Function Manual - GD.findi · Function Manual Third Edition August ... procedure. The image should...


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Function Manual

Third Edition

August 2014

Copyright@ LEXER RESEARCH Inc. All rights reserved.



About This Manual ........................................ 1

GD.findi Homepage .................................. 1

GD.findi Data Management Page ................ 4

The Image Panel ...................................... 9

GD.findi Project Page .............................. 12

Creating, Opening, and Saving Projects .... 15

Using the Floor Layout Panel ................... 18

Stations ................................................ 24

About Transport Ports..............................32

Zones ....................................................35

Space .................................................39

Passages(Path Arc and Node) .............42

Processes ............................................49

About Associations ...............................64

Production Activity Settings Panel ..........66


Transport Activity Panel ....................... 71

Station Activity Panel ........................... 82

Graph Display ..................................... 86

Input Plan .......................................... 92

Running Simulations ............................ 94

Simulation Results ............................... 99

About This Manual

The purpose of this manual is to describe the functions of GD.findi.

Please refer to the GD.findi operations manual for instructions on installing

Silverlight and performing basic operations.


GD.findi Homepage

Splash Screen

This is GD.findi’s splash screen.

Component Description

① Login Click this button to log into GD.findi

② Announcements Recent information concerning GD.findi is

displayed here.

News and Topics Information about version updates and

such are displayed here.

③ Profile Settings

Reset Password Your password can be reset here.

④ Environment Settings You can specify environments here.

Display Language Select the desired display language here

⑤ Version Information Version information is shown here.

Tool Version Info Tool version information is shown here.


GD.findi Home

After logging in, this page is displayed when the “Home” tab is selected.

① User Attributes can be changed here.

The “Attribute Change” dialog is brought up when this is clicked.

Change the display name

Change the registered e-mail address

Tab Select

Display Name


② Change Password

Here, you can change the password that is used to login.

Bring up the password reset dialog by clicking “Password Reset”.

Enter the current password and the new password twice to make changes. The

password must be in half-width characters (alphanumeric).

③ Changing the Security Question

Bring up the security question dialog by clicking “Security Question Registration”.

Enter the current password, then select the desired security question and answer.


GD.findi Data Management Page The GD.findi data management page consists of the Projects tab, the Library tab,

and the Image tab.

The Projects Panel

The projects panel is reached by clicking the “Projects” tab in the GD.findi Data

Management Page. Here, the names of existing projects will be shown. Projects can

be imported, exported, and deleted using this panel.

Project List

Component Description

Name Project Name

Details Detailed information about the project

Sharing List of project collaborators

Owner Name of the project owner

Created On Date and time at which the project the created

Modified On Time at which the project was last edited

View shared configuration details, etc.


Project Name, Details, and Sharing Settings

From the project list it is possible to change the name, information of, and sharing

settings of selected project(s). In order to make these changes, you must be the

owner of the project(s) in question.

Changing project name: Double click the “Name” cell (①).

Changing project details: Double click the “Details” cell (②).

Changing sharing settings: Double click the “Sharing” cell (③) and select from the

drop-down menu that appears.

The project will automatically be shared with users of the same group with

read-only permissions. The default behavior can be changed using the sharing

settings as described here.

Drop-down Menu Explanation

None Project is not shared

Read-only Viewers cannot edit the project

Read-write Viewers can also edit the project

① ② ③


Importing and Exporting Projects

Project Import

Import a project. It will appear in the project list tab. The *.gdf and *.saf file

formats are supported.

Click the “Import Project” button in the lower left corner of the panel.

In the resulting dialog, select a *.gdf or *.saf file to complete the procedure.

Project Export

Export the selected project from the project list tab.

(Only the owner of a project may export it.)

Right-click the project to export in the project list, then click “Export Project” in the

resulting drop-down menu.


Deleting a Project

Remove the selected project from the project list.

(Only the owner of a project may delete it.)

In the project list, right-click the project to be removed and select “Delete” from

the resulting drop-down menu. The project will be permanently deleted.

Saving and Cancelling Project Changes

When a project has unsaved changes, the “Cancel Changes” and “Save” buttons

will appear in the top-right corner of the projects panel.

The “Save” button will push the current view of the project to the server.

The “Cancel Changes” button will revert the current view of the project to

that currently stored on the server, discarding the current changes.


Page Navigation

In the event that the list of projects extends beyond the space provided, the list is

paginated and can be navigated by using the widget at the bottom-right corner of

the display.


The Image Panel To access the background image panel, select the “Image” tab in the GD.findi Data

Management Page.

Image List

Component Description

Image The registered image

Type Image type (background, worker, transport, etc)

Name The image’s name

Detail Image details (filename, etc)

Image Size Image dimensions in pixels

Owner The image’s owner

Created On The time at which the image was created

Information Image sharing and state details

Picture Tab

Image List


Registering an Image

Before an image can be used, it must first be registered in GD.findi. The *.png

and*.jpg file formats are supported.

To register an image, click the “Register Image” button in the lower left corner of

the panel. In the resulting dialog, select an image file and click “Open” to finish the

procedure. The image should now be visible as a new entry in the panel.

Selecting the Image Type

The type of the image can be changed to help describe what it is meant to be used

for within GD.findi. Access the image type selection drop-down by right-clicking the

“Type” cell of the image in question.

