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Your Keys to Heaven: Secrets From God

Gary Spivey & Dean Hymel

Online Spiritual Book Club

Chapter Summaries by Julie Geigle, MA Edu.

Your Keys to Heaven: Secrets From God


Ch 1: A Child's Life Less Ordinary

Ch 2: Angels and how they affect us.

Ch 3: Demons and how they affect us.

Ch 4: Spiritual Gifts and how they work.

Ch 5: How to See and Hear Spiritually

Ch 6: Healing

Ch 7: Spirit Replacement: How to replace your worn out spirit.

Ch 8: Soul Unlocking: How to unlock heaven's knowledge hidden within you.

Ch 9: Gifted Children: Understanding earth's precious cargo.

Ch 10: Using Your Spiritual Gifts

Ch 11: Messages from God: More Spiritual Secrets Revealed

Ch 12: A Perfect World

Ch 1: A Child's Life Less Ordinary

Today's Affirmation:

Every moment of every day I am becoming more and more empowered.

"In the beginning, we were all created equal; not our physical bodies here on

earth, but our spiritual bodies that once lived in heaven.

Everyone on earth has a physical and a spiritual body living together as one unit.

Your spiritual body resides within your physical body."


Outline – We are spiritual beings having a human experience.

1. Whatever happens to your spiritual body, directly affects your physical body.

2. All physical, mental and emotional illness first occurs in your spiritual body and the physical body only

suffers the side effects.

3. Your “human” being can only comprehend what you are taught, but your “spiritual” being can

comprehend everything in the universe.

4. Your spiritual body is connected to heaven and has all the secrets to heaven locked inside it.

5. Once you awaken your spiritual being, you can release this knowledge to your human being.

6. Awakening your spiritual being is the single most important thing you can do in this lifetime. 7. By not awakening your spiritual being you are only living a “human” existence. You are only utilizing

50% of your potential. Your “divine” potential is literally untapped.

In this book you will

awaken your “spiritual body” and

learn how to talk to God, Angels and other spiritual beings

learn about Demons and the havoc they cause in your life

receive a spiritual gift to cast out demons

learn about the 10 spiritual dimensions that surround each of us

heal yourself using your spiritual gifts

receive your very own keys to heaven

A Child’s Life Less Ordinary

grew up like most of us played, had friends and went to school

was told by grandma that he took after granddad who “knew things before they would happen and could

see a light around everyone’s head.”

grandpa was pretty popular with his visions and people near and far sought him out for advice

The Gift…

only son, 1 sister 10 yrs older

positive, sensitive child, loved making others laugh

born spiritually gifted and could always see with his spiritual eyes & ears

always had a sense that he was not alone

aware of “angels” referred to as my pals

shared stories with mom who listened without scolding

grew up with his very own “staff of angels” that he could see, hear and talk to

The Trance

many times growing up he would fall into an involuntary trance-like state

a bright light being would look in on him to make sure he was okay

this was very scary as he would experience shortness of breath and physical pain

he would wake up crying and screaming because it felt like someone was suffocating him

while in trance the angels would always hand him a set of keys with instructions to put 1 in the earth

he was fascinated with keys growing up

as he put the angel key into the earth as he would turn the key unlocking the earth, then he would see a

blanket of light surround the earth removing all darkness

instantly everything would be better

the earth would glow with a bright gold energy

the bright light being would say: “Just allow the light to do its job. One day you’ll understand what all

this means.”

Psychic Abilities

As a child he knew things before they happened.

He could see things other people couldn’t.

Family began seeking him out for answers to their questions.

He enjoyed helping people but his passion lied in music.

That’s where his crazy hair came from – he would color it silver and white and pretend he was a rock


After high school he went into sales. The crazy look of white hair and white clothes stuck in people’s

heads and he soon became top salesman of the company and eventually went into business for himself.

He meditates daily and talks to his angels.

Always had a sense of “something is missing” in my life.

Psychic Meets Psychic…

One day he met a psychic named Ruth Rogers who had her own radio show and invited him to be a


It was a call in show and he loved how good he felt helping people.

The feeling that he was missing something disappeared.

He knew right then and there that this was his “calling.”

He began doing Radio shows and TV shows and eventually began doing private sessions with people.

The Visit…

In his mid thirties while he was meditating angels and God came to talk to him.

God’s humor: God said, “I see you listened to the Angels and kept your look my wooly lamb.”

God taught him many secrets about spirituality and how the spiritual world relates to and affects us here

in the physical world.

God has a plan for everyone and if His plan calls for me to have white wooly hair and dress in all white, then

that is what I’m going to do.

God Speaks…

God wants everyone to awaken their spiritual bodies and release their spiritual knowledge.

He wants us to be aware that there is a spiritual war of Good versus Evil going on around us each and

every day.

As time progressed religion got diluted because of the Demons and dark energies that possessed our

minds and turned egos against each other and turned religion into a mess.

God wants us to know that we have free will to do and believe whatever we want, but this same free will

makes us vulnerable.

It is free will that demons and dark energies infest and attack, turning us against each other.

God encourages us to believe in the first-hand knowledge you can get by communicating directly with


What God shared with Gary he is now going to share with us.

This knowledge will change your life and enlighten you. (It definitely has for me and the clients I

work with!!)

Please take a moment to post your comments in our Facebook Group. It is in the processing of information that

we turn words into wisdom!

Ch 2: Angels and how they affect us.

Today's Affirmation:

I am a magnificent spiritual being having a unique human experience.

Angels can and do walk among us.

"They can look like any person on earth.

The way you can tell if you came into contact with an angel in human form is when you can't stop thinking

about that person."

Angels & How They Affect Us

In this chapter you will learn how to talk to God and the angels so you can ask them your questions


Angels are beings of light created by God with his energy. They help protect heaven and you.

Angels have the power to reproduce not like birth but more like cloning. The more people on earth the

more angels needed to guide and protect them.

Every spiritual being on every God planet has thousands of Angels watching over and protecting them.

