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ABBOTT, H E N R Y B.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted, August 22,1861, at Wilton, Conn., to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, August 26, 1861; transferred to Co. K, no date; dis­charged for disability, September 16, 1862.

ABBOTT, JOHN G.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted, July 30, 1861, at May's Landing, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as sergeant, Co. I), August 21, 1861; wounded in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C.; died of his wounds, no date, at Fort Schuyler, N. Y.

ABRAMS, AUGUSTUS.—Age, IS years. Enlisted, at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , August 27, 1861; transferred to Co. F, no date; died, January 11, 1862, at Fort Pulaski, Ga., as Charles A. Abrams.

ABRAMS, SMITH.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as corporal, Co. E , August 27, 1861; discharged for disability, October 18, 1861.

ACKER, HENRY.—Age, 23 years. Enrolled, August 6, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. K, August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. C, no date; promoted first sergeant, no date; mustered in as second lieutenant, Co. D, May 23, 1863; transferred to Co. E , November 1, 1863; mus­tered in as first lieutenant, Co. K, January 21, 1861; mustered out, November 12, 1864, at Fort Fisher, N. G ; commissioned' second lieutenant, August 28, 1863, with rank from May 22, 1863, vice J . M. Tantum, promoted; first lieutenant, February 6, 1864, with rank from August 28, 1863, vice S. F . Moser, pro­moted.

A C K E R L E Y , N A T H A N I E L S.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted, August 1, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as corporal, Co. K, August 16, 1861; wounded in action, July 18, 1863, at Foirt Wagner, S. C ; returned to ranks, no date; discharged for wounds, November 16, 1863, from McDougall Hospital at Fort Schuyler, N. Y . ,

F O R T Y - E I G H T H I N F A N T R Y . 801

A D A M S , H E N R Y , see Henry Addams.

A D A M S , V A L E N T I N E . — P r i v a t e , Co. E , One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. A , this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out wi th company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N . C.

A D D A M S , H E N R Y . — A g e , 19 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. K , August 29, 1863; captured i n action, August 16, 1861, at Strawberry Plains, V a . ; escaped and returned to duty, March 22, 1865;pro­moted corporal, March 26, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N . C , as Adams.

A D D Y E , J A M E S H .—Age , 21 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H , January 18, 1865; absent, sick, in hospital at muster-out of company.

A E U R B A C H , A D O L P H . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. C, A p r i l 24, 1862; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, January 1, 1865, as Aurback.

A I R E Y , W I L L I A M E.—Age , 26 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G-, October 3, 1861; promoted corporal, no date; sergeant, February 2, 1863; returned to ranks, February 24, 1864; wounded, no date; discharged for his wounds, September 8, 1864, at David's Island, N . Y .

A L B E R T , C H A R L E S . — A g e , 28 years. Enlisted, September 2, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. B , September 5, 1861; transferred to Oo. C, no date; discharged, September 20, 1861.

A L B U R T I S , W I L L I A M H.—Age , 15 years. Enlisted at Fort Pulask i , Ga. , to serve three years, and mustered in as private, C o F , January 29, 1863; mustered out with company, Septem­ber 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N . C.

A L D R I C H , H E N R Y . — A g e , 26 years. Enlisted at Thirty-first Congressional District , to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, February 21, 1865; mustered out with com­pany, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N . C , as Henry Aldrige.


892 REPORT OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

A L E X A N D E R , WILLIAM.—Age, 44 years. Enlisted at Brook­lyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, September 4,1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; sick in hospital at muster-out of company.

ALGIERS, JAMES.—Private, Co. G, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. D, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

ALLDIS, HENRY.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted, August. 26, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. E , August 27, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, Decem­ber 22, 1863; killed in action, July 27, 1861, near Petersburg, Va., as Aldis.

A L L E N , CHARLES.—Age, 42 years. Enlisted, August 23, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as corporal, Co. G, August 26, 1861; returned to ranks, no date; transferred to Oo. B, October 15, 1861; died of disease, September 4, 1863, at Fort Clinch, Fla.

A L L E N , ENOCH.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, September 2, 1861, at Harrisonville, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Go. B, September 5, 1861; transferred to Co. D, no date; killed in action, May 19, 1864, near Bermuda Hundred, Va.

A L L E N , JEREMIAH.—Age, 28 years. Enlisted, September 3, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Go. B, September 5, 1861; transferred to Co. H, no date; killed in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. G.

A L L E N , JOSEPH.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 24, 1861, at Brick, to serve three years; mustered in as corporal, Co. G, August 26, 1861; transferred to Co. H, and returned to ranks, no date; killed in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C.

A L L E N , WILLIAM H.—Age, 31 years. Enlisted, July 25, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as sergeant, Co. I, August 16, 1861; wounded in action, June 1, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va; . discharged at expiration term of service.


ALLISIER, JACQUES.—Corporal, Co. I, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. I, this regiment, and returned to ranks, January 30, 1864; wounded and captured in action, February 20, 1863, at Olustee, Fla.; died of his wounds, while a prisoner of war; also borne as Alligier and as Louis Alligier.

AMES, J O E L C—Age, 29 years. Enlisted, August 21, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , August 27,1861; transferred to Co. A, no date; wounded in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; died of his wounds, August 9, 1863, in hospital at Hilton Head, S. 0.

AMONS, HENRY.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, September 8,1861, at West Farms, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B, September 10, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, January 20,1861; mustered out, August 12, 1865, at New York city, as Anion.

ANDERSON, FRANK.—Private, Co. K, One Hundred and Sev­enteenth Infantry; transferred to Co. E , this regiment, June 9, 1865; promoted corporal, August 21, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

ANDERSON, HAMILTON E.—Age, 27 years. Enrolled at Wil­mington, N. C , to serve three years, and mustered in as first lieutenant, Co. B, March 9, 1865; discharged, April 6, 1865; prior service in One Hundred and Eighty-eighth Pennsylvania Volunteers; commissioned first lieutenant, November 30, 1861, with rank from September 12, 1861, vice R. Edwards, dis­charged.

ANDERSON, HENRY.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Poughkeep-sie, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, January 16, 1865; deserted, June 5, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

ANDERSON, HJALMAR.—Age, 21 years. Enrolled at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, September 21, 1863; promoted sergeant, November 7, 1863; wounded in action, February 20, 1864, at Olustee, Fla.; discharged for wounds, July 10, 1864, as Hgalmar Anderson; commissioned second lieutenant, not mustered, June 23, 1864, with rank from May 16,1864, vice A. Lippencott, promoted.

894 REPORT OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

ANDERSON, JOHN.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, August 31, 1863; absent in hospital, at Annapolis, Md., at muster-out of company.

ANDERSON, P E T E R F.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, July 25, 1861, at Trenton, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. D, August 21, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, Feb­ruary 29, 1864; promoted sergeant, May 1, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

ANDERSON, ROBERT.—Age, 27 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , August 27, 1861; wounded in action, July IS, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; re-enlisted as a veteran, Decem­ber 22, 1863; wounded in action, May 16, 1864, at Drewry's Bluff, Ya. ; mustered out with company, September 1,1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

ANDREWS, JOHN.—Private, Co. E , One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. A , this regiment, June 9, 1865; deserted, as of One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry.

ANDREWS, WILLIAM.—Age, 18 years. .Enlisted, July 26,1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, August 16,1861; transferred to Co. E , no date; appointed musician, no date; wounded in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; returned to company as private, no date; dis­charged at expiration of term of service.

A N G E L , DANIEL.—Private, Co. B, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. B, this regiment, January 30,1864; mustered out, June 27, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

ANSEL, JOHN, see John Ensel. ,/

A P P L E G A T E , JACOB.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted, September 6, 1861, at Farmingdale, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, September 10, 1861; transferred to Co. D, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22,1863; mustered out with company, September 1,1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

ARCY, WILLIAM E . D., see William E , D'arcy.


ARNOLD, JOHN.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, July 20, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, August 16, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; died, April 19, 1865, in hospital, at Willets Point, N. Y.

A R T O L O U F , PHILLIP.—Private, Co. B, One Hundred and Sev­enteenth Infantry; transferred to Co. H, this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, sick, at muster-out of company; also borne as Artolauf.

A S H L E N E R , GEORGE.—Private, Co. K, One Hundred and Sev­enteenth Infantry; transferred to Co. E , this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

ATKINS, JOHN.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. K, September 26, 1864; mustered out, June 27, 1S65, at Raleigh, N. C.

ATWOOD, FREEMAN.—Age, 27 years. Enlisted, August 17, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. D, August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. B, no date; promoted corporal, no date; wounded in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; mustered out, September 20, 1861.

AUGUSTINE, ANDREW.—Age, 26 years. Enlisted at Kings­ton, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. K, Sep­tember 23,1864; mustered out, June 27,1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

A U R B A C K , A D O L P H , see Adolph Aeurbaeh.

AURON, H E N R Y C—Age, 20 years. Enlisted, September 8, 1861, at West Farms, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, September 10, 1S61; no further record.

AUSTIN, JOHN.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A, October 21, 1863; missing in action, February 20, 1864, at Olustee, Fla.

A V E R Y , AMOS.—Age, 29 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as corporal, Co. C, September 10, 1861; transferred to Co. E and returned to ranks, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22,1863; wounded in action, May 1.6,1864, at Drewry's Bluff, Va. ; promoted corporal, March 1, 1865; sergeant, August 18, 1865; mustered out with com­pany, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C,

896 REPORT OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

A V E R Y , IRVING M.—Age, 29 years. Enrolled, July 24, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as quarter­master, September 5, 1861; mustered out, September 20, 1864; commissioned first lieutenant and quartermaster, December 14, 1861, with rank from September 5, 1861, original.

AYRES, MARCELUS.—Age, 29 years. Enlisted, July 27, 1861, at Trenton, N, J. , to serve three years; mustered in as corporal, Co. D, August 21,1861; promoted sergeant, no date; discharged, September 20, 1862, at Fort Pulaski, Ga.

BABCOGK, JOSEPH.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Watertown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , Jan­uary 14,1865; mustered out with company, 'September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

BABCOCK, W A R R E N H.—Private, Co. K, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. E , this regiment, June 9, 1865; discharged, June 10,1865, from hospital at Point Lookout, Md'.

B A C K M A N , F R E D E R I C K H.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, Sep­tember 2, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mus­tered in as private, Go. B, September 5, 1861; transferred to Co. I, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; wounded in action, May 16, 1864, at Drewry's Bluff, Va. ; pro­moted corporal, September 27, 1S64; returned to ranks, no date; absent, sick in hospital, at muster-out of company; also borne as Bachman.

BAILEY, THOMAS.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, October 19, 1863; transferred to navy, April 26, 1864.

BAITHER, CHARLES.—Private, Co. F , One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. F, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.

BAITTY, WILLIAM, see William Beitty.

B A K E R , HENRY.—Age, 24 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, January 17, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.


R A K E R , HENRY.—Age, 30 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, Feb­ruary 4, 1S65; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

B A L C U M , BIRNEY H.—Private, Co. A, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. K, this regiment, June 9, 1865; died of disease, August 9, 1865, as Birney Balcom.

B A L L , JOHN.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Twenty-fifth Con­gressional District, to serve three years, and mustered in as pri­vate, Co. C, February 21, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1.865, at Raleigh, N. C.

BANDT, ALYIS.—Age, 31 years. Enlisted at Poughkeepsie, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co: D, January 23, 1865; mustered' out with companv, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

BANTON, WILLIAM A.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, September 6, 1861, at Carmell, to serve three years; mustered In as private, Co. C, September 10, 1861; no further record.

BARBER, AUSTIN M.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, at Kingston, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. A, Septem­ber 26, 1864; \nustered out, June 27, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

BARBER, ROMAINE W.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted, at Kings­ton, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. A, Sep­tember 26, 1864; mustered out, June 27, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

B A R D L E Y , JAMES E.—Age, 26 years. Enlisted, September 3, 1861, at Fort Hamilton, N. Y., to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A, September 5, 1861; wounded in action, July 10,1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, December 26, 1863, as Bradley.

B A R E L L A , GIACOMO.—Private, Co. H, Independent Corps Light Infantry; transferred to Co. H, this regiment, January 30, 1864; killed in action, February 20, 1864, at Olustee, Fla.

BARNES, JAMES.—Age, 24 years. Enlisted, at. Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F, March 25, 1862; discharged, March 26, 1865.

898 REPORT OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

BARNES, JULIUS.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, September 9, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. 0, September 10, 1861; transferred to Co. E, no date; pro­moted corporal, December 4, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, January 20,1864; promoted first sergeant, April 20, 1865; mus­tered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N . C.

BARNES, PETER.—Age, IS years. Enlisted, at Gleina, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A, February IS, 1865; died of chronic diarrhoea, June 27, 1864.

BARNETT, EDWARD.—Age, 23 years, Enlisted, August 1, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K, August .1.6,1861; promoted corporal, November 10,1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; killed iu action, June 1, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Ya.

BARNETT, PERINE T.—Age, 24 years. Enlisted, September 12, 1861, at Millport, to serve three years; mustered in as private, in band, October 26, 1861; supposed to have been discharged in 1862.

BARNEY, EDWIN J.—Age, 18 years. Enrolled, September 2, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as corporal, Oo. B, September 5, 1861; returned to the ranks and transfer­red to Co A, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, February 29, 1864; promoted quartermaster-sergeant, September 20, 1864; mustered in as second lieutenant, Co. O, March 28, 1865; mus­tered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C ; commissioned second lieutenant, March 30, 1865, with rank from January 1, 1865, vice H . Anderson, discharged.

BARRETT, JAMES A.—Age, 27 years. Enrolled, July 27, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as first ser­geant, Co. H, August 16, 1861; as second lieutenant, December 29, 1862; wounded in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. G ; mustered in as first lieutenant, August 28, 1863; wounded in action, June 2,1S64, at Cold Harbor, Va. ; mustered in as captain, June 25, 1864; as major, May 17, 1865; mustered out with regiment, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C ; com­missioned second lieutenant, January 12, 1863, with rank from December 29, 1862, vice T. L. Hatfield, promoted; first lieuten­ant, August 28, 1863, with rank from July 31, 1S63, vice W. J . Oarleton, promoted; captain, June 23,1864, with rank from May 16, 1864, vice S. F . Moses, killed; major, May 17, 1865, with rank from April 13, 1865 (not mustered), vice A. F. Miller, dis­charged.


B A R R E T T , THOMAS.—Age, 27 years. Enlisted, September 2, 1801, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B, September 5, 1801; transferred to Oo. C, no date; dis­charged, September 20, ISO!.

B A R R E T T , WILLIAM.—Age, 32 years. Enrolled, September 5, 1.801, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, September 10, 1861; transferred to Co. F, no date; promoted first sergeant, no date; mustered in as second lieutenant, January 1, 1863; discharged, July 5, 1863; commis­sioned second lieutenant, December 30, 1862, with, rank from October 26,1.802, vice J . H. Dandy, promoted.

BARRON, WILLIAM F.—Age, 38 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A, Novem­ber 2,1803; transferred to navy, April, 1861.

BARROWS, WILLIAM H.—Age, 35 years. Enlisted at Brook­lyn, to serve one year, and mustereed in as private, Co. K, Feb­ruary 28, 1805; mustered out, June 10, 1805, from Hospital, Raleigh, N. C.

BARROWS, WIN FIELD S.—Age, 20 years. Enrolled, Septem­ber 20, 1801, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, October 10,, 1.801; re-enlisted as a veteran, Decem­ber 22, 1868; wounded in action, August 16, 1864, at Straw­berry Plains, Ya. ; promoted sergeant, no date; mustered in as second lieutenant, Co. K, April 20, 1865; dismissed, June 20, 1865; commissioned second lieutenant, March 30, 1865, with rank from January 1, 1805, vice D. B. Fletcher, promoted.

BARRY, JAME'S.—Age, 30 years. Enlisted at Malone, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , January 13, 1865; died, July 0, 1865, in hospital, Raleigh, N. C.

B A R T H , GEORGE.—Private, Co. O, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. B, this regiment, January 30,1864; discharged for disability, October 24, 1864, as Bath; also borne as Brath.

BARTON, GEORGE.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, February 25, 1865; promoted corporal, June 1, 1865; mustered: out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

900 REPORT OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

B A R T O N , JOHN.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted, September 9, 1861, at New York city, to serve tliree years; mustered in as private, Co. C, September 10, 1861; transferred to Co. I, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted corporal, April 1, 1865; returned to ranks, no date; mustered out with, company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

B A R T O N , J O H N S.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 9, 1861, at Bridgeport, Conn., to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. G, August 26, 1861; no further record.

B A R T O N , ROBERT.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 13, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as corporal, Co. I, August 16, 1861; discharged at expiration of term of service,

B A R T O N , W I L L I A M B.—Age, 26 years. Enrolled, July 24,1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as lieutenant-colonel, August 21, 1861; as colonel, June 18, 1862; wounded in action, June 1,1864, at Cold Harbor, Va. ; mustered out, Decem­ber 3, 1864; commissioned lieutenant-colonel, December 31, 1861, with rank from August 21, 1861, original; colonel, June 30, 1862, with rank from June 18, 1862, vice James H. Perry, deceased.

B A S S E L , DAVID.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted, September 6, 1861, at West Farms, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, September 10, 1861; no further record.

B A S S E N B E R G , A U G U S T U S , see Gustavus Beiscsenhurg,

B A T E M A N , MARQUIS.—Private, Co. C, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. C, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

B A T E S , C A S W E L L A.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted, August 8, 1861, at Bridgeport, Conn., to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, August. 16, 1861; transferred to Co. E , no date; killed in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C.

B A T E S , D E W I T T C—Age, 19 years. Enlisted in Fourteenth Congressional District, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , October 19, 1863; promoted corporal, September 21, 1864; wounded in action, January 15, 1865, at Fort Fisher, N . G ; mustered out, Julv 13, 1865, from hospital at Albany, N. Y.


B A T H , GEORGE, see George Barth.

B A T T Y , WILLIAM, see Beitty, William.

B A U E R , JOSEPH.—Age, 26 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co, C, January 21, 1.805; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

B A U E R , NICHOLAS.—Private, Co. C, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. B, this regiment, January 30, 1861; captured in action, February 20, 1S61-, at Olustee, Fla. ; died, May 30, 1864, at Andersonville, Ga.

B A X T E R , G E O R G E F.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 27, 1861, at New Canaan, Conn., to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F, August 31, 1861; transferred to Co. G, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1S63; deserted on expiration of furlough, March 5, 1864, at New York city.

B E A C H , H E N R Y A.—Age, 24 years. Enlisted, August 5, 1861, at Rockland county, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. G, no date; promoted corporal, no date; discharged for promotion, second lieutenant, April 11, 1S63, at Beauford, S.'C.

B E A M , HAMILTON.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , August 27, 1861; transferred to Co. I, no date; dis­charged at expiration of term of service.

B E A M , P E T E R HENRY.—Enlisted at Albany, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, October 20, 1863; transferred to One Hundred and Fifteenth Infantry, January 3, 1861, as Peter H. Bean.

B E A R D , JOHN.—Age, 16 years. Enlisted, August 1, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as musician, Co. A , August 21, 1861; discharged for disability, September 1, 1861.

B E A R D , OLIVER T.—Age, 28 years. Enrolled, July 24, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as major, Septem­ber 3, 1861; promoted lieutenant-colonel, June 17, 1862; dis­charged, December 21, 1862; commissioned major, December 31, 1861, with rank from October 26, 1861, original; lieutenant-colonel, July 3, 1862, with rank from June 18, 1862, vice Wil­liam B. Barton, promoted.

902 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

B E C H T E L , J O S E P H B.—Age, IS years. Enlisted, July 26, 1861, at Trenton, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private,. Go. IT, August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. I>. no date; killed in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C.

B E C K E R , G E O R G E P.—Age, 44. years. Enlisted, July 29, 1861,.. at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H, August 16, 1861; promoted commissary sergeant, no date; returned to the ranks, July 10, 1862, and transferred to Co. O ; killed in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C.

B E C K S T E I N , HENRY.—Age , 36 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, Janu­ary 17, 1865; mustered out, July 19, 1865, at McDougall Hos­pital, New York, as Beckstine.

B E E , GEORGE.—Age, 40 years. Enlisted, August 2, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, August 16, 1861; wounded while on picket in Florida, no date; died of his wounds, February 24, 1864.

B E E R S , CHARLES.—Age , 37 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H, October 20, 1863; deserted on expiration of furlough, November 12, 1864.

B E I N E , PERRIE.—Private, Co. F, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. E, this regiment, January 30, 1864; wounded, no date or place; deserted, August 4, 1864, as Pierre Berric.

B E T S S E N H U R G , GUSTAVUS.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, Sep­tember 2, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mus­tered in as private, Co. B, September 5, 1861; transferred to Go. F , no date; promoted sergeant, no date; first sergeant, November 9, 1863; returned to sergeant, no date; killed in action, February 20, 1864, at Olustee, Fla , ; also borne as Augustus Bizihoust and Bassenberg.

B E I T H , JAMES.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , August 27, 1861; transferred to Co. C, no date; re-en­listed as a veteran in Co. I, December 22,1863; appointed musi­cian, no date; mustered out with company, September 1, 1864,. at Raleigh, N. G.


B E I T T Y , WILLIAM.—Private, Co. E , Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. I), this regiment, January 30, 1864; re-enlisted as a veteran, March 31, 1S64; deserted while on furlough. May 30, 1864; also borne a® William Baitty and Batty.

B E L A I S E , ABRAHAM.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H , Janu­ary 17, 1S65; mustered out, June 16, 1865, from- hospital at Smithfield, N. G , as Belais.

B E L L , JAMES.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted at Albany, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, October 20, 1863; wounded in action, May 16, 1864, at Drewry's Bluff, Y a . ; deserted, June 8, 1864, from, hospital at New York city.

B E L L , JOHN.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , February 21, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

B E L L , WILLIAM.—Age, 35 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. G, no date; discharged for dis­ability, October 18, 1861, at Annapolis, Md.

B E N A O , E D W A R D , see Edward Binac.

B E N D E R , OSCAR N.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted, August 17, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as. private, Co. D, August 21, 1861; transferred to Oo. C, no date; promoted corporal, no date; transferred to Signal Corps, Octo­ber 13, 1863.

B E N N E T T , EDWARD.—Age, 40 years. Enlisted at Kingston, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. D, Septem­ber 16, 1864; "discharged, June 27, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

B E N N E T T , ELISHA.—Age, 16 years. Enlisted, August 8, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as musician, Co. K, August 16, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.,as Eleuch Bennett.

904 REPORT OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

B E N N E T T , F R E D E R I C K H.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Dutchess County, to serve three years, and mustered in as pri­vate, Co. I, August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. G, no date; promoted corporal, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; wounded in action, May 16, 1861, at Drewry's Bluff, V a . ; discharged for wounds, May 23, 1865, from hospital.

B E N N E T T , H E N R Y C—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , February 20, 1865; mustered out, August 11, 1865, at McDou-gall Hospital, New York.

B E N N E T T , OTHELLO.—Private, Co. K, Third Infantry; trans­ferred to Co. C, this regiment, May 22, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

B E N N E T T , S T E P H E N B.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, September 7, 1861, at Millport, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate in band, October 26, 1861; supposed to have been dis­charged in 1862.

B E N N E T T , JR., THOMAS.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 6, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. K, August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. B, no date; promoted corporal, November 14, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran in Co. D, as musician, December 22, 1863; mustered out with: company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Thomas Bennett.

B E N S O N , MICHAEL.—Age , 19 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , August 27, 1861; no further record.

B E N Z , CHRISTIAN.—Private, Co. F , Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. E , this regiment, January 30, 1864;. no further record.

B E R A N D , OTTO.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F, February 20, 1865; died of chronic diarrhoea, May 2, 1865, in hospital at Raleigh, N. G ; also borne as Berrandt.

B E R G , CHRISTIAN.—Private, Co. I, Independent Dorps Light Infantry; transferred to Co. E , this regiment, January 30, 1864;. mustered out, June 14, 1864, at Raleigh, N. C.


B E R G N E R , JOHN.—Private, Co. I, Independent Corps Light Infantry; transferred to Go. K, this regiment, January 30, 1864; deserted, May 22, 1861.

R E N H A R D , JOSEPH.—Private, Co. A, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. K, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, 'September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

B E R N H E I M , JULIUS.—Private, Co. H, Independent Corps Light Infantry; transferred to Co. H, this regiment, January 30, 1864; wounded, July 25, 1864; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, April 1,1865; mustered out as of Oo. A, Seventh Regiment, Veteran Reserve Corps, August 25, 1865, as Wash­ington, D . C.

B E R R A N D T , OTTO, see Otto Berand.

B E R R E Y , SAMUEL.—Private, Co. B, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. I, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

BERRIC, PIERRE, see Perrie Beine.

BERTIN, JULES.—Private, Co. D, Independent Corps Light Infantry; transferred to Go. C, this regiment, January 30,1864; discharged, February 9, 1865, as Bertene.

BETTS, D A N I E L C—Age, 22 years. Enlisted, August 1, 1861, • at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, August 16, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, February 29,1861; wounded, October 9, 1864; mustered out, September 20, 1865, at New York city.

BICKFORD, C H A R L E S C—Age, 28 years. Enlisted, August 3, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as cor­poral, Co. G, August 26, 1861; transferred to Co. K, no date; returned to ranks, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; wounded in action, June 21, 1861, near Petersburg, Va . ; deserted, July 30, 1864, from McClellan Hospital, Phila­delphia, Pa., as Charles Bickford.

906 REPORT OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

B I C K F O R D , J O H N F.—Age, 26 years. Enlisted, August 7, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K, August 16, 1861; wounded in action. May 10, 1864, at Bermuda Hundred, Va . ; discharged, September 16, 1864, as John, Bickford.

BIGGAR, J O H N W.— Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 3, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. G, no> date; promoted •corporal, no date-; sergeant, April 16, 1863; re-enlisted as a vet­eran, December 22, 1863; deserted on expiration, of furlough, March 5, 1864, from, New York.

B I J A H , MI ANGA.—Age, 24 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, December 8, 1863; no further record.

BINAC, EDWARD.—Private, Co. F, Independent Corps Light Infantry; transferred to Oo. E , this regiment, January 30,1864; re-enlisted as a veteran, March 31, 1S64; deserted on expira­tion of furlough, May 1, 1864; also borne as Bernac and Binie.

BIRDSILL, JAMES.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to .serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E., August 27, 1861; transferred to Co. B, no date; discharged for disabil­ity, October 18, 1861, as Birdsall.

BISHOP, CHARLES.—Age , 19 years. Enlisted, August 14, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered' in as private, Co. K, August 16, 1S01; discharged, September 16, 1864.

BISHOP, THOMAS.—Age, 45 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as corporal, Co. G, August 24, 1861; returned to ranks, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; absent, sick, at muster-out of company.

BISICK, WILLIAM.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted. August 24, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as corporal, Oo. O, August 26, 1S61; no further record.

BISONT, NICHOLAS.—Age, 40 years. Enlisted at Auburn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private. Co. E , February 23, 1865; deserted, June 21,1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.


.BISTAS, WILLIAM.—Age, 40 Tears. Enlisted;, September 4, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, September 10, 1861; no further record.

BIZIHOUST, AUGUSTUS, see Gustavus Beisseuhurg.

B L A O K W E L L , J O H N F.—Private, Co. G, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. D, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

B L E E S , NICHOLA S.—Age, 30 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and, mustered in as private, Co. D, January 21, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

BLINN, CLINTON A.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted, August 13, 1861, at Hudson, to serve three years; mustered in, as private, Co. A , August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. G, no date*, re-en­listed as a, veteran, December 22, 1868; killed in action, May 16, 1861, at Drewry's Bluff, Ya .

BLOWERS, A B R A M H.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, September 1.4, 1861, at May field Corners, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, September 16, 1861; discharged for disa­bility, October 18, 1861, at Annapolis, Md.

B L U M , AUGUST.—Private, Co. K, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. E , this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

B O A H N , PETER.—Age, 31 years. Enlisted, August 6, 1861, at Paterson, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. K, August 16, 1861; no further record.

B O C H E R , LOUIS.—Age, 27 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, January 23, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. G , as Louis Bogher.

908 R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

BODINE, JOHN.—Age, 29 years. Enrolled, July 25, 1861, at Trenton, N. J , , to serve three years; mustered in as second lieu­tenant, Co. E , August 27, 1861; transferred to Co. D, no date; promoted first lieutenant, June 30, 1862; discharged, January 21, 1863; commissioned second lieutenant, December 14, 1861, with rank from August 27, 1861, original; first lieutenant, July 18, 1862, with rank from June 30, 1862, vice J . O. Paxson, promoted.

B O G A R T , A L E X A N D E R . — A g e , 23 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , Sep­tember 16, 1861; transferred to Co. F, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1803; discharged for disability, June 28, 1865.

B O G A R T , D A V I D T.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Kingston, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. B, September 26, 1S64; promoted corporal, May 9, 1865; mustered out, June 27, 1865, at Raleigh, N. G , as David S. Bogart.

B O G H E R , LOUIS, see Louis Bocher.

B O L A N D , MICHAEL.—Private, Co. B, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. H, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

BOND, JOHN.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Auburn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, February 21, 1865; deserted/August 2, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

BOND, LORENZO.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, September 4, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve' three years; mustered iu as private, Co. B, September 5, 1861; transferred to Co. C, no date; pro­moted corporal, no date; wounded in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C.; promoted sergeant, November 9, 1863; returned to corporal, no date; discharged, September 20, 1S64.

BOND, THERON.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Galesville, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, Septem­ber 13, 1861; no further record.

B O N D E , J O H N G.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Westchester, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. C, no date; wounded in action, July IS, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C.; died of his wounds, July 25, 1S63, at Beaufort, S. C ; also borne as James J . Bendy.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H I N F A N T R Y . 909

BONE, PETER.—Age, 31 years. Enlisted, August 7, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B, August 16, 1861; captured, no date or place; died, Jan­uary 21, 1864, at Richmond, Ya.

BOOMES, W I L L A R D M.—Corporal, Co. D, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. I, this regiment, June 9, 1865; promoted sergeant, no date; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

BORE, JAMES.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , January 10, 1865; deserted, March 18, 1865, near Wilmington, N. C.

BORLING, ROBERT.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, February 22, 1865; deserted, no date; never joined company.

BOSWORTH, DANIEL.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted, July 30,1861, at Trenton, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H, August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. I), no date; killed in action, July 18, 1S63, at Fort Wagner, S. C.

BOUDINOT, H E N R Y B.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 7, 1861, at Paterson, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K, August 16,1861; transferred to Co. E , no date; discharged at expiration of term of service; also borne as Hy. B. Boudinot.

BOUTON, W I L L I A M A.—Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, September 1,1861; captured in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; paroled, no date; discharged, September 16, 1864, as William Bouton.

BOUTON, W I L L I A M A.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, March 28, 1864; no further record.

BOW, MICHAEL.—Age, 32 years. Enlisted, August 19, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. G, August 26, 1861; transferred to Co. F , no date; wounded in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; dis­charged for disability, November 19, 1863, as Bowa.

910 R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

B O W D E N , J A M E S T.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, Sep­tember 12, 1862; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, April 1, 1805; discharged as of Co. A , Twenty-fourth Regiment, Vet­eran Reserve Corps, June 28, 1865, at Washington, D. C.

B O W E R , F R E D E R I C K , see Frederick Bowers.

B O W E R , F R E D E R I C K . — A g e , 22 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, Janu­ary 19, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

B O W E R , GODFREY.—Private, Co. E, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. A , this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, sick in hospital, at muster-out of company.

BOWERS, ELIJAH.—Age , 19 years. Enlisted at Yardville, N. J . , to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, August 26, 1861; transferred to Co. D, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; mustered out with company, Sep­tember 1,1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

B O W E R S , FREDERICK.—Private, Go. F, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. F, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Releigh, N. C , as Bower.

B O W M A N , PULASKI .—Age, 24 years. Enlisted, August 24, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as cor­poral, Co.. F , August 31, 1861; transferred to Co. G,. no date; discharged for disability, October 18, 1861, at Annapolis, Md.

B O Y C E , DENIS.—Age, IS years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. C, March 3, 1865; mustered out, July 3, 1865, at David's Island, New York Harbor, as Dennis Boyce.

B O Y C E , EDWARD.—Age, 32 years. Enlisted, August 7, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. I, August 16, 1861; discharged, expiration of term of service.

B O Y D , JOHN.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 6, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. E , August 27, 1861; no further record.


BOYD, JOHN.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, October 20,1863; dishonorably discharged, September 28, 1864.

BOYD, LEWIS A.—Private, Co. C, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. C, this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, sick, at. muster-out of company; also borne as Louis A . Boyd.

