FS2Crew NGX Button Control Tutorial




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  • FS2Crew PMDG 737 NGX Button Control Tutorial V1.0 www.fs2crew.com

    FS2Crew PMDG 737 NGX Button Control Tutorial



    The following is a very basic guide designed to help new FS2Crew NGX users make a simple flight from A

    to B using Button Control.

    The tutorial does not cover every possible procedural nuance or variation modeled in the simulation;

    rather, it is designed just to get new users up and running as quickly as possible.

    Dont forget: You still need to read the Main Ops manual carefully to fill in the blanks this tutorial does

    not cover!


    The tutorial assumes you already know how to operate the PMDG 737 NGX and make a successful flight

    using the FMC and autopilot.

    If youre still learning how to fly the NGX itself, please consult one of the many NGX aircraft tutorials and

    manuals available on the internet.

    For support, please visit the FS2Crew Support forum at Avsim.com.

  • FS2Crew PMDG 737 NGX Button Control Tutorial V1.0 www.fs2crew.com


    Hint: The key to understanding the Button Control version is that its very linear. Basically, all you do is

    click the Main Button to advance down a preset linear script. Its like marching in a straight line, and

    every time you press the Main Button, you march one step forward. From time to time, you can use the

    Secondary button to perform some minor actions, but most of the time you will be using the Main Button

    to advance through the simulation. Once you understand how linear everything is, the simulation will

    appear very simple to operate. Its especially easy given you can see What Comes Next in the sequence

    on the Main Panel!

    1. Re-install SP1c (or later). Note that SP1b is NOT sufficient. You must have SP1c for FS2Crew

    will not work properly!

    Links for SP1c:

    Download the PMDG 737NGX 8900 SP1c Update

    Download the PMDG 737NGX 6700 Expansion SP1c Update

    IMPORTANT: SP1c may not be the latest Service Pack available when youre

    reading this manual. Always check the PMDG forum for the latest version!

    2. If youre running Skype or anything that might use a Microphone running in the background,

    and youre experiencing volume changes in FS2Crew, be sure to make this setting via the

    Windows Control panel. Select DO NOTHING and click apply.

  • FS2Crew PMDG 737 NGX Button Control Tutorial V1.0 www.fs2crew.com

    3. Open the FS2Crew Config Manager. A link to it should be on your desktop. Also look in:

    Start All Programs FS2Crew2012.

    4. Make sure you run the FS2Crew Config Manager as an Admin (right click on the desktop

    icon and select Run as Admin). Also disable User Account Control (UAC) if its running to

    avoid problems. Google Disable UAC if you dont know how. Not running as an Admin

    with UAC on can result in the Config Manager being unable to update the PMDG 737 NGXs

    Panel.Cfg file.

    5. Select the Button Control Version.

    6. Click Enable Button Control.

  • FS2Crew PMDG 737 NGX Button Control Tutorial V1.0 www.fs2crew.com

    7. Load FSX.

    8. Make sure your PMDG 737 aircraft is not the default aircraft that gets loaded. PMDG

    recommends against that as it can cause problems. If the NGX is the default aircraft that

    gets loaded, change your FSX default flight settings so only the Trike` is the initial aircraft

    displayed in the Free Flight menu.

  • FS2Crew PMDG 737 NGX Button Control Tutorial V1.0 www.fs2crew.com

    9. In your FSX Settings menu, ensure your FSX aircraft load by default into the 2D cockpit only

    by making the selection shown below:

    10. Now its time to configure the MAIN and SECONDARY buttons. You use the buttons to

    interface with FS2Crew. Create a New keyboard/joystick assignment for each.

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  • FS2Crew PMDG 737 NGX Button Control Tutorial V1.0 www.fs2crew.com


    11. Now its time to load the NGX.

    12. Create a flight. You can use any airport you like. Start at a Gate Location.

    13. To keep things simple, dont use any ATC programs or complex weather.

    14. After the NGX starts to load, you will be asked if you want to Trust the new FS2Crew

    gauge that was added to the NGXs Panel.Cfg file. If you were not asked to trust the gauge,

    then there is a problem. It means either you didnt enable FS2Crew on the FS2Crew Config

    Manager, or the NGX was the default aircraft loaded by FSX. The other possibility is that not

    running the FS2Crew Config Manager as an Admin with UAC off blocked FS2Crew from being

    able to update your NGXs Panel.Cfg files.

