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nessKLv aMPVMtmur-mm.



Copy ,#or "changem" In att-

wmHtmemenIm MUST bm merrt

2 ^clmak mm Mm

IT JTM Umw9 mm Itcan mf i>lr«M)

Hiss Amv Belle Fox left this morning on the

>6:15 train for Cleveland and Lorain, 0.

Last eveoing ftboat (> o'clock a most gloriou:*

nin fall in thia city, and it Jjiad the app«arance

-of covpring a wide »cope nf country.

iir. William Stapluton, who haa been in the

•nploy af th« Itat IAm of boats on the Miasis-

«ippi. hae retnmed with hia family to Aberdeen.

Ur.'fhraa Ev«i» of dndiuiati wu here yea-

-terday looking otortheapeeiflntioni and draw-

ings of fho corlcmiilated 8<»wpr;i(je system of

the Eaet Bud, with a view of patting in a bid


Call*d meeting tonight at of Br.mch

No. 81, U. a of L. W. on H. (I. Businew of

<mportaDca. AllBrotkwi rtM)u<>«ted to be pre»-

^At. WtUJAM ToLLE, PreaidoDt.

JoMpk Brown. B. 8.

f^VieiXktr aged nor yonthla exempt from

•eye trouble* and defective vijion. If thpre is

«ny swpicien of troable with your eyes we'll

examine tbem freeud Auvlak tho rigkt glaasaa

.«t the right prico.

liOEPHr. the Jowoler and Optician.

Tke pilot and engineer of the city's new

.3tr»ct riillink; machine will have to be very care-

ful and keep his weather eye constantly on the

lookout for horaee attacbfdto vebick-s or there

will be a nuaber of ronaways and amaahupa- -

«ren blind horses ahy at its approach. It will

take sometime before th«y booomo Menatomed

to the big mDnfter.

Mr. John Hornbark of Forest avenue, while

at work on the C. and O. culvert abore the <rity

jrerterdv aftamooo, received soma Ttry pftinfal

injariea. He waa engaged at the bue of the

.structure wb«n a box of wedges fell from the

track above. Une of the piecea struck him on

.. the head, making aptinfol scalp wooad, and he

wraa otherwise severely braised. Ha wm re^

moved to the ofBce of Dr. J. D. Davis whera he

•was givaa ««rgie«l attentioa.

W. K. Harris, onlori'd, formerly of this city,

better known tp our eitixena as William Gard,

who is now serving a life sentence in the Ohio

Penitentiary for murder from Clark county, 0.,

ha* grown bo fat on reoiteotiary ration* that

he can no longer g''t through the door of a cell.

The large cage built fur unruly prisooerg was as-

.signedtohimforaleepiDgqnartera. He weighed

360 pounds when he went to the Penitentiary

in Uay, 1903, and now weighs 435 pounds.

Before his crime he was chef of the Miller

-.Uooae, Springfield, 0., and in now head cook at

*ke Penitentiary.

BaseNU Standind

The following tables shows the standing of

the TarioM baaabaU elaba in the two big

Leagvaa «p to yesterday:



, Club*.

New YorkClll(M»|lO



St. LouUIJronklyn





Phlladelpbta 90


at. Louli 8, PUtiiiuritli i.

I'lilMdelplila h. Bo»ton8.


riuDi. n'oii.

BiiSton 51

Chicago.. /Bl

New Viirk 4T

Cli'vi'laiiil HIMiiladi-liililti ii

St. Louin MU«troil _ 34

WaihUiKloii _ 10


Wasblngtoa t, ClevsUnd t.







/'. r.












/'. c.







Rock Thrower Injures Passtngtr on- C. and 0. Railway

Dr. H. F. Beebe, one of the leading physi-

cians of Cincinnati, attended a meeting of the

Ma«on County Hedical Association yesterday.

Dr. lireb- read an inter '-ititig and scholarly

paper before the Asdociation, which was highly

complimented by local physicians.


Was John Dufey's First Combination

Sale of City Property


Ifr. Philip Friaand, one of Maaon oonnty's

luRbiy raapectad German citizens, died yester-

day morning at 11 o'clock at hi« home on the

Fleming pike, two miles from the city.

• He had only bera «ick flra daya, his ailment

being Rtomach trouble.

Mr. Krieund waa born at Rheinpfalt^, Kali-

:8tau Biern, Germany, in 1832. For many yearn StSam Roller Promises 8 ReVOlUtiOH

Mr. John Dniey, Maysville'a wide-awake

Dealer in Dirt, has inaugurated a system of

"oombin.ition .-i;!!.-*" .f re:il e.<t:iti». the first nf

which took piaceyestenlay afteriiiMjn, resulting

in a most aatbfactory way.

Of ten properties offered,'foiur were sold a.s


McDonoagh farm of 48 acres on Blue Runpike. $762.60; sold to AUie UoAtae.

Gibson honae. No. IIS West Fourth street,

$907.50: William T. Berry.


Blatternan boose, West Fourth street,

$2,160; withdrawn.

Wormald house. Third and Wall streets, with

stable and 72 feet onThird,$l.:{fX): withdrawn.

Lot 30 feet front on .Se<'ond below Shultz,

running that width through to Third, $1,000;

Harry B. Owens and Thomas A. Davis.

Kifey house, We.-it Second street, $2,200;


Two lots and a fraction, 77 'feet on East

Second street, next to MltchelTt Chapel, $450;


Honan property. East Second street, 100 feet

front, running t > low water mark. ^1,8<)("»;

Jam-'.- H. Ro^^r.^>n.

Two-.Atory resi'lomv, m l ".v ' lota in Clifton,

$975; withdrawn.

Suburban home of Mrs. Henry Ugrig, with

26 seres, $3,000; withdrawn.

Thb sale will be continued this afternoon,

beginning with Professor Swift's residence in

the Sixth Ward at 2 o'eloek, followed by Mrs.

Robert T. Wilson's home, some vm ant lots on

the car line in the ?ixth Ward. thelWhite prop-

erty in Second near Market and the Harry Tay-

lor'property in Second opposit«|Coart stroat

A special streetcar will eainy paaaeagers to

and from these aales.


Mr. John J. Phillip, a very popular traveUng

man, while en route to this city Tuesday night on

the Fast Flyer, and when ;iljoiit .'Ix miles this

side of Newport was struck in the eye by a

rook thrown through.the window.

Mr. Phillip wu aitting in the smoking ear at

the time.

He is now in Flemingsburg at the homa of

his brother-in-law, Hon. J. P. McCaitnay.

He is suffering intense pain and the result of

the injury cannot be determined at this time. outrages are becoming quit* prtvalant

here of late, and it behooves the local of-

ficials to use their utmost efforts to capture the

wanton desperu'loes and see that tl)ey are se-

verely punished.

Some good farms yet for sale. JoHW DULET.

Rev. J. 8. 8tms, Rav. J. 0. A. Vanght aad Rev.

Dr. J. W. Porter, formerly of this city, will

preach at Bethel Grove Campmeeting, woich be-

glna today near Covtogtoa.

Basslerthe weather man is asking bids of the

carpenters of this city for the construction of

the river gage to lie built here. See Captain

Phister and he will tell you all about it.

For .August, Collector Samuel J. Roberts has

assigned .'-Hnr' ki'epers U. G. Holiday and Frank

Harting and Gauger L. M. GafBn to the H. E.

Pogne Distillery; William F. Schooler Store-

keeper-' Jau^jer .it P.iynt?. Bros., and .Storekeeper-

Gaoger \V. V. .Slye to J. H. Rogers & Co.

Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Manchester will leave next

week for an extendi'd Kasti rii tr I'roiii here

they go to Atlantic City; thence to .New York,

whore they take pasaage on the steamer Puri-

tan and sail down the Sound toFall River, Mass.;

thence to South West port, where they will visit

their parents, Mr. -md Mrs. Jabez Manchester;

thi^ni'e to Bo'^t'ir. }'},'.'i

!• !; h:a .'in'i nlher[ d'T.*-'.

Ideally (Jood

printer inf'mPrlnter«' Ink -the Ivadlnv Journal on

publicity tit nil kind*—haa tlie foliowlnict« my : "Them mtr thout*nd> at printer*la thti oonntrjr, icoad, indifferent, aud nlot of tiad onet. Then" l»n't one re«Ilygood printer in Ave hundred. IntelliBentadrerilwrs »re wllliim i" imy for n'yxi

f>rlntlni{. no niati>T wderr i' eiiinrsroil]."

I'rlnter<' Ink known « !»! jt minlWIiiL'about. Poor printiuK U n IihcI imvo'iu' iii

— it's worse than a blanlt. A bii^iii""-'

man't stationery or txioklet is iik'' u

trHveUns man—u it's neat, well-drviiked^iimI to till- point, the flrst Imprettlon in

,:oo(i iiiul vuiir ehaneei of doing buiineosn iliH .iri'iiatli .if it iirp xnod.

«<• r>'iilj/i- this. \V» keep abremt oftil'' tinn-H. \V" know n Iml «ood prlnllnirIs mid iiT'Kliiri- it. We nT'' pri'tty ••iireful

not li't .'I !iiiin jol, uet onto our pr-'ts"*.

No pp'ss 111 till" connirv run lj<'ttiT ouipriiitinir iinil «e want you to know li.

ii.w i; i iii; D.wis I'Rix i iNtj iiucsi:

I'RIM' I 1

I'l l;l U 1,1 l>i.| ! II' II, DIM.

Mrs. Harris, mother of Mrs. Charles Cooper

of West Second street, has been quite ill Mveral

days at her home at Germantown.

Mrs. Ann Osborne, now at Millerrbur-.:. is

thought to be somewhat better and her family

hope to be able to move her aooa to the old

1; 'Vr:- 'ti thi- i-'iuritv

/^t^artmell extracts teeth without pata.

Mra. Jrtal* Pyles. nee Oaywoed, wife of R«v.

Milton Pyles, died a few days ago at her boa*in Fleming couaty, aged 67.

tIM Bewar*. aia*.

Til- n-adeia of pupT will if V'""'-^ "•>

i' ani lliitt there Is at leant ODedreadeddlte.ate Itiat.

