplied as sealing water to the stuffing

    box for the pump shaft at:

    A. Sealing ring

    B. Shaft sleeve

    C. Lantern ring

    D. Neck bush

    3. Which of the following would be the correct way(s) of using a torque wrench

    A. Application of jerk pulls while tightening

    B. Using an extension

    C. ightening be!on" the characteristic clicking soun"

    D. None of the above

    ,. hro!iu! is a nob"er !eta" -hen o!pared to that of stee". In so!e !arine

    app"iations hro!iu! is e"etrop"ated to the stee" surfaes. Why#

    A. hro!iu! is a !ore nob"e !eta" so it -i"" not %et orroded and thus stee"surfaes -i"" re!ain proteted

    &. hro!iu! p"atin% proides orrosion protetion as -e"" as hi%h %"ossiness

    and hi%h hardness for better -ear resistane and redued frition to the stee"


  • 8/15/2019 Genral Final With New Questions


    . hro!iu! p"atin% is re/uired for proidin% hi%h %"ossiness and hi%h

    hardness for better -ear resistane and redued frition to the stee" surfaes

    and not for orrosion protetion 

    D. hro!iu! reats -ith stee" to for! an a""oy durin% e"etrop"atin% -hih is

    orrosion resistant

    0. orret !ethod of %reasin% a entrifu%a" pu!p bearin% is

    A. 2o pu!p the %rease unti" you fee" hi%h ba3 pressure on the Grease pu!p

    &. 2o pu!p the %reasefor 45, pu!pin% stro3es of Grease pu!p for eah


    . 2o pu!p the %rease -hen the pu!p is stopped and drain any o"d %rease at

    the sa!e ti!e by openin% the drain p"u%6 %iin% on"y 45, pu!pin% stro3es on

    Grease pu!p for eah bearin%. the drain p"u% shou"d then be rep"aed

    D. 2o pu!p the %rease -hen the pu!p is runnin% and drain any o"d %rease atthe sa!e ti!e by openin% the drain p"u%6 unti" a"" the o"d %rease is re!oed

    and ne- %rease starts o!in% out of the drain6 repeatin% sa!e for eah

    bearin%. the drain p"u% shou"d then be rep"aed

    7. entrifu%a" pu!ps annot hand"e air and re/uire pri!in%. &ut you are a-are that

    entrifu%a" -hih on the sa!e prinipa" an hand"e air ery -e"". Whih t-o

    properties of air are responsib"e beause of -hih the entrifu%a" pu!ps annot

    hand"e air5

    A. 8"uidity on"y

    &. Density on"y

    . &oth 'uidity and density

    D. o!pressibi"ity

  • 8/15/2019 Genral Final With New Questions


    9. :u!p drien "uth type attahed auu! pu!ps are o!!on"y used for pri!in%

    ba""ast pu!ps and e!er%eny *re pu!ps. What is the fator -hih "uthes the

    auu! pu!p "uth to the pu!p "uth durin% start of the pu!p#

    A. Lo- sution pressure atin% a%ainst the sprin% "oaded "uthin% piston

    &. ;i%h sution pressure atin% a%ainst the sprin% "oaded "uthin% piston

    . Lo- dishar%e pressure atin% a%ainst the sprin% "oaded "uthin% piston D. ;i%h dishar%e pressure atin% a%ainst the sprin% "oaded "uthin% piston

  • 8/15/2019 Genral Final With New Questions


    11. Whih of the fo""o-in% is a orret point for sa!p"in% of syste! "ube oi" for on

    board or shore ana"ysis#

    A. $tandpipes

    &. :uri*er out"ets

    . In"et or out"et of L. O. oo"ersD. 2an3 drains

    1B. Whih type of a"e is not rotatin% type....

    a) %ate C

    b)butter'y C

    )ba"" C

    d)p"u% C

    !3. "mergency steering testing

    #. $eekl!

    %. &onthl!

    '. At least ' (onths

    ). Before arrival n "eparture

    1,. Rudder is "o3ed at an an%"e an be !oed by !anua" han%e55555555

    1. 8o""o- up

    B. Non fo""o- up

    !#. $udder is loc%ed at an angle & can be mo'ed by manual change

    #. *ollow up

    %. Non follow up

    17. When seurin% a entrifu%a" disti""ate pu!p6 -hih of the "isted steps shou"d be

    arried out 8IR$2#

    1. $top the pu!p.

    B. "ose the pressure %a%e a"es.

    4. 2rip the three5-ay so"enoid a"e.

    ,. "ose the sea"in% "ine a"es to the pu!p.

    19. Whih of the fo""o-in% a"es annot preent ba3'o- of "i/uid in a pipe"ine#

  • 8/15/2019 Genral Final With New Questions


    A. Gate a"e

    &. G"obe he3 a"e

    . $-in% he3 a"e

    D. An%"e he3 a"e

    1. :u!p drien "uth type attahed auu! pu!ps are o!!on"y used for pri!in%

    ba""ast pu!ps and e!er%eny *re pu!p. What is the fator -hih de5"uthes the

    auu! pu!p fro! the pu!p "uth#

    A. Lo- sution pressure atin% a%ainst the sprin% "oaded de"uthin% piston

    &. ;i%h sution pressure atin% a%ainst the sprin% "oaded de"uthin% piston

    . Lo- dishar%e pressure atin% a%ainst the sprin% "oaded de"uthin% piston

    D. ;i%h dishar%e pressure atin% a%ainst the sprin% "oaded de"uthin% piston

    B@. 2he !ain disadanta%es of a reiproatin% pu!p oer a Gear pu!p is that

    A. A %ear pu!p is se"f pri!in% -hi"e a reiproatin% pu!p is not

    &. Dishar%e of a %ear pu!p is not aFeted by the diretion of rotation -hi"e

    that of reiproatin% pu!p is reersed

    . 2he dishar%e of reiproatin% pu!p is pu"satin% and dishar%e rate is "esser

    D. Reiproatin% pu!ps are on"y aai"ab"e in hi%h apaities and for s!a""er

    apaities on"y %ear pu!ps an be used

    BB. After "eanin% the sea hest *"ter you hae p"aed the *"ter in the body and

    ti%htened the oer. Whih one of the fo""o-in% is the best a"ternatie#

    A. ou an open the *"ter in"et and out"et a"es diret"y start usin% the *"ter

    &. If you do not -ant to use the sea hest in /uestion6 you need not -orry and

    you an open the a"es -hen re/uired

     . $ea Water in"et a"e shou"d be ra3 opened6 the *"ter body shou"d be

    pur%ed6 any "ea3a%es and thereafter *"ter an be 3ept iso"ated or used as


  • 8/15/2019 Genral Final With New Questions


    D. ou -i"" "ose the other side sea hest a"es *rst and then open this side

    sea hest *"ter in"et and out"et a"es

    B4. In -hih of the fo""o-in% types of refratory fai"ure6 softenin% of the refratory

    bri3s ta3es p"ae due to presene of sodiu!Canadiu! in fue"#

    A. $pa""in%

    &. ra3in%

    . $hrin3a%e ra3in%

    D. $"a%%in%

    B,. entrifu%a" pu!p -i"" typia""y %ie you a "o- 'o- rate at a "o-er pressure6 -here

    a piston pu!p -i"" %ie you !ore pressure and hi%her 'o- rate. Is the state!ent




    . 8irst $entene is ri%ht. $eond one is -ron%

    D. I don?t 3no-

    2. *ou are pumping out sludge to a shore facility using your sludge pump. *ou find that the

    discharge rate of pump is 'ery slow and suction filter is getting clogged frequently. What is the best

    alternati'e to counteract the problem

    A. +e(ove the pu(p suction filter an" pu(p out the tank 

    B. ,ncrease the tank te(perature- keep an e!e on the pu(p suction pressure an" clean the filter as

    soon as it "rops

    C. As soon as the as the shore facilit! tells !ou that the! are not receiving an! slu"ge- !ou stop the

     pu(p an" clean the filter 

    D. *abricate a bigger (esh sie suction filter an" use in place of nor(al filter so that fre/uenc! of

    filter blockage is re"uce" an" !ou can get a better "ischarge rate

    B7. :u!p $tart but otor %et oer"oaded or 2rip on oer"oad.

    A. A"i%n!ent is -ron%

    &. G"and pa3in% too ti%ht

    . Worn out C Da!a%ed ba"" bearin%

    D. aitations e+ists

    E. A"" of the aboe

  • 8/15/2019 Genral Final With New Questions


    B9. A ba"" a"e is found "ea3in% in serie and needs to be oerhau"ed. What type of

    repairs an be arried out#

    a. 2he ba"" and seat an be "apped to%ether

    b. 2he ba"" an be !ahined -hi"e the seat an be rep"aed

    . Nor!a""y both the non5!eta""i seats %et -orn out and hae to be rep"aed

    d. Nor!a""y ba"" %ets da!a%ed and has to be rep"aed

    B. :uri*er is not rotatin% -ith desired rp!6 reason#

    1. 8re/ueny "o-

    B. &us bar o"ta%e "o-

    4. 8rition pads -orn out


    4@. 2he funtion of an au!u"ator on the dishar%e side of a reiproatin% bi"%e

    pu!p is to

    A. $upp"y "i/uid een -hen the pu!p is not runnin%

    &. Da!pen out the pressure pu"ses and s!oothen the 'o-

    . Inrease the dishar%e pressure by storin% "i/uid under pressure

    D. No suh deie is re/uired to be *tted to !odern bi"%e pu!ps

    41. 2he !ost i!portant ontro" !easure to preent boi"er tube fai"ure is

     A. se of proper refratory !ateria"

    &. :roper !aintenane of fue" burnin% e/uip!ent

    . :roper !aintenane of boi"er -ater onditionD. A"" of the aboe

    4B. Refer oo"in% tubes at as se"f5oo"in% e+pansion by

    a) $trai%ht tube

    b) tube

    ) $prin% tube

  • 8/15/2019 Genral Final With New Questions


    44. 8.O. transfer pu!p -as -or3in% e=ient"y6 but it stopped ta3in% sution sudden"y.

