Franchise Sandwich Shop Businsess Plan


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  • 8/12/2019 Franchise Sandwich Shop Businsess Plan


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  • 8/12/2019 Franchise Sandwich Shop Businsess Plan


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  • 8/12/2019 Franchise Sandwich Shop Businsess Plan


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  • 8/12/2019 Franchise Sandwich Shop Businsess Plan


    Table of Contents

    1.0 Executive Summary...............................................................................................................................1

    Chart: Highlights..................................................................................................................................1

    1.1 Obectives..........................................................................................................................................!1.! "ission...............................................................................................................................................!

    1.# $eys to Success..................................................................................................................................!

    !.0 Com%any Summary...............................................................................................................................#!.1 Com%any O&nershi%.........................................................................................................................#

    !.! Start'u% Summary..............................................................................................................................#

    Table: Start'u%.....................................................................................................................................(

    ..............................................................................................................................................................(Chart: Start'u%......................................................................................................................................)

    !.# Com%any *ocations an+ ,acilities.....................................................................................................)#.0 Pro+ucts..................................................................................................................................................)

    #.1 Pro+uct -escri%tion...........................................................................................................................

    #.! Com%etitive Com%arison...................................................................................................................#.# Sales *iterature..................................................................................................................................

    #.( Sourcing............................................................................................................................................./

    #. Technology......................................................................................................................................../#.) ,uture Pro+ucts................................................................................................................................../

    (.0 "aret 2nalysis Summary....................................................................................................................3

    (.1 "aret Segmentation.........................................................................................................................3Table: "aret 2nalysis......................................................................................................................10

    Chart: "aret 2nalysis 4Pie5.............................................................................................................10

    (.! Target "aret Segment Strategy.....................................................................................................11

    (.!.1 "aret 6ee+s............................................................................................................................11(.!.! "aret Tren+s...........................................................................................................................1!

    (.!.# "aret 7ro&th..........................................................................................................................1!

    (.# 8n+ustry 2nalysis.............................................................................................................................1!

  • 8/12/2019 Franchise Sandwich Shop Businsess Plan


    Table of Contents

    .).1 Sales Programs..........................................................................................................................1)

    .).! Sales ,orecast............................................................................................................................1)

    Table: Sales ,orecast.....................................................................................................................1

    . Strategic 2lliances...........................................................................................................................1/

    ).0 "anagement Summary........................................................................................................................1/).1 Personnel Plan..................................................................................................................................1/

    Table: Personnel.................................................................................................................................13

    ).! Organi;ational Structure..................................................................................................................13

    ).# "anagement Team...........................................................................................................................13).( "anagement Team 7a%s.................................................................................................................!0

    .0 ,inancial Plan.......................................................................................................................................!0.1 *ong'term Plan................................................................................................................................!0

    .! 8m%ortant 2ssum%tions....................................................................................................................!0

    Table: 7eneral 2ssum%tions..............................................................................................................!0

    .# $ey ,inancial 8n+icators..................................................................................................................!1

    Chart: 9enchmars.............................................................................................................................!1.( 9rea'even 2nalysis........................................................................................................................!!

    Chart: 9rea'even 2nalysis...............................................................................................................!!

    Table: 9rea'even 2nalysis...............................................................................................................!!


    . Proecte+ Profit an+ *oss.................................................................................................................!#

    Table: Profit an+ *oss........................................................................................................................!#Chart: Profit "onthly.........................................................................................................................!(

    .) Proecte+ Cash ,lo&........................................................................................................................!(

    Chart: Cash.........................................................................................................................................!(

  • 8/12/2019 Franchise Sandwich Shop Businsess Plan


    Table of Contents


    Table: Cash ,lo&.........................................................................................................................................


    Table: 9alance Sheet....................................................................................................................................3

  • 8/12/2019 Franchise Sandwich Shop Businsess Plan


    ,ranchise Sub Sho%

    8.+ B5ecutive #ummary

    he purpose of this business plan is to secure additional, long9term funding to open a C#6$Cuick #ervice 6etail& franchise in Ashland, Dregon. he owners of the company are willing to

    invest EF+,+++, and assume over E88+,+++ in short9term liability to secure the funding for

    inventory, and early operations. he #'A 2+G loan we seek is in the amount of E*++,+++, and ifapproved, will be amortiHed to 8+ years.

    he franchiser, Ihe #ub #hop 1orp.,I is one of the fastest growing franchisesin 4orth America. #ales last year topped E:++,+++,+++. he chain is positioned somewhere

    between traditional fast food restaurants, and sit9down restaurants. his segment of the marketis attuned to the health benefits of their eating habits, are more conscious of their buying habits

    than the general population, and more importantly, they have higher incomes and are willing topay more for a better fast food choice. Dur goal is to be that choice in the Ashland Jetro area.

    o succeed with our goal, and to encourage a healthy lifestyle, we will sponsor local sportingevents, and give F3 of profits to local charities. We will build roots into the community. We will

    also market our products with local businesses, the famous #hakespearean )estival, to localhotels, and offer catering services through local party supply stores and through close ties to

    local hotel managers and e5ecutives.

    Dur primary goal for this plan is that it help us secure this E*++,+++ #'A loan. Dnce we have

    done that, our goal will be to build value for our constituents, ourselves, our employees, ourcustomers, and the community. We see these goals as being consistent with the goals the #'A

    e5pects of itself and its guarantors.

    1hart! Kighlights

  • 8/12/2019 Franchise Sandwich Shop Businsess Plan


    ,ranchise Sub Sho%

    8.8 Dbjectives

    Dur first objective is to open the )ranchise restaurant four months from the day that our site isconfirmed by the realtor. Dur site was confirmed in April, therefore our goal is to be up andrunning by August. Dur L and 'alance #heet all begin in August. #tart9up costs between

    April and August may be found in the #tart9up #ummary #ection.

    he #ub #hop will turn a profit by the beginning of our second fiscal year of operations.

    We will pay down our E*++,+++ #'A loan to E8:+,+++ by the end of year one.

