Gamma new sept 2013 gamma mylifestyle 40




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my lifestyle


• Continuous research and innovat ion, without

ever forgett ing tradit ional va lues. A c lear v is ion

of the present and an eye on the future. By

adher ing to these two pr inc iples, Gamma gives

concrete form to i ts pass ion for des ign every

day. The results are a dist inct sty le and an

intr ins ic e legance of each element, where

handcrafted workmanship meets des ign,

highl ight ing the craftsmanship in contemporary

forms and state of the art l ines.

Welcome to Gamma.

• Ricerca cont inua e innovazione, senza mai

diment icare i va lor i del la tradiz ione. Vis ione

l impida del presente e sguardo r ivolto a l futuro.

Attraverso quest i presupposti s i concretizza ogni

giorno l ’amore per i l des ign Gamma. I r i sultat i

sono una spiccata personal i tà ed una eleganza

intr inseca di ogni s ingolo e lemento, dove la

real izzazione manuale unita a l des ign esalta

l ’art ig ianal i tà anche nel le forme contemporanee

e nel le l inee più moderne.

Benvenut i in Gamma.


alfred 06

soho 14

aston 24

sound 34

blues 40

t i ffany 44

carnaby 50

bond 54

soleado 60

swing 68

king 74

bel levue 80

twist 86

mokambo 92

laguna 98

saint tropez 104

herman 110

lounge 116

avenue 120

les étoi les 124occas ional chairs & coffee tables

technical sheets 136


• Alfred is both re laxed and sure of himself .

Behind the formal and almost austere look

hides an open and welcoming nature. When

you real ly get acquainted, Alfred knows how to

l isten and give support, how to make you feel

safe and provide a l l those feel ings of wel lbeing

that make you feel at ease. In summary, Alfred

is an icon of mascul ine e legance, with an

unpretent ious sty le, and the perfect balance

between form and funct ion.

• Alfred s i muove dis involto e s icuro di se.

Dietro l ’aspetto formale, quasi severo, nasconde

un carattere aperto e disponibi le, “accogl iente”.

Quando lo conosci veramente Alfred ti sa ascoltare

e t i asseconda, sa dart i s icurezza e tutte quel le

sensazioni di benessere che ti mettono così a tuo

agio. In sintesi Alfred è una vera icona di eleganza

maschi le, d i st i le senza snobismi e ostentazioni ,

s intass i corretta tra forma e funzione.

06 alfred 07

alfred 0908 alfred

alfred 1110 alfred

alfred 1312 alfred


• The Soho is the epicenter of the everyday l i fe.

So informal and uninhibited, is able to accept

every request of re lax.

The back cushions move backwards with a

s imple gesture, suddenly seat changes,

depth increases considerably, the soft cushions

embraces us with generos ity.

The background is t ransformed, a lways new,

a lways surpr is ing, a lways Soho.

• Soho è l ’epicentro attorno al quale ruota

la v i ta in tutt i i momenti del la giornata.

Così informale e dis in ib i to, s i presta ad

assecondare ogni r ichiesta di re lax:

g l i schienal i arretrano con un sempl ice gesto,

immediatamente la seduta s i t rasforma,

la profondità aumenta considerevolmente,

i morbidi cusc ini accolgono con generos ità.

I l paesaggio s i è trasformato, sempre nuovo,

sempre sorprendente, sempre Soho.

14 soho 15

soho 1716 soho

soho 1918 soho

soho 2120 soho

soho 23

It takes a simple gesture to transform the seat depth.

Un semplice gesto basta per trasformare la profondità delle sedute.

aston 25


• The Aston concentrates a l l Gamma

qual i t ies into a new extraordinary model .

As a result of a mix of tradit ion, technology,

handcrafted abi l i ty and pure emotion,

Aston shows the contemporary vers ion of the

“capitonné” art and becomes a reference point

in the inter ior des ign world. Aston does not

suffer the passage of t ime, but reta ins that

part icular status and look that belong to the

modern c lass ic art , going further any fashions.