BOYD, ROBERT.—Age, 24 years. Enlisted, August 26,1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , August 27,1861; no further record.

BOYD, SAMUEL.—Age, 36 years. Enlisted, August 30,1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F , August 31, 1861; transferred to Co. I, no date; wounded in action, August 16, 1.864, at Strawberry Plains, Va . ; discharged, expiration of term of service.

BOYLE', BARNEY.—Age , 40 years. Enlisted, August 19, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A, August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. G, no date; to Co. C, October 15, 1861; discharged for disability, August 12, 1864, as Bernard Boyle.

B O Y L E , JAMES.—Age, 35 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Oo. B, January 19, 1865; mustered out, June 10,1865, at New Berne, N. C.

B R A C K E N , JAMES.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 16,1862, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F, August 18,'1862; promoted corporal, no date; wounded in action, August 16, 1861, at Strawberry Plains, Va . ; died of his wounds, September 10, 1864, at Annapolis, Md.

BRADDOGK, MOSES, see Moses Broddock.

B R A D L E Y , J A M E S E, , see James E, Bardley.

B R A D L E Y , JOHN.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Hume, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F, February 20, 1865; absent sick at muster-out of company.

B R A D L E Y , J O H N M.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 8, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. K, August 16,1861; discharged, September 16, 1864.

912 REPORT OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

B R A D L E Y , P A T R I C K G.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, August 27, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F , August 31, 1861; no further record.

B R A D L E Y , R E U B E N H.—Private, Co. I), One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. I, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

B R A D T , A N D R E W H.—Age, 27 years. Enlisted in Four­teenth Congressional District, to serve three years, and mus­tered in as rjrivate, Co. E , October 19, 1863; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

•BRADY, JAMES.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , August 27, 1861; transferred to Co. A, no date; wounded in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; re-enlisted as a veteran, February 29, 1864; discharged for disability, May 25, 1865, at Fort Monroe, Va.

B R A D Y , J A M E S E.—Age, 2G years. Enlisted at Congers, to serve three years, and mustered in as corporal, Co. B, Septem­ber 5, 1861; no further record.

B R A D Y , PATRICK.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 28, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co, A , August 31, 1861; killed'in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C.

B R A D Y , PHILLIP A.—Age, 31 years. Enlisted at Troy, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A, January IS, 1865; promoted corporal, May 1, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

B R A G G E , CAMILLO.—Private, Co. B, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. B, this regiment, January 30, 1864; captured in action, August 16,1864, at Strawberry Plains, Va. ; paroled, August 24, 1864; mustered out, May 5, 1865, at New York city; also borne as Camiel Brage.

B R A I M E N , EDWARD.—Age, 42 years. Enlisted, August 14, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Go. K, August 16, 1861; no further record.


B R A S H , ADAM.—Private, Co. E . Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. I), this regiment, January 30, 1801; re-enlisted as a veteran, March 31, 1801; promoted corporal, no date; sergeant, May 1, 1865; mustered out with company, Sep­tember 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

BRASSIEL, THOMAS.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 17, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. D, August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. E, no date; promoted corporal, December 1, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; killed in action, May 16, 1861, at Drewry's Bluff, Va. ; also borne as Brassel and Bmssill.

BRASSILL, DAVID.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted at West Farms, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, Sep­tember 6, 1S61; discharged, September 20, 1861.

B R A T H , G E O R G E , see George Barth.

B R E E D E N , J A M E S I.—Age, — years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, Septem­ber 12, 1862; no further record.

B R E E N , PATRICK.—Age, IS years. Enlisted at Salamorion, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, February 22, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. G , as Brean.

B R E N N A N , EDMUND.—Age, 12 years. Enlisted, August 15, , 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B, August 21, 1861; transferred to Veteran Reserve corps, no date, as Edwird Brennan.

B R E N N A N , WILLIAM.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Auburn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F, Febru­ary 22, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleum, N. C.

B R E N N A N , W 7ILLIAM.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Lockport, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, Febru­ary 23, 1865; discharged, June 9, 1865, at New Berne, N. C.


914 R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

B R E W E R , CHRISTOPHER.—Ago, 27 years. Enlisted, Septem­ber 6, 1861, at West Farms, to serve three years; mastered in as private, Co. C, September 10, 1861; transferred T O Oo. D, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; deserted-. May 5, 1864.

B R I D G E , CHARLES.—Age , 20 years, Enlisted at Elmira, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , February 24,1865; deserted, July 30,1865, from Camp Raleigh. N. 0.

BRITS O B A OK, CLEMENS.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted at Tarry­town, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , January 16, 1865; promoted corporal, May 8, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Britroback.

BRITTON, DAYTON.—Age, 42 years. Enlisted, August 15, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. C, no date; pro­moted corporal, no date; discharged, September 20, 1864.

BRITTON, N A T H A N I E L W.—Age, 27 years. Enlisted, August 13, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered, in as cor­poral, Co. I, August 16, 1861; discharged at expiration of term of service as Brittain.

B B O D D O C K , MOSES.—Private, Co. B, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. H, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Braddock.

B R O D E N , W I L L I A M — A g e , 19 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , January 16, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Broder.

B R O D E R I C K , MICHAEL.—Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, September 1, 1863; wounded in action, February 21, 1865, near Wilmington, N. C.; died of his wounds, April 13, 1865.

BROOKS, JAMES.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted in Twenty-second Congressional District, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, February 17, 1865; mustered out with com­pany, September 1,1865, at Raleigh, N. C.


BROOKS, LEONARD.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 20, 1861, at Paterson, N. J. , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A , August 21, 1861; deserted, October 25, 1861.

B R O O K S B A N K , GEORGE.—Age, IS years. Enlisted, August 21, 1862, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. E , August 23, 1862; wounded in action, June 2, 1861, at Cold Harbor, Ya. ; promoted corporal, March 1, 1865; ser­geant, May 1, 1865; mustered out. June 27, 1805, at Raleigh, N. C. _

B E O S E E , WILLIAM.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Poughkeep-sie, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. -K, January 18, 1865; mustered out with company, September -1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

BBOTJTGH, WILLIAM.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , January 16, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Brouch.

BROWER, J A M E S A.—Age, IS years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , September 13, 1861; wounded in action, June 2,1864, at Cold Harbor, V a . ; discharged, expiration of term of service.

BROWER, JOHN.—Age, 31 years. Enlisted, August 8, 1861, at Galeville, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. D, August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. K, no date; promoted cor­poral, no date; wounded in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wag­ner, S. C ; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, January 26, • 1864.

B R O W E E , WILLIAM.—Private, Co. C, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. E, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.

BROWN, GEORGE.—Age, 34 years. Enlisted at Hector, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. E , February 6, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

BROWN, H E N R Y L.—Age, 27 years. Enlisted, August 9, 1861, at Galeville, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K, August 16, 1861; discharged for'disability, September 16, 1862.

916 R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

B R O W N , JAMES.—Age, 15 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, October 21, 1S63; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

BROWN, J O H N S.-—Age, 24 years. Enlisted, September 12, 1861, at Millport, to serve three years; mustered in as private in band, October 26, 1861; supposed to have been discharged in 1862.

BROWN, JOSEPH.—Age, IS years. Enlisted, August 24, 1861, at. Bridgeport, Conn., to serve three years; mustered in as cor­poral, Co. G, August 26, 1861; returned to ranks, no date; transferred to Co. E , no date; killed in action, July 18,1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C.

BROWN, WILLIAM.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. E, August 27,1861; transferred to Co. B, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; appointed musician, no date; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

' B R O W N E , THOMAS M. G.—Age, 29 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , December 11, 1861; discharged for disability, November 21, 1864, as Thomas M. G. Brown.

BROWNING, JOHN.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, January 17, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C, '

B R U S H , G E O R G E W.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 13, 1861, at Huntington, to serve three years; mustered in as cor­poral, Co. A , August 21, 1861; promoted sergeant, January 21, 1863; discharged, June G, 1863, for promotion to second lieuten­ant, Second South Carolina Volunteers.

B R U S H , JOHN.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, September 13, 1861, at Huntington, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A , September 16, 1861; died of consumption, April 28, 1862.

B U C K , G E O R G E H.—Age, IS years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, January 28,1864; killed in action, June 12,1864, at Cold Harbor, Va.


BUCK, H A R V E Y T.—Private, Co. B, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Oo. H , this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out, June 29, 1865, from hospital at Raleigh, N. C.

B U C K E Y , JOHN, see John Buckley.

B U C K L E , G E O R G E F.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, Janu­ary 20, 1865; promoted corporal, no date; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

B U C K L E Y , ALBERT.—Age , 20 years. Enlisted, August 18, 1861, at Camp Wyman, to serve three years; mustered in as corporal, Co, G, August 26, 1861; returned to ranks, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted corporal, no date; sergeant, July 12, 1805; mustered out with company, September 1, 1S65, at Raleigh, N. C.

B U C K L E Y , JOHN.—Private, Co. A, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. A, this regiment, January 30, 1861; captured in action ,February 20, 1864, at Olustee, F la . ; died, September, 1S64, at Andersonville, Ga.; also borne as Buckey.

B U C K L E Y , R E U B E N D.—Age, IS years. Enlisted, January 11, 1865, at Norwich, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, January 19, 1865; mustered out with company, Septem­ber 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

B U C K L E Y , THOMAS.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 6, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. K, August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. B, no date; died of congestion fever, August 23, 1S63, at St. Helena Island, S. C.

B U R K E , G E O R G E W — Age, 35 years. Enlisted, September 9, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, September 10, 1861; no further record.

B U R K E , JAMES.—Age, IS years. Enlisted in Twenty-second Congressional District, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, February 15, 1865; "mustered out with com­pany, September 1,1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

B U R K E , MICHAEL.—Age, IS years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private* Co. F , November 12, 1863; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

918 REPORT OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

B U R K H A R D T , JOSEPH.—Private, Co. F , Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. E , this regiment, January 30, 1864; wounded in action, February 20, 1864, at Olustee, Fla . ; no record subsequent to April 30, 1864.

B U R K H A R D T , MARTIN.—Private, Co. C, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. B, this regiment, January 30, 1864; discharged, October 24, 1864; also borne as Burk-hard.

B U R K H A R T , HENRY.—Private, Co. C, One Hundred and Sev­enteenth Infantry; transferred to Co. G, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1864, at Raleigh, N. C.

B U R L I N G H A M , GRIN.—Private, Co. I, One Hundred and Sev­enteenth Infantry; transferred to Co. G, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C .

BURiMEiSTER, HENRY.—Age, 24 years. Enlisted, September 9, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, September 10, 1861; transferred to Oo. I, no date; re-enlisted as- a veteran, January 20, 1864; wounded in action, June 30, 1864, near Petersburg, Va . ; died of his wounds, June 30, 1864.

B U R N E T , THOMAS,—Age, 20 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1861, at Paterson, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , August 27, 1861; promoted, corporal, December 4, 1863; discharged on expiration of terni of service.

BURNS, CHARLES.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted1 at Tarrytown, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. B, September 26, 1864; mustered out, June 27, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

BURNS, EDWARD.—Age, 40 years. Enlisted, August 4, 1861, at Brooklyn., to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. B, no date; to Veteran Reserve Corps, subsequent to December 31, 1863.

BURNS, JAMElS,—Age, 33 years. Enlisted, August 20, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as' corporal, Oo. Gt, August 26, 1861; returned to ranks, no date; died of bronchitis, September 1, 1862,, at Fort Pulaski, Ga.


BURNS, JAMES.—Age, 29 years. Enlisted1 at Kingston, to serve one year, and1 mustered in as pirivate, Co. A, September

. 23, 1864; mustered out, June 27, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

BURNS, JAMES.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, February 20, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

BURNS, JOHN.—Age. 19 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , August 27, 1861; transferred to Co. C, no date; dis* chaged, March 16, 1862.

BURNS, JOHN.—Private, Co. E , One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. A , this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

BURNS, THOMAS.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted at Poughkeepsie, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Go. I), January 19, 1865; mustered out with company, September. 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.

BURNS, WILLIAM.—Age, 38 years. Enlisted, August 27, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F, August 31, 1861; killed in. action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wragner, S. C.

BURR, J A M E S WILLIAM.—Age, 14 years. Enlisted, January 5, 1862, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as musi-' cian, Co. A, January 25, 1862; re-enlisted as a. veteran, January 7, 1864; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

BURR, LEWIS W.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, July 24, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as musician, Oo. H, August 16, 1861; returned to company, as private, no date; wounded in action, no date or place; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1868; deserted from, provost guard, May 25, 1865; commissioned first lieutenant, December 22, 1864, with rank from December 3, 1864 (commission revoked), vice

. B. Seaward, promoted.

920 REPORT OP T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

BURROWS, A B R A M L.—Age, 24 years. Enli&ted, August 19, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. D, August 21, 1861; died of typhoid fever, June 16, 1863, at Fort Pulaski, Ga.

BURROWS, JOHN.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F, Febru­ary 18, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

BURT, A L L E N . — A g e , 29 years. Enlisted at Palermo, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, February 26, 1865; mastered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

BURTON, JOHN.—Age, 19 years, Enlisted, August 9, 1861, at Bridgeport, Conn., to serve three years; mustered in as private, Go. E , August 26, 1861; wounded and captured in action and paroled July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. 0.; promoted cor­poral, no date; wounded in action, May 16, 1864, at Drewry's Bluff, Va , ; discharged on expiration, of term of service.

B U S H E Y , OLIVER,—Enlisted at Moria, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, February 17, 1865; deserted, August 2, 1865.

B U S H O E , LEWIS.—Age, 40 years. Enlisted in Twenty-second Congressional District, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, January 21, 1865; mustered out with company,. September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Busho.

B U T L E R , JAMES.—Age, 37 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , December 17, 1863; mustered out, May 27, 1865, from hospital, Fort Mon­roe, Va .

B Y R O N , EDWIN.—Private, Co. I, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. G, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. G., as Edwin J . Byron,

CADMUS, CORNELIUS.—Age, 26 years. Enlisted, August 15, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. D, August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. A, no date; captured in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; died, June 19, 1864, at Andersonville, Ga.


OADY, FRANK.—Age , 19 years. Enlisted, July 21, 1861, at Stockport, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I), August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. G, no date; appointed musician, no date; discharged, September 16, 1864, near Peters­burg, Ya., as Frank A. Cady.

O A D Y , WILLIAM.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted at Auburn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F, February 22, 1865; deserted, July 28, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

C A H I L L , H E N R Y H.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 9, 1861, at Galeville, to serve three years; mustered in as private,- Co, K, August 16, 1861; promoted corporal, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; deserted, February 28, 1864, as Henry Cahill.

CALKINS, MARTIN.—Private, Co. I, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. G, this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, sick in hospital, at muster-out of company.

C A M E R O N , BLOW.—'Enlisted at Poughkeepsie, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, February 21, 1865; deserted, August 2, 1865.

CAMERON, JOHN.—Private, Co. I, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. G, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

C A M P B E L L , ISAAC S.—Age, 44 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, Janu­ary 20, 1861; died of disease, October 20, 1864; also borne as Isaac Campbell.

C A N F I E L D , HORATIO.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, September 14, 1861, at Mayfield Corners, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, September 16, 1861; discharged for dis­ability, October 18,1861, at Annapolis, Md.

CANSTRY, THOMAS.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted, August 10, 1861, at Burmingham, Conn., to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, August 16, 1861; no further record.

CARCHIN, W I L L I A M F.—Age, 39 years. Enlisted, July 20, 1861, at Williamsburg, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A, August 16. 1861; deserted, October 23, 1861.


C A R E W , MICHAEL.—Private, Co. B, Independent Corps Light Infantry; transferred to Co. B, this regiment, January 30, 1864; wounded in action, August 14, 1864, at Strawberry Plains, V a . ; discharged, April 26, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

C A R H A R T , ISAAC.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 14, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H , August 16, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted corporal, no date; mustered out with company, September 1, 1S65, at Raleigh, N. C.

C A R L , G E O R G E , see George Carroll.

C A R L T O N , -SAMDEL.—Age, 29 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. E , February 27. 1865; deserted, July 10, 1S65, at Camp Raleigh, N. C.

C A R L T O N , THOMAS.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Oo. K, January 18, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

C A R L T O N , W I L L I A M J.—Age, 23 years. Enrolled, August 19, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as sergeant, Co. D, August 21, 1S61; as second lieutenant, Co. H, December 19,1861; as first lieutenant, Co. D, January 21,1863; as captain, August 1, 1S63; mustered out, November 13, 1864, at Norfolk, Va . ; commissioned second lieutenant, January 17, 1862, with rank from December 19, 1861, vice Caleb Patterson, resigned; first lieutenant, February 5, 1863, with rank from January 21, 1863, vice J . Bodine, resigned; captain, August 28, 1863, with rank from July 31, 1863, vice J . 0. Paxson, deceased.

C A R M A N , BENJAMIN.—Age, 43 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, Sep­tember 5, 1861; transferred to Co. H, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; wounded in action. May 7, 1864, at Chester Hil l , V a . ; promoted corporal. January 2, 1865; dis­charged for disability, July 10,1865.


C A R M A N , G E O R G E A.—Age, IS years. Enlisted at Hunting-toil, to serve three years, and mustered in as sergeant, Co. B, September 5, 1861; returned to ranks, no date; transferred to Go A, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863;. wounded in action, June 2, 1861, at Cold Harbor, Va . ; mus­tered -out with company, September 1, 1805, at Raleigh, N. C

C A R M A N , TIMOTHY J.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 23, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as cor­poral, Co. E , August 27, 1861; transferred to Co. A, no date; promoted sergeant, no date; missing in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. 0., as Jarvis C. Carman.

C A R M I C H E A L , HUGH.—Private, Co. I, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. G, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

C A R N E Y , THOMAS.—Age, 25 years. Date, place of enlistment and muster in as a private in Co. A , not stated; discharged under proceedings of habeas corpus, August 25, 1861.

C A R P E N T E R , WILLI AM.—A ge, 36 years. Enlisted, August 17, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F, October 10, 1861; discharged, October 10, ISO!. -

CARR, PATRICK.—Age, 16 years. Enlisted, September 3, 1801, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, September 10, 1801; transferred to Oo. G. no date; dis­charged for disability, October 18, 1861, at Annapolis, Md.

CARR, PHILLIP.—Age, 31 years. Enlisted at Poughkeepsie, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. D, January 23, 1865; dishonorably discharged, May 29, 1865, at Wilming­ton, N. C.

C A R R A G A N , PATRICK.—Age, 31 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, Sep­tember 5, 1861; no further record.

CARRIGAN, JOHN, see John Corrigan.

CARROLL, GEORGE.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted at Starkley, to three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , February 22, 1865; deserted, August 20, 1865, from provost guard-house at Raleigh, N. C , as Carl.

924 REPORT OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

C A R R O L L , MARTIN.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 19, 1S61, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A, August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. C, no date; wounded in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; killed in action, February 20, 1864, at Olustee, Fla,

C A R R O L L , PETER,—Age, 44 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, December 16, 1863; died, March 25, 1S65, in hospital at Wilmington, N. C.

C A R R O L L , WILLIAM.—Age, 32 years. Enlisted, September 3, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B, (September 5, 1861; transferred to Co. C, no date; killed in action, February 20, 1864, at Olustee, Fla,

•CARRY, JAMES.—Age, 27 years. Enlisted, August 22, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, August 26, 1861; transferred to Co. B, no date; dis­charged for disability, October 18, 1861.

C A S E Y , MICHAEL.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted, August 1, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K, August 16, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; wounded in action, June 3, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Ya. ; absent, sick, in hospital at muster-out of company.

O A S S A Z A , CARLO.—Private, Co, E, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. D, this regiment, January 30,1864; #

deserted on expiration of furlough, May 30, 1864, as Casazza.

C A S S E L M A N , A L L E N F.—Private, Co. C, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. C, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

CASSIDY, ANDREW.—Age, 27 years. Enlisted, August 20, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A, August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. E , no date; died of typhoid fever, May 15, 1862, at Dawfuskie Island, S. C.

CASSIDY, BARNEY.—Age , 34 years. Enlisted, September 2, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B, September 5, 1861; transferred to Co. C, no date;' dis­charged, September 20, 1864, as Bernard Cassiday.

FO RTY - EI G H T H INF A N T E Y. 925

CATON, ANDREW.—Age, IS years. Enlisted, August 14, 1861, at E'llenville, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A, August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. G, no date; discharged for disability, October 18,1S61, at Annapolis, Md., as Cater.

OATTOW, THOMAS.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted, August 27,1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F, August 31, 1861; no further record.

C A V E L I E R , ETIENNE.—Private, Co. D, Independent Corps Light Infantry; transferred to Co. C, this regiment, January 30, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, February 29, 1861; deserted on expiration of furlough, April 22, 1864, as Cuvelier.

C E D O R E , HENRY.—Age , 20 years. Enlisted at Troy, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A, January 13, 1865; 'died of typhoid fever, May 22, 1865, in hospital at Raliegh, N. C.

CHADIN, VINCENT.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, January 16, 1S65; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

C H A L K E R , HOMER.—Age, 32 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F, January 18, 1865; deserted, March 1, 1S65, at Wilmington, N. C.

C H A P M A N , WILLIAM.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, August 20, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co, E , August 2.1, 1861; promoted corporal, December 4, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, January 20, 1864; returned to ranks, no date; deserted on expiration of furlough, January 19, 1865, at Lee, Mass.

C H A P P E L , H E N R Y A.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, September 7,' 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, September 10, 1861; no further record.

C H A R B O U R N E ATJLT, FRANCIS.—Age, 30 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, February 21, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1.865, at Raleigh, N. C.

926 E E PORT OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

C H A R T R E S , JOHN.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 27,1S61, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F, August, 31, 1861; transferred to Co. C, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, January 20, 1864; promoted corporal, March 15, 1865; sergeant,.no date; mustered out with company, Septem­ber- 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

C H A S T I E , ROBERT.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Watertown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. A , January 11, 1865; mustered out, June 9, 1865, at New Berne. N. 0.

C H E S T E R , WILLIAM.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, July 24, 1861, at Porchtown, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. H, August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. D, no date; promoted corporal, no date; discharged for disability, July 21, 1862, at Fort Pulaski, Ga.

C H U R C H , E D W A R D D.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Scliroefel, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , Feb­ruary 4, 1805; mustered out, July 18, 1865, at McDougall Hos­pital, New York city.

C H U R C H , STEPHEN.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Wilberham, Mass., to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A, August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. D and promoted corporal, no date; captured in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, 'S. C.; paroled, no date; discharged from hospital at New Haven, Conn.; also borne as Stephen 0. Church.

CIVIL, JASPER.—Private, Co. E, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. A , this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, sick, in hospital at muster-out of company.

C L A N C Y , J A M E S R.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 21,1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, August 26, 1861; transferred to Go. C, no date; wounded and captured in action, June 1, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va . ; paroled, April 21, 1865; mustered out, May 14, 1805, at New York city, as James Clancey.

C L A R K , ABRAM.—Age, 26 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. Septem­ber 16, 1861; promoted corporal, May 1, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted sergeant, May 9, 1865; mustered out, July 31,1865, at McDougall Hospital, New York city.


C L A R K . DAVID.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1862, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H, August .'50, 1802; captured in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner,S. O.; died, March 18,1801, at Richmond, Va .

C L A R K , HORATIO.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Watertown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A, Janu­ary 11, 18<)5; dishonorably discharged, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh. N. 0.

C L A R K , JOHN.—Age, 30 years. Enlisted at Albany, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, October 27, 1863; deserted to the enemy, February 12, 1861, at Sanderson, Fla.

C L A R K , JOHN.—Age, IS years. Enlisted, August 24, 1861, at Paterson, N. J. , to serve three years; mustered in as sergeant, Oo. E , August 27,1861; transferred to Co. D, no date; returned to ranks, no date; captured in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; died, June 16, 1804, at Andersonville, Ga.

C L A R K , MA TRICE I.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Vothey, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Go. G, February 14, 1865; promoted corporal, April 29, 1S65; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. G.

C L A R K , S Y L V E S T E R J.—Private, Co. F, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. F, this regiment, June 9, 1865;,absent, sick, at muster-out of company.

C L A R K E , JOHN.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 27, 1861, at Camp Wyman, N. Y., to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F, August 31, 1801; discharged, September 20, 1861, as Clark.

C L A R K S O N , JOHN.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn,,to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H, August 22, 1862; captured in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. G.; paroled, no date; mustered out, June 27,1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

C L A R K S O N , ROBERT.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H, August 22, 1862; discharged, no date.

928 REPORT OP T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

C L A R K S O N , WILLIAM.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted, August 16, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. G, August 26, 1861; deserted, October 6, 1861, at Annapolis, Md., as William H. Cookson.

C L A R K S O N , WILLIAM.—Age, 28 years. Enlisted, July 28, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as corpo­ral, Co. I, August 16, 1861; returned to ranks, October 7, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; wounded in action, July 1, 1861, at Petersburg, Va . ; discharged, September 25, 1864.

C L A Y T O N , CLINTON J.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 8, 1861, at Keyport, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. D, August 21, 1861; no further record.

C L A Y T O N , J O H N T.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted, August 8, 1861, at Keyport, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. H , August 21, 1861; promoted sergeant, no date; wounded in action, no date; died of his wounds, August 5, 1863, in hospital at Fort Schuyler, N. Y.

C L E G G , JAMES.—Private, Co. B, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. B, this regiment, January 30,1861; discharged, December 21, 1864.

CLIFTON, DANIEL.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 19, 1861, at Cross Roads, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A , August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. D, no date; killed in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; also borne as Daniel H. Clifton.

CLIFTON, GEORGE.—Age, 32 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, February 21, 1865; promoted corporal, no date; mustered out with com­pany, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

C L O U G H E R , HUGH.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, Janu­ary 20, 1865; died, June 14, 1865, in hospital at Raleigh, N. C.

C L Y N N , MICHAEL.—Age , 39 years. Enlisted, September 9, 1861, at. Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as ser­geant, Co. C, September 10, 1861; returned to ranks and trans­ferred to Co. G, no date; discharged for disability, October 18, 1861, at Annapolis, Md.; again enlisted, prior to November., 1862; discharged, June 13, 1863, as Glynn.


COAN, W I L L I A M B.—Age, 30 years. Enrolled, August 8, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as captain, Co. E , August 27, 1861; as major, November 9, 1863; as lieu­tenant-colonel, July 2, 1861; as colonel, March 11, 1865; mus­tered out with regiment, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C ; commissioned captain, December 31, 1861, with rank from August 27, 1861, original; 3najor, September 1, 1863, with rank from July IS, 1863, vice D. W. Strickland, promoted; lieuten­ant-colonel, June 23, 1864, with rank from June 9, 1864, vice D. W. Strickland, resigned; colonel, December 10, 1864, with rank from December 3, 1864, vice Wm. B. Barton, mustered out.

COBETT, CHARLES.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, July 28, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, August 16, 1861; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, no date.

CODY, JOHN.—Age, 35 years Enlisted, August 23, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, August 26, 1861; no further record.

C O F F E E , MARTIN.—Age, 24 years. Enlisted, August 23, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, August 26, 1861; transferred to Co. B, no date;'captured in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; paroled, no date; discharged, October 21, 1864; also borne as Coffy.

C O F F E E , THOMAS.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Fort Hamil­ton, N. Y., to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, August 16, 1861; deserted, September 10, 1861, from Fort Hamilton, N. Y .

C O F F Y , JOHN.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 27, 1861, at " Verplanks, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F, August 31, 1861; transferred to Co. B, no date; captured in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort WTagner, S. G ; paroled, no date; discharged, October 21, 1864, as Coffee.

COLE, C H A R L E S M.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted, August 24,1861, at Chester, to serve three years; mustered in as sergeant, Co. G, August 26, 1861; returned to ranks and transferred to Co. D, no date; wounded and captured in action and paroled, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; died of his wounds, August 3, 1863, at Fort Schuyler, N. Y .


930 R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

C O L E , R O B E R T H.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Lockpiort, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, February 23. 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

C O L E , W I L L I A M H.—Private, Co. B, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. H, this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, sick, at muster-out of companj*.

COLES, AARON.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, August 1, 1861, at Harrisonville, N . J . , to serve three years; mustered in as cor­poral, Co. D, August 21, 1861; wounded in action, July 10, 1863, at Morris Island, S. C ; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, January 25, 1864.

C O L G A N , HUGH.—Age, 40 years. Enlisted, July 28,1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. B, no date; discharged for disability, April 30, 1862.

C O L G A N , JOHN.—Age, 24 years. Enlisted, August 9, 1861, at Derby, Conn., to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. E , no date; dis­charged at expiration of term of service.

C O L G A N , PHILIP.—Age, 43 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, January 7, 1864; wounded in action, June 1, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va. ; discharged for disability, December 8,1864.

C O L G R O V E , SIMON H.—Age, 27 years. Enlisted, September 16, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F , October 10, 1861; promoted corporal, August 10,1863; wounded in action, February 20, 1864, at Olustee, Fla , ; died of his wounds, February 29, 1864, in hospital at Hilton Head, S. C.

C O L L I G H A N , JOHN.—Age, 37 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, January 24, 1865; mustered out, July 15, 1865, at Portsmouth Grove, R. I.,'as Colligan.

COLLINS, CORNELIUS.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted at Fredonia, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , Febru­ary 23, 1865; deserted, July 28, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C. '


COLLINS, JAMES.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Goshen, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H, January 18, 1S65; wounded in action, February 21, 1865, at Wilmington, N. C ; absent, sick, in hospital at muster-out of company.

COMBS, OSCAR.—Age, 30 years. Enlisted at Goshen, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, February 20, 1.865; deserted, March 21,1865, at Cocks Ferry, N. C.

COMMENDINGER, J O H N 0.—Age, 28 years. Enlisted, August 6, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. K, August 16, 1861; discharged for disability, July 29, 1862, as John P. D. Commerdinger.

COMMERFORD, FRANCIS, see Francis Cummerford.

CONA, PIETRO.—Private, Co. B, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. B, this regiment, January 30,1864; no further record.

CONANT, WILLIAM L.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted, September 7, 1861, at Himtingdale, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, September 10, 1801; no further record.

CONATY, THOMAS.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted at Birmingham, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , August 16,1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted corporal, no date; w7ounded in action, August 14, 1864, at Strawberry Plains, Va . ; promoted sergeant, no date; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

CONDON, MAURICE.—Age, 27 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E, September 2, 1862; promoted sergeant, no date; mustered out, September 27,1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

OONERY, E D W I N W.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 7, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K, August^ 16, 1861; transferred to Co. C, no date; pro­moted corporal, January 26, 1863; returned to ranks, July 3, 1863; discharged, September 20,1864, as Coneery.

CONEY, J A M E S , see James Cooney.

932 REPORT OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

CONKLIN, FRANCIS.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 5, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Go. K, August 16, 1861; wounded in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; died of his wounds, August 12, 1863, at Fort Schuyler, N. Y.

OONKLIN, G E O R G E A.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted, August 9, 1861, at Galeville, to serve three years; mustered in as private,

. Co. D, August 21,1861; transferred to Co. K, no date; captured in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; paroled, no date; died of disease, December 11, 1863, as George Conklin.

CONKLIN, M E L V I L L E . — A g e , IS years. Enlisted, August 5, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K, August 16, 1861; wounded in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, January 5,1864, as Melville R. Conklin.

C O N K L I N , PETER,—Age , 27 years. Enlisted, August 17, 1861, at Crugers, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A , August 21, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; discharged for disability, October 8, 1864, as Peter J . Conklin.

GONKLIN, S E L A H J.—Age, .19 years. Enlisted, August 9,1861, at Galeville, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K, August 16, 1861; died of"disease, March 8, 1862.

CONKLIN, THOMAS.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Albany, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, Jan­uary 11, 1864; no further record.

C O N K L I N , W I L L I A M H.—Age, 22 years. Enrolled, August 16, 1861, at Huntington, to serve three years; mustered in as cor­poral, Co. A , August 21, 1861; promoted sergeant and first sergeant, no dates; discharged, September 22, 1864, as Couch-Ion; commissioned (declined) second lieutenant, June 23, 1864, with rank from March 19, 1864, vice H . H. Sears, promoted.

C O N K L I N , W I L L I A M H,—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1861, at Galesville, to serve three years; mustered in as corporal, Co. F, August 31, 1861; returned to ranks, no date; transferred to Co. K, no date; captured in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; discharged, September 16, 1864,


CONK LIN, W I L L I A M H.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. G, March 28, 1864; drowned while on furlough, June 18, 1865, from steamer Dupont.

C O N L E Y , PETER.—Age, 38 years. Enlisted in Eleventh Con­gressional District, to serve three years, and1 mustered in as private, Co. C, February 14, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.