    6epeat customers will constitute

  • 8/12/2019 Franchise Sandwich Shop Businsess Plan


    ,ranchise Sub Sho%

    *.+ 1ompany #ummary

    Ihe #ub #hopI 1orporation franchises, and sometimes owns and operates -uick9servicetalian9style sub sandwich shops called, appropriately, Ihe #ub #hopI subs.

    he #ub #hopMs upscale concept fits a niche between fast food and fine dining99offering the

    customer the best benefits of both segments. he company provides the convenience of fastfood with rapid response times, affordability, as well as carry9out and home meal replacement

    options. he #ub #hop also offers a fresher and tastier alternative to typical fried fast foodproducts such as hamburgers and french fries.

    he #ub #hopMs concept was born in the kitchen of a popular talian sit9down restaurant calledOianniMs. he goal of the original owner was to provide great talian food in a clean, urban

    environment, and at a reasonable price. After two years as OianniMs, the owner changed thename to he #ub #hop and began selling subs and soup to go. n 8;;F, the company

    e5panded to two stores and sales tripled. )inancing was secured in ecember of 8;;F, and thecompany became a local )ranchise, then a national )ranchise. 4ow with 2F stores in *F states

    and four countries, he #ub #hop has taken the )ast )ood segment by storm by producing abetter product than its competitors, and at a moderately low price.

    *.8 1ompany Dwnership

    4inety9seven percent of the restaurant belongs to Walsh and Walsh LL1. he company was

    formed in Dregon in 8;;2, and is owned by Pack William Walsh and his father Luke Walsh. Lukeowns

  • 8/12/2019 Franchise Sandwich Shop Businsess Plan


    ,ranchise Sub Sho%

    estimated net market value of the property following all improvements is appro5imatelyEF*+,+++.

    able! #tart9up



    Start-up Expenses

    Business License $180Refrigerator/Freezer $5500Bui!"ing #mproements $%5000Franc&ise Fee $'5000%( Loan )riginition Fee $*800#nsurance $1500Researc& an" "ee!opment $1500+ota! Start-up Expenses $,'80

    Start-up .ssets

    as& Require" $1,*00Start-up #nentor $15800)t&er urrent .ssets $'000

    Long-term .ssets $05000+ota! .ssets $''500

    Total Requirements $%'0,80

  • 8/12/2019 Franchise Sandwich Shop Businsess Plan


    ,ranchise Sub Sho%

    Table: Start'u% ,un+ing

    Start-up Funding

    Start-up Expenses to Fun" $,'80Start-up .ssets to Fun" $''500+ota! Fun"ing Require" $%'0,80


    2on-cas& .ssets from Start-up $'800as& Requirements from Start-up $1,*00.""itiona! as& Raise" $0as& Ba!ance on Starting 3ate $1,*00+ota! .ssets $''500

    Lia4i!ities an" apita!


    urrent Borroing $5000Long-term Lia4i!ities $00000.ccounts 6aa4!e 7)utstan"ing Bi!!s $%0000)t&er urrent Lia4i!ities 7interest-free $15,80+ota! Lia4i!ities $%10,80


    6!anne" #nestment

    Lu9e :a!s& $15000;ac9 :a!s& $15000.""itiona! #nestment Requirement $0+ota! 6!anne" #nestment $%0000

    Loss at Start-up 7Start-up Expenses 7$,'80+ota! apita! 7$'80

    +ota! apita! an" Lia4i!ities $''500

    Total Funding $%'0 ,80

  • 8/12/2019 Franchise Sandwich Shop Businsess Plan


    ,ranchise Sub Sho%

    1hart! #tart9up

    *.F 1ompany Locations and )acilities

    he company will be located between Dak #t. and Water #t. on Kighway ;; in Ashland,Dregon. t is the busiest shopping district in Ashland, and is very close to world famous Lithia

    ark, also a bustling tourist destination. he building will be decorated like many of themerchants along this thoroughfare? as would befit a former 8;th century gold9mining town.

    F.+ roducts

    We will offer a large variety of #ubmarine sandwiches salads soups chili chips cookies and

  • 8/12/2019 Franchise Sandwich Shop Businsess Plan


    ,ranchise Sub Sho%

    F.8 roduct escription

    All of our sandwiches are available for customiHation. n addition, customers will love the fresh,toasted bread, and the freshly sliced meats and cheeses.

    'elow is a short list of some of the subs we will market, the rest of the products are broken

    down by unit sales in the sales forecast table!

    Oerman #nack! talian #alami, 'ologna, 6oast 'eef, omato, Dnion, 'ell epper, 1heese,

    Rinegar Dil and #alt epper upon re-uest.

    #wiss elight! 1heeses $F&, omato, Dnion, 'ell epper, 1heese, Rinegar Dil and #alt

    epper upon re-uest.

    #panish 1on-ueror! 1heeses $*&, White Jeat 1hicken, Palapeno #auce, omato, Dnion, 'ellepper, 1on-ueror Dil and #alt epper upon re-uest.

    American #uburban! 'P.

    American @rban! ofu, Dnions, omatoes, 1ucumber, 1arrot, and two 1heeses.

    American raditional! Angus 'eef, American 1heese, Lettuce, omato, with a 8QG slice Nosher


    F.* 1ompetitive 1omparison

    Dur competition consists of on9campus sandwich shops, fast food restaurants, and downtowneateries. here are three #ub#ub #andwich shops in the Ashland metro area, and 8+ fast food

    restaurants. Dur competition will be fierce, but our specialiHed sub sandwiches will set us apartfrom the competition, as will our focus on healthy, yet tasty fast food. #ub#ub has emphasiHed

    the benefits of their healthy sandwiches yet their sandwich bread is often tasteless and stale

  • 8/12/2019 Franchise Sandwich Shop Businsess Plan


    ,ranchise Sub Sho%

    F.G #ourcing

    he #ub #hop 1orp. will provide the supplies necessary for operation. ue to bulk buyingby he #ub #hop 1orp., and our standardiHed franchise9based supply line, our purchasing costswill be 8+3 below similar costs incurred by a non9)ranchise restaurant and our payment days

    average G2 instead of the industry median of F+ days.

    o maintain a conservative financial perspective, we have not built this 8+3 discount into our

    cost of goods in the rofit and Loss #tatement. We have calculated cost of goods as a flat F23

    of sales, an average for our industry. We will update these amounts with real figures once wehave three months of purchase history. We e5pect to revise our sourcing costs down by at least

    8+3 in 4ovember.

    F.2 echnology

    We will take advantage of the latest technology in order to speed our business processes and

    develop more efficient operations. n planning for the launch, we have purchased three copiesof 'usiness lan ro software. Bach principle has been given a segment of the plan to work on.