• Aston r iunisce tutte le conoscenze di

Gammain un nuovo model lo straordinar io.

Nato da una combinazione magistra le

di t radiz ione, tecnologia, abi l i tà art ig ianale

ed emozione pura, interpreta la lavorazione

capitonné in vers ione contemporanea e diventa

un punto di r i fer imento nel l ’ inter ior des ign.

Aston non subisce i l passare del tempo

ma acquista quel lo status di moderna c lass ic i tà

che va oltre ogni moda.


aston 2726 aston

aston 2928 aston

aston 3130 aston

aston 3332 aston


• Sound is an embracing exper ience,

i t f i l l s a whole ambient, even large ones

l ike a theatre or a stadium,

with the intensity and the abi l i ty

to involve the audience.

The Sound does exact ly the same thing:

it is enchanting, generous, looks l ike it is moving,

embraces us with i ts comfort , and re lax us.

The Sound, l ike music, i s a real “ language”

providing inf in i te interpretat ions.

• I l suono è un’esper ienza avvolgente,

r iempie un intero ambiente, anche immenso

come un teatro o uno stadio,

con la sua intensità e la capacità di

coinvolgere i l suo spettatore.

Sound si comporta esattamente allo stesso modo:

è coinvolgente, generoso, attraente, s i muove,

c i accogl ie con la sua comodità, c i r i lassa.

Sound, come la musica, è un vero e propr io

“ l inguaggio” capace di inf in i te interpretazioni .

34 sound 35

sound 3736 sound

sound 3938 sound



• I taste the sound of the guitars, drums,

harmonica. This sort of dance, this shuff l ing

boogie, wraps me up in v iv id emotions. The

blues is real , d i rect , honest, whether i t be a

sweet song l ike that of Bobby "Blue" Bland or

unfalter ing and threatening as that of Howl in'

Wolf , i t 's st i l l a lways about the blues.

Here, in the twilight, stretched comfortably on my

couch, I indulge in its rhythm, just drift ing away.

• Assaporo le chitarre, la batter ia, l ’armonica.

Questa sorte di danza, questo strascicato boogie,

mi avvolge di v iv ide emozioni . I l b lues è

autent ico, diretto, onesto, s ia che s i t ratt i d i

un canto dolce come quel lo di Bobby “Blue”

Bland o deciso e minaccioso come quel lo di

Howl in’ Wolf , s i t ratta sempre di B lues.

Qui , nel la penombra, comodamente a l lungato

sul mio divano, assecondo i l suo r i tmo,

abbandonato al le emozioni .

blues 41

blues 4342 blues

t i ffany

• Today i t i s “Breakfast at T i ffany’s”

with Audrey Hepburn, at dawn, on F i f th Avenue

s idewalk, in a black sheath dress by Givenchy,

pear ls str ing and Wayfarer Ray Ban glasses

with turt le frame. In the background the sound

of the beaut i ful Moon River.

Here, re laxed in our sofa, we l ight ly touch

the leather of the cushions and we enjoy

this scene that represents one of the most

iconic symbol of sty le.

• Oggi facc iamo “Colazione da Tiffany”

con Audrey Hepburn. Caffé nero e croissant

da passeggio, a l l ’a lba, sul marc iapiede del la

F i f th Avenue, in tubino nero di Givenchy,

f i l i d i per le e occhia l i Wayfarer Ray Ban con

montatura di tartaruga. Ci fa da sottofondo

i l suono del la splendida Moon River.

Qui, r i lassati sul nostro divano, sf ioriamo la pel le

dei cusc in i e c i godiamo questa scena che ha

consacrato una vera e propr ia icona di st i le .

44 tiffany 45

tiffany 4746 tiffany

48 tiffany

The back cushions lift up turning into comfortable headrests.

Gli schienali si sollevano trasformandosi in comodi poggiatesta.



• Evert t ime I get to Carnaby Street,

my thought goes to The Beat les and to my

f i rst t r ip to London, long t ime ago.