"'-leiioc bat Ijeeu able tocure to all Its Itagea, slid

'loit It Catarrh. Ball't Catarrh Cure it tbe onlypo H i t iv« ear* nowknown to tbe medical trateralty


c atitrrb beiof a eonstllatlanal dUeate, reqolies »•-.iiisitltattanal treatment. Hall'* Catarrh Oura Is

t'ik»n iaternalljr, actlDR diteotljr upon the blood

:u,<l mucous turfaoet of the tyttem, tbecoby da-

s ' roving the fouadatkoo «t the diteasa, aad (tvlat'. le- patieat stienfth by bulldlog up the eenstlta-

t >• M aad attlttlng nature Id doing Its work. Tbn

ir >i>rletort have so much faith in Itt euratlye

Iow»rt that they offer One Hundred Dolltrt for

.1 y f-aM that It fitilii to eor-. Hwiid for lUt of tas-

.11. 'iilalt.

Addretn F. J. CHENEY X CO., Toledo, O.

Sold liy all UroggUt*. Tlo.

•I ake Hall's Family PUl* fyr eonsttpattoii.

Now It rout opportunity to pntehateall kinds o)

,\tid |>i.i-iiij u;> your winter tupi>llet at eiceed-iiiu'ly low prl''!-*. ReroHinlier. I have a oomplnte111" of Dii'M' ifoixls. tueb at self teaien In plnH.iuiirtA ituil l,uiv>->: .'ilio, Sealluie Wax. Parafflni'.

K ilitjt-rt. (•!in» 1111(1 ••vrvthliiB iiwcmary for put-titii! away » oiir v.-urt.taolej aud fr-m- for winterlis!', i .•nfiliHlly invit*' ai! of im '--i, inls and tbeI'' Ill ." i

• i- i i till -.t'i'. , 'I rrial. R-',

J. C. CABUSH.l it V nvii.inyi;.

We have but few weeks to run off our Light-Weight Clothing; in fact, we are already receiving our fall

goods. Beginning this week and continuing during the month of August values will not be takenlinto consid-

eration. We want to turn our surplus summer stock into money.

We have yet a fair quantity of our popular Crash and Cheviot Outing Coat and Pants. Sizes are some-what broken. If we have YOUR size you are lucky. The price we name on them will surprise you. SEEINGIS BELIEVING. "See themr

THEHOME STORE. TD. nEJcmnsra-E]!^ a, go

In Harrison county Aubrey .'^niith, age'l 17.

.shot and p"i hap.< fatally woumli' 1 .Mariv Whali-n,

aged 50.

Robert Thatcher, aged !>, wantS'l in Man-

chester for housebreaking, was arrested Tues-

day in Cincinnati.

''^Parties wanting a good Piano buy at


The record in the rase of Jamei* B. Hiiwar l

.igiiinsi thi- Coiiimonwi'alth of Kentucky v.

Mr?. Lucy Dunbar of Flemingsburg fell and

broke one of her wrists a few Awa ago.

Titptain Oricar F. Barrett, who left r).iyton a

f '.v Ijy.-f ;i;,'o with his family for St. Loui.-s.

tiled in the United States Supreme Court at I malting the trip in his automobile, has arrived

Washington Tuesday.|safely in the Expoitition City.

Taylor Bro.s. don't claim they are the beat,

but they do claim to <»>!! the l.e-^t liargains in

the county. «

,r*rWe have our $100

now offer one at $175.

bargain aad

Come and see it

MllRAT A Tboius.





'French ORGANDY for 1 5c 1

About hair jiricc for exquisite organdies, new this season. That s a bargain to stir the interest of ISwomen who love dainty frocks. Many pretty designs in colored sprays and clusters on sheer white grounds.The best s'lmmer news we can print. 2 5c French Organdy for f 5c—and more than two months of hot weather con-







White WaistingsCool attractive summer white fabrics tempt-

ingly priced.

19c Madras \2%c.50c Oxfords 25c.

39c Linens 25c.

69c Damasses 35c.

Summer Ribbonsand a

Saving.Dainty Ribbons to tiutter about tiie attractive

summer girl.

Soft, silky texture, desirable widths, favorite

colors. ,

25c Quality 19c.

20c Quality 1 2c.

ID, liXJlSTT SOITV of hia naaful lift ho baa reaided oa Ws farmV An

'Bear thiii city.|

Qe leaves a widow and four , children to

4nova his death—lira. Martin Coacaanoa aad

-Mr. Louis Friaud «f Ciaoinnati and lira.

'George H. Diagar aad Mr. Oarlaa Friaiud «f

Ibis city.

Tba deceaaad waa a faitkfvl member of the

-Cierman Lutheran Church and tbi^ (lurman Re-

lief t^ociety. The latter will have charge of the

funeral oeremooiea.

Tha faaaral senaoa will ba praaehad hjr Ra?


fi. J. GraeU tomorrow morning at 9 o'olook in

tba German Church in Wait Saeoad street,

after «Uoh the ramaiaa will ba takea to Ripley,

0., for iatanaent.

miRAl MTIIi.

All members of the German Relief Society

are requeeted to meet at the (ierman Church

tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock sharp to attend

41m funeral of Brother Philip Friaond.

GaoiGi SciAiiiuNN, Praaident.

flawf Daneh, Saerataiy.

in Street Work Eiead John Duley's ad.

Mr. and Mrii. Walter Haldeman Pearce have

The steam street roller is a monst-ir in size returned to I.oui.sville from their bridal trip and


••GoiHie tU»t are not aood4 iu>uKl> i«> n<fvertlae are not ffood

<Mi«>in{h to l>u> ." r>ii.> kiiimN liial

i»r«' Milv«*i ti-i'<l in W.r l.i ilorr

and power, and that it will accomplish what the

builders claim for it, there ia little doubt.

Yaalarday a thorough teat of lU ability to

climb heavy gradaa wa-s made and the M:irket

street fill waa aaoanded with comparative ease.

The macUaa waa than taken /nrer a route

beginning at Market and passing West over

Fourth street to the spring in the Lexington

pike, thence North to Third street and going

Bait oa Thfard to UoMitaBa.

The journey was made in ooroparativa^ abort

time and to the satisfaction of thoKe in charge.

Its power of crushing and pressing broken

rook aad aakiag a agiooth roadway waa aapiy

demonstrated in Fourth street, where a fresh

coating had been placed for the purpose.

Bono of tha troB atrial oroaalagi an too

light for its passage—as was the case with one

at the PostoflkM conar. Thaaa dafecta can be

remedied. '

Wa baliava the aity haa aada a good iaviat-

ment and under proper management it will not

l>e lung before oar streets will have a metro-

politan uppearaace.

So far tha teat has beaa in tha nackiae'i


FRESH WAFERS AND CRACKERS!We buy tlu'in in smallquantities and receive

<«bein Ircsli liVEKV WKKK. Try » package of our Lftnon Wnfero or Vanilla

tpra. They arf fine.. We bava ibe Nabiaco Watera in a 25c package,

e^me in chMoktte, lemon, orange and mint davora. Nothing nioer in •

3. 6. H^. C£fSf^ Of

are with the former's grandmother, Mia. W. N.

Haldamaa, with whoa thay will iwaaia until

Hrolien heads always have been a part of

the coets in the liquor busineM and Mr^. Na-

tion's experience has only proven the rule.

Men wboee business it is to send children

apperlaes to bed needn't be expected to hesi-

Charles T. Marshall of Marshall c>tation re-

cently threshed 917 lacks af wheat from sixty

acres of land.

,s*~Try "Daisy" Breakifaiit Bacon.

M. C. Rctbku. Co.

The voung ladies of Morebead have formed a

Experts employed to examine the new Bour- . "Fresh Air Club," and a pleasant diveraioa of

boa Couaty Courthouse haw pronounced the their morning jaunt is to pick a boekat of


Qoi-*s ir Is Red Letter DayOdtUrUdy Double Stamp Day



of Printed Cambrfc, the very thin^ for Exposition Suiti, not bad for Maysville, either. Take a peep in our

Muj Kct Suet I Wiiuiou ; we will let you be the judge. >'

Saturday Night SpecialI^'ammmmmmmmmmmmm26 DOZEN ALL-IINEN FBINaED NAPKINS, SPECIAL 49 CENTS.





The heart of a vogitariao beats on ao atorag* ^^^7*

right to the minute; that of the iiifnt oater arrtnty-flve.

Tbis nprMaota a difleranc* of 24,000 beaU is tiMnty4our


Mtdkal JoumtU.

The whiefa of which prpvM that the Teget^-

riftns are a slow going set.


- 1M. ta

DELIVERED BY CARRIER,Ik _ —Payable to Collector at end of Month,


Thb Maysville business man who spends hiis

money with Maysville workmen !*im[tly j>uts

that money into the hands of the people wlio

will soon spend it with him again. Did this

ever occur to you?

A uisrATcn t'rotti Fort Worth, Texas, states

that the strike situation at flie jiackini; plants

there is .juiet. the strikers uiakiiiu' no effort to

molest new men aiiplyinii for jolts. Knii>loyes

novv puss freely from the plants. The reason

assi^'ned for this pleasiuir coiulitiou is that the

packers ha\e in their empUiy two -.i[iuuls of

old-time raiii;er iowl)oys from the jdains who

are not areustonied to l»einir molested.

At the reeeut session of the Grand Lodj^e,

W. H. Hart, a well known lumber mill iV' il'

" was done away with as a part of .the

man, claims to have found a giant sciiuola""^^ '"^'""^

measuring 86 feet in diameter and 100 feet ^^J'""'^'''^^ "^''^^ ^"^'s*-^ '''^^ ^"^•"'^

around the base.'

This is said to be the largest !^'^P^ ^^"'l' " ^ ^'"''"^

' thing for the < )i<lei'. During the recent meet

in Cincinnati there were hundreds of tlea»l-l>eats

parading the ^trt'.'t- and infesting the various

headquarters wearing Klk Kadgrs wlio had ne\ei'

seen tlie in><ide of an Klk Lo(li:<'rr>om. And

tlie-e ;ire largely tlie fellows who discredit


gatherings «>f this e<ort.

