


Summary Journal of Applied Ecology 2006 43 , 1069–1074 An increasing number of ecotoxicological studies are devoted to population-level effects because environ- mental risk assessment based merely on toxic effects of contaminants at the individual level may not predict effects at higher ecological levels. Theoretical and empirical studies have demonstrated that at the popu- Key-words : community level, pesticide, population regulation, predation, toxicant stress Introduction

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Journal of Applied Ecology



, 1069–1074

© 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2006 British Ecological Society

Blackwell Publishing Ltd

The influence of predation on the chronic response of


sp. populations to a toxicant


UFZ–Centre for Environmental Research, Permoserstrasse 15, D-04318 Leipzig, Germany



Environmental risk assessment of contaminants is conventionally based on toxiceffects assessed in organism-level test systems. We suggest that, for the prediction of tox-icant effects, population- and community-level effects should be considered. The aim ofthis study was to investigate how predation could alter a prey population’s response toa toxicant to reveal effects at population and community levels.


Populations of the brine shrimp


sp. were maintained in the laboratory with andwithout simulated predation. Individuals were exposed for 1 h to the pyrethroid insecti


cide esfenvalerate (0, 0·01, 0·04 and 0·08


g L


) and subsequently observed for 6 weeks.


Unpredated exposed populations showed a reduced population density comparedwith the control. However, even at the highest concentration of insecticide, populationswere sustained until the end of the experiment. The lower density in the exposedpopulations led to reduced competition and subsequently to enhanced development ofsurviving individuals and an increased proportion of young individuals. In contrast,the combination of predation and short-term toxicant exposure at concentrations of0·04 and 0·08


g L


produced extinction of the populations after 39 and 32 days ofexposure, respectively.


Synthesis and applications.

The response of populations of brine shrimp to toxicantsat the community level may be stronger when predation is present than the response ofpopulations without predation pressure, as the regulation capacity of the population(measured as an increased production of offspring at reduced population densities) isexhausted when predation is present. Future ecotoxicological risk assessment schemesshould consider relevant community characteristics such as predation as part of anenvironmental risk assessment.


: community level, pesticide, population regulation, predation, toxicant stress

Journal of Applied Ecology



, 1069–1074doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2664.2006.01226.x


An increasing number of ecotoxicological studies aredevoted to population-level effects because environ-mental risk assessment based merely on toxic effects ofcontaminants at the individual level may not predicteffects at higher ecological levels. Theoretical andempirical studies have demonstrated that at the popu-

lation level density-dependent processes as a result ofcompetition may modify toxicant effects. These studiescommonly find that the population-level effects do notfollow the usual pattern of concentration–responserelationship: the potential for density-dependent com-pensations is highest when the toxicant dose is strongenough to reduce density, but not strong enough toaffect all individuals. Hence, at modest toxicant con-centrations, high-density populations can show a com-pensatory response to the toxicant. Examples includepolychaetes exposed to fluoranthene (Linke-Gamenick,Forbes & Sibly 1999), mysids exposed to para-nonylphenol(Kuhn

et al

. 2001), daphnids exposed to cadmium(Barata, Baird & Soares 2002) and fenvalerate (Liess, Pieters& Duquesne 2006), trichopterans exposed to fenvalerate

Correspondence: Mikhail Beketov, UFZ–Centre for Environ-mental Research, Permoserstrasse 15, D-04318 Leipzig,Germany (e-mail mikhail.beketov@ufz.de).Re-use of this article is permitted in accordance with theCreative Commons Deed, Attribution 2·5, which does notpermit commercial exploitation.


M. A. Beketov & M. Liess

© 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2006 British Ecological Society,

Journal of Applied Ecology



, 1069–1074

(Liess 2002) and ephemeropterans exposed to esfenva-lerate (Beketov & Liess 2005).