T ime does not pass by, the charm of this road

rests intact, everything has a different rhythm,

calm and re laxed.

Every moment I spend in my Carnaby sofa

gives me the same feel ing, the same emotions,

t ranqui l i ty and re lax. Comfortable, looking

forward to my next tr ip to Carnaby Street.

• Ogni volta che arr ivo in Carnaby Street

i l mio pensiero va a i Beat les e a l pr imo v iaggio

a Londra, tanto tempo fa. Per me qui i l tempo

non passa, i l fasc ino di questa strada r imane

inalterato negl i anni , tutto ha un r i tmo diverso,

più tranqui l lo, r i lassato.

Ogni momento che trascorro sul mio divano

Carnaby mi trasmette le stesse sensazioni ,

t ranqui l l i tà e re lax. Comodo, pregustando i l

pross imo appuntamento a Carnaby Street.

carnaby 51

carnaby 5352 carnaby

bond 55


• Events at the Halcyon Gal lery are a lways an

opportunity to evaluate the latest work of the most

important contemporary art ists , f rom the rest ,

between Mayfair and Piccadil ly, the auction house

of Sotheby's was establ ished s ince 1744. This i s

the area where important business deals took

place, then as now; the great London "Developers"

certa inly knew what they were doing. I 've

a lways found Bond Street to be so dynamic, so

exclus ive and always exc it ing. Bond is amazing.

• Gli appuntamenti del l ’Halcyon Gal lery sono

sempre un’occas ione per valutare gl i u l t imi

lavor i dei p iù important i art ist i contemporanei ,

del resto qui , t ra Mayfair e P iccadi l ly, la casa

d’aste Sotheby’s era già att iva f in dal 1744.

In quest’area poi s i sono sempre fatt i grandi

affar i e, a l lora come oggi , i grandi “Developers”

londines i sapevano i l fatto loro. Bond Street

mi assomigl ia, cos ì d inamica, cos ì esc lus iva,

sempre emozionante. Bond è sorprendente.


bond 5756 bond

58 bond bond 59

Bond: accuracy of volume and balance of proportions.

Bond: esattezza dei volumi ed equilibrio delle proporzioni.

soleado 6160


• The total f reedom to choose. To go with the

f low or to change course. To surf the open seas,

without l imitat ion, enjoy ing the endless space,

wind and sun. The same feel ing of freedom, the

chance to mold your own space and to relax and

enjoy i t , changing the distr ibut ion of this space

with a s imple movement. Soleado knows how to

sat isfy our des i res and dreams.

• Totale l ibertà di scegl iere. Assecondare le

corrent i o decidere di cambiare direz ione.

Navigare in mar i apert i , senza l imit i , godere

del lo spazio inf in i to, del vento, del sole.

La stessa sensazione di l ibertà, la poss ib i l i tà di

scegl iere i l propr io spazio, d i v iver lo in modo

informale , cambiandone la conf iguraz ione con

un sempl ice movimento. Soleado sa assecondare

i nostr i des ider i e i nostr i sogni .

soleado 6362 soleado

soleado 6564 soleado

66 soleado

The Soleado sofa is elegantly covered in Piuma leather upholstery E515.

La pelle Piuma E515 veste elegantemente il modello Soleado.


• Reading the f i rst book on Golf technique

from 1687 i t i s amazing to see how s imi lar the

way to interpret the "swing" was then with

respect to how we conceive i t today. This

further conf i rms that the game of golf i s based

on s imple concepts and movements, which

above al l , are natural . S imple, just l ike the l ines

and volumes of the Swing Sofa and natural as

the colour ranges which dress the sofa i tse l f .

• Leggendo i l pr imo l ibro di tecnica del Golf

del 1687 è incredibi le notare quanto s imi le

fosse i l modo di interpretare lo “swing”

r ispetto a come lo concepiamo oggi . Questa è

l ’ennesima conferma che i l g ioco del golf s i

basa su concett i e movimenti sempl ic i e

soprattutto natural i . Sempl ic i propr io come le

l inee ed i volumi del model lo Swing e natural i

come le gamme cromatiche e le pel l i con cui

vest i re i l propr io divano.

