Gbv ministries youth voice



Perfect Answers to Puzzling Questions Joy John, Bangalore

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Joy John


This question focuses on the identity of every individual. My dear friend, have you ever asked this question to yourself? We can come up with many answers such as I am a man/woman, I am a student, I am an Indian, I am a Hindu/Christian/ Muslim, I am an engineer/doctor/ farmer, I am a Kannadiga/Tamilian/ Malayalee/Telugu /Marati /Gujarati etc. Well, all these answers are inadequate because they try to give only one shade of meaning about your identity. When you say I am a human, you are saying that you are distinct from animals or birds. When you answer “ I am an Indian” it explains your nationality. Some of the answers will throw light in to your language, job, gender, religion etc.. None of these answers are complete in them-selves, though they may be correct. Hence we need to ask this question about our identity. It depends on who made us. It seems that every one is in search of their identity. And the confusion becomes bigger. Identity crisis is a universal phenomenon as the following poem suggests.

I AM a hastily written ending, I AM a punch line with a bad tasteI AM an argument in reserve, I AM the fact that theories hateI AM the only thing not mentioned, I AM the catch that ‘thee must be’I AM the robbery with violence,

I AM the one you would not seeI AM the bad dream that has to come true,I AM obscelence built in I AM the door you cannot look behind,I AM as original as sinI AM the problem that changes your plan,I AM the unexpected guestI AM the confusion of philosophers;I AM the well known factor ‘X’

There are people who think that they are accidents in the universe and result of chance, geared by the evolutionary hypothesis (Darwinism) . This idea comes from natural philosophy that suggests that man is the final product of evolutionary process. There are others who think that they are illusion (maya) or unreal. How can man be result of chance when the whole universe is well planned and running on scientific laws? If man is illusion, how about rest of the universe? Could we close our eyes and conclude it is dark every where? Well, there should be a satisfactory answer to the question raised above.

mother's womb. 14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. 15 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, 16 your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. Bible gives the identity of man. Man is a creation of God who is loved by Him. This conclusion leads us to the next question, if man is unique and God’s special , why is here on the earth?

All of us are put on this planet for a purpose. We are part of a big picture. But very few people discover their purpose in life. Most of us just exist and keep counting our days rather than making our days count.Dr. Albert Einstein was once asked, "Why are we here?" He replied, "If the universe is an accident, we are accidents. But if there is meaning in the universe, there is meaning in us also." And he added, "The more I study physics, the more I am drawn towards metaphysics." Wood row Wilson said: “ I would rather fail in a cause that will ultimately succeed than succeed in a cause that would ultimately fail”. If there is no purpose in life then there is no meaning in life. If you look around you see lots of things and all of them are designed for a purpose. There is a purpose for rain, sunshine, flowers, green color for leaves, and fins for fishes etc…God made everything with purpose

� Purpose gives meaning� Meaning gives significance� Significance gives value� You are the most valuable!

But unfortunately there are Philosophies That Deny There Is Ultimate Purpose & Meaning for Our Lives.

Secular Humanism – humans determinetheir own destiny, there is no God

Scientific Naturalism – all reality is natural,there is no supernatural

The Holy Bible, the revelation of God explains that man is created in the image and likeness o God hence he is very valuable. Irrespec-tive of religion, cast, creed or race, God loves all human beings. You are someone created by God for a specific purpose. Bible says that you were known by God of the universe even before you were born! See Psalm 139:13-16:13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my


Materialism – all reality is material,there is no spiritual

If there is no substantial purpose of life all what we do will be futile as the poet says:

Into this world to eat and to sleepAnd to know no reason why he was bornSave to consume the cornDevour the cattle, flock and fishAnd to leave behind an empty dish!- Anonymous

Russian Novelist Tolstoy quipped “What is life for? To die? To wait for death till it comes? I fear that even more. Then I must live. But what for? In order to die? And I could not escape from that circle.”If there is no purpose in life, death is a winner and we live for no reason. What are your Purposes in Life? To have more money, Car, job, position, power, electronic gadgets, health, Beauty, Entertainment, Friendship, achievements etc..? Well these are only momentary not ultimate purpose of life. One should have a realistic purpose in life. It is interesting to hear the follow-ing conversation in the class between a teacher and students.