Although there are numerous studies devoted to directand indirect toxicant effects on communities, for exampletrophic cascades, taxonomic shifts, functional alterationsand behavioural effects (reviewed by Brock & Budde 1994;Fleeger, Carman & Nisbet 2003), much less is knownabout density-dependent interactions at the communitylevel and, to the best of our knowledge, there are no studiesinvestigating toxicant effects on density-dependent inter-actions in populations subjected to predator pressure.Nevertheless, it is obvious that predation could altersensitivity of the prey by reducing their density andintraspecific competition. In addition, toxicants canincrease the vulnerability of prey at the individual level.Examples include reduced survival of

Limnephilus lunatus

(Trichoptera) contaminated with particle-bound fenva-lerate in the presence of gammarids (Schulz & Liess 2001)and of


sp. (Ephemeroptera) exposed to azinphos-methyl and fenvalerate in presence of predatory fish(Schulz & Dabrowski 2001) and reduced survival of spi-ders

Oedothorax apicatus

exposed to deltamethrin as aresult of predation by carabid beetles (Everts

et al

.1991). The common pattern in all these examples is thatorganisms exposed to a toxicant are more vulnerable topredation than the unexposed organisms.

The aim of the present study was to investigate howpredation could alter the response of prey populationsto a toxicant by exhausting its regulation capacity (basedon an increased production of offspring at reducedpopulation densities of the prey population). We aimedto establish the level at which increased mortality(induced by the toxicant and by predation) could becompensated for by toxicant-reduced population growth.Finally, we sought to enhance our understanding ofthe process by which toxicants propagate from thepopulation level to the community level.

Materials and methods

Populations of brine shrimp


sp. were main-tained in the laboratory over a period of 4·5 months.Commencing from the second month of culturing,half of the populations were randomly selected fortreatment with predation simulation. Approximately10% of these animals were removed weekly. After3 months, the


sp. populations were exposedto pulse (1-h) contamination with the insecticideesfenvalerate. After exposure and subsequent rinsingof the tested animals, the populations were main-tained for a further 46 days. During this time popula-tion density and size of organisms were monitoredweekly.



sp. cysts were collected from Kulundin-skoe Lake (Altaiskii Kray, Russia). Although it has beenproposed that all


populations in south Siberia

be unified as a polymorphous species

Artemia sibirica

(Smirnov 1966), we designated the animals in ourexperiments as


sp. as taxonomy of the


genus in Siberia is not yet sufficiently well defined.Under laboratory conditions,


sp. populationshad an ovoviviparous type of reproduction (producingfree-swimming nauplii). The observed female repro-ductive period was 1–2 weeks, and normally one, on rareoccasions two, broods were produced by each female.

Cultivation of 32


sp. populations commencedat the beginning of December 2004. Each populationinitially consisted of 100 second-instar larvae. Thisnumber was chosen to ensure that populations wereclose to carrying capacity at the beginning of the obser-vation period. Populations were maintained in plasticindoor microcosms containing 0·3 L cultivation water.Animals were fed with dried pressed

Spirulina platensis

algae (produced by NPO Ekologiya pitaniya, Moscow,Russia), macerated in distilled water and homogenizedbefore feeding. Cultivation water with a salinity of 35‰was prepared by mixing synthetic sea salt (Sera GmbH,Heinsburg, Germany) with distilled water. Half of thewater in each test vessel was renewed once every 2weeks and organic particles deposited on the bottom ofvessels were removed.

Predation simulation was performed by collectingthe animals by pipette. Every week, four animals ofeach generation were removed from each predatedpopulation. The number of animals removed was reducedto one individual per generation whenever at least oneof the populations contained fewer than 10 individualsof this particular generation. This scheme was feasibleas not more than three generations were present in avessel at once. The generations could be distinguishedaccording to size and development stage.

It is generally accepted that a predator’s density isdependent on the density of its prey, and a decrease (orincrease) in predator density follows a decrease (or increase)in density of the prey after a time delay (Begon, Harper,& Townsend 1996). Thus predation pressure changeswithin certain limits because of the delayed response ofthe predator: delayed density dependence (Varley1947). Predation simulation in this study was designedto reflect broadly this type of dependence.

In nature, delay in the predator’s response to prey den-sity and the subsequent change in predation pressuredepends on the reproductive rate of the predator andother factors, and thus can vary widely (Begon, Harper,& Townsend 1996). Hence extrapolations of the results ofthis study to natural systems should be made with care.