Um'Ki; the (-aption. ' '{"ht' I)(>morrats and

Their New Leader." The New York Herald is

out in a lengthy ediforial in snpport of Judge

Alton li. Paiikkk s candidacy for the Presi

I deney. The Herald gives as ground for its

new faith the message of Judge I'arker de

elariiiL: for (fold money and a L'tMinral disaj)-

The (ioel'elites afteinpt tt.1 lieiitrle the -peecli pro\ al of President IIoo-i:\ i.i. i as an K.vecn-

of Hon. ( "! Pou ki> in hi> own <i''tcn-''. and five, while indoi'>ini^r him most warndy as man

and citi/.eu. Tlie Herald s text is, ••Judge

lV\KKKi:">. t('ie«ri';im deelariuir liim>elf foi- sound

money lias maile >iirli an impression that he

may -ave the 1 •I'mocratii- j>arty in spite of it-

self." Put it mu^t not lie foriidtten that The

Herald is ;i very uncei i.-iin quantity in politics,

an<l it.s predictions, like results in Kentucky,

are generally contrary to the p<)))ular verdict.

tree on earth. Hart says the tree is in Eshom

Valley, Tulare county, Cal. in a secluded gulch

near one of the iuill9. The mammoth, he tig-

urea, is 400 feet in height.

TnK C'hattauoogji Times >ays the general

public, outsi<le t!ie 1 »emocratic party in Ken-

tucky, continue to feel that Calkb Powers is a

victim of political animosity and not of justice.

The public may Ije wrong, but neither Colonel

Wattkkson nor the Attorney whose brief ^Ic-

Clarets refused to print have been able to shake

the firmly fixed conviction that a great wrong

has been done thia^nnfortunate man.



Oar kind of Paris Greenwould be poononiical Ht doiihlr

the oriliniuy |iriri> hpciuise it it*

alidiit (tiintilf flie oriliiiary

»«tit>ngtb auit kills every tobacco

worm tbat toachea it. How-ever,

It Costs the


criticise those who pr^n-'iince ir unanswei.-iJ'le;

true.and yet tln.'y w.-mt evfr\liody to ;u-cept a-

and as conclii-i-.e ,>\ P. iwi;k-'^ uuilt, the state-

ment written ti\ •.IihIl:!'' Pkui- M<<,>! o\vn.

Chairman of the 1 )tMijoi ratic ."^T.-ite ( enrral ( om-

niittee. and one of the Attorneys hired liy the

Goebels to "convict" Mr. Powkks and others—

at $5,0UU per convict.



fls nny olil common kiml. WV\m\ enough to get tlu' tmst Paris

Ureei), and hiive haudled this

sanip liraiul for years, so tlmt

we know just wbat it docs,

i lu re isn't as mach protit for

the druggist in uur kind as

there is in the ordinary grade,

but there's a lot more proQt in

it for the tobacco grower. Bet-

ter use our faris Oreen tbis t^i*





DAVIS BROS.,will (live prompi attention to nil orders for

I'aintiHtl atil i'aiu^- UaHfflnaf «i'<t 0'i<i"iitt,,

alitoliilf tatitfMliuii in trri f jHtrticiitur. 'I'hoiif

ns. }yu im

The Great.....PrIce'Reductton SALE

Begins Frtdmf, iuly 22d,andLamH Tmn Omym,— FOR A STAITII.


t.OOU yanlt Ix'nvy llruwn Cottuo, 40 iDchei wide, worth 7Mo, thU (SllS^ 9U bo'i i

Hop* tjomdnlp Miinlln. worth lOe, tbit Ml* To. 84 pliMwi nlo* quality IMite Uncn.worth To Hod 8c, tbU Mln So.

MlUlitiV- t^o'O''*' On^n rc«(ly-to-wear Hati only Me. UdlW^THMwl Mat*.toeloM, Wo. Undlet' Sallori l&o. \\ v h*Te ]att r«o«lT*d the Ut««t itvlct In LadlclSumiMr H>>»dwfiir. Cnnu' uml spp them.

8H0I8 '"'''''» '"'" "'''""''•""'•'''''""'> ^'^f^- tjiullps' flue Oxford* sii'J SlrarSmuliiT.,, wurili fl fK). «nli' prlcp l.ndirs' lliip I)i.iii;olii liiw Stiocii, nnw ihB|ii'<i, >%ortl.

I..V). »hIi' yr'trf Si.'ii', Oiii' lot I,i>illc-s' s lllr Mi'ii'k SIicm's ^it i»ncl bflow cn^t. r-i »1sIito (llsciintlini' tins ilepnrlDK'iit.

NOTIONS I I'lrk'nO. N. T-.e;.! s i..- Wliit.- Tni-d rnlN fi r r«v II.K.k* milKye* aoard* lu. 6 ynrdi IlKby Ribbon for Sv. Ilalrplnit 3c l>o\. IIcm Ciililnrt lUVrpiU"fto bos. Robb*r Ualrptn* -lo do«. Good L'mbrellat Wo. lOQp rinlirclliti for M)o; fut outIx-for* they arc all gonr. Men'* tl Shirts for IKk-. All-sllk Rlblxins. very wtd^ Only lOo

yj. IOr Fiin' .Vv Mrn's flin' fnni-v Sox On. >! n's ri rriiN' slnri-. M' li'i fine Bal-

CARPETS, OILCLOTHS HOUSE FUR.NISNIN08, ETC > i>a unin iuind», im* l«s.Ttliic iind Trini;!'. »nrih .<<i.-. siili- nrl.-r iir. l iilTi' Oilcloth 170. Oak ClVtalnIN'Ics iind l-IMiir'a oiilv 1"'. I- nn' l>|i'nr)it'il ( iiri :i iiis 4te. UCRt Floor OUoloM Mr.Ili«t limw Ciirpi'i. viird wiili'. 12Ho. Ineritln Ciirix-ls 2j>o.

QRyiOQDt-li) Pl''''*'" ^°*<'l> Lhwhi 3H<!- SOU pi«re~ '!

- v.tliir

ttiU Kiili' m-. Jf) pl'-ces llneji Lswiis. lOi! v»lu<-». thi» t*le7o. Hiu i .Viiii i-. ^

Shlninic Callcoi'i 1^0. All of otir silver gray* and (econd mourning (. aiieor-s v. lies'

Apron uiiiirli»ni> V. siimlniia 17c, worth Mb. Vary flM India Llnrni, IBe ralurs. <nii'

prire lOn. Kini- itrlpcd ^Indrat for ihlrta and waUtf«nly lOe. Pineit Watb silks.liUek And white. Included. 49o value, «al* prIM 4Bo. Jh>w Voflei In many oolon, IBo val-u'K. >mIh prie* ISKo. Alt-tnk yard wide TaSttai, worth ll.lie, lale price MHo. WoolOress i.oods of every dfKrIptlon Iph than Kctnnl coit. Fine plain colored OrRandlet.


LAOlilS' iflFRNISHiNpS ANQ MUSLIN UNDERWEAR L»<ii.. v ^is v. u,ti.,\erv line \ eMs H<'. l.liniP* Silk \ I'sls. won Ij nO-. Mile price JSHr. Newslvle t:'irsel,:<'' \\ . li. cNimeli 1(1 1 olT regular prioe. l.»die»' liiee striped Uoie 9e. Children » fine

lie e iims,. ikv all sues. Ltdlei' MuillH Panis only :4c. Ladles' One Mutlln (iowD^> 4i>o

Ladles' tine Muillu 6klrti 40c Ladlei'very Hneit MuiUn Sklrti, worth 11.76. taie priceonlvtNSc. Ladt*** biaok Meroeriied PettlooaU only 4»o. Ladle*' Silk Underakirta, to

cloie out Sl.BO, worth S4. Ladle*' Suits, worth Kt.7.V sale price f2.tK.

tlllltl-Llnen Skirf* 'iV' on np «'....] Skirl- TV ..n up. Very fine Silk 8klrt»only milkwort li f!>.



Now is the

Time to

NEW TELEPHONES.To Siit.»crllier>-The f..llouiin: «r<' n'lt

in imr Directory, tbeisc teli'phones liavinii U-eu in-

Mailed Since tu publleatlon. Plaaaapaat* on theI II » id< oi front eover of year book.andeall alwaysI v niiiiilier.

.\mlerson. L. T.. .Ir.. Stable,-'.ss. Iterrv. W. T.. Kflcldonre..r.'.i I :ildn'ell. ,lohn L.. Residence.>-> li.ivis Urns.. Residence,

:t>ii li.iwi-ev. .liinies ,1.. Residence.i''>t!. ll.-iN. Mr». S. S.. Ibviideni-e.

Ui.S. ll. ellii-ti. R. K.. Ki".idenei-.

:\>2 llunier. < liiirle-. .1.. Residence,ill .1 nc -. Mr* lieorL-e Residence.;;sh l.iitT. rtv. I luirle» M.. Realdenoe.

7'.;. I.iiiie, I. M., I ontriH'tor.

:i:n. l.iiije. I. M.. Residence.M'.'. I.edlietler, .\. C. Residence.:lhv. MHvsville !,.Klt;e. B. I». O. Elks.'.\'h. Middleniiin, Snniiiel. Residence.1140. Phisler, C. M.. Residence.

3<f7. Taulbee, Dr. W. H., Residence,3A6. Wbarnwat


Rubber Hose


7-Piy HoseWe cfttmr to tbOM that demand tbe best. Our Hom is 7-

I»ly, guaranteed to stand the high pressure; in fact, it is th»

best Hose manufactured and is ^ inch instead of }i in^We also cany a line of fittings for same.


Canada ia capable of fumiahing more than

ths 200,000,000 bsibeU of wbest which Eng-

laad has to import sToryyosr.

Kxport.s of copra from the Philippinea have

increatied from 71,088,683 pounda in 1901 to

181,117,084 pounda in IWS. The vslae of the

trade in 1903 vna $3,sU>,7;t.!.

The closeat liTiog relative of George Wuh- i

^ # 9il%aa-e%%^ Preaident Theodore Roo««veltleamed yeiter-

^!|tf.^4M9 |f>^<>'l<!i'')7>t^*tbo«MnomiastedstChleago-

Ito leaii th« forces of his psrty through this

Preaident Kou^evflt will visit the Worid'a

Pair in October.

The total trade between Auatralis sad all

foreign eonntriea had grown from $71,236327

in 1881 to 1121,195.316 in 1901. •

year s campaign.