Angels are not born into human form.

Humans who’ve reached enlightenment take on angelic characteristics, but they are not angels per se.

Angels appear to you in whatever gender you are most comfortable with seeing.

Angels have an Angelic body and a human body which they use when they need to come down and

work directly with someone.

They can take on human form and look like anyone on earth.

Angels have different Angelic categories that determine their job in heaven.

“The way you can tell if you came into contact with an angel in human form is when you can’t stop thinking

about them.”

Different Kinds of Angels


They are the most powerful of all the angels.

They have the same power as God.

They only answer to God.

They control all the armies of heaven and are in charge of battles fought.

Warrior Angels

These are heaven’s soldiers and answer to the Archangels.

Their main purpose is to protect heaven and other God planets (such as Earth).

They are the second strongest in heaven.

Peacekeeper Angels

These angels keep the peace between heaven and the Demons.

They go to God planets being attacked by Demons and give a warning.

If the warning is not heeded then the Archangels wage a war.

There is always a continuous battle for earth.

Darkness cannot exist where there is light.

“All of the battles going on throughout the universe are because the Demons are trying to possess and keep

dark as many light beings as possible.

Demons are afraid of light beings awakening their spiritual bodies; because once a light being awakens their

spiritual body, they have more power than the Demons.”

Helper Angels

These angels keep heaven running.

They take care of all the various jobs it takes to run heaven like taking care of people’s souls after they

die. They assist these souls through the transition of life after death.

Another job is to meet the soul at heaven’s gates and show them around.

Guardian Angels fall under this category.

There job is to watch out for humans and try to guide them into awakening.

Demons are constantly battling for your soul. Your Guardian Angels help protect you.

Communicating With Your Angels

There are angels that have been assigned to you that are here to help.

Pay attention when they tell you something even though it makes no sense.

Talk to your angels every day.

It may feel like you’re making it up in the beginning, but after awhile you’ll realize that it’s a very

REAL connection.

Life is easier with a little help from your angels.

They are always with us guiding us until the time of our death.

If you don’t “feel” your angels it’s usually because you’re too busy.

Allow quiet time in your life every day – even if it’s just for 5 minutes.

I used to meditate using a guided cd – which is great for beginners , but if there is too much talking on the cd –

not long periods of quiet- it may interfere with your communication with your angels. When you are quiet, it’s

easier to hear them speak to you. And like I said, in the beginning it may just feel like you’re making it all up,

but TRUST and be disciplined with your quiet time practice and it will pay off.


How can I manifest my dreams and desires?

1. Know exactly what it is that you want.

2. This desire must vibrate with truth, love, honesty and selflessness.

3. It must also benefit and help others, not just yourself.

4. Ask your angels for help.

Once you make a decision the Universe conspires to make it happen.

In the next chapter you’ll learn how Demons affect every part of our life and how to get rid of them.

Please take a moment to post your comments in our Facebook Group. It is in the processing of information that

we turn words into wisdom!

Ch 3: Demons and how they affect us.

I am surrounded and supported by an army of angels ~ always.

Where there is light,

darkness cannot exist.

Demons and How They Affect Us

Everyone has the power to banish demons and dark energy.

Where there is light, darkness cannot exist – they cannot dwell together.

Light comes from within you, so even if you are in a dark room you have the light of God within you

that is able to banish the darkness.

Many people are afraid to have this discussion because they are afraid if they talk about it, it will feed

the darkness.

Knowledge is power; ignorance and denial breeds fear. Unless you are aware how to deal with dark forces in your life you need read no further.

Most are not aware or equipped to deal with demons.

Pretending that demons don’t exist gives them MORE power. What we resist persists. So when we run

from our fears, our fears chase us. When we face our fears, they dissolve.

Fear comes from Demons. Love comes from God.

What Are Demons?

Channeled messages from God…

Angels were given free will.

Some angels challenged the laws of heaven.

These angels were cast out of heaven.

They lived in spiritual dimensions between heaven and other enlightened planets.

These angels became known as demons because they began working against heaven and became “dark”

and tried to extinguish the light on the other enlightened planets.

Demons began possessing the minds and bodies of mankind.

Earth is one of the planets that was once enlightened and is now “dim” because of the darkness of


It is the dawn of a new spiritual awakening – people on earth are awakening and reclaiming their power

over the darkness.

Demons can reproduce just like angels, but unlike angels the more they reproduce the weaker and

weaker they become. That’s why some demons are stronger than others.

Is Everyone Affected by Demons?

Demons affect every man, woman and child.

There purpose is to suppress spiritual awakening.

There is a war going on between the angels and demons since the dawn of the ages.

The demons are trying to possess our soul and control us.

The angels are trying to protect our soul and enlighten us.

God gave us free will so we must decide what side we are on.

By not choosing, you are joining the demons by default.

How Do Demons Affect Us & How Can We Protect Ourselves

How do Demons Affect Us?

They cause havoc on our mental, emotional and physical body by attacking our spiritual body which

affects our physical body.

Every illness or issue you have is the result of thousands of years of Demons attacking you.

Your spiritual and physical body was meant to join as one so to have heaven on earth, but the Demons

interfered with all of that and creating dis-ease and disease.

Demons affect every aspect of everyone’s lives.

Demons can cause you to get into an argument with someone or they can cause you to commit suicide.

How do we Protect Ourselves?

We can protect ourselves through awakening to our spiritual abilities and assisting the angels in killing

off the demons.

Through the information in this book you will be given the tools you need to kill off demons and be free

of darkness.

If everyone does this Demons will not exist anymore.

What Do Demons Look Like?

“Ye not let Satan take advantage of us by being ignorant of his devices.” 2 Corinthians 2:11 Bible

Demons come in all shapes and sizes.

Their only goal is to destroy mankind.

As a child I could see angels and I could see demons.

Everyone on earth has a Demon in one form or another affecting them in a negative way.

There are all kinds of stories from the Bible of Jesus casting out Demons and healing people.

