FROM PASTOR LISA - Fredsville Lutheran...Amy Jensen – member with cancer Cole Mikkelsen - member...


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FROM PASTOR LISA Are your bows a little bit crushed?

Are your Christmas trees looking a bit like a scrub brush?

Has the glitter sprinkled around the house lost some of the sparkle?

Are the cookies on the tray picked over and stale?

Have you already given up on your News Years resolution?

Have you begun dreaming of spring bulbs and warm sunshine?

If so, then let me introduce to you the Son!

Even in the blahs of January and the let down that comes after Christmas. Even in the depression, the questioning, and the doubt, Christ has come. Nothing can stop that! It has already happened!

Christ came to earth, to be with God's people, to bring us to know God in a still deeper way. Christ came at Christmas so that we might have the forgiveness of our sins and the gift of everlasting life. Christ came at Christmas time so that we can have a God who knows our pain, our frustrations, our hurt, disappointment and depression. Christ came at Christmas to give us hope and to remind us that God is always with us! Always! Christ is with us in the good and the bad, the easy and the hard times. Christ is with us!

On Christmas Eve, I preached about following the star, the light of the world. In the gloominess of January may you still see the light of the Star! May you know that Christ is present with you always! For Christ is the present to the whole world- and that my dear ones- means that Christ is for you.

In peace and looking to the Light! Pastor Lisa

Santa came to Fredsville and luckily…Intern Andy & Pastor Lisa

are on his “nice” list.

Intern Andy Graves, Santa Jeff Marsh, & Pastor Lisa Dietrich

Fredsville Lutheran Church Pastor Lisa Dietrich Intern Andy Graves

Church: 319-989-2065 Fax: 319-989-2087

Website: Facebook: Fredsville Lutheran Church


January 2020 Newsletter

Fredsville Lutheran Church

32756 150th


Cedar Falls, IA 50613

Peaceful Tidings

Our Friends &

Family Please remember them in your prayers Mary Mommer-member with Sarcoidois and heart failure Amy Jensen – member with cancer Cole Mikkelsen - member with leukemia Maynard Petersen – member at Creek Side Cottages in Grundy Center Florence Freese- member in hospice care Mike Juhl- Richard & Joann Juhl’s son who has ALS Intern Andy & Rev. Megan Graves – job opportunities Karen Hayes-Intern Andy’s mother-in-law with cancer Rick Dumler – member with health concern

If you need to be added to the prayer list or desire a visit, please contact the church office at 319-989-2065, Pastor Lisa at 319-243-8136, or Intern Andy at 641-844-4704

January Birthdays Kaylee Nielsen-1 Angela Syhlman-22 Jan Andersen-4 Gavin Opoien-23 Drew Petersen-5 Melissa Dufel-26 Katelyn Van Wechel-8 Cameron Foust-26 Susie Latusek-11 Scott Griffith-26 Cade Nuss-11 Wayne Mugge-26 Gavin Hines-12 Jeffrey Reinicke-26 Jason Y earous-12 Tim Kirkpatrick-27 Merlyn Petersen-13 Trey Nuss-27 Kathleen Heide-17 Becca Aronson-28 Zachary Nicholson-17 Jeff Intlekofer-29 Jered Lotts-18 Elizabeth Harn-30 Christa Lotts-19 Dane Bakker-31 Klayton Kruger-20 MacKenzie Nuss-31 Scott Dietrich-22 Don Petersen-31

Wedding Anniversaries Wendall & Elizabeth Bergmann-3 Curt & Alice Hansen-18 Andy & Megan Graves-23

Upcoming Events Volunteers are needed for the month of January to push residents at NewAldaya in wheelchairs to church services. A sign-up sheet in on the “yes” table and if you need more information, please contact Sue Green at

Investigating the Sacraments: A Mid-Winter Bible Study

Every week we meet at the Lord’s Table for communion, and as often as we can we baptize people at the font. However, do you know the biblical foundations for these activities we consider sacraments? There are numerous references in the Bible and there are teachings in the Lutheran tradition (Catechisms) that help paint a clearer picture for us as believers. In order to start the conversation around these sacraments, Intern Andy is leading a 4-week bible study on the sacraments.

