From a F to an A



Realistic Non Fiction Mrs. Kissell's Class

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From a F to

an A+

By: Bruce Kolettis

Mrs. Kissell and Mrs. Dearman’s Class


“Happy Birthday “’ John’s mom called.

It was John’s B birthday but he didn’t know the next school day

would be an awful horrible bad day.

When he got to school the principal announced (though

the loud speaker). “Remember there will be tests on Monday

so study”. But John wasn’t listening so he didn’t know that

there would be test on Monday. When John got home he sat

on the couch and turned on the TV and played with his new Wii

(he got it from his birthday). Then his mom called for dinner so

John ate his dinner, ate his cookie cake and opened his presents

and went to bed.

Two days later John got in his mom’s car and went to

school but right when he got off the school bus the bell rang so

he zoomed into the Social Studies classroom and you guessed it

he received one of the tests. John hoped he would pass so he

wouldn’t face the consequences for failing but then the teacher

said loudly, “The test is over. Put your pencils down!” John

handed his test to his teacher and then walked to math class

and took his math test and spent the whole test trying to figure

out 63x18/2-18 so he clearly knew he’d get an F in math. He

took his other tests competed them or not he handed it in. “Did

you do well on your tests?” John’s mom said. John didn’t reply

so his mom drove home not talking to him because she knew

he was depressed. The next day first thing he looked at his tests

and they all had a F.

John told his parents the horrible news and they

screamed, “YOU failed every test YOU’RE GROUNDED!!!!!!!

John ran to his room feeling bad for what he did (not studying).

But he did not know that would all change.

The next day… John went to school and first thing

everybody started calling him names like loser and idiot. John

was sad but, he ignored them and he went into the bathroom

and hid there the rest of the day (but he had to go to detention

for skipping class.)

When John got home he decided to study so his friends

wouldn’t make fun of him so he tried hard in class, studied his

notes, and most importantly he studied. Then he took his next

tests sure he would pass the tests.

John walked to school eager to find out what his scores

were he zoomed in his classes and found out he got A’s on

every test! His friends congratulated him but he still didn’t

forgive them for making fun of him.

The next day John was lazily sitting at his desk wondering

what would happen if he studied all of those other tests and

what good grades would he get if he did. But then suddenly the


OFFICE NOW! John gulped as he walked out of his class but

instead of him getting in trouble the principal said “John you

are moving to 4th grade”. YES! John screamed now I’m a 4th

grader! The next day when John went to school he found out

being a 4th grader was AWESOME! BUT I can’t tell you THAT

story because that’s another story (AND it’s none of your