We are one with God – we have the power to cast out Demons and heal ourselves and our family in the

name of God.

“It’s just as important to know about Demons as it is about Angels.”

More About Demons

The people with the brightest light or God energy are usually tormented most by Demons.

This is because the Demons recognize how powerful this person is and they are trying to keep the person

from realizing their spiritual potential.

This really isn’t about religion – it’s about truth. It’s about awakening your Spiritual Being and

claiming your power to save our planet.

Don’t be afraid that if you awaken your spiritual body you will be attacked by Demons.

Demons are already there planting these fears into your heart.

It is your divine right to step into the power and truth of who you really are.

God and the Angels are calling you forth to claim your place on the grid and align with this truth.

“There is a battle of good and evil or Angels and Demons and the battle is over our soul and our planet. By

awakening your spiritual body, you are joining God’s team.”

Different Types of Demons You May Have

Here is a short list of the most common demons that Gary Spivey works with. Be sure to buy the book to read

all the fabulous testimonials – they are pretty amazing. Also, know that whatever demon you may relate to

below, it is usually associated with energy blocks in your physical body that may manifest in some form of

illness such as, asthma, fibromyalgia, skin disorder, etc. Once you clear the demon, your health will return.

When you clear a demon you may feel a tremendous surge of warmth or lightness or tingling.

Present Moment Demon This demon makes you worry about the past and future. It keeps you from being in the NOW. It keeps you out

of alignment and in confusion and indecision.

“Have you ever been somewhere, but felt like you should be somewhere else? When you’re with someone, do

you ever feel like you should be with someone else–doing something besides what you’re doing? Most people

who cheat have this demon.”

Cannot Accomplish Anything Demon This Demon makes you feel overwhelmed by all that you need to accomplish in your day, week, month and

keeps you feeling stuck and helpless.

Scared Demon If you are feeling fear over something that you shouldn’t be afraid of this demon is lurking around. Ex., talking

to someone, going someplace, etc.

Confusion Demon This demon keeps you stuck in indecision and confused.

Jealous, Envy, and Greed Demon In the spiritual dimension you will see a demon running back and forth between you and the person you feel

these emotions toward, taunting and teasing you and pounding you on the chest.

Communication Demon

Have you ever had a hard time speaking your truth? Or you go to say something and you begin coughing and

can’t speak? Imagine a chain around your throat held by a demon.

Emotionally Numb Demon

This demon screws up your emotions so you begin to feel emotions that aren’t in aligned with the situation, like


Obsessive Compulsive Demon OCD is actually a demon stuck inside your head making you think the same thought over and over again,


Sleepy Demon Makes you fall asleep – whether you’re driving or in school trying to pay attention.

Depression Demon 121 million people suffer from depression. In the spiritual dimension there’s a demon standing behind you with

his hands compressing your head filling it with dark energy trying to shut out the light of God.

Anger/Rage Demon

Have you ever felt yourself swept away in a windstorm of anger and rage? And after it was over you’re

embarassed for having acted that way? That’s where the saying “Forgive them Father for they know not what

they do.” comes from.

Mutilation Demon This demon creates the urge to cut or hurt yourself – self sabotage. This demon usually affects young girls aged

11-13 yrs. old. A sign might be writing on her hands and arms or on the walls.

Panic Attack Demon This is one of the most common Demons that I have come across. In the spiritual dimension a demon pops up

out of nowhere and begins screaming and pounding on your chest and head creating much chaos and unrest. No

wonder you feel like you’re having a panic attack.

Suicide Demon This is the most treacherous demon because he forces people to take their own life.

“People who commit suicide cannot proceed to heaven because they’ve cut their spiritual learning process

short at their own hands. Suicide is totally against all spiritual rules. These souls end up in the “earthbound

dimension” and need our prayers to move them into the light.”

What really hit home for you in this chapter?

What was confusing?

What is your action step this week since reading this information?

How are you applying these principles in your life?

Please take a moment to post your comments in our Facebook Group. It is in the processing of information that

we turn words into wisdom!

Ch 4: Spiritual Gifts and how they work.

Affirmation: Every day I am becoming a more enlightened being.

"The lord is my shepherd, I shall not want...

Even though, I walk through

the valley of the shadow of death,

I fear no evil,

for ye are with me;

your rod and your staff,

they comfort me."

Psalms 23:4

Spiritual Gifts and How They Work

I met God when I was in my mid-thirties.

Ever since then I’ve maintained communication with him and my angels.

I talk with him daily…while driving, walking the dog, meditating.

God is an active part of my life.

We are all born with spiritual gifts that have the power to change our lives instantly when we are open to

receiving them.

“One day God said, you are ready to receive your spiritual gift. I looked up into the spiritual dimensions. I

saw God handing me a staff made of gold and a necklace. On the necklace there was an amulet made of gold

with a big red ruby in the middle. I reached up and took my gifts and a warm, tingly feeling went throughout

my whole body.”

What is a Spiritual Gift?

It is a gift from heaven used to protect and heal yourself of dark energy. They may appear as a staff, sword,

harp, crown, book, robe, dagger, shield or a heart just to name a few.

Use your gift to get rid of dark energy that is attacking your higher self in the spiritual dimension, because

negative emotions and physical issues are caused by dark energy attacking your higher self in the spiritual


How do you use a Spiritual Gift?

You touch the area on your body giving physical discomfort, your head for mental issues and your stomach for

emotional issues. Then just envision the dark energy exploding into a ball of light turning golden and


How do you know when to use it?

When you have physical issues, mental or emotional issues are all a sign that there may be dark energy

attacking your higher self in the spiritual dimension. Simply pause, ask God for your spiritual gift and imagine

one appearing, touch the body part and the dark energy turns golden and dissolves. It’s simple and easy and

quite effective.

What happens after you use the spiritual gift?

You may store your gift in your chest simply by touching your hand to your chest. You retrieve your gift in this

many. You may use the same spiritual gift over and over or you may ask if there is a different gift for this

particular issue and then another will be given.