William CoIemsD, aged 56, waa arrested in

New Yorlt, charged with tho thi'ft of the jew-

elry from the vaullx of tbe Clark estate at

Cooperstown, X. Y., about a month ago. The

jewelry is said to be valued at $t>(^^i,(xX).

ington ia Ifra. Attilo Horosini, wife of s N«w'| Military rale is at an end in Colorado, Gov-

York banker, who is a great-great-Rranddaugh- ernor Peabody having c mIIc 1 in the soldiers who;

Konropatkin reports that the Japaaese

ter of Samuel - Washington, a brother of the were on .luly in Crij.|,le ( n ek di.'^trict.«>"«P'e<lTa Tache Kao on Monday. They made

General.' no further advance. A later report fri'


f Juvernor lieckbain has refused to lommute Kouropatkin states that a Japanes*' Divi.-.,..ii is

There i.^ almost no line of bu.^inos.-^ ..r indu.--the sentence of Cuater Gardener of Hart county.


nutrching Northerly fromTa ThobsKao towardtry already established in Mexico which cannot


condemned to be hanged today for thebe improved upon 8y modern American methods. L„„,j„^j,„„

-Squire Osborne and hia son.

and the field for sew indoatriea ia almost an-1 David ( tsborne.






A rare case of longevity is cited in the lives

of Mrs. Hanna C. Baker. Henry N. Spencer.

John R. ,Spencer and Mrs. Fanny F. Fowler. Cutton has .-^utfered materially from lack of

The Government's report for the past yeek

says that rain is needed in the Ohio valley.

("o!r.[daint.<< of rust in wheat have been reporteil.

brothers and sisters, all living in Noank, in the

town of Groton, Conn., whoKe ages aggregate

S29 years.

cultivation and too rapid growth,

continues to do well in all states.


John J. Ryan, al' jgsd operator of agst-rich-

qaiek race ooncerr ,waa arrsstsd at the Brighton

Beach race tra -k under four imiictmonts by the

pimiMi iitTi.

We havi- some premium lists of the Riidey

(Ohio) Fair, and parties needing such can have i St. Louis Grand Jury, charging larct iiy in the

one hf calling at this office. Tbis Pair will be|sum of (800,000 and embezzlement, lie had

held this year Aognat 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th,

and among tbe special attraetioas are the

famous Diving Elks and "Trixio," tho snsrtsst

horse in the world.


HowUHas Spread from HometoHometn BUjrmrllle

In every part of M.iysvillf: in the homed of

tbe wealthy; in tbe bumble abode of the man of

toil, 'tis sow a well-known fact- a great truth

—that DoM'a Kidaqr Pills have hrosght more

comfort to bsekaeke saffsrors Md eorsd more

sick kidneys than any medici— sf mittn times.

Mrs. M. C. ChisholiB of 348 East Second


"Mr. Chlaholm speaks is high terms of Doan'a

Kidney Pilla. He proenrsd them at J. Jaa.

Wood 4 Son's Orngatore. corner ef West Sec-

ond ssd Market atreeU. and their naa proved

them to be an effective kidney remedy. I have

heard otbera expreaa their appreciation of

Doan'i KiiDey PUla. A awUeiao which oorea

kidney tronble is a aMstdssimU«0M^ which

to kaow."

rorssUbyslldsskn. Pries 60 esston box.

Poster-MObtim Co., Biffslo, N. T., ssls Sfsnts


(h* ta^ PeasV—ssd taiw so


been prsvioasly indicted in St. Louis, but the

indiotasats wsrs thrown oat o« teehnieslities.

The Direetors of the Unitsd Sttiss StMl

Corporation have declared the usual dividend.

Tbe earnings of the company for tbe quarter

ended June 80th show a decrease of $17,151,-

583 u compared with the same quarter last

year, and aa iaowss of |8.181,^, as eom-

psrsd with the qsartsr sadsd Match 81st. 1804.

J. Walter Bell of Louisville aanounces that

he has secured tbe backing of Eastern capitaliata

to eatablisb a system of cottoa wsrehoasos

throughout the South. His ooaesrs will bs

capitslitad st $1,000,000 and will issss ssgoti-

able receipts for all cotton stored, thoTSby giv-

ing increased stability to the cotton OM^et, it

isolaisMd. .

Ths Democratic State Central and BsseatiTa

Comtnitteea in joint seaaion at Frankfort, re-

elected Percy Haly Secretary and adopted reso-

lutions oongratulatiag ths Nstional Democracy

upon the ssleetion of i(s tickot, ladoisiBf ths

platform and pledging for Kentucky, an old-

time majority. A Campaign Committee was

selected, with State Auditor Hager Chairman,

and ths names of several prominent Democrata

wera rseommendod to tbe Governor for the

sslsetiaa of a State Election Commisiloner.

The Doaweratie Nstisaal Comittee, st iU

meeting in Now York. tnsaisMaily sloetad

Thomas Taggart of Indiana CbaSraM, •Mhoagh

thars waa aome opposition from Ktslsnilsodars

optotlMlsskasaM^t Crsy Wsodisn ef Ken-

tucky waa elected fserotarr of the Comm ittss,

defeating C. A. Wslsh of Iowa by s vsto of 86

to 12. Sdwanl Sefton was slseted Assbtaat

Ssorstary; John I. Martin, 8erg«ast-at-Arms,

sod BsmmI DenshMB. Aarislsat SsniMat-a*-

Anu. *

Hai Cheng, the point to which the Ruasianf re-

treated on Monday. -

Governor Beckham at noon yeatsrdsy directed

Msjor J. H. Mansir of tbe Lottiarille Batteries

to hold fifty men in readiness to move from that

c^ty to Munfordville, Hart county, to preserve'

order daring tbe legal execution today of Cus-

ter Gsrdner. The Governor has been notiflffd

that there may be some interferrn -e upon the

part of friends of Uardner. (Jardner waylaid

and killed "aqsirs Osboms and his sob, David


Senator John H. Mitchell of Oregon, aj) at-

torney for the Portland Flour and Milling Com-

pany, yeatsrday filed formal protest srith ths-

Ststs Dspartmsnt sgainat tho rsesBt ssisore

bji ths Russian Vladhrostok s^nadroa of th«

stasamUp AraUa. His protsst is aads on the

grooBd thst the vesssl earrisd a cargo of lOOr000 pounds sf floor, consigned by the company

be represents. Hs alleges that the floor waa

not daotiasdfar Japan aad was not coatrabaod.

All hope of immediate settlement of the Chi-

cago stockyarda atrike ended yesterday morn-

ing when tks thoDsaad Uaisi paekiattsamstars

went oat on s sympathetic atrike. This com-

pletes ths tienp of tbe packing-bousea for th»

present. The teami.terB voted tu strike Sun-

day, but their by-laws forbid them to' go out

without tbe approval of the Teamsters Joiat

Council and tho Intarnatioaal Brotbarkood-

Tbia approval waa flaally isoaivtd. th»same hour 1.000 toamstsn ia CaaM tJDliMyin St. Louis and Fast St. Louis and 126

ton joined in the sympuihetic movement.

Mrs. Iddy Matksrs ^appsddsad atksr hi

in Carlisls, whsn apparsntly fai good hoslth.

A snesk thlsf aatond Dr. Bead's hsok ysrd*

yesterday aftsmooa aad stole a large copper


Street Commissioner Smith started in ob

Market street tbis morning with the big ma- ^chine tearing up tbe atrsst pr^aratoij to-

makiic a tost oliss roodway.






Ikauxr McraMuoAtr-mi,



POWDERAbMlutelir Pure


Said to Be Slated for Democratic

Member of Election Commission

June Gtyle of Owenton will be BUBwl as

Election Commiuioner of Kentocky by Governor

Beckham. Thia 'ia regarded aa an abaolate

eartaiatjr by Kentocky Denooratio politicians

'in the intide of Um BMrremaata of Um Conmon-


According to the law, the Democratic State

Committee on Toeaday named to Governor Beck

ham four persons as canli'latea for tht> position,

which ia npw held by Cbarled 13. Puyntz uf tbia

dtf, th« for named Mag Poynti, Q^rle. Jack

Collier of Loniaville and Ben N. Smith tff Som-


Poynta is out of it, it ia said^ because he

rapported Hoa. James N. Kehoe, the anU-Ad>

ministration randiilate for Chairman of the

State Committee. ltc(juowD, the .Xdminiatra-

tioa man, won the ryntest, and Poyntt's head

will fall is conseqoence.

CiHvln was named for the jilarc by Judge

Lajisirig i>l I'.oone cuuDty. He is well known

in Kontui ky Iiomocratic politico.


r r

River •tfTtfrjt


Gage 5.9 and falling.

The Bonansa waa the Pomercqr boat last


There are aisty tone of mossel shells on tha

l ank near Owenaboro awaitiag ahipment

The Keystone Stale will bf up tonight, get-

ting ae oeur Pittsburgh aa the low atage will


The Pouglai) Hall passed up from Louisville

for Pemeroy with a miacellaoeooa tow of

empties aid cinders.-

The Qveen ^tj on her laat trip up stopped

at Uarietta, where the frei^t and pafsengera

were reshipned t(. Pitt.-<tiurKh.

' The Alice Brown, uno of the big towbuatti

of the combine from the lower rivers,, will an-

dergo repairs while laid up at CiAciiwati dur-

ing the low-water season.


The Lee Line of boats from Cincinnati to

Uemphia will anspend operationa temporarily

after Saturday hcpausi' of low water in the

Louisville Canal an l at ports below Luui^^ville.

The MoDongabela and Allegheny rivers eon-

tlnue to fall and the watar in the Pittsburgh

harbor is reaching an nnoanally low stage.

Before the end of the present week navigation

at Pittsburgh with down-river points will have

been completely suspended nnless an unex-

pected rise comes. The big packets from Cin-

cinnati are compelled to tie up at Rochester,

being unable to pick their way to Davis Island


The Locie Marmot is laid up at Ciacinnati

for repair. .She ban a cracked cyliBder, which

will be replaced by H. F. Frisbie.

CapUin J. A. Henderaei of the PitUbvgh

aod Cincinnati Packet Line deaiaa a plan is on

foot to boild t new boat for the trade.^ »

A party of about 20 Christian Church people

will leave this evening to attend the meeting

at the Washington Church. The wagon will

start in front of the Christian Church promptly

•t6:S0 n-rl,,ck.- • -


A protracted meeting will begin at the Uill-

creek Christian Church August 14tb, CMldMtadby Revs. Blakemore and GarriaoD.


