functioning of small hydro project


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  • 8/7/2019 functioning of small hydro project


    Functioning of a hydroelectric power plant

    Hydroelectricity is one of the main forms of energy in use today. Its use is being

    promoted in many countries of the world as a renewable and non-polluting source

    of energy. The industrialized nations of the world have drawn flak in recent times

    for releasing high concentrations of green house gases into the atmosphere. The

    regulations of the Kyoto Protocol are making things tougher. Hence greater interest

    is being shown in making use of non-polluting energy sources.

    Hydroelectricity is produced in a hydroelectric power plant. In this plant, the water

    is released from a high location. The potential energy present in the water is

    converted into kinetic energy, which is then used to rotate the blades of a turbine.

    The turbine is hooked to the generator which produces electricity.

    The main components of hydroelectric power plant are:

    a) The reservoir:Water from a natural water body like a river is stored in the

    reservoir. This reservoir is built at a level higher than the turbine.

    b) The dam: The flow of water stored in the reservoir is obstructed by huge walls

    of the dam. This prevents the water from flowing and helps us harness the energy

    present in it. The dam consists of gates present at its bottom, which can be lifted to

    allow the flow of water through them.

    c) The penstock: This connects the reservoir with the turbine propeller and runs in

    a downward inclined manner. When the gates of the dam are lifted, the force of

    gravity makes the water flow down the penstock and reach the blades of the

    turbine. As the water flows through the penstock, the potential energy of water

    stored in the dam is converted into kinetic energy.

    d) The turbine: The kinetic energy of the running water turns the blades of the

    turbine. The turbine can be either a Pelton Wheel Model or a Centrifugal type. The

    turbine has a shaft connected to the generator.

    e) The generator: A shaft runs from the turbine to the generator. When the blades

    of the turbine rotate, the shaft turns a motor which produces electric current in the


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    Water conductor system (broadly civil structures

    Major components of a hydro electric project

    1.1 Dams

    The most important aspect of hydro power generation is to ensure that the plant

    continue to function continuously. The main component of hydro power project is

    dam, which may be concrete gravity, rock filled, earthen or combination of some

    of above types. Earthen dams differ from masonry and concrete dams due to

    relatively greater deformability and higher permeability of earth masses (excluding

    plastic clay hearting). As these dams are big in general, The safety of the dams is

    most vital for the unhindered performance of the power plant.

    1.1 Barrage

    The diversion structure like barrage and weir are generally designed on the

    principle governing the percolating of water below the foundation of the structure.

    The floor of the structure is suitably designed either as a raft of gravity section to

    be safe against the uplift pressures created.

    1.2 Water intake structure

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    A structure to divert the water to waterway, which includes trash racks, a gate and

    an entrance to a canal, penstock directly to turbine depending on the structure of

    the project.

    1.3 Head race tunnel/Power channel

    A canal, tunnel and/or penstock carries the water to the power house. Sometimes a

    desilting chamber precedes the head race tunnel, which remove the larger size

    sediments from entering into the tunnel.

    1.4 Surge shaft

    Surge tank is provided into water conducting system primarily to reduce the surge

    pressure to be considered in the designed penstock/ pressure shaft. This

    economizes the design of penstock/ pressure shaft justifying the extra cost for the

    provision of the surge tank. The provision of the surge tank has following


    y The length of the column of water gets reduce by placing a free watersurface close to the turbine.

    y It act as a pressure relief opening to absorb surplus kinetic energy.y It acts as a balancing reservoir to supply/ store additional water during

    starting/ closure of the gates/ valves.

    A surge tank absorb the water hammer effects due to rapid start or closure of theturbine.

    1.5 Penstock/ protection valves

    The penstock valves are provided after the surge shaft to facilitate maintenance of

    the penstock. These valves are butterfly valves. The are butterfly valves are

    operated hydraulically with provision of pressure accumulated in case of power


    1.6 Penstock/ pressure shaft

    The penstock convey the water to the power house and can take many

    configurations, depending upon the project layout. Where the power house is an

    integrated part of the dam, the penstock is simply a passage through the upstream

    portion of the dam. In case of project having long head race tunnel terminating in

    the surge tank, the penstock from the surge tank, where most of drop in elevation

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    occurs, would be a pressurerized tunnel or pipe. For multi unit installation, it is

    often desirable to surve several units with a single penstock, and manifolds or

    bifurcation structures are provided to direct the flow to individual units.

    1.7 Main inlet valves (MIV)

    These are spherical valves just provided before the water enter into the spiral

    casing of the turbine. This is provided to stop the water for small maintenance

    purpose In turbine hall.

    1.8 Power House

    Power house contains the electro mechanical equipment i.e. hydro power turbine,

    Generator, excitation system, main inlet valves, transformers, Switchyard, DC

    systems, governor, bus duct, step up transformers, step down transformers, high

    voltages switch gears, control metering the protection systems.

