Friday 13th July 2018 Achieving


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Dear Parents/Carers, This will be the last newsletter of the term as we have Sports day on Thursday of next week. I hope you have received the letter from me two weeks ago, saying that school will end for the term after Sports Day. The original Convent basement is being repaired because of damp; so hopefully it will stand for another 112 years. Unfortunately this means because of heavy plant deliveries and therefore health and safety we cannot have pupils in the school. I hope the girls enjoy the extra day of holiday; unfortunately for the staff we are in! Next week we have the Rewards trip, for those invited, on Wednesday, and Sports Day on Thursday. Please send your daughter with sunscreen and lots of water. Thank you to all of you for a wonderful Awards evening, and I look forward to many successes at Sports Day. It is time to talk about school uniform! Some skirts have got very short and some shoes have started turning into boots! Skirts must be below the knee and there are NO BOOTS in the school uniform policy, so please do not be convinced by your daughter to buy very expensive Kicker boots. We return to school in black tights, if your daughter is wearing a skirt, and not socks please. If your daughter is wearing trousers, which are allowed all year, then they must be navy business trousers. They should be worn with black socks. The PE kit has changed, if you are buying new kit, but perhaps the most important part is that any colour trainers are fine, as long as they are sports trainers to support your daughter’s feet in rigorous sporting activity. This means that plimsolls are not acceptable; we work them hard in PE whilst we have the chance to keep them fit and healthy. Any piercings or hair colours and fake nails, that are definitely not school uniform, need to be removed before girls return. Just as I wish I had bought shares in post-it notes, I am considering shares in make-up wipes and nail varnish remover. We will be using the last part of Tuesday to clear up, reunite lost property with its owners and to ensure that locker keys are returned. So please ask your daughter to take her PE kit home with her from her locker - no nasty surprises for the caretakers in the holidays please! A reminder that:

Pupils do not return until Wednesday 5th September at 8:25am, although staff are back from the 4th if you need us.

Pupil form rooms will be displayed on the windows in Room 34 when pupils return, facing into the playground.

Our new Year 7’s join us via the front door rather than through the playground. Wishing you all a healthy and happy break together as a family,

Holy Father, as our holidays approach we pray for sunshine, lots of fun, memories we can treasure and many happy hours with families and friends.

May God give us light to guide us, courage to support us, and love to unite us. May we continue to grow in age, wisdom, knowledge and grace

and return rested and ready for the new. May the blessing of God almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,

be upon you and remain with you in the summer break and always. God bless you all, and have a relaxing and blessed break.

Calendar dates for first few weeks and calendar will be distributed at the start of term. Penny Johnson Headteacher

Inspiring Ambition,

Achieving Excellence Week ending Friday 13


July 2018

(Unfortunately, we are unable to use all the photographs of the Awardees due to the new General Data Protection Regulations – GDPR – which came into force in May 2018. We would urge parents to please return the ‘Consent Form for Taking and Using Photos’

which we sent home to parents in June 2018 if you would like to see your daughters celebrated in our Newsletter in the future).


Madam Mayor, Cllr Barbara Rice

Penny Johnson, Headteacher

AOFAC Foundation

Madam Mayor, Cllr Barbara Rice & Mrs Fola Afelumo of the AOFAC Foundation

At Grays Convent our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Mrs Collis, and our Safeguarding Officers are Mrs Wells and Mrs Bishop. Students can contact any of our Safeguarding Team during the school day.

Mrs Collis

Student advice Help make sure that you know how to stay safe online by using the following six tips:

Mr Burr



Worried about a child? You can phone or write to The MASH about your concerns. Phone immediately if you believe it is urgent.

Thurrock MASH (Multi Agency Safeguarding hub), Civic Offices, New Road, Grays, Essex, RM17 6SL, Tel: 01375 652802.

Emergency Duty Team (for out of hours) 01375 372468.

Police Child Abuse Investigation Team 01277 266822 or call 999 if you are concerned a child needs immediate protection.

Childline 0800 11 11

NSPCC 0808 800 5000;

Congratulations to the following students who have obtained their Gold Headteacher’s Award for reaching in excess of 600 achievement points:

Emily Sullivan 7M

Sanna Hashimi 8E

Many congratulations!