     2here is a

    soundin% of 7.@ ! in the 8.O. deep tan3. 2he sution pressure %au%e -as rene-ed

    reent"y and is

    sho-in% a positie pressure -hen pu!p is runnin%6 but :u!p is not transferrin% any

    8.O. What is

    the !ost probab"e ause#

    A. :u!p is da!a%ed and needs oerhau"

    &. $ution *"ter oer %as3et !i%ht "ea3in%

    . :u!p re"ief a"e !i%ht be "ea3in%

    D. 2he pu!p sution pipe"ine is b"o3ed

    4,. A ba"" a"e -as found "ea3in% in serie. pon inspetion it -as found that the

    :28E seat had -orn out and -as rene-ed. 2he a"e stopped "ea3in% in "osed

    ondition. ;o- do thin3 a ba"" a"e proides perfet sea"in%#

    A. 2he seat *tted is s"i%ht"y s!a""er than the outer di!ensions of the ba""6 thus

    proidin% interferene *t -hen "osed

    &. Either a 'oatin% seat is pressed onto trunnion supported ba"" by "i/uid

    pressure or 'oatin% ba"" is pressed onto the seat

    . &a"" is not e+at"y spheria" and is shaped suh that durin% "osure the

    surfae o!in% into ontat -ith seat is of s"i%ht"y bi%%er dia!eter proidin%


    D. $eat is not e+at"y spheria"6 but s"i%ht"y tapered so that durin% "osure the

    ba"" sits ti%ht"y on the seat

    40. opper tubin% is used in refri%erant syste! beause

    A) It has "ess interna" resistane

    &) It is heaper o!pared to other !ateria"s.

    ) It is easier to he3 "ea3s in opper based syste!

    D)None of the aboe

    47. R responsib"e for dai"y transfers of en%ine roo! bi"%es. fo""o- the se/uenes

    aft Hf-d (:)5f-d(s) bi"%e -e"" n u hae neer e+periened a prob"e! but 0CE started

    the transfer n *rst transferred for-ard (s) bi"%e -e"" n -ithout any prob"e! n u oin

    hi! "ater u *nd that bi"%e pu!p is not ta3in% sution fr f(p) n aft bi"%e -e"" n then u

    hae he3ed eerythin% is nor!a". What is the ause#

    A) 0th en%ineer !ade a !ista3e by 1st transferrin% the f-d (s) bi"%e -e""6

    nor!a" se/uene of operation for en%ine roo! !ahineries shou"d not b


    &) 8-d (s) &i"%e -e"" sution a"e is "ea3in%

  • 8/15/2019 Genral Final With New Questions


    ) &i"%e pu!p sution *"ter oer %as3et is "ea3in%.

    D) 8-d (s) &i"%e -e"" sution *"ter oer %as3et is "ea3in%.

    49. 2he %"and pa3in% of entrifu%a" pu!p shou"d hae

    A) Not a""o- any brea3a%e under the sution pressure.

    &) $hou"d on"y a""o- drop by drop ontinuous "ea3a%e under positie sutionpressure.

    ) $hou"d a""o- onsiderab"e "ea3a%e


  • 8/15/2019 Genral Final With New Questions


    #. /icrobial degradation

    a. Corrosive b. Stable e(ission

    c. Caustic fire

    ". All the above

    0. 8untion of a de5superheater is to.

    A. :rotet superheater fro! oerheat

    &. ontro" superheater stea! out"et te!perature

    . Inrease the e=ieny of the boi"er

    D. Redue stea! te!perature for au+i"iary uses after stea! superheater

    0. Why should combustion blowers left running for while after firing a boiler

    a. o cool the furnace internal

     b. o re(ove the gasesc. o cool tubes

    ". None

    1. ,eincification of brass can be pre'ented by introduction of additi'es li%e

    a. Nickel

     b. Cobalt

    c. arsenic

    ". ungsten

    . 4rinciple of fire fighting onboard is

    a. $atering of fire

     b. Starving of fire

    c. Cooling

    ". S(othering of fire

    5. Which of the following used in boiler treatment is an oxygen sca'enging

    a. 0ol!(er   b. Neutraliing a(ine

    c. So"iu( sulphate". *il(ing a(ine

    !6. +alinity of distilled water produced depends upon 7 

    a. A(ount of fee" set b. A(ount of salt water 

    c. e(p of sea water inlet

    !!. 8igh pressure differential of a /9" ; filter only can be reduced by

    a. Back flushing filter 

  • 8/15/2019 Genral Final With New Questions


     b. Changing over to stan"b! filter 

    c. Change &12

    !2. The ; temperature (question not complete)

    a. Start increases i((e"iatel! b. Start "ecreases i((e"iatel!

    c. $ill be (aintaine" at the set point

    ". Can3t (aintain at the set point an" "ecrease slowl!


  • 8/15/2019 Genral Final With New Questions


    a. ,ncrease

     b. Decreasec. Sa(e

    ". Convert 789

    26. entrifugal pump change o'er for pumping liquid of high specific gra'ity what will change

    a. Discharge pressure

     b. Discharge hea"c. 0ower consu(ption". 0u(p spee"

    2!. Weldability steel depends on carbon equi'alent

    a. C2:; 8.'7

     b. C2 between

  • 8/15/2019 Genral Final With New Questions


    %@. 77777777777 boiler feed pumps is used in modern shipsa. +eciprocating pu(p

     b. 6eleshaw pu(p

    c. &ultistage centrifugal pu(p". Single stage centrifugal pu(p

    2. The actuator of ballast 'al'e in duct %eel in port to carry deballast open best practice

    a. ,nterchange fro( another valve. b. &anuall! operate"c. Leave the tank full an" ask for shore assistance.

    ". 0ortable pu(p through (anhole.

    25. To reduce sulphur corrosion of main engine components

    a. +un at nor(al loa"

     b. Ato(iing pressure of fuelc. +otor in exhaust valve

    ". *uel fee" rate in purifier an" purifier in series

    36. rude oil or crude oil@ballast water of same specific gra'ity 77777777 current in pump withsame discharge pressure

    a. &ore

     b. Less

    c. Sa(e". Does not "epen"

    3!. $efrigerant compressor will run continuously

    a. oo heav! cooling loa" b. Air in the s!ste(

    c. ,nsufficient refrigerant

    ". An! of the above

    32. 4rotection of inc protecti'e coating is good at

    a. 78 "egree Celsius b. =7

    c. 8

    ". ##7 a hoga !a b

    33. Which anode -4

    a. >inc

     b. Silicon

    c. Lea" - silver ". 0latinie" titaniu(

    3#. "ffecti'e soot blowing of exhaust (question changed)

    a. &iniu( chance of suction fire

     b. ,ncrease efficientl!c. &ini(u( heav! corrosion an" lea"ing tube failure

    ". All the above

  • 8/15/2019 Genral Final With New Questions


    3. 8igh chloride of boiler water is caused by

    a. Leaking tube of exhaust stea( con"enser  b. 2xcessive stea( leak resulting high

    c. 0oor /ualit! of boiler (ake up water 

    ". All the above

    30. 8ot wor% onboard

    a. Switch alar( b. eep fire extinguisherc. Stan"b! person

    ". All the above

    31. "xhaust gas boiler fire suitable measures

    a. *re/uent suit blowing

     b. ,ncrease engine spee" to blow suitec. Stop cooling water circulation to avoi" leakages

    ". None of the above

    3. -n $T flex engine which of the following comment of main engine made redundanta. *uel p1p

     b. Starting air v1v

    c. Starting air "istributor ". Auxiliar! blower 

    35. +cale

  • 8/15/2019 Genral Final With New Questions


    A. high te(p

    B. high "ensit!

    C. "isc sie not proper 

    D. rp( low

    #3. -ncreased fuel inCection temperature and maintaining recommended 'iscosity of a new bun%ers

    fuel oil.

    A. viscother( running fine

    B. 0roble( in viscother(

    C. best /ualit! bunkers

    D. None

    ##. ;'erall length of pairs of rams is reduced in which of the following tiller designs of a steeringgear arrangement

    A. *orke" tiller "esign

    B. +oun" ar( tiller "esign

    C. Conventional tiller "esign

    D. None of the above

    #. -n refrigeration circuit> the data logger will record what (/ulti choice)

    #. +oo( te(perature

    %. +echarge te(perature

    '. Li/ui" line te(perature

    ). Solenoi" valve operation

    #0. "ngaging the turning gear and turning the engine until wor%ing temperatures are reduced

    A. Blank starting air to the affecte" c!lin"er 

    B. Shut c!lin"er oil to the affecte" c!lin"er 

    C. Shut all c!lin"er liner ports of affecte" c!lin"er 


  • 8/15/2019 Genral Final With New Questions


    #1. *ou as a fourth engineer ha'e ta%en o'er watch from third engineer. 8e said ;W+ is running in 6

    ppm. ?ut after ta%ing o'er watch you obser'ed that fresh water flushing 'al'e is crac% open. =fter

    closing it> suddenly the oil content has exceeded !ppm. What will you do

    a. shut the

  • 8/15/2019 Genral Final With New Questions


    3. 4ump> when coupled to constant speed motor > the discharge quantity will not change with

    following pumps

    A. heleshaw

    B. steering gear swash plate t!pe

    C. 5ear pu(p

    D. None

    #. "lectrical fire extinguished by

    A. Co%

    B. DC0

    C. *

  • 8/15/2019 Genral Final With New Questions


    D. ,ncrease in hea"er tank level

    06. -A +ystem number of no return 'al'e

    A. #


    C. '

    D. at least one if "eck seal is provi"e" otherwise two

    0!. "'aporator pressure testing in (multiple choice)

    A. 0r. testing in shell

    B. Leak test in vacuu( pu(p an" fittings

    C. leak test in "istillate pu(p

    D. 4acuu( testing in shell

    02. 4=T" type heat exchanger is preferred for following ad'antage

    A. high heat transfer 

    B. eas! to clean

    C. increase" ti(e between clean

    D. all


  • 8/15/2019 Genral Final With New Questions


    B. stea( "ru(

    C. water "ru(

    D. none of the above

    +ection 3:

    !. The pressure produced within the oil wedge of a rotating Cournal is 7777.

    • the sa(e as the pressure in the lubricating s!ste(

    • less than the pressure in the lubricating s!ste(

    • greater than the pressure in the lubricating s!ste(

    • highest at the oil groove location

    2. Which of the main shaft segments listed below> that are connected with the main engine> arecoupled to the tail shaft flange

    • hrust shaft

    • SternHtube shaft

    • ,nter(e"iate shaft

    • Crank shaft

    3. 4iping crosssections o'er 36 cm in diameter are sied by the 7777777777.

    • insi"e "ia(eter 

    • wall thickness

    • outsi"e "ia(eter 

    • threa"e" "ia(eter 

    #. The ambient heat in an engine room which is identified by only a change in temperature is

    %nown as

    • sensible heat

    • latent heat

    • total heat

    • resi"ual heat

    . The usual number of singleacting pistons used in a 'ariable stro%e axialpiston pump used for

    steering gears is 7777777777777.

