FRANKLIN - DigiFind-It · t~hane, * »» 5 Col ifiilnwi nla nf art. KimtajlCaiiui'i aniT...


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t~hane, *■»»5 Col ifiiln w i nla nf art. KimtajlCaiiui'i

aniT rtbvpftap 'tirr'rc 1»- Into 4wi4a, in* tWeiOqWHt ap**Mr Ur lit tto a«HcOcl -t-ll •— l»i •• to vir(.lctrd !■ ulowlDB laaeiunr the onWanf maret* 'ntt^Wjatloii, Kim*, *t»ll H M ) " I ibnnehMl l hr ralln aofM.' *1 •■**» not the spac- in day1 tor *" eKJV»'to1 va- pod, and v } wu (M il give

-Z Z 5 Z 5 - <-u-rir K f-4 « i-W *r -a llo t ! * * ! * « » ft«» H ' ' '? '*

i%'iii. * n « f '.ill rra| .at t o * «vc“ H -1 H [I HOLIDAYS! JOHN f t GOUGH.

»U* 1 !*• 1ICV ufMiAtbcrlL'fii l.«i I hat 11rt U hi nut


H iv. ROBERT COLLYEB.'___.■ S u i t e Cfear.Qrii.

towti.Dian. E. W. ftaujieni U p •?!*»» to lh* an miaou, eliolev of |gp aunty A*r Uio pwllb *i of PrraJ-dinJc -I ad#* of tb* Cosrt of Ootninun Plan* la t lip w n tf, Ho* filHl by lit' Hon. IW urtl- wbrnr trim of offlrr will *»« rtptiv.

Tbl* b an hppaUtfltdil HhtlWViely "fit ■»., Vy. ■otaOr." lor * t m l im w a WvnV.l

i Tbf aniwOflfcwt* h*(f e ll

(he- *tlct5br,n -of the public to Jlojr

litgd ar'L tMtublul w a r t u u l of

Wu, MASON E tAN S .Miscellaneous l

ANNA E. DICKINSON.8 ew *T - " T f ' i <ii/ 'j t0

EDMUND YATES.Bt h k t —“ Mnttyrti Society"

never y*t had a Vrpracetatlr* on tit Botch **l Dnloa r n t ty . «»l It « s » o » d n d la isiriy entitled to a rtaMtfi / d ie . ad. Ur. !£uurcri. flurine i t txdffidwt of rifMrrS yafcrs.' praellcc u a lawyer, h u acquired 11 ■blonnt of tcgal tiWTlnljt ■ bit will 1» or *rr*1 hmtflt to til* he-acli, j nd rally "jmillBri Wn> fb tttrlo p o ri.n l pwliluii i hr to aim ■ pfltlwniartolnrJ W lc and raltnR, lud h u me* ■ R:."L-J • k-al of tlw world. In bqtb ]Hnnl«|4wre- 3.1. Oar cod uf the county n i leva leimllier fhaOOIly by WBHof our RepabltayiMerida at Ul< (rttirr . ltd, In ific rMfi llt elec- ‘ ton, with Ttaptct, Ip tor I JirMfi ’ i' r for tin,bat toS'-e In the- wanly: and tbr ippuint neat of Itr Kunyiia to the Jc lpihlji win lute a uiblcticy.le allay tbr ftallDya naturally t it lltd >n t k uxisiim referredtt>. and pnautlu b t m W Mid RfKid forl-

'.lag between tla illdrnjfc arelluOAV And. ftually, a r tol u itn r l that itr . Kenyon will p m n > tbr dignity of lbe office, and uiaitilalu u Judge tire mu* Utioa b»“ ban turned a ' a lawyer and fill.

prior I id M i**rntiiy- ,l(3 habnciarbcr an4 probiWU -utr (man.It *>r a«T ■ *•■ 'fl.*

Fata .t»f> ft*o -Etotn»g<i f . A. M. will Kin n toTran to Bad Oil tlhcb-tipn. n r ’ qad nlgrii. Jlnalr br Frier-'* Bj .b f.,r*K.ib it Who, roc Indy miJ

i«* btarlr i Ickcnv *1 'Ki ' hr li5.l of Hia.ll. AT*ft. t».>'wTihe IVnnMi: A i*t*.*i rtfcrtrd

.fiortit 1» i


L O R D Sf T A V l X t R ,I I . ken On tIUI BAMiFtlLDUIlr.Hwk uaTIbiST HT-. ThNl liuoBd aflorc u. #UflUtri.Bid OWrJ »ito Vrw ton), and *1On iVi'ilumlaj rtcalur of taut wcrli.

HJaa Man- L. Kanyon of Uto city cave a pnbllr n-nlinji In the Eeetiad Prrthyterl aw Chare h of Jnrwr City, intriapemni tt HU nuidr b j ■ rjaartoiXe fitotn ll« J[»r- mnulc twenty and Ere*-- KoLltUhaber. the e iW a lf l n>atpoaer and rxHIalct—M i( one of 11.r room uf literary entertain 'iiwnta arranged by that chatch UU9 win­ter. We nip <t|> MUncInK bo^ee of lie i nterlalunirat [rum tbr JeoMp Cl <-J Jrmr *,«[, the lealluii pipnr o f that day. andbare no iH-aluilun.ln aajicf that if E*a> ttunyoi) will this winter <t» la PiaJnBcl l what dta las.1 <AVia.-w.U5 ewaiaf tv Jentry City, ah» will tie jiw in i by a* na- laetuua ™ 1 wW ehtln- an eaulteee* an; rbe bail then, uomitliflairdtiiK the *iytDf tlMl -a I>n»p4rtl» O' "I . i dll . at bout" an»e fu tn o'vn cviwtry and il dvr dlatln- KUinbed vlattor, Oeurye JdacdouaiU. cuuld hear h r nail •■ The Iheuu ul Eacenc Aran, hr ir.ifbi'lD liikir* apnrelhaau dtolKlnt the Ulllg.ihMtJ reading at poor JUawl'B itoatuf the dUrf."

