FORUS, ed.3: March - May 2016


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“The word on Recovery by people in Recovery” March—May 2016

Focus On Recovery United support

FORUS Recovery Magazine

Third Edition



Page 2…...…..……..New Social Media


Page 3…….…New Mutual Aid Groups

(Lodge Road, West Smethwick Park,


Page 4.….…………….Spring Recovery

(Exercise, poetry, breaks & word search)

Page 5………….…………..Get Creative

(Jack’s Story, Art)

Page 6….…………..…Moving Forward

(The Recovery College)

Page 7…..………...….…Did You Know

(Before/After & Drug Facts)

Page 8….……....…An Interview With

(Jude Bolton & Leanne)

Page 9.……...….What Is Mindfulness

(Colouring & mindfulness breathing)

Page 10……………..Frequently Asked

Questions (FAQ & wordsearch solution)

Page 11………....Hygiene and Health

(Naloxone Training & Hills Pharmacy)


IRiS Sandwell on

Social Media


Iris Sandwell


Follow us to:

Get updates about the service first;

Engage in discussions;

Ask questions and leave your feedback;

Get to know us better!


New Mutual Aid Groups Lodge Road/West Smethwick Park/Alberta Building


Rethink Recovery (Every 2 weeks)

Tuesday 01st March onwards

Rethink Recovery is a 6 week group work

program spread over 12 weeks.

Whilst empowering and helping individuals

into recovery our prime objective is that all attendees will have a better understanding of “Recovery” and how this can be applied to

their personal treatment journey.

On completion of all sessions a certificate

will be given.


Play and Stay (Every Thursday)

Our play and stay parents recovery group is

a safe space where people can bring their

children and get support from IRiS staff and

meet other parents in recovery.

There are children's toys and games

provided and you are welcome to bring kids

aged 0-5 yrs old term time and 0-10 yrs old

out of term time. Please speak to your

keyworker for referral.

A family friendly environment

Parenting advice

Support around your recovery

Toys and games

Child friendly activities

Debt and financial advice

Tea, coffee and biscuits

All groups will be joint run with Inclusion

Telephone: 0121 553 2013

Lodge Road

West Bromwich

B70 8PJ

Pool Club + Recovery

(Every Monday)

Football club + Recovery

(Every Wednesday)

We have now launched Pool and Football

clubs at Lodge Road community centre!

All pool tables are completely FREE

to play

5 a side football is FREE

Hot drinks are provided

Service users are welcome to drop in

during this time, no appointment


There will be a worker/peer mentor

on site to

talk to at

any time.

LODGE ROAD (Community centre)

For more information please contact Chris Cole or Leon

Barrett on 0121 553 1333


Spring Recovery


Spring time is approaching which means sunnier weather and longer days.

It is a great time of year to go outside and get involved with your community. While the sun

is out why not try some physical activities such as public walks?

Mytime Active Sandwell Stride has been running for over 12 years!

Regular walkers get together in the company of others and walk in various

Sandwell parks and nature reserves. They have regular walks in Oldbury,

Rowley Regis, Tipton, Smethwick, West Bromwich and Wednesbury.

If you live in Sandwell, there is a walk near you! The walks are open to all

and are a great way to meet new people, make friends and have fun!

Search for Sandwell Stride on both Facebook and Instagram”.

For a timetable of dates and times visit:


Spring is a miraculous experience. The

whole world comes alive after the winter in

which it seemed that everything was dead.

The world comes filled with colour and the

scent of delicious greenery. The world that

seemed so dull and cold has come alive once

again. Little did we know that beneath the

cold hard ground the plants and trees were

preparing for rebirth. Spring gives us hope

for rejuvenation in our own lives as well.

Spring is a time to renew the excitement

and zest for life that lives inside.


Spring Bank Holidays

March 25th

March 28th

May 2nd

Get Creative Creative Writing, Art & Poetry

Jack S


My name is Jack and I am 27 years old. Since the age of 13 I was a

drug addict.

I have been clean since August 7th 2015.

At the age of 18 I started training for the army, where I began my

career in the Infantry.

This job required me to have high fitness levels, this is when

I began to really enjoy fitness and going to the gym etc…

Now that I am drug free I can use this past passion and discipline.

I am learning to focus on positive things and keep myself busy.

I realise now that boredom was definitely a major trigger for me.

Not having something meaningful to do with my time was a key

part of my initial drug use.

Currently I put my time into fulltime work, physical exercise and

getting things done.

I take part in the peer support groups here at IRiS when I can, and

feel that the Peer Mentoring programme is giving me something to

work towards.