68 swing 69

swing 7170 swing

swing 7372 swing

king 75


• It's the key piece on the chessboard. Al l

strategies of the game revolve around i t : to

c lever ly a im for v ictory, beat ing the opponent

with a decis ive move and, f inal ly, to del iver

checkmate. The King sofa is without a doubt,

the absolute master of your l iv ing space.

Honouring i ts name, i t welcomes you with

open arms and wraps i tse l f around you,

offer ing protect ion and surrounding you with

the attent ion that only a k ing can give.

• È i l pezzo chiave del g ioco. Attorno al la sua

f igura ruotano tutte le strategie del la part i ta:

puntare abi lmente a l la v i t tor ia, battere

l ’avversar io con una mossa decis iva ed, inf ine,

dare scaccomatto. King è padrone assoluto del

suo spazio, senza compless i e compromess i .

Forte del suo valore t i accogl ie benevolo, t i

abbraccia, t i protegge, t i c i rconda di attenzioni

come solo un vero re sa fare.


king 7978 king

bel levue

• To reach out and feel that you can almost

touch the sea. A few steps separate the terrace

from the beach and the warm, welcoming sand.

Long walks a long the shore, this undef ined

boundary which is a lways in motion, of an

unknown colour, ranging between pear l and

si lver. To return after a short whi le to the

terrace and our Bel levue to enjoy a cool dr ink,

to watch the sunset. Immersed in a dream.

• Allungare un braccio ed avere la sensazione

di toccare i l mare. Pochi gradini separavano la

terrazza dal la spiaggia, dal la sabbia t iepida,

accogliente. Lunghe passeggiate sul bagnasciuga,

questo confine indefinito, sempre in movimento,

di un colore imprecisato, f ra i l madreper la e

l ’argento. Poi bastava un att imo per tornare

sul la terrazza di Bel levue e r infrescars i con un

aper i t ivo ghiacciato, guardare i l t ramonto.

Immers i in un sogno.

80 bellevue 81

bellevue 8382 bellevue

84 bellevue

Nubuk in natural shades: a second skin feeling within Gamma.

Il Nabuk in tonalità naturali: la sensibilità delle pelli secondo Gamma.

twist 87


• Ian F leming's James Bond appeared for the

f i rst t ime in 1953, in "Casino Royale". In one

of the most intense moments of the romance,

Bond orders at the bar of the Casino, a Vesper

Mart in i in memory of Vesper Lynd, a Bond gir l

he had been in love with. Three measures of

Gordon's, one of vodka, half a measure of white

vermouth, an ol ive and a twist of lemon.. . a l l

"shaken", not st i r red.

• Per la prima volta nel 1953 in “Casino Royale”

di Ian F leming compare James Bond. In uno dei

momenti p iù intensi del romanzo Bond ordina,

a l bar del Cas ino, un Vesper Mart in i in memoria

di Vesper Lynd, bondgir l d i cui l ’agente 007 era

innamorato. Tre part i d i Gordon’s Gin, una

parte di Vodka, mezza parte di Vermouth

bianco, un’ol iva e un twist d i l imone.. . i l tutto

r igorosamente “agitato”, non mescolato.


twist 8988 twist

twist 9190 twist


• There is a table reserved at Mokambo.

She placed her purse down on i t , sat a lone for a

whi le and quickly rose on her feet as Ale jandro

invited her to dance a tango, a milonga, and then

a waltz. A whir l ing of glances, of sensual i ty.

Bodies touch, move away and come together

again, the resolute steps now become languid,

drama now dances with pass ion. And then, a

storm of applause.

• Al Mokambo c’è un tavol ino r iservato.