    Pack is in charge of writing all franchise9specific topics, Luke is in charge of generating ande5plaining the numbers, and #usan is responsible for all operations9specific topics. Bach person

    synchroniHes their machine with the secure server, making the most recentversion of the business plan available at all times on the Web.

    n addition to using technology to establish the business model and methodology, we also usetechnology for day9to9day operations. he #ub #hop 1orp. supplies us with the latest in

    ordering e-uipment, including a merchant credit and debit card account, number verification,

    inventory management software and timeclock $K6& software. Bach employee is given a cellphone for personal use, and in e5change for this relatively ine5pensive benefit, they are

    e5pected to work fle5ible hours, and respond when called in to replace an employee that is sick,or otherwise not available for their shift.

    echnology is also used for routine maintenance and sustainable operations. he company uses

  • 8/12/2019 Franchise Sandwich Shop Businsess Plan


    ,ranchise Sub Sho%

    G.+ Jarket Analysis #ummary

    Dur market consists of both tourists, downtown workers, and students from #outhern Dregon@niversity. Dver F=*,+++ tourists visit Ashland each year998++,+++ for the #hakespearean

    )estival and *=*,+++ for other recreationalQshopping activities. ourist make up the largest

    segment of our target market, at about :23 of the total market for our products. here areabout 8:,+++ people living and working in Ashland. f we can convince just 823 of those

    people to buy our sandwiches twice a month, weMll sell =2,+++ sandwiches to that market alonein *++8. Add that amount to *+3 of all tourists to the Ashland area, and those two segments

    alone will buy 8F:,+++ meals.

    n addition, demographics have shifted in recent years from traditional households $two parents

    with children& to more non9traditional households? as a result, many adults feel they have lessfree time. 1onsumers report that they are eating out more often in order to free up time

    normally spent cooking, and use that time to enjoy their families and to take advantage ofother leisure activities.

    )rom the Ashland 1hamber of 1ommerce!Ashland $pop. 8:,2=+& has built its economy on a resource base of timber, favorable climate,

    attractive landscape, cultural attractions, a well9educated labor force and education. naddition, AshlandMs location off nterstate 2 and the #outhern acific 6ailroad, and its pro5imityto the 6ogue Ralley nternational9Jedford Airport, give it market access that is more favorable

    than usual for a rural town. o offset the risk that comes with dependence on one economicsector, the 1ity of Ashland and the 1hamber of 1ommerce encourage the diversification of

    markets. Bstablishment of light manufacturing firms with value9added components,

    sophisticated services catering to a geographically dispersed clientele, and retailing targeted tolocal residents are especially encouraged. he Dregon #hakespeare )estival attracts more than

    8++,+++ visitors annually. And because Ashland is considered a IdestinationI city, an additional*2:,G*< people visit here for its other attractions such as recreation, shopping and sightseeing.

    Ashland, while widely known for the nine9month #hakespeare )estival, is also the location ofthe only federally funded wildlife forensics lab and research facility in the country. #outhern

    Dregon @niversity plays a large part in AshlandMs economic health with appro5imately 2 8F+

  • 8/12/2019 Franchise Sandwich Shop Businsess Plan


    ,ranchise Sub Sho%

    able! Jarket Analysis

    Market Analysis


    Stu"ents - Seasona! %( '*00 '8'1 ',8 51% 5,0 %>00(+ourists ,( %000 %,'580 '%00, '8800 510,, ,>00(:ee9en" S&oppers ( %500 %55% %0 %0 %*15 1>50(

    Total 8>5*( %8*00 '0, '51,8 ',5%*% 5%80'1 8>5*(

    1hart! Jarket Analysis $ie&

  • 8/12/2019 Franchise Sandwich Shop Businsess Plan


    ,ranchise Sub Sho%

    G.* arget Jarket #egment #trategy

    owntown Workers!We will target downtown workers through local businesses, advertising, event sponsorship, and

    word of mouth advertising.

    #tudents!Ashland has a seasonal student population of around G,

  • 8/12/2019 Franchise Sandwich Shop Businsess Plan


    ,ranchise Sub Sho%

    G.*.* Jarket rends

    he market for fast food is becoming more demanding. While fast food chains such as 9Liteand others in the mid98;:+s failed in their attempt to market low calorie fast food, since the

    ;+Ms, some companies have found that healthy fast food pays off. Oarden burgers have become

    prevalent at many fast food restaurants, and even some fast food burger franchises arebeginning to offer gardenburgers, and other soy alternatives.

    While marketing fast food only as IhealthyI would be corporate suicide, there is a trend towards-uality in both food and ambiance. As mentioned in the Jarket 4eeds topic, many people are

    heading for restaurants that offer fast food at a slightly higher price, but at a much higher-uality, and delivered by employees who do not feel degraded or otherwise fatalistic about their

    role at work. While the latter issue may be debated by intellectuals in Janagement G8+ '9school courses or readers of the current bestselling book, I)ast )ood 4ation,I the fact remains

    that American society will continue to want more for less. f we pursue the niche of customersthat reside between the bargain9hunters and the spendthrifts, and of those, the ones that are

    repulsed by standard fast food practices, lack of cleanliness, and the total lackambiance inherent to most fast food restaurants, we will do a brisk business.

    1onsumers spend about G=3 of their food budget on eating out.

    G.*.F Jarket Orowth

    he 4ational 6estaurant Association predicts that the C#6 market will grow slightly slower thanthe overall market for food services. his is due to reduced discretionary income, and

    recessionary economic pressures in *+++ and *++8. he overall growth rate in the fast foodbusiness is e5pected to be G.G3 in *++8. Orowth in catering services is e5pected to be at

    around =.23. 'ased on the fact that only about *+3 of our sales will be generated fromcatering services, and that our franchise resides in the C#6 sub9market of the fast food market,

    a slower growing market during a recession, we have pegged our overall market growth rate ata weighted G.:*3. Kowever, because of the faster than average growth of the Ashland area,

    d th i i t i i P k 1 t th l t f h ti t d th t

  • 8/12/2019 Franchise Sandwich Shop Businsess Plan


    ,ranchise Sub Sho%

    G.F.* istribution atterns

    We distribute our products direct to customers, both through retail and through our cateringservice. We donMt rely on a channel of resellers or distributors to get our products into thehands of consumers.

    G.F.F 1ompetition and 'uying atterns

    he fast9food business is based largely on the impulsive choice of consumers. Jany people buy

    their business lunch, lunch, or family dinners at a fast food restaurant, and those fast foodrestaurants offer not necessarily the best selection, but the most reliable menu and the fastest

    order completion time. 1ustomers will try other fast food restaurants, and shop around, but themajority of their fast food purchases are from one of their favorite fast food or C#6 restaurants.

    Dur goal is to capture those customers, and to build loyalty to the product through purchasepunch cards, consistent daily specials, and a direct mail list.

    G.F.G Jain 1ompetitors

    Dur main competitors are the major national fast food franchises. #ub#ub is our largest

    competitor, with 8*,:=: franchises in the @.#. alone.

    #ub#ub licenses franchises throughout the nation, and offers two locations in the Ashland Jetroarea. JconaldMs only has one store in the Ashland area.