Starting on Thursday, January 9 at 12:30 pm, he will lead 4 sessions of study, two on Baptism and two on Communion. Each session will be scheduled for about an hour (give or take the chattiness of participants), and will end with some take-a-way readings and things to think about as you continue your journey of faith. As we will be meeting over the noon hour, feel free to bring a lunch or a snack to enjoy while we feast on the Word of God together!

Bible Study Schedule (Weather Permitting) January 9 “The Roots of Sacramental Baptism” January 16 “Taking Baptism to the World” January 23 “Eucharistic Beginnings” January 30 “Do This in Remembrance of Me”

We realize that picking any time of the week leaves people out, so if you really want to be a part of the study but cannot make it be sure to reach out to Intern Andy. Our hope is that you will come, participate, learn and enjoy some fellowship. Like always, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask!

Confirmation Classes will resume on January 8th at

6:30 p.m. We will continue our study of the Gospel of Mark. Confirmation Class will also meet on January 15th with the Mentors also attending on the 15th! Don't forget to bring your Bibles with you to class and remember to turn in your sermon note forms

January 2020, LSI Bulletin/Newsletter Article

and Story

Raising our Voice for Iowa Children and

Families – Lutheran Day on the Hill

Families struggling without access to mental

healthcare. Human services providers

overworked and underpaid. Former refugees

striving to build new lives.

These are all issues faced by Iowans. Join us

to make sure they are heard at the Iowa State


Please consider joining Lutheran Services in

Iowa (LSI) and the three Iowa synods of the

ELCA for Lutheran Day on the Hill, an annual

day of advocacy in Des Moines to uplift the

needs of our neighbors. The event will be held

on Tuesday, February 25. Visit next month for

event details, online registration, and an

online toolkit for your congregation.

If you are new to advocacy, come learn more about the legislative process and your role as a citizen. If you’ve attended before, join us again. If you would like more information, please contact Deb Whitford, LSI’s director of philanthropy and church relations, at or 563-676-2065.

Our Mission: Lutheran Services in Iowa responds to the love of Jesus Christ through compassionate service. LSI is an affiliated social ministry partner of the Iowa congregations of the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) and a member of LSA (Lutheran Services in America). We proudly serve people of all ages, abilities, religions, sexes, gender identities, national origins, ethnicities, races, and sexual orientations. Learn

more at &

Finding Her Community Originally from Eritrea, Kiros, her husband, and her young son were forced to flee their country and live in an Ethiopian refugee camp for almost two years.

When the opportunity came to resettle in Iowa, Kiros and her husband were excited to put down roots and call Iowa home. They settled in the Des Moines community and knew this was it; this was where they wanted to create a new life in the U.S.

Since then, they have raised four more children and set their sights on receiving citizenship in the country that helped them heal and rebuild.

Kiros enrolled in LSI’s English and citizenship classes and worked hard to study for her U.S. Citizenship Exam. Every week, she met with instructors from LSI’s Refugee and Immigrant Services to prepare for her interview with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

When the time came, she passed her exam with flying colors. She recently attended her U.S. citizenship ceremony, then went home to prepare for her daughter’s fifth birthday party.

Kiros has poured her time and energy into building a life where her family has the same opportunities as every other family in their community.

Online Giving @ Fredsville Lutheran Church An alternative to Putting Money in the Plate

Have you ever made it to church but forgot your checkbook? Have you ever took a last minute vacation and forgot to send your offering with your neighbor? Have you ever just completely spaced bringing money to church?

Well, we have a solution for you—online giving!

Here at Fredsville we want to make it as easy as possible for you to support the various ministries that we have going on here, so we have set-up an online giving site for just that purpose. You will never have to worry about whether or not you tithed this week or last, because you can set-up automatic offerings.