Ha appoggiato la borsetta, s i è seduta solo un

att imo e s i è subito a lzata perchè Ale jandro l ’ha

inv i tata a bal lare: un tango, una mi longa, poi

ancora un valzer. Un vort ice di sguardi , d i

sensual i tà. I corpi s i toccano, s i lasc iano e s i

r iprendono, i gest i decis i ora s i fanno languidi ,

i l dramma ora bal la con la pass ione. E inf ine un

uragano di applausi scrosc iant i .

92 mokambo 93

mokambo 9594 mokambo

Mokambo with chaise longue: generous size and great comfort.

Mokambo con chaise longue: dimensioni generose e grande comfort.

mokambo 9796 mokambo



• It is hard to imagine that there is , on this

earth, a c i ty that can remain unchanged over

t ime as Venice. But i f the façades, churches,

br idges are a lways those of the past , the true

heart of the c i ty str ives to keep pace with

contemporary l i fe. Here, as a lways, there is no

shortage of creat ive dar ing: dur ing the ear ly

1900's, Mariano Fortuny contributed significantly

to the development of contemporary des ign.

• È diff ic i le immaginare che es ista, su questa

terra, una c i t tà capace di r imanere inalterata

nel tempo come Venezia. Ma se le facc iate, le

chiese, i pont i sono sempre quel l i d i un tempo,

i l vero cuore pulsante del la c i t tà s i sforza di

mantenere i l passo con la contemporaneità.

Qui , da sempre, non mancano esempi di

grande audacia creat iva: a l l ’ in iz io del ‘900

Mariano Fortuny contr ibuì s ignif icat ivamente

al lo sv i luppo del des ign contemporaneo.

laguna 99

laguna 101100 laguna

laguna 103102 laguna

saint tropez

• It a l l starts at Bodega, fac ing the harbour, a

restaurant- lounge with beaut i ful and essent ia l

contemporary furniture. You have something to

dr ink, l i s tening to the blues in the background

unti l 2, then everyone goes to the c lub, the

temple of the show-biz, the disco "de la jeuness

dorée de la côte". Gir ls dressed in Dior or Dolce

and Gabbana laugh and dr ink Cr ista l , and let

themselves go more and more towards endless

night, here in Saint Tropez. On my Saint Tropez.

• Tutto comincia a l Bodega, di f ronte a l porto:

un r isto- lounge con un bel arredamento

contemporaneo ed essenzia le. S i beve qualcosa

con un sottofondo blues f in verso le 2, poi

tutt i verso i l c lub, i l tempio del lo show-biz,

la discoteca “de la jeunesse dorée de la côte”.

Ragazze in Dior o Dolce e Gabbana r idono e

bevono Cr ista l , e s i lasc iano andare sempre di

più verso la notte inf in i ta, qui a Saint Tropez.

Sul mio Saint Tropez.

104 saint tropez 105

106 saint tropez saint tropez 107

saint tropez 109108 saint tropez


• Man has no tasks except one: to f ind the way

to himself , to discover his own dest iny – not

an arbitrary one – and l ive i t out whol ly and

resolutely within himself . . . .Many t imes I had

fantas ized about my future, about becoming a

painter or poet or prophet, or something similar.

Nothing of the sort . . . .Al l that is secondary.

The genuine vocat ion of each man is to f ind

the way to himself .

• Per gl i uomini non esiste nessunissimo dovere,

tranne uno: cercare se stess i , consol idars i in sé,

procedere a tentat iv i per la propr ia v ia ovunque

essa conduca. . . .Molte volte avevo fantast icato

sul mio futuro, poeta o profeta o pittore o

qualcosa di s imi le. Niente di tutto c iò. . . .Tutto

ciò è secondar io. La vera vocazione di ognuno

è una sola, quel la di conoscere se stess i .

(Hermann Hesse)

110 herman 111

herman 113112 herman

114 herman herman 115

lounge 117116


• Elegant palaces, grand boulevards interspersed

by tree- l ined squares. In fact , i t i s just what

Haussmann had in mind when he oversaw the

construct ion of new cit ies in the mid-nineteenth

century. Such a context can only give r ise to

st imul i , advice, endless suggest ions, everyone

can express in their own language the beauty

and qual i ty that can be breathed in by just

walk ing aimless ly around the c i ty.