    • ' or 7

    • 7 or @

  • 8/15/2019 Genral Final With New Questions


    • @ or

    • or ##

    0. 8ea'y soot accumulations in an auxiliary boiler could be caused by 77777 

    • water in the fuel oil

    • excessive c!cling

    • high fuel oil pressure

    • i(proper burner (aintenance

    1. =n axial piston pump differs from a radial piston pump> as the pistons of an axial piston pump

    are positioned 777777777.

    • ra"iall! fro( the shaft

    •  parallel to each other an" to the shaft

    •  parallel to each other but at a right angle to the shaft

    • at an angle to each other an" to the shaft

    . -n reference to air conditioning> when air attains the maximum amount of moisture it can hold at

    a specific temperature> it is said to be 7777777777777.

    • superheate"

    • saturate"

    • con"ense"

    • convecte"

    5. 4ositi'e displacement> helical gear pumps are well suited for pumping oil because

    • stuffing boxes eli(inate the leakage proble(s usuall! associate" with other gear pu(ps• it is not necessar! to closel! (aintain "esign clearances this pu(p

    • the! are essentiall! selfHpri(ing an" pro"uce a high suction lift

    • these pu(ps are "esigne" with extre(e tooth angles

    !6. The conical steel or composition cone installed on a propeller> %nown as a fairwater cone>

    pro'ides which of the following benefits

    • +e"uce turbulence

    • 6elp with lubrication

    • 0rotect against electrol!tic corrosion

    • All of the above

    !!. -t is desirable for an auxiliary boiler safety 'al'e to pop open and reseat quic%ly to

    • give warning that excessive boiler pressure has been reache"

    •  prevent wire "rawing of the "isc an" seat

  • 8/15/2019 Genral Final With New Questions


    •  prevent valve poun"ing

    •  provi"e sufficient blow "own

    (ulti b "

    !6. The purpose of the programmed purge cycle on an automatically fired auxiliary boiler is to

    • cool the furnace to prevent preHignition

    • re(ove explosive vapors fro( the furnace

    • evaporate accu(ulate" unburne" fuel oil

    •  provi"e sufficient air in the furnace to allow ignition of the fuel

    !2. +hort cycling of a refrigeration compressor refers to 7777777777777.

    • *re/uentl! cutting out on over loa".

    • fre/uentl! starting an" stopping

    • running too fast

    •running too slow

    !3. The emergency bilge suction 'al'e is typically used 7777777777777.

    • to inject cleaning a""itives when the bilges are extre(el! "irt!

    • when the (ain con"enser beco(es foule"- in or"er to provi"e a""itional cooling water 


    • to connect the rose box to the in"epen"ent bilge suction

    • if the bilges beco(e floo"e" an" the! cannot be e(ptie" b! an! other (eans

    #). The byproducts of oxidation> as a result of water contamination of hydraulic oil> are generally


    • re(ove" b! cellulose t!pe filters

    • gu(s- varnishes- an" aci"s

    • alwa!s neutralie" b! oil a""itives

    • har(less an" have no effect on s!ste( co(ponents

    #7. $hich of the following "escribes the purpose of a striker or "oubler plate?

    • 0rovi"es a surface for the application of force- or the installation of (achiner!.

    • 0rovi"es lan"ing surface for the soun"ing bob of a tank soun"ing tape.

    • Absorbs (achiner! vibration.

    • 0revents valve ste( over travel.

    #=. $hich of the following state(ents represents the proper relative "irection of flow through a globe


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    • Direction of flow through the valve is uni(portant.

    • Direction of flow through the valve "epen"s upon the t!pe of seat "esign use" in the valve.

    • Direction of flow shoul" be fro( below the seat.

    • Direction of flow shoul" be fro( above the seat.

    !1. = portion of the cargo of an DA carrier boils off during each 'oyage. 8ow the cargo boils off is

    normally handleduscg!

    • Co(presse"- con"ense"- an" returne" to the cargo tanks.

    • 4ente" to the at(osphere.

    • Burne" in the boilers.

    • &ixe" with nitrogen an" recirculate" through the pri(ar! barrier.

    • Burnt off in a controlle" (anner through a chi(ne! s(oke stack fro( within the funnel.

    !. -n Fessel construction> beam brac%ets are triangular plates Coining the dec% beam to a

    •  bulkhea"

    • fra(e

    • stanchion

    • "eck longitu"inal

    !5. The cylinders and intercoolers of most low pressure air compressors are cooled by 7uscg2622

    • water 

    • oil

    • air 

    • C

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    22. When using a handheld hac%saw> you should apply pressure only on the forward stro%e


    • onl! when cutting thin wall tubing

    • onl! when cutting carbon steel

    • onl! when cutting con"uit

    • at all ti(es

    23. =n important consideration in selecting a lubricating oil for use in a refrigeration compressor is

    for the oil to 777777777777.

    • have a high viscosit! in"ex

    • (ix rea"il! with refrigerant

    • have a high freeing point

    • have a low pour point

    2#. -f the intercooler relief 'al'e lifts while an air compressor is operating under load> you should

    chec% for 7777 

    • a "efective pressure switch or pilot valve

    • a leak in the intercooler piping

    • leakage through the low pressure unloa"er control "iaphrag(

    • leaking high pressure "ischarge valves

    2. atent heat can be defined as the heat which must be added to a substance in order to change it

    from a

    • soli" to li/ui"

    • li/ui" to vapor 

    • soli" to vapor 

    • all of the above

    20. The designation Gschedule 6 extra strong G refers to 777777777777.

    • weight of steel plate

    • tensile strength of bolts•  piping wall thickness

    • tube bursting strength

    21. Tapping threads into a blind hole should be finished by using a 777777 

    • short tap

    • taper tap

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    •  plug tap

    •  botto(ing tap

    2. ,istilled water from an e'aporator may be discharged into a potable water tan% uscg20

    • through a "etachable hose connection

    • after passing through an activate" charcoal filter 

    • after che(ical anal!sis shows it is fit for consu(ption

    • through a solenoi" operate" threeHwa! valve

    25. The factors that determine the ser'ice life of pac%ing in a pump will include which of the

    following conditions

    • t!pe of pu(p

    • con"ition of the shaft

    length of ti(e in use• all of the above

    36. 4ersonnel wor%ing with refrigeration systems and subCect to the exposure of refrigerants should

    wear 777777777777777.

    • face shiel"

    • a respirator 

    • rubber gloves

    • an all purpose gas (ask 

    3!. The ability of a metal to be hammered> or rolled out is called its 77777777777.

    • "uctibilit!

    • elasticit!

    • (alleabilit!

    • fusibilit!

    32. ;ne characteristic of a lubricating oil ad'ersely affecting the results of centrifuging is


    • high BN value

    • low oil floc point

    • low oil "e(ulsibilit!

    • low oil neutraliation nu(ber 

    33. Which of the de'ices listed pre'ents water from entering a shipHs hull 'ia the propulsion shaft

    • Stern tube packing or (echanical shaft seal

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    • Deflector ring an" "rain

    • Spring bearings

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    • 0acke" stuffing box glan"s (ust be coole" b! the li/ui" being pu(pe"- but (echanical seals "o

    not re/uire cooling.

    • ,f packing fails- the pu(p can be kept running te(poraril! b! tightening the glan"- but if a

    (echanical seal fails it (ust be totall! renewe" to stop the leakage.

    • he sealing surface of a (echanical seal is parallel to the shaft- but the sealing surface of a

     packe" glan" is perpen"icular to the shaft.

    35. -n a shellandtube type hydraulic fluid cooler> the amount of heat transferred from the hydraulic

    fluid to the cooling water depends upon 7777777777777777.

    • the te(perature of the h!"raulic flui"

    • the flow rate of both the cooling water an" the h!"raulic flui"

    • the te(perature of the cooling water 

    • all of the above

    #6. The presence of scale and dirt on the saltwater side of lube oil cooler is usually indicated by


    • clogge" lube oil strainers

    • seawater leaking into the lube oil s!ste(

    • "ecreasing lube oil pressure

    • gra"uall! increasing lube oil te(perature

    #!. The charging of a refrigerating system should be carried out by adding 7777777777777.

    • refrigerant vapor to the receiver onl!

    • li/ui" refrigerant to the low si"e onl!

    • li/ui" refrigerant to the high si"e onl!

    • li/ui" refrigerant to the high or low si"e

    #2. = lea%ing suction 'al'e in the second stage of a two stage> high pressure> air compressor can cause

    excessi'ely high 7777777777777777.

    • secon" stage "ischarge pressure

    first stage "ischarge pressure•  pressure in the after cooler 

    • co(pressor final "ischarge te(perature

    #3. such as flax or hemp> is best suited for 7777777777777.

    • low te(perature use

    • high te(perature use

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    • use where align(ent is critical

    •  packing valves with ba"l! groove" ste(s

    ##. Which of the listed problems is occurring if a coil type high pressure e'aporator constantly

    requires an increase in the coil steam pressure in order to maintain capacity

    • he brine "ensit! is i(proper.• 6eat transfer surfaces are being la!ere" with scale.

    • ,(pure "istillate is being pro"uce".

    • Shell vapor pressure is constantl! "ecreasing.

    #. The terms rough> coarse> bastard> second cut> smooth> and dead smooth refer to the 77777777.

    • shape of the file

    • coarseness of the file teeth

    sie of the file• cuts of the file

    #0. = pump is defined as Ga de'ice that 7777777777777.G

    •  pro"uces pressure

    • i(parts energ! to a flui" to (ove it fro( level JAJ to level JBJ

    • creates a vacuu( to (ove a li/ui" in all installations

    • is to "evelop a pressure "ifferential

    #1. $estrictions occurring in the small orifices of pneumatic control system components can be

    caused by

    • (oisture in the co(presse" air suppl!

    • excessive "r!ness in the co(presse" air suppl!

    •  pressure surging in the co(presse" air receiver 

    • insufficient lubrication of the s!ste( co(ponents

    #. The principal purpose of sub cooling liquid refrigerant prior to its entering the expansion 'al'e isto 7 

    • increase the refrigerating effect b! "ecreasing the a(ount of flash gas

    • allow the refrigerant to enter the throttling "evice in a saturate" con"ition

    • increase the refrigerating effect b! increasing the a(ount of flash gas

    • (ini(ie the te(perature "rop of the li/ui" as it passes through the solenoi" valve to the outlet


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    #5. -f a bilge pump is able to de'elop 'acuum> but is unable to sufficiently pump out the bilges> you

    would chec% for 77777777.