Populations of


sp. were maintained on astable food regime for a period of 3·5 months (fiveor six generations of


sp.) before exposure to atoxicant, during which time they approached anequilibrium state. Predation simulation was performedduring the 2-month period before toxicant exposureto stabilize the predated populations. At the end ofthis time, the populations were relatively stable with auniform density, as estimated by qualitative observation.


Influence of predation on the response to a toxicant

© 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2006 British Ecological Society,

Journal of Applied Ecology



, 1069–1074


Contamination was carried out on 15 March 2005 inglass Petri dishes. Esfenvalerate ((S)-alpha-cyano-3-phenoxybenzyl(S)-2-(

4-chlorophenyl)-3-methylbu-tyrate) was applied as an emulsifiable concentrate(Sumi-alfa®, Sumitomo, Osaka, Japan; produced andpacked by ZAO Avgust, Moscow, Russia) containing50 g L


active ingredient. All concentrations given referto the active ingredient. The solutions were prepared fromthe cultivation water and the emulsifiable concentrate. Thechemical parameters of cultivation water were measuredbefore preparation of the toxicant solutions (Table 1). Allthe analyses were carried out by the Western SiberianCenter for Environmental Monitoring (Novosibirsk,Russia), by standard methods (Semenova 1977). Theemulsifiable concentrate was used rather than the puresubstances (technical grade) to approximate conditionsin the field. The


sp. populations were exposed tothe toxicant for 1 h at the following nominal concentra-tions: control, 0·01, 0·05 and 0·1


g L


. The concentra-tions were obtained by serial dilution of a stock solutioncontaining 1


g L


. Larvae were rinsed after exposurewith pesticide-free water.

Real exposure concentrations were measured usingstandard methods (Anonymous 2004). Liquid-phaseextraction of 1-L volumes was carried out with hexane.Two litres of each exposure solution were prepared;one was used for the exposure and the other wasextracted for analyses. This prevented a decrease inmeasured concentrations resulting from insecticideadsorption by the animals’ bodies. The measurementswere made with a gas chromatograph (Tsvet 550 C;OKBA, Dzerzhinsk, Russia) supplied with an integralmicroelectron capture detector. Measurement of eachexposure solution was made once. For the nominalconcentrations 0·01, 0·05 and 0·1


g L


, the measuredvalues were 0·01, 0·04 and 0·08


g L


, respectively.Concentrations referred to below are measured values.

After exposure the


sp. populations weremonitored using a digital camera (Olympus C-160;Olympus Corporation, Tokyo, Japan). Each popula-tion was photographed once per week and the numberand size (from front of head to end of tail, in millime-tres) of individuals were measured. Generations weredistinguished by their size and the development stage

of individuals. Statistical analyses were performedusing STATISTICA® 5·5 A (StatSoft, Tulsa, OK) soft-ware. The significance of differences of means wasexamined using one-way

with post-hoc tests forFisher’s protected least-significant difference (LSD).



sp. populations were monitored 3 daysbefore and 4, 11, 18, 25, 32, 39 and 46 days afterexposure. The combination of simulated predationand chronic toxicant effect at concentrations of 0·04and 0·08


g L


resulted in extinction of the popula-tions at 39 and 32 days after exposure, respectively(Fig. 1a). In contrast, unpredated populations at thesame toxicant concentrations survived with a reduceddensity (Fig. 1b).

