Generosity: Let Your Light Shine · –Gift of Life Insurance (Slide 1) –Bequests through Will...


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Generosity: Let Your Light Shine

Discover Practical Tips and Tools to Help Cultivate a Culture of Generosity

Karen Plater, Stewardship & Planned Giving November 17, 2018


The following is a summary of key points & slides from Karen Plater’s presentation. The actual slide presentation was broken into several smaller files. To access the link for the first file, click here.

To access the fourth file, click here.

November 17, 2018 2

Stewardship is a spiritual discipline

• Stewardship is not about giving to a budget but about responding to the call of God in our lives with all our gifts – time, treasure, talent.

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There are 2,530 passages in the Bible dealing with money and material possessions – but it’s the least talked about subject in the church.

(Brian Sluth, Christian Stewardship Association)

November 17, 2018 4

charis grace

charisto I thank

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When charis comes from God to us, Bible translators call it grace.

When charis goes from us to God, translators call it gratitude.

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God gives us grace.

We give God gratitude.

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Giving and Receiving are so closely related that you can use the same word for both

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Thinking of financial generosity as a spiritual practice redirects our attention from the church’s need to receive and toward the individual’s need to give.

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Any Size

If you are eager to give, God will accept your gift on the basis of what you have to give, not on what you don’t have.

(II Corinthians 8:12)

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Tithing is the practice of giving 10% of one’s income for sacred purposes.

The Old Testament writings include many commands to the people to present a tithe of their produce to the Lord.

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Tithing Principles

• Intentional

• Proportional

• Off the top

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Stewards of God’s Grace

The New Testament writers do not lay down any laws about giving, but challenge us

To learn to give with the same whole-hearted generosity that we see in Jesus.

(Written by Herb & Shirley Gale)

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Notes on Tithing

• 10% is way more than most Christians give

• 10% makes a wonderful goal for people learning to give

• 10% makes an excellent baseline for mature givers

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• Donors don’t give their money TO your ministry

• They give THROUGH your ministry to touch the lives of other people & to do God’s work

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• As Stewards, we need to be sure the gifts are accomplishing God’s Mission

• We need to share the stories of what God is doing with the gifts

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• What do you love about your congregation / ministry?

• What is your greatest hope for your congregation / ministry?

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Growing Generous Givers

It’s about PEOPLE!

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INSPIRE: Story Telling

• Who

• What

• Where

• Why

• When

• How

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INSPIRE: Motivation

• Compassion

• Community

• Hope

• Challenge

• Reasonability

• Commitment (from Dr. Callahan, Stewards by Design)

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INSPIRE: Use Numbers

• $70 each week provides Christian Education material for our children

• $15 provides a hot meal for our Out of the Cold Ministry for one person

• $3000 will repaint our Sunday School

• $700 will send a youth to Canada Youth

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INSPIRE: Use Numbers

• # of people attending/reached

• # of hours invested

• $ given

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INSPIRE: A Narrative Budget

• Combines allocated costs, ministry descriptions, and future plans

• It’s meaningful, motivating, and inspiring

• Helps you talk about the impact you are having

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Worship 30%

Community Care 15%

Children's Ministry

10% Evangelism 7%

Pastoral Care 12%

Youth program 8%

Mission Programs


Administration 10%

St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church

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When you give $100

• $30 goes to meaningful and vibrant worship

• $15 supports care for people in our community

• $10 encourages and equips our children

• $7 supports evangelism program

• $12 allows pastoral care

• $8 supports our youth

• $8 supports mission programs

• $10 is for Administration

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Many Ways to ASK

• Offering Plate

• Monthly Donors (PAR)

• Letters

• Conversations

• Online Giving

• Special Offerings

• Campaigns

• Fundraising Events – must be FUN!!