  • FS2Crew PMDG 737 NGX Button Control Tutorial V1.0 www.fs2crew.com

    15. Hopefully, the NGX has now loaded and youre sitting in the 2D cockpit of the NGX.

    16. If you like, you can now switch to the VC cockpit. However, its important that the NGX load

    into the 2D cockpit when you first load the NGX.

    17. Note: when you move into the VC cockpit with the FS2Crew Main Panel already open, you

    may notice that the FS2Crew sound volume drops a bit. You can counter that volume drop

    by re-opening the FS2Crew Main Panel from within the VC itself.

    18. Wait for the timer countdown to reach 0.

    19. Open the PMDGs FMC and disable the V1, VR and V2 callouts. Also be sure to sync the

    Captain and FOs altimeters.

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  • FS2Crew PMDG 737 NGX Button Control Tutorial V1.0 www.fs2crew.com

    20. Next, load the PMDG NGX CLD DRK (Cold and Dark) Panel State via the PMDGs FMC

    PMDG SETUP menu.

  • FS2Crew PMDG 737 NGX Button Control Tutorial V1.0 www.fs2crew.com

    21. Note: We recommend always using the PMDG default panel state files (like CLDDRK,

    LONG, SHORT or DEFAULT), not your own.

    22. You should now be sitting in a Cold and Dark cockpit and you should be in the 2D cockpit.

    23. Open the FS2Crew Main Panel by left clicking this area:

    That click spot location may also look like this depending on your NGXs Equipment settings:

  • FS2Crew PMDG 737 NGX Button Control Tutorial V1.0 www.fs2crew.com

    24. The FS2Crew Main Panel should now open. If it doesnt, it means FS2Crew was not

    successfully added to your NGXs Panel.Cfg file or your default saved flight used the NGX

    and not the Trike.

    25. The Main Panel is very simple to understand; for a full description of the various buttons

    please consult the FS2Crew Main Ops manual.

    26. The most important thing to know is that the left window that says PREFLIGHT CHECKLIST

    is associated with the MAIN button, and the window to the right of it is associated with the

    SECONDARY button.

    27. Press the PWR (Power) button on the FS2Crew Main Panel to power the unit.

    28. Now, we need to open the Config Panel.

    29. Press the CFG button on the Main Panel shown above. This panel should now open:

    30. Press RUN PF. It stands for Run Pre-Flight Events. You dont need to do it for every

    flight, but for this tutorial you should so you can see how it works.

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    31. The FO will then start powering up the aircraft. If youre parked at a gate, the FSX default

    jetway should connect assuming its available. Note the text in the left window in the Main


    The Orange Text and >-- --< indicates that the FO is performing a flow action.

    32. Note the T+30 number on the Main Panel. That shows the time remaining until pushback.

    You can click on it to fast forward the time down.

    33. For a full list of required crew actions that are to be performed by you and the FO, please

    see the FLOWS section in the FS2Crew Main Ops manual.

    34. In short, as the Captain, all you need to do is set the IRS selectors to NAV and setup the

    FMC. The FO will do the rest.

    35. At T + 18 minutes before pushback, a ground crew staff member will enter the cockpit and

    ask you if youre ready to start boarding. Note how the display in the SECONDARY DISPLAY

    WINDOW on the Main Panel will change.

    36. Now, click the SECONDARY button to respond to the ground staff member (in other words,

    to say Yes that youre ready to start boarding.)

    37. A short time later, the FO will start his main pre-flight setup routine. Hell perform all his

    functions listed in the FLOWS section in the manual. Itll take him a bit of time to go through

    everything, so be patient.

    38. When hes done, hell say hes ready for the checklist and youll note there will be a little

    asterisks (*) symbol placed at the end of the PREFLIGHT CHECKLIST text in the Main

    Window, signifying that the FO is ready for the checklist.