    •  the circuit breaker 

    • for leaks in the suction piping

    • relief valve is not properl! seate"

    • the suction strainer 

    6. = first stage unloader installed in a low pressure air compressor is unable to completely retract.

    This will result in 7777 

    • overheating of the "ischarge valve

    • loss of (oisture in the air charge in the receiver 

    • fre/uent lifting of the intercooler relief valve

    • an abnor(all! low intercooler pressure

    !. The heat remo'ed from the refrigerant in the condenser of a refrigeration plant is the

    • latent heat of expansion

    • sensible heat of con"ensation

    • heat of co(pression

    • all of the above

    2. "xcessi'e lea%age and premature failure of 'al'e pac%ing is a result of 777777777777.

    • opening a valve too /uickl!

    •  ja((ing a valve in the close" position

    • low pressure flui" flow through the pipeline

    • a score" valve ste(

    3. The amount of fuel oil atomied by a return flow oil burner is directly controlled by the

    • hea"er suppl! valve

    •  burner root valve

    • oil (icro(eter valve• fuel oil back pressure


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    • all the above

    2 When there is excessi'e ingress of water in the engine room onboard causing dangerous le'els of 

    bilge water>

    A. Start oil! water separator an" pu(p overboar"

    B. Start 5eneral service pu(ps an" pu(p bilges overboar"

    C. Use bilge injection valve an" pu(p bilges overboar"

    D. None of the above

    3 -f a radial piston hydraulic pump fails to deli'er rated fluid 'olume> the cause can be


    • conta(inate" flui"

    • pitte" thrust rings

    • worn pintle bearings

    • obstructe" suctions passage

    # = fluctuating and unsteady 'acuum in an e'aporator may be caused by 7777777777777.uscg55

    #. wet stea( entering the air ejector nole

    %. pinhole leaks in the evaporator tube nests

    '. rapi" scaling on the evaporator tube nests

    ). high water levels in the last effect

    = generator has been exposed to water and is being chec%ed for its safe operation. Therefore> it is

    necessary to 777777777777777.uscg212

    • check for shorte" coils with a explosi(eter.

    • take (oisture rea"ings with a h!"ro(eter 

    • test insulation values with a (egger 

    • groun" the co((utator- or slip rings an" run it at half loa"

    0 -f the pointer fails to return to ero when a megger is disconnected> the7777777777777.332

    •  pointer is stuck 

    • hair springs are burne" out

    • (egger is out of calibration

    • (egger is operating nor(all!

    1 When replacing ball bearings on an electric motor shaft> you should 7777777777777.3!

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    a tap the outer race with a (allet

     b appl! even pressure to the outer race

    c appl! even force to the inner race

    " appl! pressure evenl! to both the inner an" outer races

    02. The ipper of an immersion suit should be lubricated with 7777777777777.

    •  paraffin

    • oil

    • graphite

    • vegetable oil

    03. =n insulation resistance test is performed on a particular piece of electric equipment. -n addition

    to the resistance reading> what information listed below should be entered in the electrical log

    he (axi(u( allowable operating te(perature of the (achine.he te(perature of the (achine at the ti(e the resistance rea"ing was taken.

    he nor(al te(perature rise of the (achine.

    he co(plete na(e plate "ata fro( the resistance test instru(ent use" to obtain the rea"ing.

    0#. When remo'ing the cap from a sounding tube on a /;,I> the sound of air escaping indicates.

    a. the tank is full

     b. the tank (a! be partiall! floo"e"

    c. the tank level has "roppe"

    ". the tank is co(pletel! floo"e"

    0. = solid stream of water might be useful in fighting a burning oil fire on dec% when it is used


    a. to wash burning oil over the si"e

     b. to provi"e cooling for the fire fighters

    c. in conjunction with che(ical foa(

    ". to cool the (ain "eck 

    00. The burner assembly on an automatically fired auxiliary boiler fitted with 'ariable capacity>

    pressure atomiing burners> maintains steam pressure by

    a c!cling on an" off 

     b changing fuel oil return pressure

    c changing the spee" of a rotar! cup

    " 4ar!ing air pressure supplie" to the nole

    01. Aal'anic action which of the following is false.

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    A. onl! one (etal "oes not initiate corrosion

    B. wo (etal with electrol!te will not initiate corrosion

    0. -n +tern tube> aft of

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    D. None of the above

    1#. = diffuser is pro'ided at the end of a mechanical atomier in boiler onboard

      A. o prevent blow back of the fla(e

    B. o (ix the air an" fuel properl!

    C. o prevent blow out of the fla(e

    D. o eject the excess fu(es fro( the ato(ier 

    1. +hort cycling of a fridge compressor can occur in which of the following cases

    A. Air ingress into the s!ste(

    B. A leaking solenoi" valve

    C. 6igh cooling water te(perature going to the con"enser 

    D. 2xcessive refrigerant charge

    10. +team stop 'al'e is eased of its seat during boiler start up from cold

    A. o allow ther(al expansion of parts

    B. o allow stea( flow "uring start up

    C. o prevent water ha((er 

    D. All of the above

    11. ,uty of standby person at the entrance of the enclosed compartment during enclosed space entry


     A. o alert others in case of untowar" e(ergenc!

    B. o provi"e first ai" to injure" person

    C. o assist for the work carrie" out in the enclose" co(part(ent

    D. All of the above.

    1. Which of the following statements about the design of , type boilers> is false

    A. he heavier water in top "ru( flows back to the botto( "ru( through the "ownH co(ers outsi"e

    the furnace

    B. ,nsi"e the furnace the water is heate" up in the risers

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    C. he upper "ru( is the stea(1water "ru( an" the lower one is the water "ru(.

    D. he fee" water is pu(pe" into the lower "ru(

    15. -f the watch %eeping engineer encounters a /ain "ngine +low down alarm he should77 

    A. ,((e"iatel! cancel the slow"own in the control panel

    B. ,f navigation circu(stances per(it- after consulting chief engineer he shoul" tell bri"ge to stop

    engine -investigate the fault -rectif! it in consultation with senior engineers an" then prepare for

    restarting the engine

    C. 6e shoul" raise engineerEs alar( an" wait for all engineers to reach the engine roo(

    D. 6e nee" not take an! action an" wait for the alar( to resolve on its own an" then cancel the

    slow "own

    6. Which of the following types of coatings used in tan%s of a chemical carrier pro'ides a

    comprehensi'e protection against most sol'ents

    A. 2pox! coatings

    B. 0ol!urethane coatings

    C. >inc silicate

    D. 0henolic resins

    !. 4resence of catalytic fines in fuel oil is significant to engineers on board because7 

    A. Catal!tic fines ten" to i(pair proper operation of purifiers

    B. Catal!tic fines lea" to abrasive wear in liners - piston rings an" fuel injection e/uip(ent

    C. Catal!tic fines necessitate increase in injection te(perature

    D. Catal!tic fines necessitate increase in storage te(perature

    2. = partial opening of which of the following %inds of 'al'es can lead to wire drawing of its seat

    A. 5lobe 4alve

    B. Butterfl! valve

    C. 5ate 4alve

    D. *ull bore angle valve

    3. Which of the following types of steam traps uses the pressure energy of the steam to close the


    A. her(ostatic trap

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    B. her(o"!na(ic trap

    C. &echanical trap

    D. 4acuu( trap

    #. +equential starting of machineries after blac% out in engine room is necessary

    A. o prevent overloa" of 5enerators

    B. o /uickl! restore the faile" power suppl! in or"er 

    C. o prevent "a(age to (achiner! which has been switche" off 

    D. All of the above

    . +alinity of distilled water produced from fresh water generator onboard depends on

    A. A(ount of fee" set in fresh water pro"uction

    B. A(ount of salt water leaking fro( con"enser if an!

    C. e(perature of the sea water use"

    D. 2fficienc! of brine ejector fro( the evaporator shell

    0. Which of the following is the material used for manufacturing tube plates of a shell and tube type

    heat exchanger

    A. CuproHnickel

    B. Alu(inu( Brass

    C. A"(iralt! Brass

    D. 5un(etal

    1. 8ow is the water circulated between water and steam drums in a water tube , type boiler

    A. B! the boiler fee" water pu(p

    B. B! a circulating pu(p outsi"e the boiler

    C. Due to "ifference in "ensities of water an" stea(

    D. None of the above

    . The seating material for perfectly sealing type ?all 'al'es is usually made up of

    A. +ubber

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    B. 0*2 or N!lon

    C. +ubber reinforce" with steel wire

    D. Stainless steel

    5. =ir is remo'ed from refrigeration system by (!) 77777777 at recei'er after (2) 77777777 (3) 777

    Aas in recei'er.

    #. 0U+5,N5 %.C

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    '. ,ncreasing the spee" of a rotar! pu(p above its rate" spee" will result in (ost of the following

    con"itions to occur?#KK

    • ,ncrease" suction

    • ,ncrease" clearances

    • 4ibrations

    • slippage

    ). After packing is a""e" to the stern tube stuffing box- which of the following proce"ures shoul" beobserve" to insure even tightening of the glan"?#'

    • Listen for a s(ooth- regular soun".

    • &easure the "istance between the glan" an" the stuffing box with a rule.

    • Fu"ge b! feeling the glan" for an increase in heat as it is being tightene" up.

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    c B! a (ixture of fire "etection- fire retar"ant- PAH# class bulkhea"- fire "oors- fire insulation an"

    elabrate sprinkler s!ste(." 6igh pressure stea( s!ste(.

    #=. San" i(pregnate" with che(icals is kept in (etal containers with a shovel- in the engine roo(- for the

    following purposes

    a to cover s(all oil spillsb to use along with ce(ent for "oing repair jobs.

    c for (aking the floor antiHski" b! giving (ore friction." for use as grin"ing paste in case of e(ergenc!.

    #@. $hich of the processes liste"- consu(es the greatest a(ount of power while pro"ucing the greatest

    a(ount of heat?

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    • outer ar(or 

    %%. $hich features of a centrifugal pu(p re"uce the nee" for renewing worn i(pellers an" pu(p casings?