The oldest generation (extant 3 days before the expos-ure) was termed the G1 generation and subsequentgenerations were numbered consecutively. At the momentof exposure all the populations consisted of two gener-ations (G1 and G2; Fig. 2). Simulated predation resultedin an increase in developmental rate. Thus in the con-trol and at 0·01 and 0·04


g L


toxicant concentra-tions, the G3 generation (offspring of G1) appeared inthe predated populations at 11 days after exposure, butin the unpredated series this G3 generation started toappear only after 18 days. Esfenvalerate at a concen-tration of 0·08


g L


caused early reproduction by theG1 generation, and therefore the G3 generation occurred

Table 1. Hydrochemistry of the cultivation water measuredbefore preparation of the toxicant solutions

Parameter Value

Total ammonia (mg L−1) 0·04Nitrite (mg L−1) < 0·0001Nitrate (mg L−1) 0·06Orthophosphate (mg L−1) 0·03Hardness (mg CaCO3 L

−1) 162·2BOD5 (mg L−1) 1·35pH 7·75

Fig. 1. Mean densities of Artemia sp. populations before andafter 1 h of exposure to esfenvalerate (control, 0·01, 0·04,0·08 µg L−1) with (a) and without (b) simulated predation.Asterisks indicate significant (analyses of variance, LSD test,P < 0·005) differences from the control series at the respectivetime of observation.


M. A. Beketov & M. Liess

© 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2006 British Ecological Society,

Journal of Applied Ecology



, 1069–1074

immediately after exposure in the predated and unpre-dated populations (Fig. 2).

The abundance of the young generations (G3 andG4) was negatively correlated with esfenvalerate con-centrations (Fig. 3). In the unpredated populations, theproportion of younger generations (G3 and G4) increased

with the increase in toxicant concentration, whereastheir abundance did not significantly change in the pre-dated populations. However, for the predated popula-tions this comparison could be made only for thecontrol and lowest exposed populations (0·01


g L


)because of mortality at higher exposure concentrations.The densities of these generations expressed as a per-centage of the total population density are shown inFig. 4.

In spite of the fact that predation caused an increasein developmental rate as a result of a decreased density,it did not cause an increase in final (maximum) bodysize of the adult organisms (control series, G1 genera-tions; Fig. 5). A significant effect of the toxicant onbody size was detected in the unpredated populationsexposed to 0·08


g L


of esfenvalerate. In this popula-tion, at the end of the experiment (46 days after expos-ure) the mean body size of the G3 generations wassignificantly higher (


< 0·001, LSD test) than the G3generations in the respective control as well as all otherunpredated populations exposed to esfenvalerate (con-centrations 0·01 and 0·04


g L


; Fig. 5).


The chronic effect of short-term contamination withtoxicants such as pyrethroids has been documentedfor various aquatic organisms (Liess & Schulz 1996;Liess 2002; Cold & Forbes 2004; Beketov & Liess 2005;Forbes & Cold 2005; Reynaldi & Liess 2005). The levelof toxicant concentrations causing chronic effects inthe present study is comparable with those found forother aquatic insects and crustaceans (Liess 2002;Cold & Forbes 2004; Beketov & Liess 2005; Reynaldi &Liess 2005). The combined effect of predation andexposure to toxicants has been studied previously(Clements, Cherry & Cairns 1989; Everts

et al

. 1991;Taylor

et al

. 1995; Schulz & Dabrowski 2001). However,these studies did not focus on how predator pressure

Fig. 3. Mean densities of G3 and G4 generations (in sum) ofArtemia sp. expressed as a percentage of respective controls indifferent experimental series (unpredated and predated;control, 0·01, 0·04, 0·08 µg L−1) at the end of the experiment(46 days after exposure) (number of individuals, means, %).Asterisks indicate significant (analyses of variance, LSD test,P < 0·005) differences from the control series at the respectivetime of observation.

Fig. 4. Mean densities of G3 and G4 generations (in sum) ofArtemia sp. expressed as a percentage of respective totaldensities of different experimental series (unpredated andpredated; control, 0·01, 0·04, 0·08 µg L−1) at the end of theexperiment (46 days after exposure) (number of individuals,means, %). Asterisks indicate significant (analyses ofvariance, LSD test, P < 0·005) differences from the controlseries at the respective time of observation.

Fig. 2. Mean densities of different generations (G1, G2, G3 and G4) of Artemia sp.before and after 1 h of exposure to esfenvalerate (control, 0·01, 0·04, 0·08 µg L−1) withand without simulated predation.