I The Kraal lire hart to ■ rural ayala-U Juba FiRfanof Ouaacj* CJtttn The (1fur n « l Uw.aay It to n tot. Runyon ijbif ffui J pear tor the ilelraae. and ll non wltl Ik- ctiipluLttJ by m l tiiJrhr.nt hO:1 1. A Fa

e a d y M a d e C l o t h m sAND

G e n t l e m e n 's W e a r

Ma,E>kiiisi Gtaa.LaiJ, fcP S2D. C h iirtrr Pcrp ftU iil. I S I J .


:p*.-vlto'‘fA Ibitk*» iu m rtin e it S f

i ' jU U A D S L i> m i ,

n Widtly n »iat ■Will fldh tut lfe» IM|| ll

(tOO.ifthl 0(1

'A^LG,3lG& Plated Ware,

iMliio, lion. I bu. Francli.polaud I'm P-U ft of KUtc, Ihujlncll •iiiml.l lw rlrctnl from Hm . that .»—.i-laul

,wt af-utc TOWeVry bu ipl- Huuiwct/V |da» Two j

. u. lib ptiaqjccitorlj.

:AT i CO ST.•< * « « iirtihir'i U i Bi|m *fo the Keroud I’rr-llijLrrUll Uhnrch

tlowe iraihrro.1. laa't n'chi. 1 taryvandaii- pKciatme audiogep. yet not ao torgeuv use eaUci*laiw-ttt glVvn .PvwrVot- Hbw Mary livayou IfAB artiste whin* brllUaitcy. yiawcr arid flvrllt^iaeni drwrre anftniH

'cJ petrt.pieitr, and tlioae ubli urflbdal hmrliia Jn r hut uluhL oiLaard a trv»t auch a« L|t out mleu ul thin tbt-ir power ui en­joy Itovblr* Mi-a Hnnycwi'. reveling., 1 qnaihttt froot tbit lUnnualr, comprb»laa| U.WK M 'WlUiaaiv. Joa.Ct*rm.'Jl, W. W. KeWuau a»d U. W- ttuat aaag, and « » lllbvitd INMctl PI tbr erraing’a pbbUurc Ur E.1 Molbnhaayr, tbr cvtlOmted win|.ra.i a,pi liulliita . naaulvO prooult andPirfcniHto- TlK tnlwmat n-atn-d-arooni]

,<3,3^310 K8

OHolto#. LvtHETTiCO.

WIDE AWAKE ISanta Claus ’;

has coine to tow®.

NOT GOINQ T O S T !H.raaeawildtBmli. H « f toFIlCK

»- ■ *o»toT <*?'*v W".va uw nwietr wa a*»t.'*K i yc mito uTwaiw Hjetlal. 1

•eta lor Uir haiaut'. ufa l r'lad of Bryiwtol * SJcrllr b-lajlo* a tmrrrt-il u i

13 Acres « * South Avenue,V a n a. a*, rveuv*. *

aa a c r e s , (Hhaft.**-V a i l t o f l w n a ^

House and 5 Acres,- .tdjnmiaa a.ilui'. awl atom e4hm.KIh.

Farni o f 1 9 Acres.HUlKpUt tothri.

H o u s e , Im p r o v e m e n t* ,

.1 the at(iDtl>.it 01 I hr audience '

. .i.nrpl by rfaJlDi* "Ptnl Havin'*' byLoOji&lkiw. walcb antaftdliiWrd riattiaiie lutto pacta, w iitW -Tb< ^baal the pane." By T. B. Al ltleh ( to Etnuyoa mnitinrl lb A dClalint tutl received a ntptvrova r » M ofthe taiu Htiii [iNtbpl

1 b-ir nurrev*! Irn wtdehto latov prOpraa to ijp-lt• tor tha tonnjrv *f Tar*- DYER'S,'ALFRED O EAKKK, J’Eitotai*j.da«iw. It in itartraa to follow dvr -

tiitd 111.-I1 rach piece abac she read, Air all writ nmckfevl Is v^rlllUnt manner, whichpLatbily nliuWf that Mb* Ituayod la on «r- ttol-of dl.ttaBiitoh*| luerit. IliOeOllfaiy cuasriHsat with tbr rale* uf rhetor*1 »»4clucutiuu. RirlEig rach word Ha dlatinci jimumu-iallou. and' nULtlUj. it rxprtaa by ihe IiHt,i;[.ou-Ji'iirt-voice ,tlie very Mr* if era. lulejidrj In! repnaeilt. W [dtoutjtBvtutiw*!, Wiltl grAcdUl UioUkii*, will* I dl 111" ..ragger *t*f utmt which mej>y r ta k n atfect. and di lb a awvetonb of de mam** and p a th wnrate. Mlaa Banyvn Istott artist of raja lim it f*be read tf-

Jleciiwii, iTutu Loteilloa, Truwto-idsc. Hold. D*e t t i l utter |hvia At me cIoho olesuh rea*ltnjr A t was ipplasthM 10 nw «h o l b* <iun«Atu Ctah nap H<vr- • tU ilv -Bleep Uu *Oil Dauuy'a "tohre EaMi.uu'a T .iliSI.C in Hue aiyJc. andWere ftiimtod each time- Air. Mbiica-. u u . r uu the etnlln Fact J'tvf K m ns «*** ilir ,,aoo|.L*j*tl artonal aciactlou In aa


" A|fthc Ih tntol t* *to di« (Me* w

MtwDrvorah W. Bra A n to, « S not, A>r A

y*f ftrant

,uWr , l 'to ljfc|rj 7 ft-vimto W ii»ndy tad /Ve--a nows.' 1w: they toll «■ ' to litf oa» tbfuaeI. the post ft«ra

a tint: cat low by mall nrVlh*cwk»B L o ck in g Q tftiiea, fte. : ’rnw* to. ~ * :• LabaVBail. ri_UJ*ri*tlJ.

C3H ? n a M la aqual nmr.* . - J tfN l - r w d ■ : ( j

Framed Engravings and CFvomoi,w tfli : B r u t i Saw B a ft iR Sljo.

ilffliiggimitU S IJY E SS LOCALS.

