Gabriela Cuevas Middlemarch Presentation (1)


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Money, Women, and Politicsby Gaby C.

Middlemarch Book I Cover

George Henry Lewes’ Letter to John Blackwood

“Mrs. Lewes finds that she will require 4 volumes for her story, not 3. I winced at the idea at first, but the story must not be spoiled for want of space, and as you have more than once spoken of the desirability of inventing some mode of circumventing the Libraries and making the public buy instead of borrowing I have devised the following scheme….”

Circulating Libraries

“A yearly subscription to a circulating library was relatively cheap, particularly when compared to the high price of books throughout this period”

British Circulating Libraries 1725-1966


“I don’t believe Lydgate has got a farthing. I shan’t give my consent to their marrying.” - Mr. Vincy, Book IV

Fred’s total debt was “a hundred and sixty pounds.” - Book III

Vincy’s and Money

Profit of Middlemarch

Dorothea’s Council

James Chettam speaking on Dorothea’s behalf

Dorothea asking Mr. Brooke to tell Will Ladislaw to stay away Eliot and her husband

PoliticsCirculating Libraries and Lydgate


Lydgate needing to succumb to Middlemarch politics

Bulstrode and blackmail