• Palazz i e legant i , affacc iat i su grandios i

boulevard inframmezzat i da piazze a lberate. In

effett i è propr io quel lo che Haussmann aveva

in mente quando sovr intendeva al la costruzione

del la nuova c i t tà a l la metà del l ’ottocento.

Un tale contesto non può che dare vita a st imoli ,

sugger imenti , suggest ioni inf in i te, ognuno può

tradurre nel la propr ia l ingua la bel lezza e la

qual i tà che qui s i respira sempl icemente

camminando senza meta apparente per la c i t tà.

lounge 119118 lounge


• Out of the corner of his eye Gatsby saw that

the blocks of the s idewalks real ly formed a

ladder and mounted to a secret place above

the trees – he could c l imb to i t , i f he c l imbed

alone, and once there he could suck on the

pap l i fe, gulp down the incomparable mi lk

of wonder.

• Con la coda del l ’occhio, Gatsby vedeva che

gl i edif ic i sui marc iapiedi cost i tu ivano una vera

e propr ia scala e sa l ivano a un luogo segreto

a l d isopra degl i a lber i ; poteva arrampicarv is i ,

se lo faceva da solo, una volta in c ima avrebbe

potuto succhiare la l infa del la v i ta, t rangugiare

i l latte incomparabi le del la meravigl ia.

(Francis Scott Fitzgerald - The Great Gatsby)

120 avenue 121

avenue 123122 avenue


124 les étoiles 125

les étoi les

• Listen to music with your soul .

Don't you feel an inner being awakening

within you? I t i s because of him that you ra ise

your head, your arms r ise up, you s lowly walk

towards the l ight. This awakening is the f i rst

step of dancing as I conceive i t .

• Ascoltate la musica con l 'anima.

Non sent i te un essere inter iore che v i s i

r i svegl ia dentro? È per lu i che la testa v i s i

dr izza, che le braccia s i sol levano,

che camminate lentamente verso la luce.

E questo r isvegl io è i l pr imo passo del la danza

come la concepisco io.

(Isadora Duncan)

tul ip

tul ip les étoiles 127

128 les étoiles

dol ly

dol ly



les étoiles 131

les étoiles 133132 les étoiles

carr iekate

les étoiles 135




technical sheets

• The purpose of a product range is as important

as the beauty and qual i ty of the mater ia ls used.

Al l models respond in an excel lent manner to

the issues of modular i ty thanks to extensive

modular i ty, composit ions with a chaise longue,

corner modules, daybeds, easy to use

mechanisms for vary ing the depths and heights

of back seats, being able to create, therefore,

an inf in i te var iety of conf igurat ions.

With the models from Gamma's col lect ion, i t 's

poss ib le to create a bespoke and unique l iv ing

space l ike no other.

• La funzione di un prodotto Gamma è importante

come la bel lezza, come la qual i tà dei mater ia l i .

Tutt i i model l i danno eccel lent i r i sposte a i temi

del la componibi l i tà grazie ad ampie modular i tà,

composiz ioni con chaise longue, angolar i ,

daybed, meccanismi di fac i le ut i l izzo per var iare

profondità di sedute e a l tezze di schienal i

potendo real izzare, quindi , un ventagl io

inf in i to di conf igurazioni .

Con i model l i del la col lezione Gamma è possibi le

costruire uno spazio che somigl ia solo a se

stess i e a nessun altro.

technical sheets 139138 technical sheets

Dimensions: the first figure shows sizes in centimeters, the second in inches.

Each piece is made by hand and has its own uniqueness. Measures may vary with a tollerance up to 3%.

Mixing above groups (X - Y - J) will create sectionals with different seat widths.

Corner piece E01 is an odd piece and can be used with all above groups X - Y - J.

Seat depth 56 cm - 22".

Dimensions: the first figure shows sizes in centimeters, the second in inches.