    • Close ra"ial clearance between i(peller hub an" casing

    • Low rotational spee" of i(peller 

    • +e(ovable en" plate

    • +eplaceable i(peller an" casing wearing rings

    %'. An acceptable (etho" of "ealing with accu(ulate" oil foun" in the pu(p roo( bilges is to


    • transfer the oil to the sea chest

    •  pu(p the oil into the slop tanks

    • "ischarge the oil over the si"e on an outgoing ti"e

    •  pu(p the oil into a clean ballast tank 

    %). A ship is re/uire" to carr! an

  • 8/15/2019 Genral Final With New Questions


    A. ##89 of the (axi(u( rate of cargo "ischarge capacit! of the ship

    B. #''.''9 of the (axi(u( rate of cargo "ischarge capacit! of the ship

    C. #%79 of the (axi(u( rate of cargo "ischarge capacit! of the ship

    D. 89 of the (axi(u( rate of cargo "ischarge capacit! of the ship

    3. The static positi'e suction head of a pump is the

    A. "istance of the suction li/ui" level above the center line of the pu(p

    B. "istance the suction li/ui" level is below the center line of the pu(ps

    C. force necessar! to overco(e frictional losses in the pu(p an" piping

    D. a(ount in inches of (ercur! the total suction hea" is below at(ospheric pressure

    #. When o'erhauling engines in bad weather onboard

    A. Use a""itional lifting e/uip(ents

    B. Use heaving line to prevent (oving of ite(

    C. Use chain block if re/uire" to restrain (oving of parts

    D. None of the Above

    . Two compressors should not be run in parallel because

    A. ,t is not efficient to run two co(pressors

    B. ,t will give over capacit! in the s!ste(

    C. here is possibilit! of losing oil fro( the co(pressors

    D. A an" B ans c onl!

    0. The term referring to the number of teeth per inch on a hac%saw blade is %nown as the

    A. Set

    B. rake

    C. pitch

    D. threa" gauge

    1. The ash content of a fuel oil is significant to the operating engineer because it !!1

    A. is an in"ication of the a(ount of nonco(bustible (aterial present in the oil

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    B. in"icates the /uantit! of energ! release" b! burning a unit a(ount of the fuel

    C. is useful for "eter(ining proper ato(iation te(peratures

    D. reflects the overall ther(al efficienc! of the fuel oil service s!ste(

    . =ir conditioning system air handling units must ha'e their air filters cleaned at regular inter'als

    in order to pre'ent777777 

    A. 5rowth of (icroorganis(s an" bacteria har(ful to hu(an beings

    B. +estriction to air flow an" hence re"uce" efficienc! of the plant

    C. 5rowth of (ites an" other allergens

    D. All of the above

    5. =mount of distilled water produced in fresh water generator onboard decreases with

    A. ,ncrease in vacuu( in the fresh water generator shell

    B. Decrease in sea water te(perature

    C. Decrease in efficienc! of heat exchanger 

    D. ,ncrease in sea water te(perature

    !6. ?efore any wor% is to be carried out on a burner in an automatically fired auxiliary boiler> you

    should always

    A. block all control s!ste( rela!s close"

    B. allow the boiler to cool co(pletel!

    C. close all (anuall! operate" fuel valves

    D. lock all safet! interlock switches close" (ulti a c "

    !!. +oot blowing of boilers onboard can be carried during

    A. 0ort operations

    B. Sailing

    C. During in"ications of a uptake fire

    D. ,nerting operations in oil tankers

    !2. Which of the following components in an -nert Aas system ensures that 'apours are 'ented well

    clear of the wor%ing dec% i) 8igh 'elocity 'ents ii) /ast risers


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    B. *ail Hproof

    C. *ailHset

    D. *ail Hblocke"

    !. ;ld machinery space log boo% are %ept in safe custody

    A. o refer an" clarif! in case of an! /uer!

    B. *or purpose of internal an" external au"its

    C. o safeguar" the chief engineer???s co(petence

    D. None of the Above

    !5. -f the superheat 'alue of a thermostatic expansion 'al'e is set too low77777777

    A. he suction line of the co(pressor will be too hot

    B. he suction line of the co(pressor will be too col"

    C. he "ischarge line of the co(pressor will be too hot

    D. he "ischarge line of the co(pressor will be too col"

    26. Which of the following chemical compounds pre'ents ca%ing of powder in dry chemical powder

    fire extinguisher

    A. So"iu( Stearate

    B. So"iu( Bicarbonate

    C. &agnesiu( Stearate

    D. &agnesiu( Bicarbonate

    2!. The primary ad'antage of a central cooling system is7777777777777777777777

    A. A (ore si(plifie" cooling circuit.

    B. &ost part of the cooling s!ste( being fresh water base"-corrosion is (ini(ie"

    C. ,t allows better control of te(peratures b! using fewer controllers

    D. All of the above

    22. $efractory damage in boiler furnace onboard is caused due to

    A. 0resence of (oisture in the boiler before startup

    B. +api"l! fluctuating te(peratures insi"e boiler furnace

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    D. 0rogressive cavit! pu(p

    2. -n the =lcap principle of centrifugal separation7777777777777777777777

    A. $ater is onl! "ischarge" when "eslu"geing is activate" b! the control unit

    B. he valve at the water outlet is opene" perio"icall! base" on ti(er action

    C. he valve at the water outlet is opene" on the basis of signal of water content to the control unit

    fro( the water trans"ucer at the clean oil outlet

    D. he centrifuge works as a clarifier with no water outlet

    25. 8igh pressure cut out of a refrigerant system can acti'ate due to which of the following faults

    A. ,(proper cooling "ue to a "irt! con"enser


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    33. What is a function of the wearing rings used in most centrifugal pumps

    A. Absorb erosion of high velocit! "ischarge strea(

    B. Seal pu(p shaft against entr! of air

    C. ,solate the "ischarge si"e fro( the suction si"e

    D. Da(pen the turbulent "ischarge flow

    3#. Which combination of the main shaft segments listed below> that are located furthest from the

    main engine> are connected by the inboard stern tube shaft coupling

    A. Line shaft an" thrust shaft

    B. Line shaft an" sternHtube shaft

    C. hrust shaft an" sternHtube shaft

    D. SternHtube shaft an" tail shaft

    3. =n auxiliary engine turbocharger ma%es strange noises when the load changes. The engine

    parameters howe'er are absolutely fine. =n external examination of turbocharger parameters as

    stated in the manual also re'eals nothing. Would you

    a Continue to run the engine an" wait for so(e ti(e

    b Stop the engine for a while an" (ake so(e checks

    c +e"uce the loa" of the engine

    " +un it on stea"! loa" to (ake so(e checks.

    30. Which of the following can be done to reduce the cold corrosion of /ain "ngine cylinder liners

    using high sulphur fuel oil :

    A. ,ncreasing c!lin"er oil fee" rate

    B. Using high BN c!lin"er oil

    C. ,ncreasing scavenge air te(perature

    D. Decreasing c!lin"er oil fee" rate

    31. Which of the following can lead to premature failure of roller bearings

    A. &isalign(ent

    B. Conta(ination

    C. Shrinkage

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    A. "raine" b! gravit!

    B. short lateral length

    C. shoul" cover less hea" space

    D. all of the above

    ##. Which of the group of method are used for priming of centrifugal pumps onboard ships

    A. 5ravit! tank- attache" vacuu( pu(p

    B. Attache" 4acuu( pu(p- filling pu(p casing using a fresh water hose

    C. Central pri(ing s!ste(- attache" vacuu( pu(p- sea water pri(ing

    D. None of the above

    #. The cran% web deflection readings of a diesel engine would be erroneous in which of the

    following conditions

    A. $hen the "raught of the vessel has change" while rea"ings were being taken

    B. $hen cargo loa"ing an" "ischarging has been too rapi"

    C. $hen the crankcase te(perature has change" substantiall! "uring the process of taking the


    D. None of the above

    #0. Which of the following will be required to be done in order to reduce sulphur corrosion of /ain

    "ngine omponents

    A. ,ncreasing the ato(iation pressure of fuel injectors

    B. *itting exhaust valves with valve rotators

    C. +unning engine at or near nor(al sea loa"

    D. Decreasing the *.

  • 8/15/2019 Genral Final With New Questions


    #. The common term used for failure of metal and alloys in a corrosi'e en'ironment > when subCect

    to high stresses is %nown as :

    A. *atigue failure

    B. Corrosion fatigue

    C. Stress corrosion cracking

    D. *retting Corrosion

    #5. about emergency fire pump...

    Aout of engine roo(

     bself pri(ing

    cpower shoul" be outsi"e e1r 

    "all the above

    6. ,ouble entry impellers ha'e a distinct ad'antage o'er single entry impeller. What is it

    A. he! balance out the axial thrust

    B. ,t gives a higher pu(ping efficienc!

    C. ,t is cheaper an" easier to (anufacture

    D. he nee" of installing line bearing onto the pu(p shaft is eli(inate"

    !. = refrigerant compressor will run continuously when there is

    A. oo heav! cooling loa" on the s!ste(

    B. Air in the s!ste(

    C. ,nsufficient refrigerant in the s!ste(

    D. An! of the above

    2. ause why cascade tan% water temperature is high ;$ What could be the reason why the feed

    pump can hardly pump in water to the auxiliary boiler causing the cascade tan% water le'el to rise &

    temperature too high

    A. 6igh a(bient te(perature

    B. Clogge" con"enser water tubes

    C. *ilter "irt!

    D. Low casca"e water level.

    3. Where is the location of the bac%fire 'al'e

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    A. Boiler furnace

    B. Scavenging area

    C. 5as c!lin"er 

    #. ,uring departure from a 2 wee%s anchorage> the reason why the windlass cannot lift the anchor

    up is

    A. Low lube oil tank level

    B. $in"lass "efective b! pass valve

    C. Anchor "rag sunken object

    D. oo col" h!"raulic oil

    . = ballast pump is being used to deballast a fore pea% tan% which is full. -t is seen that suction

    pressure is positi'e and discharge pressure is 'ery low compared to rated discharge head. -t indicates


    A. 0u(p is not operating satisfactoril! an" pu(ping capacit! is too low

    B. 0u(p is not operating satisfactoril! an" pu(ping capacit! is higher than rate"- throttling of

    "ischarge valve is re/uire"

    C. 0u(ping capacit! is not affecte" b! suction an" "ischarge pressures

    D. 0u(p is operating nor(all!

    0. What attachment can you find in air reser'oir

    , M Safet!1+elief valve

    ,, M *usible plug

    ,,, M Bursting "isc

    1. a'itation erosion occurs due to

    A. Che(ical action

    B. 0h!sical action

    C. Che(ical gi'es off enough 'apor to ignite

    in the presence of an ignition source is called its 7777777.

    A. *lash point

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    B. *ire point

    C. ,gnition point

    D. None

     5. ?oiler secondary drum pressure ............than primary drum pressure

    A. Less

    B. &ore than

    C. 2/ual

    0!. When main engine is running in emergency condition which of the alarm canLt be bypassed.