Now, we know that this is a new thing and can be kind of scary, which is why we are ALWAYS available to help you set it up. The process only takes a few minutes and you can give worry free for as long as you want. All you need to bring with you is your account number for the account you wish to use, your e-mail address and a password. Simple as that!

You c And rest assured that all transactions are securely handled through Vanco Payment Solutions and all giving is tracked through the church and are reported on giving statements just like cash/check giving are. So, if you are interested, want more information, or are ready to sign-up let either Pastor Lisa or Intern Andy know. As always, if you have any questions do not hesitate to ask.

Fredsville’s Annual Meeting is Sunday,

February 16th

ELCA Ministry Spotlights

Each month we will be highlighting a ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. During each Spotlight Sunday we will have a presentation about the ministry during our regular worship as well as an opportunity to learn more following worship during fellowship time. Below you will find the monthly schedule of Ministry Spotlights for your planning purposes. You won’t want to miss the opportunity to learn about the work our church is doing and how you can be more involved! Monthly Schedule January 13 Lutheran Immigration and

Refugee Services (LIRS) February 9 Young Adults in Global Mission

(YAGM) March 8 Lutheran Volunteer Corps. (LVC) April 19 World Hunger

If you have any questions about any of these ministries before hand, feel free to reach out to the church office and we will address your questions to the best of our ability. Please plan on attending these presentations so that you can learn about all of the work that our church is participating in on the local, national and global levels. There is so many ways to connect with the world through the love of Jesus Christ, and these are a few of those ways that the ELCA chooses to go about connecting people with that love. We can be a part of that too!

ELCA Ministry Spotlight: Lutheran

Immigration and Refugee Services (LIRS) January 13, 2020

This month’s ministry spotlight will focus on the work of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services. Here is a bit about this organization:

For 80 years, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service has been a champion for migrants and refugees from around the globe. Our legacy of courageous and compassionate service has made a difference in the lives of hundreds of thousands of people who have sought safety and hope in America’s communities.

Informed by our Lutheran faith and decades of experience with migrants and refugees, we have responded to people caught in conflict and facing persecution. We have developed new service programs, birthed new service organizations, and influenced public policy in the best interests of those we serve. This is one of the many organizations that is working to assist refugees from around the world, following the call as

a Christian, and specifically as a Lutheran, to love our neighbors. To learn more about this ministry come to worship on the 13th of January, and be prepared to stay after to ask more questions on how to get involved in this ministry.

Mothers Fight for Their Daughter’s Education

Guatemala –

“Will you take me with you?”As Pastor Karen Castillo prepared to leave Playito Cerro Alto, a secluded community along Guatemala’s Rio Chixoy, she felt the tug of a regular request from one of the village’s young girls. Pr. Karen knew the situation: If the girl stayed, she would likely be married soon and then pregnant, without the option of continuing her education. Yet Pr. Karen also knew the girl cold not come with her to Guatemala City.

This girl’s situation is common among the indigenous, rural communities served by the Augustinian Lutheran Church of Guatemala (ILAG in Spanish). Families tend to be large, and due to poverty, cultural traditions and other factors, daughters are often given away for marriage early. At 12 to 14 years old, girls are matched with husbands who are at least twice their age and sometimes older.

However, with the church’s help and your support, the women in these communities are starting to speak up, calling for better futures for their daughters and granddaughters. The lack of educational opportunities for women and girls is a frequent concern that Pr. Karen hears. Schools are often far from people’s homes, and if instruction is available, boys are often given precedence.

With the urging of parents and leaders in these communities and the support of partners, including ELCA World Hunger, ILAG is providing the tools to break the cycle of poverty for this generation and many to come. Now Pr. Karen can say “yes” to some of the girls longing to complete their education before starting a family.