"Tell me, why are you here in my class?" The typical answer: "To satisfy a humanities require-ment." "All right then," I ask, "why do you want to satisfy a humanities requirement?" Obvious response: "To complete my college degree." "Fair enough, but why do you want to get a degree?" "Well, to get a job of course," they say, as if it were somehow self- evident. The inquiry continues, "Why do you want to get a job?" The somewhat exasperated response is, "To make money!" "Ah, yes," I continue, "But why do you want to make money?" "It takes money to buy things," they retort, as if I were nuts. "Okay, but why do you want to buy things?" "Well, to be happy," they somewhat hesitatingly urge.

The answer goes in circles. Making money is not the purpose of life though money is needed in life. Money is not the end but means to an end, so also the other answers given as purpose of life. The ultimate purpose in life is to be related to the God of the universe. Only God can determine meaning in life. Anything without God is futility. One can have all but God, but then he is chasing the wind says Solomon a wise king of the Jews. Seeking God and relating to him should be the ultimate purpose of life. If not when one dies he/she will be eternally separated from God. Life is a journey which begins with our birth and ends with death and life is in between. My friend, you should seek God before you are done with life. If life is a journey, we are going somewhere after we die. That prompts us to ask the third question

George Bernard Shaw said: “Death is the ultimate statistics, one out of one die” . Death is sure but time is not! Why do people die? The bible says “for the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). We all die because we all are sinners, as bible makes it very clear in Romans 3:10-12 "There is no one righteous, not even one; there is no one who understands, no one who seeks God. All have turned away; they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one." If we make our conscience as the judge over our thoughts, words and actions, certainly it will condemn us as guilty. It is true that no human being can stand right before God. Bible says in Jeremiah 17:9 “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?” No matter how much ever we try to be good, we cannot do good or be good, intrinsically we are prone to do evil. We can never reach the stand-ard of God’s holiness. All our good works are like filthy rags says God in the Bible. As someone commented though we call sin by any other name we stand condemned before a Holy God. Look the poem which explains the same.

Man call it an accident; God calls it an abomina-tion.Man calls it a blunder; God calls it a blindness.Man calls it a defect; God calls it a disease.Man calls it a chance; God calls it a choice.Man calls it an error; God calls it an enmity.Man calls it a fascination; God calls it a fatality.Man calls it an infirmity; God calls it an iniquityMan calls it a luxury; God calls it leprosy.Man calls it liberty; God calls it lawlessness.Man calls it a trifle; God calls it a tragedyMan calls it a mistake; God calls it madness.Man calls it weakness; God calls it willfulness.

Not only were we born as sinners but practice sin. Our society moves far away from God . As Aurthur Gusterman puts it in “In search of Science”:

prove his person, and was crucified though he was declared to be righteous. Bible says “God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us”. (Romans 5:8). He bore our sins and became the sacrifice. He died, was buried but on the third day he came back to life as he claimed. Jesus proclaimed "No one takes my life from me. I have the power to lay it down and I have the power to take it up again." (John 10:18).Hence he is God and provider of life. Since Jesus rose again from the dead He can provide eternal life.

After my death, can I live again? Well, the Bible’s answer is YES! You can live forever if you believe in Jesus. Isn’t it cool to have a new start at this point of your life, a life with God through His son Jesus? Jesus invites you to get the answers to the most perplexing questions of life. Yes, he is the answer. He is the truth that you seek, He is the way you should go, and He is the truth that you should believe in. Come and experience the new life that Jesus gives, accept him as your savior and Lord. Admit that you are a sinner and believe that Jesus died in your place to save you. Then, eternal life will become yours! Thus you will discover the most significant truth of life. Your destiny is depending upon your decision.

First dentistry was painless,then bicycles were chainlessCarriages were horseless,and many laws enforce lessNext cookery was fireless,Cigars were nicotine lessAnd coffee caffeine-less,Soon oranges were seedlessThe putting green was weed less,the college boy was hatlessThe proper diet fatless,new motor roads are dustlessThe latest steel is rust-less;our tennis counts are rod lessOur new religion godless!!