CONDON, MICHAEL.—Age, 36 years. Enlisted, August 19, 1861, at Verplank's Point, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A, August 21,1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, Decem­ber 22, 1863; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

CONN ANT, WILLIAM.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Hunting­ton, to serve three yearss, and mustered in as private, Oo. A , August 27, 1861; promoted corporal, no date; discharged, Sep* tember 16, 1864.

CONNOLLY, JOHN.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H, October 20, 1863; wounded in action, May 16, 1864, at Drewry's Bluff, Ya. ; deserted on expiration of furlough, November 4, 1861, as Conolly.

CONNOLLY, MICHAEL.—Age, 38 years. Enlisted, September 5, 1861, at Millport, to serve three years; mustered in as leader of band, October 26, 1861; supposed to have been discharged in 1862.

CONNOR, JAMES.—Age, IS years. Enlisted at Elmira, to serve three years, and mustered "in as private, Co. E , February 23, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

OONNORS, MICHAEL.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, Janu­ary 12, 1864; promoted corporal, March 1, 1865; sergeant, April 20, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Conors.

934 R E P O R T OP T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

CONOVER, JOHN.—Age, 27 years. Enlisted at Verplank's Point, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. A , August 20, 1861; transferred to Go. B, no date; discharged for disability, October IS, 1861.

CONOVER, J O H N N.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted, September 9, 1861, at Marlborough, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. D, September 11, 1861; died of dysentery, July 5, 1862, at Fort Pulaski, as John A. Con over.

CONRAD, CASPER,—Age, 25 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private,' Co. B, October 21, 1863; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N . C.

CONSTANT, H E E N I N , see Constant Herman,

CONWAY, G E O R G E W.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, CO. E , August 27, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, January-20, 1864; mustered out, September 21, 1865, at New York city.

COOK, ANDREW.—Private, Co. E , One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. A, this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, sick in hospital, at muster-out of company.

COOK, GEORGE.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, August 10, 1861, at Paterson, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K , August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. E , no date; pro­moted sergeant, no date; discharged on expiration of term of service.

COOK, G E O R G E W.—Private, Oo. A , One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. K, this regiment, June 9, 1865; wounded in action, May 7, 1864, at Chester Hills, V a . ; mustered out, July 19, 1865, from McDougal Hospital, New York Harbor.

COOK, G E O R G E W.—Age, 2S years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. I, September 14, 1861; discharged, expiration of term of service.

COOK, H E N R Y — A g e , 33 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H , January 19, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N . G.'


COOK, JOHN.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Fort Hamilton, N. Yr., to serve three years, and mustered iu as private, Co. B, August 16, 1861; deserted, September, 1861, at Washington, D. C.

COOK, J O H N F.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, July 24, 1861, at Squan Village, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H, August 16, 1861; discharged for disability, July 6, 1862.

COOK, J O H N M.—Age, 30 years. Enlisted, August 19, 1861, at Bridgeport, Conn., to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. A, August 21, 1861; no further record.

COOK, WILLIAM H.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted, August 17, 1861, at Metticonk, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. D, August 21, 1801; transferred to Co.. H , no-date; promoted corporal, October 1.1, 1863; discharged, expiration of term, of service.

C O O K E , P A T R I C K H.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted, August 12, 1862, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Go. E , August 13, 1862; wounded in action, June, 1861, at Cold Harbor, Va . ; died of his wounds, at Washington, D. C , as Cook; also borne as George H. Cook.

OOOKSON, WILLIAM.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted at Piemont, to serve three years, and mustered in as corporal Co. C, Sep­tember 10, 1861; no further record.

COONEY, JAME'S.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 2, 1861, at Bronxville, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H, August 16, 1861; reenlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; deserted at expiration of furlough, March 5, 1861, at New York city, as Coney.

COONEY, PATRICK.—Age, 35 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A, August 21, 1861; no further record.

C O P E , HENRY.—Age, 28 years. Enlisted at Paterson, N. J . , to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. E , no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; killed in action, May 16, 1861, at Drewry's Bluff, Va., as Oops.

936 R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

CORBY, JOHN.—Age, 24 years. Enlisted, at Buffalo, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , February 17, 1S65; mustered out, July 19, 1865, at McDougall Hospital, New York. ,

CORDILLA, FRANCISCO.—Age, 28 years. Enlisted at Auburn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , Febru­ary 22, 1865; deserted, June S, 1865, from Raleigh, N. C. •

C O R K E Y , J O H N B.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1861, at Galeville, to serve three years; mustered in as corporal, Co. F , August 31, 1861; no further record.

C O R N E L L , C H A R L E S T.—Age, 32 years. Enlisted, July 22,. 1861, at Freehold, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H, August 16, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, Decem­ber 22, 1863; wounded in action, June 2, 1864, at Cold Harbor, V a . ; discharged for disability, July 10, 1865.

C O R N E L L , ISAAC.—Age, 34 years. Enlisted, August 21, 1862,. at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H , August 21, 1862; killed 'in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C.

C O R N W A L L , F R E D E R I C K D.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve two years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , December 1, 1864; promoted corporal, March 1, 1865; pro­moted sergeant, July 9, 1S65; mustered out with company, Sep­tember 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

CORRIGAN, JOHN.—Age, 34 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1862, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, August 27, 1862; promoted corporal, November 9, 1863; missing in action, August 16, 1864, at Deep Bottom, Va.. as Garrigan.

CORWIN, B. RIDER,—Age, 28 years. Enrolled, July 15, 1861,. at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as first lieu­tenant, Co. A , August 21, 1861; mustered out, May 22, 1863, at Beaufort, S. C , for promotion as major, Second S. C. Volun­teers; commissioned first lieutenant, December 14,-1861, with rank from August 21,1861, original.

CORWIN, W I L L I A M A.—Age, 29 years. Enlisted, August 8, • 1861, at Bellport, to serve three years; mustered in as sergeant, Co. A, August 21, 1861; discharged for disability, May, 1863.


COSSRELL, J O H N D.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted, August 22, 1861, at Farmingdale, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , August 27, 1861; no further record.

COSTILLO, JAMES.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Go. D, September 24, 1864; discharged, June 27, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

C O T T R E L L , JOHN D.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Farmingdale, N. J . , to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, August 22, 1861; promoted corporal, August 22, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; wounded in action, May 7, 1861, at Chester Heights, Va., and May 16, 1864, at Drewry's Bluff, Va . ; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, April 12, 1865; discharged, August 31, 1865, as of Co. F , Twentieth Regiment, Veteran Reserve Corps, at Philadel­phia, Pa.

COUCHLON, WILLIAM H., see William H . Conklin.

COUDANT, JOSEPH.—Private, Co. H, Independent Corps light Infantry; transferred to Co. H, this regiment, January 30,1864; wounded in action, February 20, 1864, at Olustee, Fla. ; died of his wounds, December 29, 1804, at Ladies' Home Hospital, New York city; also borne as Coudan.

COUGHLIN, THOMAS.—Age, 27 years. Enlisted, August 2, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. H, August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. A , no date; discharged, September 22, 1864, at Coughlan.

COUNTRYMAN, THOMAS.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 23, 1861, at Ellenville, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H , " August 26, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1803; wounded in action, May 16, 1864, at Drew­ry's Bluff, Va. ; died of his wounds, June 1, 1864, in hospital.

COUTANT, CORNELIUS.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, August 28, 1861, at Newburgh, to serve three years; mustered in as cor­poral, Co. B, September 5, 1861; promoted first sergeant, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; absent, sick, at muster-out of company.

C O V I L L E , HIRAM.—Private, Co, F, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. F , this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, sick, at muster-out of company.

938 R E P O R T OP T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

C O V I L L E , J O S I A H R.—Private, Co, F, One Hundred and Sev­enteenth Infantry; transferred to Co. F, this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, sick, at muster-out of company.

C O W A N , WILLIAM.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 23,1S61, at Centerport, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, August 26, 1861; no further record.

COX, CHARLES.—Age , 22 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co, G, February 18, 1865; mustered out, June 6, 1865, at New Berne, N. C.

COX, DANIEL.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, September 3, 1861, at Ratona, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B, September 5, 1861; transferred to Co. F, no date; promoted corporal, no date; sergeant, February 28, 1863; died, May 30, 1864, in hospital, at Beaufort, S. C,

COX, JAMES.—Corporal, Co. D, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. I, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with companv, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

COX, JAMES.—Age, 29 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , August 27, 1861; transferred to Co. C, no date; discharged, September 16, 1864.

COX, WILLIAM.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted, September 10, 1861, at Trumansburg, to serve three years; mustered in as private, in band, October 26, 1S61; -supposed to have been discharged in 1862.

C R A F T , MOSES A.—Private, Co. F , One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. F, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

C R A M M E R , G E O R G E W.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 5, 1861, at Gloucester, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as corporal, Co. E , August 27, 1861; returned to ranks, no date; transferred to Co. D, and promoted sergeant, no dates; killed in.action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C.


C R A W F O R D , EMMETT.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted August 23, 1861, at Centerport, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. G, August 26,1861; transferred to Co. A, no date; dis­charged for disability, September, 1861.

C R A W F O R D , J O H N A.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 20, 1861, at Evansville, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. G, August 26,1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted corporal, no date; wounded and captured in action, August 16, 1864, at Deep Bottom, Ya. ; died while prisoner of war, April 21, 1865.

C R A W T O R D , ROBERT L .—Age, 42 years. Enlisted at Brook­lyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as first sergeant, Co. G, August 26, 1861; returned to sergeant, April 16, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, February 29, 1864; killed in action, August 16, 1864, at Deep Bottom, Va. ; also borne as Robert M. Crawford.

C R O A S D A L E , E D W A R D H.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 11, 1861, at Trenton, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H, August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. D, no date; wounded in action, May 7, 1864, at Chester Hill, Va . ; dis­charged for wounds, no date, as Edward Croasdale.

C R O A S D A L E , JONAS P.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, Angus 11, 1S61, at Trenton, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co, H, August, 16,1861; transferred to Co. D, no date; wounded in action, July 10, 1863, at Morris Island, S. C ; trans ferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, January 25, 1864.

C R O A S D A L E , ROBERT R,, see Robert R. Crowsdale.

CRONLEY, JOHN.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, September 11, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B, September 14, 1861; promoted corporal, November 14, 1863; wounded in action, May 16, 1864, at Drewry's Bluff, Va . ; discharged, September 16, 1864, as Crowley.

CROPSEY, G E O R G E W.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 6, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K, August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. C, no date; re-en­listed as a. veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted corporal, no date; sergeant, no date; captured, September 4, 1864; paroled, no date; died, March 13,1865, in hospital at Wilmington, N. C , as "George H. Cropsey.

940 REPORT OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

C R O T H Y , WILLIAM.—Age, 35 years. Enlisted, August 24,1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, August 26, 1861; transferred to Co. C, no date; missing in action, August 16, 1864, at Deep Bottom, Va., as Crotty.

C R O W L E Y , J O H N , see John Cronley.

C R O W L E Y , THOMAS.—Age, 31 years. Enlisted, July 25, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, August 16, 1861; killed in action, June 1, 1864, at Cold Har­bor, Va .

O R O W S D A L E , ROBERT R.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 19, 1861, at Trenton, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as corporal, Co. D, August 21, 1861; returned to ranks and ap­pointed wagoner, no date; discharged, September 20, 1864, as Croasdale.

C U L L E N , JAMES.—Age, 29 years. Enlisted at Auburn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F, February 22, 1865; promoted corporal, May 1, 1865; returned to ranks, June 20, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. G , as Cullan.

C U L L E N , MICHAEL.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, March 28, 1864; transferred to Co. K, no date; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C ; also borne as William, Cullen.

C U M M E R F O R D , FRANCIS.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 13, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H , August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. A , no date; wounded in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; trans­ferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, January 27, 1864; also borne as Commerford.

CUMMING, A L B E R T . — A g e , 31 years. Enlisted, August 2,1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, August 26, 1861; transferred to Co. I, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, January 20, 1864; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 941.

CUNNINGHAM, EDWARD.—Age, 31 years. Enlisted, August 17, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. D, August 2.1, 1861; transferred to Co, G, no date; discharged, September 16, 1864, near Petersburg, Ya.

CUNNINGHAM, JAMES.—Private, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. G, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

CUNNINGHAM, PETER,—Age, 43 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, August 28, 1863; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

CUNNION, MICHAEL.—Age, 28 years. Enlisted, July 26, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, August 16, 1861; discharged expiration term of service.

CURCHIN, W I L L I A M T.—Age, 27 years. Enlisted, July 26, 1861, at Williamsburg, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A, August 21, 1861; no further record.

CURLIES, DAVID.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, September 7, 1861, at NewT York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, September 10, 1861; no further record.

CURLY, J A M E S H.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, September 4, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B, September 5, 1861; transferred to Co. H, no date; deserted, September 26, 1861, from Camp Wyman, New York; also borne as Curley.

CURRAN, C H A R L E S H.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Gale­ville, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. K, September 13/1861; no further record.

CURRAN, C H A R L E S H.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, July 27, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, September 13, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted corporal, no date; sergeant, March 1, 1865; returned to ranks, June 4, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Joseph H. Ourran.

942 E E POET OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

CURRIN, F R E D E R I C K . — A g e , 18 years. Enlisted at Wirt, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. E, February 22, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

CURTIS, DAVID.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Farmingdale, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, Septem­ber 9, 1861; died of dysentery, June 21, 1868, at Pulaski, Ga.

CURTIS, E D W I N S.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, September 1, 1861, at Red Hook, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. B, September 5, 1861; transferred to Co. D, no date; discharged expiration.term of service.

CURTIS, JOHN.—Age, 27 years. Enlisted, August 27, 1861, at Herbertsville, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. B, September 5, 1861; captured in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort "Wagner, S. C ; paroled, no date; died of heart disease, January 29, 1865, at Hilton Head, S. C.

CURTIS, THOMAS.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 6, 1861, at Freehold, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H, August 16, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; wounded in action, May 16, 1861, at Drewry's Bluff, Va., and June 2, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va . ; mustered out, July 20, 1865, at New York city.

C U S A C K , JOHN.—Age, 30 years. Enlisted, August 12, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. D, August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. I, no date; killed in action, February 20, 1864, at Olustee, Fla.

CUSICK, JOHN.—Private, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infan­try; transferred to Co. B, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

C U V E L I E R , E T I E N N E , see Etienne Cavelier.

C Y L E , NATHAN.—Age , 21 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, October 20, 1863; promoted sergeant, no date; returned to ranks, no date; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N . 0.


DAILY, CHRISTOPHER.—Private, Co. E , One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Oo. A, this regiment,. June 9, 1865; deserted, as from One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry.

D A L E , JOHN.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 5, 186.1, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H , August 16, 1861; deserted, September 26, 1861, from Camp Wyrnan, N. Y.

D A L E Y , HENRY.—Private, Co. H , One Hundred and Seven-teent Infantry; transferred to Co. B, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

D A L L A R D , MICHAEL.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Go. I, Feb-bruary 21, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C ; also borne as Dollard.

D A L L A S , EMMANS, see Dallas Emmons,

DALSO, FRANCOIS.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H, Octo­ber 20, .1863; deserted, September 23, 1864, from picket, near Petersburg, Ya. ; also borne as Fandal Dalso.

D A L T O N , PATRICK.—Age, 41 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , August 27, 1861; transferred to Oo. G, no date, and to Co. C, October 15, 1861; died, March 11, 1862, at Pine Island, S. C.

D A L Y , WILLIAM.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, Janu­ary 9, 1864; wounded in action, June 4, 1864, near Petersburg, V a . ; transferred, February 18, 1865, to Veteran Reserve Corps; mustered out, September 16, 1805, at Philadelphia, Pa.., as of the One Hundred and Fifth Company, Second Battalion, Vet­eran Reserve Corps.

D A M , ELZEAR,—Age , 21 years. Enlisted at Cavanill, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, March 24,1864; absent, sick, at muster-out of company; also borne as Elezor Damm, Eleazor Dam and Elzior Damm.

944 REPORT OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

D A N D Y , J A M E S H.—Age, 19 years Enrolled, September 9, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as ser­geant, Co. C, September 10, 1801; transferred to Co. B, no date; promoted second lieutenant, Co. G, June 21, 1862; dis­charged, December 14, 1862, for promotion to another regi­ment; commissioned second lieutenant, May 19, 1862, with rank from April 29,1862, vice R. S. Edwards, promoted.

D A N I E L S , JR., MARK.—Private, Co. K, Third Infantry; trans­ferred to Co. C, this regiment, May 22, 1865; deserted, August 13, 1865, near Raleigh, N. C.

D A N I E L S , THOMPSON G.—Age, 27 years. Enlisted, August 10, 1861, at Ellenville, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, August 26, 1861; discharged for disability, October 18, 1861, at Annapolis, Md., as Thomas G. Daniels.

D A N I E L S O N , J O H N PL—Age, 34 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, August 30, 1862; mustered out, May 30, 1865, at New Berne, N. C ; prior service in company of engineers, Fourteenth Regiment, New York Stare Militia.

D A N I E L S O N , W I L L I A M H.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as sergeant, Co. E , August 27, 1861; discharged for promotion.

D A R A N , G E O R G E , see George Duran.

D A R C Y , EDWARD.—Age, IS years. Enlisted in Ninth Congres­sional District, to serve three years, and mustered in as pri­vate, Co. E , March 20, 1864; wounded in action, May 16, 1864, at Drewry's Bluff, Va . ; died of his wounds, no date, at Fort Monroe, V a .

D ' A R C Y , W I L L I A M E.—Age, 27 years. Enrolled, August 5, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as first sergeant, Co. F, August 31, 1861; as second lieutenant, November 9, 1863; as first lieutenant, April 29, 1864; as cap­tain, August 13, 1864; killed in action, August 14, 1864, at Deep Bottom, V a . ; commissioned second lieutenant, August 28,1863, with rank from August 28,1863, vice A. H. Ingraham, promoted; first lieutenant, April 29,1864, with rank from April 4, 1864, vice A . F . Howland, promoted; captain, July 30, 1864, with rank from July 15, 1864, vice J . A. Fee, died of wounds.


DARLING, DAVID.—Private , Co. K , One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. E, this regiment, June 9, 1SG5; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Ral­eigh, N. C.

DARROW, SAMUEL.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F, August

• 22, 1862; discharged for disability, June 8, 1864.

D A V E N P O R T , JOHN.—Private, Co. H, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. B, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

DAVIDSON, THOMAS, see Thomas Dawson.

DAVIDSON, WILLIAM—Age, 30 years. Enlisted at Goshen, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. E, February 21, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

DAVIS, GEORGE.—Age, IS years. Enlisted in Eighteenth Congressional District, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, February 15, 1865; died, May 8, 1865, in hos­pital at Raleigh, N. C.

DAVIS, HENRY.—Age, 32 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, Janu­ary 5, 1S64; wounded in action, no date; died of his wounds, June 23, 1864, at Washington, D. C.

DAVIS, H E N R Y V.—Age, IS years. Enlisted! at Barrington, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F, Feb­ruary 22, 1865; mustered out, June 10, 1865, at New Berne, N. C.

DAVIS, JOHN.—Age, 38 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A, August 31, 1863; deserted, March, 1864.

DAVIS, JOHN.—Private, Co. K, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. E , this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, sick, at muster-out of company.


946 R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

D A V I S , J O S I A H IL—Age, 22 years. Enlisted, August 14, 1861, at Ellenville, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A , August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. G, no date; died of typhoid fever, November 7,1861, in hospital.

DAVIS , THEODORE.—Age, 37 years. Enlisted, August 24, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , August 27, 1861; transferred to Co. C, no date; promoted corporal, no date; captured in, action, February 20, 1864, at Olustee, Fla . ; died while a prisoner of war.

D A V Y , JOHN.—Age, 29 years. Enlisted at Buffalo, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , February 16, 1865; promoted corporal, no date; mustered out with company, September 1,1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Davey.

D A W S O N , JOHN.—Age, 28 years. Enlisted, August 2, 1861, at Hudson, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. G, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; captured in action, August 16, 1864, at Strawberry Plains, Va. ; died, August 20, 1864, at Richmond, Va .

D A W S O N , THOMAS.—Age, 22 years. Enrolled, August 10, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as cor­poral, Co. K, August 16, 1861; promoted sergeant, no date; returned to ranks, July 30, 1863; promoted sergeant, October 11,1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; wounded in action, August 16, 1864, at Strawberry Plains, Va . ; mus­tered in as first lieutenant, Co. A , January 2, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C ; also borne as Davidson; commissioned second lieutenant, Septem­ber 16, 1864, with rank from July 30, 1864, vice W. McDougall, killed; first lieutenant, December 10, 1864, with rank from December 3, 1864, vice J . W. Dunn, promoted; captain, May 17, 1865, with rank from April 16, 1865, not mustered, vice A . Lippencott, resigned.

D A Y , FRANCIS.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, Novem-

- ber 26, 1861; deserted, July 29, 1861, near Petersburg, Va.

D E A C O N , J A M E S H.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, September 6, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, September 10, 1861; transferred to Co. F, no date; no record subsequent to December 31, 1863.


D E A N , A L V I N L.—Age, 40 years. Enlisted at Volney, to serve three yeairs, and mustered in as private, Co. F , Febrauary 14, 1865; mustered out with companv, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

DEARING, J O H N T.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. K, Septem­ber 1, 1863; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

DEBOIS, JERYIS.—Private, Co. I, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. G, this regiment, .June 9, 1865; deserted, July 3, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Louis Dubois.

DEBOIS, VICTOR—Private, Co. I, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. G, this regiment, June 9, 1865; deserted, July 3, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Dubois.

D E C A M P , J O H N C—Age, 28 years. Enlisted, August 24, 1861, at Chester, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, August 26, 1861; transferred to Co. D, no date; wounded in action, July 13, 1863, at Morris Island, S. C ; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22,1868; wounded in action, May 7,1864; at Chester Hill, Va . ; promoted corporal, May 1, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

D E C K E R , A L F R E D . — A g e , 38 years. Enlisted at Goshen, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , October 8, 1863; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

D E C K E R , GEORGE.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, September 5, 1861, at Galeville, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. C, September 10, 1861; transferred to Co. K and appointed musician, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, Decem­ber 22, 1863; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C ; also borne as George W. Decker.

D E C K E R , LEVI.—Age, 29 years. Enlisted at Utica, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F, January 31, 1865; discharged for disability, March 31, 1865.

D E C K E R , ROBERT.—Age, 32 years. Enlisted at Goshen, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , October 8, 1863; wounded in action, May 15, 1864, at Drewry's Bluff, Va.;'discharged for disability, September 19,1864.

948 R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

D E F O R E EST, GEAREDUS.—Age , 17 years. Enlisted, Decem­ber 16, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. F, December 17, 1861; discharged for dis­ability, July 28, 1862.

D E G A N , PETER.—Private, Co. K, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. E , this regiment, June 9, 1865; discharged for disability, no date.

D E G A R M A , GEORGE.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted, August 10, 1861, at Bridgeport, Conn., to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. E , no date;"wounded in action, July 18, 1863,-at Fort Wagner, S. C ; wounded and captured in action, February 20, 1864, at Olustee. F l a . ; died, August 6, 1864, while a prisoner of war at Ander-sonville, Ga.

D E G E O R G I E , C H A R L E S J.—Private, Co. K, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. E , this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, wounded, at muster-out of company.

D E GEORGIE, J O S E P H W.—Private, Co. K, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. E, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

D E GRILLA, ALEXANDER,—Private , Co. B, Independent Corps Light Infantry; transferred to Co. H , this regiment, Jan­uary 30, 1864; captured and paroled, no dates; discharged at expiration of term of service; also borne as Degral.

D E G R O A T , J O H N M.—Age, 42 years. Enlisted at Syracuse, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , February 23, 1865; died, July 9, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

D E H A Y E N , A N D R E W J.—Age, 27 years. Enlisted, Septem­ber 2, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, September 10, 1861; transferred to Co. G, no date; promoted corporal, no date; returned to ranks, April 25, 1864; wounded in action, June 1, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Ya. ; discharged, September 16, 1864, near Petersburg, Va.

D E H N , WILLIAM.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Goshen, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, January 4, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C. ,


D E L A M A R T E L L E R I E , BERNHARD.—Private, Co. D, Inde­pendent Corps Light Infantry; transferred to Co. D, this regi­ment, January 30,1864; killed in action, May 7, 1864, at Chester Heights, Ara.

D E L A N E Y , ROBERT.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown,, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , Jan­uary 14, 1865; deserted, July 1,1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

DEMING, HENRY.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, August 31, 1863; wounded in action, May 7, 1864, at Chester Hill, Y'a.; absent, wounded, in hospital, at New Haven, Conn., at muster-out of company; also borne as Henry Demming.

DEMMY, JOHN.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, August 29, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as corporal, Co. F , August 31,' 1861; transferred to.Co. K, and returned to ranks, no dates; discharged, September 16, 1864.

D E M P S E Y , MICHAEL.—Age, 32 years. Enlisted, August 28, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F, August 31, 1861; transferred to Co. C, no date; wounded in action, July 18,1863, at Fort Wagner, S. G ; trans­ferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, December 29, 1S63. .

D E M P S E Y , MICHAEL.—Age, 42 years. Enlisted at West­chester, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , August 27, 1861; transferred to Co. C, no date; discharged, July 23, 1862.

D E N B Y , J O H N H.—Age, 29 years. Enlisted, August 10, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as corporal, Co. I, August 16, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22,1863; wounded in action, May 16, 1864, at Drewry's Bluff, Va . ; pro­moted sergeant, no date; discharged for disability, no date.

D E N N E Y , MICHAEL.—Private, Co. G, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. D, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

D E N N I E R E , MICHAEL.—Private, Co. K, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. E, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

950 • R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

DENNIS, AUGUSTUS.—Age, 26 years. Enlisted, July 29, 1861, at New London, Conn., to serve three years; mustered in as corporal, Co. H, August 16, 1861; died, August 26, 1862, at Fort Pulaski, Ga.

D E P E U Y , J A C O B R.—Age, 26 years. Enlisted, August 28, 1861, at Newburgh, to serve three years; mustered in as cor­poral, Co. B, September 5, 1861; promoted sergeant, no date;

• killed in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C.

D E T L O R , JOHN.—Private, Co. D, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. I, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

D E T R I C H T , CONRAD.—Private, Co. F, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. F,.this regiment, June . 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Detrich.

D E U B E L , SEBASTIAN.—Private, Co. G, Independent Corps Light Infantry; transferred to Co. G, this regiment, January 30, 1864; died of consumption, August 1, 1864, in hospital.

D E V E N D O R F , C H A R L E S A.—Age, 24 years. Enrolled, Octo­ber 23, 1863, at Hilton Head, S. 0., to serve three years; mus­tered in as assistant surgeon, November 17, 1863; captured and paroled, no dates; mustered in as surgeon, October 16, 1864; mustered out with regiment, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.; commissioned assistant surgeon, October 17, 1863, with rank from October 17, 1863, vice J . G. Wolcott, declined; sur­geon, September 30, 1864, with rank from September 30, 1864, vice J . L. Mulford, mustered out.

D E V E U V E Y , M A R C — A g e , — years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, August 1, 1863; missing in action, February 20, 1864, at Olustee, Fla.

D E V I N E , THOMAS.—Private, Co. A , One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. K, this regiment, June 9, 1865; deserted, June 28z 1865.


D E YOUNG, JOHN.—Age, 32 years. Enlisted at Fort Hamil­ton, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , September 10, 1861; wounded in action, June 1, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Ya . ; wounded and in hospital at muster-out of company.

DICKENSON, WILLIAM.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted at Tarry­town, to serve three years, and mustered in aiS private, Co. I, October 20, 1863; wounded in action, February 20, 1864, at Olustee, Fla , ; discharged, May 27, 1865, at New Berne, N. C.

DICKSON, ROBERT.—Age, 44 years. Enlisted, September 2, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F, September 5, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; appointed musician, no date; discharged for disability, July 14, 1865.

D I E U X , CHRIST.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. B, January 19, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. G , as Dieus.

D I K E M A N , D A N I E L J.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 20, ,1861, at Ver Plank's Point, to serve three years, mustered in as private, Co. A , August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. B, no date; captured in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort W^agner, S. C ; paroled, no date; killed in action, June 2,1864, at Cold Harbor, Va. ; also borne as Dykeman and Dyckman.

D I K E M A N , J O H N P.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted, August 22, 1862, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H , August 23, 1862; died, December 2, 1864, on hospital steamer, u L e a r y ; " also borne a s Dykeman.

D I L L A N , TOBIAS.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted, August 5, 1861, at Centerport, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H, August 16, 1861; transferred to .Co. A, no date; discharged, September 22, 1.S64; also borne as Dillon.

DILLON, ISAAC.—Age, 33 years. Enlisted, September 7, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. 0, September 10, 1861; transferred to Co. E , and appointed wagoner, no dates; returned to company, as private, no date; discharged at expiration of term of service; subsequent service in Co. K, First Engineers.

952 R E P O R T OF T H E A D JUT A N T - G E N E R A L .

DILLON, JAMES.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, August 7, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A , August 21, 1861; discharged, September 22, 1861.

DILLON, PATRICK.—Age, 39 years. Enlisted, September 6, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. C, September 10, 1861; killed in action, Jane 1, 1861, at Gold Harbor, Va.

D I N G E E , H E Z E K I A H . — A g e , 19 years. Enlisted, September 5, . 1861, at Newburgh, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­

vate, Co. C, September 10, 1861; transferred to. Co. K, no date; wounded in action, July IS, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; killed in action, February 20, 1861, at Olustee, Fla . ; also borne as Hezekiah W. Dingee.

D I N G E E , ORVILLE.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, September 22, 1861, at New, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F , October 10, 1861; deserted on expiration of fur­lough, April 22, 1861.

D I S H M A N , R I C H A R D . — Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Kingston, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. B, September 26, 1864; mustered out, June 27, 1S65, at Raleigh, N. C.

D I V I N E , C L E SON.—Private, Co. I, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. G, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C., as Clesson Divine.

DIXON, ROBERT.—Age, 44 years. Enlisted, September 2, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Go. B, Sepember 5, 1861; no further record.

D O D R E G G E , JOHN.—Age, 24 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. F , October 21, 1863; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Doddge.

D O E K T E R , JACOB.—Private, Co. G, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. D, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Dokter.


DOERING, JOHN.—Age, 27 years. Enlisted, August 5, 1861, at Trenton, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H , August 16, 1861; transferred to Oo. D, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted corporal, May 1, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.

D O H E N Y , JAMES.—Age, 10 years. Enlisted, September 9,1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as wagoner, Co. C, September 10, 1861; transferred to Co. F , and returned to company as private, no dates; discharged for disability, May 12, 1863; also borne as Dongheny.

D O L A N , JAMES.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 21, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in,as private, Co. G, August 26, 1861; transferred to Co. E , no date; captured in action, July IS, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; died, July 1, 1861, at Andersonville, Ga.

D O L A N , MICHAEL,—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Go. C, April 7, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

D O L A N , P E T E R , see Peter Doulan.

DOLL, CHARLES,—Age, 25 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Go. G, January 17, 1865; wounded in action, February 21, 1865, near Wilming­ton, N. 0.; absent, wounded, at muster-out of company.

D O L L A R D , M I C H A E L , see Michael Dallard.

D O N A G H Y , JOHN.—Age, 28 years. Enlisted, September 11, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B, September 14, 1861; captured in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; died, February 19, 1864, at Richmond, Ya.

DONAHO, CHARLES.—Age, 42 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , August 28, 1862; discharged for disability, September 13, 1862.

D O N A H U E , JERRE.—Private, Oo. G, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. D, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, 'September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.

'954 R E P O R T OP T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

D O N A L D S O N , JOHN.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, October 20, 1863; transferred to Navy, no date.

D O N E G A N , PATRICK.—Age, 36 years. Enlisted, September 4, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. O, September 10, 1861; transferred to Co. A, no date; missing in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. O.; also borne as Dunnigan.

D O N L A N , PETER.—Age , 19 years. Enlisted, September 11, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as

. private, Co. F , September 16,1861; on detached service, Decem­ber 31, 1863; no further record; also borne as Dolan.

D O N L A N , PETER.—Private, Co. H , One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Go. B, this regiment, June 9, 1865; deserted, August 2, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Peter Dolan.

D O N O H U E , JAMES.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted, August 19, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A , August 21, 1861; no further record.

D O N O V A N , WILLIAM.—Private, Co. D, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. I, this regiment, June 9, 1865; deserted, July 11, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

D O O R H A M M E R , EDWARD.—Private, Co. F, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. F, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

DOTY, CHARLES.—Age , 19 years. Enlisted, August 17, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Go. D, August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. E , no date; dis­charged at expiration of term of service.