Mrs Bishop

Please read the important information notice below about the Community Hub & Library Consultation that is currently taking place and make your views and those of your children count by completing the surveys. Please also encourage and pass on details of the Community Hub & Library Consultation to everyone you know in Thurrock so that all of our opinions will be considered. Libraries have long been at the heart of communities. But communities, lifestyles and expectations are changing too. Between the 25th June and 16th September we are now conducting a consultation to help us plan ahead and make library services fit for the future. We want to develop existing branches so they can thrive as local community anchors, working alongside community hubs and local community activities. We want our library service to compliment the range of council and wider public services supporting residents through access to PC’s and free Wi-Fi as well as through face to face engagement such as surgeries and information points. We want to explore opportunities to relocate library service provision into shared buildings where possible – this will help to increase library opening hours through self-service provision. Whether you use library services or not, your views really matter. Your feedback will help us shape the future direction for libraries and communities working together. There are 2 surveys. One for 16+ and one for under16’s. Please choose the appropriate one and if you use social media use the #SpeakupPlease as this is now your time to have your say about what you want from your future local library service and community hubs. Please share with those who don’t use the library as their views matter too. Go online at and follow the link.

Thanks to the Year 10 girls who gave up their Friday evening to help at St Thomas’ school Fete. They were all amazing! The girls helped set up, carrying boxes of donations in the scorching sun and sorting out school uniform and raffle prizes. They then ran and helped out on a variety of stalls.

Some of the girls worked with staff and PTA members from St Thomas’ who were all very complimentary of how hard working and polite the girls were. A huge congratulations and thanks to Charlotte Riley, Clare Healy, Lily Bramwell, Ola Plotkowska, Kirstie Smith,

Amy Brennan, Clare Thomson, Maddi Draper, Kayla Degraag and Anouska Vicente Ferreira!

Mrs Gardner

From Summer 2019, JCQ will set one date aside as a contingency day for GCSE and/or GCE examinations should a sustained national or local disruption arise during the summer examinations series. Please note

that the date for June 2019’s examination series is Wednesday 26th June 2019.

Mrs J Smith





We are pleased to announce that the Student of the Month Awards for June 2018 have been chosen, and the awardees are as follows:

Year 7

Name Award for:

Hannah Prayle Art

Olivia Babicz Computing

Arushi Aukeer Design & Technology

Noshin Islam Drama

Adriana Palokkaran English

Bonnie Zheng Food

Mahdeia Rasuli Geography

Dioniza Ochieng History

Daniela Stan Maths

Sadrya Siddiqi PE

Marinage Markaj RE

Year 8

Name Award for:

Melissa Gentry Art

Brooke Pinnock Computing

Harshita Harshita Design & Technology

Alexia Dragomir Drama

Alina Limbu English

Niamh White Food

Amreet Dhillon Geography

Samantha Saudargas History

Jacinda Boateng Maths

Samantha Saudargas PE

Keren Femi-Alade RE

Year 9

Name Award for:

Abisola Ojubanire Art

Maheen Kamran Computing

Natalia Lukomska Design & Technology

Honey Williams Drama

Maheen Kamran English

Lois Wynne Food

Elle Taylor Geography

Abisola Ojubanire History

Rebecca Ngoka Maths

Hannah Corderoy PE

Anyah Khan RE

Oghosa Okundaye Spanish

Year 10

Name Award for:

Citynurhaliza Limbu Art

Zeinab Hussain Computing

Shafaa Badaloo Design & Technology

Sarah Onafuye Drama

Kala Tamang English

Giulietta Merani Food

Sasha Haxell Geography

Katherine Franklin History

Olivia O’Brian Maths

Sky Shroder Media Studies

Chigadi Onanoji PE

Sarah Onafuye Photography

Ifeoluwa Orekoya RE

Celin Okoli Textiles

All students are rewarded achievement points for being on or above target at each Progress Check.


On Friday morning 48 Year 9 students and 5 staff left school at 5am on their way to Ypres in Belgium. This was a poignant trip as this year marks the centenary of the end of World War One.

During a hot and sunny day students visited the trenches of Hill 62. Here they explored the trenches and tunnels of the area that is now known as Sanctuary Wood. As always, Tyne Cot made a real impact on the girls. Nearly 12,000 men are buried here, 70% in graves with no name. On such a beautiful sunny day the site was beautiful, peaceful and very memorable. On to Langemarck, the German cemetery, where the girls walked through the same gateway as Adolf Hitler

in 1940! The massive oak trees provide a stark contrast to Tyne Cot and the eerie atmosphere gave many of us goosebumps.

At our last stop, Essex Farm Cemetery and Dressing Station, Miss Coughlan read the famous World War One poem, In Flanders Fields. This was where John McCrae, a doctor, wrote the poem following the death of a very close friend. A cross was laid on the grave of one of the youngest fatalities in the British Army, Rifleman Valentine Joe Strudwick of the 8th Battalion Rifle Brigade who died on 14th January 1916, aged just 15. At the Menin Gate in the town of Ypres, Rev Darren Barlow led a reflection followed by the laying of a

wreath by Ife Ayanleye-Egbo, on behalf of students, parents and staff of our school. This left just enough time for the highlight of the day………a visit to the wonderful ice cream parlour and chocolate shops of the town. The shop owners are always so pleased to see us! As always the girls were a credit to their families and to the school. Behaviour was outstanding. They took a keen interest in all they experienced and I am sure they will remember this trip for many years to come.

