Gamification App Presentation


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MotivationPeople waste hours of their days playing games that do not contribute to their lives.

Our goal was to turn the addiction of gaming into a way to increase productivity.

Keep the interface simple enough that users maintain focus, while still providing meaningful organizational tools

High Level OverviewA user creates a high-level task and can break each task into subtasks (and even more subtasks if they should choose)

As subtasks are completed, status bars update the status of the high-level task

Once all subtasks are completed, the task is finished and the user has defeated the boss creature.

The game rewards the user by placing this creature in their garden.

Users can continue this way to collect all the animals and stay motivated

UI Model Implementation

BattlesThe battles are listed in a table in the main view.

Each cell represents a “battle”, and the progress of each battle i.e. the boss’s health is the background for an individual cell. Subtasks are “attacks” on the boss As more subtasks are added, the boss actually gains health so that it dynamically updates to include how complex the overall task is.

When a task is clicked on, it then moves into the next level of task hierarchy that contains all of the subtasks

The user can subtask as much as he or she wants, so a subtaskcan have its own subtasks

GamificationWhen a boss animal is defeated, the creature is captured.

The user can collect animals in their garden

Using the app network, users can visit their friends gardens and show off their animals

Social MediaWe are integrated with both Facebook and Twitter

Users can login via both

They can also utilize the services to show off their gardens and rewards

Backend/DatabaseThe backend is built using the Parse framework.

This framework safely and efficiently stores and loads data in both the cloud and locally. This allows for both offlines use and access, and syncing across multiple devices.

Link & ShareManaged lists allow you to link and move through todo lists created by professors or other students.

Tasks can be added or removed from a managed list by the owner and they will update on all follower machines.

Allows difficulty level to be set by unbiased third party.

Demo Time! (Classroom code: GQleqpgJFi)