DOUD, M I C H A E L , see Michael Dowd.

D O U G H E N Y , J A M E S , see James Doheny.

D O U G H E R T Y , JOHN.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Go. B, December 28, 1863; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.


D O U G H E R T Y , PATRICK.—Age, 24 years. Enlisted at Brook­lyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H , January 17, 1S65; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

D O U G H E R T Y , THOMAS.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted, September 7, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as corporal, Go. C, September 10, 1861; transferred to Go. G, and returned to ranks, no dates; transferred to Co. B, October 15, 1861; captured, no date; died, March 9, 1861, at Richmond, Ya.

D O U G H T Y , E D W I N F.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted, August 29, 1862, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A , August 30, 1862; captured in action, February 20, 1864, at Olustee, Fla . ; died of diarrhoea, October 16, 1864, at Ander­sonville, Ga.

D O U G H T Y , G A R D N E R R.—Age, 24 years. Enrolled at Brook­lyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as corporal, Oo. A , December 2, 1861; promoted sergeant, no date; wounded in action, May 16, 1864, at Drewry's Bluff, Va . ; discharged at expiration of term of service; commissioned second lieutenant, June 23, 1864, writh rank from June 1, 1864, (declined), vice R. F. Mackeller, resigned.

DOUGLAS, ROBERT.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted, August 26,1861, at Paterson, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , August 27, 1861; wounded and captured in action and paroled, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; promoted cor­poral, no date; discharged at expiration term of service; also borne as Douglass.

DOUGLAS, S A M U E L G.—Age, 26 years. Enlisted at Brook­lyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private', Co. D, December 16, 1863; captured in action, May 7, 1864, at Chester Hill , V a . ; died, August 30, 1864, at Andersonville, Ga.

DOUGLASS, JOHN.—Private, Co, C, One Hundred and Severn teenth Infantry; transferred to Oo, C, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N, C.

DOWD, MICHAEL.—Private, Co. B, Independent Corps Light Infantry; transferred to Co. B, this regiment, January 30,1864; wounded in action, June 11, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va . ; no further record.

958 R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

DOWD, MICHAEL.—Age , 19 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H, January 18, 1865; deserted, August 13, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

D O W L E Y , M I C H A E L , see Michael J . Doyle.

D O W N E R , EDWARD.—Captain, Co. I, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. I, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as E . Downer; commissioned captain in One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry.

DOWNS, MICHAEL.—Private, Co. D, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. I, this- regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, wounded, at muster-out of company.

D O Y L E , M I C H A E L J.—Age, 32 years. Enlisted, August 1, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H , August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. A , no date; dis­charged, September 22,1864, as Dowley.

D R A K E , JOHN.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted, July 30, 1861, at Trenton, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H , August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. D, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; wounded, January 7, 1864; wounded in action, June 1, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va . ; trans­ferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, no date; discharged, August 26, 1865, as of First Battalion, Veteran Reserve Corps Cavalry, at Washington, D. C.

D R A K E , LEROY.—Private, Co. H, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Oo. B, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with comppan}-, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

D R A K E , WILLIAM.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted at Goshen, to . serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. I, February 20, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

D R E W , L E V I S.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, August 12, 1861, at Bridgeport, Conn., to serve three years; mustered in as private, Go. I, August 16, 1861; no further record.


D E U B A , MAX.—Private, Oo. K, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Go. E, this regiment, June 9, 1S65; died, August 6, 1865, in hospital at Raleigh", N. C.

DEUMMOND, EUGENE.—Private, Co. B, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. H , this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

DUBOIS, LOUIS, see Jervis Debois. •

DUBOIS, VICTOR, see Victor Debois.

D U F F , WILLIAM.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , August 27, 1861; transferred to Co. F , no date; re-en­listed as a veteran, December 22, 1863; wounded in action, May 16, 1S64, at Drewry's Bluff, Va. ; promoted corporal, no date; wounded in action, January 15, 1865, at Fort Fisher, N. C.; pro­moted sergeant, May 1, 1865; mustered out with company, Sep­tember 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C ; also borne as Wm.. S. Duff.

D U F F E E , STACY K.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 1,1861, at Harrisonville, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H, August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. D, no date; promoted corporal, no date; wounded in action, July IS, 1S63, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; died of his wounds, July 30, 1863, at Fort Schuyler, N. Y . ; also borne as Duffle.

D U F F Y , FRANCIS.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, November 28, 1863, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K, November 30, 1863; wounded in action, June 30, 1861, near Petersburg, Va . ; died of his wounds, June 30, 1864.

D U F F Y , OWEN.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 17, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. D, August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. G, no date; promoted cor­poral, no date; sergeant, February 24, 1864; wounded in action, August 16, 1864, at Strawberry Plains, Va. ; discharged, Sep­tember 16, 1864, near Petersburg, Va.

DUFRINSE, LEANDER.—Age , 18 years. Enlisted, March 22, 1864, at Broome, to serve three years; mustered in as private, unassigned, March 26, 1864; no further record.

958 REPORT OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

D U G A N , THOMAS.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Auburn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , February 22, 1865; deserted, July 28, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

D U L E Y , J O H N G.~Age, — years. Enlisted at Hastings, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, Feb­ruary 15, 1865; promoted corporal, May 1, 1865; deserted, August 11, 1865.

D U M A S , EDWARD.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 11, 1861, at Keyport, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Go. I , August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. F , no date; re-en­listed as a veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted corporal, no date; killed in action, February 22,1865, at Wilmington, N. G ; also borne as Dumez.

D U N B A R , W I L L I A M H.—Age, 24 years. Enrolled, July 22, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as first lieutenant, Co. G, August 26, 1861; as captain, Co. A , to date, July 11, 1863; wounded, no date; mustered out, May 31,' 1865,

. for promotion to major Eighty-third Pennsylvania Volunteers; commissioned first lieutenant, December 14, 1861, with rank from August 26, 1861, original; captain, August 25,1863, with rank from July 10, 1863, vice L. H. Lent, killed.

D U N C A N , SAMUEL.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I , Decem­ber 24, 1863; promoted sergeant, no date; absent, in confine­ment, at muster-out of company.

D U N L A P , EDWARD.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, August 25, 1S63; deserted, December 2, 1863, at Hilton Head, S. C.

D U N N , EDWARD.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, April 3, 1862; died, September 2, 1864, in hospital at Fort Monroe, V a . ; also borne as Dunne.

D U N N , HENRY.—Age , 25 years. Enlisted at Schenectady,, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , Septem­ber 16, 1861; discharged for disability, June 30, 1862, as Henry C. Dunne.


i ;UNN, JAMES.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, CO. H , January 17, 1S85; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. G. .

DUNN, J A M E S W.—Age, 23 years. Enrolled, August 14, 1861, at Bridgeport, Conn., to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. E , no date; promoted corporal and sergeant, no dates; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; wounded in action, May 7, 1864, at Chester Hill , Va . ; promoted first sergeant, no date; mus­tered in as second lieutenant, Co. B, September 4, 1864; as first lieutenant, Co. A, October 10, 1864; as captain, Co. E , January 2, 1865; killed in action, January 15, 1865, at Fort Fisher, N. C ; commissioned second lieutenant, July 30, 1864, with rank from July 15, 1864, vice W. H . Conklin, declined; first lieutenant, September 16, 1864, with rank from August 1, 1S64, vice H. H . Sears, killed; captain, December 10, 1864, with rank from December 3,1864, vice A. F. Miller, promoted.

DUNNIGAN, PATRICK, see Patrick Donegan.

DUNNING, CHARLES.—Age, IS years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H, Janu­ary IS, 1S65; mustered out, June 20, 1865, from hospital at Smithville, N. C.

DUNNING, SMITH.—Age, 39 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, October 1, 1863; wounded in action, February 20, 1864, at Olustee, Fla . ; mustered out, June 12, 1S65, from McDougall Hospital, NewT York city, as Schmidt Dunning.

DUNNUM, GEORGE.—Age, 19'years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, October 21, 1863; killed in action, February 20, 1864, at Olus­tee, Fla. ; also borne as Dunnam.

D U P E N , LEANDER.—Age, IS years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , March 22, 1864; deserted, September 14, 1S61, near Peters­burg, Va.

D U P R E E , ELLIOT.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted, July 5, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as corporal, Co. A , August 21, 1861; returned to ranks, no date; discharged, September 16, 1864; also borne as Elliot B. Dupree.

960 R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

D U P E E E , J O H N A.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted, August 26,1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , August 27, 1861; transferred to Co. A , no date; appointed wagoner, no date; discharged, September 22, 1861.

D U R A N , GEORGE.—Age, 33 years. Enlisted, September 11, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. B, September 14, 1861; promoted corporal, no date; wounded in action, no date; died of his wounds, October 19, 1862, at Fort Pulaski, Ga.; also borne as Daran.

D U S H A M , EDWARD.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted at Troy, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , January 19, 1865; mustered out, June 30, 1865, at David's Island, New York city. '

D U S H A M , JOSEPH.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Troy, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , January 19, 1865; died of typhoid fever and chronic diarrhoea, July 19, 1865.

D U T C H E R , D E W I T T C—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, July 26, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. G, August 26, 1861; no further record.

D U T C H E R , D E W I T T C—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, July 20, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as cor­poral, Co. A, September 16, 1861; fell from deck of transport "Winfield Scott" in Skull Creek, S. C ; died from his injuries, January 25, 1862.

D U T E I L , EMILE.—Private, Co. F, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. E , this regiment, January 30, 1864; re-enlisted as a veteran, March 31, 1864; deserted, on expiration of furlough, May, 1864; also borne as Dutel.

D W Y E R , WILLIAM.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted at. Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , Janu­ary 10, 1865; absent without leave at muster-out of company.

D Y K E M A N , D A N I E L J . , see Daniel J . Dikeman.

D Y K E M A N , J O H N P., see John P. Dikenian.


E A O K E L , C H A R L E S R.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 20, 1862, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo, H , August 30, 1862; mustered out, May 20, 1865, from hos­pital, at Wilmington, N. C.; also borne as Eckel.

E A R L Y , BARTHOMEW.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H , Janu­ary 19, 1865; deserted', August 6, 1865, from Raleigh, N . 0.

E A R L Y , JACOB.—Age, 29 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three yeans, and mustered in as private, Oo, K, Feb­ruary 22, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1,1865, at Raleigh, N. 0. .

EAiSSON, PETER.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted, September 17, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, October 10, 1861; promoted corporal, no date; first ser­geant, no date; discharged at expiration of term

E C K E L , C H A R L E S R, see Charles R. Eackel.

E O K E R T , HENRY.—Age, 10 years. Enlisted at Poughkeepsie, to serve three years, and mustered in as. private, Co, K, January 18, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.

E D S E L L , CHARLES,—Private, Co. 0, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. C, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Edsall.

E D W A R D S , J A M E S L.—Age, 28 years. Enlisted, August 22, 1861, at iSag Harbor, to serve three years; mustered in a,a pri­vate, Oo. F, August 31, 1861; transferred to CO. H, no date; appointed wagoner, no date; returned to company as private, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; mustered out, August 26, 1865, at Raleigh, N. O.

E D W A R D S , ROBERT S.—Age, 21 years. Enrolled, August 1, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as; second lieutenant, Co. D, August 21, 1861; transferred to Co, E , no date; promoted first lieutenant, Co. C, April, 1862; killed in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. O ; commissioned second lieutenant, December 11, 1861, with rank from August 21, 1861, original; first lieutenant, May 19,1862, with rank from April 29, 1862, vice George McArdle, resigned.


962 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

E D W A R D S , ROGER.—'Age, 21 years. Enrolled!, August 1,1861, at Sag Harbor, to serve there years; mustered in as sergeant, Oo. H , August 16, 1861; promoted first sergeant, no date; mus­tered in as second lieutenant, Co. O, September 22, 1863; as first lieutenant, Co. I, April 13, 1864; wounded in action, May 16,1864, at Drewry's Bluff, Va, ; transferred to Co. O, no date; discharged for disability, September 12, 1864; commissioned second lieutenant. August 28, 1863, with rank from July 18, 1863, vice J . R. Taylor, promoted; first lieutenant, March 30, 1864, with rank from March 8, 1864, vice T. O. Vidal, trans­ferred to Signal Corps.

E'GGER, JOHN.—Private, Co. C, Independent Corps Light Infantry; transferred to Co 0, this regiment, January 30, 1864; discharged, November 13, 1864.

E L F W I N G , N E R E A.—Age, 29 years, Enrolled at New York city, to iserve three years, and mustered in as first lieutenant, Co. B, September 5, 1861; as captain, December 22, 1862; wounded in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C.; mus­tered in as major, December 5, 1864; as lieutenant-colonel; March 14,1865; mustered out with regiment, September 1,1865, at Raleigh, N. C.; also borne as Mere A . Elf wing; commissioned first lieutenant, December 14, 1861, with rank from September 5, 1861, original; captain, November 17, 1862, with rank from August 29/, 1862, vice E . R. Travis, resigned; major, June 23, 1864, with rank from June 9, 1864, vice W. B. Ooan, promoted; reoonumissiioned major, August 22, 1864, with rank from1 Julj 30, 1864, vice S. M. Swartwout, killed; lieutenant-colonel, December 21, 1864, with rank from December 3, 1864, vice W. B. Ooan, promoted.

E L K I N S , H A R V E Y S.—Private, Co. B, One Hundred and Sev­enteenth Infantry; transferred to Oo. H, thiisi regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. O.

E L K I N S , J A M E S H.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , February 22, 1864; wounded in action, May 7, 1864, at Chester Hill , Va . ; promoted corporal, March 1, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.


ELLIOTT, AUSTIN.—Age, — years. Enlisted- at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in ais private, Go. K, September 2, 1863; wounded in action, May 7, 1861, at Chester Hill , Va. , and June 1,1861, at Cold Harbor, Ya . ; discharged, July 8,1865.

ELLIS , JOHN.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, July 19, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, August 16, 1861; no further record.

ELLIS, SAMUEL.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three year's, and mustered in as private, Go. D, October 19, 1863; died, April 21, 1864, in hospital at Hilton Head, S. C.

ELLISON, ALBERT.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, August 19,1861, at Shawangunk, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as corporal, Co. F , August 31, 1861; transfer-red to Co. K, no date;

• wounded in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; dis­charged' for disability, July 15, 1864.

E L M E N D O R F , ANTHONY.—Age, 21 years, Enrolled, August 1, 1861, at Brooklyn;, to serve three years; mustered in as cap­tain, Co. G, August 26, 1861; dsch'arged, April 19, 1864; com­missioned captain, December 14, 1861, with rank from August 26, 1861, original.

E M B R E E , AUGUSTUS.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 1, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K, August 16, 1861; discharged, September 16, 1864.

EMERIGE', PHILLIP.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 1,1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co.-A , August 21, 1861; no further record,

E M E R Y , C H A R L E S T.—Age, 28 yearn Enlisted, August 7, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, August 16,1861; transferred to Oo. G, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted corporal, April 25, 1864; wounded in action, August 16, 1864, at Deep Bottom, Va. ; died of his wounds, September 12, 1864, at Beverly, N. J .

EMMONS, CONOVER.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted, September 6, 1861, at Farmingdale, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, September 10, 1861; transferred to Co, D, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, February 29, 1864; wounded in action, June 1, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va . ; deserted from hos­pital at Baltimore, Md.

964 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

E M M O N S , D A L L A S . — A g e , 19 years. Enl isted, August 19,1861, at Chester, to serve three years; mustered i n as corporal, Co. D , A u g u s t 21, 1861; returned to ranks, no date; transferred to Co. G, September 22,1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863, as wagoner; mustered out w i th company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N . O.

E M O S I E U R , A L E X A N D E R . — P r i v a t e , Oo, K , One Hundred and Seventeenth In fantry ; transferred to Co. E , this regiment, J u n e 9, 1865; deserted, June 21, 1865, from camp, Raleigh, N . C.

E M R I C H , P H I L I P . — A g e , 18 years. Enl i s ted , August 1, 1861, at Brook lyn , to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. H , A u g u s t 21, 1861; wounded i n action, June 30, 1864, near Petersburg , V a , ; discharged, expiration of term of service; also borne as Emer ick .

E N G , O T T O . — A g e , 25 years. Enl i s ted at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, January 29,1862; mustered out, January 28,1865, at New Y o r k city.

E N G E L H A R D , F R A N K . — P r i v a t e , Co. H , Independent Corps L i g h t In fantry ; transferred to Co. H , this regiment, January 30, 1864; deserted, May 4, 1864, at Gloucester Point , V a . , as Englehardt .

E N G L E B R E C K T , A U G U S T U S R .—Age , 19 years. Enl i s ted at Brooklyn , to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. E , January 13, 1865; mustered out, J u l y 18,1865, at McDougal l H o s p i t a l , N . Y . Harbor , as Emglebock.

' E N G L E M A N , J O H N . — A g e , 41 years. En l i s ted at New Y o r k c i ty , to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. K , January 20, 1864; mustered out, J u l y 3, 1865, from Love l l Hos­p i t a l , Portsmouth Grove, R. I.

E N S E L , J O H N . — A g e , 30 years. Enl isted, September 11, 1861, at Brook lyn , to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. B , September 14,1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 186-3; mustered out, September 1,1865, as Anse l .

F O R T Y - E I G H T H I N F A N T R Y . 965

E R F O R T H , AUGUST.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H , August 24, 1863; wounded in action, May 16, 1864, at Drewry's Bluff, Va . ; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Erfurt.

ERIOKSON, PETER.—Age, 26 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, October 22, 1863; wounded in action, May 16,1864, at Drewry's Bluff, Va., and August 25, 1864, at Reams Station, Va . ; pro­moted corporal, February 10,1865; sergeant, no date; mustered out with company, September 1,1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

ERION, MICHAEL.—Musician, Co. G, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. G, this regiment, June 9, 186*5; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. G , as Iron.

E R N E S T , F R E D R I C K , see Ernest Friedrich.

ERWIN, AUGUSTUS M.—Captain, Co. K, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. B, this regiment, June 9, 1S65; mustered out, September 5, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.; commissioned captain in One Hundred and -Seventeenth Infantry.

ESTRADO, HENRY.—Private, Co. K, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. E , this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1S65, at Raleigh, N. C.

E T H E R I D G E , RICHARD.—Private, Co. F , One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. F , this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

E T T I N G S H A U S E N , BALTHASAR.—Private, Co. E , Independ­ent Corps Light Infantry; transferred to Co. B, this regiment, January 30, 1864; discharged, expiration of term of service, as Bathagar Ethenhausen; also borne as Ethenhausen.

E U M A N , S A M U E L L . — x l g e , 20 "years. Enlisted, August 14, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, August 16, 1861; no further record.

966 REPORT OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

EUSTIS, JACOB.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Goshen, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , January 13, 1865; deserted, August 15, 1865, from Camp Raleigh, N. C.

E V A N S , ANDREW.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 19,1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , August 26, 1861; discharged, expiration of term of service.

E V A N S , ELLIS.—Private, Co. F , One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. F , this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, sick, at muster-out of company.

E V A N S , LEVI.—Private, Co. C, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. A , this regiment, June 9,1865; mus­tered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

E V A N S , TALI-SEN.—Private, Co. D, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Oo. I, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

E V A R D , AUGUST.—Private, Co. F, Independent Corps Light Infantry; transferred to Co. K, this regiment, January 30,1864; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N . C ; also borne as Eward.

E V E R Y , LEANDER.—Private , Co. E , One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. A , this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

F A G A N , THOMAS.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered1 in as private, Co-. F , Feb­ruary 19,1865; mustered out with company, September 1,1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Fagans.

F A G A N S , GEORGE.—Age, 19 years. Enrolled at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. A , August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. E , no date; promoted corporal, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, January 20, 1864; promoted first sergeant, no date; mustered in as second lieutenant, Co. D, February 10, 1865; as first lieutenant, Co. G, to date January 18, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C ; commissioned second lieutenant, December 10, 1864, with rank from December 3, 1864, vice T. Dawson, pro­moted; first lieutenant, March 30, 1865, with rank from Jan­uary 1, 1865, vice H . Lang, promoted.


F A H Y , PATRICK.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1861, at'Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as 'corporal, Oo. F , August 31, 1861; transferred to Co. G, and returned to ranks, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; wounded in action, May 16, 1861, at Drewry's Bluff, Ya. ; promoted cor­poral, June 16, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. G , as Fancy.

F A H Y , THOMAS B.—Private, Co. E , One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to CO. A, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

FAIR, PHINEAS.—Private, Co. I, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. G, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered.1 out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.

F A I R G R I E V E , JOHN.—Age, 21 yearn. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, October 21, 1863; transferred to Navy, April 26, 1864, asTFairgrave.

F A L L O N , JACOB.—Private, Co. A , One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. K, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September' 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.

F A L V Y , MICHAEL.—Age, 24 years. Enlisted, September 4, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private; Co. B, September 5, 1861; no further record.

F A N N O N , WILLIAM.—Age, 36 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A, October 21, 1863; transferred to Navy, April, 1864, as Fano.

F A R E R , BENJAMIN.—Age, 41 years. Enlisted, August 2, 1861, at Tuttle, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Go. G, August 26, 1861; no further record.

F A R L E Y , JAMES.—Private, Oo. B, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Oo. H, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company^ Sleptember 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N . C.

968 R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

F A R L E Y , MICHAEL.—Ago, 28 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co, G, January 14, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N . 0.

F A R L E Y , WILLIAM.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F , August 31, 1861; no further record.

F A R R A R , A S A E — A g e , 23 yearn Enlisted, August 12, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, August 16,1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted corporal, April 1, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1,1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

F A R R E L L , FRANCIS.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted, August 22, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F , August 31,1861; no further record.

F A R R E L L , JAMES,—Age, 37 years. Enrolled, July 11, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as captain, Co. ,C, September 10, 1861; killed in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; commissioned captain, December 14, 1861, with rank from September 10, 1861, original.

F A R R E L L , JAMES.—Age, IS years. Enlisted, August 23, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. F , August 31, 1861; transferred to Co. A , no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; deserted at expiration of furlough, March 5, 1864; also borne as James F . Farrell.

F A R R E L L , JAMES.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted, August 10, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private; Co. I, August 16, 1861; wounded in action, May 7, 1864, at Chester Hil l , V a . ; discharged at expiration of term of service.

F A R R E L L , JAMES.—Age, 30 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to iserve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, October 19, 1863; wounded in action, May 7, 1864, at Chester Hill, Va . ; deserted from hospital,

F A R R E L L , L A U R E N C E . — A g e , 40 years. Enlisted, September • 3, 1861, at Green Point, to serve three years; mustered in as

sergeant, Go. B, September 5, 1861; transferred to Oo. A , no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, January 20, 1864; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.


F A R R E L L , WILLIAM.—Age, 29 years. Enlisted at Albany, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Go. O, January 21, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. G.

F A Y , PATRICK.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted, August 10,1861, at Derby, Conn., to serve three years; mustered in as private, Go. I, August 16, 1861; transferred to Co-. E , no date; discharged at expiration of term of service.

F E A T , A L F R E D . — A g e , 22 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , January 6, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

F E D E R L I N E R , J O H N H., see John H. Fetherland.

F E E , J O H N A.—Sergeant, Ninety-first Infantry; transferred to Co. I, this regiment, no date; mustered in as second lieutenant, November 27, 1862; as first lieutentnt, Co. A , November 10, 1863; ISB captain, Co. I, June 7, 1861; wounded in action, June 20, 1864, near Petersburg, Va . ; died of his wounds, July 18, 1864, at Fort Monroe, Va. ; commissioned second lieutenant, September 9, 1862, with rank from September 9, 1862, vice J . M. Nichols, promoted; first lieutenant, August 28, 1863, with rank from July 18,1863, vice J . M. Nichols, promoted; captain, May 18, 1864, with rank from April 6, 1864, vice A . H . Fer­guson, discharged.

F E I E R A B A N D , EGNAZ—Age, 38 years. Enlisted at Pough-keepisie, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co, D, January 20, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

F E N N E R , JOHN.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 2, 1861, at Tuttle, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, 'August 26, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; wounded in action, June 1, 1864, at Gold Harbor, V a . ; mus­tered out for disability, March 25, 1865, at Washington, D. C , as of Oo. G, Tenth Regiment, Veteran Reserve Corps, to which transferred, date not stated; also- borne as John D. Fenner.

F E N N E R , W I L L I A M H.—Age, 22 years.. Enlisted, August 24, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. G, August 26, 1861; discharged, June 13,1863.

970 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

F E N W I C K , P E T E R . — A g e , 21 years. Enl is ted , September 9, 1861, at Paterson, N . J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private , Co. 0, September 10, 1861; k i l l ed i n action, J u l y 18, 1863, at F o r t Wagner , S. C ; also borne as Peter B . F e n wick.

F E R G E R S O N , W I L L I A M A . — A g e , 32 years. Enl i s ted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as corporal, Co. B , September 5, 1861; transferred to Oo. A , and returned to ranks, no dates; k i l l ed i n action, J u l y 10, 1863, at Morr is I s land , S. C ; also borne as Ferguson.

F E R G U S O N , A S A H . — A g e , 38 years. Enro l led , August 5, 1861, at Brook lyn , to serve three years; mustered in as second lieutenant, Co. F , August 31, 1861; transferred to Co. A , no date; mustered in as captain, Co. I, March 1, 1862; discharged, A p r i l 6, 1861; remustered as captain, Oo. 0, November 15, 1864; mustered out w i t h company, September 1, 1865, at Ra le igh , N . C ; commissioned second lieutenant, December 14, 1861, w i t h rank f rom August 31, 1861, or ig ina l ; captain, Feb­ruary 5, 1862, w i th rank from January 18, 1862, vice J . G. W a r d , resigned; recommissioned captain, September 23, 1864, w i t h rank f rom September 13, 1864, vice J . M . Nichols, resigned.

F E R G U S O N , H U G H A . — P r i v a t e , Co. F , One Hundred and Seventeenth In fantry ; transferred to Co. F , this regiment, J u n e 9, 1865; mustered out wi th company, September 1, 1865, a t Rale igh , N . C,, as H . H . Ferguson.

F E R G U S O N , J O H N B . — P r i v a t e , Oo. E , One Hundred and Seventeenth In fantry ; transferred to Co. A , this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out wi th company, September 1, 1865, at Rale igh , N . C.

F E R G U S O N , W I L L I A M . — A g e , 24 years. Enl i s ted , A u g u s t 8, 1861, at Brook lyn , to serve three years; mustered i n as pr i ­vate, Co. K , August 16, 1861; discharged, September 16,1864.

F E R R I G A N , J O H N . — A g e , 29 years. En l i s ted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. B , October 22, 1863; promoted corporal, February 10, 1865, and sergeant, no date; mustered out w i th companv, September 1, 1865, at Rale igh , N . C.


F E T H E R L A N D , J O H N II.—Age, 33 years. Enlisted, August 18, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A , August 21, 1861; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, January 27,1861; also borne as Federliner.

F E T T E R L E Y , WESTERLEY.-^-Private, Co. H, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Oo. B, this regi­ment, June 9,1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

F I E L D E R , FRANCIS A.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted, August 23, 1861, at Freehold, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as corporal, Co. E , August 27, 1861; transferred to Co. D, and returned to ranks, no dates; re-enlisted as a veteran, Decem­ber 22, 1863; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

FIELDING, JAMES.—Age and date of enlistment not stated; enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, as private, Co, D ; joined company, November 12, 1863; no further record.

F I E L D S , JULIUS —Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Kingston, to serve-one year, and mustered in as private, Co. D, September 23, 1861; died, May 12, 1865, in hospital at Summit House, Philadelphia, Pa.

F I F E R , MICHAEL—Private , Co. F, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. F, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

F I F E R , SAMUEL.—Private, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. F, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

F I N E G A N , BARNARD.—Age, — years. Enlisted at Pough­keepsie, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, January 19, 1865; deserted, March 3, 1865, at Wilmington, N. C.

F I N L A Y , THOMAS.—Age, 38 years. Enlisted, July 26, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, August 16,1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, January 20, 1861; promoted corporal, no date; mustered out with company, Sep­tember 1,1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Finley.

972 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

F I N L E Y , J O H N . — A g e , 33 years. En l i s ted at F la tbus l i , to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Oo. B , Septem­ber 2, 1863; wounded, Augus t 16, 1864, at Strawberry Pla ins , V a . ; deserted, September 28, 1864, from hospital at David's Is land, New Y o r k Harbor .

F I R K I E , A U G U S T U S H . , see Augustus H . F r i k i e .

F I S H E R , H E N R Y . — A g e , 23 years. Enl i s ted , August 17, 1861, at Verp lank ' s Point , to serve three years; mustered i n as pr i ­vate, Co. A , A u g u s t 21,1861; wounded in action, J u l y 10,1863, at M o r r i s Is land, S. C . ; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; wounded i n action, June 1, 1864, at Cold Harbor , V a . ; mustered out w i t h company, September 3, 1865, at Raleigh, N . C.

F I S H E R , J E S S E . — A g e , 23 years. En l i s ted , J u l y 24, 1861, at B r o o k l y n , to serve three years; mustered in as sergeant, Co. E , A u g u s t 27, 1861; discharged for promotion, no date.

F I S H E R , N A T H A N I E L I).—Age, 42 years. Enl is ted , J u l v 2 4 , 1861, at Brook lyn , to serve three years; mustered in as hospi­t a l steward, September 5, 1861; discharged, March 27, 1863.

F I T C H , J O H N H . — A g e , 34 years. E n l i s t e d at New Salem, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B , Septem­ber 5, 1861; transferred to Co. D, no date; discharged, Sep­tember 20, 1864.

F I T Z E R , J A C O B . — P r i v a t e , Co. B , One Hundred and Seven­teenth In fantry ; transferred to Co. H , this regiment, June 9,

' 1865; mustered out w i t h company, September 1, 1865, at Ra le igh , N . O,

F I T Z G E R A L D , J O H N G — A g e , 21 years. En l i s ted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , November 9, 1863; captured i n action, August 16, 1864, at Strawberry P la ins , V a . ; paroled, no date ; absent, sick, at muster-out of company.

F I T Z P A T R I C K , J O H N . — A g e , 26 years. Enl isted, August 27, 1861, at Brook lyn , to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. F , A u g u s t 31, 1861; transferred to Co. A , no date; dis­charged for disabil ity, A p r i l 18, 1862.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H I N F A N T R Y . 973

F I T Z P A T R I C K , J O H N . — A g e , 19 years. Enl isted at Brooklyn , to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. K, J a n ­uary 20, 1864; mustered out, June 7, 1865.

F L A N I G A N , J O H N . — A g e , 20 years. Enlisted, August 20, 1861, a t Verplank 's Point , to serve three years; mustered i n as p r i ­vate, Oo. A , August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. B , no date; dis­charged for disability, June 28, 1862.

F L A N N I G A N , MORRIS.—-Private , Co. G , One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry ; transferred to Co. D , th i s regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out wi th company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N . C.

F L A N N I G A N , W I L L I A M . — P r i v a t e , One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Oo. F , this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N . C.

F L E T C H E R , D A V I D B.—Age, 23 years. Enrol led at Brooklyn , to- serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , March 11, 1862; promoted corporal, no date; wounded i n action, J u l y 10, 1863, at Morr i s Island, S. O ; promoted sergeant, J u l y 18, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, March 31, 1864; promoted ser­geant-major, J u l y , 1864; mustered i n as second lieutenant, Co. F , August 22, 1864; as first lieutenant, Co. C, December 31, 1864; as captain,' Co. B , March 30, 1865; captured and paroled, no date or place; discharged, May 15, 1865; commissioned second lieutenant, J u l y 30, 1864, w i t h rank from J u l y 15, 1864, vice W . B . Hunter , resigned; first lieutenant, December 17, 1864, w i t h rank from same date, vice A . Lippencott, promoted; captain, March 30, 1865, wi th rank from January 15,1865, vice J . W . Dunn, k i l l ed .

F L E W I T T , C H A R L E S . — A g e , — years. Enl isted at Brook lyn , to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, unassigned, March 22,1865; no further record.

F L I N N , P E T E R . — A g e , 25 years. Enlisted at Buffalo, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. F , February 14, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N . O.

F L I N N , T H O M A S , see Thomas F l y n . . . ; , _


F L I N T , MARTIN.—Private, Co. K, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. E , this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, sick, at muster-out of company.

F L Y N , THOMAS.—Age, 24 years. Enlisted at Goshen, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. F , January 16, 1865; deserted, April 11, 1865, at Raleigh, N. G , as Flinn.

F L Y N N , DANIEL.—Age, 40' years. Enlisted at Kingston, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Go. K, January 16, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N . G.

F L Y N N , JOHN.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Schenectady, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, January 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N . 0.