Ch 5: How to See and Hear Spiritually

I have divine power within me that creates miracles in my life.

"Everyone has the ability

to see and hear spiritually.

Some people will see clearer

than others and

some will hear better,

but everyone has the power."

They just need to be taught."

How to See & Hear Spiritually

The doorway to see and hear spiritually is through your imagination.

It may feel like you’re making it up in the beginning but after awhile you’re confidence will grow and

you’ll begin to feel more certain about your guidance.

Once you learn to see spiritually you will be able to hear spiritually as well.

When I say “spiritually” it means in another dimension. Right now we can see and hear in our earth

dimension, but we can also see and hear in the spiritual dimension with our “spiritual” eyes and ears.

God taught Gary a meditation to share with people to open this doorway of seeing and hearing


A CD comes with Gary’s book that has this meditation.

The meditation is also printed in the book.

(As a bonus for signing up for the 1 yr online spiritual book club you receive a free session where I can

do the meditation with you – it’s quite powerful.)

Three Steps to Seeing Spiritually

Step One – Opening Your Third Eye

Open your third eye (the space between your two eyes) by placing your finger on that space and imagining gold

energy flowing into it. When your whole head is filled with gold energy remove your finger. Your third eye is

now open.

Step Two – Using Your Imagination

Take several deep breaths and clear your mind.

Once your mind is clear and you are relaxed begin to imagine a beach. Just imagine the cool, clear blue water.

The salty taste of the ocean. The soft breeze on your face. The crystal white sand beneath your toes. The

warm, hot sun beating down on your body.

Now imagine a horse and an elephant walking down the beach together having the time of their lives. Imagine

them playing in the water, dancing in the sand, laughing and having fun. (as silly as it seems)

Some people may be able to create an actual 3D movie in their mind, others may just see an outline, and still

others it may be foggy and hard to imagine. It’s okay. The more you practice using your imagination the better

you’ll get at it.

Step Three – Just Relax

The key to seeing spiritually is to just relax and allow the visions to come into your imagination without

questioning or analyzing. Become aware of any feelings that arise, colors that come into your awareness,

shapes, density, emotions, lightness or darkness, etc. Your ego mind will want to deny what’s happening - this

is crazy, I’m doing something wrong, I’m not getting anything, I’m just making this up…

Once you understand the process you won’t question it again. The more you practice, the better you’ll get.

Finding Time in your Day to Meditate

I recommend that you meditate 20 minutes daily.

It gives you time to talk to God and the angels and truly connect on a deeper spiritual level.

Your spiritual gifts will free you from the bondage of demons and dark energies and you will strengthen

these gifts through meditating regularly.

It’s like creating your own personal hotline to God.

If you don’t have time to meditate – you don’t have time to eat.

After a few days your physical body will get hungry – that’s what it feels like for your spiritual body

when you don’t meditate…it gets thirsty, weak and empty feeling.

Be sure to keep a journal when you meditate to record any messages or insights you receive.

It’s much like waking up from a dream – the more you move about after meditation the more you begin

to forget messages that came in.

You can also order one of Gary’s meditation journals:

Sometimes people who have the hardest time seeing spiritually in the beginning are the ones who end up

seeing in the most vivid color and detail!

Don’t worry or overthink – just allow it to happen.

“God energy has so much power that every molecule in your body will sense a renewed vibration–a vibration

of honesty, a vibration of truth, a vibration of strength and the vibration of power.

You’ll become totally fearless and also totally blissful and happy.”

Meditation for Receiving Your Spiritual Eyes

Step One:

Get comfortable and relax. Shut off your thinking mind by telling yourself… “There’s no where I need to be

and nothing I need to be doing except lying here here and now relaxing and connecting with God.”

Imagine your favorite happy place.

Now imagine the blue sky turning gold and the gold energy beaming down on you and moving into you. Filling

your whole body. Now imagine yourself floating up and up and up.

Step Two:

Now imagine you’re standing on a gold floor, in a gold room with gold walls and a ceiling.

Look straight ahead. You notice someone standing in the distance. It’s God. He is surrounded by thousands of


Walk up to God. As you greet God he places his hand on your forehead and a beautiful gold energy begins to

flow from his head into your forehead and out into the surrounding area.

This gold energy has now awakened your spiritual body.

You may begin to hear music or feel warm or tingly. Next, ask God for your spiritual gift(s) and see Him hand

them to you and explain what they are and how to use them. Now, place these gifts in your chest by touching

your hand to your chest.

Step Three:

Now you may talk to God, ask him anything you’d like or maybe he is giving you a message.

When you’re finished be sure to thank Him.

Step Four:

Don’t allow your mental mind to convince you that you just made all this up.

Trust that this experience is real and trust that your spiritual body is now awakened and that you really can see

and hear in the spiritual dimension.

And so it is.

Chapter 6: Healing

I hear the whispers of my soul, and listen intently to its wisdom.

"There's a better way to heal yourself

and that is by allowing God's energy/light to

flow into your body and

remove the Demons and

dark energy within you."

How to Heal Yourself and Others

Our physical bodies break down and get sick because we’re human but now that we have spiritual gifts

if we allow the God energy to flow through us we can avoid any great illness.

What is Healing?

Healing is getting rid of the demons and dark energy using the technique discussed in the previous chapter.

Demons cause all of our illnesses in our physical body. Get rid of the demon, get rid of the illness.

“You have the power to heal and prevent future illness within you or anyone else. God’s light is the most

powerful cure against all sickness.”

I received my spiritual gifts when I asked God for help. He showed me how to heal myself, heal others and

then finally how to teach other people to heal themselves.

I would simply touch people’s spiritual bodies and see the Demons running out the dark energy evaporating and

God light surrounding them. People would claim to feel lighter, warm, and tingly, some would even pass out.

There are 10 spiritual dimensions that the healing works on and you’ll learn about those later.

Demons affect us in many ways; eye problems, cancer, aids, mental illnesses such as depression, panic attacks,

bi-polar disorder and much more.