    A. L< low pressure

    B. FC$ high te(p

    C. 0iston cooling water high te(p

    D. All

    2 Why we do not prefer to run air two compressor together because

    A. All below points

    B. oo (uch (aintenance

    C. oo (uch power consu(ption

    D. Loss of lube oil

    +"T-;D 0

    M=DI=$* 26!3

    !. The master or person in charge of a /;,I is required to log

    A. the "ate an" hour of each fire "rill

    B. the na(es of all persons on boar"

    C. onl! casualties which occur while un"erwa!

    D. ever! event occurring on boar"

    2. = simultaneous rise in stern tube forward seal tan% and drop in le'el of header tan% indicates7 

    A. Aft seal ring of forwar" seal asse(bl! "a(age" or sealing "isturbe" b! foreign object

    B. *orwar" seal ring of forwar" seal asse(bl! "a(age" or sealing "isturbe" b! foreign object.

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    C. 2ither of the above

    D. None of the above

    3. ?earing damage in a diesel engine onboard is indicated by

    A. $hite (etal in the crankcase

    B. $hite (etal in the lube oil filter 

    C. nocking soun" fro( the engine crankcase

    D. An! of the above

    #. -n a , type water tube boiler with a secondary steam drum and super heater> the steam is heated

    abo'e the boiling point of water in the 7777777 

    A. 0ri(ar! stea( "ru(

    B. +isers

    C. SuperH heater 

    D. Secon"ar! stea( "ru(

    . Which of the following statements is false about corrosion due to gal'anic action

    A. &etals close to the ano"ic en" of galvanic series corro"e in preference to the ones close to the

    catho"ic en".

    B. $hen an! single (etal exists in a s!ste(- it cannot corro"e "ue to galvanic action.

    C. >inc is ano"ic to steel an" is often use" as a protective coating

    D. Corrosion rate is affecte" b! te(perature

    0. Which of the following statements is

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    C. the lubricant is forced into the bearing by

    A. gravit! flow

    B. spring force

    C. a pressure gun

    D. a erk fitting

    !3. Type of the tan% is fitted semi and fully pressuried gas carrier

    A. !pe a

    B. !pe b

    C. !pe a an" b

    D. None

    !#. +urging indicates

    A. Scavenge fire

    B. exhaust (anifol" fire

    C. *ault in fuel s!ste(

    D. All

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    #7. 2ngine c!lin"er relief valve lift in"icates abnor(al of what.

    A. *uel suppl!

    B. *uel injection

    C. 2xhaust te(p

    D. 2xhaust pressure

    !0. 8ydride formation in gas carrier can lead to a

    A. Conta(ination of cargo

    B. Seie of pu(p

    C. 2xother(ic reason

    D. None

     !1. ,eep well cargo pump used in

    A. Che(ical carrier 

    B. 0ro"uct carrier 

    C. LN5

    D. All

    +"T-;D D"W !

    !. Which of the following statement is true if the oil temperature is allowed to become excessi'ely

    high in the heaters

    A. 2xcessive te(perature will increase oil viscosit! that results to poor co(bustion

    B. 2xcessive te(perature will cause the oil to cr!stallie resulting in pulsating fires

    C. he fuel will carbonie an" its heating abilit! will be re"uce"

    D. he fuel will ignite even it has not reache" point of ignition

    2. = drop in compression pressure in one cylinder of a diesel engine can be caused by 77777777777.

    a. onl! fuel injection

     b. burne" valves

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    c. too late fuel injection

    ". low fuel penetration

    So(e "iesel engines are fitte" with a ther(o(eter in the cooling water outlet fro( each c!lin"er. ,f the

    cooling te(perature fro( an in"ivi"ual c!lin"er begins to rise- what shoul" !ou suspect?

    a. hat there is an overloa"ing of c!lin"er 

     b. hat there is an overloa"ing of the a"jacent


    c. hat there is an increase blowHb! of the c!lin"ers

    ". hat there is an inco(plete co(bustion in that c!lin"er 

    Which of the listed actions should be carried out if a ship is to be laid up for an indefinite period oftime 777777.

    , M Boilers to be lai" up wet shoul" be co(pletel! fille"

    ,, M All fuel tanks shoul" be cleane" gas free"

    ,,, M All potable water tanks shoul" be cleane" "isinfecte"

    A. , onl!

    B. ,, onl!

    C. , ,,

    D. ,- ,, ,,,

    =dding trisodium phosphate in boiler water will 7777777.

    , M Decrease salinit!

    ,, M ,ncrease salinit!

    ,,, M Decrease alkalinit!

    A. , onl!

    B. ,, onl!

    C. , ,,

    D. ,- ,, ,,,

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    = shortage of refrigerant in the refrigeration system is indicated by 77777777777.

    a. the co(pressor short c!cling

     b. high hea" pressure

    c. high suction pressure

    ". bubbles in the sight glass

    ,irectional control '9' used in hydraulic p9p is contrlled




    " all

    !. "lectric and electrohydraulic steering gear motors are required by oast Auard $egulations (#0

  • 8/15/2019 Genral Final With New Questions


    The static suction lift of a pump is the difference in ele'ation between the

    A. centerline of the pu(p an" the level of the li/ui" in the suction well when the source of li/ui" is below

    the pu(p

    B. centerline of the pu(p an" the suction li/ui" level when

    the source of li/ui" is above the pu(p

    C. centerline of the pu(p an" the level of the "ischarge li/ui"

    D. li/ui" levels of the suction an" "ischarge

    4late type heat exchangers are preferred o'er shell and tube type ones because777777777777 

    A. he! can be cleane" (ore thoroughl! .

    B. heir capacit! can be altere" b! a""ing or re(oving plates.

    C. urbulent flow an" (ore (argin for increase" flui" velocit! ensures less "eposits an" hence longer ti(einterval between cleanings.

    D. All of the above

    -nert Aas +ystem should be capable of deli'ering -nert Aas at the rate of at east77777777777777777 

    A. ##89 of the (axi(u( rate of cargo "ischarge capacit! of the ship

    B. #''.''9 of the (axi(u( rate of cargo "ischarge capacit! of the ship

    C. #%79 of the (axi(u( rate of cargo "ischarge capacit! of the ship

    D. 89 of the (axi(u( rate of cargo "ischarge capacit! of the ship

    4referential tripping of electrical machineries pre'ents


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    D. LN5

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    A.,s to be fille" with water in the water tank to (aintain water level

    B.,s to be capable of auto(atic engage(ent an" "isengage(ent with "rive shaft

    C.,s to have sufficient capacit! to exhaust air out fro( pu(p in all sea con"itions

    D.All of the above.

    .To pre'ent electric shoc% during electric arc welding

    A.$ear "r! clothes

    B.$ear insulate" shoes

    C.eep first ai" e/uip(ent rea"!

    D.None of the above

    0.?ac% pressure 'al'e in a refrigeration system with multiple chambers is fitted7777777777777 

    A. At the refrigerant exit en" of evaporator of each cha(ber 

    B. At the refrigerant exit en" of evaporators of cha(bers with higher te(perature settings

    C .At the refrigerant exit en" of evaporators of cha(bers with lower te(perature settings

    D .None of the above

    1.-nert Aas +ystem on board tan%ers is used during which of the following operations

    A. ,nerting of e(pt! tanks

    B. ,nerting "uring cru"e oil washing

    C. 0urging before gas freeing

    D.All of the above

    22.To pre'ent main engine stoppage during periods of bad weather

    A .2nsure lube oil level is toppe" up

    B. 2nsure over spee" trip overri"e switch set up to rough sea setting

    C .2nsure re"uce" spee" setting to prevent overloa"

    D. All of the above

    23.+ubsequent to a oil spill in "ngine $oom and ingress of oil in the bilge wells >the best course of


    A .Use oil spill "ispersant che(ical in the bilge wells

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    B. ransfer the oil! (ixture an" let it settle in the bilge hol"ing tank1bilge separator tank 

    C .ransfer the oil! (ixture using a portable pneu(atic pu(p to a waste oil tank an" then ph!sicall!

    "e(ark an" clean the bilge wells using environ(ent frien"l! cleaner 

    D.Dilute the bilge wells b! floo"ing with water an" then use the general service pu(p to pu(p out the


    2#.=mount of distilled water produced in fresh water generator onboard decreases with

    A.,ncrease in vacuu( in the fresh water generator shell

     B.Decrease in sea water te(perature

    C.Decrease in efficienc! of heat exchanger 

     D.,ncrease in sea water te(perature

    !.-n case of an exhaust gas boiler fire >which of the following is a suitable control measure

    A. Start fre/uent soot blowing

    B. ,ncrease (ain engine spee" to blow awa! the soot particles on fire

    C. Stop cooling water circulation to avoi" leakage

    D. None of the above

    3.$efractory damage in boiler furnace onboard is caused due to

    A. 0resence of (oisture in the boiler before startup

    B. +api"l! fluctuating te(peratures insi"e boiler furnace


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    a. 4A0+ 0+ 

     b. 0A+,AL 40+ 0+ 

    1. Which of the refrigerants listed is considered safe and ideal for most marine applications?-R-21-ammonia

    -R-12-sulfur dioxide ans c n its r 22

     2. In reference to air conditioning, when air attains the maximum amount of moisture it can hold at a specic temperature, it is said to be-superheated-saturated-condensed-conected

     !. Which of the following terms represents the form of heat remoed from the refrigerant in the condenser of a refrigeration s"stem?-latent heat of apori#ation

    -heat of compression-superheat-all of the aboe

     $. %he temperature at which water apor in the atmosphere begines to condense is called the-dew point temperature-condensation temperature-ps"chrometric temperature-absolute humidit" temperature

     &. In a refrigeration s"stem, the refrigerant absorbs the latent heat of  apori#ation in the


     '. %he onl" means of remoing the latent heat of condensation from a refrigerant in the normal refrigeration c"cle is b"-passing it through the expansion ale-condensing refrigerant in the s"stem condenser-passing the gaseous refrigerant through the heat interchanger on the suction side of thecompressor-maintaining a high pressure on the s"stem(s receier

     ). %he heat re*uired to change a substance from a solid to a li*uid while at its free#ing temperature, is +nown as the latent heat of -fusion-apori#ation-condensation-sublimation

     . %he heat re*uired to change a substance from a li*uid to a gas without experiencing a temperature change, is dened as the latent heat of -fusion-apori#ation