    #ub#ub contributes to the growth in our market by advocating for healthy eating habits

    via online, R, and radio advertising. hey are our largest competitor, yet they also contributeto the nationwide growth of the healthy food segment of this market. We can count on them to

    bring people into our stores, and will target their local operations through direct mail flyers that

    offer specials to customer that bring in their #ub#ub 8+9sandwich punch cards.

    2.+ #trategy and mplementation #ummary

  • 8/12/2019 Franchise Sandwich Shop Businsess Plan


    ,ranchise Sub Sho%

    2.8 #trategy yramid

    'uild 1ustomer Loyalty and

    Word9of9Jouth $WDJ& 'uHH

    unch 1ard#ystem

    1ommunity Bvent #ponsorship #tore Ambiance

    8+ #andwiches,88th )ree

    8+N Packson 1ounty 6unoys for

    otsBuropean rints,


    2.* Ralue roposition

    Dur value proposition is that we offer high9-uality, healthy fast food at a reasonable price. Dur

    facilities are clean and our food is tastier than that of our competitors. he ambiance of our

    facilities contribute to customersM desire to eat their meals in a comfortable, healthyenvironment.

    2.F 1ompetitive Bdge

    We have a competitive edge in regards to the overall -uality and differentiation of our products,and in the cleanliness and ambiance of our seating area. Dur sandwiches, soups, etc. are all ofthe finest -uality, and have been refined through taste9tests sponsored by he #ub

    #hop 1orporate. Dur seating area will be clean, the murals and prints on the wall will featureairy talian landscape and Buropean lifestyle motifs. he walls will be painted a rich yellow

    color, the tables and chairs are a rich walnut color, and the floor will consist of high9-uality tile.

    We will differentiate our food from #ub#ubMs in regards to taste, -uality of bread and contents,attentiveness to customers, and overall e5perience. We will build off of #ub#ubMs national

    marketing strategy so that we gain from their conversion of burger eaters to sandwicheaters, but alternately prove that we are more responsive to customers and offer better fare

    than #ub#ub franchises.

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    ,ranchise Sub Sho%

    2.G.* ricing #trategy

    Dur pricing strategy is different for different customers. rices to retail customers will be fi5edby the chairs, and based on a relative cost of living indicator. 6etail prices will be competitive atabout E= for the average meal. his is about F+3 above JconaldMs and 'urger Ning prices,

    but only about 823 above the average price of a #ub#ub sandwich. 1ustomers are simplywilling to pay more for healthy, flavorful food served in a clean, comfortable environment.

    Dur highest margins will come from our catering services and large sub products. We will focus

    on e5panding this segment of the market as soon and as aggressively as possible.

    2.G.F romotion #trategy

    he chairs will promote our products on the national level. n order to reach our local

    customers, and build loyalty, we will offer special mid9day promotions, sponsor local communityevents, advertise in the local classified paper, and our resident will become a leading figure

    and spokesman in the community.

    Dur strategy is to focus on promoting the business through local 6 efforts, rather than paid


    2.G.G istribution #trategy

    We plan to distribute our products direct to customers, without the use of a separate channel ofdistributors.

    2.G.2 Jarketing rograms

    Dur marketing programs will include customer9centric appeals to switch from the competition,build loyalty, provide cost value to the customers, and build word of mouth marketing.

    KereMs a list of the sales and marketing programs we intend to implement within the ne5t 82

  • 8/12/2019 Franchise Sandwich Shop Businsess Plan


    ,ranchise Sub Sho%

    able! Jilestones


    ?i!estone Start 3ate En" 3ate Bu"get ?anager 3epartment

    S&a9espeare Festia! +ic9et Stu46romotion

    /1/001 10/%1/001 $*00 Lu9e 3epartment

    50( off oupon - 6reparation an"3istri4ution

    /1/001 */5/001 $'00 ;ac9 3epartment

    Sponsors&ip of @6ear B!ossom Run@ /1/00 /5/00 $00 ;ac9 3epartment

    Esta4!is& ?enus in Aote!s - S!otting 5/1/001 */1/001 $000 Lisa 3epartment

    3eise Specia!s Sc&e"u!e an"Logistics */1/001 */%1/001 $100 Lu9e 3epartment

    :rap-up ?enu Specia! )ffers */1/001 */5/001 $0 Lu9e 3epartment

    omp!ete #nterior 3ecor */1/001 */15/001 $0 ;ac9 3epartment

    Aire an" +rain Emp!oees */1/001 */%1/001 $100 Lisa 3epartment

    )t&er 1/1/001 1/1/001 $0 ?anager 3epartment

    Totals $5000

    2.= #ales #trategy

    Dur sales strategy will be to reach the largest amount of Packson county residents and touristswith consistent value9added incentives to purchase our products and visit our restaurant. n

    this industry, and especially as a franchise, our marketing programs are almostindistinguishable from our sales programs. he indistinguishable handles a lot of the national

    and regional marketing, and we just pay our fee to have it done. Dur fle5ibility will lie in ourability to push the boundaries of freedom the indistinguishable has given us, and to take

    advantage of opportunities to differentiate ourselves on sales by sale level.

    2.=.8 #ales rograms

    KereMs a list of the sales and marketing programs we intend to implement within the ne5t 82h

  • 8/12/2019 Franchise Sandwich Shop Businsess Plan


    ,ranchise Sub Sho%

    able! #ales )orecast

    Sales Forecast

    10 $5>10 $5>10 $5>10 $5>10

    Sma!! Su4s $%>8, $%>8, $%>8, $%>8, $%>8,Entree Sa!a"s $5>10 $5>10 $5>10 $5>10 $5>10

    Si"e Sa!a"s $1>5, $1>5, $1>5, $1>5, $1>5,

    &ips $0>8, $0>8, $0>8, $0>8, $0>8,

    6art Su4s an"/or +ras $>00 $>00 $>00 $>00 $>00

    3esserts $1>', $1>', $1>', $1>', $1>',

    oo9ies an" 3esserts $1>%, $1>%, $1>%, $1>%, $1>%,

    Soups an" &i!i $1>8, $1>8, $1>8, $1>8, $1>8,

    3rin9s $0>,, $0>,, $0>,, $0>,, $0>,,

    Sa!esLarge Su4s $1%50, $1'85* $1%'%% $1*,** $1,**5'

    ?e"ium Su4s $*11'88 $*8%* $80,01 $,',,1 $10'1,0

    Sma!! Su4s $1,*%'0 $1*0*' $%8*81 $5, $88,5

    Entree Sa!a"s $,* 01 $10 *% $11* %, $1, 1%5 $1' 0',

  • 8/12/2019 Franchise Sandwich Shop Businsess Plan


    ,ranchise Sub Sho%

    Large Su4s $'**' $5001 $5*0 $, $,1'