Healing won’t take place if you don’t believe in it or if you like the attention you get from being sick.

Your Spiritual Body

Your spiritual body is made up of your spirit and soul.

Both lived in heaven before coming over here with you.

The function of your spirit is to protect your soul.


Your spirit is a part of a heavenly life force that lives within you and makes up your spiritual body.

Spirit is outer core; Soul is inner core; both live within your physical body.

Your spirit stays in heaven until the time of your conception.

Your soul stays in heaven until the time of your birth.


Your soul is a part of a heavenly life force that also lives within you.

The reason your spirit lives within you is to protect your soul because your soul holds all of your

spiritual knowledge locked inside.

Some are born with the spiritual knowledge unlocked (psychics, mediums, etc.)

Most go through a process of “unlocking” this information as they grow.

Your soul is the DNA of your spiritual body.

The DNA of your physical body is different from person to person.

The DNA of your soul is the same from soul to soul ~ because we are all one.

Higher Selves

Higher Selves are extensions of your spirit.

We have hundreds of higher selves in the spiritual dimension.

These higher selves move into the spiritual dimension between heaven and earth to protect your soul

from Demons and dark energies that attack it.

Your higher selves look just like your physical body.

God Cord

Your God cord is your connection between your heaven, your spiritual body, and your physical body.

It is a cord of gold energy that runs from heaven through all of the spiritual dimensions and connects to

the top of your head.


Aura is the glow around your physical body.

Spiritual Dimensions

First Dimension

Earth/Physical Dimension

In this dimension we live and experience life.

Second Dimension

Golden/First Buffer Dimension

This is the first dimension you’ll see, it’s got a golden hue and acts as a buffer between earth and the Demons.

Third Dimension

Invisible/Second Buffer Dimension

The Demons and dark energy have the ability to appear invisible to your spiritual eyes in this dimension. You

can simply bypass this by imagining God giving you a special set of “spiritual eyes” that can see in this

dimension. Once you use your spiritual eyes you can see the angels and demons battling over the souls.

Fourth Dimension

Dark Planet Alien Dimension

The aliens in this dimension are trying to prevent our enlightenment.

Fifth Dimension

Light Planet Alien Dimension

These are where the good aliens hang out – they’re on our side trying to help us.

Sixth Dimension

Demon Dimension

This is where the Demons exist. It is where all negative emotions come from; anger, fear, worry, jealousy,

anxiety and many more.

Seventh Dimension

Negative Thought Projection Dimension

This is where people’s negative thoughts affect your higher selves in a bad way.

Eight Dimension

Positive Thought Projection Dimension

This is where people’s positive thoughts affect your higher selves in a good way.

Ninth Dimension

The Bridge to Heaven — Receiving Your Keys to Heaven

This is where you’ll meet angels and receive your keys to heaven.

Tenth Dimension

Heaven – Being Healed by God

This is where you are healed by God.

Healing Meditation

1. Take several nice deep breaths.

2. Allow yourself to relax.

3. Imagine your happy place, calm and peaceful.

4. Connect your God cord by imagining a beautiful gold energy flowing from heaven down into the top of

your head and filling you up with love and light.

5. Imagine this light is cleansing and clearing your spiritual and physical body and you look like a giant

light bulb.

6. Imagine standing on top of the world and sending this energy out over the entire world. Cleansing and

clearing – healing the earth.

7. Now feel yourself floating up and up and up into the first dimension.

8. Now I want you to move through each dimension by filling the dimension with this beautiful golden

energy and when everything is cleared and healed feel yourself floating up and up and up into the next


9. Do this through each dimension until you get to the 9th dimension.

10. In the 9th dimension God will appear and hand you 2 keys on a chain to heaven. A door appears in front

of you and you use the smaller key to move into the first part of heaven.

11. As the door opens you see angels everywhere. They take you across a bridge and another door appears

– bigger, more solid.

12. You use your bigger key to open this door.

13. You are now in heaven.

14. Another angel greets you and brings you to God’s throne.

15. God appears.

16. He places his hand on your forehead and you feel a beautiful green healing energy flow from his body

into yours clearing any remaining demons or dark energy.

17. Thank God.

18. He dissolves and a door appears.

19. Use your bigger key to open the door.

20. Walk back over the bridge.

21. You see angels everywhere – you can hang out here or go back home.

22. When you’re ready to go back to earth another door appears and you use your smaller key to open it.

23. You are now back in your physical body on earth.


Please take a moment to post your comments in our Facebook Group. It is in the processing of information that

we turn words into wisdom!

Ch 7: Spirit Replacement: How to replace your worn out spirit.

Universal love and abundance is circulating in my life.

God said to Gary: "Your spirit is part of the

heavenly life force that makes up your spiritual


At conception, the spirit comes from heaven and

enters into your physical body.

Its purpose is to grow with you and, when the

soul arrives at birth, to protect your soul from the

Demons and dark energies that try to keep your

soul from enlightenment."

Holes in Your Spirit

Everything you’ve read so far in these summaries is knowledge Gary Spivey gained from direct

conversations with God.

These techniques have worked for him and with thousands of people he’s helped over the years.

Everyone gets attacked by Demons and dark energies.

Your higher self is on the front lines of spiritual attacks.

Every time your higher self is attacked by a demon your spirit within you is damaged.

Every time someone thinks negatively of you your spirit is damaged.

Every time you think negatively of someone their spirit is damaged.

This is what causes the holes.

A spirit replacement will fix this.

“One of the most harmful things that happens to you in the spiritual world when you get attacked by Demons

and aliens is that your spirit becomes severely damaged. As I’ve seen time and time again with my spiritual

eyes. People look like swiss cheese with holes in their spirit.”

Negative Feelings

Negative characteristics and feelings are due to holes in your spirit.

Replacing your spirit with a new one with all of the God-given attributes will heal this.

You also need to replace your old mental ways of thinking when you receive a new spirit.