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     . eat which brings about a change in the ph"sical state of a substance without a change in temperature, is called-specic heat-sensible heat-latent heat

    -ambient heat

     1/. 0atent heat can be dened as the heat which must be added to a substance in order to change it from a-solid to li*uid-li*uid to apor-solid to apor-all of the aboe

     11. ersonnel wor+ing with refrigeration s"stems, and subect to the exposure of refrigerants should wear-face shield-a respirator

    -rubber gloes-an all purpose gas mas+ 

     12. %he amount of moisture in a gien sample of air, when compared with the amount of moisture the air could hold if totall" saturated at the existing temperature of the sample, is called-absolute humidit"-specic humidit"-e3ectie humidit"-relatie humidit"

     1!. %he ratio of the weight of moisture contained in a gien olume of air, to the weight of moisture that the same sample would hold if saturated, is called the-absolute humidit"-relatie humidit"-specic humidit"-total humidit"

     1$. %he moisture sensitie element of a humidistat can be made of -hair-copper-plastic-steel

     1&. When handling contaminated oil from a hermeticall" sealed refrigeration compressor unit that has burned out its motor, "ou the oil in a clean refrigerant drumb.use rubber gloesc.circulate the oil through a lter drierd.remoe the oil with a portable charging c"linder

     1'. When replacing ball bearings on an electric motor shaft, "ou should-tap the outer race with a mallet-appl" een pressure to the outer race-appl" een force to the inner race-appl" pressure eenl" to both the inner and outer races

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     1). eople familiar with ammonia refrigeration s"stems become accustomed to its odor and ma" forget that the apors-in a low concentration can cause death-will dissole in pespiration and cause caustic burns-will burn or explode-all of the aboe

     1. 4mmonia when used as a refrigerant is aluable because of its high

     e5cienc", it is howeer-toxic-6ammable-explosie-all of the aboe

     1. When subected to high heat from an open 6ame, or an electric heating element, which of the listed refrigerants will brea+ down and produce phosgene gas?-782-meth"l chloride-R-22-sulfur dioxide

     2/. When the relief ale opens it discharges high pressure refrigerant apor to the-li*uid strainer-refrigerant inlet of the condenser-inlet side of the eaporator-suction side of the compressor

     21. In the presence of an open 6ame or hot surfaces, chlorinated 6uorocarbon refrigerats decomposes and form-petroleum cr"stals-phosgene gas-water apor-carbon monoxide

     22. R-12 is generall" considered to be a safe, nontoxic, non6ammable, and nonexplosie refrigerant. It can, howeer, become highl" toxic when-superheated outside the s"stem-in contact with an open 6ame-heated to the boiling point-all of the aboe

     2!. 4 refrigeration s"stem contaminated with moisture can be a3ected b"4.acid formationb.sludge in the expansion aled.all of the aboe

     2$. 9ome chloronated 6ourocarbon refrigerants ma" decompose into a toxic irritating gas if it is-stored at temperatures below 1/7-charged into a s"stem haing copper ttings-allowed to mix with compressor oil-exposed to an open 6ame or hot surfaces

     2&. :or the proper control of the air temperature in an air conditioning s"stem using chilled water circulation, which of the listed conditions should remain constant regardless of load changes?

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    -improper temperature regulation-all of the aboe

     !&. Which of the problems listed could be indicated if a sight glass in the refrigerant li*uid line is full of bubbles?-proper refrigerant charge-fault" expansion ale-insu5cient refrigerant

    -solenoid ale stuc+ open

     !'. 9ome refrigeration s"stems hae chemical moisture indicators installed in conunction with the sight glass in the li*uid line. If excess moisture is present in the s"stem, the indicator will-actiate the driers-change color-secure the compressor-add the predetermined amount of li*uid drier

     !). 4 li*uid indicator sight glass is useful in determining whether or not a refrigeration s"stem is su5cientl" charged. It is generall" located in the

    -high pressure li*uid line-low pressure li*uid line-high pressure apor line-low pressure apor line

     !. If a li*uid sight 6ow indicator in a refrigeration s"stem shows gas bubbles in motion passing inside of the glass, there is-too much refrigerant in the s"stem-oil entrained in the refrigerant-less then a full charge of refrigerant in the s"stem-ice cr"stals forming in the refrigerants !. 4 sight glass is installed in the li*uid line to indicate the condition of the refrigerant charge and ma" also indicate the-condition of the expansion ale-moisture in the s"stem-condition of the compressor suction ales-condenser temperature

     $/. 4 li*uid sight 6ow indicator in a refrigeration s"stem is examined and gas bubbles are noted in motion with the 6uid 6ow. %his means-the s"stem is full" charged-there is air lea+ing in from the condenser-ice cr"stals are forming in the refrigerant-the s"stem contains less then a full charge of refrigerant

     $1. In an operating refrigeration s"stem low on refrigerant, a li*uid line sight glass will-be clear-be blue-be light green-show bubbles

     $2. If the refrigeration compressor cran+case is sweating, the cause ma" be due to-a shortage of refrigerant-the compressor running continuousl"-li*uid refrigerant returning to the compressor

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    -the compressor short c"cling on the high pressure cutout

     $!. If the suction line between the eaporator and compressor is frosting up, the cause ma" be due to the thermal expansion ale-thermal bulb coming loose from the suction line-needle ale is stuc+ closed-thermal bulb is in a cold air stream-all of the aboe

     $$. If a refrigerating compressor cran+case is sweating, the trouble could be caused b"-excessie superheat-a minor amount of air in the s"stem-normal oil circulation with the refrigerant-the expansion ale being stuc+ in the open position

     $&.:rosting or sweating of the suction line of a reciprocating refrigeration compressor indicates a condition which could result in seere damage due to-minor amout of oil in the refrigerant-li*uid slugging-insu5cient refrigerant

    -a failed heat interchanger

     $'. 4 refrigeration s"stem compressor cran+case is sweating or unusuall" 7old. %his is anindication of -a shortage of refrigerant in the s"stem-air in the s"stem-an accumulation of li*uid refrigerant in the cran+case-a shortage of oil in the cran+case

     $). Refrigeration s"stem compressor cran+case sweating is an indication of -insu5cient lube oil circulating throgh the s"stem-excessie circulation of lube oil through the s"stem-insu5cient refrigerant in the s"stem-an oerwor+ed compressor

     $. 9weating of the refrigeration s"stem compressor cran+case is caused b"-too much superheat-insu5cient superheat-suction pressure too low-excessie refrigerant returning to the compressor

     $. 7ran+case sweating in a refrigeration s"stem is caused b"-a stuc+ solenoid ale-a shortage of refrigerant-too much oil in circulation-too much superheat

     &/. roperties of good refrigeration oil include-low wax content-high pour point-high iscosit"-all of the aboe

     &1. 8il separators installed in refrigeration s"stems sere to-remoe excess oil from the s"stem-remoe oil entrained in high pressure li*uid line-return oil entrained in refrigerant apor bac+ to the compressor cran+case-all of the aboe

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     &2. 4n oil separator is a deice used to remoe oil from the-li*uid refrigerant-receier-gaseous refrigerant-expansion ale

     &!. %he oil separator

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    -excessie refrigerant in the s"stem

     '1. Which of the problems listed would cause the discharge temperature of  an R-12 refrigeration compressor to increase?-thermal expansion ale fro#en open-suction gas heat exchanger b"passed-condenser clogged or fouled-high pressure cutout switch inoperatie

     '2. 8ne cause of high head pressure occurring in a refrigeration s"stem can be-insu5cient cooling water 6ow to the condenser-a low refrigerant charge in the s"stem-the li*uid ale is open too much-high eaporator superheat

     '!. If the head pressure of a reciprocating refrigeration compressor is excessie,-the relief ale should open before the high pressure cutout-the relief ale should open and allow the excess refrigerant to 6ow to the receier

    -the high pressure cutout switch should operate before the relief ale opens-"ou should close in on a suction ale

     '$. If the refrigeration compressor was deeloping higher than normal discharge pressure, this could be a result of -air or non-condensable gases in the s"stem-lea+ing discharge ales-lea+ing suction ales-li*uid refrigerant 6ooding bac+ from the cooling coil

     '&. If the water failure switch should fail to shut down the refrigeration compressor, the refrigerant pressure will build up in the high pressure side of the s"stem to the point where the-compressor discharge ales would be damaged-condenser tubes would rupture-s"stem relief ale would open-high pressure cutout switch would function

     ''. igh suction pressure to a refrigeration s"stem compressor is caused b"-the expansion ale is insu5cientl" opened-the expansion ale being open too wide-the +ing ale is insu5cientl" open-a dirt" deh"drator

     '). If a refrigeration compressor had deeloped a high suction pressure, the problem could be a result of -a minor accumulation of air or uncondensable gases in the s"stem-a lea+ing +ing ale-a clogged subcooler-li*uid refrigerant 6ooding bac+ from the cooling coil

     '. Which of the conditions listed could cause excessiel" low refrigerant pressure at the compressor suction?-insu5cient 6ow of condenser cooling water-the s"stem is low on refrigerant-the solenoid ale to the chill box is fro#en in the open position-the high pressure cutout switch is inoperatie

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     '. If a refrigeration compressor has deeloped a high head pressure as a result of a refrigerant oercharge, "ou should-increase the amount of cooling water to the condenser-decrease the amount of cooling water to the condenser-add more refrigerant to the s"stem-remoe some refrigerant from the s"stem

     )/. Which of the conditions listed ma" be an indication of an excessie amount of refrigerant circulating through the s"stem?-sweating of the compressor cran+case-colder than normal solenoid ale-frosting of the eaporator-weeping at the purge ale

     )1. 0ea+ing suction ales in a refrigeration compressor are indicated b"-higher than normal suction pressure-lower than normal suction pressure-lower than normal eaporator temperature-noticeable increase in compressor noise

     )2. If the discharge ales on the refrigeration compressor are lea+ing badl", the compressor should-run continuousl"-not start-hae high discharge pressure-short c"cle on the high pressure switch

     )!. %o correct the condition of slugging and 6ooding bac+ in a refrigeration s"stem, it ma" be necessar" to-re-adust the discharge pressure-clean the expansion ale screen-add refrigerant-adust the expansion ale

     )$. @oise in a refrigeration compresoor can be caused b"-worn bearings and piston pins-slugging due to 6ooding bac+ -too much oil in circulation-all of the aboe

     )&. If a refrigeration s"stem were short of refrigerant, the condition would result in-continuous running of the compressor-high suction pressure-high discharge pressure-short c"cling of the compressor on the water failure switch