Ilw iub mumh* m A T u tu '

g p iflD A Y i P R E S E N T S ,

: A T f a W T I Q H T ^ 7


Boot & Shoe Dealers,

iIlKoranlilutjiii drO P !T H O S E

KID GLOVEStto d 'i n i j Etl'KM, ofBcu In V*l'"n I rnctuy M.*rf, f im t to off rrn U nto , u im d rl hu ||tatoAitJY, * uouMv 1‘nb-i.tol Ito ia"SC l.i.rlillrT'to Sebrtnin.

ai fcnasai'Ut®. E-Umrs Tninmi.,;

. rh-i ftliriij; pew —Tfce f**n<Bklrff. Sui. an.-ut. Sr!«!■ (.

A repent | i i s r i ( ilm h lib ttto i Mr r,™ .W , Imd Uft bn' k w U amount of property to his daughters.H Vita proponed tii raise u i 'i ib n o t t j lubacttpiioB wScioM to pto* Uh b ie M alorlahl* c tm iB u iu rtt T V Misses GticUf hutkufb* i V . TrAmm |u announce lHa1 while they appreciate the kindness intruded by tto ir aympathixiug Cnra'I*. IW j pi.e- In to m r f t the will for tk« doed. end witl m p r tfaWf d*rfip» to r»r*it> any sabemption for their toaefit | The rV4 — v ld i .

“I t will to a stork „ f time tu deter- ; B u tt tht OHtdltM til Mr- 1 'rerlry- eeu te ; but V e m r it n * y lu r*io p u n d by « liberality I™great, by e loan of hi* own ( W it to thoH who proved unworthy of it, atby an Crf rr"rroning w tb d ■ o '* in men's promises, there is. it ie probable, enough rcuuniDg to quiet e ll there p im fu iu ip p n -lic u u iu o f th* oim-ojuoitr. A uJ t i n if - i t " jironum , **rr U u . wn n u t be allowed to Bay that the M ia n Greeley are in the ha El da o f iturue-Iieto friends wh'f will w e for them with anideuva fidelity and anrutaitUnfr tenderness. had who wiJl recognise and re par th* debt of grateful honor due hi their father— ► debt which il ia strongly felt u n nerir lie adequately discharga-d A sympathizing public may confide IB eur atauranee that the young M i n are now the a Urdu of those who will

F L A i m r t D , s£ j-

T U U M t H f . U jEC B u , IBT3-YORK T IK E S .

Duir lit!; a n -v o tr . '# : * * * ■ *D a ily ;* !* e*udar Edition, |1 fi­

ll er'i ju r y , n u ll I * railed c t iH 'if dearth BWertaiovd if |

So. Tin the next morning, t nei o A < to the b * tw with jurors, when I .lord and hie wi children and n fra tto , myi our barkeeper, had to appear S U U E L J .J M M M ,

fiowafi wrought ean^tM tasteful

Baekeja, JteoeMat*.Hununockn and Bird 0»gw,

C t T f L E R T .Cocking b'tenaib,

Utep W d m ,F u lr y Step*,

C M )w « W w*fcravwd W r l ^ m ,

the body hod boa* n n a jjr f after lj- mg in IUH at (*• CStjiHlall The|all-h*er»ra were tfhmf c a t 'haw.Huudor TrumbaU, Ti.urfow Weed, I- Chamberlin. Kwv Pv- Bright. Wm. Orton, » W . Bxffo. tkeplhii Toney, Ihultey H Gsegosj, A- 5- Johnson, nun Wm hi htertK, John E. W il­liams, Senator F& uin, &»n Eraetu. Brooke, MoU- Ifcnnes, -ft. II . Hoe, Polar O. U a k « ,U . G.^Lightbody. Chaa. 8. Htotre did John ft tttorrs limned lately aT^r the^pall-lieorer* came the l* o 'lorethte ree f Mr. Grao lay. [Ida and ti^*uic.l*)[ -thru other a r m h ia df I he Jamily.'killoeod by

t o i l e t AJfI> f a n c y a u t i c i,v k h’ V t i » r puiatH-

h a u t* time ofwai, u d a t la r of prace M l <S™. Great has eaht, -Let ns fcavr swaC*-1" Jr three see to AsteaerubjsciJun* It will cri-lately.SIMf sorely P in t A to* U-r miod Baa dawned nj»( u. Is Hoe I Mm ci.qnUy. and U« role* of eompemttrtly cordlfl MquhtocBce to t i l latp decision of who anal] be bar jjm-Uteol lot the n*xi fact yean habesrd hr and wi'h. Alvina with this mm*poodrnet I arwi p i t late *umhrror o erciir dally, (ftewwrat- Jc sheet, or coarse.) co«Ul nln* * Willo* editorial, which would hew coat thene per, Wri* “l«,■ '«• lk»»UJ hare puWbdii-U'e yearhffJ I hope jmt will ha** t]je**(c uahe ■ few cxtiacw from it, t#at your

lien s is * M«H yhijt;’ )»'!welve o’clock aa I PJJiK-bVjorluiud of itat- ||hl not met a biBgle idhy. Aa 1 lumadfri'iu ijhtreete into the r.til i ig to that in which.Vcj hiJdca, 1 thought if unusual on the jiit«. f l t the step l ta £ n i y. It win on the'f'p-U«v acnwl fnmi l|)iatfihil oome after havir.g Alley home. A llji:-p jfin i that crept by Aningi, throw & ftii k- « of light on thoidjx-iu i f from an ianjfulao

“Citizens' Coal Yari’’;( h r . m/ P e a t* St. 4 f in t lr m S ,nd. literally jnmnietl , and into the

midst of this w# of npturued laooa, came the expected preacher. Mr- MatMuuald i« a (all, rathet equare- built pun. with a decidedfhrUlch fnce- Ilo riace aJowly, with'a certain He+sy dignity cot UDgruceful, looks aroundupon the audience with anptpreeaion decidedly Babbatk-al. and in that re- apect-different from the more carnal uue of hie k-ciurc, and begins Tt sraa easy enough to write that word, begins. but I am at my wits end to tell you anything more about it. Im ­agine that fertjd r lsp lsr u f laainh, "Comfort ye, comfort ye, toy people," suddenly hursHtig into a dead still ueaa from the bighret uotos of am&n's Voice, notes n> peculiarly intoned, so drawled aod quivered and >|uinmd, m> pathetic that you foci like crying, and so lodacvooa that you do laugh, and you bare the first w iB S c r which ■ told US all — no matter bow e.i rated MiclAjuald’e powej a- a norelisl or as a lecturer—-that ns a pulpit orator he had Vis Hero at once was a now prjjeriencu. 1 th-ciugbl l had hoard the Bible read in altn-uot ovary way, and in Very many tongues, but hero n i l a fresh rendering, and with tha burring o f the Scotch English, a new