Don’t allow negative habits to keep you stuck – choose positive thoughts and change those mental


Before your spirit came into this physical body it lived in heaven with all other spirits.

We are all related spiritually.

When you see God put in your new spirit you will see a bright light in his hand with stars around it.

We use the same process as before in the last chapter clearing all the dimensions and then we’ll move

into spirit replacement.

“Keep your higher selves clear within the spiritual dimensions and replace your spirit often and you can

actually get rid of all negative feelings within yourself.”

Spirit Replacement

Healing Meditation (from Ch 6)

1. Take several nice deep breaths. Allow yourself to relax. Imagine your happy place, calm and peaceful.

2. Connect your God cord by imagining a beautiful gold energy flowing from heaven down into the top of

your head and filling you up with love and light.

3. Imagine this light cleansing & clearing your spiritual & physical body. You look like a giant light bulb.

4. Imagine standing on top of the world and sending this energy out over the entire world. Cleansing and

clearing – healing the earth.

5. Now feel yourself floating up and up and up into the first dimension.

6. Move through each dimension by filling the dimension with this beautiful golden energy and when

everything is cleared and healed feel yourself floating up and up and up into the next dimension.

7. Do this through each dimension until you get to the 9th dimension.

8. In the 9th dimension God will appear and hand you 2 keys on a chain to heaven. A door appears in front

of you and you use the smaller key to move into the first part of heaven.

9. As the door opens you see angels everywhere. They take you across a bridge and another door appears

– bigger, more solid.

10. You use your bigger key to open this door. You are now in heaven.

Spirit Replacement

1. An angel comes to greet you.

2. Tell her your spirit is worn out and your here for a new one. She brings you to God.

3. Explain to God that your spirit is worn out and you would like a new one.

4. God touches your forehead and calls out your old, worn out raggedy spirit. The angels come to take this

spirit away to be healed.

5. Now, God inserts a new spirit, filled with love, light and harmony.

6. Feel a warm, tingly feeling enter into the top of your head and then move down into your chest

throughout your whole body.

7. This is your new spirit adjusting itself to your body.

8. This spirit is pure, untainted God energy.

9. Now, using a beautiful GREEN healing energy, God synchronizes the new spirit with your mind – so

feel this green energy flow from his hand, down into your forehead, into your new spirit, and into your

mind making the two, one.

10. Next, using a beautiful BLUE healing energy,God synchronizes your new spirit with your body – so feel

this blue energy flow from his hand, down into your forehead, into your new spirit and into your body

making the two, one.

11. Finally, using a beautiful GOLD healing energy, God synchronizes your body, mind and spirit as one –

so feel this gold energy flow from his hand, down into your forehead, into your mind, body and spirit

swirling together becoming one whole being.

12. As this is complete you feel a beautiful sense of peace and serenity flow through your whole body.

13. Thank God for his work. He dissolves and a door appears.

14. Use your bigger key to open the door. Walk back over the bridge.

15. You see angels everywhere – you can hang out here or go back home.

16. When you’re ready to go back to earth another door appears and you use your smaller key to open it.

17. You are now back in your physical body on earth.

18. Take a nice deep breath. Open your eyes feeling relaxed, renewed and reenergized in every way!

Ch 8: Soul Unlocking: How to unlock heaven's knowledge hidden within you.

The Universal Force directs me on my perfect path.

"God explained to me that

a person's soul is the spiritual DNA

of their spiritual body,

and the soul

holds all of the spiritual secrets

of heaven locked within it."

How to Unlock Heaven’s Knowledge Within You

The DNA of the soul is the same for everyone because we are all one, so the spiritual secrets are the

same for all.

The soul can’t survive without a human body.

The spirit and physical body protect the soul.

The soul comes back lifetime after lifetime and its purpose is to bring enough light to earth so your soul

can move back and forth between heaven and earth without the limitations of a body.

The secrets were locked inside the soul to protect it from dark energy.

The more the soul knows the more gifted the body.

Some people come in with some of the secrets unlocked, these people are healers and intuitives.

Everyone is spiritually gifted – some choose to claim their gifts and some choose not to.

The more people who embrace their spiritual gifts the less power the dark energy and demons have.

Eventually there will be all light and no darkness.

Soul Unlocking need only be done once.

Once you unlock your soul you will be able to control the knowledge as it’s released – you can ask for

the process to speed up or slow down.

You are always in control of how much information you desire.

“Everyone’s soul lived in heaven before it was sent to earth to live within a human body, and the soul has all the

knowledge of heaven.”

Unlocking Your Soul’s Potential Meditation

We will use the same beginning as in the previous 2 meditations.

St. Peter's "Keys to Heaven"

Healing Meditation (from Ch 6)

1. Take several nice deep breaths.

2. Allow yourself to relax.

3. Imagine your happy place, calm and peaceful.

4. Connect your God cord by imagining a beautiful gold energy flowing from heaven down into the top of

your head and filling you up with love and light.

5. Imagine this light is cleansing and clearing your spiritual and physical body and you look like a giant

light bulb.

6. Imagine standing on top of the world and sending this energy out over the entire world. Cleansing and

clearing – healing the earth.

7. Now feel yourself floating up and up and up into the first dimension.

8. Now I want you to move through each dimension by filling the dimension with this beautiful golden

energy and when everything is cleared and healed feel yourself floating up and up and up into the next


9. Do this through each dimension until you get to the 9th dimension.

10. In the 9th dimension God will appear and hand you 2 keys on a chain to heaven. A door appears in front

of you and you use the smaller key to move into the first part of heaven.

11. As the door opens you see angels everywhere. They take you across a bridge and another door appears

– bigger, more solid.

12. You use your bigger key to open this door.

13. You are now in heaven.

Soul Unlocking

Spirit Replacement

1. An angel comes to greet you.

2. Tell her your spirit is worn out and your here for a new one.

3. She brings you to God.

4. Explain to God that your spirit is worn out and you would like a new one.

5. God touches your forehead and calls out your old, worn out raggedy spirit. The angels come to take this

spirit away to be healed.