Man without God in his journey of life is heading towards destruction. He badly needs a ‘U turn’ to living God. Bible says that there is life after death, either with God for ever or life without him in condemnation. The choice is ours. Are you sure of your eternity? If we all die as the result of sin we need a way out. Who can provide me life beyond death? Religions, philosophies and ideologies are found dumb at this question. There is only one person who declared that he can provide you life eternal, he is JESUS CHRIST. He promises: “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die”. (John 11:25-26). Jesus is God who became man to take away the sin of humanity. He lived 2000 years ago, performed miracles to

Joy John, Bangalore

This question focuses on the identity of every individual. My dear friend, have you ever asked this question to yourself? We can come up with many answers such as I am a man/woman, I am a student, I am an Indian, I am a Hindu/Christian/ Muslim, I am an engineer/doctor/ farmer, I am a Kannadiga/Tamilian/ Malayalee/Telugu /Marati /Gujarati etc. Well, all these answers are inadequate because they try to give only one shade of meaning about your identity. When you say I am a human, you are saying that you are distinct from animals or birds. When you answer “ I am an Indian” it explains your nationality. Some of the answers will throw light in to your language, job, gender, religion etc.. None of these answers are complete in them-selves, though they may be correct. Hence we need to ask this question about our identity. It depends on who made us. It seems that every one is in search of their identity. And the confusion becomes bigger. Identity crisis is a universal phenomenon as the following poem suggests.

I AM a hastily written ending, I AM a punch line with a bad tasteI AM an argument in reserve, I AM the fact that theories hateI AM the only thing not mentioned, I AM the catch that ‘thee must be’I AM the robbery with violence,

I AM the one you would not seeI AM the bad dream that has to come true,I AM obscelence built in I AM the door you cannot look behind,I AM as original as sinI AM the problem that changes your plan,I AM the unexpected guestI AM the confusion of philosophers;I AM the well known factor ‘X’

There are people who think that they are accidents in the universe and result of chance, geared by the evolutionary hypothesis (Darwinism) . This idea comes from natural philosophy that suggests that man is the final product of evolutionary process. There are others who think that they are illusion (maya) or unreal. How can man be result of chance when the whole universe is well planned and running on scientific laws? If man is illusion, how about rest of the universe? Could we close our eyes and conclude it is dark every where? Well, there should be a satisfactory answer to the question raised above.

mother's womb. 14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. 15 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, 16 your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. Bible gives the identity of man. Man is a creation of God who is loved by Him. This conclusion leads us to the next question, if man is unique and God’s special , why is here on the earth?

All of us are put on this planet for a purpose. We are part of a big picture. But very few people discover their purpose in life. Most of us just exist and keep counting our days rather than making our days count.Dr. Albert Einstein was once asked, "Why are we here?" He replied, "If the universe is an accident, we are accidents. But if there is meaning in the universe, there is meaning in us also." And he added, "The more I study physics, the more I am drawn towards metaphysics." Wood row Wilson said: “ I would rather fail in a cause that will ultimately succeed than succeed in a cause that would ultimately fail”. If there is no purpose in life then there is no meaning in life. If you look around you see lots of things and all of them are designed for a purpose. There is a purpose for rain, sunshine, flowers, green color for leaves, and fins for fishes etc…God made everything with purpose

� Purpose gives meaning� Meaning gives significance� Significance gives value� You are the most valuable!

But unfortunately there are Philosophies That Deny There Is Ultimate Purpose & Meaning for Our Lives.

Secular Humanism – humans determinetheir own destiny, there is no God

Scientific Naturalism – all reality is natural,there is no supernatural

The Holy Bible, the revelation of God explains that man is created in the image and likeness o God hence he is very valuable. Irrespec-tive of religion, cast, creed or race, God loves all human beings. You are someone created by God for a specific purpose. Bible says that you were known by God of the universe even before you were born! See Psalm 139:13-16:13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my

The ultimate purpose in life is to be related to the God of the universe. Only God can determine meaning in life.Anything without God is futility. One can have all but God, but then he is chasing the wind says Solomon a wise king of the Jews. Seeking God and relating to him should be the ultimate purpose of life. If not when one dies he/she will be eternallyseparated from God

Materialism – all reality is material,there is no spiritual

If there is no substantial purpose of life all what we do will be futile as the poet says:

Into this world to eat and to sleepAnd to know no reason why he was bornSave to consume the cornDevour the cattle, flock and fishAnd to leave behind an empty dish!- Anonymous

Russian Novelist Tolstoy quipped “What is life for? To die? To wait for death till it comes? I fear that even more. Then I must live. But what for? In order to die? And I could not escape from that circle.”If there is no purpose in life, death is a winner and we live for no reason. What are your Purposes in Life? To have more money, Car, job, position, power, electronic gadgets, health, Beauty, Entertainment, Friendship, achievements etc..? Well these are only momentary not ultimate purpose of life. One should have a realistic purpose in life. It is interesting to hear the follow-ing conversation in the class between a teacher and students.