Moving Forward Keep learning

The Recovery college The Trust has developed an exciting new mental health initiative, The

Recovery College - aiming to support people on their journey to recovery.

The principles of the Recovery College are to enable people with mental health challenges to have the same opportunities in life as everyone else.

The aim is to support people on their personal journey towards a meaningful

and satisfying life, where hope, opportunity and choice are the key elements.

The college aims to help people to become experts in their own self-care,

and enable family, friends, carers and staff to better understand mental health so that they can best help people towards recovery.

Courses are co-produced with users, carers and professionals working in


Who can attend?

Anyone over the age of 18, who has

received services delivered by Black

Country Partnership NHS Foundation


Supporters of students; family,

friends and loved ones.

BCPFT staff, experts by experience,

and volunteers


The Sandwell Recovery College

Black Country Partnership NHS Trust

Quayside House

Rounds Green Road


B69 2DG

For more information:


Speak to your keyworker


Comedian Richard Pryor (inset) suffered 3rd

degree burns to over half his body from a gas

explosion which occurred whilst cooking up


Krokodil is popular in Russia as a cheap

home-made alternative to heroin. A side effect

of prolonged use causes users to develop scaly

skin (hence the name). Heavy use causes skin

to rot away from the bone.

Dimethylheptylpyran or DMHP was a

synthetic cannabis produced by the American

military during the 1950’s at Edgewood

Arsenal. Tests discovered just 1mg dose

incapacitated soldiers for up to 3 days. DMHP

was developed as a non lethal weapon until it

was plugged in 1970.

Actor Charlie Sheen accidently shot his fiancé

Kelly Preston after mixing cocaine and alcohol


Entorphine is a semi-synthetic opioid that is

3000 times more powerful than morphine.

Entorphine is so potent it can kill a human

merely from skin contact!

Police in Charlestown, West Virginia found

Mark Thompson wandering in the woods in bra

and panties soaked in the blood of his next

door neighbours goat….which he had

kidnapped and killed in his bedroom after

ingesting bath salts.

Bromo-dragonfly is a drug that is named

because its molecular structure looks like a

dragonfly. Bromo-dragonfly is sometimes sold

as LSD, because it’s active at low enough doses

to be put on a tab. While an LSD trip usually

lasts a few hours, Bromo-dragonfly can be

active for up to 3 days!!

Whitney Houston

Macauley Culkin

Pete Doherty

Lisa Robin Kelly

(70’s Show)

Before and



An Interview with-

Leanne (IRiS Service User)

+ Briefly describe your recovery journey:

My recovery journey has taken me far from how I used to be. My keyworker Kellie has played a great

part being there for me when I felt down and needed support. I also got involved with the Recovery

College for support with my mental health. This helps with my confidence and makes going out by

myself easier.

+ What do you feel has been most integral to your current successes?

I feel the constant support from IRiS in terms of group-work and the support from volunteers at the

breakfast club have helped me to keep going. The Recovery College helped bring structure to my day

and motivated me to be alcohol free.

+ What does recovery mean to you?

I feel that without the support of IRiS, I would definitely still be drinking, committing crime and self

harming. Being in recovery has pulled me away from the way I was living, now I look after myself,

eating healthy and exercising more. Most of all, I am now alcohol free!

+ Give one piece of advice to someone struggling with their own recovery:

IRiS has all the help and support you need. I was in a really dark place and now I enjoy life being

alcohol free. If you’re struggling the help is there, just refer yourself and get the support that has

helped me.

Jude Bolton (IRiS Case Progression Worker)

+ What do you feel is the most rewarding aspect of your job?

Seeing people change; no matter how small the change it is great to see the positive impact it can

have not only on the individual but on all the people who are involved with the person on their

journey through life also when a colleague makes me

a cup of tea!

+ What is your happiest memory?

Cliché, but the birth of my daughter, after being told

for 9 months you can’t do this and you must not do

that to finally have her arrive and be so perfect it was

worth every sacrifice made and more. She also

continues to be my greatest achievement, every day

watching her develop and turn into a better, more

Intelligent but less weird mini-me is just amazing.

+ Favourite quote, saying or philosophy:

“Life is like a box of chocolates, you never known what you’re gonna get”. 3 reasons, 1st class film

which never fails to make me laugh and cry (sometimes simultaneously) and also accompanied by an

awesome sound track. 2) It is very true, and means whatever occurs to us in life we must face the

challenge and 3) It’s about chocolates, always good.

+ If you could have any super power, what would it be? and why?

I would like to be able to control time and have dominion over the past, present and future. So, I

could right wrongs, prevent atrocities or wreak havoc depending upon the mood I’m in on that day.