Opened in 2018 at the Augustinian Lutheran Center in Guatemala City, the MILAGRO (“miracle”) Women’s Education Center is a place for young women from these rural communities to continue their secondary education, faith formation and development of vocational and life skills – among them sewing, cooking, baking, artisanal handcrafts, carpentry, masonry, music and gardening – that will help them be financially independent in the future.

Stories of Faith in Action Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Satisfying Spiritual Hunger The soothing strains of live music create a relaxed, meditative environment at the Open Space program, hosted by Church of the Apostles, a Seattle-based worshipping community of the ELCA and the Episcopal Church.

The monthly gathering is open to the public and regularly attracts 10 to 40 people. Attendees enter quietly, silencing their phones. They set up yoga mats, pillows or cushions to relax on as they take time to enjoy the present in a comfortable, candlelit space.

“A lot of people who go to [Open Space] have nothing to do with [our congregation],” said Ivar Hillesland, pastor of Church of the Apo9lstles. “It answers a longing they have for safe spiritual experiences within community.”

The Seattle area has many who aren’t affiliated with a church, and who may be wary or distrustful of religion, he noted.

“We’re hosting a communal, spiritual place without the programming involved,” Hillesland said. “It is evangelism, but we’re not trying to get [visitors] to join the church.”

Alex Mrakivich, a regular attendee, enjoys the serenity of Open Space.

“It’s a space where my questions and judgments and fears can slowly be suspended as I practice being present to both myself and the vibrations and sound around me,” Mrakovich said.

Mission Support funding from the churchwide organization enables Church of the Apostles to provide this community program as well as other ministries.

“It is because of the freedom granted to us through this funding that we are able to serve God and our neighbors most fully,” Hillesland said.

He believes Open Space is satisfying Seattleites’ deepest cravings. “Some churches offer food pantries that respond to the physical need for food. We offer a spiritual, musical experience for people who are hungry for that….It is spiritual food for people.”

To find a video story about Open Space, visit

Witness at the Border Energy flows to a congregation when it’s involved in an invaluable ministry among God’s people. That’s the case

for Iglesia Luterana Cristo Rey, El Paso, Texas. Situated near the border with Juarez, Mexico, the congregation has found purpose in accompanying Latin American migrants and offering visitors border immersion experiences, said Rose Mary Sanchez-Guzman, its pastor.

Their Lutheran faith inspires their work. “[The migration crisis] is what I believe Christ is putting in front of us,” she said. “This is urgent.”

“Spiritually, it has changed our congregation.”

For two Tuesday each month, Cristo Rey opens its doors to receive migrants. The congregation feeds them and provides them with overnight shelter and an opportunity to call their families so they can buy a bus or plane ticket to get to their court date on time. By Friday, most visitors are gone. In the interim period, the congregation works to educate its community about immigration issues and migrant rights. “Asylum seekers are legal in [this] country…they have the right to ask for asylum,” Sanchez-Guzman said. “They are legal until the court decides [otherwise] for them”

Immersion program participants meet undocumented migrants, U.S. Border Patrol officers, immigration lawyers and others involved in border culture. Through the chain-link fence on the border, they listen as their Mexican neighbors share their joys and challenges.

“Spiritually, it has changed our congregation,” she said, adding that although Cristo Rey is small and its members aren’t wealthy, they’ve generously opened their hearts to their migrant neighbors.

The congregation receives an annual grant, funded by Mission Support from the Rocky Mountain Synod and the churchwide organization, to bolster outreach.

Cristo Rey also finds support as a member of the ELCA Welcoming Congregations Network, an initiative of the ELCA’s AMMPARO strategy (Accompanying Migrant Minors with Protection, Advocacy, Representation and Opportunities). There are 112 ELCA congregations involved.

“Jesus told us to help,” said Sanchez-Guzman of Cristo Rey. “He didn’t say just help people with documents. He just says feed the hungry and clothe the naked.”