Each piece is made by hand and has its own uniqueness. Measures may vary with a tollerance up to 3%.

Seat depth 68 cm - 27".

technical sheets 141140 technical sheets

Dimensions: the first figure shows sizes in centimeters, the second in inches.

Each piece is made by hand and has its own uniqueness. Measures may vary with a tollerance up to 3%.

Mixing above groups (X - Y - J) will create sectionals with different seat widths.

Corner piece E01 is an odd piece and can be used with all above groups X - Y - J.

Seat depth 58 cm - 23".

Dimensions: the first figure shows sizes in centimeters, the second in inches.

Each piece is made by hand and has its own uniqueness. Measures may vary with a tollerance up to 3%.

Mixing above groups (X - Y - J) will create sectionals with different seat widths.

Corner piece E01 is an odd piece and can be used with all above groups X - Y - J.

Seat depth 58 cm - 23".

technical sheets 143142 technical sheets

Dimensions: the first figure shows sizes in centimeters, the second in inches.

Each piece is made by hand and has its own uniqueness. Measures may vary with a tollerance up to 3%.

Mixing above groups (X - Y - J) will create sectionals with different seat widths.

Corner piece E01 is an odd piece and can be used with all above groups X - Y - J.

Seat depth 56 cm - 22".

Dimensions: the first figure shows sizes in centimeters, the second in inches.

Each piece is made by hand and has its own uniqueness. Measures may vary with a tollerance up to 3%.

Mixing above groups (X - Y - J) will create sectionals with different seat widths.

Corner piece E01 is an odd piece and can be used with all above groups X - Y - J.

Seat depth 57 cm - 22".

Dimensions: the first figure shows sizes in centimeters, the second in inches.

Each piece is made by hand and has its own uniqueness. Measures may vary with a tollerance up to 3%.

Mixing above groups (X - Y - J) will create sectionals with different seat widths.

Corner piece E01 is an odd piece and can be used with all above groups X - Y - J.

Seat depth 57 cm - 22".

Dimensions: the first figure shows sizes in centimeters, the second in inches.

Each piece is made by hand and has its own uniqueness. Measures may vary with a tollerance up to 3%.

Mixing above groups (X - Y - J) will create sectionals with different seat widths.

Corner piece E01 is an odd piece and can be used with all above groups X - Y - J.

Seat depth 57 cm - 22".

technical sheets 145144 technical sheets

Dimensions: the first figure shows sizes in centimeters, the second in inches.

Each piece is made by hand and has its own uniqueness. Measures may vary with a tollerance up to 3%.

Mixing above groups (Y - J) will create sectionals with different seat widths.

Corner piece E01 is an odd piece and can be used with all above groups Y - J.

Seat depth 66/107 cm - 26"/42".

Dimensions: the first figure shows sizes in centimeters, the second in inches.

Each piece is made by hand and has its own uniqueness. Measures may vary with a tollerance up to 3%.

Mixing above groups (X - J) will create sectionals with different seat widths.

Corner piece E01 is an odd piece and can be used with all above groups X - J.

Seat depth 60 cm - 24".

technical sheets 147146 technical sheets

Dimensions: the first figure shows sizes in centimeters, the second in inches.

Each piece is made by hand and has its own uniqueness. Measures may vary with a tollerance up to 3%.

Mixing above groups (X - Y - J) will create sectionals with different seat widths.

Corner piece E01 is an odd piece and can be used with all above groups X - Y - J.

Seat depth 57 cm - 22".

Dimensions: the first figure shows sizes in centimeters, the second in inches.

Each piece is made by hand and has its own uniqueness. Measures may vary with a tollerance up to 3%.

Mixing above groups (X - Y - J) will create sectionals with different seat widths.

Corner piece E01 is an odd piece and can be used with all above groups X - Y - J.

Seat depth 56 cm - 22".

technical sheets 149148 technical sheets

technical sheets 151150 technical sheets

Dimensions: the first figure shows sizes in centimeters, the second in inches.

Each piece is made by hand and has its own uniqueness. Measures may vary with a tollerance up to 3%.