    2.0 Tail race (Tunnel/ channel)

    The tail race tunnel or channel are provided to direct the used water coming out of

    draft tube back to the river. The important criteria of designing the tail race tunnel/

    channel is kind of draft tube, the gross head and geographical situation of the area.

    Tail race is designed in such a way that water hammer is minimizes when water

    leaves the draft tube.

    Terminology related to small hydro project

    3.1 Maximum Net Head

    The gross head difference in elevation between the maximum head water

    level and the tail water level with one unit operating at no load speed minus


    3.2 Minimum Head ( Hmin )

    The net head resulting from the difference in elevation between the

    minimum head water level and the tail level minus losses with all turbines

    operating at a specified gate opening.

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    3.3 Rated Discharge

    It is the volume in ms/second of water required by the turbine to ~generate

    rated output while operating at rated head and speed.

    3.4 Rated Speed

    The speed in revolutions per minute at which the turbine operate to

    generate the rated output under the rated head and discharge at a speci- fied

    gate opening.



    4.1 The small hydroelectric power stations are generally classified into

    the following types:

    Size Micro Mini Small

    Unit Size Up to 100 kW 101 to 1 OOOkW 1001 to 5 000 kW

    4.2 Head

    For the purpose of this standard, following classification is adopted as

    regards hydraulic head under which the turbine will operate

    Medium/High head Above 40 metres

    Low head Less than 40 metres

    Ultra low head Below 3 metres

    3.5 Rated Turbine Efficiency

    The etficiency obtained at the rated head and rated discharge to obtain rated output.

    3.6 Rated Turbine Output

    The mechanical power delivered by the turbine shaft to generate rated output at

    generator terminals. It is given by:

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    5.2 Impulse Turbine

    5.2.1 Turgo Impulse~Pelton Turbine

    It has one or more free jets discharging into an aerated space and impinging

    on the buckets of a runner. In Turgo impulse, the jet impinges on

    several buckets continuously- wliereas only single bucket per jet is effective

    at any instant in Pelton wheel. These may be mounted horizontally or


    5.2.2 Cross Flow Turbine

    It is an impulse turbine with partial air admission. These are also called

    Banki turbines.

    5.3 Reaction Turbine

    5.3.1 Francis Turbine

    It has a runner with fixed vanes to which the water enters the turbine in a

    radial direction with respect to the shaft and is discharged in an axial

    direction. Steel plate/concrete water supply case or open flume are

    used..Francis -turbines may be mounted with vertical or horizontal shafts.

    5.3.2 Propeller Turbine -

    It has a runner with blades in which water passes through the runner in an

    axial direction with respect to the shaft. The pitch of the blades may be

    fixed or movable. The conventional propeller of Kaplan ( variable pitch

    blade ) turbine are mounted with a vertical,. horizontal or slant shaft.

    5.3.3 Tubular Turbine .

    It is hdrizontal or slant mounted with propeller runner. The generator islocated outside of the water passageway. These are equipped with fixed or

    variable pitch runners and with or without gates assemblies.

    5.3.4 Bulb Turbine.

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    It is a horizantal unit which have propeller runners generally directly

    connected to the gene- rator. The generator is enclosed in a water tight

    enclosure ( bulb ) located m the turbine water passageway. This is available

    with fixed or variable pitch blades and with or without a wicket gate.

    5.3.5 Rim Type Turbine

    It is the one in which generator rotor is mounted on the periphery of the

    turbine runner blades. lt is known as striaght flow turbine also, it is a small

    bulb upstream, which houses the bearing. It is a horizontal unit.


    6.1 Standardized Turbine

    Type of turbines is selected from techno-economic considerations of

    generating equipment, power house cost and relative advantages of power

    generation. Most of the manufacturers have developed standardized turbine

    designs which may be effectively employed. Standard design may lead to

    cheaper and quicker construction. The factors given in 6.2 to 6.8 shall

    determine the type of turbine to be used for any site conditions.

    6.2 Head

    Maximum net head acting on the turbine is one of the most important

    criteria dictating type of turbine to be used for the power station under

    consideration. Normal range of maximum net head with respect to power

    output for each of the type of turbines is given in Fig. 1.

    In overlapping head ranges more detailed analysis need to be carried out

    with a view to optimize costs for selecting exact type of turbine.

    6.3 Head Variations

    Performance -of the- turbine is ideal at design head. Turbine efficiency falls

    at head higher and lower than the design head. Normal range of head

    variations for various type of turbines is given in Table 1.