Aoikncu I’rots ideatiGranl, Vaco- ben'ulnr WiUou, General Sheridan

I t s w l e C u e h a H u M t .A corrm|KHiient uf Lite XjbtiirirUle

Courier-Journal, w riting froth Mem­phis, says i I Inti Hi o f a y m b f lady the other day up, in Middle 'fhnnaueee who as itip rirermeu say, h ia taken another chute. The story told about her did my soul good, and Ibr the comfort of other half-starved dyspep­tics like-myself, whose tardy susten- latieu is rffw u-l by meuna of fried ahicken, saggy bireuits, wreaay bash and wile Irallirr frituira. I ’ll relate i t Vor year* rm6t, as a mere matter ofform— ninuntuug banded down fromremote antiquity— Lho etiiocra o^thr county fair tmtd in I he neigkbocltood where this young fodv lived bad bred in the habit <if offering a premium to the lady (unmarried) cooking the best iliiinor. It was a dead Tatter. Nobody bwl contested for the pre­mium within the ejfibw j ot il» eld­est inhabitant. This year, hoW.-i.r the yuuug lady o f wham 1 am sprat- ing dctnrinined to compete for the jicizc Her name— I wish I tumid immurulirc it— was K ale Janeway. The fair turn aet up a (tor* for her, stretched a esaraa ui abclid her from iliu san, ami about II o’ cloak of the last day she want to wort. 1 :

The matter had been talked of by every one in the E.pig hborltood, and curiosity was on tiptoe. A crowd e 'l l«n » i erirund th« p!«c« Blurt the stove WHS net up eurly in tha morning and kepi increaviag, but v)iro Min i Kata Ucrtclf. a buxuin, handaonie g ill o f nineteen, daughter of the « ■ Mayor of tlio to*n, eppearod on the ground, and. putting on a white apron and rolling up her slcexee, cemnrei - ed upcraiiiins,' nil other httraciioca

iwaravico. isiroler»« hr aalutarj i t the. Soil ill as well aa at the Kurth In auhlhg tbr troth k-lt- and. practiced! that 'Uic im irx IM S that "fraurnal relattnis shoal'] cl, sructcrii* C'lUcas of a consafQo couotrj." That to’ Lhe true lattronda- n o . Til* north rocs III it; tliv rwot# jccsil -, and i he cosalng tear p tra - t lls .

Drillg nsnfclkvt by (he bniMer pCCw pert vf harmony awl pescr tivroujfunn all (Ctilous of (he. conniry. We Way la npea for- rapid m iH h l aito *0fla| rtevr)- opownl. Ill flirt lire wale* all aanald Minukcaint It Is hardly to lit aapjnaad. tIksp cllftvr party la tb> late political m diet had in view sccompliahtiig ipit'whal Jim 'Ikcd to nigMlty brvggbl .Rbpat, j *, cBccUnx a bsticr ui.ikrstandlu bctwtvu"ii NiisLh and ilualli. and uaiqiig, to a rood degree, uppoalng i lrmmli, bat »mh, h is ra w ts U n fe a m . hss hmh slir ac- cempllstksi result.

At the Hcthwlist Clmrch Of till* <Uy me*nl Iy, lie last asutwtb rlctoji* IBs cop.' SMSA-yisr, tor |Mnr. s ullit el* Is.saunas, Q»-. look wcMos i4 MnKvrais I he blessing, or the year, and among IMM uwk promim. nl ariMia at dwell Wroryt top- Ilinraahtlfcro’ wmBcutii" tht oiu- tcrllon of person, property, etc True palrl<jli.;n, lore of codairy. h« clalmol, was a duty locumliratng nil good cftiieoa

Fiagadal l U w k PrmW,b*vrH4«:h. - b ry CtwHis aatl Urnral-

. iAH A y.t M U y PArtCR. ' Tht Tm ** will hare nsjmiwtocf K -mbr IM A n a SU appeal* to n l p r i a l la ­n e insto*. MMf any to esiWy •l« wrry b ix it tlt d rtb , ‘ -

a s a A x r c u u c A y jo v / V f A i .T ttT isu will be iterated, u la tha past.

kin along my Bftvcaby heart.friedly, ihrUnlipg in ' 1 Jticug-ht lhr;fj]eui) I He. Catching bold jdrow it vpwarrff Tbs I, and 1 Looked S'n the ggie Lloyif. TbtliampSon si, making very !. There was ap dib­it of pain, but £' rest-

W M . S W A L M St S O NT O b U V T T O T T B

PaiiSs i PatGit Ifidiiiiirs,Ilf. t ’hapn, Miyi Ketlpgg m ug the rang from lb* kScismltl " I kqpw that uiy Itedeeinrr T lircthf" when B ct ldenry Ward lurcher1 made a rosy touching and effective 'address Thn than choir (angjcbe byjus. "fttirp tisjr Imst Bleep-" Br. Chapin then nimlethe dhwing i<Mr»ei atlfogiang Mr. Groele; very ^ligkly.T When the prayer which fnlluwc^ tbo addreaa had toast fiaia^rd, Mis* T- Worpehe u n ^ w ith tour* lee ling tbs hyuin, "AugcU ever Bright itad Fair." Pr. O ieplu Uto*. pyomiuntyd tha W e - diction, and ajutn the patl.toarera were taking thyir .Ufluns in the pro- cesuion the cli-olr pc rfornnsl the chant, “ O h/W hat is^Ijfe r?;«chkh deeply