    ?e"ium Su4s $',01 $*%,% $%01%15 $%%1''* $%'5,

    Sma!! Su4s $,0, $*5,* $8%5*% $,1,%1 $1011'

    Entree Sa!a"s $%%,5* $%*%5% $'1088 $'51,* $',*1*Si"e Sa!a"s $8', $,%1 $10'8 $11*% $1'00

    &ips $1185 $1%0%* $1'%'1 $15**5 $1*%5

    6art Su4s an"/or +ras $1,5% $1'8 $%% $00 $80

    3esserts $85,8 $,'58 $10'0' $11''' $1588

    oo9ies an" 3esserts $%0850 $%%,%5 $%*%, $'10 $'518

    Soups an" &i!i $11*'5 $1,0 $1'1 $15%% $1*1,

    3rin9s $1**55 $1,5%1 $1'8' $%%% $5,,

    Subtotal Direct Cost of Sales $',05'' $5%,5,, $5,%55, $5,15 $*180

    2.< #trategic Alliances

    he fast9food business is based largely on the impulsive choice of consumers. Jany people buy

    their business lunch, lunch, or family dinners at a fast food restaurant, and those fast foodrestaurants offer not necessarily the best selection, but the most reliable menu and the fastest

    order completion time. 1ustomers will try other fast food restaurants, and shop around, but themajority of their fast food purchases are made through one retailer. Dur goal is to capture

    those customers, and to build loyalty to the product through purchase punch cards, consistent

    daily specials, and a direct mail list.

    =.+ Janagement #ummary

    Dur managers are also owners. We want our managers to take a personal stake in the success

    of the company, and for that reason we have given them a share of any profits they generate.

    #pecific information about each manager is available in the following plan topics.

    =.8 ersonnel lan

    Jost of our employees will come from the @niversity of #outhern Dregon in Ashland. hey will

  • 8/12/2019 Franchise Sandwich Shop Businsess Plan


    ,ranchise Sub Sho%

    able! ersonnel

    Personnel Plan

  • 8/12/2019 Franchise Sandwich Shop Businsess Plan


    ,ranchise Sub Sho%

    =.G Janagement eam Oaps

    he only gap we face is the fact that none of us have run a franchise business. #ince both Lisa

    and Luke have e5perience running a sole proprietorship, and non9franchised restaurant, oure5perience will more than compensate for the increased Ihand9holdingI that comes with owning

    a franchise.

    ue to the limited number of people managing the restaurant, our goals may not be met if we

    were to lose a manager or owner. We have drawn up a legal contingency plan with a E8 million

    policy on the owner to prevent this from disrupting the business. We have also allowed for acash balance that would allow for a recruitment bonus to another #tore Janager if Lisa were to

    leave for any reason.

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    ,ranchise Sub Sho%

  • 8/12/2019 Franchise Sandwich Shop Businsess Plan


    ,ranchise Sub Sho%

  • 8/12/2019 Franchise Sandwich Shop Businsess Plan


    ,ranchise Sub Sho%

    ,,( 5*>,,( 5*>,,( 5*>,,( 5*>,,(


    6aro!! $158'00 $1*8%' $1**,*8 $1885* $1,,,**Sa!es an" ?ar9eting an" )t&er Expenses $,*1' $*5,0 $8%' $8,*,1 $,*'*,

    3epreciation $'5'8 $'5'8 $'5'8 $'5'8 $'5'8

    3epreciation $0000 $%000 $000 $,000 $*000

    3epreciation $*00 $*,0 $8*1 $,58% $105'

    #nsurance $100 $1%0 $1'5 $15,* $1*5*

    !eaning Serice $%00 $%,0 $'%5 $'*, $5*1

    e!! 6&one Serice $'00 $'0 $508 $55,0 $1',

    Lega! $'00 $'00 $'00 $'00 $'00

    6aro!! +axes $1* $1%'* $1'%8 $150,% $15,,8

    )t&er $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

    +ota! )perating Expenses $%%,%' $%'',8, $%*'00 $%,1050 $'110

    6rofit Before #nterest an" +axes $'88 ', $5'8 85 $15 '1 $,0 ,5 $**% %0

  • 8/12/2019 Franchise Sandwich Shop Businsess Plan


    ,ranchise Sub Sho%

    1hart! rofit Jonthly

  • 8/12/2019 Franchise Sandwich Shop Businsess Plan


    ,ranchise Sub Sho%

    able! 1ash )low

    Pro Forma Cash Flo

  • 8/12/2019 Franchise Sandwich Shop Businsess Plan


    ,ranchise Sub Sho%

  • 8/12/2019 Franchise Sandwich Shop Businsess Plan


    ,ranchise Sub Sho%

    able! 6atios

    !atio Analysis

    5( ,>%( 10>,( %>0(

    )t&er urrent .ssets 1>1*( 1>1( 11>5( 11>%( 11>,1( %5>0(

    +ota! urrent .ssets %1>0( 5>*( %>18( %>,5( ,>5( '%>*0(

    Long-term .ssets 8>,8( *'>%%( *>8( *>05( *0>''( 5>%0(

    +ota! .ssets 100>00( 100>00( 100>00( 100>00( 100>00( 100>00(

    urrent Lia4i!ities %,>15( 1,>5,( 1*>'5( 1*>0( 1*>*'( %>*0(

    Long-term Lia4i!ities 5>*%( '>*%( 1,>,%( 1*>05( 15>0*( 8>50(

    +ota! Lia4i!ities ,1>88( ''>%( %*>%8( %'>11( %>81( 1>0(

    2et :ort& 8>1( 55>8( >( 5>8,( *>1,( %8>80(

    6ercent of Sa!es

    Sa!es 100>00( 100>00( 100>00( 100>00( 100>00( 100>00(=ross ?argin 5*>,,( 5*>,,( 5*>,,( 5*>,,( 5*>,,( 0>50(

    Se!!ing =enera! ."ministratie Expenses %>8%( %>'( %5>,( %5>1*( %'>*( %,>80(

    ."ertising Expenses >0( >0( >0( >0( >0( %>0(

    6rofit Before #nterest an" +axes %'>8*( %5>0( %>%( %*>0( %*>*0( 0>*0(

    ?ain Ratios

    urrent 0>*, 1>%1 1>8' 1>,% 1>* 0>,8

    uic9 0>'' 0>88 1>% 1>%8 1>05 0>5

    +ota! 3e4t to +ota! .ssets ,1>88( ''>%( %*>%8( %'>11( %>81( 1>0(

    6re-tax Return on 2et :ort& 1,>5*( 1'*>,( 1%>,%( 1'>50( 1*1>58( 1>*0(6re-tax Return on .ssets 1%*>*,( 8>%( 85>*'( ,>5%( 115>8( '>%0(