    39. Now, click the MAIN button to call for the Pre-Flight Checklist. Click the Main Button again

    and again as required to respond to each of the FOs challenges.

    40. When done, you can brief the FO for departure. Press the BR button to open the Brief Panel

    and then press the button that says PLAY BRIEF.

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  • FS2Crew PMDG 737 NGX Button Control Tutorial V1.0 www.fs2crew.com

    41. At +8 minutes, the ground staff will hand you a loadsheet. FS2Crew does not model a

    physical loadsheet. If you want to use one, we suggest using a program like TOPCAT.

    42. Click the SECONDARY button to respond to the ground staff.

    43. At +1 minutes to pushback, the FA will enter the cockpit and tell you that theyre ready in

    the back. Press the SECONDARY button to respond.

    44. In the left window in the Main Panel, you should see the text: BEFORE START PROCEDURE.


    45. Click the MAIN Button to ask the FO to perform the Before Start procedure.

    46. Again, check the FLOWS section in the FS2Crew manual for a full list of required crew

    member actions, but all you basically need to do is set the STAB TRIM for Takeoff and arm

    the autothrottle and setup the MCP. The FO will take care of the rest.

    47. When done, press the MAIN BUTTON again to call for and run through the BEFORE START


    48. When done, note what is displayed in the Secondary Window. It should say: CTC GROUND

    P/B. This means its time to tell the ground crew were ready for pushback.

    49. Press the SECONDARY BUTTON to contact the start crew.

    50. Press the SECONDARY BUTTON again as required to respond to the start crew.

    51. After youve started pushing back, you can start the engines.

    52. Press the MAIN BUTTON to ask the FO to start engine two.

    53. Dont forget that its your job to set the fuel lever to idle at around 25 percent N1, not the


    54. After the engine has stabilized, press the MAIN BUTTON again to ask the FO to start the

    remaining engine.

  • FS2Crew PMDG 737 NGX Button Control Tutorial V1.0 www.fs2crew.com

    55. Note: If the FO says were not configured for engine start, something is wrong. Usually the

    problem is not having SP1c installed or not having FSX load by default into the 2D cockpit.

    You can also try re-installing FS2Crew.

    56. After both engines have stabilized, the FO will automatically perform the first part of his

    Before Taxi flow, the details of which are described in the Flows section in the FS2Crew


    57. Next, wait for the pushback section to end.

    58. Press the SECONDARY BUTTON to clear the pushback team to disconnect.

    59. Press the MAIN BUTTON to command the FO to set the Takeoff flaps.

    60. After the FO completes the 2nd part of his Before Taxi flow, press the MAIN BUTTON again to

    call for and run the BEFORE TAXI checklist.

    61. Youre now ready to taxi!

    62. Start taxiing toward the runway. You can turn on the taxi light if desired.

    63. A short while later, the FA will phone the cockpit to tell you that the cabin is ready for

    takeoff. (The FO answers this call).

    64. After that has happened, press the MAIN BUTTON to call for and run through the BEFORE


    65. You should now be coming up on the hold short line.

    66. Press the MAIN BUTTON again to call for the RUNWAY ENTRY PROCEDURE.

    67. The FO will then perform his runway entry flow as described in the manual.

    68. Press the MAIN BUTTON to call Takeoff.

  • FS2Crew PMDG 737 NGX Button Control Tutorial V1.0 www.fs2crew.com

    69. Advance the throttles to 40% N1, then press TOGA.

    70. The FO will call V1 and ROTATE.

    71. When the FO calls POSITIVE RATE, click the MAIN BUTTON to call GEAR UP.

    72. FS2Crew models the various Noise Abatement Departure Procedures (NADPs) available. For

    more info on the NADPs, please consult the FS2Crew Manual. Basically use the MAIN or

    SECONDARY BUTTON as desired to follow the NADPs and clean the aircraft up.

    73. Note that if you ask the FO to turn on VNAV or the autopilot and he doesnt do it, it means

    the aircraft is not configured to accept an autopilot or VNAV engagement command. (If the

    autopilot wont turn on, its usually the result of applying pressuring on the control column.)