Image Types

Drop-down Menu Description

Background Background image of project

Worker Image of a worker

Transport Pathway Image depicting a transport pathway

Part Image of a part


Renaming an Image

The name of a registered image can be changed.

Click the name cell of the image to modify its name.

Editing Image Details

Edit the details of a registered image.

Click the details cell of the image to edit its contents.


GD.findi Project Page

Screen Layout

The GD.findi project page consists of two main components, as illustrated below.

The left panel, enclosed within the red box is the Floor Layout Panel. In this

panel, the layout of the model can be created and edited.

The right panel, enclosed within the blue box is the Production Process Panel.

In this panel, the process flow can be created and edited.

Selected tool indicator

Run a production


Reactor startup

screen Logout

Click these tabs to change

the view.

Currently, the transport

pathway tool is selected.

On click, the input plan

dialog will appear.

Layout name

Layers will be added along

with each zone.

① Floor Layout Panel ② Production Process Panel


Floor Layout Panel

The left side of the project page is made up by the floor layout panel.

Inside this area, the model’s layout, images, path settings, and activity floor plans

are created and modified.

For detailed information on the functions,

refer to their respective chapters:

Component Reference Chapter

Station 7

Transport Port 8

Space 10

Passage Setting (Arc and Node) 11

Production Activity Settings 14










Production Process Panel

This area occupies the right side of the GD.findi project page.

Here, production processes can be created and modified. The independent

processes comprising a workflow and the workflow’s properties such as process

timing, input/output frequency, and setup are also managed from this panel.

Joining a new process with an existing workflow can be accomplished using a

simple mouse action. For more information about the creation and modification of

processes, please refer to chapter 12 of this manual: Processes.

Undo / Redo Buttons

Process Name is displayed

here on mouse hover


(Hidden at 100%)

Display Range


Upon double-clicking a process,

its detailed information appears




Creating, Opening, and Saving Projects In order to run a production simulation, either a new project must be created or an

existing project must be opened.

The menu from which projects are created, opened, or saved is reached by

right-clicking a project tab in the floor layout panel.

Project Right-Click Menu

This menu appears upon right-clicking the project tab.

Right-Click Menu Function Description

Create New Creates a new project

Open Opens an existing project

Save Save changes to the specified project

Save As... Save changes as a separate project

Close all But This Closes all projects besides the current one

Undo All Changes Project will not be saved upon click

Close Closes the current project


Opening an Existing Project

Select “Open” from the right-click menu of the project tab. The “Open Project”

dialog will appear.

In the “Open Project” dialog, click the cell containing the desired product and click

the “OK” button.

Function Description

Share ① Only existing projects (shared or owned) will be


Replace ② If this option is selected, the project will be

opened in the current tab. Any changes to the

project currently open will be lost

New Tab ③ The project will be opened in a new tab

OK ④ Upon click, the project will be opened as

described by the options selected

Cancel ⑤ Return to the GD.findi project page


Saving a Project

To save a project, select “Save” from the project tab right-click menu.

Saving a Project via Save As…

To save a project using this method, select “Save As...” from the project tab

right-click menu. The Save Project dialog will appear. From this dialog, the project

name and details (ex: filename, type, etc.) can be specified.

Select “Save” or “Save as Separate

Project” from the radio buttons


Using the Floor Layout Panel In order to make laying out a model easier, there are a myriad of useful features

available for use. These features are described in detail in the following sections.

Changing the Layout

To modify the properties of the present layout, click the information bar displaying

the current properties at the top of the floor layout panel.

Layout Change dialog functionality

Function Description

Layout Name Layout name, displayed in bottom right

Layout Size ④ Layout size (m x m)

Cell size ⑤ Smallest unit of measurement for project

Snap-to-grid ⑥ Stations will snap to the grid if enabled

Cell Movement Number ⑦ Shift all cells according to set numbers

Layout Details ⑧ A description of the layout

Update ⑨ Update the layout with this information

Cancel ⑩ Discard changes made in this dialog


Changing the Display Magnification

Scaling the Floor Plan

Scrolling the mouse wheel up or down will increase or decrease the view size.

Returning to the Original Magnification (100%)

When the magnification has been changed, an additional option will be added to

the right-menu displaying the current magnification. Clicking this option will revert

to the original magnification value.


Undoing and Redoing Actions

Undoing an Action

If a mistake is made: Clicking the “Undo” button in the upper right corner of the

floor pane will rollback the last operation. This can be repeated.

Redoing an Action

To revert an “Undo” action: Clicking the “Redo” button in the upper right corner of the

floor pane will undo the last undo action.


Showing and Hiding the Grid Lines

Select “Grid” from the layout panel’s right click menu.

The grid lines, which aid in creating a layout, can be toggled on or off as needed.

A red dot beside the “Grid” option indicates that the grid is visible.


About Background Images

When using GD.findi, it may be desirable to insert a background image in the

background to help visualize the desired model.

Inserting a Background Image

Background images are inserted from the “Background Image” dialog, which is

accessed by right-clicking the floor layout pane, and selecting “Background Image”.

The background image’s scaling properties and position can be adjusted through

the aforementioned “Background Image” dialog.


Background Image

Dialog Function


Change Image ① Select an imported image to use.

Delete Image ② Delete the current image.