The Handsomest Calendars

Shown in This City


The UoBongahela River Con.^olidated Coal

and Coke Company will make extenaive changes

in working forces In most of its river depart-

ments in the near future, according to rumor

from headwaters. In order to reorganise boat

crewi, the bigtowboata of the eombio* are be-

ing tied up. Many rivermen, carpenters and

machinists have been paid off, pending a read-

justment (if the dep.irtments. It is estimated

over fiOU employe.s of the company have al-

ready been let go.

The bnainess man who apends his money in

Maysville, simply pots that money intoth.' han is

uf people who iHll in torn spend it with him


Did yoa ever think of that?

The business man who spends his money for

printing in Louisville, or Cincinnati, or Chicago,

or New York, pots that money into the hands of

people who never did, nor erar will, spend a dol-

lar in his store.

Did yuu ever think of that?

Now, in order that a good deal of this money

may be kept at home, and spent by home work-

men and home employers with home merchants,

The Ledger Printery has seenred the hand-

somest line of Calendars ever aeen in this city,

with a price limit to suit every need.

Mr. Richard L. Miles. The Ledger Printery's

expert Printer, will call on yoo in a few days,

dazzle your eyes with the beauties and tickle

your bank account with the prices.


FLOURMtde by

mm BROS. & CO.

HuDiington, W. Va.

eyYou can buy it ofJ. C. Cablish, Jr., and all

other first class grocories.


Pianottom an artlit'i itandpoint |i


UPRIGHT!f^llS lonf «iliKS Witll l.ulsulil!;

((.•riuly. Ilk .iiMiiiii r<'|H>iid>

luiokly and r^lliiliiy to the i..

toiieli. Kacli tCHlr-li (peolally u... .

Hnd is inudcally and tclentlfluiiay ei r

re<-i. Materials iiMd 111 Its eoDitntotloM»n- K'leried ;it I'rent exiienie from ttn-

wor)'t'" r' r.. -F' I


DCtlHID IN A PIANO?Klier»ole» liRve n m'TcnnlUe viilui- the

"i.rid ovi-r. Die n-coitni^fd [irlee ill3S0 to ttaO. owing to "iiyle. We are•howlng II fu'.l M'siTineMil at.lohn I. Winter .V ( u. ^ siori-, MayKvlUe.Ky. We al»« ttiow u full .'im- of e'li. iipfrI'iiinoa.

We will take in e\c)mriire flu urKiiii^and old pianos.Vonr credit Is nwid with ns.



We will do It for you iii li'uitlmate prlca sadai niMr eorrpr-l a> tcleuor liiw developed (he artWe dii house hi'tttlnit that nucvtkfal : no ex.ix'.rlmeotinR, f;,>od n.^rk. |ir,v-u thn.- jii.i

»uaQeesfalo)MTutloii. our r' n' inr , i.'lii'j'Hi


Hossick's Receipt

for General De-



Traxel's Bread

Three Times

Each Day.



fim. •eem« <«mm. MATBTiUiM M»

WTANnom TKIBB. 1. O. B. «.

nfirulurO'iiiell of Wyandotte Tribe No. 8 ihliev>'iuijk: »i :m: Chiefs wIU please take notice

.1 ' ' 1.,! till'.

.). I.. DalJLTOM, Sacbem.W I : J-. .>f R.

state National Bank,Of MAVSMUE, KV.

C*»ltsa Maett, «ioo,oo«

ooM» A oMirtJut MAjrriw Mvaunm

The merchant icho withei

to reach people who buy good*,

put* M* adverti*emtnt in a pa-

per that people read; the mer-

chant who throvi hi* money«MNqr,9i*e« hU advtrtUmnMt to

tk» fakir whopfomfMa to pmt <t

oil oord «mI lumt U ilfF.M >slTMl eotiier.

Ifol less than 5,000 people

read The liKixiKK Sit dayt in

tht-year. Thia makes a total of

1,860,000 reader* in a year.

JSTDo you want your

IMHM and (ntaineaa repealed

that oftnwMMn tkt utmt tmtlve


/F j/ou want to keep"poked," read the

advertinmenti ih TheLwiGER. They are apart of Mayeville'*

Idaily loeal kittory.



*LEir,o.,pA|Rm 1904 r^m m m

' *\9^10, 11, 12.

I Li>l.

,-rt>« Morld {itlQout UiTiiit:

(hone In the wvrld. Trlilu."

\ and O. Rail ^wy

>UBa. Secretary, for Pr»-

NtOOMb. PffcsideoL


K'-v. Dr. ,1pnnlngs of the M. K. Hcxik I onecrn,( iiu-liiimtl, O., and Rev. L)r. L). Lice AultnmiHi "f('iiioiniiati, O., Hill |«each on the renpectlve Sun-dayn.

Kttv. K. S. Diiiiliniii , r Ilt'lHWure. U., the nuteil

RvanticU&l, mil 1'. pno, ut ilurintj • poriioii of theroeetlnir.Rev. M. I.. Hak. r of Delaware. O., the great

SlaglnE Kvanftellil. will haveoharge of the singln«andlbe Younit People'! MeetlnKH.Durlnie the meettnR the Mlulstenc.f theCovlnit

ton and Aihland DIstrloU Will be bMfd.A competent leader WtU uve ehalfe o( tbc

Chll(ln>iri .Services.Mrit. Ro«i- I'linli'iil will In- the OrRanllt.The I'reilrlliiK I'.lder*, K. W. Ilarrop of the (kiv-

InKtuuaodJ. It. Ilowen of the Athlaud Ulitrloln,Will be to chafBe of nil the •erviees,

Tke Hotel will be In charue of Uamriokift i'luiii-

mer: Ooafeotkioery, Ueortie W. Daln; Uacfiac*-room aud Barber thop, Henry liuyd; Htehle, O. J.Nash and W. O. Cropper.

' Tb* Police will be lii aharyit of De|,uty Sbarlfftadclckton.Round ulp fare from .MayiTlllr VkVm parltanlaro eoBoeraliig reomt tiiH Qott«|iet

apply (p I. M. LAIiK. WayivUle K>' "nnit»«1

'Arti - • t . HALL'-tiaeni

<KA>* » PRaHC* fAM. N.KISR••bl»> ire-pra*

Care ofthe Teeth

l '<iiiilly I III- <'iiiis<. of iM iiiM>-il III iiisiittli'iciit at'KMitiiiii til (li<> ri-iiioval oi' IVuxl piirii-clfs I'roiii betHeeiitbem. Ttif^f |iiii-tl-

cleK reriiieiititiifl l)e(^mea iiDiiiiiiu lorliiii'teriu.whU-li f'oi'iii liiftii- aoid.whichattnckti tho ciiiiiiii-l aiul t-ausM decay.Till' iiiilv r«>iiii-<ly till' this i.; to keep thrtci-ili clt-aii, ami inr iIiIk thi-i-i* are nopreiwratioiiM mi ed'ective u8 our

Frmgrmnt Tooth Wash,ir yoa prerer u ll<|iii(l.

VMetto Tooth Powder,ll yiiii pn-ier • powder.

Creme DentlMce,11' you preftor • pute.

NoticeThe Board of Coiincll of the ( iivof M;.v>vilif

pas«>d an ordinance on the IHth day -lulv. ll'<M.

autborUIng me to advertise for tealid bids 'for ih>'

oonstruetlon of a sewer. Iieginnlne at Wood strei t

In the Klxlh Ward of the citv of Maysville. andextending West from Wood utreet alonirth"' North*lde of 111.' CliPMiiwiik.- mid ohin Ruilroad toI'nloii siri'' i; td.-iic- iicro„- I iii' t! •trt.M iimliilniii: the Nnrlli sidi'nf 'I hlril Mrri-«-: ii. l,.-\iniituii*lri-et; iheiicf .\,'rtli». "i iiiT"s.> L>'\Iiii:ioii street'•I Hiill alley: thiie'f Wi'st i.loni: Hull alley toI iiiiiii.-re.'«tri'' t :

tlii in-i. Ni,rthiilons and throughC"miii>Tr,' vT' .1 to li.w wafiT mark at the Olii"rivi-r; il,' «• rk lo Iwdon.. a'-cordiiic to il ' plansand siHM'itlcation^ of the City Kiigiiiiir I'll-

I'laiis and >iieeitl'-nti.'ii» w ill lie on file In ih- M:i>or'» oHIc. open to th"- Insopclion of all p 'rM.niih'SiriliK to iiiak- Ijidn for the e<i«ntruo'irn of thesewer. The ••onir.irior Is ri'ouin d to tive liondand M Ciirlty that h'' will faithfully connriict theM-vvr .e-ivrilini; 'o the plans and s'piM.jtii'ations ofUp I itv Kntin-i-r. The lloaril uf roiiiieil n servits111!' rigtil to iiiwpt the bill which in their Judg-ment will U' to the best intere>t of the city, or toreject anv and nil bids. .\ll iH-rions desiring tomake bids on the construction n{ the sewer mustdeliver their bids, sealed up, by 8 o'clock p. m.Mvoday, August isi, IMM,

WILLIAM E. STALLcrP,JySl lot Mayor City of Maysville,

% PIANO CO. Jm THK I.RDGEK leads in

nil, mill 1* the favoi it« jiuper

of the people.

Sail around the corntr of .^ei omi .ind Miirkft streets and keep cool iu

the coolest store in the city. The goods ou sale will keep you cuol while wear-

ing them and the prices are 80 low that yoa remain cool while buying, and it

will be many a coul dullar you can h.ivc on your purcbasea. Now, il this ia

not cooling, you will have to apply to tke iceman.

Cool, washable, pretty Lawn* from 4c up; each aod every one at bargainprice.

Ladies', Misses' and Men's Lace Hosiery, in white and black, now 19c

for the regulnr 'Joe kind.

Coolest, best :25c tsuninier Corset in the city.

Ladies' White Lace Gloves 25c, macb less than the wholesale price. *

Hildions, Laces and Trimmings of all kinds at greatly reduced prices;

see thciu.

Save the difference; buy of

ROBT. L HOEFLICH,21 1-213 Market. Sole Agent for American Beauty Corsets and Sorosis Skirts,

Tiie Best Fitting Garments Made.

The L.-iJie8' .\iil Society of Scott's Chapel, M.

E. Cbarcb, will meet tonight at the Church at

7:30. AH members are requested to be present.

Btisines.n of importiinoe.


t»l<l Point (oinloi'i iinil %u|[ii«i laili. nil.