F L Y N N , L A W R E N C E . — A g e , 44 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, November 21, 1863; mustered out with company, 'September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. O.

F O H S , ANDREW.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted, August 20, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. A , August 21, 1861; killed in action, July 10, 1863, at Morris Island, S. G.

F O L E Y , FRANCIS.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, January 19,1865; deserted, February 22,1865, at Wilmington, N. C.

F O L E Y , WILLIAM.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 19,1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A , August 21,1861; transferred to Co. I, no date; wounded and captured in action, February 20, 1864, at Olustee, Fla. ; paroled, no date; discharged at expiration of term of service, as Wm. P. Foley.

F O L E Y , W I L L I A M H.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 18, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F , August 31, 1861; wounded and captured in action, and paroled, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; discharged for disability, January 14, 1864.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H I N F A N T R Y . 975

FONDA, J O S H U A T.—Age, 16 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Go. F , September 16, 1861; killed in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. 0.; also borne as Funday.

FORD, ALFRED.—Private, Co. O, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. C, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.

FORD, J O H N B.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, July 23, 1861, at Freehold, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. D, August 21,1861; transferred to Oo. H , no date; killed in action, July 18,1863, at Fort Wagner, S. 0.

FOSTER, S A M U E L J.—Age, 33 years. Enrolled, August 1, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as captain, Co. K, August 16, 1861; discharged, January 26, 1862; commis­sioned captain, December 11, 1861, with rank from August 16, 1861, original.

F O X , C H A R L E S E.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, July 15, 1861, at Huntington, to serve three years; mustered in as sergeant, Co. A , August 21, 1861; as second lieutenant, March 10, 1863; wounded and captured in action, and paroled, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. 0.; died, August 11, 1863, at Fort Schuyler, New York, as Charles L. Fox; commissioned second lieutenant, February 5, 1863, with rank from January 21, 1863, vice W. J . Carlton, promoted.

F O X , GEORGE.—Private, Oo. H , One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. B, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

FRANCIS, C H A R L E S L.—Private, Co. H , One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. B, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

F R A N K E N B E R G H , SANFORD H.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, August 25, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B, September 5, 1861; transferred to Oo. 0 and promoted sergeant, no date; wounded in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; discharged for disability, June 8, 1864, from hospital at David's Island, New York Harbor; also borne as Frankenberg.

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F R A V E Y , ARENST.—Age, 35 years. Enlisted, August 10,1861, at Ellenville, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H , August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. F, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; missing in action, August 16, 1861, at Strawberry Plains, V a . ; also borne as Arntz Frantz, Ernst Frantz and Ernest Frantz.

F R E E M A N , JAMES.—Age, 26 years. Enlisted, September 5, 1861, at Freehold, N. J . , to"serve three years; mustered in as private, Co: O, September 10, 1861; transferred to Co. H, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted corporal, April 10, 1861; wounded in action, May 7, 1861, at Chester Hill , V a . ; discharged for disability, January, 1865.

F R E E M A N , MARTIN.—Private, Co. H, One Hundred and Sev­enteenth Infantry; transferred to Co. B, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

F R E N C H , HENRY.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 6, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as corporal, Co. I, August 16, 1861; returned to ranks and appointedi wagoner, no date; discharged at expiration of term of service.

F R E W , FRANCIS.—Private, Co. D, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. I, this regiment, June 9, 1865; promoted corporal, August 17, 1865-; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. O.

F R I E D R I C H , ERNEST.—Private, Oo. I, Independent Corps Light Infantry; transferred to Go. B, this regiment, January 30, 1864; mustered out, June 3, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C ; also borne as Frederick Ernest.

F R I K I E , A U G U S T U S H.—Private, Co. A , One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. K, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C., as Firkie.

F R O S T , CHARLEiS S.—Age, 25 years. • Enlisted, September 12, 1861, at Millport, to serve three years; mustered in as private,

'in. band, October 26,1861; supposed to have been discharged in 1862.


FROST, F R A N K A.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, September 5, 1861, at Millport, to serve three years; mustered in as private, in band, October 26, 1861; supposed to have been discharged in 1862.

F R Y D A Y , MARTIN.—Private, CO. 0, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. O, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, -September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

FTJNDAY, JOSHUA, see Joshua Fonda.

F U R L O N G , MICHAEL.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at New York city to serve three year's, and mustered in as private, Oo. C, October 21, 1863; missing in action, June 1, 1861, at Cold Har­bor, Va .

F U R M A N , J O H N H.—Assistant surgeon, not mustered; commis­sioned assistant surgeon, July 12, 1865, with rank from July 12, 1865, vice C. A . Devendorf, promoted.

FTCRNISS, WILLIAM.—Age, 24 years. Enlisted, September 24, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F, October 10, 1861; discharged, October 10, 1864.

F U R Y , JAMES.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted, September 4, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B, September 5,1861; transferred to Co. G, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; wounded in action, June 1, 1864, at Gold Harbor, Va. ; mustered out with company, Sep­tember 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.

GACOMETTIE, JOSEPH.—Age, 24 yeans. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , November 26, I860; captured in action, February 20, 1864, at Olustee, Fla . ; paroled; no date; mustered out, June 17,1865, at New York city; also borne as Gaccomitti.

G A L E , S Y L V A N U S G.—Age, 23 years. Enrolled, August 8, 1861, at Galeville, to serve three years; mustered in as first lieutenant, Co. K, August 16, 1861; discharged, May 6, 1862; commissioned first lieutenant, December 14, 1861, with rank from August 16, 1861, original.


978 R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

G A L L A G H E R , D U D L E Y . — A g e , 35 years. Enlisted, August 29, -1861, at Verplank's Point, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Go. B, August 31, 1861; wounded- in action, February 20, 1864, at Olustee, F la , ; discharged, September 20, 1864.

G A L L A G H E R , HUGH.—Age, 20 years, Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in, as private, Go-. D, Janu­ary 21, 1865; absent, sick in hospital, at Wilmington, N. O., at muster-out of company.

G A L L A G H E R , PATRICK.-—Age, 40 years. Enlisted, August 28, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. F , August 31, 1861; transferred to Co. E , no date; discharged at expiration of term of service'.

G A L L E G H E R , J A M E S E—Private, Co. A," One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co-. K, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered1 out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C,

G A N L E Y , WILLIAM.—Age, 18 years, Enlisted, August 14, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co, I, August 6, 1861; lulled in action, May 18, 1864, at Drewry's Bluff, Va.

G A N T , J O H N W.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 12, 1861, at Freehold, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H , August 16, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; appointed wagoner, no date; mustered out, August 26, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C,

G A R A G H A N , H E N R Y T.—Age, 18 years. Enrolled,. August 1, 1861, at Sag Harbor, to- serve three years; mustered in as cor­poral, Co. H, August 16, 1861; promoted sergeant, October 11, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; mustered! in as second lieutenant, Co. K, August 16,1864; asi first lieutenant, November 12, 1864; as captain, Co. E', January 14, 1865; mus­tered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.; also borne as Garagan; commissioned second lieutenant, Sep­tember 16, 1864, with rank from August 16, 1864, vice J . Him-rod, promoted1; first lieutenant, December 10, 1864, with rank from November 12, 1864, vice H . Acker, mustered out; captain, March 30, 1865, with rank from January 1, 1865, vice ©. McGraw, promoted.


G A R D E , MAURICE.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Watertown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , Janu­ary 17, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. O.

GARDINER, JOHN.—Age, 35 years. Enlisted, August 8, 1861, at Troy, to serve three years; mustered1 in as. private, Co. K, August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. B, no date; promoted cor­poral, no date; killed in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C , as Gardner.

G A R D N E R , G E O R G E R.—Age, 24 years. Enlisted, August 16, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. D, August 21,1861; transferred to Co. E , no- date; promoted corporal, no- date,; wounded in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. 0.; discharged for disability, November 9, 1863.

GARDNER, JOHN.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 16, 1861, at Catskill, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. D, August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. G, no date; discharged for disability, October 18, 1861, at Annapolis, Md.

GARDNER, LAVILLIAN.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 12, 1861, at Gardnertown, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Ob. D, August 21, 1861; no further record.

GARDNER, MARCUS.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted,. August 23, 1861, at Galeville, to serve three years; mustered in as cor­poral, Co, F , August 31, 1861; no further record,

GARDNER, MARTIN.—Age, 36 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three yearsi, and mustered in as private1, Co1. F , September 11,1861; discharged, September 20,1864, as Mathew Gardner.

GARDNER, PETER.—Age, 38 years. Enlisted at Goshen, to •serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, January 9, 1865; discharged, June 16, 1865, at David's Island, New York Harbor.

GARDNER, RUFUS.—Age, 19 years, Enlisted, August 12, 1861, at Gardnertown, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co, D, August 21, 1861; discharged for disability, July 29, 1862, as Rufus C. Gardner.


G A R D N E R , ' SA V I L L I A N B.—Enlisted, August 12, 1861, at Newburgh, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K, August 16, 1861; promoted corporal, no date; sergeant, August 1, 1863; discharged, September 16, 1864, as Savillies Gardner.

G A R D N E R , WILLIAM.—Age, 34 years. Enlisted at Tarry­town, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Go. D, December 19, 1863; wounded in action, May 7, 1864, at Chester Heights, V a . ; died of his wounds, May 8, 1864.

G A R E , MICHAEL.—Age , 41 years. Enlisted, August 12, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. D, August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. K, no date; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, January 5,1864; discharged, August 12, 1864, at Albany, N. Y.j also borne as Gary.

GARR, WILLIAM.—Private, Co. H, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. B, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Gorr.

G A R R I G A N , JOHN.—Age, 30 years. Enlisted, August 5, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. I, August 16,1861; wounded in action, May 7, 1864, at Chester Hil l , V a . ; discharged at expiration of term of service as Garigan.

GARSIDES, FRED.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. I, November 22, 1861; deserted about June 25, 1862, from Brook­lyn, N. Y .

G A R V E Y , JOHN.—Private, Co. D, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. I, this regiment, June 9, 1865;' absent, sick, in hospital, at muster-out of company.

G A U T H I E R , AUGUST.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted, March 22, 1864, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F , March 23, 1864; mustered out with company, •September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Guthier,


G A V A N , MATHIAS.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn,, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F, August 20, 1862; promoted corporal, no date; captured, no date or place stated; paroled, no date; mustered out, June 3, 1865, at Annapolis, Md.

GAWORSKI, IGNACE.—Private, Oo. E , Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. H, this regiment, January 30, 1861; discharged for disability, September 28, 1861, as Ignace Garwonski; also borne as Gerwaski.

G A W Z E , WILLIAM.—Private, Co. B, One Hundred and Seven, teenth Infantry; thansferred to Co. H , this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Gauze.

GAYNOR, G E O R G E W.—Age, 13 years. Enlisted, ^August 7, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. K, August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. B, no date; returned to ranks, February 1, 1863; discharged, September 20, 1861.

G E A N Y , PATRICK.—Private, Co. A , One Hundren and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. K, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

GEISSAMAN, GEORGE.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, September 2, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. B, September 5, 1861; no further record.

G E L L E R , MATHIAS.—Age, 27 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, October 19, 1863; wounded, no date; died of his wounds; June 20, 1864, in hospital.

G E R M A N , NICHOLAS.—Private, Co. B, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. H , this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

GEROW, CO R A Y S.—Age, 26 yearn. Enlisted at Watertown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , Jan­uary 19, 1865; promoted corporal, May 1, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1,1865, at Raleigh, N. C,

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G E R W A S K I , I G N A O E , see Ignace Gaworski .

G I B B O N S , J O H N . — A g e , 40 years. En l i s t ed at N e w Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. A , Feb­ruary 21,1865; mustered out wi th company, September 1,1865, at Rale igh , N . C.

G I B S O N , J O H N . — P r i v a t e , Go. I , One Hundred and Seventeenth In fantry ; transferred to Oo. G , this regiment, June 9, 1865; discharged, June 7, 1865, from hospital, prior to transfer.

G I D D 1 S , C H A R L E S J . — A g e , 21 years. Enl is ted , August 19, 1861, at Chester, N . J . , to serve three years; mustered i n as private , Co. D , A u g u s t 21, 1861; re^enlisted as a veteran i n Co. K , as a wagoner, December 22, 1863; mustered out with com­pany, September 1,1865, at Raleigh, N . C , as Charles G. Giddis.

G I F F O R D , C H A R L E S . — P r i v a t e , Co. I , One Hundred and Seven­teenth In fantry ; transferred to Co. G , th is regiment, June 9, 1865; discharged for disabil ity, May 29, 1865, from hospital, Trenton, N . J . , prior to transfer.

G I F F O R D , R O B E R T W . — A g e , 44 years. Enl isted , August 23, 1861, at W a l l , N . J . , to serve three years; mustered i n as pr i ­vate, Co. G , A u g u s t 26, 1861; transferred to Co. H , no date; discharged for disabil ity, J u l y 15, 1862.

G I L B E R T , W I L L I A M G . — E n l i s t e d at F o r t Hami l ton , to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. A , August 21,1861; deserted, A u g u s t 21, 1861, at F o r t Hami l ton , N . Y . , as G. W . G i lber t .

G I L E S , J O H N . — A g e , 20 years. Enro l led , August 20, 1861, at Y e r p l a n k ' s Po in t , to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. A , A u g u s t 21,1861; transferred to Co. B , no date; promoted corporal, no date; sergeant, September 10, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, January 20, 1864; mustered in as second lieutenant, Co. E , A u g u s t 1, 1864; as first lieutenant, Co. I , January 15, 1865; mustered out w i t h company, September 1, 1865, at Rale igh , N . C. ; commissioned second lieutenant, September 16, 1864, w i th rank from August 1, 1864, vice J . W . Dunn, pro­moted; first l ieutenant, March 30, 1865, wi th rank from J a n ­uary 15, 1865, vice D . B . Fletcher, promoted.


GILL, A L L E N EUGUENE.—Private, Oo. I, Independent Corps Light Infantry; transferred to Co. K, this regiment, January 30, 1864; mustered out, June 13, 1865, from hospital, at Wil­mington, N. C.

GILL, DANIEL.—Age, 32 years. Enlisted, August 27, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F , August 31, 1861; died, November 28, 1862, at Fort Pulaski, Ga.

GILLISPY, JOHN.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, September 1, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as cor­poral, Co. B, September 5, 1861; transferred to Co. A and returned to ranks, no dates; re-enlisted as a veteran,.December 22, 1863; deserted on expiration of furlough, March 5, 1864, at Brooklyn, as Gillispie; also borne as John H . Gillispie.

GILLOR, AUGUST.—Private, Co. D, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. I, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

GILMORE, F R E D E R I C K : . - A g e , 21 years. Enlisted, August 10, 1861, at Paterson, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K, August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. E , no date; killed in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C.

GILSO, A N D R E W S.—Private, Oo. B, Independent Corps Light Infantry; transferred to Co. 0, this regiment, January 30,1864; captured and paroled, no date or place; discharged at expira­tion of term of service, at Camp Parole, Annapolis, Md.

GIVERNY, J A M E S M.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted, August 6, 1861, at Freehold, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. H , August 21, 1861; wounded in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22,1863; discharged for disability, July 19,1865, as Giverney.

G L A N C E Y , BARNEY.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Goshen, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, February 20, 1865; promoted corporal and sergeant, no dates; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

G L E D D E L L , HENRY.—Private, Co. I, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. G, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

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G L E N N A N , T H O M A S . — A g e , 20 years. Enl i s ted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Go. B , January 19, 1865; mustered out wi th company, September 1, 1805, at Rale igh, N . C.

G L E N N O N , J O S E P H W . — A g e , 19 years. Enl i s ted at Jamaica, to serve three years, and "mustered in as private, Oo. K , Sep­tember 26, 1864; promoted corporal, May 13, 1865; mustered out w i t h company, September 1, 1S65, at Raleigh, N . 0.

G L O V E R , C L A U S . — A g e , 23 years. Enl i s ted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Oo. B , January 20, 1865; mustered out wi th company, September 1, 1865, at Rale igh , N . C.

G L Y N N , M I C H A E L , see Michael Glynn.

G O B E L , J O H N . — P r i v a t e , Oo. B , Independent Corps L i g h t Infan­t r y ; transferred to Co. B , this regiment, January 30, 1864; dis­charged, May 30, 1865, as Goebel.

G O G H E R , M A R T I N . — A g e , 25 years. En l i s t ed at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D , January 24,1865; deserted, August 17,1865, at Raleigh, N . C.

G O L D E N , B A R N E Y . — A g e , 32 years. En l i s t ed , at Barrington, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. F , Feb­ruary 22, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Rale igh , N . C.

G O L D E N , R O B E R T . — A g e , 25 years. Enl is ted , September 2, 1861, at Brook lyn , to serve three years; mustered i n as pr i ­vate, Co. B , September 5, 1861; no further record.

G O L D T H W A I T , C H A R L E S A . — A g e , 37 years. Enl is ted , A u g u s t 17, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mus­tered i n as private, Co. D , Augus t 21, 1861; transferred to Co. E , no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, February 29, 1864; mustered out w i th company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N . C ; also borne as Charles Goldwhaite.

G O N Z A L E Z , E L V I S . — P r i v a t e , Co. A , Independent Corps L i g h t In fantry ; transferred to Co. I, this regiment, January 30,1864; discharged at expiration of term of service, as A l v i s Gonzales.


GOODELL, A N T H O N Y W.—Age, 37 years. Enrolled, July 24, 1801, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as adju­tant, September 5, 1861; discharged, March 7, 1863; commis­sioned first lieutenant and adjutant, December 11, 1861, with rank from September 5, 1861, original.

GOODRICH, ISAAC.—Enlisted at Malone, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, July 21, 1.863; promoted corporal, no date; killed in action, May 7, 1861, at Chester Hills, Va.

GOODWIN, C H A R L E S H.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Sche­nectady, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, February 15, 1865; mustered out with company, Septem­ber 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Charles Goodwin.

GORDON, A L E X A N D E R . — A g e , 19 years. Enlisted at Canan-daigua, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , February 23, 1865; promoted corporal, no date; deserted, August 6, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

GORDON, GEORGE.—Private, Co. H, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. B, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out. with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.

GORDON, ROBERT.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, February 22, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

GORDON, S A M U E L B.—Age, 26 years. . Enlisted, September 12, 1861, at Millport, to serve three years; mustered in as private, in band, October 26, 1861; supposed to have been dis­charged, in 1862.

GORMAN, PATRICK.—Age, 2.1 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. D, January 21, 1865; mustered out with company, Septembeer 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

GORMAN, WILLIAM.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 27, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mastered in as private, Oo. F , August 31, 1861; transferred to Co. C, no date; wounded in action, July 18, 1863; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, January 26, 1861.

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G O R M O N , J A M E S . — A g e , 24 years. Enl isted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, January 17, 1865; mustered out wi th company, September 1, 1865, at

.. Ra le igh , N . C.

G O R R , W I L L I A M , see W i l l i a m Garr .

G O S L E N , J O H N . — P r i v a t e , Co. A , One Hundred and Seven­teenth In fantry ; transferred to Co. K , this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, sick, in hospital at muster-out of company.

G O U L D , C H A R L E S . — P r i v a t e , Co. B , One Hundred and Seven­teenth In fantry ; transferred to Co. H , this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, s ick, at muster-out of company.

G R A F , B E N E D I C T . — A g e , 29 years. Enl i s ted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. D , October 19, 1863; captured, no date; died at Andersonvil le, Ga. , as Graft .

G R A H A M , D A V I D . — A g e , 28 years. En l i s t ed at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , F e b r u a r y 17, 1865; deserted, J u l y 4, 1865, from Camp Raleigh, N . 0 .

G R A H A M , J O H N H . — A g e , 19 years. Enl is ted , September 2, 1861, at Scu l l town, N . J . , to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. B , September 5, 1861; transferred to Co. D , no date; wounded i n action, J u l y 18, 1863, at F o r t Wagner, S. C ; promoted corporal, November 1, 1863; promoted sergeant, no date; k i l l e d i n action, June 30, 1864, at Petersburg, V a .

G R A H A M , J O S E P H . — A g e , 29 years. Enl isted , J u l y 29, 1861, at B r o o k l y n , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I , A u g u s t 16, 1861; no further record.

G R A N G E R , T H O M A S S.—Age, 18 years. Enl is ted , August 19, 1862, at Brook lyn , to serve three years; mustered i n as pr i ­vate, Co. G , August 20, 1862; mustered out, J u l y 7, 1865, from Mower Hosp i ta l , Phi ladelphia , P a .

G R A N G E R , W I L L I A M H . — A g e , 22 years. Enl i s ted at Brook­l y n , to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. G, A u g u s t 19, 1862; promoted corporal, no date; mustered out, June 27, 1865, at Rale igh, N . O.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H I N F A N T R Y . 987

G R A N T , H E N R Y D.^Second lieutenant, Co. I, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. F , this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out wi th company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N . C ; commissioned second lieutenant, One H u n ­dred and Seventeenth New Y o r k Infantry,

G R A V E I S , C L A R K V . — P r i v a t e , Co. E , One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry ; transferred to Co. A , this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N . C.

G R A V E S , W I L L I A M P.—Age, 28 years. Enl isted , September 9, 1861, at Havana, to serve three years; mustered i n as p r i ­vate, i n band, October 26, 1861; supposed to have been dis­charged in 1862.

G R A Y , B E N J A M I N . — A g e , 32 years. Enl i s ted , A u g u s t 27, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Go. P , August 31, 1861; transferred to Co. E , no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted cor­poral , no date; mustered out w i th company, September 1,1865, at Raleigh, N . C.

G R E E N , A S A C.—Age, 30 years. E n l i s t e d at Water town , to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. A , January 11, 1865; mustered out w i th company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N . C.

G R E E N , B E N J A M I N P.—Age, 26 years. En l i s ted , A u g u s t 8, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. H , August 26, 1861; transferred to Oo. F , no date; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, J u l y 29, 1861.

G R E E N , C H A R L E S . — A g e , 32 years. Enl i s ted at Goshen, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , October 8,1863; wounded in action, February 20,1861, at Olustee, F l a . ; mustered out, June 2, 1865, at New Berne, N . C.

G R E E N , H E N R Y . — A g e , 31 years. En l i s ted at New Y o r k city, to serve years, and mustered i n as private, Co. D, November 23, 1863; captured i n action, February 20, 1861, at Olustee, F l a . ; died at Andersonville, Ga. , no date.

988 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

G R E E N , J A M E S M . — A g e , 32 years. Enro l led , August 5, 1861, at Brook lyn , to serve three years; mustered in as captain, Oo. F , A u g u s t 31, 1861; promoted major, June 19, 1862; mustered i n as lieutenant-colonel, January 1, 1863; k i l l ed i n action, J u l y 18, 1863, at F o r t Wagner , S. C ; commissioned captain, Decem­ber 14, 1861, w i th rank from August 31, 1861, or ig ina l ; major, J u l y 18, 1862, w i t h rank from June 18, 1862, vice O. P . Beard, promoted; lieutenant-colonel, January 7,1863, w i th rank from December 24, 1862, vice O. P . Beard , discharged.

G R E E N , J O H N . — P r i v a t e , Co. K , One Hundred and Seventeenth I n f a n t r y ; transferred to Co. E , this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, wounded, at muster-out of company.

G R E E N , N E L S O N . — P r i v a t e , Oo. 0, One Hundred and Seven­teenth I n f a n t r y ; transferred to Co. C, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out w i t h company, September 1, 1865, at Ra le igh , N . C.

G R E E N , W I L L I A M C — P r i v a t e , Co. K , One Hundred and Seventeenth In fantry ; transferred to Co. E , this regiment, J u n e 9, 1865; absent, wounded, at muster-out of company.

G R E E R S , J O H N . — A g e , years. Enl i s ted at Goshen, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. A , October 8, 1863; wounded, no date; no further record.

G R E G A R Y , J A M E S G.—Age, 19 years. Enl i s ted , September 3, 1861, at Brook lyn , to serve three years; mustered in as cor­poral , Co. C, September 10,1861; transferred to Co. K , no date; k i l l e d i n action, J u l y 18, 1863, at F o r t Wagner , S. C , as Gregory.

G R E Y , A B R A M B . — A g e , 20 years. En l i s ted at New Y o r k c i ty , to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , A p r i l 26, 1862; discharged for disabi l i ty , J u l y 18, 1862.

G R E Y , W A R D F . — A g e , 24 years. Enl is ted , August 8,1861, at B r o o k l y n , to serve three years; mustered i n as corporal, Co. K , A u g u s t 16, 1861; returned to ranks, no date; discharged, September 16, 1864.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H I N F A N T R Y . 989

G R I F F I N , A N D R E W F .—Age , 31 years. Enl is ted , A u g u s t 11, 1861, at Paterson, N . J . , to serve three years; mustered i n as *-private, Co. K , Augus t 16,1861; transferred to Co. E , no date; to Go. I, and re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; appointed musician, no date; mustered out wi th company, Sep­tember 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N . C.

G R I F F I N , J A M E S . — A g e , 19 years. En l i s t ed at Brook lyn , to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. C, August 26, 1862; promoted corporal, March 1, 1865; returned to ranks, A p r i l 16, 1865; mustered out, June 27, 1865, at Raleigh, N . C.

G R I F F I N G , R A N D O L P H C — A g e , 18 years. Enl i s ted , A u g u s t 1, 1861, at Sag Harbor , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. H , August 16, 1861; died, December 10, 1861, at • H i l t o n Head , S. C , as Griffin.

G R I F F I T H , B E N J A M I N . — P r i v a t e , Co. I, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry ; transferred to Co. G , this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N . C.

G R I M E S , T H O M A S . — A g e , 18 years. Enl isted, J u l y 25, 1861, at Stockport, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. I, A u g u s t 16, 1861; discharged, not having consent of parents, no date.

G R I M M , H E N R Y . — P r i v a t e , Co. F , Independent Corps, L i g h t In fantry ; transferred to Co. A , this regiment, January 30, 1861; discharged, May 1, 1865.

G R I M M , J O S E P H . — P r i v a t e , Co. E , Independent Corps, L i g h t Infantry ; transferred to Co. D, this regiment, January 30, 1864; captured, no date; died, June —, 1864, at Andiereonville, G a .

G R O C E R , S I D N E Y A . — A g e , 21 years. Enl is ted , September 3, 1861, at Brook lyn , to serve three years; mustered i n as pr i ­vate, Co. B , September 5, 1861; transferred to Co. C, no date; promoted corporal, no date; discharged, January 1, 1863, for promotion to second lieutenant, One Hundred and For t i e th New Y o r k Yolunteers.

990 R E P O R T OP T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

GROCER, THOMAS.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, September 2, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. B, September 5, 1861; transferred to Co. 0, no date; promoted corporal, September 21, 1863; wounded in action, February 20, 1864, at Olustee, Fla . ; died of his wounds, March 3, 1864, as Oroser.

G R O V E R , MASON G.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, July 23, 1861, at Freehold, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. H, August 16, 1861; absent at muster-out of com­pany; also borne as Mason Grover.

G R O V E R , E L I J A H R.—Age, 32 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H, August 21, 1862; discharged, June 4, 1865, at Richmond, Va .

G R O W S E , PAUL.—Age, 30 years. Enlisted, August 17, 18.61, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. D, August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. G, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22,1863; killed in action, May 16,1863, at Drewry's Bluff, Va. , as Grouse.

G R U N N A G E L , WILLIAM.—Private, Co. I, Independent Corps Light Infantry; transferred to Co. K, this regiment, January 30,1864; wounded in action, June 1, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va . ; died of his wounds, June 1, 1864.

G U A S T , J O S E P H THOMAS, see Joseph T. Middleton.

G U E N T H E R , WILLIAM.—Private, Oo. F , One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. F , this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Genter.

G U N N , C H A R L E S W.—Age, 31 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, Sep­tember 1, 1863; transferred to Navy, April 26, 1864; also borne as Charles Grien.

G U N T H E R , ERNEST.—Private, Co. B, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. H, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh,. N. C.

GUTHIER, A U G U S T , see August Gauthier.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H I N F A N T R Y . 991

G W E R N Y , J A M E S M.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted, August 6,1861, at Freehold, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. D, August 21, 1861; no further record.

H A B E L , FREDERICK.—Age , 25 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, Jan­uary 20, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Hable.

H A B E R , JOHN, see John Huber.

H A H N , HENRY.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Kingston, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Oo. K, January 17, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

H A I N E S , WILLARD.—Private, Co. H, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. B, this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, sick, in hospital, at muster-out of company.

H A L E , ALEXANDER.—Private , Co. D, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. I, this regiment, June 9,1865; deserted, August 5,1865, from Raleigh, N. C.

H A L E , CHRISTOPHER^—Age, 31 years. Enrolled, August 19, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. D, August 21,1861; transferred to Co. E , no date; promoted first sergeant, no date; mustered in as second lieutenant, May 7, 1862; as first lieutenant and adjutant, March 7, 1863; dis­charged for disability, October 19, 1861; commissioned second lieutenant, July 18, 1862, with rank from May 6, 1862, vice A . F . Miller, promoted; first lieutenant and adjutant, March 24, 1863, with rank from March 7, 1863, vice A . W. Goodell, resigned.

H A L E , W I L L I A M J—Age , 19 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as corporal, Co. E , August 27, 1861; no further record.

H A L E Y , J A M E S J.—Age, 32 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, February 21, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

H A L L , ISAAC—Priivate, Co. H, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. B, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.

992 R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

H A L L , W I L L I A M J.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Go. H, August 27, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.

H A L L A H A N , JOHN.—Age, 29 years. Enlisted, August 5,1861, at Williamsburg, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Go. H , August 16, 1861; no further record.

H A L L A H A N , JOHN.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted at Goshen, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Go. A , October 8, 1863; wounded in action, May 15, 1864, at Drewry's Bluff, V a . ; mustered out, August 31, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

H A L L E N B A C H , ADDISON.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted at Auburn, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Oo. K, February 21, 1865; promoted corporal, May 1, 1865; first ser­geant, June 20, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

H A L L I C K , PETER.—Age , — years. Enlisted, August 17, 1861, at Morgena, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Go. K, August 26, 1861; discharged for disability, May 6, 1862.

H A L L S T E i D , SAMUEL.—Age, 28 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. H , Sep­tember 2, 1862; died, September 25, 1864, in, hospital at Fort-Monroe, Va . ; also borne as James Hallsted.

H A L B T E A D , JOHN.—Age, 21 years. Enrolled, August 8, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as corporal, Go. H , August 16, 1861; promoted sergeant, September 14, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted first ser­geant, no date; mustered in as first lieutenant, April 20, 1864; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C ; commissioned first lieutenant, March 30, 1865, with rank from January 1, 1865, vice L. W. Burr, commission revoked.

H A L S T E A D , WILLIAM.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, August 8, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Go. H, August 16, 1861; transferred to Go. A , no date; dis­charged for disability, October —, 1861.

H A L WICK, P E T E R M.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, August 17, 1861, at Plattekill, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Go. G, August 26,1861; no further record.


H A M A G K E R , VALENTINE.—Private, Go.. H , One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. B, this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, wounded, at muster-out of company; also borne as Harrmacker.

H A M E L , GOTTLEIB.—Age, 18 yearn. Enlisted, July 29, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. A, August 16, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted corporal, April 13,1861; sergeant, J u n e l , 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

HAMILTON, ALONZO R.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted, September 9, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as corporal, Co. E , September 10, 1861; promoted quartermaster-sergeant, no date; discharged, September 20,1864.

HAMILTON, JAMES,—Private, Co. H , One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. B, this regiment, June 9, 1865; promoted corporal, no date; deserted, August 2, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

HAMILTON, JOHN.—Age, date and place of enlistment not stated; to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A, August 21, 1861; deserted, August 21, 1861, at Fort Hamilton, N. Y.

HAMILTON, J O H N W.—Private, Co. A, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. K , this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

H A M L I N , WM. H.—Private, Co. I, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. G, this regiment, June 9, 1865; discharged, June 21, 1865, from hospital, at Alexandria, Va., as Hamblin.

H A M M E L L , GElORGE.—Age, 30 years. Enlisted, July 20,1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as first sergeant, Co. A, September 16, 1861; discharged, May 1, 1863, for promotion to first lieutenant, S. C. Volunteers, as John G. Hamel.


994 R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

H A M M E L L , GOD LEY.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, July 29, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H , August 16, 1861; no further record.

H A N D , WILLIAM.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A, September 2, 1863; transferred to Navy, April, 1864.