"Tell me, why are you here in my class?" The typical answer: "To satisfy a humanities require-ment." "All right then," I ask, "why do you want to satisfy a humanities requirement?" Obvious response: "To complete my college degree." "Fair enough, but why do you want to get a degree?" "Well, to get a job of course," they say, as if it were somehow self- evident. The inquiry continues, "Why do you want to get a job?" The somewhat exasperated response is, "To make money!" "Ah, yes," I continue, "But why do you want to make money?" "It takes money to buy things," they retort, as if I were nuts. "Okay, but why do you want to buy things?" "Well, to be happy," they somewhat hesitatingly urge.

The answer goes in circles. Making money is not the purpose of life though money is needed in life. Money is not the end but means to an end, so also the other answers given as purpose of life. The ultimate purpose in life is to be related to the God of the universe. Only God can determine meaning in life. Anything without God is futility. One can have all but God, but then he is chasing the wind says Solomon a wise king of the Jews. Seeking God and relating to him should be the ultimate purpose of life. If not when one dies he/she will be eternally separated from God. Life is a journey which begins with our birth and ends with death and life is in between. My friend, you should seek God before you are done with life. If life is a journey, we are going somewhere after we die. That prompts us to ask the third question

George Bernard Shaw said: “Death is the ultimate statistics, one out of one die” . Death is sure but time is not! Why do people die? The bible says “for the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). We all die because we all are sinners, as bible makes it very clear in Romans 3:10-12 "There is no one righteous, not even one; there is no one who understands, no one who seeks God. All have turned away; they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one." If we make our conscience as the judge over our thoughts, words and actions, certainly it will condemn us as guilty. It is true that no human being can stand right before God. Bible says in Jeremiah 17:9 “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?” No matter how much ever we try to be good, we cannot do good or be good, intrinsically we are prone to do evil. We can never reach the stand-ard of God’s holiness. All our good works are like filthy rags says God in the Bible. As someone commented though we call sin by any other name we stand condemned before a Holy God. Look the poem which explains the same.

Man call it an accident; God calls it an abomina-tion.Man calls it a blunder; God calls it a blindness.Man calls it a defect; God calls it a disease.Man calls it a chance; God calls it a choice.Man calls it an error; God calls it an enmity.Man calls it a fascination; God calls it a fatality.Man calls it an infirmity; God calls it an iniquityMan calls it a luxury; God calls it leprosy.Man calls it liberty; God calls it lawlessness.Man calls it a trifle; God calls it a tragedyMan calls it a mistake; God calls it madness.Man calls it weakness; God calls it willfulness.

Not only were we born as sinners but practice sin. Our society moves far away from God . As Aurthur Gusterman puts it in “In search of Science”:

prove his person, and was crucified though he was declared to be righteous. Bible says “God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us”. (Romans 5:8). He bore our sins and became the sacrifice. He died, was buried but on the third day he came back to life as he claimed. Jesus proclaimed "No one takes my life from me. I have the power to lay it down and I have the power to take it up again." (John 10:18).Hence he is God and provider of life. Since Jesus rose again from the dead He can provide eternal life.

After my death, can I live again? Well, the Bible’s answer is YES! You can live forever if you believe in Jesus. Isn’t it cool to have a new start at this point of your life, a life with God through His son Jesus? Jesus invites you to get the answers to the most perplexing questions of life. Yes, he is the answer. He is the truth that you seek, He is the way you should go, and He is the truth that you should believe in. Come and experience the new life that Jesus gives, accept him as your savior and Lord. Admit that you are a sinner and believe that Jesus died in your place to save you. Then, eternal life will become yours! Thus you will discover the most significant truth of life. Your destiny is depending upon your decision.


First dentistry was painless,then bicycles were chainlessCarriages were horseless,and many laws enforce lessNext cookery was fireless,Cigars were nicotine lessAnd coffee caffeine-less,Soon oranges were seedlessThe putting green was weed less,the college boy was hatlessThe proper diet fatless,new motor roads are dustlessThe latest steel is rust-less;our tennis counts are rod lessOur new religion godless!!

