FrontCover - AGC Chemicals Europe · CYTOP™ amorphous ˜uoropolymer has the same excellent...


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CYTOP™ amorphous �uoropolymer has the same excellent chemical, insulation, thermal, electrical and surface properties as conventional �uoropolymers, such as PTFE. It is often used where the thermoplastic characteristics and other favourable properties, such as solubility in speci�c solvents, allow thin coatings of the product to be applied by methods as diverse as screenprinting, spin coating, dip coating, slot die coating and inkjet printing. CYTOP™ �nds applications in a range of areas, including membrane coatings, organic gate insulators, protective coatings, UVC LED lenses and encapsulents, anti-re�ective coatings and waveguides.

AGC offers CYTOP™ in a range of concentrations and grades (depending on the target substrate) in various per�uorinated solvents (low and high temperature boiling point solvents available) and also as a resin in solution or as pellets.


High optical transparency

Mould release

Electric insulation

Water and oil repellency

Chemical resistance


Low refractive index

Low coef�cient of optical dispersion

Good lamination properties


Dielectric coating for semiconductors in the electronics industry

Anti-re�ective coatings, especially in the optical industry

Inter-level dielectric layer for semiconductors


Non-auto�uorescence hydrophobic coating of micro�uidics

Hydrophobic coating of electrowetting devices

Anti-fouling coatings for photomasks

Optical �lm

Graded-index optical �bres