On the above :- : , n »



the C. and O. w 1 . . f . r^' ,uii 'np u.-Kits .M.,;..-

ville to Old Point Comfort at rate of flS. Llnliof tiekets fifteen day*.

W. W. WiKorr, Agent.

Rig t'oiir Koiile to I.onla.


l liew.i.v r !),. w iTl'l " It,.' W'oPid's Fair,


!' r iTif'Tn.:.' i..r, :i> riii, -. In ii nnd boarding'^' >aiMr' «^ i;. i;. Ki i.i:i i!y. Si.iiiheastern Pas.scniier .\iienl. Huntington, W. Va.

Nearby Evonta Announced For Ken-

tucky and Ohio Cities

<'b«ip Exe«r»l«n Tirkvta t« Mfyr. Cal*-wmto S|>i'iii|i> na4 Pm*M*

> la « . i>n4Ka.'y .111'. <..., vnit.r '.Wh the C. :.

' i•• »

s>-,. r. i.ial irii. M.r.^vlVe to D- i. -'

rudo .Sprlutrs un I l''."b;... t ., i: !,• a.i.c

rates: Flfi.'en .im.i' ?:ir i..;-.,!..'

«»).35: Limit Oi-iiiber aui MliO.\V. \V. WiRorj'. Anent.


P.C Pecof,Pbar-maolM.

The State College l':^,KtJ.n*:fe

The Atirlcultural uiid Mechanical (ittute I'olleKelof Kentucky offers the followtncoourses of sindv.viz: .\|trloullural. hortlriiltnrat, chemical, bioloitieal, muthomatieHl, physical, normal school,cliisslcal, meolianlenl enL'lueerliifr, eleelrioal euicineerluir. civil i niciiii-erinii, mining I'litciii' iTiu»i.

each of which exteiidii over four yi'iirs ami leads to

a decree.Post gradiiaie studies iire jirovhled. leiidinn to a

Masters De|>nH>. Eitch eourse of iliidy 1> orpan-Ized under a separate faculty. The ueneral fac-ulty uurobars nearly llfty ITolessors and Instruct-on. County appolnlMs reuelve tuition, roomrent In dormitories, fnel and llcht, and If they n--

inaln ten months traveling expenses.The lalHirHtiirl.'ii and museums ure larwe. w.-ll

euulpi>i-il, comprehensive and mixlern. The I,, nIslatiire appropriated KIO iKlii f..r-i coil-ire hnnn- fcr

yovin^ women and f3U.|iUU Tor ilnll hnW iml i^yin

nasiiim for men. Kolh hiiliiliii^'s uf i-oinpli ii-il

and in use. Mllititry tactics ami ti-lenci- kh- fullyprovided for as reiiuired bvCtenuress. (Irmluiitrsfrom the several courses of study readily flnd eknelleiit iHisltlonK and liberal remuneration. Thedemaud Is laritely In exwss of the ability of theeoll<-|tP to suptilv. Last year thi' matriculationHiis 7tO. SpwlHliftls with the n>'i'i'i<s»ry numberof Bsslstanls hitv>' i-harK*- of -iteh department ofuultiral scii'iie.'. N iiniiifr s>-hooK ari* iirovitiiil

for padaK»tiy. eiik'nieerini; und instruction Inkcienoe. The State Colli'Ki' of Kentucky, thoughbearing hitherto the title of "collekrr." It the onlyinstltulloD In the Oommonweallb doing In anyproper sense university work. The completion (if

the oollege home for young women prov (den fai-il

(lies for good board and lodging It Is ei|iiipp<Hl

Willi 111! inoili'rn convi.|iieM<-.-„. iiirliiding hath-rooiii. Hiiil nxjiii tor jiliymi-nl rulmr.-. It i> heatedby stHuiu .iiid UifhtrtI b> el.-rtriciiy. .\n oppor-tunity is thus atTordrd to ih>-iii of a thorough education in clasalcii, modern languages, literature,

science, lualhemallos. logic, meiapnyslos, historyand political econony. Mo other InttttiiUoa inthe slate offers advanlans foreduoatloii of womenat all oomparabte U> tnose offered by the fltate

College ot Keatuoky. Kar eauloynea, method ofoliuiDlus appotntaMBis, lutoriMttoA rsgaidlngooiiraes o) study Mtf temjrf adailttlnii MMbr w


The following are tbedateA fixed for holJifiK

.1 number of Kentucky Fairs for IW-i ii* far a*!

reported. Officers of Fairs are reijuested to re-

port any omission or correction of dates

liiuivil'.i- -.VukTUst ;W. thr,»diiy».

(,< . r::' lr\vii .\u;;u>! 7'!.. .w tl:i .>.

Ili.rrixUliiir^r- -.\ ui:u»t \M II. ilin-, cl:iys.

I.^iwr.'ecel.urt' -.\ui.'iist Ifliti, foi;r days.

Viitii'ehuri; -.-Vutfu^i l»»(li. Tl.fe i1;ty^.

.*Nhi-ph'-rd!.>i!l.' - Au;:u»i •,':'..l, fi. irdays.

.sliclbyville— .Viigu-,t 'i'M, ? .'.ir d.iy».

Gerinnntown— .•\iigiist '.Jlih, four llHy^

.sprinclleld—August HiU. four ilu»>

Loiul'in— August 24th. thre.- day*.

^oraerset--Au^'ust SOtli. four ilays

NieljoIa.«villi August 30th. ihn- 'l.iys.

Kli fnci-—Aui;u»t Slsl. four ilayt.

(iiH'.gow--.\u>ru>t 3Ist, four day..

i:iizuU thtown S<-ptenilM'r lith. f, ur days.

Howling Gri'en— Septenitrt-r l-lili. three days.

Kddyville—i>eptenib<>r Ulh. tour dayt.

Cyntblana—September tlst, four days.

Uartfotd—September SIst, four days.

Horse Cave—fieptembsr list, four days.

I^lmootb—flepiembertsth, four days,

OHIORipley- .\uguiil Ptti, fourdays.

.M»ni'he»i>'r- ^.-pti-inlH-r :<<l thrn- o.. \«.

.\benleen—S«'pteiul™ r 2Uih, ' wo ili,y».

Ocorgetowis—Ootebertth. (oat days.

L. «! Jt. S'hfwp IteSM.!. ..;s\ ;!].. oil.- fiir.- p:u^ 'iV-: .Xunust 13th to

l''r!.. I'lvi-: I. Mil' !«•

L.-xiiik'ton. K'.;<l : .Si-pli-iuU r 12i'i • ..ur.i

Si-pti-mber Ilitli.

I he I,, anil N. wili sell i.-

M-itl.-rs' rut»-> to tl.i- South' ..- '- -

IWM on till- Mr^t and third '1 ui'^i:.i., -. ; « .-i

. r.. , :.

until Ni \>ni!..,r IMh, incluslvi'.

Till' L. ..nil N. will M'll .iiiHl-trip honiei,. . r>'

••xour-i'Mi r:i'' - ; :. ,:l. .• vin- far.- \ . *J.

hunted 21 iiuy>. Dates of na.i August I^lb, Sep-

tt'iuber t)th, iOtb, October 4th. 18th. NovemberIbl, l.Slli.

On aecouiii . f .) . -i . \. ur-i( n summer rate^

to Hot si rin.-- .iinl i;>ir>'l;.i >prlnKs. Ark., th" I..

andN. .M l r.. 111. il triji tick, ts II- i ^i riut-!.

and Kunk i >j rins». .\rk.. on each W iiliusday

and Saturday in the iiiuiiths of August andSeptember at one fare plus ft: limited sixtydays from date of s«le. Fare to H.^t Spr,M:v t-23A\ ;

fare to Eureka Sprlngv IM.M.1! S !'l : :- >,-.,:

W*ri«l's Fair LouUlana Hur<>haisrii>«at«l>», mu LMSIa, •.

For the above oosMlon the C. and O. will sell

excursion tlokets Maysville to tt, Ia>uU at the

following ratea:

Season exenrsloB tickets will be sold daily

dnrliigthe period of the Eapositioa, and will befoci to retorn until Oeoember 16th. 1«M; rate,


SUty day saoursion tlekeu will be sold dallydaring the period of the Xxposltlon, limitW daysfrom date of sale, but not later than December16ih, 19M; rate. •14.1ft,

Fifteea day excnrslon tlckeM will be sold dallyduriof the period of the Expoaltion. with returnlimit of fifteen days, Inolndlnt date of sale ; rate,


Rooms or rooms and board reserved for you:rales tr to 130 per week.Children 6 years of age and aader It one-half

the above ratee. W. W. Wnerr, Agent.

Wl«cai« ralla BaewraiM. msss4l Vrlr•«.TS, vU aaH 4».

On Auifuvt ill. Ilth anil liith th" r. anil O.,i| iTii. tleki-'- Maysville to Niagara Falls,

N ^ .i: r ,•• 1 f H».7.i: limit twolve days. Tickets111 lor till n i'i. ti l.'i .Mil' I. in. trains only.

w w . WiKorr Ageut.

Loulalasssa PurrliaM> Bsrealtloa Ml. Iiaaln.On uiv.runt of th.- aU'Ve. the L .uhI N. will tell

seiiMui f.\cur*i"n uiid trip • r , - •i ^t. f^ouis

K.\p<>9itl- 11. »....k1 to r.'turii iiii'i. !) i.U'r I5th,

IWM. at *I7.;o.

Sixty (lay ••xeuminn ti.-k. 's • ,. ,,,;,| dailyduring Kspositinn w Th . ^ .':< ni dat*of>:.!. I'nr ir. i:

1 ;j- L.!» r I5th *



' .f "I. ' :..y. ^ . , I'ketk will be sold daily,with ilnai return limit 16 days from date of saleat ?l•^.7^.

Th" «I,lV.' tiek- V will t.e iold via liOulsvi.;-'

at .i Hi-nilerson r-^- II. s, ElLie, Aper.t.


iiaTsvn.LB Diviaioi

LtaeM.10 a m 1:16 p m,

ArriM*e .V) a. m g:i8 p. m.All dally except Sunday.

•Dal.y.tpaiiN rx.'fpf Suni1ii>

No. fi. .5:15 am*

No. 1 ...5: 16 am*No. IS. B 00am*N. S . S:«Fa*N> 31 4 15 p Bt


Bead Ziowisi Tta Piaie ant K. o.



ifr. M.1:002:17:!»ti II


4:00P tt.