    6.4 Load Variations

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    Turbine efficiency varies with load. Necessity of operating turbine at part

    loads influences choice of turbines in the overlapping head ranges. Minimum

    load upto which the turbine may be operated without undue cavitation and

    vibration is dictated by type of turbine and is given in Table 1.



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    S. No. Type of Turbine Specific


    Head Application




    1. Pelton wheel 12-30 100 500

    2. Turgo Impulse

    (inclined pelton) 2 -7 4 23. Cross flow

    -4. Francis

    -5. Propeller and

    Kaplan 340-1000 2 25

    6.6 Turbine Setting and Excavation Requirement

    Setting of reaction turbine with reference to minimum tail water is dictated by requirement from cavitational considerations. In general cavitation co-

    efficient for

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    Pt =rated turbme output in metric horse power ( equivalent to = 0.9863

    horse power ) at full gate opening.

    6.7.1 Runner Diameter

    The actual runner size is determined by the manufacturer in accordance with

    model tests and design criteria. For estimating purposes following formula

    can be used.

    Runner diameter

    where s is the velocity ratio at discharge diameter of runner. Propeller turbine

    and Runner dia, Impulse turbine


    d = diameter of jet

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    Practical values of

    Normal diameter ratio is

    6.8 Pressure Rise and Speed Regulation Considerations

    This aspect is more important in isolated system because inertia of small

    hydro machine is low. Low governor closmg time for better speed regulation

    may be achieved by installing pressure relief valves. Speed regulation could

    also be improved installing a flywheel. In units under micro range, electronic

    controllers for speed regulation with phantom loads may be considered.

    Pressure rise and speed rise may, therefore, be limited to vary economic

    levels in case of Pelton turbines without increasing the cost of turbine.



    8.1 Space is to be provided in a power house for the following auxiliary

    equipment and appurtenant facilities as required:

    Turbine governor and shut off valve,

    Generator breakers,

    Unit and auxiliary power transformers,

    Control cubicle and relaying equipment,

    Neutral grounding cubicle and surge ,protection,

    Station battery,

    Cooling water system,

    Drainage and dewatering system,


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    Fire extinguishers,

    Compressed air system, and

    Temporary or permanent crane.

    Power House

    Power House is a building to house the turbines, Generators and other accessories

    for operating the machines.

    Components ofPower House

    A. Mechanical Component

    Distributor/Spiral Casing- a casing or housing used to distribute the water

    equally all along the periphery of runner.

    Spherical valve or Main Inlet Valve- Valve used to isolate the turbine or machine

    from water incase non-availability of water for generation or maintenance

    Turbine; a hydromachine used to convert the hydraulic energy to mechanical


    EOT Crane(Electric Overhead Crane);used to lift the equipment of the power

    house viz., rotor (heaviest component in the power station), stator, shafts, runner

    and other equipment

    B. Electrical Component

    Generator; machine used to convert the mechanical energy into electrical energy

    Transformers; to step up the generation voltage upto the capacity of grid

    Switchyard; is the central protection and metering of the outgoing feeders after

    stepping up of system voltage using transformer (usually consist of Circuit

    Breakers, Isolators, disconnect switch, Current transformer, Potential transformer,

    lighting arrestors etc)

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    Circuit Breakers: to disconnect the system in case of faults vis--vis short circuit,

    over voltage, under voltage, under frequency, distance faults etc

    Disconnect switch/Isolators: to open the circuit as & when desired to take up the

    system for maintenance

    Current Transformer: to step down the system current to the level of 1A/ 5A as

    the case may be. Used for current measurement and power measurement

    Potential Transformer: for Power and voltage measurement

    Communication system: consist of wave trap and PLCC for data transfer through

    power lines.

    Transmission lines: using transmission line tower the power is transferred from

    the generating station to the nearest grid (of desired capacity) General rating of the

    lines are 11kV ,33kV, 66kV, 132 kV, 220 kV, 400 kV, 750/800 kV.

    C. Power House Auxiliaries

    Cooling Water system: used to supply the cooling water to Generator air coolers,

    Turbine bearing, Generator bearing, transformer cooling etc.,

    Compressed Air System: used to supply compressed air to various turbine and

    generator auxiliaries for rotor lifting, generator brakes, service air etc.,

    De- watering System: used to de-water the powerhouse in case of seepage,

    maintenance etc., also used for de-watering the tunnel, penstock.

    Air conditioning and ventilation:used to maintain the normal working

    temperature inside the control room and powerhouse building for efficient working

    of equipment and operating staff.

    Fire protection and detection systemsthis system is used to protect each

    Generating equipment and its auxiliaries of the powerplant against the fire hazards.

    Also, for insurance coverage this system is must and TAC (Terrific Advisory

    Committee) norms has to be follow for his approval.

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    Drainage system: used to drain water from powerhouse used for cleaning, water

    close-let, drinking water etc.