Mrs M Smith

Students often loan money from the Finance Office for lunch or money to get home, and parents are rung to confirm that they give permission for the loan.

We currently have £73.70 of outstanding loaned money which has not been repaid. If you have been contacted by the Finance Office for permission for your daughter to have the loan, could you please ensure the money is returned the next day.

Individual pupils who have outstanding loaned money will be contacted by the Finance Office in the next few days. If you are aware your daughter has loaned money could you please ensure it is repaid to the Finance Office as a matter of urgency. If this money is not returned we will be unable to loan students any money in the future.

Many thanks for your co-operation. Finance Department

All trip money must be in a SEALED ENVELOPE, as lots of money is coming through the letter box loose and falling out. Also, please DO NOT USE THE ACTUAL RETURN RECEIPT SLIP STAPLED UP AND MADE INTO AN ENVELOPE or monies in a food freezer bag! Envelopes must have pupils name, and which trip it is, and a separate envelope for EACH trip please!

Finance Department



On Monday 9th July, Year 8 participated in watching, rehearsing and performing a modern day version of the Shakespeare play ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ with a theatre company called SPLAT, who made an appearance at the school to help us to understand the moral of the story in a comical way that was enjoyable for all. The SPLAT actors carried out an eventful performance incorporating multirole, props, tone of voice, interaction with the audience and body language to entertain us and improve our understanding of this complicated play. The relationship between the actors and the audience made us more enthusiastic; we felt we were involved in the play.

After watching the play we developed a deeper understanding of the plot. A quick summary is: a girl called Hermia is deeply in love with a man named Lysander. However, her father, Egeus, wants Hermia to marry a wealthy man named Demetrius. When Hermia is told by the duke that if she doesn’t obey she will be executed, Hermia and Lysander soon make a plan to run away together and get married, but they tell Helena (who loves Demetrius) about their plan. Helena then tells Demetrius and all chase each other around the forest, fighting for one another’s love. After this, a mischievous fairy named Puck puts a magic flower potion in both of the men’s eyes; consequently they both fall in love with Helena. This causes chaos which is later fixed. At the end of the play the Workmen perform a play called Pyramus and Thisbe, which concludes the play.

Later on, we split into our form groups and created masks and props such as the magical flower and King Oberon’s crown, to complete our scenes and get ready for the final result. We spent just over an hour preparing our individual scenes for our audience to watch at the end of the workshop. We were each given the exciting opportunity to choose our characters and take on the role we would suit best, this was enjoyable for everyone because no character was the same; it got easier the more we rehearsed. With all of the preparations and the scenes completed we were ready to show our audience a complete and tidy version of the play ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’.

As a result, we all had a great time learning skills we had never learnt before and increased our knowledge of many dramatic techniques. It was a fun experience for everyone.

Grace McGregor 8L & Hosna Mozofari 8E Ms Petrova’s Year 8 class (Natalia Wawrzynczak, Gintare Danieliute, Isabel Ferreira, Mariem Ahmed, Sarai Newsam Atkinson, Ellie Oswald, Alina Limbu, Janet Gamado) produced newspaper articles of their Shakespeare’s Day: Grays Convent High School took part in a production/workshop for a ‘Midsummer Night’s Dream’ on 9th July 2018.

The production was held first and three fantastic SPLAT actors brought the romantic comedy on stage. After the play was performed, the students took part in a workshop where they rehearsed lines, made a mask and a flower each as a prop, practiced the play on stage and finally performed it in the afternoon.

Alina Limbu said “This was an excellent opportunity to learn and to have fun at the same time.” Mariem Ahmed said “I really enjoyed yesterday and I would like to do it again.” “It was hard but still enjoyable.”

Ms Petrova


As some of you may have seen the PE kit is undergoing some updating and changing. All new kit bought from Sue’s Schoolwear will be embroidered with your daughters initial and last name. This will assist with it being returned to her if (when!) it is lost and will not allow it to be confused with a peer’s kit. We have already found this has made a great impact in returning PE uniform to pupils and preventing parents/careers from having to buy replacement kit. This new kit does not have to be bought/upgraded to if your daughters current PE kit still fits.