' thiiid face of 1 :|thupe do*7 tCnatnre disti Ultuiin. H<J a

TUliiese and --------- .It wa* i-nKuhll a block fr

"■ 1U-trout." ml)a long ah* ha Tying their a'j^hn knew, but i have been fotjffuarly two hoij

trod her d veitj !: I took the Cnil body in my I ;h«i« light it M : — and ran tot loon. LloyrkTwaa standing [

draft ihrinking back affrighted at thu hold denundsiioE B ui tbo effect of this was rapidly lost in the prayerthat followed- Hare the tones and

or 111* rrm*rh* x W this tuW wye tofrcqeiroeal or (tvabLCul, bat A-suh oukfiX'Svn. No insu, as cUjmb or hri Ur. b UisBly ratveiuml I* tills C ■dually T bw Vk-** an tahla* « Bold of the puWic niin-l In toe Soatb * ♦ rally The people vnry largely hfisnr Id r*c*rJ a Bcry. T.mMClItc ■))with dBuili and dhirsu. Ttor-n iu further n w ter- dir inn li'ips. T#i

M 1L L I N K R Y !M R S . . P . q t T N N

. t - i w w ftsteiw iH illit iA r j, Bmmnto, H -U , * c

IGorai n, smlWhile the pr


"T^AXiaiE-..,.IMbrf n-prea Motive bmSifa LI.I tlikb-us f ■ ,*r nr rally.

‘ Aa tba prpaident ;knd his party pai-d oat vast crowd of Ladieson the Lower steps af tha church ptosaad forw^pl to tdCain a view of hint, and it <tdi nslV by tbo aid ot the police lh£t tba JWWudant could

iM riy,n - Tfutchod out with hi'

■ toCMi-. At last * ' f t bivVi i Mpyjfu strong aoh^ng > r)


h e violently. IJcyd was ut ' tire* was U 6 os quickly Eor a Carriagei to get a Trhicj

nearer. It Ieoh ail the polxe force on the grounds to kOAp order.

The time arrived for the trotting match, announced SS tha sport o f the day, but the am [i hi theatre pss Obi ply. The judges .| wito the exception o f one its t. reid ii Id riilu ierl, tbs iimero, all wort missing, and sw nothing cjuld to done. A t half-mtM Iwo tha din­ner v u announced ceady, and the judge*, hntipj men, aaased ffaemaclro*

of course, and it was axtepspuntne- 0>» The tstt t h CblHt'a prttT'T tey hi* dieciplua, ‘*1 prey ter them 1 prey not for lh» world, bill for ibeid which Iho«l ha*l givrn me, for they are thine.” After the lest came cvny' o f his nvsstce stroVe*. o lt in i the au», dieuev ‘fort Loir hearts, that he niighf put thought* from his, w situ and lore mg, into theirs.’ ’ ThooLugfoally 1 dp AOI l^ppcec Ihowcruiou s i l l "gre-nt or even a good one, bul in spit* oi; LhaL it told. Thu idea of unity, q unity like that o f th# Son and Faiherp beyond our conception, but a viull'L pririplc m the Christian Chan h. s ai:the point of the discourse, Withouii this, nothing t«uM (nlurv. It wad! Christ's twsVsr. his intent nod purej poeo, and must y n is i ! He said many gued Ihicga. which revun-dSjiarE froui lhP object o f the sermon:, as every telling prcaiher ilofr., and: when1 he said them, he spread one of hi* great arm* down on tto little p ulv pit and laid himself npon it. UDcq; in the while he seemed punching a thought into us ; drawing (.m-k both arms, then thrusting them *ud: d w ly forward. Hu geasund uc the' whoieforcibljB not sa if itoy wee*?

FU1 and Winter findi,A t V e r y L o w P r i c e *

H u b a i a r f f t t p *tv-nysstoi ii uisiiiis. :

T r u n i n • > * V i l i m .


U m t i r e l l a a a n d G a n e a ,


should reap Jhire from ihi had nown tlqff harvest of i hit woo. * 9

Whan tl.AtosrrUgt- can dtor 1 Uftcd^tho dead body i tore it out. Lfoyd hrifowiBi haJ/sJaipcij '.aj. J gr>l in. >b th* tody, I-fr rd taking bn th* opnoeiieMsc. Much a i

- . F l . A l f f H l I . f r

CAWUA&E FACTORY I| L M F R E N C H ,fortearhuis of the crowd war at an

•ad. They broke through tto topee iiito the ring Kith on* accord, soil t to dumpling, disappeared in a Die*.

Mue old follow, proprietor of asters and owart o f a big saw will, propos­ed to the young lady on the spot, bm he was quickly Collared Uul lad off t to grounds by two younger sapirsnts who nuiln o s sa im cause against tha aged suitor, ana null and all. That young Jady was t to centre of atirao- to a in her town afire the cnoking foot She rarrired twenty-fiT* offers of mar-nag« the first weak, and bar tensespread through a ll t to country aromtiiAn old bachate follow down in Qran- d}' county, with a term ro big that it takes him a ll day to ride around it, and . ante on a hundred hills, heanJ

S U R S E A L S AC Q L ’EK, , I r i

C o re y A a t e w a r f s .iff lhas Kre Tosh Klwa. tar n p a a p

ONE PRICE CLOTHIERSN o . B 1 3 B r o a d S t n o t .

Oirectff opposite Mechanic St,,. N e w a r k ,!(. ARE NOW CLOSJKG O V T THEIR !

I u i m e » i c S l o c k D f W ln lc r O o o d <P rrp in lo rr to e t l m i n in l u g c n i i t o f their building- >

L'JilON' I « .

IS!. Fin, Srttli, Suit, it,, m b u b iA b ....... ...


A F u ll A sso r tm en t o f

Canada I l i f h i f f i T i

Seasoned Pine LumberSTRUCT TLOOEHTO,



English & French Goods.Perfect G u itrt^ teed or



PIAINFIELfi POST O fflt1 MBit. flR t , *




U l . O T J J I N ( tr* tiiem u Um t4atr <*EUaneral i m mjTBtariwiwlj nAHjSl

' tin wuteh. u.v*hi*d #*n**ih■wiiieSi id 1mm ]r willed tu liiro [in 17<9 ) f General th orp WnaliiDjSnn. ( Hi rtlj Bpun the n*b*rj 'V'urtJflpfuirn. mum Rlrvauux, eU'icte W«V° fcde 6ir it. rteoTurj, bat d«kpiC4 ih» i t tkit the lAirwpot uf Tnnr?#" W l t n vu d of one ttuigrto^ dnl-■* for i l l return, not LA it ilighUfnt

C U T L E R Y ,

Pile, Spec uJ Heslitl Limber Builders id C on tractors,

g k o c e m e s , r R u v ii tO M e .