    .""itiona! Ratios

  • 8/12/2019 Franchise Sandwich Shop Businsess Plan


    ,ranchise Sub Sho%

    Sa!es/2et :ort& 50>5' '>8 %>85 '>0 '>0 n>a

    Di$idend Payout 0>8 0>00 0>*, 0>,' 1>0' n>a

    2 +i

  • 8/12/2019 Franchise Sandwich Shop Businsess Plan



    able! #ales )orecast

    Sales Forecast

    Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12

    Unit Sales

    Large Subs 0% 1,500 1,515 1,530 1,545 1,561 1,577 1,592 1,608 1,624 1,641 1,657 1,674Mediu Subs 0% 11,000 1 1,110 11,221 11,333 11,447 11,561 1 1,677 11,793 1 1,911 1 2,031 12,151 1 2,272

    Sall Subs 0% 4,000 4,040 4,080 4,121 4,162 4,204 4,246 4,289 4,331 4,375 4,418 4,463

    !ntree Salads 0% 1,500 1,515 1,530 1,545 1,561 1,577 1,592 1,608 1,624 1,641 1,657 1,674

    Side Salads 0% 1,200 1,212 1,224 1,236 1,249 1,261 1,274 1,287 1,299 1,312 1,326 1,339

    "hi#s 0% 3,000 3,030 3,060 3,091 3,122 3,153 3,185 3,216 3,249 3,281 3,314 3,347

    $art Subs and&or 'ras 0% 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 22

    (esserts 0% 1,300 1,313 1,326 1,339 1,353 1,366 1,380 1,394 1,408 1,422 1,436 1,450

    "oo)ies and (esserts 0% 5,000 5,050 5,101 5,152 5,203 5,255 5,308 5,361 5,414 5,468 5,523 5,578

    Sou#s and "hili 0% 1,400 1,414 1,428 1,442 1,457 1,471 1,486 1,501 1,516 1,531 1,546 1,562

    (rin)s 0% 4,000 4,040 4,080 4,121 4,162 4,204 4,246 4,289 4,331 4,375 4,418 4,463

    'otal Unit Sales 33,920 34,259 34,601 34,948 35,297 35,650 36,007 36,367 36,730 37,098 37,468 37,844

    Unit $ri*es Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12Large Subs +710 +710 +710 +710 +710 +710 +710 +710 +710 +710 +710 +710

    Mediu Subs +510 +510 +510 +510 +510 +510 +510 +510 +510 +510 +510 +510

    Sall Subs +389 +389 +389 +389 +389 +389 +389 +389 +389 +389 +389 +389

    !ntree Salads +510 +510 +510 +510 +510 +510 +510 +510 +510 +510 +510 +510

    Side Salads +159 +159 +159 +159 +159 +159 +159 +159 +159 +159 +159 +159

    "hi#s +089 +089 +089 +089 +089 +089 +089 +089 +089 +089 +089 +089

    $art Subs and&or 'ras +2200 +2200 +2200 +2200 +2200 +2200 +2200 +2200 +2200 +2200 +2200 +2200

    (esserts +149 +149 +149 +149 +149 +149 +149 +149 +149 +149 +149 +149

    "oo)ies and (esserts +139 +139 +139 +139 +139 +139 +139 +139 +139 +139 +139 +139

    Sou#s and "hili +189 +189 +189 +189 +189 +189 +189 +189 +189 +189 +189 +189

    (rin)s +099 +099 +099 +099 +099 +099 +099 +099 +099 +099 +099 +099


    Large Subs +10,650 +10,757 +10,864 +10,973 +11,082 +11,193 +11,305 +11,418 +11,532 +11,648 +11,764 +11,882

    Mediu Subs +56,100 +56,661 + 57,228 + 57,800 + 58,378 + 58,962 +59,551 + 60,147 +60,748 +61,356 +61,969 +62,589

    Sall Subs +15,560 +15,716 +15,873 +16,031 +16,192 +16,354 +16,517 +16,682 +16,849 +17,018 +17,188 +17,360

    !ntree Salads +7,650 +7,726 +7,804 +7,882 +7,961 +8,040 +8,121 +8,202 +8,284 +8,367 +8,450 +8,535

    Side Salads +1,908 +1,927 +1,946 +1,966 +1,985 +2,005 +2,025 +2,046 +2,066 +2,087 +2,108 +2,129

    "hi#s +2,670 +2,697 +2,724 +2,751 +2,778 +2,806 +2,834 +2,863 +2,891 +2,920 +2,949 +2,979

    Page 1

    2 +i

  • 8/12/2019 Franchise Sandwich Shop Businsess Plan



    $art Subs and&or 'ras +440 +444 +449 +453 +458 +462 +467 +472 +476 +481 +486 +491

    (esserts +1,937 +1,956 +1,976 +1,996 +2,016 +2,036 +2,056 +2,077 +2,097 +2,118 +2,140 +2,161

    "oo)ies and (esserts +6,950 +7,019 +7,090 +7,161 +7,232 +7,305 +7,378 +7,451 +7,526 +7,601 +7,677 +7,754

    Sou#s and "hili +2,646 +2,672 +2,699 +2,726 +2,753 +2,781 +2,809 +2,837 +2,865 +2,894 +2,923 +2,952

    (rin)s +3,960 +4,000 +4,039 +4,080 +4,120 +4,162 +4,204 +4,246 +4,288 +4,331 +4,374 +4,418

    'otal Sales +110,471 +111,576 + 112,691 +113,818 + 114,956 +116,106 + 117,267 + 118,440 +119,624 +120,821 +122,028 +123,249

    (ire*t Unit "osts Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12

    Large Subs 000% +249 +249 +249 +249 +249 +249 +249 +249 +249 +249 +249 +249

    Mediu Subs 000% + 179 + 179 + 179 + 179 + 179 + 179 + 179 + 179 + 179 + 179 + 179 + 179

    Sall Subs 000% + 136 +136 +136 +136 +136 +136 + 136 +136 +136 + 136 +136 +136

    !ntree Salads 000% +179 +179 +179 +179 +179 +179 +179 +179 +179 +179 +179 +179

    Side Salads 000% +056 +056 +056 +056 +056 +056 +056 +056 +056 +056 +056 +056

    "hi#s 000% +031 +031 +031 +031 +031 +031 +031 +031 +031 +031 +031 +031

    $art Subs and&o r 'ras 00 0% +770 +770 +770 +770 +7 70 +77 0 + 770 +7 70 +770 + 770 +770 +770