Display Ratio ③ Changes scaling of the image

Display Position


④ Changes horizontal display position

Display Position


⑤ Changes vertical display position

Opacity ⑥ Changes transparency of image

Save Project ⑦ Save project upon updating image

Reset ⑧ Reset image properties to default

Update ⑨ Applies changes

Cancel ⑩ Discards changes


Stations Within the floor plan, a station represents a workstation or piece of equipment in

a manufacturing process. From each station’s detailed information dialog,

properties such as name, display color, and initial stock values can be set.


The detailed information

screen appears when a

station is double-clicked


Creating a Station

Click and drag a box to select an area. Upon releasing the mouse button, a menu

will appear. From this menu, choose “Create Station” to create a new station.


Setting Station Properties

Double click the station to bring up its settings dialog. Here, the display color, display

name, and initial part inventory can be set as desired.

Property Description

Name Set the station’s internal name (ID)

Display Name Set the station’s display name

Zone / Station Switch between Station and Zone

Station Type Set the station’s type

Station Capacity Set the station’s maximum capacity

Display Color Set the station’s display color

Initial Stock Set the initial stock to put in the station. This

must be done after associating it with a


Update Apply changes

Cancel Discard changes


Concerning Processes and Station Types

There are two types of stations: WORKSTATION and STATIONSET. Their behaviors

are explained below.


・The process associated with the workstation will be executed each cycle.

・Parts which enter the station during working time are stored in the buffer.


・Upon receiving the required parts, the process will immediately start.

・After the required amount of time to execute the process has elapsed, the

completed work will be output from the station.

Buffer Work in Progress

Completed Work

Output time = time + process duration

All of the station’s work-in-progress

Completed Work


Station selected When the station is selected, it will be highlighted by use of a red border, as illustrated


Ctrl + left click method

By holding down the Ctrl key and clicking on multiple stations, they will all be selected.

In a similar fashion, while holding down the Ctrl key click on a selected station to

unselect it.

Click-and-drag method

Stations can also be selected by holding down the left mouse button and dragging a box

around them.

Selected Non Selected


Deleting a Station

One or more stations will be permanently deleted.

Deleting a Single Station

Right-click a station and select “Delete” from the resulting menu. If the station

contains a transfer port, a confirmation dialog is displayed.

Deleting Multiple Stations

Drag a box surrounding the stations to be deleted. Upon release, the selected

stations will be highlighted in red. Right-click any of the selected stations, then click

“Delete” in the menu that appears. A confirmation dialog will be displayed – click “OK”

to complete the operation.


Copying and Pasting Stations

Drag a box around one or more stations. Upon releasing the mouse button, the

selected stations will be highlighted in red. Right-click the desired destination, and

select “Paste” to complete the Copy-Paste operation.


Moving Multiple Stations

Drag a box around one or more stations. Upon releasing the mouse button, the

selected stations will gain a red border. Dragging one of the selected stations will

move all selected stations simultaneously.

Placing Multiple Stations

Drag a box around one or more stations. Upon releasing the mouse button, the

selected stations will gain a red border. From the right-menu, selecting

“Arrangement” allows specification of how these stations are arranged.


About Transport Ports Transport ports server as the points at which parts enter and exit stations.

Settings such as destination, route, means, and products are carried out in the

transport activity panel. For details on setting transport activity, refer to Chapter 14:

Process Setting Panel


Selecting “Activity” from the

floor layout panel’s right-click

menu brings up this dialog


Creating a Transport Port

Select “Create a Transport Port” from a station’s right-click menu.

A new transport port will be created on the station.

About Transfer Ports

Double-click a transfer port to bring up its detailed information dialog. In this dialog,

the display color and name (ID) of the port can be changed.

Transfer Port detailed information dialog

Component Description

Name (ID) ① Change the name of the port

Display Color ② Change the display color of the port

Update ③ Apply changes

Cancel ④ Discard changes


Deleting a Transport Port

Select “Delete” from the right-click menu of a transport port.

The transport port will be removed from the station.


Zones A zone is GD.findi’s internal representation of a work area in a factory.

A station, space, or transport port can be placed within a zone.

Once a zone has been established, its display name and color can be modified.

Creating a New Zone

Click and drag a box to select an area. Upon releasing the mouse button, a menu

will appear. From this menu, select “Create Zone” to create a new zone.

The new zone has been created. Click the Layer tab to view zones.

Displayed zones can be selected here

Layer of the zone that

was just created


Zone Advanced Settings

Double click the zone to bring up its Advanced Settings dialog. In this dialog,

properties such as name, color, etc. can be set and modified.

Component Description

Name(ID) ① Change the internal name of the zone

Display Name ② Change the display name of the zone

Station Change ③ Change the node into a station

Display Color ④ Change the display color of the zone

Update ⑤ Apply changes

Cancel ⑥ Discard changes


Deleting a Zone

Upon deletion of a zone, any stations and transport ports that have been created

will also be deleted.

Deleting a Single Zone

Select “Delete” from a zone’s right-click menu.

Deleting Multiple Zones

More than one zone can be deleted at the once.

Drag a box around the zones to be removed. When the mouse button is released,

they will be highlighted in red. Right-click a zone and select “Delete”.


Zone Switching

If there is more than one zone in the floor layout panel, the desired zone can be

selected independently. Click the “Layer 1” tab on the left side of the screen.

In Layer 1, each zone will be displayed. The lower left corner allows independent

selection of the desired zone.


Space Extra space can be filled up in the floor layout panel with a solid color in the event

that an appropriate background image is not available to provide context.