■ !■ l.-eT" - M “S’? “aUor redT W TOTTKQ * CO.


I O e u n l la fn in tr n s ere. tpellpd lo return to frinor. I, Paving and Fil­

in Brick.

lb* eity. * • * * « *| * s

S e w i n g M a d l i l n e f l

TTIE i p r tkiimK e a sy . •

Come BUd see <vs andg e t B a r g a i n s

ette died in IKSH, anil for a.forty-fight y+w* the Inn *<{?Inn mi unknown bit lory. At IW end of that time, but • few daye '(fit,

-B Aran n riyllB^ in thi» ffc-, »J I netting I*>umW||». i«uuii^vi' aa <jti liuii 'oil- *t a junk itoji, whiff' Uwuh" tu rrLaus lie found ttnung-fli

»rtwti/H -uttered a watch which, uMr> [TUikiniimtioct, ibu dianiTircd to b- 'Vi

-■ ijij/i.ot n u l l ,1 ler«>.-rtri Sujh, , 4 jr 1 hmt, L* <*u-rl>- ' “ *1'

.rul u ,)iiu tlv Inniiiid the tinelupi. it lo the feoilly 4{<ien*ri

Ajo!t<'. how residing in l‘ eri* Jb ll .Ml it Opened fiC'd, of gold, ijpli

I I ' itlih t IUC>t end nisi tin oinuiUi'-1 jM-ali*r upj**rupre..Vi'iK « Hi. Irdinufj use, but nm ly a* tCh-

i « “ ' bwidp, Ttie outer oewn b$MU-H* . itj -ulijTt turf MI- i-UItfed figitfv

-■0 1 . ! / ^ , ri'jiresL-uting the imYot i t o firm r a rrunu to th«» tjodl I'euci", who in nunmnniimf! b

*r^ l~ tbl-lm, wlillo over i l l appra U r ! i*rt “kji|>lii,i « t * o f b.u» »7 Job k 0{ reel'll. Ob tlis imnsr uni■ . 1% .TB* ***•*!/■ l«S*hl*ejAi

i. Im i ’ ' “11. Woebiinglun il .brfeft - Tn *"i-IaJlu* t t t Uituure do LuCijeUe,f " ’ ^*-.1 eomwalUa' CupiutUtioi^l

■ tren York town. •!=d Mi, , LWVr.17, 17P1.”; i

A . D .* C o o k & B r o .,

L i n i t E B a n d C O J L L

SPECIALTIES -TEAS and COFFEES of the Best Grades. Canned and Dried Fruits at the Lowest Prices.



_ . 1. D. COOK A m . Groceries 4 Provisions(Ret. CbcrTj' & Union Stn. P L A I N F I E L D , N . J.’ l » - GuwU ilrtiienxl to «nv ] urt ul :b<’ dty tAw nf rharpe. _jjF3A e w F a l l



I d , e c q Z

red in tl-il

l i c i v f . i N .»ti. r'H-.nAjfc. n: nPLAH TFTE U O


P la n in g M ill .


F i E c n i i S i a ' i i i s S r i t e p i e s ,rrewd I name—K. Unhfai; Ivin Tkere a Anr Otlttou Tutu>t It Inqi. , —•------- ---------- i-Vet.w. ^ P i « r T « . f sW.« ; Jar ntol.r4 'n* Hilda l**t. «<*(. ... _ .i. l— i. :



r-rT‘ Mixed readj Rc n » . la « t y Shade, Color or Tint desired.

“ car"witrir.'^Ltiib1? ^ u M ? » I i ^ i j v ^ !T t3 ? £ T y ,mnmuuJ LIU*I'? '’ll. -l,rniiwcr atVr lUiinil, >U| »U vtqkIT H' iu,. ,U«imiM.!iNeb ttu whila with the

Yjtwloa- \ tbu hoap GAf. [adi1, Eaji' iCMravi

ClothingP R A L L St CO.’S

U V efy s ta b leOpposite the Bark House.h a re Hisidy^fur I V , iirh **as.ilj; n[i|il»fT by any une, i

t r e w r a la la ^ a lr r ^ a l r t l h l i 'StlbflrtyiB Euarauwl to kb

•NEW JE R S E Y EN AM E L F A IN T tO M F A N Y ,_________ ■ B ABIT AW. K. J

r u A iN K iE i .n

. 'Thi«?J.St'lpP 'oe*1 in « ,


r yaiatdaagttsia- 7.Igriev UR /•/! 1 huplf merits,


W oam I 4 W i l l o w W a r e ,


Carpenters’ & Masourf TooLs. PLOWS AND CASTINGS.

r . i ; i * in t irnK-run.i u . i t &t T jbe. air. raui oi uak, oiaiat t r »

. ! Dun uurB K ir . . • ■ -

TiS RfeoFiMi ash l.r.bpHiiSii.■rOBH I AYJ prom pitv H b a U i* .

FUMFB OF ALL KlSDS,, !ir .ir ttW u li . l u B dU uiaia.' , m rli ■

TBJSJS n« RictfionK

Sash, Blinds, Doors,KEN YON A SCH EN CK,

MACHINISTS,*iwr. *1 n t r i * Blcha iu* *».


Th e best Prep ared F lo o r In 'the M arket,FKOU 40 to 43 tu . FER I’ACKAtiE tO US GROCEE FC

T O B A C C OJ . A. P A T T E B SO N .

W tio le stii. a R e ta il.Jt m n i l rVfnve I , i | M V MR. |B R lMY Lew Mite .

,Cdr- of Second k Cheriy Sta.^iywBreiaiiuElkU ’ CBBWUo. - ^

Sm oking- Tobacco,Pipre, Mold .re, A n b e n , Fonehaa,

EuTaSA O r e a tO fis r !