H A N E Y , JAMES.—Age, 22; years. Enrolled, July 26, 1861, at Trenton, N. J . , to serve three yeans; mustered in as private, Co. H , August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. D, no date; promoted corporal, November 1, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; wounded in action, May 16, 1864, at Drewry's, Bluff, V a , ; promoted first sergeant, no date; mustered in as second lieutenant, April 20, 1865; mustered out with company, Sep­tember 1, 1865,, at Raleigh, N. C. Commissioned! second lieu­tenant, March 30,1865, with rank from January 1,1865, vice A . H . Ferguson, promoted; first lieutenant, May 17, 1865, with rank from April 13, 1865, not mustered, vice C. B. Umpleby, promoted.

H A N G , ANTOINE.—Private, Co. B, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. H, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

H A N K E L , ADOLPH.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 8,1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K, August 16, 1861; discharged, December 12, 1862, for pro­motion; also borne as Adolphus Henkle.

H A N N A , JAMES.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. E, August 21, 1862; wounded in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; no record subsequent to June 30, 1865.

H A N S , PETER.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. D, October 19, 1863; transferred to Navy, April 26, 1864.

H A N S E L M A N , JACOB.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Tarry­town, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H, October 20, 1863; absent, in confinement, at muster-out of company.


HARBISON, CHRISTOPHER.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1861, at Sculltown, N. J. , to serve three years; mus­tered in as private, Co. F, August 31, 1861; transferred to Oo. D, no date; promoted corporal and sergeant, no dates; wounded in action, June 2, 1861, at Cold Harbor, Va . ; discharged, June 1, 1861, from hospital.

H A R B R E C H T , WILLIAM.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Tarry­town, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co-. F , January 16, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. O, as William Harbricht; also borne as Harbreth.

H A R E , JAMES.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Go. G, April 5, 1862; wounded in action, June 1, 1864, at Cold Harbor, V a . ; discharged for disability, November 8, 1864, at Philadelphia, Pa.

H A R E M A K E R , DERICK.—Private, Co. D, Independent Corps Light Infantry; transferred to Co. 0, this regiment, January 30,1864; killed in action, June 1,1864, at Cold Harbor, Va .

HAREiN, JOHN.—Age, 34 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , "Febru­ary 3, 1864; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. O ; also borne as Herron and Harren.

H A R K I N , JOHN.—Age, 36 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, January 21, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as John Harkins.

H A R L I N G , JOHN.—Age, 35 years. Enlisted at Kingston, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. E , September 13,1861; mustered out, June 27,1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.

HARRINGTON, THOMAS.—Age, 34 years. Enlisted, August 30, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Go. B, September 5, 1861; transferred to Co. C, no date; discharged, September 20, 1864.

HARRIS, CLARK.—Private, Co. G, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. D, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. O.

996 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

HARRIS, GEORGE.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, October 21, 1863; transferred to Navy, April 26, 1861.

HARRISON, C H A R L E S L.—Enlisted, March 21, 1862, at Brook­lyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K, March 22, 1862; wounded in action, June 1, 1864, at Gold Harbor, Va . ; discharged, November 10, 1864.

HARRISON, EDWARD.—Age, 39 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, Janu­ary 20, 1864; killed, in action, February 20, 1864, at Olustee, Fla.

HARRISON, J O H N J.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 4,1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B, September 5, 1861; no further record.

H A R R M A C H E R , PHILLIP.—Private, Co. H, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. B, this regiment, June 9, 1865; promoted corporal, July 13, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Harrnacher.

HARRMAOKER, , V A L E N T I N E , see Valentine Hamacker.

H A R T , A S H E R C , see Asa E . Heart.

H A R T , F R A N K . — A g e , date, place of enlistment, and muster-in as private, Co. G, to serve three years, not stated; wounded in action, June 8,1864, at Cold Harbor, Va . ; deserted, on expira­tion of furlough, July 1, 1864, from hospital, David's Island, New York.

H A R T , JAMES.—Age, 24 years. Enlisted in Twenty-ninth Con­gressional District, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, February 27,1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

H A R T , J O H N — A g e , 23 years. Enlisted, August 17, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. D, August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. I, no date; re-enlisted, as

' a veteran, January 20, 1864; absent, sick, in hospital at Fort Monroe, Va., at muster-out of company.


H A R T , PATRICK.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , August 27, 1861; transferred to Co. 0, no date; re-enlisted, as a veteran, January 20, 1861; promoted corporal, April 1, 1865; sergeant, no date; mustered out with company, Septem­ber 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

H A R T , THOMAS.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered' in as private, Co. I, April 1, 1862; deserted, August 1, 1861, en route to Camp Chase, Ohio.

H A R T , W A L T E R B.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, September 9, 1861, at Newport, R. I., to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, September 10, 1861; no further record.

H A R T , WILLIAM.—Age, 40 years. Enlisted, August 15, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in a.s private, Co. C, August 16, 1861; discharged, September 20, 1864.

H A R T , WILLIAM H.—Age, 27 years. Enlisted, August 10,1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K, August 16, 1861; no further record.

H A R T E N , ANDREW.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted, August 20, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A , August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. 0, no date; re-enlisted, as a veteran, January 20, 1864; wounded in action, August 14, 1861, at Strawberry Plains, Va . ; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C ; also borne as Hartan.

H A R T E N S T E I N , HEINRICH.—Private, Co. F , Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. E , this regiment, January 30, 1864; wounded and captured in action, February 20, 1864, at Olustee, Fla..; died, May 31, 1861, at Anderson­ville, Ga.

H A R T H , GEORGE.—Age, 24 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. G, January 18, 1865; mustered out, November 4, 1865, at New York city.

H A R T L E Y , WILLIAM.—Private, Co. B, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. H, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

998 R E P O R T O P T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

H A R T M A N , P E T E R . — A g e , 29 years. Enl i s ted at New Y o r k city, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. D , M a r c h 25, 1865; transferred, [September 1, 1865, to Nat ional Insane A s y l u m , at Washington, D. C.

H A R T T , M A L T B Y B . — A g e , — years. Enlisted at Brook lyn , to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co, K , August 30, 1861; promoted corporal, no date; k i l led i n action, June 23, 1864, near Petersburg, Y a . , as Har t .

H A R V E Y , R I C H A R D . — A g e , 18 years. Enl isted, August 16, 1861, a t Tarrytown, to serve three years; mustered i n as pr i ­vate, Co. G, A u g u s t 26, 1861; transferred to Co. B , October 15, 1861; promoted corporal, no date; returned to ranks, no date; discharged, September 20, 1864..

H A S L A N D E R , H I R A M . — A g e , 39 years. Enl is ted , August 9, 1861, at Galevi l le , to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. K , Augus t 16, 1861; discharged for disability, December 23,1862, as Huslander .

H A S S O N , J A M E S W . — A g e , 28 years. Enl is ted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co, K , August 16, 1861; no further record.

H A S T I N G S , E D W A R D . — A g e , 24 years. Enl isted, J u l y 31, 1861, at Trenton, N . J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private , Co. H , August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. D , no date; promoted pr inc ipal musician, no date'; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; mustered out with regiment, September 1, 1865, a t Rale igh, N . C.

H A T F I E L D , S A M U E L A . — A g e , 33 years. Enl is ted at Wana-yanda, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, unas­signed, February 12, 1864;.no further record.

H A T F I E L D , T O W N S E N D L . — A g e , 21 years. Enrol led , August 1, 1861, at Westchester, to serve three years; mustered in as second lieutenant, Co. C, September 10, 1861; as first l ieu­tenant, Co. F , December 29, 1862; transferred to Co. E , Feb­ruary 28, 1863; to Co. K , no date; to Signal Corps, January 20,1864. 'Commissioned second lieutenant, December 14,1861, w i t h rank from September 10, 1861, or ig inal ; first lieutenant, J a n u a r y 12, 1863, w i t h rank from December 29,1862, vice S. K . Wal lace , discharged; captain, not mustered, January 8, 1864, w i t h rank from August 28, 1863, vice T. G. V i d a l , declined.


H A T T E R , G E O R G E — A g e , 18 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H , January 19, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C ; also borne as George H. Hatter.

H A V E N S , AMOS.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, September 11, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Oo. B, September 11,1861; transferred to Oo. H , no date; wounded and captured in action, no date or place; died of his wounds, July 20, 1863, at Charleston, S. C,

H A V E N S , CALVIN.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 22, 1861, at Farmingdale, N. J. , to serve three years; mustered in as corporal, Co. E , August 27, 1861; transferred to Co. F, no date; returned to ranks, no date; discharged, September 20, 1861.

H A V E N S , WILLIAM.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, September 11, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. B, September 11,1861; transferred to Co. H , no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted ser­geant, January 2, 1865; mustered out with company, Septem­ber 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

HAWKINS, WILLIAM H.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted, Septem­ber 9, 1861, at Islip, L. I., to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, September 10, 1861; transferred to Co. E , no date; captured in action, July 18,1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; died, April 1, 1861, at Richmond, Va.

H A Y D O N , MICHAEL.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H, Janu­ary 17, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

H A Y D O O N , MARK.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted, August 8, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K, August 16, 1861; discharged, September 16, 1861, as Haydon.

H A Y E S , M I C H A E L T.—Age, 22 years, Enlisted, August 29, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. C, September 5, 1861; discharged, September 20, 1864, as Michael S. Hayes.

1000 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L ,

H A Y N E S , C H A R L E S C—Age, 34 years. Enlisted, August 21, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. G, August 26, 1861; transferred to Co. E , no date; promoted corporal, no date; killed in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. 0.

H A Y S , MICHAEL.—Age , 22 years. Enlisted, September 1, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co, B, September 5,1861; no further record.

H A Z E L T O N , JOSIAH.—Private, Oo. H, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. B, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

H E A D L E Y , HENRY.—Age , 36 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to 'serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. 0, October 12, 1864; discharged for disability, May 16, 1865.

H E A R T , A S A E.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 12, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as corporal, Oo. I, August 16, 1861; returned to ranks, no date; wounded in action, June 1,1864, at Cold Harbor, Ya. ; discharged at expira­tion of term of service, as Ascher G. Hart; also borne as Asher C. Hart.

H E A T H , CHARLES.—Age , 34 years. Enlisted, August 20, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A , August 21, 1861; transferred to Go. E , no date; discharged for disability, no date.

H E D B E R G , C H A R L E S G.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted, August 26,1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. E , August 27, 1861; transferred to Co. A, no date; died of typhoid fever, June 7, 1862.

H E E N I N , CONSTANT, see Constant Herman.

H E H L , P E T E R . — A g e , — years. Enlisted at. Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A, September 2, 1863; captured and paroled, no dates; deserted prior to June 30,1865, from Camp Parole, Annapolis, Md.

H E I N E M A N , JOSEPH.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I, January 14, 1865; deserted, April 15, 1865, while on march from Fais-ions Station to Raleigh, N. C.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1001

HEINI, RUDOLPH.-—Age, 32 years. Enlisted at Kingston, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. 0, September 26, 1861; mustered out, June 27, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

H E L L E R M A N , J O H N H.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 27, 1861, at Davies Corner, to- serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F, August 31, 1861; no further record.

H E L T H , J A C O B Z.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, September 2, 1861, at Harrisonville, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B, September 6, 1861; discharged, September 20, 1864; also borne as Helt.

H E M P S T E D , C H A R L E S A.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, August 28, 1862; no further record.

H E N C H E Y , JOHN.—Age, 26 years. Enlisted, September 7, 1861, at Hudson, to serve three years; mustered in as corporal, Co. G, September 16, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted sergeant, March 5,1864; wounded in action, May 7, 1864, at Chester Hill , Ya . ; promoted first sergeant, no date; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

HENCHEY" , PATRICK.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. G, April 12,1865; mustered out with company, September 1,1865, at Raleigh, N. O.

H E N D E R S O N , A N D R E W J.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Auburn, to serve' three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, February 21, 1865; deserted, July 13, 1865, from camp, at Raleigh, N. C.

H E N D E R S O N , JAMES.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Albany, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. C, October 30, 1863; transferred to Navy, May —, 1864.

HENDRICKS, JOHN—Age , 26 years. Date, place of enlistment and muster-in as private, Co. D, not stated; re-enlisted as a veteran, March 31, 1864; promoted corporal, no date; sergeant, May 1, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

1002 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L ,

H E N D R I C K B O N , B A R K E L O N . — A g e , 25 years. Enlisted, August 13, 1861, at Wall, N . J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, August 26, 1861; transferred to Co. H, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

H E N D R I C K S O N , G E O R G E W.—Age, 27 years. Enlisted, August 10, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as corporal, Co. I, August 16, 1861; died, March 31, 1862, at Dawfuskie Island, S. G.

H E N E S Y , J AMES.—Private, Co. K, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Go. E , this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.

H E N K L E , A D O L P H U S , see Adolph Hankel.

H E N N I N , CONST A N T , see Constant Herman.

H E N R Y , E D W A R D H.—Private, Go. K, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. E , this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

H E N R Y , JACOB.—Age, 31 years. Enlisted, August 22, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F , August 31, 1861; transferred to Co. C, no date; appointed wagoner, no date; discharged, September 20, 1864.

H E N R Y , J A M B S C—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Granby, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, February 20, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

H E N R Y , JOHN.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H , October 21, 1863; promoted corporal, no date; mustered out with company, September 1,1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

H E N R Y , WILLIAM.—Age, 28 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve two years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , February 20, 1865; deserted, May 31,1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1003

H E N S H A W , JOHN.—Age, 30 years. Enlisted, July 19, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as sergeant, Oo. I, August 16, 1861; promoted first sergeant, June 19, 1863; wounded in action, May 7, 1864, at Chester Hill , Ya . ; dis­charged, at expiration of term of service, as Rerishaw.

H E R B E R T , JAMES.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, September 4, 1861, at Trenton, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, September 5, 1861; died of typhoid fever, May 27, 1862, at Dawfuskie Island, S. C.

H E R E , JAMES.—.Private, Co. O, Independent Corps Light Infan­try; transferred to Co. C, this regiment, January 30, 1864; no further record.

H E R K I N , WILLIAM.—Private, Co. E , One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. A, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

H E R M A N , ADAM.—Age, 38 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to s e T v e three years, and mustered in as private, Go. C, October 20, 1863; absent, sick, at muster-out of company.

H E R M A N , CONSTANT.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, August 26, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. O ; also borne as Heenin.

HERRTJLE, JOSEPH.—Private, Co. C, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. C, this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, sick, at muster-out of company.

HESS, D A N I E L F.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 7, 1861, at Galeville, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K, August 16,1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22,1863; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Daniel Hess; also borne as Daniel D. Hess.

HESS, WILLIAM.—Age, 27 years. Enlisted, August 9, 1861, at Galeville, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K , August 16, 1861; wounded in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

, 1004 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

H E W I T T , E Z E K I E L G.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted at Dickinson, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, July 14, 1863; mustered out, June 7, 1865, from hospital, at Fort Monroe, Va.

HIBSON, JOSEPH.—-Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Yorkville, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A, August 21, 1861; transferred to Oo. C, no date; promoted corporal, no date; returned to ranks, January 31, 1863; wounded in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, December 29, 1863; also borne as Joseph C. Hibson; awarded medal of honor.

H I C K E Y , MICHAEL.—Age, — years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, January 19, 1865; wounded, February 21, 1865, near Wilmington, N. C ; no record subsequent to this date.

HIGGINS, EDWARD.—Age, 17 years. Enlisted, September 17, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F, October 10, 1861; discharged, September 20, 1864.

HIGGINS, PATRICK.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Albany, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, October 30, 1863; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

H I L G E R , NICHOLAS.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted at Goshen, to. serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, January 18, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

H I L L , EZRA.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Syracuse, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, February 22, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

H I L L , JAMES.—Private, Co. A , One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. K, this regiment, June 9, 1865; died of disease, June 25, 1865.

H I L L , JOHN.—Private, Co. E , One Blundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. A , this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, sick, in hospital at muster-out of company.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1006

HILL, JOHN.—Age, 30 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, September 2, 1863; transferred to Navy, April 26, 1861.

H I L L E K E R , ALONZO.—Age, 27 years. Enlisted, August 5, 1861, at Newburgh, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. K, August 16, 1861; promoted corporal, no date; killed in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; a^o borne as Hilligher.

H I L L E R M A N , JOHN.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 25,1861, atWoodstown,N.J.,to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. D, August 31, 1861; discharged, September 20, 1861, as John H. Hillerman.

HILLIARD, V A N R E N S S E L A E R K.—Age, 24 years. Enrolled, July 24,1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as quartermaster-sergeant, August 16, 1861, as second lieu­tenant, Co. G, August 19, 1862; as first lieutenant, September 21, 1863; wounded in action, May 16, 1861, at Drewry's Bluff, Va . ; mustered in as captain, August 2, 1864; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C. Commis­sioned second lieutenant, November 17, 1862, with rank from August 29, 1862, vice H . W. Robinson, promoted; first lieu­tenant, August 28, 1863, with rank from February 10, 1863, vice W. H. Dunbar, promoted; captain, May 18, 1864, with rank from April 19, 1861, vice A . Elmendorf, discharged.

HIMROD, JAMES.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted, August 21, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , August 27, 1861; no further record.

HIMROD, JAMES.—Age, 25 years. Enrolled, August 24, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as corporal, Go. A , September 16, 1861; promoted sergeant, no date; re-en­listed as a veteran, January 20, 1861; promoted first sergeant, April 13, 1864; mustered in as second lieutenant, May 22,1864; dismissed, October 4, 1864. Commissioned second lieutenant, April 29,1864, with rank from April 4,1861, vice W. E . D'Arcy, promoted; first lieutenant, not mustered, September 16, 1864, with rank from August 16, 1861, vice E . J . Hutchinson, promoted.

HINCHY, JOHN.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted, July 24, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I , August 16, 1861; no further record.

1006 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

HINDS, GEORGE.—Private, Oo. G, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. D, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, K G .

HINES, F R E D E R I C K . — A g e , — years. Enlisted at Schenectady, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H, Janu­ary 12, 1865; deserted, March 2, 1865, at Wilmington, N. C.

HIRSOH, MAX.—Private, Co. G, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. G, this regiment, January 30,1864; re-enlisted as a veteran, February 29,1864; deserted on expira­tion of furlough, April 20, 1864; also borne as Hirsh.

HITER, WILLIAM.—Private, Co. D, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. I, this regiment, June 9, 1865;.absent, sick, in Post Hospital, at muster-out of company.

H O A R , THOMAS.—Age, 28 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, December 5, 1863; no further record.

H O D G E S , THOMAS.—Age, — years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, Septem­ber 1, 1863; deserted, March 28, 1865, from hospital at Fort Monroe, Ya .

H O F F , AARON.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 19, 1861, at Keyport, N . J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. D, August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. H, no date; killed in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C.

H O F F , JACOB.—Private, Co. F , Independent Corps, Light Infan­try; transferred to - Co. E , this regiment, January 30, 1864; captured in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; died, October 30, 1864, at Andersonville, Ga.

H O F F M A N , ELYIN.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted, August 10, 1861, at Galeville, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K, August 16, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; wounded in action, June 29, 1864, near Petersburg, Ya . ; died of his wounds, July 5, 1864, as Alvin B. Hoffman; also borne as Alvin D. Hoffman.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1007

H O F F M A N , FREDERICK.—Age , 38 years. Enlisted at Brook­lyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, September 2, 1863; died of disease, July 11, 1864, at Fort Pulaski, Ga.

H O F F M A N , JOHN.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Goshen, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , January 16, 1865; promoted corporal, June 20, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.

H O F F M A N , PAUL.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I, September 24, 1861; mustered out, July 19, 1865, from McDougal Hos­pital, New York Harbor.

H O L E S AN, JOHN.—Age, 30 years. Enlisted, August 5, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A, August 16, 1861; wounded in action, July IS, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; wounded in action, May 19, 1864, at Bermuda Hundred, Va . ; died of his wounds, May 25, 1864.

H O L L A N D , DAVID.—Age, 42 years. Enlisted at Binghamton, to serve three years, and miusteTed in as private, Co. G, Febru­ary 20, 1865; mustered out, June 5, 1865.

H O L L E N B E C K , JACOB.—Age, — years. Enlisted at Albany, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F, October 19, 1863; discharged for disability, June 7,1865.

HOLLIBER, JOHN.—Age, 34 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, October 21, 1863; absent, sick, in hospital, at muster-out of company.

HOLMES, LEWIS.—Age, 19 years. Enrolled at Worcester, Mass., to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, August 16, 1861; promoted corporal and returned to ranks, no dates; transferred to Co, K, December 22, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22,1863; promoted sergeant, no- date; first sergeant, January 1, 1865; mustered in as second lieutenant, June 21,1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C. Commissioned second lieutenant, May 17, 1865, with rank from April 13, 1865, vice J . Haney, promoted.

1008 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

H O L M E S , R O B E R T H . — A g e , 19 years. Enl is ted , September 13, 1861, a t Brook lyn , to serve three years; mustered- in as private, Go. G, September 16, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; dishonorably discharged, September 4, 1864.

H O L S T , N E L I S . — A g e , 36 years. Enl isted at K ings ton , to serve one year, and mustered i n as private, Go. G, September 26, 1864; discharged, J u l y 22, 1865, at Raleigh, N . C ; also* borne as Nets Hoist .

H O L T M I R E , J O S E P H . — P r i v a t e , Oo. K , One Hundred: and Seventeenth Infantry ; transferred to Go. E , this regiment, J u n e 9, 1864; mustered out w i t h company, September 1, 1865, at Rale igh, N . ' O .

H O L T O N , J O H N . — A g e , 19 years. Enl i s ted , August 20, 1861, a t Verp lank ' s Po int , to serve three years; mustered i n as pr i ­vate, Co. A , A u g u s t 21, 1861; transferred to Oo. B , no date; promoted corporal, no date; returned to ranks, March 13, 1863; wounded i n action, J u l y 18,1863, at F o r t Wagner, Si G. ; re-en­l i s ted as a veteran, January 20, 1864; promoted sergeant, March 1, 1865; first sergeant, no date; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Rale igh, N . C.

H O M A N , C H A R L E S T.—Age, 23 years. Enl is ted at Jamaica, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. H , Sep­tember 2, 1863; transferred to Navy, no date.

H O M A N , M I C H A E L . — A g e , 21 years. En l i s ted at Tarrytown, t o serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. G , Janu­a r y 17, 1865; mustered out w i t h company, September 1, 1865, at Rale igh , N . O.

H O P K I N S , A A R O N , — P r i v a t e , Co. 0, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry ; transferred to Co. C, th i s regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, sick, at muster-out of company.

. H O P K I N S , W I L L I A M G.—Age , 18 years. Enl isted, August 27, 1861, a t Newark, N . J . , to serve three years; mustered i n as private , Oo. F , August 31, 1861; transferred to Co. G, August 31, 1861; died of congestion of lungs, November 26, 1861, at H i l t o n Head, S. C ; also borne as W i l l i a m J , Hopkins.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1000

HOPPER, JACOB.—Private, Co E , Independent Corps light Infantry; transferred to Co. H , this regiment, January 30 ,1864 ; discharged at expiration of term of service as Happer.

HOPPIE, CHARLES.—Private, Co. A , Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. A, this regiment, January 30,1864; missing in action, February 20,1864, at Olustee, Fla.

HOPWOOD, JOHN.—Age, 33 years. Enlisted, August 19, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A, August 21, 1861; deserted, August 21, 1861, from Fort Hamilton, NY Y. -

HORTON, AZARIAH.—Age, 18 years- Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co B, Janu­ary 12, 1864; wounded and captured in action, June 5, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Ya . ; died, August 8, 1864, at Andersonville, Ga.

HORTON, JOHN.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Albany, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, October 30 ,1863 ; died of disease, May 5, 1864, at Hampton Hospital, Ya.

HOUSTON, A L E X ' R N.—Private, Oo. I, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred' to Co. G, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

H O V E L L , JAMES,—Age, 43 years. Enlisted, April 15, 1862, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , August 16 ,1862; wounded in action, February 21,1865, near Wilmington, N. C.; discharged subsequent to April 30, 1865.

HOWARD, W I L L I A M B.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted at Sche­nectady, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co, F , September 16, 1861; promoted corporal, February 28, 1863; wounded and captured in action and paroled, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. G ; discharged for disability, April 15, 1864.

H O W E L L , C A L E B H.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 19, 1861, at Chester, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. D, August 21, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; appointed wagoner, no date; mustered out with com­pany, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.


1010 R E P O R T OF T H E AT) J U T A NT- G E N E R A L .

H O W E L L , GEORGE.—Age, 20 yeans. Enlisted, August Ur

1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private,. Go. H , August 16, 1861; transferred to Go. B, no date; appointed -wagoner, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.

H O W E L L , W I L L I A M J.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 19,, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. D, August 21, 1861; wounded in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; died of his wounds, August 20, 1863, at Hilton Head, S. O."

H O W L A N D , A L B E R T F.—Age, 20 years. Enroilled at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as second lieutenant, Co. K, September 3, 1862; transferred to Co. B , February 28, 1863; mustered in as first lieutenant, Co. I, August 28, 1863; discharged for disability, April 1, 1864, at Hilton Head, S. C. Commissioned second lieutenant, Septem­ber 30, 1862, with rank from September 30, 1862, vice James H. Perry, Jr., resigned; first lieutenant, August 28, 1863, with rank from July 18, 1863, vi(;e A . F . Miller, promoted.

H O W L E Y , JOHN.—Private, Co. K , One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. E , this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

H O Y T , J A M E S B.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, October 1, 1861, at Trumansburg, to serve three years; mustered in as private, in band, October 26,1861; supposed to have been discharged in 1862.

H U B B A R D , WILLIAM.—Age, 44 years. Enlisted at Syracuse, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. F , Feb­ruary 3, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1,1865, at Raleigh, N. O.

H U B E R , JOHN.—Age, 42 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, September 2, 1863; deserted, February 20, 1864, on retreat from Olustee, Fla . ; also borne as Haber.

H U E S T O N , RICHARD.—Corporal, Co. F , One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Oo. F , this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, sick, at muster-out of company.

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H U G H E S , ARTHUR.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H, Jan­uary 18, 1865; deserted, February 8, 1865, at Federal Point, N„ C.

H U G H E S , O H A R L E S G.~Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 9, 1861, at Galeville, to serve three years; mustered is as private, Go. K, August 16,1861; no further record.

H U G H E S , JOHN.—Private, Oo. B, Oue Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Ob. H, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

H U G H E S , PATRICK.—Age, 38 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H , October 20,1863; wounded in action, June 1, 1861, at Cold Harbor, Ya . ; transferred to Co. H, Forty-eighth Regiment, Veteran Reserve Corps, September 16, 1861.

HUGHES-, ROBERT.—Private, Go. A , Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Oo. C, this regiment, January 30,1864; supposed discharged at expiration of term of service.

H U L B U R T , J O S E P H B., see Joseph B. Hurlburt.

H U L T , J A C O B Z.—Age, 24 years. Enlisted, September 2, 1861, at Harrisonville, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, September 10,1861; no further record.

H U M P H R I E S , P A T R I C K H.—Age, 26 years. Enrolled at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as assistant surgeon, October 17, 1861; discharged, September 25, 1863, for promotion to surgeon, Fifty-eighth New York Infantry, as Humphreys. Commissioned assistant surgeon, December 14, 1861, with rank from October 15,1861, original.

H U N T , FRANKLIN.—Private, Co. E , One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. A, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

H U N T , RICHARD M.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, September 7, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. C, September 10,1861; no further record.

1012 R E P O R T OP T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

H U N T , W I L L I A M H.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, September 13, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, September 11, 1861; no further record.

H U N T E R , F R A N K W.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Watertown, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. A , January 16, 1865; promoted1 corporal, March 25, 1865; mustered cut with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

H U N T E R , G E O R G E D.—Age, 29 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , August 27, 1861; transferred to Co. A , no date; pro­moted corporal, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22,. 1863; promoted sergeant, April 13, 1861; wounded, no date;, died of his wounds, September 30, 1864.

H U N T E R , W I L L I A M B.—Age, 19 years. Enrolled, August 7, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as ser­geant, Co. K, August 16, 1861; promoted first sergeant, Sep­tember 1, 1863; returned to sergeant, no date; mustered in as second lieutenant, Co. E, April 13, 1864; discharged, July 9, 1864. Commissioned second lieutenant, March 30, 1864, with rank from March 8, 1864, vice J . N. Keenan, killed in action.

H U N T I N G T O N , ALONZO R.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, Sep­tember 9, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as corporal, Co. C, September 10, 1861; no further record.

H U R B E R T , J A M E S S.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 4, 1861, at Windsor, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. B, September 5, 1861; no further record.

H U R L B U R T , J O S E P H B.—Corporal, Oo. C, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. C, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Hulburt.

H U R L E Y , JOHN.—Age, 27 years. Enlisted, August 12, 1861, at Brooklyn, to,serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. D, August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. I, no date; promoted corporal, no date; discharged at expiration of term of service.

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HURST, F R E D E R I C K — A g e , 21 years. Enrolled, July 21, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as first lieutenant, Co. E , August 2T, 1861; as captain, Co. K, February 28, 1863; wounded and captured in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C.; died of bis wounds, July 31,1863, at Charleston, S. C. Commissioned first lieutenant, December 11, 1861, with rank from August 27, 1861, original; captain, February 5,1863, with rank from January 26, 1863, vice S. J . Foster, resigned.

H U S B A C K , H E N R Y — A g e , 26 years.. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, January 20, 1864; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

H U S L A N D E R , HIRAM, see Hiram Haslander.

HUTCHINSON, ELBRIDGE.—Age, 32 years. Enrolled, August 5, 1861, at Bedford, Mass., to serve three years; mustered in as sergeant, Co A, September 16, 1861; transferred to Co F , no date; promoted first sergeant, no date; mustered in as second lieutenant, Co. G, November 9, 1863; as first lieutenant, Oo.^A, June 7, 1861; as captain, Co. I, October1 10, 1864; discharged for disability, May 26, 1865, as Elbridge J . Hutchinson. Com­missioned second lieutenant, August 28, 1863, with rank from July 31, 1863, vice J . A . Barrett, promoted; first lieutenant, May IS, 1864, with rank from April 6, 1861, vice J . A . Fee, pro­moted; captain, September 16, 1861, with rank from August 16, 1864, vice J . M. Tantum, killed.

HUTCHINSON, JAMES.—Age, 33 years, Enlisted at Pough­keepsie, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, January 17, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Hutchison.

HUTCHINSON, JAMES.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, January 16, 1865, at Norwich, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, January 19, 1865; mustered out wih company, Septem­ber 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

H U T H , HERMAN.—Age, 30 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, January 23, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

1014 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

H U T T , JOSEPH.—Age , 44 years. Enlisted, August 14, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; -mustered' in as private, Co, H, August 26, 1861; transferred to Go. A, no date; wounded in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. 0.; discharged, Sep­tember 22, 1864.

H Y A T T , CHARLES.—Age , 17 years. Enlisted, August 23,1861, at Norwalk, Conn., to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, August 26, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted corporal and sergeant, no dates; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Charles J . Hyatt; also borne as Charles L. Hyatt.

H Y A T T , C H A R L E S S.—Private, Co. I, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. G, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

H Y A T T , J O S E P H A.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted, August 28, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. F , August 31, 1861; promoted corporal, no date; wounded and captured in action and paroled, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. G ; died of his wounds, August 9, 1863, at McDougal Hos­pital, New York Harbor.

H Y E R S , A L E X A N D E R . — A g e , 18 years. Enlisted, August 4, 1861, at Farmingdale, N, J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. H , August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. B, no date; prontoted corporal, no date; captured in action, July IS, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; died of his wounds, September 30, 1863, while a prisoner of war.

HYRONIMUS, Z O B E L , see Hironimus Zobel.

ID E N , FREDERICK.—Private, Co. F , Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. E , this regiment, January 30,1864; discharged at expiration of term of service.

IMROCH, GUSTAVE.—Private, Co. K, One Hundred and Sev­enteenth Infantry; transferred to Go. E , this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, sick, at muster-out of company.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1015

I N G R A H A M , A A R O N H.—Age, 22 years. Enrolled, August 20, 18.61, at Ellenville, to serve three years; muistered in as corpo­ral, Co. F, August 31, 1861; transferred to Co. G, no date; pro­moted quartermaster-sergeant, January 17, 1862; mustered in as second lieutenant, Co. 0, Mach 1, 1863; as first lieutenant, September 21, 1863; killed in action, June 1,1861, at Cold Har­bor, Va. Commissioned second lieutenant, February 5, 1863, with rank from January 26, 1863, vice Samuel H. Moser, pro­moted; first lieutenant, August 28,1863, with rank from August 28, 1863, vice T. C.Vidall, promoted.

I N S L E E , C H A R L E S H.—Age, 40 years. Enlisted: at Goshen, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, Janu­ary 18,1865; mustered out, June 8, 1865, at New Berne, N. C.

IRION, MIOHEAL, see Micheal Erion.