Creating a Space

Click and drag a box to select an area. Upon releasing the mouse button, a menu will

appear. From this menu, choose “Create Space” to designate a new space.

Space Advanced Settings

Click and drag a box around a space. Upon release of the mouse button, a menu

will appear. From this menu, select “Space Attributes” to bring up the space

detailed information dialog.

Property Description

Display Color Set the station’s display color

Update Apply changes

Cancel Discard changes


Deleting a Space

Deleting a Single Space

Click and drag a box around a space. Upon release of the mouse button, a menu will

appear. From this menu, select “Delete Space” to delete the selected space.

Deleting Multiple Space

Click and drag a box around multiple spaces. Upon release of the mouse button, a

menu will appear. From this menu, select “Delete Space” to delete the spaces.


Deleting a Space Section

It also is possible to partially remove a space. Drag a box around the area that is to

be deleted. Upon releasing the mouse button, a menu will appear. Select “Delete

Space” to remove the selected portion of the space.


Passages(Path Arc and Node) Passages are made up of arcs and nodes. The instructions for creating a passage are

detailed below.

Passage Node

In the floor layout panel, nodes will be created that dictate the passage arc.

Passage Arc

By connecting multiple passage nodes, a passage arc is defined. The order in which

the connections are made dictate the passage arc’s direction.




Passage Nodes

Creating a Passage Node

From the floor layout panel’s right-click menu, select “Create Node”. The passage

node will be created in that location. The display size of the node will be identical to

the cell size.

Passage Node Properties

Property Description

Name ① Change the name of the node

Display Color ② Change the display color of the node

Update ③ Apply changes

Cancel ④ Discard changes

Double-click the passage node.

The properties dialog will appear.

The display color and name can be changed.


Moving a Passage Node

Click and drag a passage node to move it.

Delete a Passage Node

Right-click a passage node and select “Delete” to remove it.


Delete a Passage Node (if an arc exists)

As before, right-click the passage node and select “Delete”. A dialog will appear,

stating “This action will also delete all child elements. Do you want to proceed?” Click

“OK” to delete the node and all associated passage arcs.


Passage Arcs

Creating a Passage Arc

While holding Ctrl, drag and drop a passage node to create a new node and an arc

joining it to the source node.

Passage Arc Properties

Double-click on a passage arc to bring up its properties dialog.

Property 説明

Name Change the name of the arc

Display Color Change the display color of the arc

Update Apply changes

Cancel Discard changes


Deleting a Passage Arc

Right-click a passage arc and select “Delete” from the resulting menu. The

passage arc will be removed.


Route Splitting (Passage Splitting)

It is possible to add a node to an existing passage arc in order to split it. To do so,

right-click the passage arc and select “Route Split” to create an additional node.

Merging Passage Nodes (Integration)

In the event that there are two passages, they can be merged into one.

If you drag and drop one node in a passage onto another node in the same

passage, they will be merged. Before this is performed, a dialog will appear stating

that the nodes will be merged and the change cannot be undone. Click “OK” to

complete the merge procedure.


Processes In GD.findi, processes comprise the production process model. Attributes that can

be controlled include component names, execution frequency, and setup time.

Creating a New Process

Right-click in the production process pane and select “Create New Process”. A new

process will be created.

It is also possible to create a process using the clipboard. For more information,

refer to Section 12-9: “Creating Processes from the Clipboard”.

Copy all text


Process Properties

In this area, properties of processes such as process cycle time, setup work, work

frequency, and input/output component settings can be modified.

Property Description

Product The name of the final product

Name The name of the process

Working Time The time the process takes (sec)

Setup Work Time The process setup time (sec)

Work Frequency Work Frequency ratio. (ex. 1:10 means one execution

per 10 sec)

Input Source Select the input source for the process

Input Part ID Set the part ID of the input (alphanumeric)

Input Part Name Set the input part name.

Input Quantity Set the input part quantity (Half-width numbers)

Output Destination Select the output destination for the process

Output Part ID Set the part ID of the output (alphanumeric)

Output Part Name Set the output part name

Production Number Set the number of parts the process produces


Selecting a Source / Destination

The input source of the process is changed inside the “Input Source” pulldown

menu in the Process Properties screen.

The output destination of the process is changed inside the “Output Destination”

pulldown menu in the Process Properties screen.


Adding and Removing Parts from Processes

Adding Parts to the Input and Output

To add parts to the input or output, right-click the component ID under the Input or

Output field and select “Add”.

Removing Parts from the Input and Output

To remove parts from the input or output, right-click the component and select

“Delete” from the resulting menu.


Adding a Process (1)

While holding down the Ctrl key, drag and drop an existing process. A new process

will be created at the location where the mouse button is released.

Processes added through method (1) will inherit input/output properties

The process that is created through this drag-and-drop method will inherit many of

the properties of the previous process. The input of the new process will be the

output of the previous process.

Process 1

Process 2

New Process

Process 1

Part A

Process 2 The output of Process 2

(Part A) will be the input of

the newly created process.


Adding a Process (2)

Right-click an existing process and select “Create Preceding” or “Create Following”

from the resulting menu. A new process will be created in the specified location.

Processes added through method (2) will not inherit input/output


By using “Direct Input/Output”, a connection to the new process can be created.

Process 1

Part A

Process 2

Part A

Process 1

Process 2

New Process

If the input to the new

process is the output from

Process 2, you must

manually set Part A as the



Creating a New Process in a Workflow

To create a new process between two existing processes, right-click the arrow

connecting the two existing process and select “Create Between”. A new process will

be created between the two existing ones.