Man without God in his journey of life is heading towards destruction. He badly needs a ‘U turn’ to living God. Bible says that there is life after death, either with God for ever or life without him in condemnation. The choice is ours. Are you sure of your eternity? If we all die as the result of sin we need a way out. Who can provide me life beyond death? Religions, philosophies and ideologies are found dumb at this question. There is only one person who declared that he can provide you life eternal, he is JESUS CHRIST. He promises: “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die”. (John 11:25-26). Jesus is God who became man to take away the sin of humanity. He lived 2000 years ago, performed miracles to

This question focuses on the identity of every individual. My dear friend, have you ever asked this question to yourself? We can come up with many answers such as I am a man/woman, I am a student, I am an Indian, I am a Hindu/Christian/ Muslim, I am an engineer/doctor/ farmer, I am a Kannadiga/Tamilian/ Malayalee/Telugu /Marati /Gujarati etc. Well, all these answers are inadequate because they try to give only one shade of meaning about your identity. When you say I am a human, you are saying that you are distinct from animals or birds. When you answer “ I am an Indian” it explains your nationality. Some of the answers will throw light in to your language, job, gender, religion etc.. None of these answers are complete in them-selves, though they may be correct. Hence we need to ask this question about our identity. It depends on who made us. It seems that every one is in search of their identity. And the confusion becomes bigger. Identity crisis is a universal phenomenon as the following poem suggests.

I AM a hastily written ending, I AM a punch line with a bad tasteI AM an argument in reserve, I AM the fact that theories hateI AM the only thing not mentioned, I AM the catch that ‘thee must be’I AM the robbery with violence,

I AM the one you would not seeI AM the bad dream that has to come true,I AM obscelence built in I AM the door you cannot look behind,I AM as original as sinI AM the problem that changes your plan,I AM the unexpected guestI AM the confusion of philosophers;I AM the well known factor ‘X’

There are people who think that they are accidents in the universe and result of chance, geared by the evolutionary hypothesis (Darwinism) . This idea comes from natural philosophy that suggests that man is the final product of evolutionary process. There are others who think that they are illusion (maya) or unreal. How can man be result of chance when the whole universe is well planned and running on scientific laws? If man is illusion, how about rest of the universe? Could we close our eyes and conclude it is dark every where? Well, there should be a satisfactory answer to the question raised above.

mother's womb. 14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. 15 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, 16 your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. Bible gives the identity of man. Man is a creation of God who is loved by Him. This conclusion leads us to the next question, if man is unique and God’s special , why is here on the earth?

All of us are put on this planet for a purpose. We are part of a big picture. But very few people discover their purpose in life. Most of us just exist and keep counting our days rather than making our days count.Dr. Albert Einstein was once asked, "Why are we here?" He replied, "If the universe is an accident, we are accidents. But if there is meaning in the universe, there is meaning in us also." And he added, "The more I study physics, the more I am drawn towards metaphysics." Wood row Wilson said: “ I would rather fail in a cause that will ultimately succeed than succeed in a cause that would ultimately fail”. If there is no purpose in life then there is no meaning in life. If you look around you see lots of things and all of them are designed for a purpose. There is a purpose for rain, sunshine, flowers, green color for leaves, and fins for fishes etc…God made everything with purpose

� Purpose gives meaning� Meaning gives significance� Significance gives value� You are the most valuable!

But unfortunately there are Philosophies That Deny There Is Ultimate Purpose & Meaning for Our Lives.

Secular Humanism – humans determinetheir own destiny, there is no God

Scientific Naturalism – all reality is natural,there is no supernatural

The Holy Bible, the revelation of God explains that man is created in the image and likeness o God hence he is very valuable. Irrespec-tive of religion, cast, creed or race, God loves all human beings. You are someone created by God for a specific purpose. Bible says that you were known by God of the universe even before you were born! See Psalm 139:13-16:13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my

Materialism – all reality is material,there is no spiritual

If there is no substantial purpose of life all what we do will be futile as the poet says:

Into this world to eat and to sleepAnd to know no reason why he was bornSave to consume the cornDevour the cattle, flock and fishAnd to leave behind an empty dish!- Anonymous

Russian Novelist Tolstoy quipped “What is life for? To die? To wait for death till it comes? I fear that even more. Then I must live. But what for? In order to die? And I could not escape from that circle.”If there is no purpose in life, death is a winner and we live for no reason. What are your Purposes in Life? To have more money, Car, job, position, power, electronic gadgets, health, Beauty, Entertainment, Friendship, achievements etc..? Well these are only momentary not ultimate purpose of life. One should have a realistic purpose in life. It is interesting to hear the follow-ing conversation in the class between a teacher and students.