IRVINE, JAMES.—Age, 30 years. Enlisted, August 5, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as sergeant, CO, G, August 26, 1861; discharged for disability, June 10; 1862, from hospital at New York city.

IRVINE, W I L L I A M H.—Age, IS years. Enlisted, August 23, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three year®; musteredjn as private, Oo. G, August 26, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863 died of consumption, October 15, 1864, at Brooklyn, N. Y.

ISNER, EDWARD.—Private, Co. K, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Oo. E , this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

IVINS, J A M E S G.—Age, 17 years. Enlisted, August 14, 1861, at Keyport, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered, in as prvate, Co. H , August 21, 1861; discharged at expiration'of term- of service, as James G. Ivans.

J A C K S O N , A L E X A N D E R . — A g e , 40 years. Enlisted, Septem­ber 9, 186)1, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in ais private, Oo. C, September 10, 1861; transferred' to Co. B, no date; discharged, September 20, 1864.

J A C K S O N , ANDREW.—Age, 30 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , Decem­ber 9, 1863; wounded in action, February 22, 1864, at Olustee, Fla . ; mustered out, June 11, 1865, at Fort Monroe, Va.

1016 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

J A C K S O N , JOHN.—Age, 26 years. Enlisted at Albany, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. I, October 20, 1863; killed in action, August 16, 1864, at Strawberry Plains, Va . ; also borne as John F . Jackson.

J A C K S O N , JOHN.—Age, 30 years. Enlisted at Poughkeepsie, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, Janu­ary 18, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

J A C K S O N , J O S I A H C—Age, 36 years. Enlisted at Oolesville, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. H, February 21, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N . 0.

J A C K S O N , ROBERT.—Private, Go. D, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. I, this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, sick, in hospital at muster-out of company.

J A C K S O N , THOMAS.—Age, 39 years. Enlisted at Fredonia, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H, Feb­ruary 24, 1865; died of disease, June 12, 1865, at McDongall Hospital, New York city.

J A C Q U O T , NICHOLAS.—Private, Oo. B, Etnfants Perdus; trans­ferred to Co. B, this regiment, January 30, 1864; re-enlisted as a veteran, March 31, 1864; wounded in action, August 16, 1864, at Strawberry Plains, V a . ; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C ; also borne as Jacot.

J A C Q U O T , PHILLIP.—Private, Co. B, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. B, this regiment, January 30, 1864; discharged, April 24, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C ; also borne as Jacot.

J A M E S , WILLIAM.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, October 20, 1863; transferred to Navy, no date.

J A N S O N , THOMAS, see Thomas Jonson.

J A Y N E , PEMBROKE.—Private, Co. C, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. C, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N . C.

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J E F F E R S , MICHAEL.—Private, Co. B, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Oo. H , this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

JENKINS, WILLIAM.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Buffalo, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, February 15,1865; deserted, June 17,1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

JENNINGS, THOMAS.—Age, 38 years. Enlisted, July 22,1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, August 16, 1861; wounded in action, May 16, 1861, at Drewry's Bluff, Ya , ; discharged at expiration of term of service.

J E R O M E , EDWARD.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted, July 21, 1861, at Stockport, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. G, no date; died of con­sumption, March 1, 1862, at Dawfuskie Island, S. C.

JESS, WILLIAM.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, September 8,1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as musician, Co. C, September 10, 1861; transferred to Co. B, and returned to company as private, no dates; wounded in action, May 7, 1861, at Chester Hill , Ya . ; died of his wounds, May 7, 1861.

JESSUP, E D M U N D A.—Age, 26 years. Enlisted at Sag Har­bor, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. G, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; wounded in action, May 7, 1861, at Chester Hill , Ya . ; captured in action, June 1, 1861, at Cold Harbor, Ya . ; paroled, no date; promoted corporal, July 12, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C ; also borne as Edward A . Jessup and Jessupp:

JESSUPP, C H A R L E S L.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Brook­lyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, March 28, 1861; wounded in action, May 7, 1861, at Chester Hill , Ya . ; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, May, 1865, and mustered out, August 31, 1865, at Washington, D. C , as of Co. H, Tenth Regiment, Veteran Reserve Corps.

JOCKERS, JACOB.—Private, Co. F, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. E , this regiment, January 30, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, February 29, 1861; killed in action, May 16, 1861, at Drewry's Bluff, Va .

1018 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

JOHNSON, A L E X A N D E R . — A g e , 18 years. Enlisted, Septem­ber 6, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, September 10, 1861; transferred to Co. I, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, January 20, 1861; wounded in action, June 1, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va. ; deserted on expira­tion of furlough, June 20, 1864, from hospital at David's Island, New York Harbor.

JOHNSON, B E N J A M I N D., see Benjamin S. Johnston.

JOHNSON, CHARLES.—Age , 20 years. Enlisted, August 10, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as cor­poral, Co. I, August 16, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, Decem­ber 22, 1863; returned to ranks, no date; deserted on expira­tion of furlough, from hospital at Beverley, N. J . , September 3, 1864; also borne as Charles F. Johnson.

JOHNSON, C H A R L E S F.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at1 Brook­lyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, September 5, 1861; no further record.

J O H N S O N , JR., DANIEL.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted, August 22, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. O, August 26, 1861; transferred to Co. K, and pro­moted sergeant, no dates; killed in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. O ; also borne as Daniel Johnson.

J O H N S O N , DAVID.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 4, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. D, August 21,1861; transferred to Co. B, and appointed musi­cian, no date; discharged, September 20, 1864.

J O H N S O N , E D W A R D J.—Age, 26 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. O, August 26, 1861; transferred to Co. E , and promoted corporal, no date; killed in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wag­ner, S. C ; also borne as Edward Johnson.

JOHNSON, G E O R G E A.—Private, Co. I, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. G, this regiment, June 9, 1865; discharged for disability, July 17, 1865, from McDougall Hospital, New York Harbor.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1019

JOHNSON, G E O R G E J.—Private, Co. E , One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. A, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

JOHNSON, G E O R G E W.—Age, 26 years. Enlisted, July 19, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as ser­geant, Co. I, August 16,1861; discharged at expiration of term of service.

JOHNSON, G E O R G E W.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Cold Spring, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H , February 22, 1865; mustered out with company, Septem­ber 1,1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

JOHNSON, ISAAC O.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , August 27, 1861; transferred to Co. A , no date; wounded in action, July 10, 1863, at Morris Island, S. C.; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, January 27, 1861.

JOHNSON, JAMES.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted at Fredonia, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, February 21, 1865; mustered out, June 8, 1865, at New Berne, -N. C.

JOHNSON, J A M E S M.—Private, Co. F, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. F , this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

JOHNSON, JOHN.—Age, 28 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. 0, October 21, 1863; transferred to Navy, April 26, 1861.

JOHNSON, JOHN.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, October 31, 18-63; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

JOHNSON, J O H N JAMES.—Age, — years. Enlisted at Brook­lyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K,. December 5, 1861; promoted corporal, November 10, 1863; wounded in action, June 5, 1861, at Cold Harbor, Va . ; died of his wounds, June 29, 1861.

1020 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

JOHNSON, JONES P.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. E , August 27, 1861; transferred to Co. A, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; wounded in action, May 19, 1861, at Bermuda Hundred, Va . ; discharged for dis­ability, October 20, 1861; also borne as Jonas P. Johnson.

J O H N S O N , PETER.—Age, 28 years. Enlisted, September 13, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, September 16, 1861; promoted corporal, no date; wounded and captured in action, May 16, 1861, at Drewry's Bluff, Va . ; died of his wounds, June 1, 1861, while a prisoner of war.

J O H N S O N , ROBERT.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, September 9, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. C, September 10, 1861; transferred to Co I, no date; discharged at expiration of term of service.

J O H N S O N , WALLACE.—Private Co. H , One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. B, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

JOHNSON, WARREN.—Private, Co. E , One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. A, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

JOHNSON, WILLIAM.—Age, 31 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, Sep­tember 21, 1863; transferred to Navy, no date.

JOHNSON, WILLIAM.—Age, 31 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, Octo­ber 19, 1863; discharged for disability, July 19, 1865, from DeCamp Hospital, New York Harbor.

J O H N S O N WILLIAM.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 17, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. I, October 10, 1861; wounded in action, June 1, 1861, at Cold Harbor, Va . ; discharged at expiration of term of service.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1021

JOHNSON, WILLIAM H.—Private, Co. H , One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. B, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, 'September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Wm. W. Johnson.

JOHNSTON, B E N J A M I N S.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 10, 1861, at Freehold, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H, August 26, 1861; appointed musician, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22,1863; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Ben­jamin D. Johnson.

JOHNSTON, JOHN.—Age, 28 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. E , January 10, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

J O L E T , HENRY.—Private, Co. E , Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. D, this regiment, January 30,1861; discharged, May 15, 1865.

JONES, CHARLES.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 23, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , August 27, 1861; transferred to Co. B, and appointed musi­cian, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; wounded in action, May 7, 1861, at Chester Hill, Va. ; no fur­ther record; also borne as Charles P. Jones.

J O N E S , C H A R L E S A.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E., August 27, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; pro­moted corporal, no date, and sergeant, April 20, 1865; mus­tered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 'C.

J O N E S , ELIJAH.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Canandaigua, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H, February 23, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

J O N E S , G E O R G E E.—Age, 11 years. Enlisted at Hilton Head, S. C , to serve three years, and mustered in as musician, Co. H, January 25, 1862; died, December 10, 1863, at Hilton Head,

' S. C.

1022 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

JONES, J A M E S G.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 13, 1861, at Key Pert, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Go. D, August 21, 1861; no further record.

JONES, JOHN.—Age, — years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. K, January 31, 1865; deserted, March 15, 1865, at Wilmington, N. G.

JONES, J O H N V.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 14, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, August 16,1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, .December 22,1863; discharged for disability, July 3,1865, from hospital at David's Island, New York Harbor.

JONES, JOSEPH.—-Age, 20 years. Enlisted, August 5, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. I,. August 16, 1861; killed in action, February 20, 1864, at Olustee, Fla.

JONES, R I C H A R D S,—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Ellicott, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, February 15, 1865; discharged, July 19, 1865, at New York city.

JONES, ROBERT.—Age, 28 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, September 2, 1863; promoted corporal, May 1, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

JONES, THOMAS.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted, August 4, 1861, at Farmingdale, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H, August 16, 1861; transferred to Go. D, no date; wounded in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; dis­charged, no date; last reported as at hospital, Fort Schuyler,. N. Y .

JONES, WILLIAM.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 22, 1861,, at Farmingdale, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. E , August 27, 1861; transferred to Go. D, no date;

. re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; mustered out with, company, September 1,1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

JONES, WILLIAM.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Kingston, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Go. F , September 3, 1864; mustered out, June 27, 1865, at Raleigh, N. G.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1023

JONSON, THOMAS.—Age, 32 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, August 31, 1863; transferred to Navy, April 26, 1864, as Janson.

JOUANNIN, ADRIAN.—Private, Co. D, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. H, this regiment, January 30,1864; deserted on expiration of furlough, December 17,1864.

JOUSTIN, PHILLIBERT.—Age, — years. Enlisted at York-town, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, June 15, 1862; died of disease, February 2, 1864.

-JOY, THOMAS.—Private, Co. K, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. E , this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, wounded, at muster-out of company.

J U D D , BENJAMIN.—Private, Co. D, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. I, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

K A L A R , W I L L I A M H.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, January 28, 1864; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C ; also borne as Kayler.

K A L L I G A N , JOHN.—Age, 30 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, April 12, 1862; mustered out, May 12, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

K A L M E Y E R , F R E D E R I C K , see Fred Kollmeyer.

K A N E , JAMES.—Age, 33 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. E , September 24, 1864; wounded in action, January 15, 1865, at Fort Fisher, N . C.; mustered out, May 26, 1865, from McDougall Hospital, New York city; also borne as Kame.

K A N E , PETER.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, August 13, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K, August 16, 1861; transferred to Oo. C, no date; discharged, September 20, 1864.

K A N E , TERRENCE.—Private, Co. F, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. F, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

1024= R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

K A N T E R , MAX.—Age, — years. Enlisted at New York city,, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Go. K, March 4, 1862; deserted while on recruiting service.

K A P P S , JOSEPH.—Private, Go. H, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Oo. B, this regiment, June 9,. 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

K A U F F M A N , F R A N K , see Francis Koffman.

K A U F M A N , AUGUST.—-Private, Co. B, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. H, this regiment,. June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865,. at Raleigh, N. G.

K A U F M A N , F R A N K . — A g e , 30 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, January 21, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Frederick Kaufman.

K E A G A N , PATRICK—Private , Co. B, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. H, this regiment, June 9, 1865; deserted, June 15, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.

K E A N , DANIEL.—Age, 24 years. Enlisted, September 9, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Go. 0, September 10,1861; killed on picket, July 15,1863, on Morris Island, S. C ; also borne as Kane.

K E A T I N G , JAMES.—Age, 42 years. Enlisted, August 5, 1861,: ,at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as ser­geant, Co. F , August 31, 1861; died, July 22, 1862, at Fort Pulaski, Ga.

K E E G A N , M I C H A E L M.—Age, 33 years. Einlisted, August 6,. 1861, at Trenton, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as-private, Co. I, August 16, 1861; transferred .to Oo. G, no date;. promoted1 sergeant, no date; returned to ranks, February 2,. 1863; promoted sergeant, no date; discharged, September 16,, 1864.

K E E N , JOHN.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, August 20, 1861, at Woodstoiwn, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private,. Co. H , August 26, 1861; transferred to Co. D1, no date; dis­charged, September 20, 1864.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1025

K E E N A N , J A M E S M.—Age, 28 years. Enrolled, September 13, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered, in as private, Go. I, September 11, 1861; transferred to- GOL B, no date; pro­moted sergeant and returned to ranks, no dates; mustered in as second lieutenant, Co. I, November 9, 1863; killed in action, February 20, 1861, at Olustee, Fla . ; also borne as James W. Keenan and James N. McKeenan. Commissioned second lieu­tenant, August 28, 1863, with rank from July 5, 1863, vice W. Barrett, resigned.

E E E R , MATHEW.—Age, 36 years. Enlisted, August 11, 1861, at Trenton, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, August 16, 1861; no further record.

K E H O E ; THOMAS.—Private, Co. F, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. F, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

K E I L Y , BARTHOLOMEW.—Age, 38 years. Enlisted at Brook­lyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, August 1, 1861; discharged at expiration of term of service.

R E I N , WILLIAM B—Private, Co. H , One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. B, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as William R. Kein.

K E I S L E R , P A U L , see Paul Kusler.

K E L L E Y , JAMES.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, October 19, 1863; deserted, November 6, 1861, at Chaffin's Farm,, Ya.

K E L L E Y , MICHAEL.—Age, 11 years. Enlisted, August 8,1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K, August 16, 1861; discharged for- disability, May 12, 1863.

K E L L E Y , THOMAS.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, August 8, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K, August 16, 1861; action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; died of his wounds, July 20, 1863.


1026 R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

K E L L E Y , THOMAS.—Age, 42 year®. Enlisted, August 20, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A , August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. F, no date; dis­charged, September 20, 1864, as Kelly.

K E L L E Y , WILLIAM.—Age, 28 years. Enlisted at Goshen, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. A , October 8, 1863; deserted, July 31, 1864; also borne as Killy.

K E L L F E N C H , VALENTINE,—Private, Co. E , One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. A , this regiment, June 9, 1865; deserted before joining One Hundred and Seven­teenth Regiment.

K E L L O G G , HENRY.—Age , 26 years. Enlisted at Albany, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F, October 19, 1863; captured in action, May 7, 1864, at Chester Hill , Va . ; paroled, no date; deserted, May 1, 1865, from hospital at David's Island, New York Harbor; also borne as Henry D. Kellog.

K E L L O G G , H E N R Y W.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, September 9, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, September 10, 1861; transferred to Co. F, no date; killed in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C.

K E L L O G G , MARTIN.—Private, Oo. B, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Go. H, this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, sick, in hospital at muster-out of company.

K E L L S , JAMES.—Age, 40 years. Enlisted, August 18, 1861; at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, August 26,1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22,1863; missing in action, supposed killed, August 16, 1864, at Deep Bottom, Va .

K E L L Y , D A N I E L C—Private, Co. A, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Oo. K, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, art: Raleigh, N. 0.

K E L L Y , FRANCIS.—Age, 27 years. Enlisted, July 19, 1861, at Oroton, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Go. A , August 21, 1861; discharged, September 22, 1864.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1027

K E L L Y , FRANCIS.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted, August 28, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F, August 31, 1861; transferred to Co. I, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted corporal, March 1, 1865, and sergeant, August 17, 1865; mustered out with com­pany, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C ; also borne as Thomas Kelly.

K E L L Y , JAMES,—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Kingston, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. E , September 23, 1861; mustered out, June 27, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

K E L L Y , JAMES.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , January 11, 1865; deserted, March 21, 1865, near Wilmington, N. O.

K E L L Y , JOHN.—Age, 30 years. Enlisted in Eleventh Con­gressional District, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. 0, February 11, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. O.

K E L L Y , JOHN.—Private, Co. F, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. F, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

K E L L Y , MICHAEL.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , January 21, 1861; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

K E L L Y , PATRICK.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, Janu­ary 17, 1865; deserted, March 29, 1865, on march from Wil­mington, N. C.

K E L M E L , NICHOLAS.—Private, Co. E , One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. A , this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

K E M B A L L , ALFRED.—Private, Co. H, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Oo. B, this regiment, June 9, 1865; deserted, June 15, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C ; also borne as Kimble.

1028 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

K E N N E D Y , DANIEL.—Private, Oo. D, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Go. I, this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, sick, in hospital at muster-out of company.

K E N N E I , W I L L I A M , see William Kinney.

K E N N E Y , JACOB.—Age, 32 years. Enlisted, August 30, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B, September 5,1861; transferred to Oo. 0 and promoted cor­poral, no dates; deserted on expiration of furlough, May, 1862; also borne as Kenny.

K E N N E Y , MATHEW.—Private , One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. A, this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, sick, in hospital, at muster-out of company.

K E N N Y , DAVID.—Private, Co. H, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. B, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

K E N T , JR., PHILLIP—Private, Co. C, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. C, this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, sick, at muster-out of company.

K E R N S , JAMES.—Age, 42 years. Enlisted, July 24, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A , August 16, 1861; discharged for disability, January 18, 1863, as Keys.

K E R R I G A N , PATRICK.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. A , September 5,1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, Decem­ber 22, 1863; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

K E S S L E R , X A V I E R D.—Private, Co. F, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. A, this regiment, January 30, 1864; mustered out, June 14, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C ; also borne as Xavier Kessler.

K E T C H A M , E M E R Y W.—Age, 17 years. Enlisted at Wert, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. H , February 22, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N . C.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1029

K E T C H U M , IRA P.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. H, Septem­ber 2, 1863; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Ira P. Ketcham; also borne as Ira B. Ketchum.

K E T C H U M , L U T H E R S.—Age, 33 years. Enlisted, August 22, 1861, at Huntington, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. G, August 26, 1861; transferred to Co. A , no date; captured in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; died, December 20, 1863, while a prisoner of war.

K E T T L E M A N , GEORGE.—Private, Co. I, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. G, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

K E Y E S , JAMES.—Age, 27 years. Enlisted, August 2, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H , August 16, 1861; no further record.

K E Y S , JAMES, see James Kerns.

K E Y S E R , JOHN.—Age, — years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, Septem­ber 2, 1863; transferred to One Hundred and Fifteenth Regi­ment, New York Volunteers, January 3, 1861.

K I E R N A N , JAMES.—Private, Co. C, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. C, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

K I L K E N N E Y , FRANCIS.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, August 24, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as. private, Co. E , August 27, 1861; transferred to Co. C, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, January 20, 1864; wounded in action, May 7, 1861, at Chester Hill, Va. ; transferred to One Hundred and Tenth Company, Second Battalion Veteran Reserve Corps, April 18, 1865; also borne as Kilkenny and Kilkinny,

K I L L Y , WILLIAM, see William Kelley.

K I M B L E , A L F R E D , see Alfred Kemball.

1030 R E P O R T OP T H E A H J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

K I N G , AMASA.—Age , IS years. Enlisted, September 13, 1861,. at Luckasanna, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as. private, Co. C, September 16, 1861; captured in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; died while a prisoner of war.

K I N G , ANDREW.—Age, 24 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to. serve three years, and mustered in aisi private, Co. F, Novem­ber 25, 1868; killed in action, February 22, 1865, at Wilming­ton, N. C,

K I N G , CHARLES.—Private, Co. A, One Hundred] and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co.-K, this regimjent and pro­moted corporal, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company,, September 1,1865, at Raleigh, N. C,

K I N G , C H A R L E S R.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, September 12, •1861, at Millport, to serve three years; mustered in as private,, in band, October 26, 1861; supposed to have been discharged in 1862,

K I N G , JAMES.—Age, 20 yeans. Enlisted, July 20, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as musician, Co. A , August 21, 1861; returned to company as private, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C ; also borne as James M. King.

K I N G , JOSEPH.—Age, 42 years. Enlisted at Lawrence, to Iserve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. K, February 17, 1865; promoted corporal, May 1, 1865; mustered out with company, 'September 1, 1865, at Raleigh., N. C.

K I N G , THOMAS,—Age, — years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo, K, August '28, 1863; transferred: to Navy, May 1, 1864.

K I N G , WILLIAM.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, August 29, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B, September 5, 1861; transferred to Co. K, no date; promoted corporal, no date; discharged., February —, 1862, for promotion to second lieutenant, Fifty-ninth New York Infantry, as Wil­liam Y . King.

K I N G , WILLIAM.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, August 29, 1861,. at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B, Sepember 5, 1861; no further record.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1031

KINNEY 1", WILLIAM.—Private, Go. F, One Hundred! and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Go. F , this regiment, June 9, 1805; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. O, asi Kennei.

K I P P , DAVID.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 10, 1861, at Paterson, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K, August 16, 1861; transferred to Oo. F, no date; re-en­listed ais a veteran, January 20,1864; promoted corporal, March 1, 1864; first .sergeant, May 8, 1865; mustered out with com­pany, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

KIRSOHER, MATTHIAS.—Age, 38 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, February 14, 1862; died, February 19, 1864, on board of transport, Cosmopolitan, St. Johns River, Fla.

K L A C E , .HENRY.—Age, 31 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. F , January 16, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. O,

K L A E I N , KARL.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, January 19, 1865, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. R, January 20, 1865; mustered out with company, Septem­ber 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , a|s> Klaen.

K L E I N , CHARLES.—Private, Co. G, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. G, this regiment, January 30, 1864; appointed musician, no date; discharged, March 22, 1865, at Fort Monroe, Va,, as Kline.

K L E I N , J A C O B B.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co, H, October 21, 1863; mustered out with company, Septemiber 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. O.; also borne as John Snyder.

K L E I N , OSCAR.—Private, Co. K, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Oo. E , this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. O.

K L I N E , CHARLES., see Charles Klein,

1032 R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

K L I N G H A M E R , ALBERT.—Age , 20 years. Enlisted at Tarry­town, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, October 21, 1863; no further record.

KLISS, MICHAEL.—Age, 28 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years', and mustered in as private, Co. E , January 14, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

K N A B E , ERNEST'.—Private, Co. 0, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. C, this regiment, January 30, 1864; captured in action, February 20, 1864, at Olustee, F la . ; died, June 28, 1864, at Andersonville, Ga.; also borne as Ernst Knabe.

K N I G E R , A U G U S T , see August Kruger.

K N O W L E S , D A N I E L C—Age, 26 years. Enrolled, July 13,1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three yeans; mustered in as captain, Oo. D, August 21, 1861; discharged, June 30, 1862. Commissioned captain, December 14, 1861, with rank from August 21, 1861, original.

K O B A T C H , GEORGE,—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. E , September 14, 1864; mustered out, June 27, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

K O F F M A N , FRANCIS.—Age, 38 years. Enlisted, September 12, 1861, at Brooklyn, to> serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. G, September 16,1861; discharged, September 16,1864, near Petersburg, Va., as Frank Kauffman; also borne as Frank Kauf­man.

K O L B , A N D R E W , see Andrew Kulp.

K O L L M E Y E R , FRED.—Private, Co. I, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. K, this regiment, January 30,1864; wounded in action, June 1, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va. ; dis­charged, May 12, 1865, as Frederick Kalmyer; also borne as Frederick Kalmeyer.

K O P P , MATTHIAS.—Age, 31 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, January 20, 1865; absent, sick, at muster-out of company.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1033

KOBNORNISKY, HENRY.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, July 1, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as ser­geant, Co. I, August 16, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, Decem­ber 22, 1863; wounded in action, May 7, 1861, at Chester Hill , Va. ; discharged for disability, January 25, 1865; also borne as Kormonisky.

KRON, FREDERICK.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , August 27, 1861; transferred to Co. A , no date; re-en­listed as a veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted corporal, no date; sergeant, March 25, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.; also borne as Frederick 0. Kron.

KRON, PETER.—Age, 40 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A, August 19, 1862; discharged for disability, May. 24, 1865.

K R U G E R , AUGUST.—Private, Co. I, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. K, this regiment, January30,1864; wounded and captured in action, May 16, 1864, at Drewry's Bluff, Va . ; released, November 20, 1861, at Savannah, Ga.; mustered! out, June 26,1865, at Annapolis, Md., asKniger.

K U O H L , J O H N W.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , January 14,1865; mustered out, September 2,1865, at New York city.

K U L P , ANDREW—Private, Co. I, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. G, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Kolb.

K U N S V I L L E R , HENRY.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted at Tarry­town, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, October 20, 1863; captured in action, June 1, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va . ; paroled, no date; mustered out with company, September 1,1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

K U S L E R , PAUL.—Age, 24 years. Enlisted, August 22,1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, August 26, 1861; transferred to Co. B, no date; dis­charged for disability, September 28, 1862, as Keisler.

1034 R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L ,

L A C L A I R E , E V A N G E L I S T . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted at Beashan, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. K, March 28, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

L A C O P P I D A N , ADOLPH.—Age, 26 years. Enrolled, August 6, 1861, at Hartford, Conn., to serve three years; mustered in as sergeant, Co. H, August 16, 1861; promoted first sergeant, Sep­tember 21, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; mustered in as second lieutenant, Co. F , April 30, 1861; as first lieutenant, Co. D, July 6, 1864; as captain, August 15, 1861; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N . O ; also borne as Laeoppadina and Laccoppiddan. Commis­sioned second lieutenant, April 14, 1864, with rank from March 10, 1864, vice J . Sweeney, cashiered; first lieutenant, July 11, 1864, with rank from July 6, 1864, vice J . M. Tantum, pro­moted; captain, September 16, 1864, with rank from August 14, 1864, vice W. E . D'Arcy, killed.

L A D U E , GARRISON.—Age, IS years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co; E , September 13, 1861; deserted on expiration of furlough, May 15,1863.

L A F E R D Y , CHARLES.—Age , 21 years. Enlisted, September 9, 1861, at Camp Wyman, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H, September 10, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; killed in action, June 1, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va., as Lafferty.

L A F E R T Y , MICHAEL.—Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three/ years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, September 2, 1863;

. discharged, May 15, 1865, as Lafferty.

L A F F A R T Y , MICHAEL.—Age, 27 years. Enlisted at Brook­lyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K , September 4, 1863>; mustered out, June 12, 1865, at McDougal Hospital, New York Harbor.

L A F O D Y , CHARLES.—Age , 18 years. Enlisted, September 11, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B, September 14, 1861; no further record.

L A K E , CORNELIUS W.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, August 25, -1861, at Galeville, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Go. C, September 10, 1861; transferred to Co. K, no date; discharged for disability, July 29, 1864, as Cornelius Lake.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1035

L A K E , J A M E S M. C — A g e , 26 years. Enlisted, August 28, 1861, at Galeville, to serve three years; mustered' in as private, Go. C, September 10,1861; transferred to Co. K, no date; re-en-

• listed as a veteran, December 22, 1863; wounded in action, June 1, 1861, at Cold Harbor, Va . ; discharged for disability, December 28,1864, as James McLake.

L A K E , J O H N T.—Age, 34 years, Enlisted at Galeville,, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, Septem­ber 13, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; pro­moted sergeant, no date; mustered out with company, Septem­ber 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

L A K E , W I L L I A M H.~Age, 15 years. Enlisted, August 19, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as musician, Co. D, August 21, 1861; returned to company-as pri­vate and transferred to Co. F, no dates; discharged, September 20, 1864.

L A M A R T E L L E R I E , B E R N A R D , see Bernhard de la Martellerie.

L A M B E R T , THOMAS.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Kingston, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. E , Septem­ber 26, 1864; mustered out, June 27, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

L A N D E R G R E N , AXEL.—Age , 24 years. Enlisted at Kingston, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Oo. C, September 26, 1864; absent, sick, at muster-out of company.

L A N E , CHARLES.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at South Dover, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , Sep­tember 16, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted corporal, no date; mustered out with company, Sep­tember 1,1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

L A N E , GEORGE.—Age, 24 years. Enlisted at South Dover, to serve three years, and mustered is as private, Co. A , September 16, 1861; wounded and captured in action, February 20, 1864, at Olustee, Fla. ; died of his wounds, February 28, 1864, while a prisoner of war.

1036 R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

L A N E , JOHN.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted at South Dover, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A, Septem­ber 16, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; wounded in action, May 15, 1864, at Drewry's Bluff, Va . ; dis­charged for disability, July 26, 1865.

L A N G , H E N R Y (No. 2).—Age, 31 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, Sep­tember 25, 1862; discharged, December 21, 1862.

L A N G , HENRY.—Age , 31 years. Enrolled at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, September 12, 1862; promoted corporal, July 3, 1863; returned to ranks, no date; mustered in as first lieutenant, March 15, 1865; as cap­tain, Co. D, April 26, 1865; mustered out with company, Sep­tember 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C. Commissioned first lieuten­ant, December 10, 1864, with rank from October 4, 1864, vice J . Himrod, dismissed; captain, March 30,1865, with rank from January 1, 1865, vice W. J . Carlton, mustered out.

L A N G D O N , JOHN.—Private, Co. D, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. I, this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, sick in hospital, at muster-out of company.

L A N O Y N E , H E N R Y , see Henry Lemoine.

L A N T R Y , FRANCIS.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, January 19, 1865; deserted, June 27, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

L A N T Z , A L B E R T , see Albert Lentz.

L A R K I N , PHILIP.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, August 20, 1862; wounded in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. 0.; discharged for wounds, at Hilton Bead, S. C ; also borne as Larkins.

L A R K I N S , JAMES.—Age, 28 years. Enlisted, August 31,1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as musician, Co. B, September 5, 1861; returned to company as private and transferred to Co. A , no dates; wounded and captured in action, and paroled, July IS, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; died, Sep­tember 1, 1863, at Fort Schuyler, N. Y . ; also borne as Larkin.

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L A R O M E , LOUIS.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. D, April 4, 1862; discharged, April 4,1865.

L A S C H I N O F F , A L E X A N D E R . — A g e , 20 years. Enlisted, Jan­uary 12, 1865, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. I, January 20, 1865; deserted, March 6, .1865, from camp, at Federal Point, N. C.

L A U G H L I N , J O H N J.—Age, 42 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. K, January 17, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

L A U R E N C E , EDWARD.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Albany, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, Janu­ary 21, 1865; promoted corporal, April 1, 1865; mustered out 'with company, September 1,1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

L A U R I E , EDWARD.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. 0, January 21, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

L A U T E R B A C H , FREDERICK.—Private, Co. I, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. G, this regiment, January 30,1864; appointed musician, April 29,1865; mustered out, June 3,1865, at Raleigh, N. O.

L A Y E Y , DENNIS.—Age, 31 years. Enlisted, August 21, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private; Co. G, August 26, 1861; no further record.

L A W L E S S , PATRICK.—Age, 42 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. G, no date; to Co. B, Octo­ber 15,1861; to Veteran Reserve Corps, subsequent to Decem­ber 31, 1863.

L A W L E S S , THOMAS.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Schenec­tady, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, January 17, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

1038 R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

L A W R E N C E , J O H N T.~Age , 20 years. Enlisted, September 9, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as first sergeant, Co. C, September 10, 1861; returned to sergeant, no date; killed in action, July 10, 1863, at Morris Island, S. C.

L A W S O N , E D W A R D M.—Age, 29 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co.. A , Decem­ber 10, 1861; wounded in action, May 12, 1861, at Proctors Creek, V a . ; discharged, December 10, 1864.

L A W S O N , JAMES.—Age, 34 years. Enlisted, August 19,1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, August 26, 1861; transferred to Co. E , no date; pro­moted corporal, no date; sergeant, November 1,1863; wounded in action, May 16, 1864, at Drewry's Bluff, Va . ; discharged at expiration of tenn of service.