     )'. 4 warmer than normal compressor suction line might be caused b"-insu5cient lubrication-insu5cient refrigerant-excess refrigerant-excessie opening of the expansion ale

     )). Which of the conditions listed will cause a refrigeration compressor to run constantl" without simultaneousl" decreasing the temperature in the refrigerated space?-shortage of refrigerant oil-slight shortage of refrigerant

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    -excessie condenser cooling water 6ow-fault" expansion ale ). :rost appearing on the eaporator coils of a multi-box direct expansion refrigeration s"stem-is best remoed b" means of ice pic+ -will increase the refrigeration e3ect-can be remoed b" passing hot apors through the coils-can be *uic+l" remoed b" simpl" shutting down the coils

     ). In a compression refrigeration c"cle, the temperature of the li*uid refrigerant experiences its greatest decrease in the-eaporator-compressor-expansion ale-condenser

     /. 4n increase in the heat load to a refrigeration s"stem will cause-the suction pressure to decrease-the suction temperature to increase-increased ice formation on the eaporator coil-excessie short c"cling of the compressor

    1. 4 bilge pump fails to ta+e suction if either

  • 8/15/2019 Genral Final With New Questions


    7) What sort of hardness due to !%6 arbonates et#

    AN$5 (:er!anent)

    9) Gau%in% of safety C is done -hen##

    AN$5 (for pr testin%)

  • 8/15/2019 Genral Final With New Questions


    B4) No of i!pe""er he"ps to deideJsin%"e sta%e and !u"ti sta%e

    B,) :rior to entry to LNG tan3## -ar!in%

    B0) Lo- arbon stee" ase hardenin% proess##

    B7) Re"ation b- ent pp M po-er re"ations##

    B9) 8ree rotation of turbohar%er###

    B) Adanin% of inetion. EFet on po-er and e+h %as##

    4@) 2he R: of d is 7@@ and hobbed teeth ,7. If %ears a b hae >,6

  • 8/15/2019 Genral Final With New Questions


    ,) :iot point in ship turns -hen !oin% ahead

    a. At a!idship

    b. Aft of 1C4 to 1C7 of ships "en%th fro! bo-

    . Aft of 1C,to 1C7 of ships "en%th fro! bo-

    d. Aft of 1C0 to 1C< of ships "en%th fro! bo-

    0) Refri%erated apor pr han%es in ref syste! in

    a. In o!pressor

    b. In Eaporator

    . In e+pansion a"e

    d. &oth A

    7) 8an e"oity 'o- and harateristis depends on

    a. $tati pr is a !easure of potentia" ener%y

    b. e"oity pr is used to a"u"ate e"oity 'o-

    . e"oity 'o- is a"on% "ine of

    d. A"" the aboe

    9) Air reseroir is not true for

    a. o""et air

    b. Re!oe pu"sations

    . &J.

    d. Inrease pr of air

    ) 1 3% of stea! at 1@@ to for! -ater at 1@@

  • 8/15/2019 Genral Final With New Questions


    a. 0,@3a"

    b. 0)a. strutura" bu"3headb. e+terior bu"3head. enter"ine bu"3headd. oiner bu"3head

    1,) En"ar%in% one tube end so the end of another tube of the sa!e siQe -i"" *tinside is ter!ed .(us% >,)

    a. &e""in%b. $trethin%. 8"arin%d. $-a%%in%

    10) 2he purpose of annea"in% any !eta" is to !a3e the !eta" .(us% >7)a. $ofterb. $!oother. ;arderd. 2ou%her

  • 8/15/2019 Genral Final With New Questions


    17) 2he 'oatin% end of a she""5and5tube type oo"er uti"iQes a pa3in% rin% to .(us% 1@

  • 8/15/2019 Genral Final With New Questions


    b. 2ype &

    . 2ype

    d. 2ype D

    B4) $i%ni*ane of 3no-in% density of oi"

    a. 2o a"u"ate a!ount

    b. 8or %raity dis to be *tted in puri*er

    . Identi*ation of oi"

    d. A"" the aboe

    B,) In LO puri*er -hat te!p -e shou"d !aintain

    a. 7059@

    b. 9@590


  • 8/15/2019 Genral Final With New Questions


    a. :ress distribution

    b. DiFerentia"

    . Operatin% ran%e

    B) If rudder sto3 dia is !ore than B4@!! then

    a. &oth au+ n !ain st %r to be po-er operated.

    b. On"y au+

    . On"y !ain

    d. None of the aboe

    4@) What to use to redue oB in boi"er

    a. ;ydraQine

    b. $odiu! su"phite

    . &oth a n b

    d. a"iu! su"phite

    41) &efore enterin% to e!pty LNG arrier for inspetion -hat is pri!ari"y to be done

    a. :ur%in%

    b. War!in%

    . Inertin%

    4B) E LO te!p

    a. 7@

    b. 70C9@

    . 90C1@@

  • 8/15/2019 Genral Final With New Questions


    d. Don re!e!ber

    44) What is the funtion of stea! dru!

    a. o""et stea!

    b. o""et -ater

    . E/ua"iQe -ater in %eneratin% tubes

    d. o""et sa"t deposit

    4,) We"din% proedure of OD is 3ept -here##

    a. esse" p"an

    b. oast %uard *"e

    . onstrution portfo"io

    d. erti*ate of inspetion

    40) Li/uid pu!pin% in "n% depends on ( a or d)

    a. ap pr

    b. Abso"ute pr

    . :artia" pr

    d. :artia" ap pr.

    47) :urpose of te"e!otor by pass a"e

    a. 2op up the hydrau"i oi"

    b. As a re"ief a"e

    . E/ua"iQe the t-o "ine

    d. A""

    49) Air o!p perfor!ane depends on

    a. ane an%"e

    b. Dia of i!pe""er

    . Don re!

    d. A""

  • 8/15/2019 Genral Final With New Questions


     H4@ F ;4R7 2/1$

    1=perfect cooling. a)interoo"er te!p n after oo"er te!p sa!eJreedsb)heat transfer of "ub oi"J..6d

    2=1 +g of steam at 1//deg 7 to form water 1//deg 7

    a) 0,@b) 0

  • 8/15/2019 Genral Final With New Questions


    )sodiu! hydro+ide(austi soda) n a!!onia n tri a!!oniu! phosphateif p type hydro+ides6arbonates phosphates6if t type on"y bi arbonates

    1'=fan cure how to rotate in aira)ane tipb)tip an%"e)tip or hub ratiod)A"" aboe

    1)=Kmpt" tan+ how to use 97C4a)LELb)B1)&enQene6 @.@1 "essd)A"" aboe

    1=Cilge pipe s"stem,t"pe of alea)%"obe a"eb)Gate a"e)$DNR


    1=c"linderchrome platea)pear"ite Ib)a"so hro!e)ste""ite

    2/=furnace bac+pressurea)A. of oi"b)Inorret pur%e ti!in%)both a n bd)

    21= oer speed shutdownfuel rac+s getting stuc+ and fault" goernor,Racing n umping of propeller in bad weathera)GoernorJ..sin%"eb)8ue" syste!JJ..!/)J.d)JJJ

    :KC 2/1$

    22=78 is a function of A)ondenserb)eaporator)both a n bd)none of the aboe

    2!=sewage treatment plant procedurea)sett"in%5aeration5h"orination5oerboardb)aeration5sett"in%5h"orination5oerboard)sett"in%5h"orination5aeration5oerboard

  • 8/15/2019 Genral Final With New Questions



    2$=identical fans are +ept in seriesa)dishar%e pressure doub"esb)stati pressure doub"es)stati pressure beo!es four ti!esd)dishar%e pressure is , ti!es

    2&=rudder stoc+ is moed 2!/mm and aboe then in steering geara)one pu!p is usedb)both pu!ps are used)J..d)J..

    2'=olatilit" of petrol ,+eroseneJJJans..petro"

    4RI0 2/1$

    2)=de6ection of arc during welding is calleda)La3 of fusion

    b)Distortion)La3 of penetrationd)Ar s"a%Cb"o-

    2=4t which of the dew point temperature, air will hae least moisture contenta H1@ob HB@o 4@od H,@o

    2=:or sub #ero applications the secondar" coolant normall" used isG

    a) hi""ed -aterb) &rine) Lithiu! &ro!ided)A!!onia

    !/=;ethod of producing power b" steam of boiler is called

    a)o %enerationb)E+tration)both a n bd)neither a nor b

    !1=boiler turn down ratio for " et t"pe oil burner

  • 8/15/2019 Genral Final With New Questions


    a)10 barb)B@ bar)B@0bard)None of the aboe

    !$= %he discharge head of a centrifugal pump will ar" directl" with the  A) han%e in i!pe""er dia!eter&) $/uare of the i!pe""er dia!eter)ube of the i!pe""er dia!eterD)I!pe""er e=ieny for "ar%e han%es in the siQe of the i!pe""er

    !&= ump power is directl" proportional to the of pump impeller diametersA) No han%e&) $/uare)ubeD)None of the aboe

    !'=/.!L carbon indicatesA) :ear"ite&) e!entite)8erriteD)None of the aboe

    !)=4ir reseroir is not used forA) o""et air&) Re!oe pu"sation fro! syste!)JJJJ..D)Inrease pressure of air

    !=%he pressure of refrigerant in apour compression s"stem changes in

    a) o!pressorb) Eaporation) E+pansion a"ed) &oth (a) ()

    !=piot point in ship turns when moing aheadA) At a!idhips&) Aft of 1C4 to 1C7 of ships "en%th fro! bo-) Aft of 1C, to 1C7 of ships "en%th fro! bo-D) Aft of 1C0 to 1C< of ships "en%th fro! bo-

    $/=Remote location to shut K>r fuel oil pumps

    A) Whee" house&) En%ine roo!)ar%o ontro" roo!D)A"" of the aboe

    $E2 B fro! senoirs

    1. 2L H < ;OR$ C DA OR ,@ ;OR$CWEEK B. In ALA: syste!6 purpose of 2ransduer H4.he!ia" tan3er oatin% H epo+y 6 pheno"i

  • 8/15/2019 Genral Final With New Questions


    ,.;ouse 3eepin% preents H 8ireT ris3 to po""utionT inury T 8W onta!inate -ith oi"0.&oi"er stea! stop a"e is eased oF fro! its seat -hi"e startin% fro! o"d H U7.2her!a" e+pansionT to preent -ater ha!!er TJ9. purpose of stea! dru! in B dru! -ater tube boi"er 5 to o""et feed -ater T to o""et