6. Now, God inserts a new spirit, filled with love, light and harmony.

7. Feel a warm, tingly feeling enter into the top of your head and then move down into your chest

throughout your whole body.

8. This is your new spirit adjusting itself to your body.

9. This spirit is pure, untainted God energy.

10. Now, using a beautiful GREEN healing energy, God synchronizes the new spirit with your mind – so

feel this green energy flow from his hand, down into your forehead, into your new spirit, and into your

mind making the two, one.

11. Next, using a beautiful BLUE healing energy,God synchronizes your new spirit with your body – so feel

this blue energy flow from his hand, down into your forehead, into your new spirit and into your body

making the two, one.

12. Finally, using a beautiful GOLD healing energy, God synchronizes your body, mind and spirit as one –

so feel this gold energy flow from his hand, down into your forehead, into your mind, body and spirit

swirling together becoming one whole being.

13. As this is complete you feel a beautiful sense of peace and serenity flow through your whole body.

Soul Unlocking

1. Now, ask God for a Soul Unlocking.

2. God touches your forehead and a beautiful white light moves from his hand into your head and moving

into your spiritual body which is within your physical body and settles down in your chest.

3. You may feel… warm, tingly, light

4. As this light moves upward it reveals a golden key located in your third eye or forehead.

5. Reach up and touch your third eye located between your eyes.

6. As you do your key moves into your hand.

7. You may see your key as glowing, sparkling, shimmering, a solid color or rainbow of colors.

8. Now look into your heart and see a hole, a keyhole.

9. Place the key into the keyhole and turn it to the right.

10. Notice little rainbow looking double helix DNA symbols being released inside of your body.

11. This releases your soul’s DNA and the spiritual secrets are unlocked and will be revealed to you.

12. Notice yourself feeling happier, lighter, more joyful, renewed and reenergized and see a golden glow

coming from your insides out.

13. The Soul Unlocking is now complete.

14. Now see the Earth appear before you and envision a keyhole in the center.

15. Using your key place it into the keyhole and turn to the right.

16. Next see a beautiful golden energy being released and spinning all around the earth.

17. Earth has her very own spiritual DNA.

18. Give God thanks.

19. Take a nice deep breath and open your eyes.


Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name,

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, On earth as it is in heaven.

~ Matthew 6: 9-10

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that we turn words into wisdom!

Ch 9: Gifted Children: Understanding earth's precious cargo.

I am patient and loving in all of my relationships especially when it comes to children, my own or others.

"We, as a society, need to awaken to the next

generation of spirituality and

realize that our children

are the next great spiritual generation.

Don't suppress their abilities,

you may stop your child from becoming

a great healer, teacher or spiritual leader."

Understanding Who We Really Are

To help us with the transition of heaven on earth, God has sent many children with their souls already

unlocked as well as adults who are awakening quite rapidly.

Many children being born today and for the last 30 years are quite spiritually advanced and they need

adults who are awakened to help them understand their gifts.

Many of these kids may have a hard time in school because they are on a different vibrational level.

They are highly sensitive to their surroundings and are often times being medicated to help them fit in.

They may have a hard time concentrating because they are able to move easily between the physical and

non physical world and haven’t learned yet how to control this.

These children are natural empaths – they can feel the physical and emotional pain of whomever they’re


This can be very confusing for them as they don’t understand feelings that arise and they think that if

they feel something it must be coming from themselves when in reality they are picking up on how

others are feeling.

These advanced children also may have difficulty dealing with demons and dark energy as it may

manifest as nightmares or daydreams.

With no guidance, these children are vulnerable to dark energy which may or may not include, suicidal

thoughts, depression, cutting, abuse of drugs and alcohol, OCD and loneliness.

Part of having children is being spiritually responsible – so it’s your job to learn as much as you can and

then teach and guide your children.

Children who emit unusual radiant heat when they are held that makes you flush or gives you a head

rush may be gifted.

In a dimly light room, you may notice a slight glimmer of light around the top of their head or a spiritual

energy around them – this is called a halo and indicates the child may be gifted.

The most common indicator a child is gifted is if they can see and talk to the dead. Especially relatives

who have passed.

These children are called “crystals” – blonde hair and “indigos” – brown/black hair.

“One of the messages God gave me was that in the next ten years, 2006-2016, our planet will experience the

largest spiritual awakening in our world’s history. During these ten years, all of the people who live on earth

will become aware of their spiritual abilities.”

Meditation instead of Medication

Many problematic children just have demons and dark energy interfering with their light because they

are spiritually gifted and if they were able to claim their powers as a light being they could do much

damage to the demons.

Before you consider medication for your child be sure to use the meditations in this book to clear your

child or seek the counsel of a spiritual healer or psychic to ascertain what the deeper, underlying

problem may be.

Teaching children how to clear themselves of dark energy attacks will help them to stay connected to

their light and their ability to access guidance from their angels.

Gary has many testimonials of clients he’s worked with who’ve brought him problematic children. The

stories are quite amazing and if you have issues in this area I do recommend buying the book and

learning more about the people Gary has helped. I have quite an extensive background working wih

children of this nature so if you have any specific questions feel free to call me or email me privately.

(715.833.1096 or

Gary works with the Heavenly Hierarchy which is made up of Jesus, Mother Mary, Buddha, Ganesh, the

ArchAngels and, what he calls, the Royal Council, which is made up of the highest spiritual beings in

the universe.

“We are in an age of a spiritual awakening and everyone will have to learn how to carry on with their daily

activities here on earth as well as their daily spiritual activities. Everyone on earth is evolving to a higher level

of spiritual awareness. We are on the edge of a spiritual revolution.”

Please take a moment to post your comments in our Facebook Group. It is in the processing of information

that we turn words into wisdom!

Ch 10: Using Your Spiritual Gifts

Great strength lies within me at all times.

"You can now help others

with your new knowledge.

If you see dark energy around someone,

simply touch your chest,

take out your spiritual gift and

envision touching the dark energy.