Deleting a Process

Right-click a process and select “Delete” from the menu to remove it.


Creating Processes from the Clipboard

In order to create processes from the clipboard, first fill out the process

specifications in a spreadsheet. Then, right-click the production process panel and

select “Create from Clipboard”.

A confirmation message is displayed; click the “OK” button.

After the processes are created, select the output component in the detailed

information panel of each of the processes. For the final process, specify the final

output component, product name, and quantity.

Select and Copy

Created Processes


Creating Process Generation Text

The following description applies for both text and Excel. In the text format, for

contents of the same row, insert a tab character. Information for the next process

should be done after a carriage return (Enter or newline). Enclosed in red is the

information for a single element

Do not enter anything as the previous process name for the first process to be

created. If no process is named, the step preceding the input will be considered an

“other” process and the production volume of the previous step will not be reflected.

Product ID

Process Name 1 Cycle Time 1

Previous Process


Input Part ID Input Part


Input Part


(Previous process

production quantity)

Process Name 2 Cycle Time 2

Previous Process


Input Part ID


Output ID)

Input Part



Output Name)

Input Part


(Previous process

production quantity)


Process1 60

Part1 PartName1 1 0

Process2 30

Process1 Part2 PartName2 20 10

Process3 60

Process2 Part3 PartName3 40 30


Relationships of Processes Created From the Clipboard


Process1 60

Part1 Part1 1 0

Process2 30

Process1 Part2 Part2 20 10

Process3 60

Process2 Part3 Part3 40 30


Generating Multiple Products using Text

To generate multiple products, change the product name in the appropriate

column as illustrated below.

Select and Copy


Output to Clipboard

The detailed information of GD.findi’s production processes can also be output to

the clipboard. Select “Output to Clipboard” from the production process panel’s

right-click menu.

Paste into Excel or a mono-spaced text editor (eg Notepad)

For a detailed breakdown of the generated information, please refer to Section

12-9: “Creating Processes from the Clipboard”.


Updating the Clipboard Text

Information modified by the clipboard will overwrite the production process within

GD.findi. If, when creating from clipboard text in GD.findi, a workflow with the same

product name is detected, it will be overwritten with the data in the clipboard.

To illustrate this point, the details of the workflow created in 12-9 will be modified.

Copy the text, and then select “Update from Clipboard Text” from the right-click

menu of the production process panel.

Select and Copy

Do not change the product or process names!

Edit the process



An update message will be display, click the “OK” button to proceed.

Double-click each of the processes and observe how the detailed information of

each of the processes has been updated according to the changes in the clipboard.


Production Process Panel View Size

Scroll the mouse wheel up or down to enlarge or shrink the view size of the production

process panel

Production Process Panel Display All View

Select “Display All” from the production process panel’s right-click menu. The entire

panel will be displayed.

Production process panel’s

magnification is displayed in the



About Associations To realize a production process, the work processes must be associated with

workstations. In GD.findi, after such an association is completed hovering over a

process will show the associated station.

Creating an Association (1)

This method of creating an association uses the right-click menu. First, select a

station by clicking on it. Hold down Ctrl to select multiple stations. A red border

indicates that a station is selected. Then, right-click the process the station is to be

associated with. Finally, select “Association” from the menu to complete the action.

After the association is completed, hovering over the process will color the

associated station(s) red.


Creating an Association (2)

This method of creating an association uses drag-and-drop. While holding down

the “A” key, drag the process onto the desired station. Upon release, the association

will be created.


Production Activity Settings Panel The production activity settings panel is comprised of the station activity panel and

the transport activity panel. The displayed panel is selected via the corresponding


Production Activity Settings Panel

Select “Activity” from the floor layout panel’s right-click menu. The resulting window

will have two tabs.

Tab Description

Transport Activity Set transport means, payloads, and execution


Station Activity Staff assignment for stations, processes, work

positions, and execution conditions


Workers and Teams

To create a worker, a team is required. Creating a team is done in the team formation


From the Station Activity tab, double-clicking the “Personnel Assigned” cell will bring

up the team organization screen.


From the Transport Activity tab, double-clicking the “Assignment” cell will bring up

the team organization screen.

Team Organization Screen

Teams are created and configured here.

Field Description

Team ID ① Enter a team ID

Team Name ② Enter a team name

Shift Work ③ Set the team shift time

Number of People ④ Display number of team members

Required Personnel ⑤ Display required number of members

Checkbox ⑥ Select the team member to work

Icon ⑦ Select an icon for the worker

Name ⑧ Enter the worker’s name

Speed ⑨ Enter the worker’s speed

Rate Value ⑩ Enter the worker’s rate value

Update ⑪ Save changes

Cancel ⑫ Discard changes

① ② ③ ④

⑥ ⑦

⑧ ⑨ ⑩

⑪ ⑫


Setting Shift Work Behavior

Setup of operating time is done in the team configuration screen. Click the “Shift

Work” cell to bring up the Uptime Settings screen.

Uptime Settings Screen Summary

Field Description

Start Time Set the time at which work should start.

End Time Set the time at which work should end.



Set the behavior upon work ending.

Interrupt Work is interrupted at the end

time; another worker takes over

Cease If the work would end past the

end time, it is not carried out.

Complete If the work would end past the

end time, it is seen to completion.