I Mi UMt:W

'"«:»0 Lv..T:4.S ••

I- :«i •

112 .


ParisU i iiehesti-r

, MiivsvllleC) uthlana

.., Richmond





r. M.7:16•:U6:4gt:4»1:165:0t

7:ao! 1:561:66

CtasrlMMStl Bxearaian nuis<l«.i, Jnl.v Slas.

On Sunday, July 31st. thi- ^^. O. will run a

special excursion train ll-.m: liik:i"ii toCiucinnau.leavini.' Maysville at 7:3Ua, m. i tetumlag, leavr

Fourth St reel Depot, ClaetaMOiTJI p. m. Meundtrip rale tl.

vta r. mm^ : Ballway.'1 11,-

< 111, .111 1,1 11 'Ml \ w i!l 1 r, 'i.ijil trip tirk

el^ t.i thf following points as per rates named.Owensboro, MJi, AagaatM to Mtb; Unit Au

gust IMh.

Atlantic City, K. J,, •!«, Aagaat Umit August 16th.

lyoulsvllh-, tS.AO. August taih, UtJi, i6lh aadItth; limit August 31st.

Saa irraaelseo. Oal., M.M, Aagust Mlh to trtk;

llailt Oetober M.Loa Angeles, Cal„ HMk, Atsgust Kth. Septm-

taertth; ilmli Oetober M.W> W. WMan^ Ageau

Qu86n & Crescent Route.SNHTIST UNC AWlfUlCKEtT MNEIUUt


Cincinnati, Lexington, ChattanoogarKnoxville, Asheville, Charleston,

Savannah, Atlanta, JackaonviMc,

Bimiinghjim, NewOrkanSy Shievepoit

and Tezas Points.

FM McraMtATioiuiAmjCTcruiacK

E. N. AIKHN. Tmv. Pa«tY Agt., - 89 B. J»ai« Sf., I*»5ns1"n, Ky. RW. A. QARRETT, Qen. .Mgr., V. . C. R!.\E.VRSON, v. .a. ; - Agt.,


it's All Off.


Profits Left on





$5.75 to $10.



Ur. H. Wellii was at (leurgetown Taesday.

Mr. George Ort of Otway. 0.,wm in tkaoity.


Mrs. liar}' Dulin of HtloH k kOM firom •

viait to friends at Laxingtoa.

Mr. John Bqjrar U yiaiting at tiM kono ot

Mr. DanM Pardoa of Ripl^f.

MiM Pattia Qnaintanoa U now tha gnnat of

1 MiM Editli Howa af Elisavllia.

Mi.^s I . a.i KiT >! H»l(>na i.^ viaitinj; her


brother. Mr. lien Kit! of Wiiljanislmri;, (».

Mra. Rodney Cord of Covington >« visiting

the faailjr of Mr. Tom Coatigan of Helena.

Mra. Dan B. Mitekall of Carlisle la here on a

visit to her parests, Mr. and Mra. Williaai Trontit.

Mrs. Roaie Allen and Mis.^ Lutie Caywood of

Carlisle are visiting relative:) and friends at


Misses Martha and Nanr.i» Kr.inu-I v>f Win-

chester are visiting relativei and friends at


PUBUC|g|^L£DOEttM.iysvii.r.f:. ky.

Next Thirty-*. « IIoai«i

rax LII»iMk 'OB*

I^H Whitt .trMUB«r-»*l»:Btuf-Ki.l-!> or «vow;BUfk ABovK- t»:;; wikueb «row.

Blark BlNBATH-ci DEH twUl b«;

If Blafk't DOtibotrn no < hkii(« well MS.t^Tht a*OT'« for'tnitt a-f mail' fnr a period ot

MrtytiM hmirt, endine at » "'clock lomorrmv »v»


Misses Lncy Bruce King and El^ie Mclntire

of Carlisle are visiting relatives and friends at

Helena. ==Mrs. TiUie Woriek and chihtran, who have

hi>en Aiij.iaming at Torrent, have ratamed to


On last Saturday the Suniiay-schonls of the

Christian Chnrch and the M. £. Church bad an

ontiagin tksbeantifnl woods near Feed's Pond.

The day wa<< perf.-r*. .in ! a most enjoyable time

was had. Kev. Cran'- » ma-^ter of ceremonies

and proved himself to l^e the right man in the

right place. Elder T. P. Degman wa4 on hand,

and in a fifteen minute speech pnt the whole pic-

nic in a roar of laughter. The Elder has a fund

of rich anecdotes which he tells on such occa-

sions to the entire satisfaction of all.

Misses Nellie and Nancy Clark will leave Sun-

day for a week's visit to friends and relatives

in CiocinnutL

Prank Crawford, claiming Cincinnati as his

home, and charged with horse st f iling. :'.ic hi'<

throat in Jail at Augu.-sta yesterJiiy nmrnini

and may die. He used ;i dull, ru.ity knif-^.

Mrs. Winfleld Buckler and Miss Piper of Car-

lis'o ure visiting Misa Sallie Shaaklin of near

Mayslu-li. *

Miss Isa Jennings has returned home from u

ini>nth'- visit to her sitter, Mrs. W. A. Whanger,

at Whitehonse.

Misses Lizzie and Gertrude Welsh of Center-

ville, Bonrben eonnty, are on a visit to rela-

tives in this city.

Miss Tillie and Master Cbanslor Parker are

at home after spending a week or so with rela-

tivas at Shannon.

' Misses Annabelle and Lelia Wheeler left this

morning for Uustonville to visit the family of


Mr. Charles Wheeler;


Mis.'ies Klorenoo an^l Delia Ho.<tain have re-


turned to Carlisle, after a pleasant visit to|


friends in this eonnty.

I Miss Anna May Vantine of the East End has I

returno.i homo after vi.sitinj; her COUsin, Miss|

Tena Hot/.e "f near I'lunivillo.

MtB. A. Di> O^flo and son of Hichmond, Ind.,

are visiting her mother, Mm. A. WheeUr.

Mr. aad Mra. Paris Homba«k of WUUamsbarg,

0., are tWIIik retathres here and ta TolUaboro


Vtm BMtti Last MoM By tlit P

0,S.«f A.

The followiac oflcera |rara elected last night

by th« P. 0. S. of A.

I're.'iident- frank Diot^rich.

\ ic'.rresident I'larenre Pardon.

M. K. Rayniir Siiokley.

Treasurer— (i. N. Crawford.

Secretary Ben T. Smith.

Conductor—William M. Breeie.

I. 0—Robert Lanan.0. 0.—Qeorge King,

ML-ises .\iina and So[,iiia Tra.xel, Mrs. II. H.

Daugherty, and Kathryn E. Cherrin-i- n,

left this mornin;; fur Blueiirk Spring* for a

several day.- outing.

Mr. J. A. Richardson, wife and pretty little

daughter, Martha Margaret, of this county


spent the latter part of the week with Mr. and'

Mrs. .1. M. I>ay of nearHipley.




BILLIARD HALL!aa WmI Mrrmm* mrrt-t.

D. Ummt * ««* mUt Mlaad.

'Everybody invited to call.

We don't w»ut to .•arry nvt-r my of

Wallpaper!.\iitj lu »n .i!i'T out anil

<4r»* .'•lUiu l*aii.T rt'i:;irili'->* 'if ooil.

Conii' and tv* for ymir»elf.KwrythUiK tn .took pertaliiinc to a

tint class piilDt ttiire at rcH:k boitorapHca..

W. H. RYDER,121 SiHu SImt


Miss Annie M. Wallace.out Utan-i.$MMttrt4tStrtri.

For Ladles and Gentlemen

EverythldK new .ud clean. Strawljerrii-a AndIwureain served dally, S# plate Lunohe. at all




MmruiVil In Ifo. . Wnl fi^eond IH^»*t, Stmt (O JJa$. Wood * don't X>ru0<Mre.

^Allwork riillr ca.rant««d.

Cincinnati, July W, IMM.


to choice shippers •4.!S0^'S.;»

y.i' T:i „....M..~.....~~ •*>. itytt!<~^

II It 'tier steers, good to eboloe. .. 4.:i.'^.'>.tiii

Kuril.. 5 10Q.=i 'iS

Common te f»lr IS 0iia4.i«i

Heifer., good to choice 1.1S®.=).lpu

Kxtr. .Vioa.1.1.".

Common to fair 2.0iiia4.i)i)

Cow., good to choice 3.:»9X«0

Eitra 4.l»ai.2."i

Common to f»ir l.50©:t.i«i

ScalawsK. \.»Qi.'A

BaUa,bologD*. ^ « 00SM6CALVED.

Estra. I.V7Stt«.00

Fair to good l.'S^.'ft

Oommon and Urge 8 OtQMOBOO*.

SeU'CtHil. mt-itium aud heavy IS.SJO . .

Ciijod to choice paolter. h.'i^.Ht

Mixed packer. - b.«0Qt>.7h

Stagi S.OOaS.WS

Ci'luiU'iii ti, ch'iice hHiivy »nnn... l.i\Q,!<.i»\

Li^hl .bii>ix-r« b.hOith.aO

Pigs—no Bi. uud i>-i. bMOb.mDHIEP.

Extra Cavas.TSGood to choice 3.IU^.tlO

Oommon to fair. 1.1608.00

LA as..

Extra lijt.i r^it l.utcher. 16 WS®T i«)

Good lu choice heavy S,6U^(i.S

Oomaoa to fair S.MO».l6


Winter patent V< lUaJi :W

Winter fancy t.7il^t^.90

Winter family 4.00O4.1S

Extra 3.3ISa3.M

Low grade 2.«0(3t;).20

Spring patent &. 10^.40Spring fancy 4.3aO4.e0

Spring family. 4.00O4.»Bye. Norlhwe.t«rn S.TS^.MBye, city „ l.7»e3.M

EU08.Fresh u>-ar by stock, Muud lot.. 16 0Held .tock. lo». oir I'2 ®GooM. 30 OOoek — 18 0...>.

POULTBT.Sprinij»rs l.^ 018Fryer.... 18 0Hen. lOVMlIMBooster. 6 O.....

Ducka, old M....M. IS OlSSpring turkeys II %Oeeee, per dosen M.OOOd.00

No.! red winter..

N0.S tad wtnter..

Ma 4 red wtnter..