    (esserts 000% +052 +052 +052 +052 +052 +052 +052 +052 +052 +052 +052 +052

    "oo)ies and (esserts 000% +049 +049 +049 +049 +049 +049 +049 +049 +049 +049 +049 +049

    Sou#s and "hili 000% +066 +066 +066 +066 +066 +066 +066 +066 +066 +066 +066 +066

    (rin)s 000% +035 +035 +035 +035 +035 +035 +035 +035 +035 +035 +035 +035

    (ire*t "ost o- Sales

    Large Subs +3,728 +3,765 +3,802 +3,840 +3,879 +3,918 +3,957 +3,996 +4,036 +4,077 +4,117 +4,159

    Mediu Subs +19,635 +19,831 + 20,030 + 20,230 + 20,432 + 20,637 +20,843 + 21,051 +21,262 +21,475 +21,689 +21,906

    Sall Subs +5,446 +5,500 +5,555 +5,611 +5,667 +5,724 +5,781 +5,839 +5,897 +5,956 +6,016 +6,076

    !ntree Salads +2,678 +2,704 +2,731 +2,759 +2,786 +2,814 +2,842 +2,871 +2,899 +2,928 +2,958 +2,987

    Side Salads +668 +674 +681 +688 +695 +702 +709 +716 +723 +730 +738 +745

    "hi#s +935 +944 +953 +963 +972 +982 +992 +1,002 +1,012 +1,022 +1,032 +1,043

    $art Subs and&or 'ras +154 +156 +157 +159 +160 +162 +163 +165 +167 +168 +170 +172

    (esserts +678 +685 +692 +698 +705 +713 +720 +727 +734 +741 +749 +756

    "oo)ies and (esserts +2,433 +2,457 +2,481 +2,506 +2,531 +2,557 +2,582 +2,608 +2,634 +2,660 +2,687 +2,714

    Sou#s and "hili +926 +935 +945 +954 +964 +973 +983 +993 +1,003 +1,013 +1,023 +1,033

    (rin)s +1,400 +1,414 +1,428 +1,442 +1,457 +1,471 +1,486 +1,501 +1,516 +1,531 +1,546 +1,562

    Subtotal Direct Cost of Sales +38,679 +39,066 +39,456 +39,851 +40,249 +40,652 +41,058 +41,469 +41,884 +42,303 +42,725 +43,153

    Page !

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  • 8/12/2019 Franchise Sandwich Shop Businsess Plan



    able! Oeneral Assumptions

    General Assumptions

    Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12

    $lan Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

    "urrent nterest ate 840% 840% 840% 840% 840% 840% 840% 840% 840% 840% 840% 840%

    Longter nterest ate 700% 700% 700% 700% 700% 700% 700% 700% 700% 700% 700% 700%

    'a ate 3000% 3760% 3760% 3760% 3760% 3760% 3760% 3760% 3760% 3760% 3760% 3760%

    Other 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

    Page (


  • 8/12/2019 Franchise Sandwich Shop Businsess Plan



    able! rofit and Loss

    Pro Forma Profit and Loss

    Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12

    Sales +110,471 +111,576 +112,691 +113,818 +114,956 +116,106 +117,267 +118,440 +119,624 +120,821 +122,028 +123,249

    (ire*t "ost o- Sales +38,679 +39,066 +39,456 +39,851 +40,249 +40,652 +41,058 +41,469 +41,884 +42,303 +42,725 +43,153

    ran*hisor oalt 7% +7,733 +7,810 +7,888 +7,967 +8,047 +8,127 +8,209 +8,291 +8,374 +8,457 +8,542 +8,627

    'otal "ost o- Sales +46,412 +46,876 +47,345 +47,818 +48,296 +48,779 +49,267 +49,760 +50,257 +50,760 +51,267 +51,780

    ross Margin +64,059 + 64,700 +65,347 + 66,000 + 66,660 +67,327 + 68,000 + 68,680 +69,367 + 70,061 + 70,761 +71,469

    ross Margin % 5799% 5799% 5799% 5799% 5799% 5799% 5799% 5799% 5799% 5799% 5799% 5799%


    $aroll +13,200 +13,200 +13,200 +13,200 +13,200 +13,200 +13,200 +13,200 +13,200 +13,200 +13,200 +13,200

    Sales and Mar)eting and ther!#enses +5,605 +5,641 +5,677 +5,714 +5,751 +5,788 +5,826 +5,864 +5,903 +5,942 +5,981 +6,021

    (e#re*iation +379 +379 +379 +379 +379 +379 +379 +379 +379 +379 +379 +379

    (e#re*iation +5,000 +5,000 +5,000 +5,000 +5,000 +5,000 +5,000 +5,000 +5,000 +5,000 +5,000 +5,000

    (e#re*iation +600 +600 +600 +600 +600 +600 +600 +600 +600 +600 +600 +600

    nsuran*e +100 +100 +100 +100 +100 +100 +100 +100 +100 +100 +100 +100

    "leaning Seri*e +300 +300 +300 +300 +300 +300 +300 +300 +300 +300 +300 +300

    "ell $hone Seri*e +350 +350 +350 +350 +350 +350 +350 +350 +350 +350 +350 +350

    Legal +200 +200 +200 +200 +200 +200 +200 +200 +200 +200 +200 +200

    $aroll 'aes 8% +1,056 +1,056 +1,056 +1,056 +1,056 +1,056 +1,056 +1,056 +1,056 +1,056 +1,056 +1,056

    ther +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0

    'otal #erati ng !#e nses + 26,790 +26,8 26 +26 ,862 + 26,899 +26,9 36 +26 ,973 + 27,011 +27,0 49 +27 ,088 + 27,127 +27,1 66 +27 ,206

    $ ro -i t : e- or e nt er es t a nd ' aes + 37 ,2 69 + 37 ,8 74 + 38 ,4 84 + 39 ,1 01 + 39 ,7 24 + 40 ,3 53 + 40 ,9 89 + 41 ,6 31 + 42 ,2 79 + 42 ,9 34 + 43 ,5 95 + 44 ,2 63

    !:'(. +37,648 +38,253 +38,863 +39,480 +40,103 +40,732 +41,368 +42,010 +42,658 +43,313 +43,974 +44,642

    nterest !#ense +1,605 + 1,588 + 1,571 + 1,555 + 1,538 + 1,521 + 1,505 + 1,488 + 1,471 + 1,454 + 1,438 + 1,421