The current kit list is:

Compulsory PE clothing: Navy and White Sue’s Schoolwear Polo Navy and White Sue’s Schoolwear Skort

Navy Sue’s Schoolwear Shorts White Football socks

White ankle socks Supportive sports trainers (Not plimsolls/Vans/Converse


Optional clothing is: Navy Sue’s Schoolwear Leggings

Navy Sue’s Schoolwear Tracksuit bottoms Red Sue’s Schoolwear Hoodie

Compulsory PE kit for Years 7, 8 & 9:

Shin pads Gum Shield

Optional kit for Years 7, 8 & 9:

Studded football boots (blades not allowed for rugby) The new kit looks excellent and has already been received with great approval from the girls. We hope that you will find it more modern and durable for your daughter to play sport in. We would like to reiterate that the ‘new PE kit’ need only be bought as and when your daughter grows out of her current kit. We are not expecting an immediate change over in school, and if they current kit still fits your daughter may continue to wear that kit until she needs new kit. Thank you for your continued support.

PE Department


The Thurrock Education Awards are back!! Thurrock Council is again celebrating the magnificent work and outstanding achievements of our colleagues in education. Although improving education in Thurrock will never stop – things are never considered ‘done’ – it is important to recognise success and achievement. Nominations will open on Monday 16th July on, where you will also find more information on the categories along with the online nomination form. Staff, parents, governors, students, volunteers and business partners are all encouraged to make nominations via the website above – so get nominating from Monday 16th July!

Since the implementation of the new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) on 25th May 2018, it is becoming increasingly difficult for us as a school to celebrate your daughter’s achievements by way of Twitter, Website and of course the weekly newsletter. We are simply unable to use your daughter’s image without your permission if they are under 12 years of age. We have sent letters out to all parents/carers asking for yours and your daughter’s consents to a number of photographic scenarios, and unfortunately we are not getting them back. Could you please complete and return these consent forms to Mrs Byrne as soon as possible. If you require another copy, please contact the school. Thank you.

As you know, we at Grays Convent operate a highly successful Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. However, we have been contacted by Essex County Fire & Rescue Service who has asked us to make you aware of their DofE Scheme that they operate. If you would like further details of their scheme please contact Graham Richardson, Community Safety Officer on 01376 576867 or Steven Milligan, Station Watch Manager A on 01376 575310.

Thurrock Library is advertising for teenage volunteers for the Summer Holidays 2018. Click the link below for more details:

Please, follow us on Twitter: @GraysConvent, and re-tweet all our

good news! See our Twitter feed: If you would like real time up-dates and photos

on our sporting fixtures follow @graysconventPE or look for the #GCHSsport tag!






Tuesday 17th July MFL Competition Years 7-10

Wednesday 18th July Reward Trips All Years

Thursday 19th July Whole School Sports Day Whole School


Tuesday 4th September NON-PUPIL DAY All Years

Wednesday 5th September STUDENTS RETURN TO SCHOOL

FOR 8:25AM All Years

Wednesday 12th September Walton-on-the-Naze Trip Year 11

Thursday 13th September Year 7 Information Evening 6-8pm Year 7 Parents

Tuesday 18th September Science & Maths Primary Day Primary Students

Wednesday 19th September Year 7, 9 & 10 Photographs Years 7, 9 & 10

Thursday 20th September Year 11 Drama performance to parents

4-6:30pm Year 11 Parents

Friday 21st September

HPV1 Immunisation – Year 8 Year 8

Jeans for Genes Day All Years

Trailblazer Trip to Ballet



Our Year 7 girls were a great credit to us all as they represented our school beautifully at Walsingham. 7M led the readings, prayers, drama and gifts in the Mass with great dignity and reverence. They had a lovely day enjoying the beautiful grounds especially the Rosary and Peace gardens and all wonderful art work in the Chapels. We prayed especially for Fr Paul Dynan that he will make a full and speedy recovery. Fr Desmond from Maidstone, who was a former Headteacher gave an inspirational homily about the importance of listening to our parents and teachers and our choice of friends, to make sure they are people who listen, and do what is right and wise and not just follow the crowd. The girls sang beautifully and participated really well in the Mass. We were delighted with them.

HISTORIC EXHIBITION AT BRENTWOOD CATHEDRAL 19th-21st July 2018 See beautiful videos of touring exhibition on This is in spiritual preparation for the Rededication of England as the Dowry of Mary in 2020. We pray that under the guidance and protection of our heavenly mother Mary, we as a nation will follow her example of obedience to God’s will and live the Gospel as Jesus taught us. The Slipper Chapel Statue of Our Lady of Walsingham will visit every English Catholic Cathedral from 2018-2020. It first went to Liverpool Cathedral and will be coming secondly to our Brentwood Cathedral 19th-21st July 2018. We do not worship statues; it is historically symbolic and is a visual aid to think of Mary’s example and to remember that Jesus gave us Mary to be our mother, the mother of his followers, who guides and protects us on the right path. (See Jn. 19:26-27). The programme for those days and video with further information is on the website: N.B. Children are welcome any time not just during the Schools Programme which is focused for children.

God bless you,

Miss Carson