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ASK: Teach Stewardship to Children

• Involve children/youth in the offering

• Give them offering envelopes

• Involve them in the congregation’s stewardship program

• Involve them in ways where they can share their time – abilities – money

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ASK: Orient New Members

• Invite discussions of faith and money

• Teach about the spiritual discipline of giving

• Be clear about the impact of financial gifts

• Provide offering envelopes / PAR program

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ASK:Develop Your Giving Family

• Leaders

• Family & Friends

• Mission Project Persons

• Persons Served in Mission

• Constituents

• Members

• Community Partnerships

• Circle of Friends

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St. Andrew’s Picton

• We are too small to “do it all ourselves”

• In this era, it’s all about making connections

• We have raised thousands of dollars for our projects from outside of the congregation

– $30,000 to start Ten Thousand Villages

– $50,000 to date for Reaching for Rainbows

November 17, 2018 31

THANK: Impact of Thank you

• People will give 40% more if thanked and acknowledged

• Without timely, meaningful and sincere thank yous and detailed information on the impact of their donations, charitable organizations lose 60% of annual givings from donors within a one-year period.

• Over time, this drops to 80-90%

November 17, 2018 32

THANK: Thank People for Their Giving

• Thank people in a variety of ways –

– Letter

– Phone

– Events

– Adding a thank you note with statements

– Acknowledge memorial gifts

– Throw a party to celebrate

• Be positive and encouraging

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THANK: Give Regular Feedback

• Report progress toward goals

• Use visual ways of reporting

• Provide regular updates via newsletter or e-news

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To access the link for the second file, click here

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A Word about Online “Visibility”

• The new front door of the church is https://

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Online Community

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Online Mission

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Online Presence

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Online Giving Comparison

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Online Giving Details

• For more information see Slide Presentation 2 and Resource Page

–Canada Helps.Org (slides 5-7)

–PCC’s Basic Account (slides 8-9)

– (slides 10-12)

November 17, 2018 42

Pre-Authorized Remittance (PAR)


– $0.50 / donor / month – max of $45 per congregation


– Easy to set up and cancel


– Administered by the United Church of Canada


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To access the link for the third file, click here and for the fourth file, click here.

November 17, 2018 44

Planned Giving

• Bequests

• Charitable Gift Annuities

• Life Beneficiaries

• Life Insurance

• Gifts of Securities

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But Are You Ready?

• Are you ready to receive planned gifts?

• What would you do if you received an undesignated bequest for $200,000?

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Ready to Receive?

You need clear policies and procedures for how planned gifts will be:


– Invested


to enhance the life and mission of your ministry

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Basic Rule of Thumb

• Do NOT use planned gifts to “Top Up” the deficit in your annual budget or just “save for a rainy day”

• DO Use planned gifts to expand your congregation’s ministry/mission beyond what could be done through the annual budget

November 17, 2018 48

Actual Examples - from

• For more information see Slide Presentation 3 – Bethel Church’s Children’s ministry (Slide 5)

• Lots of kids but no money

• Managed to raise $100,000 in 3 months

– First Church, Brandon’s Endowment (Slide 7)

• The endowment was known as slush fund

• Now called partner in ministry

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Gifts to set up endowment

1. $50,000 initial gift

2. $300,000 Donor Advised Fund

3. $500,000 life insurance

4. $150,000 bequest

5. $1,000,000

Net cost after tax credits

1. $28,000

2. $168,000

3. $32,680

4. $84,000

5. $312,000 total

“If I had a million dollars …”


• People are motivated to give by a compelling sense of mission.

• Tax relief can be a factor determining how much they can give.

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Tax Detail

• For detailed tax breakdown see Slide Presentation 3 – Gifts of Cash (Slide 8-17)

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Other Ways to Give

• For details on other ways to give, see Slide Presentation 4

–Gift of Life Insurance (Slide 1)

–Bequests through Will (Slides 2-4)

–Annuities (Slides 5-8)

–Securities (Slides 9-11)

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You don’t have to be rich

• By pooling our wealth together for a common purpose we can do so much more and leave a lasting legacy!

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