Front cover slideshow


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Front Cover

Mock ups

Main image



Main image with main cover line over it

Cover line

Smaller image

Cover line

Masthead(Single letter)

Main cover line

Cover line

Cover line


These are the colours that I will use on the cover of my magazine, as they are simple and effective. The orange is very eye-catching while the other colours complement it.

My magazine name is “ZERO DEGREES”

This is the font I am using for my masthead on my front cover


On my front cover I am going to stick to the rectangles, this makes sure that they do not detract from the main image, I will just use different shades of grey on the rectangles.

Mode of address

I will use an informal mode of address so that this melds with my target audience of 16-25 year olds. This is because they also have an informal tone and mannerisms, so if the magazine has these then it will be familiar and relatable and create and nourish a reader – writer relationship.

For example I could put “don’t miss out on these crazy prizes”.

I could also address them by having articles and adverts that cohere with them as well.

For example, I could feature articles that show new up and coming bands and artists that not many older people will of heard of, or I could have adverts showing the most recent technology and entertainment.

ImagesMain cover and double page spread respectively

Xbox adverts images

Mind map

Articles Adverts


Ed Hill (main article corresponding to the main image on the cover) Double page spread.

A chart of the best albums that have come out in the year so far, this will last for a considerable amount of pages.

A competition to win an custom ZERO DEGREES painted Xbox 360.

The double page spread of Ed Hill turns into a poster on the reverse when it is removed from the magazine

iPad advert

Xbox advert

PS3 advert