G a r n i i n J i W T i B .

Til miCHTIlALFin insurance Coirpanif,


j . n „ n iT X H A N i


w a t c h m a k c rW «Tc«u ft O u t ii N im r I l r ju t r w i t s o w

Hew; Under-Feed Shuttle

“ On* o f oiu strong**! Cow -W i. liie fia , SUus Snp't■the line of tW ru«ilr

raltrwl cunpen;n»e fe»*a PlaluflrMthe pnlitieiaM I t ly*a'„ (W> '-.nly b*

M&md to a demote ituf**.-* p°l't- ie*l laarea end f i i ta -J ;

N w , the e rp a ^ e li A fjlh * efftea- 1101 of uui tarrirri/rj unit1 mill tuig- aitoeiK* wb*n b righ t ibbi oompar- i*»a with lh* \SpmAff arguErynt* again at it. The ly#,»jD» «B<I tomb­ing* of hiatory am a,ra*wat it. Tha

e r . w i c t n t s i« . A U S T O N , I M J K K T A I K K .O ft-, FKOST' eTKEtrf.

P. I f . FRENCH * BOSH.M e r c h a n t M i l l e r s

i»n H ' U i i nrruti. riA. X u, w»» d i l™ u

some as rr frriiKET.ri.irsrrzi.t', s. J1 FltANK :d E INT

l^flKW ODD'8 CATABJiU CURE.F m d a t L««t 1k arts iirftnrir. t w o d tr tor. a. b.

t quality of Mfcchi oa OiL . H IX G O P AT,T. K IN D S . > t* rw n a m e .

n E L L IO T , A g %tm . WrU PS nit Ft H.f.

RITOiYON,•■f. ; e . w . ft v . —

4 [ ©J U W M littHfrwriucj itnucBxerr, PR OM PT FtFTTI.X ilPVT3 ',



FERDINAND FISH,le m r n a u tc it T u t r t i i i i ,

tu!3JT<>- t T A T T I I E


K n o w a b o u tippUKll TUCKER ■MUFACTUR1IG CO..

Gas & Kerosene F ix tu res ,1110S H K D STE A IlS ,

Tucker's Patent Spring Bed,

link* Ihrrlling*, Rrnrp*, . OSchofjle and Churr hey warm and fiiTtafllii in tlift JVinter, Md free LHin.iu tBa BuBitarr Pur ulo ajij.litol by

E .M 1 J T O W tliTHE MEW »0AfcE

Lulls of th*> roiiaf f«rti1» *oi| nn thel*e* of t i * (lube puv a**it the in. duefriau# —(tier, fnay earn fur hieuelt a <<io(p*UitF4 and aug- iqout the Dhlihal wealth etui rCMtux- rra Railroad n end r attain are nHd- ed .to juin mote cleecly fugrliter ataiea aod larnlvnn "itk ij t r p r iu -l. and ti»t>|«-n u|i Ughw^Ji f«j* hut intni mil il l) Tin rr-.. 41tt« moajt ' we built> on.I xfiou lb ii. v*w urnrttd>ta nvfrrt hamlet etui bjf' every road-Bt.lo in a Lll >nr4n<l -Ae; * thu oner

Uu taliiiLe vt FLIuflvitl sjtiJLl. aite-r nn-j it "»>:i hr arith-rl_ IN SURANCE AGENCY,P L l ' iN f lE l jp ACADEMY

• B a n ,ijNW Frcml,)


PLAINFIELD, N- J .Hi. focltiu


.•ETNA INSURANCE CO.ur hakj njiiii. niMS.............. - .....- - *u


u v iit iiw i. A lpsu uN ft «»blee. (<). .u -u . .:. ,.#1*1*F R A S K U N IN SURjLNCL CO-


S c r o l l S a w i n g ,Urm-WH*. Tnrainc,

C irc u la r M ouldings, .Fence, ILk-lung and Tdne.Fonts, fte

lJn1 .’T aiT *sii” r.T.“ l r ' 8hc» ft U e i t .u 't P u n n Utu,.

Corporation Notice. ^Laying oat ud 3p*niig of ChKiry

J.»IlT'jrTf:i!K * T R AD ER S In*. Co.i «Oi-*Ywih.


Ft^U EN S MrXI'AI. in*. f tT **___. . . . .

T h p N o w F a m i l y


SEWINEi MACHINE^ m« s Ligh t and E asy}

! H A S . l i f ^ J A Q U E S ,•nSt F >ktn«r ILnry

teen. In U* rinployhaj| turn*thealjinia

U K ilt’ ll ANTS M U TU AL Xu . Co.^ Or S.««k.lf.J. ' *BMI

N e w a r k ' m u t u a l i u . On.?lair«Lola. I No w .Iei .-*<;y.

OFFICE:if. JVfl .Irt ft; |iArry /(am B,f>t~ncy iioi w ^ i* a. H-. y. jr-

Finallr the r»f ei*<uii>nA «* nul amoni with jlie gvniui uf WpoUicn inalit^ttou*' i Tu enlarge the national Iw>ue4arif>, ■ bettor tiy j*in h to or l«na(of ftuii, Will told to the motrali*4t#*a ' power, and iftui aubvert tin t|ucUa*i*atal priuci- [>toe »f !>*- go--^nii.*ai O u pepu- tottoa ia alieudy .cuu^uwd uf manyuitu-naliltew Vl'r tir<J b> Amwicin-

wad aaeitnitot* thfjoac eloineats.

C IT Y MlI Met tfcowuad. led iR h'|cM iuj a km *nr hi. rroplortf, rjayton Ttey the*pr.Kl-T.Li1 to tlaC city u f Jlij tor ban’ eiildk t-wft ttoeei notil ‘ marl/ mbdolahi. Hi fi^v toarlng Unit Mote * Hotel, wherr thel{ hunt b»l bene u to l fat, tLej ,uu-i u « A ,iU oaiK Um h it or they autM not bit 1q tb« Dultluu ut their bretlirau til i llwhfer to«- Frv-Lja- to ihu Lewie, iht

drntlt bat tbr joanjrr onr den in having .Irant euylhing *h»L-*tr. How- t, r thlr rpftjl I* tkn botb lout, bnl JrtoLe, wblclirrftcf. rr.l Atch, tier JuUIlffri, cllllnrll oto llelAu. or nhat he a u i ta .i t and unotok- to jlrl-r Mb burn Tb* ollMT you til

Slillinanit'K Block, Front Street,P L A IN F IE L D .