To find a video story about Cristo Rey, visit

The Intern’s Corner: A Monthly Reflection By Intern Andy Graves

This is the point in our time when we begin to look backward and forward in subsequent moments. We reflect on the calendar year that has quickly left us pondering where did time go; We dream and plan for the calendar year that has snuck up on us over the past 12 months; We wish we time would slow down, but unfortunately, time just keeps on slipping into the future (thank-you Space Jam or the Steve Miller Band).

For me, this time of year is full of things to reflect on and plan for: Christmas; New Year’s Resolutions; new semester in school; my wedding anniversary; birthdays; family trips; new calls; and that’s just the first couple months of the new year. Beyond that, I really have no idea what might be in store for me in the coming year. There are countless hopes, dreams and needs, but there is no real way of knowing what will come to fruition, which is hard to deal with.

This is the point in our lives when we want things to be figured out. We are riding that head of steam billowing out from our time with friends and families: the gifts, the stories, and the plan to, collectively, lose a million pounds. It is that time when we look toward 2020 with a new hope. It is going to be the fresh start we wanted halfway through 2019 but just could not find the reset button.

We are just coming from the season of Advent, into the season of Christmas, which means we transition from the season of anticipation, of waiting, to a season of revelation and rejoicing. We have entered a new church year, a new calendar year, and a new patch of life. In the end, we are made new by the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. He [wipes] away every tear from [your] eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away (Revelation 21:4)… he has conquered all that would work to stand in our way. We are freed from the snare of sin, death and the devil so that we may live a new life in Christ. It is at the turning of the year that we might find a space to live into this promise just a little bit more. As we wipe the slate clean from the previous year, we can look forward to a new life, a new beginning, a walk with Jesus Christ.

A prayer from Arch Bishop Oscar Romero It helps, now and then, to step back and take the long view. The Kingdom is not only beyond our efforts, it is even beyond our vision. We accomplish in our lifetime only a tiny fraction of the magnificent enterprise that is God's work. Nothing we do is complete, which is another way of saying that The Kingdom always lies beyond us. No statement says all that should be said. No prayer fully expressed our faith. No confession brings perfection. No pastoral visit brings wholeness. No program accomplishes the church's mission. No set of goals and objectives includes everything. This is what we are about. We plant the seeds that one day will grow. We water seeds already planted, knowing that they hold future promise. We lay foundations that will need further development. We provide yeast that produced effects far beyond our capabilities. We cannot do everything, and there is a sense of liberation in realizing that. This enables us to do something, and to do it very well. It may be incomplete, but it is a beginning, a step along the way, an opportunity for the Lord's grace to enter and do the rest. We may never see the end results, but that is the difference between the master builder and the worker. We are workers, not master builders, ministers, not messiahs. We are prophets of a future that is not our own.

Did You Know…? A new ministry offering

Do you take lunch breaks during the workweek? Do you check your Facebook during your lunch break? Do you like watching random videos of interesting factoids or useful tips?

Well, we have developed something just for you!

On Wednesdays, Intern Andy is going to use Facebook Live to provide you with a little content to take your mind off whatever you were going through for a few minutes. He will share fun church facts, spiritual practice tips, prayers to use with your family, and all sorts of interesting and useful information.

Thus far, he has talked about the city of Bethlehem and the connection between Santa Clause and Jesus, but there is no telling what might be next.

So, stay tuned to the Fredsville Facebook page ( so you do not miss your weekly dose of Did You Know…?

You can also see the older videos on the Facebook page by clicking on “Videos” and looking for the ones titled “Did you know….”


Ring in the New Year in Bell Choir! - Youth Bell Choir rehearses Wednesdays from 5-6 p.m. Children in 2nd grade and up who would like to learn to play handbells are invited to start on January 15. Current players will meet on January 8 and possibly January 1 depending on member availability. - Adult Bell Choir will be starting new music on January 8, so this would be a great time to begin playing! Rehearses are Wednesdays from 6:30-7:30 p.m. - For both youth and adults, if you or your child(ren) have not participated recently and plan to come, please let Meridith Sandlin know you will be playing by e-mailing so that enough music is ready.