Mindfulness is about being present and in the moment so that we can thoughtfully act and

behave rather than working on auto-pilot out of habit.

Mindfulness can help us better observe ourselves without being judgemental and over critical.

This can then help us respond better to situations and master our own behaviour. Practicing

mindfulness improves our ability to be present in our day to day life and improve our overall


The benefits of Mindfulness include being able to:

Recognise, slow down or stop automatic

and habitual reactions.

Respond more effectively to complex or

difficult situations.

See situations more clearly.

Become more creative.

Achieve balance and resilience at work and

at home.

Adult colouring is one method of

mindfulness therapy that can be used to

achieve some of the above benefits.

By being focused on such simple acts the mind

can become free from the buzz of thoughts

and therefore helping an individual to feel

calm and present in what they are doing. The

aim then being that the mind may freely run

over thoughts in a relaxed manner, this

bringing clarity and perspective.

Another mindfulness technique is “Mindfulness Breathing”.

This exercise can be done standing up or sitting down, and pretty much anywhere at any time.

All you have to do is be still and focus on your breath for just one minute.

Start by breathing in and out slowly. One cycle should last for approximately 6 seconds.

Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth, letting your breath flow effortlessly

in and out of your body.

Let go of your thoughts for a minute. Let go of things you have to do later today or pending

projects that need your attention. Simply let yourself be still for one minute.

Purposefully watch your breath, focusing your senses on its pathway as it enters your body and

fills you with life, and then watch it work its way up and out of your mouth as its

energy dissipates into the world.

For more mindfulness techniques visit:

What is mindfulness?


Does IRiS support with travel?

Travel is not reimbursed by IRiS. However attendance to the FORUS meetings is

rewarded with a 1 day scratch off day saver. This funded by Rights & Equality


Reception staff are available to call Taxi’s at their discretion and can help out with

any public transport guidance.

We have a bike parking area that is covered by a camera. Please ask for a bike lock

at reception.

How do I access groups and services?

Many of the groups are open to service users and do not require appointment. For

services such as acupuncture or “think and change” please ask at reception for

further info and speak to your keyworker to book on to them.

I have a friend who wants to get help. Is their postcode covered by


IRiS covers the entire borough of Sandwell. To check your local authority please


Do we provide refreshments?

Service users have access to a water cooler in

reception. Hot drinks are provided only during

groups/meetings. Additionally: Friday mornings

10-12 we have a breakfast club open to all service


Can I bring my children with me?

We try to make the reception a child friendly area

and toys are available. If you need to bring your

children with you to appointments please check this

your keyworker beforehand. We do run a Play and

Stay group for parents and children, (see page 3).

Frequently Asked



Hygiene & Health

Complete a 15 minute Naloxone training course at IRiS and you can take a kit home the same day!

Most overdose deaths

occur in the company of


Heroin overdose deaths

occur within 1-3 hours

of overdose.

Naloxone is a synthetic

drug that can be used to

reverse the effect of

opioids such as heroin.

Do you know what to do in

the event of an overdose?

Would you like to be trained

to save a life?

Do you know the signs of


Ever overdosed or know

anyone that has?

As of 11/02/16 180+ IRiS service users have been trained in overdose

prevention and given Naloxone kits.

Naloxone Training

Hills Pharmacy

(Within Hilltop Medical Centre)

Free Health Check Service

The pharmacy offers access to a Keito health monitor machine

allowing you to check your weight, BMI, blood pressure, heart Rate

and body fat.

Tailored lifestyle advice and diet plans are also available.

Free Hygiene packs



Lip balm


Bar of Soap

Hand Sanitizer



15 Hilltop Road


B68 9DUTel: 0121

423 3105

Opening Times

Mon- Fri..... 7:00am- 10.00pm

Sat............ 7:00am - 9:00pm

Sun............ 7:00am - 6:00pm

If you are not one of these people please consider whether being Naloxone trained

could benefit you or those around you.


IRiS Sandwell is delivered in partnership by Cranstoun, Inclusion Drug Alcohol &

Psychological Services (special directorate of South Staffordshire & Shropshire Healthcare

NHS Foundation Trust) and Kaleidoscope+. These three organisations provide a range of

services for drug and alcohol users in the Metropolitan Borough of Sandwell.


Registered Charity No. 1061582

Inclusion Drug, Alcohol & Psychological Services


Registered Charity No. 1096473

IRiS Sandwell

Alberta Building

128b Oldbury Road


West Midlands

B66 1JE

Tel: +44 (0)121 553 1333

Fax: +44 (0)121 358 9630


“FORUS is an

independent group of people with lived

experience of recovery who are supported

and hosted by IRiS Sandwell”