CITIZE N S M U TU AL In*. Oa-ihitect!& Surveyor,

f l .+ I S n t L l} , S . J;-. t' »ruin’

DAjtE's’ m ro i» ‘ 'o r ir ra u r r0. EUNYON'S

U R N I T D RS T W R E ,

F R O N T S T R E E T ,IT .\JN FIELD . N- J .

W ASM INOTON Ina Ct>ia rt,i.u i.x J. 'Cftaial. ........................... .........

P L A T E i i L A N » .JiBW JR P^ E Y P L A T E & LA8S In-

nouace Co. uf Newark. N J Cftiwk..l,...................................

A C C I D E N T .TK A Y E L E R S IN S- COj ’ Jiturfhhf f+ii/Tnents.

Mftriu|ee Exchanged and for R en t

POPE BEOS., Agents.

'Ih n llc D fl P L A IN F IE L D COLLEGE■ * o h ■ - , i .m It *

TOUMD 'ruioAtUL, *r. 4.,.; i 5

lie * h ikua tn — lol furdruBbeuneiw nal abuaLr..- l.ngte*HT mil jmt In j*U Tlif I H u n boy. M a t lain* orderly u d t a - c t nn* ented "ton. lie tolonecd. All life polHvcoibCw-c Diem him * » ift.t he 11**1 with Lewi* 1 nylon The police to- j rrrjataloft to ll Mr. lMy iua llv.d to 1’*- ratp«ay. pm tar rob* >„.i tJaokit on the knr-f, . 1 the t.rj arfrije and t«AMini o u t tow rl*-r aikl,** ttoy eupMoml.Mape-I him liwnewar.i Tlir next tttlns I ha* "ae hvowB o ' ibe lmy‘» mi>vciu,-nt> wtoutrout tore o'clock lu thy moruiay,

Bedroom Setts, Parlor Suites,Soffts, T«to*. Loangw,

B u r e a u s a n d C l a s s e s ,Tied*toads, Tibtoa, Stood*, UDiiin,

Msi rrotaw*, Bed*, Itoddiog,Fi arln n . £•■

Window Shades a Specialty.M-L .M ta w u n k r n to. tartaunr.

F.iamutit' before baying eUewbwe.Kit TBUinLE TO SHOW OOOtW .

"ijLoRtiiJt. M•W York life Mr Orw toy

u pen y is the * ben' i m

> .^ . ^ . ^ g b O L N l& C D ^ l-of 'lb. railroad told*. .U-y*rrrr--I sonic ik'ua L-ni»-lujt ibr tjrwlrr on la.- alcujwfs aiM aouo thy l»- w y n t" 1 laedlns d1" t ) f - | n « l lb* * IV toll Lntor V.)rtli1 h il l r r m l Lb.' hritlftr I. a .ni*'rrr tit, puysihl-- to CaUtoin ; llrVyrthrlao It t. ir^r U* rcacl.iaa the to-ton r-i-1 .jftliy LrfJyt- flfterr | ljm i« e jriAU 'l (he tui ,M put him la J»H, a ml the tamo- w is b.CCUsi la tlw »«l^,t Su'uu. Tto- to st -Uy kir. Tltf U J m i witl fur. .who [.sl I Ibr boy s ftey aid to-vt blni tioinr.

J A M E S S . C A R M A N ,Urivkhlnc n i D rrof,

i -i a m n m w o o d MoTu n iira anuMAAUfSa. .

STRAIGHT i MUUIAWJG,m tAi'CETs, T tm n H a ,

C ircu lar M ou ld ings,Nrwi'ls, IlilcUingSad i J bv I’ nsla. to .

hKjSiSSJltJE. TitoSav*1' *"*i!*nir n j i - r j i u i , *. i

\dmdrj! ftry■ J of It.— Fifth . J O H N A . C L A K E ,

p R A c m a i , .

f i T C H I i t l E S JSWSLEECfawy bt.. .^pxi#tui . e r t ^ u n r.t.u s J .


Watdws.Clwk*, Jewelry, Silrrnran ft SitoMn


Y i x t T S i i r t i * f t J f iw . t r ,


they cnabl wot TM 0 r* or; tgipaicj In tto rierstar or sialr caw* IvaJ- it'd M* tto !teea*lrr *w th- top floor. h«i

wlfotr m l of Ihr hutrl ,}n 9 J i l 1 1 . hrn- a ny. but ky the p- ndatyBl effort, ut the kninu* «*l»r*liBjulahrd by , m Tby boixl I. u .o n l bjr Alnua Is tno Tb«

, hu|LJI.B 4 l-a»c"l to I’.rao I w i t u and *ut» j 11 * Parti ad. Hitrbujcl ft ( V , wtM>!

'hate tut* 11 to* wmc line pa«. Ttr biil dl.iff 1* all Hutits klfth, ritfttallic

furaitury, a» tbet^it# esbiwolBp*n p k « u t ' i i 4 IcUwrfol. W *f Itoi to bjjkr of . the mrtuiaaf

wool, SXEI W in . H. BROWER.F L O R I / S T ,

S55 ' BEljJIlFAT ud 115 TOTH ATDfiJE,|er-odto„lt-^ig-+fe ftel ■-to fcjtrt.* 'i

F L O W B J U j b ,tor raBTlkH. WftbbLKU*. Zto,

_ . -to.Vmftha. Or-ch ^ l^ x t o Ort Flftm So

. a s s s S t s ^ s r t o * *

H K H A R D W FROST,n n s r . s u c h a C O .

£ H iatus. J ilo rt in ft ® o .‘ iPERFECTED SPECTffCLES.l l ' W n , [ -------- - j

R E P tlR E R .i C H A S .JOBBER