Mixing above groups (X - Y - J) will create sectionals with different seat widths.

Corner piece E01 is an odd piece and can be used with all above groups X - Y - J.

Seat depth 62 cm - 24".

Dimensions: the first figure shows sizes in centimeters, the second in inches.

Each piece is made by hand and has its own uniqueness. Measures may vary with a tollerance up to 3%.

Mixing above groups (Y - J) will create sectionals with different seat widths.

Corner piece E01 is an odd piece and can be used with all above groups Y - J.

Seat depth 66/106 cm - 26/42".

Dimensions: the first figure shows sizes in centimeters, the second in inches.

Each piece is made by hand and has its own uniqueness. Measures may vary with a tollerance up to 3%.

Mixing above groups (X - Y - J) will create sectionals with different seat widths.

Corner piece E01 is an odd piece and can be used with all above groups X - Y - J.

Seat depth 56 cm - 22".

technical sheets 153152 technical sheets

Dimensions: the first figure shows sizes in centimeters, the second in inches.

Each piece is made by hand and has its own uniqueness. Measures may vary with a tollerance up to 3%.

Mixing above groups (X - Y - J) will create sectionals with different seat widths.

Corner pieces E01, CON and E20 are odd pieces and can be used with all above groups X - Y - J.

Seat depth 57 cm - 22".

Dimensions: the first figure shows sizes in centimeters, the second in inches.

Each piece is made by hand and has its own uniqueness. Measures may vary with a tollerance up to 3%.

Mixing above groups (X - Y - J) will create sectionals with different seat widths.

Corner piece E01 is an odd piece and can be used with all above groups X - Y - J.

Seat depth 59 cm - 23".

Dimensions: the first figure shows sizes in centimeters, the second in inches.

Each piece is made by hand and has its own uniqueness. Measures may vary with a tollerance up to 3%.

Mixing above groups (X - J) will create sectionals with different seat widths.

Corner piece E01 is an odd piece and can be used with all above groups X - J.

Seat depth 56 cm - 22".

technical sheets 155154 technical sheets

Seat depth 56 cm - 22".

Seat height 44 cm - 17".

Seat depth 54 cm - 21".

Seat height 41 cm - 16".

Seat depth 56 cm - 22".

Seat height PNA 40 cm - 16".

Seat height POL 38 cm - 15".

Seat depth 60 cm - 24".

Seat height PNA 42 cm - 17".

Seat height POL 44 cm - 17".

Seat height POS 46 cm - 18".

Seat depth 62 cm - 24".

Seat height 41 cm - 16".

Seat depth 50 cm - 20".

Seat height 41 cm - 16".

technical sheets 157156 technical sheets

Dimensions: the first figure shows sizes in centimeters, the second in inches.

Each piece is made by hand and has its own uniqueness. Measures may vary with a tollerance up to 3%.

Mixing above groups (X - J) will create sectionals with different seat widths.

Corner piece E01 is an odd piece and can be used with all above groups X - J.

Seat depth 57 cm - 22".

larch sherwood oak

Top finish – Finiture del piano

chrome dark chrome metallic grey metallic anthracite RAL 9003 - signal white RAL 7044 - silk grey RAL 3005 - wine red RAL 8019 - grey brown RAL 9005 - jet black

Metal legs finish – Finiture piedi in metallo

Wood top covered in leather.

Painted metal base.

Chrome base or black chrome base available on up-charge.

Wood top.

Painted metal base.

Chrome base or black chrome base available on up-charge.

Hard wood frame covered in leather.

Glass top.

Chrome metal base or painted metal base.

Black chrome base available on up-charge.

technical sheets 159158 technical sheets



Via P i tagora, 3 – 47121 For l ì (FC) – I ta l ia

Ph. +39 0543 708311 – Fax +39 0543 701795

info@gammarr. i t



520 South Hamilton Street

High Point, NC 27260

Ph. 336 886 8060 – Fax 336 886 8059

www.gammarr. it