Watch the demon explode into gold light."

Teaching Your Children How to Use Their Spiritual Gifts

Tell your child

1. If they see a monster or feel scared about anything, all they have to do is touch their chest and in take

out their gift (brainstorm what the gift will look like – maybe it’s a magic wand with magical power).

2. Imagine filling up the room with gold energy with this wand.

3. Ask your angels for help – each one of us has hundreds of angels that are there for us alone. We do not

share angels with each other.

4. If you do these three things the monsters won’t bother you anymore.


1. Follow the same steps above…touch the chest, pull out the wand, fill up the room with gold energy and

ask your angels for help.

2. If they do this every night they will sleep much better.

Helping Others

We can help others when we feel darkness around them simply by using the steps above.

1. When you touch the demon or dark energy imagine it exploding into golden light. This way you

completely eliminate it and it will never come back again.

Using Your Spiritual Gifts

Once you awaken to the spiritual world you will more easily feel when dark energy comes around you

or when you are being attacked.

As soon as you feel this, touch your hand to your chest, remove your spiritual gift and touch the dark

energy and watch it explode into gold light.

Don’t wait.

Do it as soon as you feel something amiss.

Your ego mind will talk you out of it.

Do it anyway.

You can’t blow up what’s not there so nothing gained nothing lost.

The longer you wait to clear yourself the more power and energy the force gains.

Earthbound Spirits

Earthbound spirits come around people who have a bright God light.

You can tell if an earthbound spirit is around because you will feel a slight heaviness, headachy, and


If you think you have an EBS just ask God to send heaven’s light to take the lost spirit home.

I imagine a beautiful white light opening up in the sky and the spirit’s loved ones and guardian angels

coming down to help them cross over.

Once the spirit has crossed over you’ll feel lighter, maybe a sudden happiness or joy.

Daily meditation helps you stay clear of demons, dark energy and earthbound spirits and helps you stay

connected to your angels and guides.

“When you send a lost spirit back to heaven, you are doing them the biggest favor anyone can do for them.

Being earthbound is torture for them because they are vulnerable to Demons and dark energy.”

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that we turn words into wisdom!

Ch 11: Messages from God: More Spiritual Secrets Revealed

I have the courage to overcome all difficulties in my life.


"People are not evil,

Demons are evil and

Demons attack everyone's spiritual bodies

making you do and say

evil, mean and nasty things

to one another on earth."

Messages from God

Truth, Honesty, Lying, Love & Relationships

It’s important to be honest and truthful because it has a higher vibrational frequency and keeps Demons

and dark energy at bay.

No lie is a good lie in the spiritual dimension.

Be sure to clear your physical & spiritual dimensions because it will enable more opportunities for love

to come into your life.

Look at people and love people with your “spiritual eyes” this way judgment will not cloud your


In Heaven you felt connected and part of the whole, when you left your spiritual body and entered a

physical one you left that oneness and began to feel disconnected and lonely.

While you’re here on earth you’re constantly searching and looking for that relationship that will make

you feel whole again.

Your spirit senses others in your “spiritual group” and is always searching and looking for that soul

family here on earth that you had in heaven.

When you do finally make that connection the Demons and dark energies are at work trying to keep you

apart through arguments, jealousy and intolerance.

“When you lie in the physical dimension, it sends a vibration of untruth into the spiritual dimensions and a

vibration of untruth is dark black energy”.


When God gave everyone free will, he had to allow the Demons to influence them as well as the angels.

So along with free will comes Demon temptations.

Demons began to try to control the humans by turning them against each other.

Once the vibrational frequency is raised high enough the Demons will be completely eliminated and so

will ALL issues of control.


At the core of your being you are meant to co-exist in peace and harmony without competition and fear.


The Demons don’t want anyone on earth joining together in unity as one power fighting against them.

They would rather divide and conquer.


Fear Demons exist and their main pleasure is stopping people from accomplishing their dreams while

living here on earth.

Think about what you want most in your life. Are you taking action to achieve that?

If not, you may have a fear demon thwarting your desire to be happy and fulfilled.

Use your spiritual gift to get rid of it, NOW!

Non Attachment

Many people develop strong attachment to the outcome of a situation that creates a negative energy

around what they are trying to accomplish.

When you are so strongly attached to an outcome Demons come and wreak havoc creating fear and

hopelessness. Demons cannot attach to a situation if you have nonattachment.

Life will become much easier if you learn the lesson of “nonattachment to the outcome of a situation.”


Any time you are feeling jealous go in and clear your God cord and the Demon attached to the jealousy.


Negativity is the most contagious of all diseases and yes, it is a disease.

Negativity is the stopping or interfering of energy flowing from heaven through your God cord.

Be sure to take the time to clear your God cord anytime negativity creeps into your head.


There’s nothing worse than being in a physical body and not appreciating this opportunity.

What if you woke up tomorrow and everything were gone?

So many people are existing, not truly living.

They have shut down their feelings and are walking around numb.

Take time to be grateful and truly appreciate life.

The Gift

The gift of life should start with love for your life, friends, family and all people–everyone on earth living as it

is in heaven taking care of one another. Heaven is true oneness. It’s time for heaven to come to earth.

Ch 12: A Perfect World

My faith in myself lifts me high above any fear.

The Golden City

There is only light and dark.

Every moment of every day, in every decision we make and every thought we think, we choose light or dark.

What will you choose today?

Ch 12 is a multitude of testimonials from someone with an autistic child that Gary helped to an alcohol & drug

addict to someone who suffered severe from depression. By simply using the techniques outlined here you can

heal and clear yourself of many issues.

Ch 13 is simply one page entitled: A Perfect World

We're all light beings. We're affected sometimes by the darkness that attacks and confuses our path, but as

long as we have light in our body and we meditate and pray daily, we can expand that light to every God

being on the planet wherever they are so everyone can live in a perfect world.

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Our next book: I AM: The Power of Discovering Who You Truly Are by H. Falco.