"Tell me, why are you here in my class?" The typical answer: "To satisfy a humanities require-ment." "All right then," I ask, "why do you want to satisfy a humanities requirement?" Obvious response: "To complete my college degree." "Fair enough, but why do you want to get a degree?" "Well, to get a job of course," they say, as if it were somehow self- evident. The inquiry continues, "Why do you want to get a job?" The somewhat exasperated response is, "To make money!" "Ah, yes," I continue, "But why do you want to make money?" "It takes money to buy things," they retort, as if I were nuts. "Okay, but why do you want to buy things?" "Well, to be happy," they somewhat hesitatingly urge.

The answer goes in circles. Making money is not the purpose of life though money is needed in life. Money is not the end but means to an end, so also the other answers given as purpose of life. The ultimate purpose in life is to be related to the God of the universe. Only God can determine meaning in life. Anything without God is futility. One can have all but God, but then he is chasing the wind says Solomon a wise king of the Jews. Seeking God and relating to him should be the ultimate purpose of life. If not when one dies he/she will be eternally separated from God. Life is a journey which begins with our birth and ends with death and life is in between. My friend, you should seek God before you are done with life. If life is a journey, we are going somewhere after we die. That prompts us to ask the third question


George Bernard Shaw said: “Death is the ultimate statistics, one out of one die” . Death is sure but time is not! Why do people die? The bible says “for the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). We all die because we all are sinners, as bible makes it very clear in Romans 3:10-12 "There is no one righteous, not even one; there is no one who understands, no one who seeks God. All have turned away; they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one." If we make our conscience as the judge over our thoughts, words and actions, certainly it will condemn us as guilty. It is true that no human being can stand right before God. Bible says in Jeremiah 17:9 “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?” No matter how much ever we try to be good, we cannot do good or be good, intrinsically we are prone to do evil. We can never reach the stand-ard of God’s holiness. All our good works are like filthy rags says God in the Bible. As someone commented though we call sin by any other name we stand condemned before a Holy God. Look the poem which explains the same.

Man call it an accident; God calls it an abomina-tion.Man calls it a blunder; God calls it a blindness.Man calls it a defect; God calls it a disease.Man calls it a chance; God calls it a choice.Man calls it an error; God calls it an enmity.Man calls it a fascination; God calls it a fatality.Man calls it an infirmity; God calls it an iniquityMan calls it a luxury; God calls it leprosy.Man calls it liberty; God calls it lawlessness.Man calls it a trifle; God calls it a tragedyMan calls it a mistake; God calls it madness.Man calls it weakness; God calls it willfulness.

Not only were we born as sinners but practice sin. Our society moves far away from God . As Aurthur Gusterman puts it in “In search of Science”:

prove his person, and was crucified though he was declared to be righteous. Bible says “God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us”. (Romans 5:8). He bore our sins and became the sacrifice. He died, was buried but on the third day he came back to life as he claimed. Jesus proclaimed "No one takes my life from me. I have the power to lay it down and I have the power to take it up again." (John 10:18).Hence he is God and provider of life. Since Jesus rose again from the dead He can provide eternal life.

After my death, can I live again? Well, the Bible’s answer is YES! You can live forever if you believe in Jesus. Isn’t it cool to have a new start at this point of your life, a life with God through His son Jesus? Jesus invites you to get the answers to the most perplexing questions of life. Yes, he is the answer. He is the truth that you seek, He is the way you should go, and He is the truth that you should believe in. Come and experience the new life that Jesus gives, accept him as your savior and Lord. Admit that you are a sinner and believe that Jesus died in your place to save you. Then, eternal life will become yours! Thus you will discover the most significant truth of life. Your destiny is depending upon your decision.

First dentistry was painless,then bicycles were chainlessCarriages were horseless,and many laws enforce lessNext cookery was fireless,Cigars were nicotine lessAnd coffee caffeine-less,Soon oranges were seedlessThe putting green was weed less,the college boy was hatlessThe proper diet fatless,new motor roads are dustlessThe latest steel is rust-less;our tennis counts are rod lessOur new religion godless!!

Man without God in his journey of life is heading towards destruction. He badly needs a ‘U turn’ to living God. Bible says that there is life after death, either with God for ever or life without him in condemnation. The choice is ours. Are you sure of your eternity? If we all die as the result of sin we need a way out. Who can provide me life beyond death? Religions, philosophies and ideologies are found dumb at this question. There is only one person who declared that he can provide you life eternal, he is JESUS CHRIST. He promises: “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die”. (John 11:25-26). Jesus is God who became man to take away the sin of humanity. He lived 2000 years ago, performed miracles to

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at thi

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our li

fe, a

life w

ith G



gh H

is so

n Jesu