Family Choir The senior choir members invite kids, parents, grandparents and all friends to join us for “Family Choir”. Family choir is our multi-generational twist on traditional church choir. We will meet to practice at 8:30 a.m. on Sunday, January 12 to learn an easy song or two and sing during worship that morning. No pressure! No sign up! The more the merrier! Donuts and juice provided after practice! Sing praise to the Lord!!!

Please plan on a Worship and Music Meeting at 11:00 (after worship) on Sunday, January 12.

Sip and Paint with Pastor Lisa & Bob Ross on February 20th at 7:00 pm! Pastor Lisa will lead a fun night of teaching you how to do a simple painting that you can take home, and hopefully be proud of! If nothing else, this plans on being a night filled with

laughter!!!!! In order to attend this event- you MUST sign up and pay in advance- this is necessary so that the proper supplies may be provided. The cost of this event is $20 and is geared toward anyone able to follow simple directions. This event would be a Hoot for families to do together! You must sign up and pay no later than February 12th, sorry no late signups will be allowed.

Church Summer Camp Scholarships are now being taken. Fill out a camp form that is in the mailbox outside of the church office and return by February 25th. Information about summer camp at Riverside Bible Camp and EWALU Bible Camp is near the bulletin board in the fellowship hall.

Family Recipe Submitted by

Lisa & Annemarie Goldhorn & Abe Woods

Crockpot Wassail

2 quarts apple cider 1/2 cup sugar 1 small orange, sliced with peel 1 pt cranberry juice 2 sticks of cinnamon 1/4 cup orange juice

Combine all of the ingredients in the Crockpot, cover and cook on high for 2 hours. Remove orange slices and cinnamon sticks. Continue to cook for 2-4 hours on low. Serve hot. Enjoy!!!

Night in Bethlehem – A

Family Christmas Event This event on December 11th was a great success. The Fellowship Hall was set up to replicate bible-times with activities such as perfume making, string art, learning how to play with a dreidel, etc. And the Christmas story of Jesus’ birth was shared with all.

Children’s Christmas Program

The children presented a special Christmas program on December 15th portraying the story of the birth of Jesus. Following the program the

children received a bag of goodies, danced around the Christmas tree, met with Santa, and

had a special Sunday School party.

Council Minutes November 24, 2019

Attendance: Pastor Lisa, Intern Andy Graves, Linda Nielsen, Lance Loger, Shannon Mikkelsen, Kim Adelmund, Nathan Bakker, Heidi Mounce; Absent: Cara Lott, Pat Pruisner, Matt Opoien, Roy Stefan

Call to Order: Nathan Bakker Devotions: Pastor Lisa Treasurer’s Report: Linda Nielsen As of October 31, 2019:

General Fund: $5,514.97

Building Fund: $13,360.62

Memorial Fund: $10,282.14

Secretary’s Report: Shannon Mikkelsen 1. Minutes from 10/28/19 and special meeting on

11/3/19. Approved 1st. Kim A, 2nd Heidi M. Motion


New Business Discussed: 1. Review and approve year end allocations from

Endowment Committee

a. Approve: 1st Lance L, 2nd Heidi M. Motion


2. Annual Budget Discussions

a. Meeting set for December 8, 2019.

b. Shannon M will not be in attendance so

another will need to take notes.

3. Denise Arends home repairs are underway. Art

Lupkes and Loren Bakker are working on it.

4. Nominating Committee will be looking for 2020

Council Members. Roy, Nathan and Kim will be

going off council next year. If you are interested in

serving the church in this capacity, please reach out

to one of them!

Old Business Discussed: Upcoming Reminders:

1. Pastor and Intern Andy have been organizing

several different ministries to offer at Fredsville.