    74. After the flaps are up, press the MAIN BUTTON to call for the AFTER TAKEOFF CHECKLIST.

    75. Note: Make sure the flaps are fully up before you call for the AFTER TAKEOFF CHECKLIST.

    76. Passing the Transition Altitude (TA), press STD on the EFIS Panel to change your altimeter to

    Standard pressure.

    77. At this point, there generally isnt much to do until you are near the Top of Descent. The

    plane flies itself on autopilot. You just need to monitor the systems.

    78. Around 50 to 100nm back from the Top of Descent, open the BRIEF Panel, and select the

    Decision Height/ Altitude for your approach. Next, run the Approach Brief by pressing PLAY


  • FS2Crew PMDG 737 NGX Button Control Tutorial V1.0 www.fs2crew.com

    79. A few seconds after the Brief is done, the FO will run his pre-descent flow.

  • FS2Crew PMDG 737 NGX Button Control Tutorial V1.0 www.fs2crew.com

    80. When the FO has finished his pre-descent flow, call for and run the DESCENT CHECKLIST.

    81. Important: Make sure you set the Transition Level (TL) in the FMCs DESCENT FORCAST

    PAGE. FS2Crew uses that info to make the Transition Level call. Also setup your radios (like

    the ILS frequency) for the approach.

    82. Passing the TOD start the descent.

    83. Passing the Transition Level, the FO will call TRANSITION LEVEL. Press STD and set local

    pressure in your altimeter.

    84. Passing 10,000 feet or the TL, whichever is lower, press the MAIN BUTTON to call for and


    85. Navigate your own way down to the ILS approach course.

    86. When ready to call for FLAPS 1, press the MAIN BUTTON. Dont forget to adjust your speed

    bug to match the new flaps maneuvering speed!

    87. Press the MAIN BUTTON again and again as required to bring the flaps down on schedule as

    well as run the Landing Checklist.

    88. Since FS2Crew is linear, its just a matter of pressing the MAIN BUTTON and looking at the

    Main Display window to see what action comes next in sequence.

    89. When you call for gear down, arm the speedbrake.

    90. When cleared to land, press the MAIN BUTTON to call cleared.

  • FS2Crew PMDG 737 NGX Button Control Tutorial V1.0 www.fs2crew.com

    91. At the Decision Height/Altitude, press the MAIN BUTTON again to call LANDING.

    92. Land the aircraft.

    93. After you exit the runway, press the MAIN BUTTON to call OKAY TO CLEAN UP. The FO

    will then clean up the aircraft (retract the flaps, etc.). He will also turn on the APU.

    94. Taxi to the gate.

    95. The FO will tell you when the APU is on-line. Wait for that call.

    96. When parked at the gate, set the Parking Brake. That is the FOs trigger to start his pre-

    shutdown flow.

    97. The FO will tell you when hes ready for shutdown.

    98. After the FO says that hes ready for shutdown, manually set both fuel levers on the throttle

    pedestal to cutoff. (Thats your job, not the FOs!)

    99. Selecting both fuel levers to cutoff is the trigger for the FO to run his main shutdown flow.

    100. A few moments later, you will hear a chime and the FA will phone the cockpit to tell you

    that the slides have been disarmed. Press the FA button on the FS2Crew Main Panel to

    respond (a lot of people miss this step).

    101. Next, open the PA Panel, and press the O-DOORS button to tell the FAs they can now

    open the doors.

  • FS2Crew PMDG 737 NGX Button Control Tutorial V1.0 www.fs2crew.com

    102. The ground crew will also contact you to let you know that the chocks are in, so you can

    release the parking brake. Press the SECONDARY button to reply.

    103. When the FOs flow is complete, run the SHUTDOWN CHECKLIST.

    104. Finally, well assume this is the last flight of the day and were not handing the aircraft

    over to the engineers, run the SECURE CHECKLIST. That is the FOs trigger to run his

    securing aircraft flow. Note that you will need to manually shut off the APU and turn off

    the position lights.

    105. If you want to make another flight, there is no need to reload the aircraft. Simply press

    RUN PF events again and start from the beginning!