You can select the desired behavior at the shift ending time. For each termination

operation, please refer to the next page.



In the middle of a work cycle, if the shift ends then the work process will be

interrupted. It will be completed by another worker if a shift change happens,

otherwise by the same worker at a later point in time.


If the work’s end time would be past the end of the shift, the work will not be started.

If the worker is responsible for another process that can be completed, they will do

that instead.


If some work has been started, then it will be completed regardless of the worker’s

specified shift end time.

Worker 2’s start time Worker 2’s end time



Worker 1

Worker 2

Worker 1’s start time Worker 1’s end time

Process Worker 1

Worker 1’s start time Worker 1’s end time

A different process that ends within Worker 1’s shift

Process Worker 1

Worker 1’s start time Worker 1’s end time

Worker 1 works overtime


Transport Activity Panel The transport activity panel is where transport means, payloads, and execution

conditions are set. If you click on each of the following cells, the corresponding edit

screen will appear:

Function Displayed





Pulldown menu Set the transportation means

Assignment Team


Set the worker or team. Refer to Section

14-2:”Workers and Teams” for details.

Payload Transport Work Set the transport route and goods





Set the execution conditions for transportation


Setting the Transport Means

Creating a Transport Means

To create a means of transportation, click the “Transport Unit” button in the

upper-right corner of the GD.findi window.

The transport means screen will appear. Here, the speed, length, width, and name

of the transport means can be set. Create a transport means with the values

specified below:

Property Description

Icon ① Click to choose an icon for the transport means

ID ② Enter the transport means’ ID

Name ③ Enter the transport means’ name

Width ④ Enter the transport means’ width

Length ⑤ Enter the transport means’ length

Speed ⑥ Enter the transport means’ speed

① ②

」 ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥


Assigning a Transport Means to a Transport Activity

① Select “Activity” from the right-click menu of the floor layout panel. The

production activity configuration panel will appear.

② In the Transport Activity tab, right-click the “Transport Means” header and select


A row for a new transport means will be created.

③ Double-click the transport means cell, and select “AGV Transport” from the list.

④ Double-click the assignment cell, and select AGV to finish configuring the

transport activity.


Transport Work

The transportation payload and pathway are set in the transportation work screen.

Transportation Work Screen

To access the transportation work screen, first select “Activity” from the right-click

menu of the floor layout panel. The production activity panel will be displayed. Then,

double-click on the “work transport” cell to bring up the Transportation Work screen.

Transport ports, part names, working time, and payload are displayed in the

transport work screen.

From the transport process screen, transport path and transport goods can be set

using their respective settings boxes.

Property Description

Transport Port


Transport path, specified

via ports

Transport Part


Name of parts to send


Unloading, and

Work Time

Display loading, unloading,

and work time for the

transport process

Port Name Part Name

Part loading, unloading, and

work time


Setting a Transport Path

Transport paths are set using transport nodes and ports chosen from a list. In the

transport process screen, double-click the “Transport Point” tab.

Item Description

Transport Port List ①A list of all the transport ports in the project

Transport Port Add


②Add the selected transport port to the route

Transport Port

Remove Button

③Remove the selected transport from the route

Transport Port ④Displays the selected transport in the route

Distance ⑤When a passage is created, its distance is shown here

Route ⑥When a passage is created, it will show up in this list. If

there is more than one possibility, the desired combination is

selected here.

When a passage is created, the distance

between points will be displayed


Point List ②Add Transport Point ①

③Remove Transport Point

④ ⑤ ⑥


Selecting Transport Goods

Transport Goods are selected through the transport goods settings screen. To

display the transport goods settings, double click the blank tab to the right of

“transport port”.

Item Description

Transport Goods


Shows all the available transport goods

Add Transport

Goods Button

Add the selected transport good to the shipment


Transport Goods


Remove the selected transport good from the shipment

Part ID Displays the part ID of the transport good

Part Name Displays the part name of the transport good

Select transport goods

① Transport

Goods List ②Add transport goods

④ ⑤

③Remove transport goods


Loading, Unloading, and Work Time of Transport Goods

Double click on the desired cell of the transport port for loading and unloading goods.

The transport size and loading/unloading times can be set here.

Ex) From Station F1’s P1 Port, 1 unit of Part 2 with a 1 second loading time is

moved towards Station F2’s P2 Port. At P2, 1 unit of Part 2 has a 1 second unloading

time. These settings are indicated in the diagram below.

Cell Description

① Loading Number Products loaded

② Loading Time Time elapsed (sec)

③ Unloading Number Products unloaded

④ Unloading Size Time elapsed (sec)

① ② ③ ④


Setting Transport Work Execution Conditions

The execution conditions of transport tasks can be specified. Double-click the

execution condition cell of the transport activity panel to bring up the execution

condition dialog.

Setting the Execution Condition

Input the desired execution condition in text as directed below.



Rule Description

None Fixed-quantity

Process before


The specified number of parts or goods will be


Once the specified number of parts has been

completed, the transport pathway will execute.





Process before


The specified number of parts or goods will be


Once the specified number of parts has been

completed, the transport pathway will execute.

FQ is optional.








makes request

The specified number of parts or goods will be


When the next station’s required parts reach the

threshold or lower, the transport will be executed.

FQ is optional.


Start Time



Fixed-time The transport will run at the specified time.

Start time as HH:MM:SS or HH:MM.

Transport will recur at the specified interval in

minutes. FT is required.