These are STAR congregations (Small Town and

Rural community centers). These events will meet

7-8:15pm on the following dates: Mark your


a. Feb 20: Sip and Paint with Bob Ross and

Pastor Lisa Dietrich. Beginner painting

class. $20 fee paid when registering.

Contact church office to register.

b. March 19: Retrieving Freedom. Learn

about and meet trained service dogs for

veterans and those with disabilities.

c. April 16: Spring Fever! Carol Chapman will

discuss gardening tips, provide information

on spring planting, and designing beds.

Committee Reports: Cemetery:



Property: LP locked in with Doug Dall, Farm Service.


Mutual Ministry

Worship Team:

Service Team:

Proclamation Team: Intern Support Committee is

meeting regularly to complete Andy’s mid-term

evaluation. The Confirmation kids and their

mentors will be working the Christmas event on Dec

11. Rehearsals and preparations are underway for

the Children’s Christmas Program on Dec 15.

Ministry Support Team: Finance Team is looking for

counters. They are reaching out to possible helpers.

Pastor Report: 1. World’s Window Event – 15 in attendance.

2. Intern Andy’s Mid-Term Evaluation

3. Offering envelopes are available for pickup!

4. Lots of activities coming up in December:

Congregation Meal Dec 8, Christmas Event Dec 11,

Children’s Program Dec 15 and of course, Christmas

Worships at 5pm and 8pm on Dec 24.

5. On vacation Dec 25-31.

Intern Report: 1. Andy will be here for the foreseeable future! Dec

will be a busy month.

2. Andy led worship and provided the sermon at St.

Ansgar Lutheran in Waterloo in Nov.

3. The school semester ends on Dec. 13.

4. He has completed his mid-term evaluation and will

be meeting with Pastor and the Intern Support

Committee to go over them and submit them

before the end of Dec.

Closing Prayer: Our Father Next Council Meetings:

Sunday, January 5 after worship

Monday, Feb 3, 6:00pm

Sunday, Feb 16 is Congregational Annual Meeting after worship

Respectfully Submitted: Shannon Mikkelsen, Secretary

Thank You Notes

We are incredibly grateful for your generous gift of $2,700 to the H. George Anderson Fund for Leaders. Your gift will help ensure seminary scholarships for generations to come. Your congregation is clearly already aware of the importance of accessibility and affordability at the seminary so that those called by the Holy Spirit to serve the church as pastors or deacons can. Your congregation has done so much for the rest of the church to be thankful for, including hosting seminary interns and now a collaborative learning student. We are also thankful for this important gift. Pastor Mark Anderson, Assistant to the Bishop

Thank you so much for the college care package. It will definitely help me get through finals week! With Love, Katie Camarata

Your contribution to the Sandra J. Schulze Amercian Cancer Society Hope Lodge has been received with heartfelt appreciation. On behalf of our Hope Lodge guests, volunteers, and staff, we sincerely thank you. Ester Irene, Volunteer

We appreciate the hygiene products that you are providing the our schools. Dike New Hartford High School & Junior High

Thank you to everyone for all the extra help, cards, gifts, and well wishes during the Christmas season! There is so much going on here at Fredsville and none of it could happen without your love and support. Thank you again and may God continue to bless the work we do in God's name. Blessings, Pastor Lisa

My thanks and appreciation for the Christmas Care Treat Plate that was prepared for me and others, by some of GODS Angels at Fredsville. All treats provided, were very tasty and welcomed, LOVED them! Phil Heath To all the women at Fredsville who helped to bake and pack the delicious cookies that were delivered to me last Sunday – I sincerely appreciate your thinking of me. Blessings to all- Luella Larsen Thank you so much for your recent donation to the Iowa City Hope Lodge. We truly value your support of the patients and caregivers who stay at our lodge. We want you to know that your donation will be put to good use by the guests and families whose lives have been impacted by cancer. The Hope Lodge Staff

Thank you all very much for fixing my bathroom and kitchen. I really appreciate it. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Denise Arends