    'aes n*urred +10,699 +13,643 +13,879 +14,117 +14,358 +14,601 +14,846 +15,094 +15,344 +15,596 +15,851 +16,109

    ;et $ro-it +24,965 + 22,642 +23,034 + 23,429 + 23,828 +24,231 + 24,638 + 25,049 +25,464 + 25,883 + 26,306 +26,734



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    Net Profit/Sales 2260% 2029% 2044% 2058% 2073% 2087% 2101% 2115% 2129% 2142% 2156% 2169%

    Page )


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    able! 1ash )low

    Pro Forma Cash Flow

    Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12

    "ash e*eied

    "ash -ro #erations

    "ash Sales +110,471 +111,576 +112,691 +113,818 +114,956 +116,106 +117,267 +118,440 +119,624 +120,821 +122,028 +123,249

    Subtota l "a sh -ro #erati ons +110,471 +111,5 76 +11 2,691 +113,8 18 +1 14,956 +116,1 06 +1 17,267 +118, 440 +1 19,624 +120 ,821 + 122,028 +123 ,249

    .dditional "ash e*eied

    Sales 'a,

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    Subtotal "ash S#ent +86,488 +116,110 +108,003 +108,732 +109,468 +110,211 +110,963 +121,722 +122,489 +123,262 +124,045 +124,830

    ;et "ash lo= +23,983 +4,534 +4,688 +5,087 +5,488 +5,895 +6,304 +3,281 +2,865 +2,441 +2,017 +1,580

    Cash Balance +43,683 +39,149 +43,837 +48,923 +54,411 +60,306 +66,610 +63,328 +60,464 +58,023 +56,006 +54,426

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    able! 'alance #heet

    Pro Forma Balance Sheet

    Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12

    .ssets Starting :alan*es

    "urrent .ssets

    "ash +19,700 +43,683 +39,149 +43,837 +48,923 +54,411 +60,306 +66,610 +63,328 +60,464 +58,023 +56,006 +54,426

    nentor +15,800 +42,547 +42,972 +43,402 +43,836 +44,274 +44,717 +45,164 +45,616 +46,072 +46,533 +46,998 +47,468

    ther "u rrent .s sets +4,000 +4,000 +4 ,000 +4,000 + 4,000 +4,000 +4,000 +4, 000 +4,0 00 +4 ,00 0 +4, 000 + 4,000 +4 ,000

    ' ot al "u rr en t .sse ts + 39 ,5 00 + 90 ,2 30 + 86 ,1 21 + 91 ,2 38 + 96 ,7 59 + 1 02 ,6 85 + 1 09 ,0 23 + 11 5, 77 4 + 11 2, 94 4 + 11 0, 53 6 + 10 8, 55 6 + 10 7, 00 4 + 10 5, 89 4

    Longter .ssets

    L on g te r . ssets + 205 ,0 00 +2 40 ,0 00 +2 40 ,0 00 + 240 ,0 00 + 24 0, 00 0 +2 40 ,0 00 + 24 0, 00 0 +2 40 ,0 00 + 24 0, 00 0 +2 40 ,0 00 + 24 0, 00 0 +2 40 ,0 00 + 24 0, 00 0

    .** uulate d (e# re *ia tion +0 +379 +758 +1,137 +1,516 +1,895 +2,274 +2, 653 +3,0 32 +3 ,41 1 +3, 790 +4,169 +4 ,548

    'otal Long ter .ssets +205,000 +239,621 +239,242 +238,863 +238,484 +238,105 +237,726 +237,347 +236,968 +236,589 +236,210 +235,831 +235,452

    'otal .sse ts +2 44,5 00 +3 29, 851 +325 ,363 + 330,1 01 + 33 5,243 + 340 ,790 + 346,749 + 353,121 + 349,91 2 +347,125 + 344,7 66 + 342,83 5 +341 ,346

    Liabilities and "a#ital Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12

    "urrent Liabilities

    .** ounts $a able + 30,0 00 + 95,385 + 73 ,254 + 73,9 58 + 74,670 + 75,388 + 76,114 + 76,847 + 77,58 8 +78 ,335 + 79,0 92 + 79,8 55 + 80 ,627

    "u rren t :orro=i ng + 65,0 00 + 64,000 + 63 ,000 + 62,0 00 + 61,000 +60,000 + 59,000 +58,000 +57,00 0 +56 ,000 +55,0 00 + 54,0 00 + 53 ,000

    ther "u rrent Liabil iti es + 15,9 80 + 14,648 +13 ,316 + 11,9 84 + 10,652 +9,320 +7,988 +6, 656 +5,3 24 +3 ,99 2 +2, 660 + 1,328 +0

    Subtota l "ur rent L iabi li ties +110,980 +174,033 +149,570 +147,942 +146,322 +144,708 +143,102 +141,503 +139,912 +138,327 +136,752 +135,183 +133,627

    L on g te r L ia bi li ti es + 200 ,0 00 + 1 98 ,3 33 + 19 6, 66 6 + 194 ,9 99 + 19 3, 33 2 + 191 ,6 65 + 18 9, 99 8 + 18 8, 33 1 + 18 6, 66 4 + 18 4, 99 7 + 18 3, 33 0 + 18 1, 66 3 + 17 9, 99 6

    'otal Liabi lities +3 10,9 80 + 372, 366 + 346 ,236 +3 42,9 41 +33 9,654 + 336 ,373 +3 33,100 +329,834 + 326,57 6 + 323,324 +320,0 82 +316,84 6 + 313 ,623

    $aidin "a#ital +30,000 + 30,000 + 30,000 +30,000 +30,000 +30,000 +30,000 +30,000 +30,000 +30,000 +30,000 +30,000 +30,000

    etained !arnings +96,480 +97,480 +98,480 +113,480 +128,480 +143,480 +158,480 +173,480 +198,480 +223,480 +248,480 +273,480 +298,480!arnings +0 +24,965 +47,607 +70,640 +94,069 +117,897 +142,129 +166,767 +191,816 +217,280 +243,163 +269,469 +296,203

    'otal "a#ital +66,480 +42,515 +20,873 +12,840 +4,411 +4,417 + 13,649 + 23,287 + 23,336 +23,800 + 24,683 +25,989 +27,723

    'otal L iabi li ties and "a#ital +244,500 +329,851 +325,363 +330,101 +335,243 +340,790 +346,749 +353,121 +349,912 +347,125 +344,766 +342,835 +341,346

    Net Worth +66,480 +42,515 +2 0,873 +12,840 +4,411 +4,417 + 13,649 +23,287 +23,33 6 +23 ,800 +24,6 83 +2 5,9 89 +27 ,723

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