Fixed-quantity Process-Before-Push (FQ PUSH)

Once the required number of parts have been loaded in the transport origin port,

the transport activity will execute as it has been defined. This behavior can be

accomplished using any of the three patterns displayed below:

During the loading phase, the transport will wait until five parts are loaded.

After all five parts have been loaded, the transport will commence.


Fixed-quantity Post-Process Request (FQ PULL)

What is referred to as the “threshold” is the quantity of the specified part in the

buffer of the endpoint of this transport path. In the examples below, when the

quantity of parts in the buffer reaches 1, the transport will commence. The two

patterns below have the same behavior.

While there are one or more parts in the receiving station’s buffer, the transport

will wait. When the number of parts reaches one or below, the transport will

execute according to the specified conditions.


Fixed-Time (FT)

The transport activity will run repeatedly from the start time (HH:MM:SS) every n

minutes, where n is an integer. FT is required.

In the event that there is no work to be done, the worker will wait until work

becomes available.

The transport will run every 10

minutes from 8:30 onwards.


Station Activity Panel Personnel assignment, process working time, operator positions, and execution

conditions are set through the station activity panel.

Accessing the Station Activity Panel

① From the floor activity panel’s right-click menu, select “Activity”. The production

activity panel will be displayed.

② Click the “Station Activity” tab to bring up the Station Activity panel.

Item Description

Product Select If there is more than one product, select the correct one

Zone/Station The zone/station bound to the process will be shown here



Assign workers to do a task at a station

Process Time



Set the time taken for each process. The individual settings take

precedence over those described in the process settings



Set the worker’s position



Set the execution condition


Editing Settings with the Station Activity Panel

Product Select

If there is more than one product, select the desired one from the dropdown.

Personnel Assignment

Double-click the cell to bring up the team organization screen.

Process Working Time (Individual)

Enter the process working time. The settings entered here will overwrite those

specified in the process settings.


Working Position

To open the working position dialog, double-click its cell in the station activity panel.

Click in the floor layout panel to set the position.


Station Activity Panel Execution Conditions

The execution condition of a station (and its associated process) is set here. To open

the execution condition screen, double-click the execution condition cell.

Enter the execution condition into the text box that appears.

Setting Priority Type Description

FI First-come-first-served Priority is given to work whose components

have arrived earlier.

ST Inventory order Priority is given to work with the greatest

surplus of components available.

LO Execution time

(descending order)

Priority is given to work with the longest

execution time.

SH Execution time

(ascending order)

Priority is given to work with the shortest

execution time.

NE Nearest order Priority is given to work geographically

closest to the worker.


Graph Display After creating a project, production stockpiles can be viewed from the information

section of the floor layout panel. The floor layout panel graph and the production

process graph can be closely monitored as a simulation runs.

Production Process Graph Panel

For the selected product, the working time of the entire production process will be

displayed as a bar graph.

Floor Plan Graph Panel

The work time associated with each station will be displayed as a bar graph


Displaying the Graph Panels

In order to display each of the graph panels, click the Tool menu and select the

desired panel.

① When you click on the “Tools” menu, a pull-down menu will


② When an option is selected in the Tools menu, the appropriate

panel will appear.


Product List Panel

The products that are to be displayed in the floor plan and production process

graphs must first be selected in the product list panel.

Production Process Graph Panel

For products that have been selected, a graph will be produced indicating time taken

for each individual process. The vertical axis displays time taken, and the horizontal

axis displays which process is being monitored.

Only processes belonging to products that have been explicitly selected in the

Product List panel will be displayed in this graph. Upon hovering over one of the

bars with the mouse, the bar will be highlighted. Additionally, the process name

and working time will be displayed in a tooltip.


Floor Plan Graph Panel

The floor plan graph showcases a stacked bar graph indicating a breakdown of

work time for production of a specific product. If more than one product is selected

in the Product List, the production target balances are indicated in percentage points

and an elapsed time breakdown for the processes that comprise the manufacturing

procedure are displayed (as indicated in the figure below).

If only one product is selected from the Product List, the vertical axis indicates the

working time of product production while the horizontal axis represents the floor


Only products that have been selected in the Products list will be displayed.

In the floor plan graph, same colors on the graph indicate the same product.

Additionally, the color of the processes on the graph is consistent with the color of

the product name in the Product List.

If the cursor is hovered over a section of the graph, processes and workstations

will be highlighted. The product of interest, station name, process name, and

percentage of total production time will appear in a tooltip (as indicated in the image



Displaying the Floor Plan Graph Contents

A concrete example of the floor plan graph is detailed below.

・Horizontal Axis: Station

・Vertical Axis: Summation of ( (Each product’s processing time) × (Production

Goals) ) , displayed as a percentage rate.


Product A:Production Goal=10 pcs

Product B:Production Goal=20 pcs

・Product A’s Production Process: 2 Stages

Process A-1:Time Required=30 sec

Process A-2:Time Required=40 sec

・Product B’s Production Process: 2 Stages

Process B-1:Time Required=20 sec

Process B-2:Time Required=10 sec

・Floor Plan:2 Stations Total

Station 1 performs Processes A-1 and B-1

Station 2 performs Processes A-2 and B-2

Currently, the stations’ required times to completion are:

Station 1’s required time =30(sec/pc)×10(pcs)+20(sec/pc)×20(pcs)=


Station 2’s required time=40(sec/pc)×10(pcs)+10(sec/pc)×20(pcs)=


Next, the station‘s total working times are converted to a percentage rate where the

station that requires the most time is chosen as the baseline. As such:

Station 1’s required time ratio =(700/700)×100=100(%)

Station 2’s required time ratio =(600/700)×100=85.7(%)

The percentages will appear in the floor plan graph panel as calculated. As a stacked

bar graph is used, the processes’ required time ratios are also calculated.