Influence of predation on the response to a toxicant

© 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2006 British Ecological Society,

Journal of Applied Ecology



, 1069–1074

resulting in a decreased regulation capacity (i.e. increasedproduction of offspring at reduced population densi-ties) of the prey population would alter the sensitivityof the prey to toxicant exposure at the population level.Previous studies have reported that individuals exposedto a toxicant are more vulnerable to predation thanunexposed individuals. In contrast, in the present studyreduced fitness of exposed individuals was not respon-sible for the combined effect of predation and toxicantexposure.

Studies focused on density-dependent responses ofpopulations to toxicants have shown that a decreasein density of animals exposed to a toxicant can becompensated for, because the surviving individualsexperience more favourable conditions as a result of thereduced population density (Linke-Gamenick, Forbes& Sibly 1999; Sibly, Williams & Jones 2000; Kuhn

et al

.2001; Barata, Baird & Soares 2002; Liess 2002; Beketov& Liess 2005; Liess, Pieters & Duquesne 2006). In thepresent study this type of density-dependent compen-sation was found for the unpredated series exposed to0·08


g L


of esfenvalerate. Thus a direct effect of theinsecticide resulted in elimination of the G1 and G2generations and a reduction in the density of the G3generation (Fig. 2; unpredated, 0·08


g L


). Therefore,surviving individuals of the G3 generation had a rela-

tively abundant food supply because of the absence ofcompetitors, and were characterized by a significantlylarger body size than their respective controls as wellpopulations exposed to lower esfenvalerate concentra-tions. Obviously the increase in body size was achievedby relatively faster development of the organisms. Asimilar increase in development rate was caused by pre-dation, but only in the control series (Figs 2 and 5).

An analysis of population structure revealed that anincrease in the proportion of relatively young G3 andG4 generations in the total population was positivelycorrelated with increasing toxicant concentration (Fig. 4;unpredated series). This evidently resulted from areduction in competition between individuals as thedensity was reduced by the toxicant (Figs 1 and 2). Thisreduced density post-exposure was more pronouncedin the comparatively older G1 and G2 generations,which were directly exposed to the toxicant.

Through the inclusion of predation, this experimenthas demonstrated that density-dependent compensa-tion for the toxicant effect was not possible under thepressure of constant predation. Predation simulationin the control series resulted in faster individual devel-opment through a decrease in population density, butin the exposed series this decrease in density exhaustedthe populations’ potential to recover. Thus, low densityitself is a favourable factor that facilitates developmentof organisms. However, the factors that cause this lowdensity (as predation or a toxicant) may in themselvesbe fatal for the maintenance of the population. Mech-anisms of density-dependent compensation of a toxicanteffect demonstrated previously for various organismsat the population level (Linke-Gamenick, Forbes &Sibly 1999; Kuhn

et al

. 2001; Barata, Baird & Soares2002; Liess 2002; Beketov & Liess 2005; Liess, Pieters &Duquesne 2006) may not act with the same magnitudeat the community level when predator–prey interactionis present.

We conclude that the response of populations totoxicants at the community level, when predation ispresent, may be considerably stronger than that ofpopulations without predation pressure, as regulationcapacity is decreased as a result of predation. Predationis a significant factor in communities, hence futureecotoxicological risk assessment schemes aimed atpredicting effects of toxicants at the community levelshould incorporate consideration of predation.


This research was financially supported by the Euro-pean Union (European Commission, Marie Curie IIFcontract No. MIF1-CT-2006-021860).


Anonymous (2004)

Guidance. Methods for Measurement ofSynthetic Pyrethroids Deltamethrin, Fenvalerate, and Alpha-cyperMethrin in Soil Samples. Methods of Measurement by

Fig. 5. Mean body sizes of different generations (G1, G2, G3 and G4) of Artemia sp.before and after 1 h of exposure to esfenvalerate (control, 0·01, 0·04, 0·08 µg L−1) withand without simulated predation (mean ± SD, mm).


M. A. Beketov & M. Liess

© 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2006 British Ecological Society,

Journal of Applied Ecology



, 1069–1074

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Received 8 November 2005; final copy received 20 June 2006Editor: Paul Giller