No 'Charge/ jUttHttmtnt* WMter

mmSMl," "/HhmtumiK'anltd." " LoH" (iful " F^nd," mnd mt SeawJIngthrtr linrx in Irnfth, art FKKE lo alt.

mtOtmrnt »«r>iaeeeee*

, If antwm fail to ecme IHt frit Hme,v invite at

many repetitlmia nt nrp nrcentnrylo trrit- »• what youadvertitf fnr. Wt with ndvrtttrn to f'tt tht^ithey

are not imiir^ino on ut ^ly :• tm\i o^tr fret fnlumnt.

tl^Adti»rtti*ri hist /i<rM«i>i rnp\i,whi' h ran be

Me efieeer Mrw 6i xiik.

THK PUBLIC LSDUMB,Mo. IS £att TMrdairtl.

A4i"rlii*mrnlt unrirr thit heading, no/ exf'fdinfAt*, tineg, to renta h tnt. * ftoii. or 50 cfutt a week.

W^.V N IT.l) 11I..\C1\ llnKsi; Ti l.\iv H nlop>» '.Mr,.' I.! 1,'k I r-", W f.l.L.s ,v t'iil (,l|.


ly .VN I Kl) .sKVKK.M. KlIl l ATi:!) I'KOl'LK» » l'.' work I'iiilii lioiirs h dav nn i ••il irv of

»I2 i>.r wi'. k. .Xddre.. at oiHv J. 'W. KIKK1'.\T-

KICK, this oill.'t.

WANTEU-Tlie public to know that. Ki''i>t(<r .v

Walllogford will hanl Mtssengi-r* andfreight to Bugirle. Canipsround during tli.' me-'t-

lug. 1 \-rt I




ifelp iOanied.Advertin'mmtt iind'r t^ta h'ndtfii; tfuerted free;

but adierti4et s mutt /urnu/i the rv/iv-

WTANTKD-t f")K - i;\|>"ri-iie. (1 .Vpplv t.-

TT Mr». .1. 11. I'.VI LIIKE, Mark-t -ir-M't

for Rent.Adr'rfitfm'nt% '"i f'r thit hrndtnp, wtt rrr'edino

(tt'« tuiit, to rents I'irh uitfrlion, or SOrrnti a week.

V^on KKNT-t)ESIRABLK RK.slDKNt i:-lnV Kast Fourth .treet ImtneHn Markei amil.iiii>'sione; contain. Ave room, and kitchen:

uhI yard. Apply at M. P. Bedmond'. Grocery loN 'piuue Hall. J.v8» _hv


UIOR BEMT-FCBKISRRD BOOM-.Suit«l>;er for two gentlemen.- Apply to MART i Kow|:LI.. JyJ3 1w

Tj^oR RENT—RESIDENCE—Seren room., withF or without .toreroom atteehfd, corner, 1 and Poplar .treet, Fifth Ward. Appiv to

.JOHN O. ZWEIGART. or J. F. Price, Walnutatreet. may8l tf

forM:ift'« lintt, to rt titz r<irh in.%t rfion, or 50 ''tnti n week.

ii-'ar K' 'f-'rvilit*. Ky. Jy35lw*FTj^DK SAI.r. 1 K AP-R'ibl^'r lir-s, rp«r seal re-

A v>T>ilili-. ifo, kI at n''«. I'vc^'pt paint. Will1] ctii Mp, nil.' r:uiL''' niul some other

liousehoiil goods, W. E. KUVSTEK. Jr., at GreenRiver Tobacco Uo. office. jyU Iw

JCosf.Ait' " titemrtitt Hurler Ihit heading (IIMfM AeW

brit aitr ertitert must furnith th* COPy.

11 » 1 - ri H K ET UOOK — Between MarketJ >tr,.,.t and Limestone Bridge, a red Pocket-

i">'>k. c'oniaming a gold watob and other articles,iiini lo N elauu'. Hat Store. JySf iw

LOST-I.OLD WATCH—Attached to black rii>

Ix^n with goM medal tor tob: owner's nameon nii-dul and Initial, on waloh. Return to on-ni r

.T 'll i. ..lIliN'. Ij-Jd Iw

II I-.1 \v \i i ll! (H; I II. .^r-l .Sa'.unliiy niiihi

A handsiinie silver im'dalion watch f< li. >'osl

Ht. Return to thl.otnoe and receive liberal reward.).>l!T1w

Lo> V OR STOhEN-SORRKI. HORSE-Niuevean old. Knot on left hind leg Im>1ow

liougb. Return to REUBEN DUNCAN, nearMay.llek. Jvglw

10M Kl.Y AM) RINO—Betw.'..n I' sioffloeJ Ml.) .iiMii'lrv. » ro%tofflce key aii'l u riiucon-

i.iiiiii.'.' o; Ki'turn »o this ollli'e iiiul re-r r''\\ ;irii. jy27 1 \\


Fresh (rom the world's moki famoui makers. Elegant in

style, there is • character and dignity in onr new clothing; there is

a touch of hand-tailored garment, a made-for-jroo appMuance that

s^nds the scrutiny of the most expert'tailor.

The Clothes Question-

for the Growing Boy!

Is a perplexing proposition at best. Parents who have an assort-

mcut of buys know all about it. The boy must be pleased as well

an the parent. We have Boys' Suits, both in woolen and wash

goods, that will satisfy all hands and promote conteatment ip (be

family circle. ' * '

See oar new things in Men's Bprfng Farkishings and Hats.


m/kYS¥iUJE, KY.

Ck»otf Printing CH«ap #^ CH«ap Printing Good








Work Don» Ufhtn Promlamd.

Coal that euiu. • Pieeverybodr. including thehouecwire, the r<M>k andthe iiinn wliu paye thecoal IiIUm. Try a load.



Am'iils i\tr ih«> DinioiinAlalweter Flafier. Writeor call or tetopboae



Dr._C.J[I. BEClvLER,Hour., 9 to t, T to 8; SuDdayaflolt. 'Pkeae

1937 M.8IS W. BIcktk at..Cla«laM«l. O.

!•••*••« •••••• 88^^ 80


ooav.Ko. > white „ tt 063KNo. S white mUed............. BSM058No. 8 white StHOBSHNo. 3 yellow .....^..^ St

No. 3 yellow „...,„ S3

No. 2 mixed A3

No. 3 mixed i-i

Rejected „ 40

W hile ear MYellow ear....

MUed ear.....


No. 1 white.

No. 3 whlte„

No. i white.


No. 2 railed

OAie.' iHSti

:H' (3,io>\

No. 3 mUad 3»

Ko.«mlsed « %MHAT.

Choice timothy..

No. I timothy...


No. J timothy

No. 3 timothy. .


.. :;t.()oiari.2.i

. ii.5oai'>.oo

.. lo.ootau'.v)

No. 1 clover railed lO.'iSQlii.M

No. t olover mixed tf.OOQ V.bO

No. I clover 7.80® h.oo

No. S clover 7.U0O 7.60

The Guatemalan ants introduced into Texas

are said to be destroying the boll weoTil andI

other pests with celerity.

Bicycling is gaining in popularity in Italy.

In 1902 tke 12 taxwu paid oa 174.507 wkeeli;

in 1903, OD 200378 wheeU.

Bimingham, Eng., has a Hint which in addi-

tion to turning out millions of English coins

does more in the way of supplying foreign Gov-

ernments with coin than any other money-mak-ing establishment in the world.

The expression, "kick the ti':('k''t," as synon-

ymous with dying, is .'aiii to have originated in

an English method of suicide. The intended

woold staod apoa a baekat, pat tha aoose about

his aeek aad thsa kiok the backet from ssderUm. .

Representsthres of the Garman Steel manu-

facturers in London, all of whom are members

of the German Steel Trust, have agreed upon

the opening of a sales agency in London, from

which to control from there the steel trade of

the world.

The fashionable precious tUat is the peridot,

its beautiful sage-greea coloring being greatly

favored by no leas a persoasge than KiSg Ed-

ward. It is said to go beaatifnlly with dia-'

monds or pearls.

It is a notable fact that cotton from Egyptian

seed has not given good roselts in Asiarica.

India and other oontiBeats, whereM tha |||gMgAL

ing of that seej in Esstem and Westers AhRK^has produced a staple of equal quality to 4h»

Egyptian cotton, which is noted for its silky

softness. r

: Points of Difference Between the Paelcers and Striking

Butcher VVorkmeu.


AVII.\T STItlKKKH DK.M.WD..\ll sii'ikci-H ti> l>e I'Piiistatrtl within tiMi ii!iv>.

ll'uny men not rflnntHted in that period, t'ase-^

tu be iiiiiiiediiitely siihniitted to arhitrutioii.

All butobera and cMuins men to be reinstatedwithin fbrtjr-elsbt hours after work reanmes.

No dlaorimlnation In aeleoctnj{ men as tbejrgoback to work.

Nooutelde men to be employed ae lonir as thereisa aUiKle striker who wants to go back to work.

WHAT I'.\( K1'JKS DKM.'VMJ.Men to l)e tiiken liack within i)>rty-llve daytt.

Men not reinstated in that period to have the

rlKht lo apiieal to Arbitration nourd.Kl^bt to aeleot, aa they pleaae, thoae men who

sball go back to work flrat.

AU atrlkers, tnoladtnn butchers and oasinsmen, to he under the lbrt]r-flve>day rule.

To keep aH tUMf of MM tHke-breaksra ai>

they pleai<e.

POINTS ON WHICH BOTH 8IOHS AORHBO.That a Board ofArbitration tie aeleoted, oonalsting of one man ohoeen bjr the strikers and one by tbe

paokers, these two to seleot a third nan, and all to have practical knowledce of the packing Indnatry, to de-ride finally on the (|ue«tion of waffes and workinK conditiona.

That the riilinK of the Arbitration Board ehalt l>e written in a fiirnial aKreeinent covering all workersin all plantH.

That a coiitra<:t covering wagee vhall be made with the laboi-ere employed in all plantM.


We offer one lot of Womens', Misses' andChiltJren's Shrx^s and Slippers, odds andends ol tht: season, lor

Many worth $i.'so, but they must be sold. 39cMEN'S CANVAS BLUCHERS,

just the style and very comfortable,

cool and easy, worth $2.50,this lot goes at $1.24


all priced at 99cSION 10008 AND PBWB ONLY AT.



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