Input Plan The input plan for the simulation enables specification of production lot sizes.

Setting the Input Plan

To setup the input plan, click the “Input Plan” button in the upper right corner of

the screen.

The input plan screen will appear. Here, a single simulation’s production goals are


Field Description

Target Product ① List of products; dependent on the available processes

Production Goal ② Production goal of each product

※If this is 0, the product may not be produced

Input Product


③ The desired product is to be set here. Click the cell to select the

desired product

Input Order Lot


④ Set the size of the lot of desired products


To add an input order, right-click the Input Order column header and select “Add” from

the menu that appears.

If you click on the cell beneath the “Product” header, a dropdown will appear allowing

selection of the desired product. Select a product, and input the desired lot size.

Example Settings


Input Order

① Product 1

② Product 2

The products will be created in this order.

(In this case, it will be repeated twice)

Production Target Number (total)

Product 1: 1000

Product 2: 500


Running Simulations With all of the appropriate parameters set, GD.findi can execute a simulation of the

production process. In order to start a simulation, the GD.findi reactor must be running.

Starting the Reactor

Click the “Start Reactor” button at the top of the screen.

The GD.findi reactor will start. When running a production simulation or rendering,

do not close this page otherwise the simulation will terminate.


Production Renderings

①Production renderings (simulations) are run in the following manner:

Running the simulation

After running the simulation, Production Cockpit is displayed.


bottom Shift Control View Control


・Operation bottom and control

To click the operation bottom, you can advance and go back the animation time.

To drag 4-2-1~3 displays each bottom and control of explanation.

Table4-2-1: Button Control Functionality

Table 4-2-2: Shift control Functionality

Shift control Contents of behavior

Set the shift control time to 1 hour.

Set the shift control time to 1 minute.

Set the shift control time to 1 second.

Table 4-2-3: View control Functionality

View control Status Functionality

High All icons will be displayed in the animation.

Low All icons except for workers and AGV will be


Off Only stock numbers will be displayed.

Displayed icon Contents of behavior

Return to the beginning of the animation.

Move backwards one frame.

Move backwards the amount of time specified in the shift control.

Move forwards the amount of time specified in the shift control.

Move forwards one frame.

Skip to the end of the animation.


・Production volume・graph of worker’s operating rates.

Numerical data and graphs will appear as shown in the figure below and change as the

animation performed in the Production Cockpit progresses. Product volume and

production velocity (rate) will be calculated and displayed during time transitions.

Selected quantities will be displayed on a graph running the length of the simulation.

Table 4-2-4: Production Cockpit Display Contents

Component Description

Outcome Displays the total number of finished products produced over the

course of the animation

Station Displays the current utilization rate of all the stations, as a


Worker Displays the current utilization rate of all the workers, as a


Current Time Displays the elapsed time of the current animation.

Production Velocity Displays the production rate of finished products.


Rate Maximum



Table 4-2-5: Production Cockpit Graph Contents

Graph Component Description

Red Line The quantity of finished products over time.

Thin Green Line Station usage over time.

Bold Green Line Total station capacity usage over time.

Thin Blue Line Worker usage over time.

Bold Blue Line Total worker capacity usage over time.

Bar Graph Display the stock over time – color-coded for each station.


Simulation Results The results of GD.findi’s simulations are output in Excel spreadsheet format for

easy examination.

Output Function

The simulation output is written to a .csv file. Generation of these files is

performed in the GD.findi Reactor Screen.

Numeric Output

The state of affairs during the simulation will be displayed on screen, and detailed

information is output to an Excel spreadsheet.

Evaluation and Analysis Features

As standard features, production line efficiency, rate of operation, inventory levels,

inventory turnover time, and the respective radars and charts are available.


GD.findi. Reactor Screen

The GD.findi reactor screen is displayed when the “Start Reactor” button is clicked. The

displayed properties are detailed below.

Silverlight and Reactor version

are displayed at the top.

Outputs and deletes simulation


The desired rendering parameters

can be modified here.

The simulation log is

displayed at the bottom of

the panel.



Outputting Production Simulation Cost Data From this screen, the data collected from the simulation concerning production

costs can be exported into a dedicated Excel workbook for further analysis.

Calculation of manufacturing costs must be done separately. An automatic transfer

utility is available to facilitate this process.

Component Description

Reactor Version Displays the current Reactor version

Silverlight Version Displays the current Silverlight version

Rendering Parameter Current rendering properties

Period Simulation Time - Default is 24 hours

Interval Animation interval (sec)

Sampling Sample interval for stock output (sec)

Estimate Button Output information for projected cost (.csv)

Create Button Output information for production planning

simulation (.csv)

Output Button Output simulation results (raw data, .txt)

Clean Button Delete simulation results

Export Button Output simulation results (.csv)

Execution Log Displays execution history of the simulation

Clear Button Clear the execution history area


Running a Production Simulation

Using the models build in GD.findi, production schedules that have been edited in

Excel can be executed. This process requires a dedicated excel workbook.


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