L A W S O N , P E T E R . — A g e , 26 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, Feb­ruary 23, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

L A W Y E R , CHARLES.—Private, Co. C, One Hundred and Sev­enteenth Infantry; transferred to Co. C, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

L A X E Y , JOHN.—Age, 18 years. Enrolled, September 11, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B, September 14, 1861; transferred to Co. H, no date; wounded, no date or place; promoted corporal, October 11, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted sergeant, no date; wounded in action, June 1, 1864, at Cold Harbor, V a . ; promoted first sergeant, April 20, 1865; mustered in as second lieutenant, Co. B, June 21, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as John F . Laxey; also borne as Laxy. Ooniimissioned second lieutenant, May 17, 1865, with rank from April 16, 1865, vice D. B, Rumsey, promoted.

L E A R Y , BROCK.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Norwich, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , January 14, 1865; mustered out with company, 'September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N . C.

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L E A R Y , THOMAS,—Private, Co. G, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. D, this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, sick, in hospital, at New York city, at muster-out of company.

LEBONHEIR, C H A R L E S A.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 8, 1861, at Galeville, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. K, August 16, 1861; killed by a shot from Fort Sump-ter, July 13, 1863, while in camp at Morris Island, S. C ; also borne as Liebshinir.

L E E , GEORGE.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 23, 1861, at Centerport, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, August 26, 1861; transferred to Co. A , no date; deserted, October 8, 1862,

L E E , JOHN.—Age, 31 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H, August 27, 1862; wounded in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; discharged! for disability, no date.

L E E , MARTIN.—Age, 31 years. Enlisted, August 11, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in_as private, Co. I, August 16, 1861; no further record.

L E E C H , G E O R G E G—Age, 40 years. Enlisted, August 26,1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , August 27, 1861; transferred to Co. A , no date; missing in action, February 20, 1864, at Olustee, Fla.

L E E N D E R S , JOHANN.—Private, Co. C, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. 0, this regiment, January 30, 1861; missing in action, August 14, 1864, at Strawberry Plains, Ya. ; also borne as George Leinders.

L E G R A W , PETER.—Private, Co. A, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. E , this regiment, June 9, 1865; deserted, August 4, 1865, as Logkrager.

L E I G H T E R , FRANK—Private , Co. K, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. E , this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as George Leighter.

1040 R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

LEININGON, FERDINAND.—Age, 31 years. Date, place of enlistment, and muster-in, as a private, Oo. A , not stated; re-enlisted as a veteran, March 31, 1864; deserted, on expira­tion of furlough.

L E M O I N E , HENRY.—Private, Co. D, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. F, this regiment, January 30, 1864; discharged, November 30, 1864, as Lanoyne.

L E N T , JACOB.—Age, 44 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, October 20, 1863; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.-, as Lynt.

L E N T , LOUIS H.—Age, 27 years. Enrolled, July 15, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as captain, Co. A, August 21, 1861; killed in action, July 10', 1863, at Morris Island, S. 0. Commissioned captain, December 14, 1861, with rank from August 21, 1861, original.

L E N T Z , A L B E R T . — A g e , 27 years. Enlisted at Albany, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, October 30, 1863; wounded in action, August 16, 1864, at Deep Bottom, V a . ; discharged for disability, April 14, 1865, a,s Lantz.

L E O N A R D , GEORGE.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 19, 1861, at Centerport, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Go. H , August 26,1861; transferred to Go. A and promoted corporal, July 3, 1863; wounded in action, July 10, 1863, at Morris Island, S. O.; discharged, September 16, 1864, as George W. Leonard.

L E P I N E , JOSEPH.—Age, 30 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , Janu­ary 29, 1864; promoted corporal, June 7, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

L E R O Y , JONAS.—Private, Co. G, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. D, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

L E R O Y , JOSEPH.—Private, Co. G, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. D, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. O.

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L E V A L L E , WILLIAM.—Private, Co. F, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. F, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. G , as William L. Levally.

L E V Y , DENNIS.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 21, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, August 26, 1861; wounded in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; discharged, September 20, 1861, as Leavy.

LEWIS , HENRY.—Private, Co. H , One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. B, this regiment, June 9. 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. O.

LEWIS, JOHN.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , January 10, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

LEWIS, J O H N F.—Age, 36 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as corporal, Co. E , August 27, 1861; returned to ranks, no date; transferred to Oo. A , no date; promoted corporal, July 18, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; wounded in action, June 5, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va. ; promoted sergeant, September 21,1864; wounded, January 17, 1865; absent, wounded, at muster-out of company.

LEWIS , LEWlS. -^Age, 32 years. Enlisted at Barrington, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H , February 23, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

LEWIS , WILLIAM.—Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, August 31, 1863; discharged for disability, February 1, 1865.

L E W I S O N ALBERT.—Private, Co. E , One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. A, this regiment, June 9, 1865; discharged, June 10, 1865.

L E Y S T E R , WARREN.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, September 7, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, September 10, 1861; no further record.


1042 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

L I E B E N O W , WILLI AM.—Age, 28 years. Enlisted at Albany, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, C;o. E , Febru­ary 16, 1865; mustered out, June 10, 1S65, at New Berne, N. C.

LIEBSHINIR, C H A R L E S A., see Charles A . Lebonheir.

L I M A G E , MICHAEL.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 7,1861, at Troy, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K, August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. F , no date; captured in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; died, February 18, 1864, in Libby Prison at Richmond, Va.

LIMING, OHARLEiS.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 4,1861, at Squan Village, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in, as private, Co. H, August 26, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; absent, sick, at muster-out of company.

LIMING, JOB G.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 4, 1861, at Squan Village, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. H , August 26,1861; wounded in action, no date; re-en­listed as a veteran, December 22, 1863; wounded in action, May 16, 1864, at Drewry's Bluff, Va . ; promoted corporal, January 15, 1865; sergeant, no date; mustered out with company, Sep­tember 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

LIMING, M I C H A E L 0.—Age, 26 years. Enlisted, July 25, 1861, at Squan Village, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H, August 16, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; transferred to Navy, no date. .

L I N B E R G , E R E K . — A g e , 27 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , August 20, 1862; captured in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; paroled, no date; captured in action, October 2, 1864, at Chaffins Farm, Va . ; paroled, May 7, 1865; mustered out, June 27, 1865. at Raleigh, N. C , as Erick Linberg; also borne as Errick Linberg.

L I N D E R M A N , AUGUST.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Tarry--town, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, January 20, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.

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LINDSAY, RICHARD W.—Age, 28 years. Enlisted' at Brook­lyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. E , September 23, 1862; transferred to Co. G, Nineteenth Regi­ment, Veteran Reserve Corps, January 24, 1865; mustered out, July 24, 1865, at Buffalo, N. Y.

L I N E B U R G H , EDWARD.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 11, 1861, at Trenton, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, August 16,1861; no further record.

LING, SAMPSON A.—Age, 28 years. Enlisted, July 24, 1861, at Woodbridge, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H, August 16,1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, Deoemr ber 22, 1863; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

LINING, CHARLES.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 23, 1861, at Wall, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. G, August 26, 1861; no further record.

LINK, CONRAD.—Private, Co. F , Independent Corps Light Infantry; transferred to Oo. E , this regiment, January 30, 1864; mustered out, May 1, 1865, at Fort Monroe, Va.

LINK, LOUIS.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I, February 22, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.

LIPPINCOTT, ADEN.—Age, 22 years. Enrolled, August 1, 1861, at Harrisonville, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as corporal, Co. D, August 21, 1861; promoted sergeant, no date; wounded in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; mustered in as second lieutenant, Co. B, October 19, 1863; wounded in action, June 1, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va . ; mus­tered in as first lieutenant, Co. D, August 17, 1864; as captain, November 13, 1864; discharged for disability, April 16, 1865; Commissioned second lieutenant, August 28, 1863, with rank from July —, 1863, vice A. F . Howland, promoted; first lieu­tenant, June 23, 1864, with rank from Mav- 16, 1864, vice J . A . Barrett, promoted; captain, November 30,1864, with rank from November 3, 1864, vice J . Taylor, discharged.

1044 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

L I T T L E , JOHN.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Go. E , August 27, 1861; transferred to Co. G, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; wounded in action, May 16, 1864, at Drewry's Bluff, Va . ; died of his wounds, May 24,1864, in hospital.

LITZERSIN, WILLIAM.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted at Kingston, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I, Sep­tember 23, 1864; mustered out, June 27, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

LIVINGSTON, H E N R Y B.—Age, 30 years. Enlisted at Brook­lyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A, November 27, 1863; wounded in action, May 16, 1864, at Drew­ry's Bluff, Va , ; absent, wounded, at muster-out of company.

LIVINGSTON, THOMAS,—Age, 33 years. Enlisted, September 5, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as cor­poral, Co. C, September 10, 1861; returned to ranks, no date; transferred to Co. I, no date; wounded in action, June 1, 1864, at Cold Harbor, V a . ; discharged on expiration of term- of service.

LOCKWOOD, ANDREW.—Private, Co. F, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. F , this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

LOCKWOOD, HENRY.—Private, Co. F, One Hundred and Sev­enteenth Infantry; transferred to Co. F , this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.

LOCKWOOD, W I L L I A M L.—Age, 24 years. Enrolled, June 24, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as first lieutenant, Co. H, August 26, 1861; promoted captain, no date; wounded in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; discharged, May 26, 1864. Commissioned first lieutenant, December 14, 1861, with rank from August 16, 1861, original; captain, July 18, 1862, with rank from June 18,1862, vice J . M. Green promoted.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1045

L O D G E , ISAAC I).—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, July 25,. 1861, at Parclitown, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. D, August 21, 1861; wounded in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C.; died of his wounds, August 10, 1863, at Beauford, S. C,

L O G A N , PETER.—Age, 1.8 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, February 20, 1865; promoted corporal, July 12, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

L O G K R A G E R , P E T E R , see Peter Legraw.

LONAS, OSCAR.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Parishville, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I, January 17, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

LOODY, JOHN.—Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A, September 3, 1863; no record subsequent to April 30, 1864.

LORD, J O H N E.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 14, 1861, at Camp Wyman, N. Y., to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H, August 16, 1861; re-enlisted: as ,a- veteran, December 22, 1863; killed in action, July 30, 1864, near Peters­burg, Va.

LORENZ, JOHN.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Tarrytowm, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, January 17, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

LORENZO, LOUIS.—Private, Co. F, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. F, this regiment, January 30,1864; killed in action, July 30,1864, near Petersburg, Va.

LORTON, A L E X A N D E R . — A g e , 19 years. Enlisted at Brook­lyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , August 21, 1862; discharged for disability, no date.

LORTON, HORATIO.—Age, 32 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , August 21, 1862; died, December 27, 1861, at Hampton Hospital, Hampton, Va.

1046 R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L ,

LOTT, AUGUST.—Age, 26 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three -years, and mastered in as private, Co. B, January 20, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

L O U G H R E Y , JOHN.—Private, Co. G, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. D, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

LOUIS, JOHN.—Private, Co. K, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. E , this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. G , as Lowens.

L O V E , JOHN.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted, September 3, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B, September 5, 1861; transferred to Co. C, no date; wounded, captured in action and paroled, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; re-enlisted as a veteran, January 20,1864; mustered out, August 26, 1865, at New York city.

L O V E L Y , JOHN.—Age, 32 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve . three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , September 3,

1863; promoted corporal, January 1, 1865; returned to ranks, June 17, 1865; mustered out with company,' September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

L O W E , J O H N A.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted, August 14, 1861, at Trenton, N . J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, August 16,1861; no further record.

L O W E L L , F R E D E R I C K . — A g e , 19 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, January 26, 1865; mustered out July 5, 1865, from hospital, at Ports­mouth Grove, R. I.

L O W E N S , JOHN, see John Louis.

L O W E R Y , THOMAS.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Go. F, August 25, 1862; wounded in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C.; discharged for wounds, November 25, 1863. '

L O Y D , J O H N P E R R Y , see John Loyd Perry.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1047

L U C A S , RICHARD.—Age, 30 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, Feb­ruary 20, 1865; deserted, April 25, 1865, at Raleigh, N. G , as Richard L. Lucas.

L U D L O W , WILLIAM.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted, September 7, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, September 10, 1861; no further record.

LURT, HENRY.—Private, Co. F, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Oo. F , this regiment, June 9, 1865;• absent, sick, at muster-out of company.

LUW TIG, FRANK.—Age , 29 years. Enlisted at Kingston, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I, September 25, 1861; mustered out, June 27,1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

L U Y S T E R , WILLIAM W.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted, August 29, 1861, at Camp Wyman, N. Y., to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H, September 6, 1861; promoted corporal, no date; wounded in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; died of his wounds, July 19, 1863, on steamer Mary Benton, at Beauford, S. C.

L Y M A N , JOHN.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , August 27, 1861; no further record.

L Y N C H , JOHN.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A, Febru­ary 21, 1865; mustered out, July 8, 1865, at Portsmouth Grove, R. I.

L Y N C H , PETER.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 21, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , August 27, 1861; transferred to Co. H, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted corporal, March 1, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. O.

LYNT, JACOB, see Jacob Lent.

L Y O N , CHARLES.—Age, 35 years. Enlisted, September 10, 1861, at Trumansburg, to serve three years; mustered in as private, in band, October 26, 1861; supposed to have been dis­charged in 1862.

1048 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

L Y O N , C H A R L E S G.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, July 27, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Oo. A , August 21,1861; no further record.

L Y O N , C H A R L E S G.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 19, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. H , August 26, 1861; no further record.

L Y O N , J O H N H.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , February 29,

* 1864; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at . Raleigh, N. 0.

L Y O N , LORENZO E.—Age, 19 years. Enrolled, September 2, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F , September 10, 1861; promoted corporal, no date; sergeant, November 9, 1863; died, June, 1864, m hospital at Beaufort, S. C. Commissioned second lieutenant, died before muster. May 18, 1864, with rank from April 19, 1864, vice H . N. Schultz, promoted.

LYONS, C H A R L E S E.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, September 11, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. F, September 16, 1861; no further record.

M A C O A R D L E , GEORGE.—Age, 24 years. Enrolled, July 20, 1861, at Troy, to serve three years; mustered in as first lieu­tenant, Go. G, September 10, 1861; discharged, April 29, 1862, as George Marerale. -Commissioned first lieutenant, December 14, 1861, with rank from September 10, 1861, original.

M A C CORMICK, W I L L I A M , see William McOarmac.

M A C K , CORNELIUS.—Private, Oo. K, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. E1, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

M A C K , MICHAEL.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, September 2, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as wagoner, Co. B, September 5, 1861; returned to company as private, no date; transferred to Co. C, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, February 29, 1864; promoted corporal, no date; sergeant, March 15, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1049

M A C K , THOMAS.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A, February 21, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

M A C K E Y , EDGAR.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Verplank's Point, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , August 19, 1861; discharged for disability, September 27, 1861..

M A G K E Y , FREDERICK.—Age , 19 years. Enlisted at Brook­lyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B , September 14, 1861; transferred to Co. H, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; died, March 26, 1864, in hos­pital at Palatka, Fla.

M A C K E Y , WILLIAM.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, October 20, 1863; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

M A C K E Y , W I L L I A M H.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 18, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. D, August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. K, no date; to Vet­eran Reserve Corps, January 26, 1864.

M A D D E N , DANIEL.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 7, 1861, at Paterson, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K, August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. B, no date; killed in action, June 2, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va,

M A D D E N , JOHN.—Age, 37 years. Enlisted at Albany, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , October 19, 1863; died, May 2, 1864, in Hampton Hospital, Hampton, Va .

M A D D E N , THOMAS.—Private, Co. H, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co B, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out, June 23, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

M A G E E , A B R A H A M , see Abram McGee.

M A G H E R , PATRICK.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Watertown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A, Jan­uary 19, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.

1050 R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

M A G L E , THOMAS.—Age, 29 years. Enlisted, August 22, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, August 26, 1861; transferred to Co. C, October 15, 1861; dis­charged, September 20, 1861, as Nagle.

M A H A N Y , MORRIS.—Private, Co. F , One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. F , this regiment, June 9, 1865; discharged, June 3,1865.

M A H O N , JAMES.—Age, 36 years. Enlisted, August 15, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A , August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. F , no date; discharged, September 20, 1S64.

M A H O N , JAMES.—Age, 10 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, February 21, 1865; absent, sick, in post hospital at muster-out of company.

M A H O N E Y , CORNELIUS J.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Brook­lyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. O, August 20,1862; mustered out, June 27,1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Cormetius Mahoney, jr.

M A I E R , M I C H A E L , see Michael Meyer.

MAJOR, GEORGE.—Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K , September 1, 1863; trans­ferred to Navy, May 1,1861.

MAJOR, W I L L I A M T.—Age, 27 years. Enlisted, August 19, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A , August 21,1861; transferred to Co. E , no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22,1863; promoted corporal, no date; wounded, July 31, 1861; discharged for disability, no date.

M A L D R O N , PETER.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted, August 21,1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co, G, August 26,1861; transferred to Co. E , no date; wounded in action, February 20, 1864, at Olustee, Fla , ; discharged at expiration of term of service as Muldoon.

M A L I N , JOHN.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , January 14, 1865; deserted, July 3, 1865, from Camp Raleigh, N. C.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1051

M A L L O Y , MICHAEL.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 17t

1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G , August 31, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

M A L O N E , C H A R L E S H.—Private, Co, D, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. I, this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, wounded, in hospital at muster-out of company.

M A L O N E Y , JOHN.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted, September 2,1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. B, September 5,1861; transferred to Co. G , no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; wounded in action, June 2, 1861, at Cold Harbor, Ya . ; deserted, June 7, 1865, from hos­pital at New York.

M A L O N E Y , LAWRENCE.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, September 2, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. B, September 5, 1861; transferred to Co. G, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; killed in action,, August 16,1861, at Deep Bottom, Va.

MALORY, THOMAS.—Private, Co, K, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. E , this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, sick, at muster-out of company.

MAN D E V I L L E , E L V I N K.—Age, 38 years. Enlisted, Septem­ber 5, 1861, at Millport, to serve three years; mustered in as private, in band, October 26,1861; supposed to have been dis­charged in 1862.

M A N L Y , W TILLIAM.—Age, 29 years. Enlisted, September 9, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, September 10, 1861; transferred to Co. E , no date; wounded in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wragner, N. C ; discharged at expiration of term of service as William T. Man-ley.

M A N S F I E L D , CHARLES.—Private, Co. E, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. E , this regiment, January 30, 1864; re-enlisted as a veteran, March 31, 1864; deserted on expiration of veteran furlough.

1052 R E P O R T OF T H E A H JUT A N T - G E N E R A L .

MANSON, WILLIAM.—Private, Co. G, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. D, this regiment, June 9, 1865; discharged for disability, July 15, 1865, at McDougall hospital, New York city.

M A R E R A L E . G E O R G E , see George Maccardle.

M A R K S , JOHN.—Private, Co. H , One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. B, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

M A R K S , J O H N M.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, September 4,1861, at West Farms, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. C, September 10, 1861; transferred to Oo. B, no date; discharged for disability, March 31, 1862.

M A R R E N , JOHN.—Private, Co. A , Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. A , this regiment, January 30,1864; to the Navy, April, 1864, as M<oran.

M A R S H A L L , CORNELIUS.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Brook­lyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, January 24, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

M A R S H A L L , J O H N S.—Age, 45 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, Sep­tember 15,1862; killed in action, July 18,1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C. •

M A R S T O N , GEORGE.—Age, 26 years. Enlisted, September 4, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, September 5, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22,1863; wounded in action, June 1,1864, at Cold Harbor, Ya. ; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

M A R T H E R , JAMES.—Age, 17 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as musician, Co. K, August 16,1861; transferred to Co. D, no date; wounded in action, July 1, 1864, near Petersburg, Ya . ; discharged for his wounds, no date, as Murther.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1053

MARTIN, FREDERICK.—Private, Co. E , One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; name transferred to Co. A, this regiment, June 9, 1865; deserted, no date; never joined his1 company in either regiment.

MARTIN, G E O R G E W.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A March 20, 1862; promoted corporal no date; sergeant, no date; dis­charged, September 22,1864, at Low Bridge, N. C.

MARTIN, G E O R G E W.—Private, Co. E , One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Go. A , this: regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C,

MARTIN, JOHN.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, July 22, 1861, at Squan Village, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Oo. H> August 16, 1861; -wounded in action, no date; died of his wounds, August 4, 1868, in hospital at Fort Schuyler, N. Y., as Morton.

MARTIN JOHN.—Age, 38 years. Enlisted, September 3, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, C o C, September 10,1861; transferred to Co. I, no date; discharged expiration term of service.

MARTIN, JONAS.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Granby, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. I, February 18, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.

MARTIN, WILLIAM.—Age, 40 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unas­signed, November 24,1863; no further record.

MARTIN, WILLIAM.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. F , November 25, 1863; discharged for disability, January 29, 1861.

M A S E A , RICHARD.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Paterson, N. J . , to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. F, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22 1863; promoted corporal, August 7, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Masker.

1054 R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

MASON, A B R A H A M . — A g e , 23 years. Enlisted, August 27, 1861, at Wig Lane, N. J . , to. serve three years; mustered in ais private, Co. F , August 31, 1861; transferred to Co. D, no date; captured in action July 18,1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; paroled, no date or place; absent, as a paroled prisoner, at Annapolis, Md., at muster-out of company.

MASON, ISAAC.—Age, 31 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Go. B, October 3, 1861; promoted corporal, no- date; killed in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C , as Isaac J . Mason.

MASON, JOHN.—Age, 44 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to- serve three years, audi mustered in as private, Co.. B, September 5, 1861; transferred to Co. C, no date; promoted1 corporal, July 10, 1863; returned to ranks, no date; diischarged, September 20, 1864.

MASON, THEODORE.—Age , 18 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve one year, and: mustered in as private, unassigned, Sep­tember 28, 1864; no* further record.

MASON, WILLIAM.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 29,1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in: as private, Co. F , August 31, 1861; transferred to Co. C, no. date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; killed in action, May 16,1864,. at Palmers Creek, Va.

MASON, WILLIAM.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F, January 18, 1865; deserted, March 1, 1865, at Wilmington, N. C.

MASTON, GEORGE.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted, September 4, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Go. B, September 5, 1861; no further record.

M A T H E W S , C H A R L E S ' E.—Age, 28 years. Enlisted, August 1, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in ais private, Co. F, August 31, 1861; promoted sergeant, no date; no record subsequent to December 31, 1863.

M A T H E W S , JOHN.—Age, 31 years. Enlisted, August 4, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B, September 5, 1861; no. further record.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1055

MATHIAS, FREDERICK.—Private, Co. B, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. H, this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent in confinement at muster-out of company.

MATHIAS, STEDMAN.—Age, 31 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unais-signed, February 25, 1861; no.further record.

M A T T E R S H A T , JOHN.—Age, 33 years. Enlisted1, September 6, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. O, September 10, 1861; no further record.

MAJTTEISON, ALBERT.—Private, Oo. G, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. D, this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, sick, in hospital, at Washington, N. C , at muster-out of company.

M A T T H E W S , JAMES.—Private, Co. G, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. D, this regiment, June 9, 1865; deserted, August 31, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

M A T T H E W S , JOHN.—Private, Co. G, Independent Corps, l ight Infantry; transferred to Co. E , this regiment, January 30,1864; discharged at expiration of term of service.

M A T T H E W S , JOHN.—Age, 37 years. Enlisted, September 3, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A, September 10, 1861; discharged for disability, Septem­ber 27, 1861.

MATT1SHEAD, JOHN.—Age, 33 years. Enlisted, September 6, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, CO. F , September 10, 1861; wounded in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; discharged for disability, December 14, 1865, as Mottished.

MATTRISCHKA, REMHOLD.—Age, 22 years, Enlisted at Poughkeepsie, to serve three years, and mustered in as pri­vate, Co. D, September 22, 1861; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

M A X W K L L , ROBERT.—Age, 27 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three, years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, Sep­tember 14, 1861; captured in action, February 20, 1864, at Olustee, Fla. ; died, May 30, 1861, at Andersonville, Ga.

1056 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J UT ANT- G E N E R A L .

M A Y B E , JOHN.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted, September 14, 1861, at Mayfield Corners, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, September 16, 1861; deserted, September 26, 1861, from Camp Sherman, Washington, D. C , as Maby.

M A Y E R , A N D R E W , see Andrew Myer.

M A Y E R , A N T O I N E , see Antione Moyer.

MAYOXJR, JUSTIN.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Mexico, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H, February 14, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Mayeur.

M e A L L Y , HUGH.—Age, 36 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered, in as private, Co. D, Septem­ber 1, 1863; wounded in action, May 16, 1864, at Drewry's Bluff, Y a , ; deserted from1 hospital as McCully.

MeARTHUR, ALBERT.—Age , 21 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, October 20, 1863; wounded inaction, June 1, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Y a , ; discharged for disability, December 16, 1864, from hospital, at David's Island, New York Harbor.

M c A U L I F F , JOHN.—Age, 29 years. Enlisted, August 10, 1861, .'at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. I, August 16, 1861; transferred' to Co. G, no date; promoted corporal, April 16, 1863; wounded in action, May 16, 1864, at Drewry's Bluff, Va . ; discharged, September 16, 1864, near Petersburg, Va: / as McAuliffe.

M o C A B E , JOHN.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted, August 17, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. D, August 21, 1861; transferred to Oo. K, no date; discharged, September 16, 1864.

M c C A L L A , W I L L I A M H.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, September 2, 1861, at Harrlsonville, N. J . , to' serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B, September 5, 1861; transferred to Co. D, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted corporal, no date; wounded in action/August 14,1864, at Straw­berry Plains, V a , ; discharged for disability, May 12,1865, from De Camp Hospital, New York Harbor.


F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1057

M c C A L V E Y , WILLIAM.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, September 17, 1861, at Brooklyn, to, serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. I, October 15, 1861; promoted sergeant, no date; dis­charged, expiration of term of service.

McCANN, BARNEY".—Age, 38 years. Enlisted, August 18, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F , August 31, 1861; transferred to Co. A , no date; missing in action, d uly 18,1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C.

McCANN, PATRICK.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , January 23, 1865; deserted, March 15, 1865, at Wilmington, N. C.

McCARMAC, WILLIAM.—Private, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. C, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as MacCormick.

M c C A R T H E Y , JEREMIAH.—Age, 27 years. Enlisted at Lock-port, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, February 25, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

MCCARTHY, JOHN.—Age, — years. Enlisted at Goshen, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F, January 16,1865; deserted, April 20,1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as McCarty.

MCCARTHY, JOHN.—Age, 27 years. Enlisted, August 6, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. E , no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, January 20, 1861; wounded in action, May 16, 1864, at Drewry's Bluff, Ya . ; mustered out with company, Septem­ber 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

MCCARTHY, L U K E , see Luke McCarty.

McCARTY, DANIEL.—Age, 11 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, Septem­ber 2, 1861; transferred to Co. B, October 15, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, January 20, 1.861; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. O.

1. 67

1058 R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

M c C A R T Y , JAMES,—Enlisted at Albany, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , October 19, 1863; discharged for disability, June 10, 1865, as John McCarty.

McCARTY, JAMES.—Private, Co. G, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Oo. D, this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent in hospital, at Raleigh, N. C , at muster-out of company.

McCARTY, JOHN, see John McCarthy.

McCARTY, JOHN.—Age, 30 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, September 23 1864; discharged prior to June 30, 1865.

McCARTY, JOHN.—Age, 29 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, January 18, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.

M c C A R T Y , L U K E . — A g e , 37 years, Enlisted, July 29, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H, August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. A , no date; discharged, September 22, 1864, as McCarthy.

McCARTY, MICHAEL.—Age, 27 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, February 22, 1865; deserted, May 29, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

McCARTY, PATRICK.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve .three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, September 18, 1862; no further record.

McCARTY, THOMAS.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. B, January*

. 19, 1865; mustered out, July 10,1865, at New York city.

M c C A U S E , FRANCIS.—Age, 26 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H, Janu­ary 18, 1865; deserted, February 8, 1865.

M c C L E L L A N , J A M E S W.—Age, 31 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. O, January 20, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H I N F A N T R Y . 1059

M c C L E L L A N , HOWARD.—Private, Co. E , One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred,to Co. A, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. G , as Howard S. McClellan.

M c C L E L L E N , J O H N C—Private, Co. E , One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. A, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

M c C L E N N A N , MATHEW.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted, August • 26, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in

as private, Co. E , August 27, 1861; no further record.

McCLOUD, JOHN/—Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, September 1, 1863; trans­ferred to Navy, May 1, 1861.

McCLOUD, WILLIAM.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 19, 1861, at Peeks-kill, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. A , August 21, 1861; transferred tojOo. B, no date; wounded in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; re-en­listed as a veteran, January 20, 1861; promoted corporal, no date; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0. 1

McCOONS, JOHN.—Age, IS years. Enlisted, August 5, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H , August 16,1861; died, May 20,1862, at Dawfuskie, S. C , as McCoombs.

McCORMACK, JOHN.—Age, .18 years. Enlisted, August 1, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. D, August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. I, no date; died, December 23, 1863, at Brooklyn, N. Y., as McCormick.

McCORMACK, WILLIAM.—Private, Co. B, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. H, this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, sick in hospital at muster-out of company.

McCORMICK, JOHN.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 28, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B, September 5, 1861; transferred to Co. C, no date; re-en­listed as a veteran, January 20, 1861, as Bernard McCormick;

• deserted, March 18, 1861, at New York.

1060 R E P O R T OP T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

McCORMICK, PATRICK.—Age, 28 years. Enlisted, September 3, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. B, September 5, 1861; no further record.

McCORMICK, WILLIAM.—Age, 36 years. Enlisted, September 7, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. O, September 10, 1861; transferred to Co. A , no date; missing in action, July 18, 1863, at Port Wagner, S. C.

M c C R E A F , see Mecreaf.

M c C R E D D E N , MATTHEW.—Private, Co. A, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. K, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.

M c C U L L Y , HENRY.—Private, Co. C, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. C, this regiment, January 30, 1864; discharged, November 29, 1864.

M c C U L L Y , H U G H , see Hugh McAlly.

M c C U L L Y , S A M U E L K.—Age, 27 years. Enlisted at New York , city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A ,

August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. E , no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; wounded in action, May 16, 1864, at Drewry's Bluff, Ya . ; mustered out with company, Sep­tember 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

McOUTCHEON, G E O R G E W.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at' Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, September 16,1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, March 31,1864; captured in action, August 16,1864, at Strawberry Plains, Ya . ; paroled, no date; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

McDANIELS, CHARLES.—Age , 28 years. Enlisted, August 9, 1861, at Northport, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K, August 16, 1861; discharged for disability, December 23, 1862.

McDERMOTT, JAMES.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , August 11, 1862; wounded in action, February 20, 1864, at Olustee, F l a . ; mustered out, June 18, 1865, at Fort Monroe, Va.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1061

IMcDERMOTT, TIMOTHY.—Age, 10 years. Enlisted at Canan-daigua, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I , February 27, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

McDEVIT, PHILIP.—Age, 26 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, August 20, 1862; no further record.

McDONALD, HENRY.—Private, Co. F , One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co, F , this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

McDONALD, JAMES.—Age, 38 years. Enlisted, January 4, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; not mustered in as private, unassigned; no further record.

McDONALD, OWEN.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 25,1861, at Verplanks Point, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. B, August 26, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, Decem­ber 22, 1863; captured, no date; died, May 30, 1861, at Ander­sonville, Ga., as Donnell.

.McDONALD, WILLIAM.—Private, Co. G , One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. D , this regiment, June 9, 1865; deserted, July 30, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

McDONOUGH, JAMES.—Age, 27 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. B, Septem­ber 26, 1864; mustered out, June 27, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

McDONOUGH, PETER.—Private, Co. I, One. Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Oo. G, this regiment, June 9, 1865; discharged, June 10, 1865, from hospital at New York.

. I I C D O U G A L L , JOHN.—Private, Co. A , One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. K, this regiment, June 9, 1865; promoted corporal, July 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

1062 R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

M c D O U G A L L , WILLIAM.—Age, 21 years. Enrolled, July 29,. 1861, at Trenton, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in a^ sergeant, Co. D, August 21, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; killed in action, June 30, 1861, at Peters­burg, Ya. Commissioned, not mustered, second lieutenant, July 30, 1861, with rank from July 15, 1861, vice J . O'Brien, pro­moted.

M c D O W E L L , CHARLES.—Private, Co. I, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. G, this regiment,. June 9,1865; discharged, January 20,1866, from De Camp Hos­pital, David's Island, New York Harbor.

M c D O W E L L , THOMAS,—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, September 2, 1861, at Harrisonville, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B, September 5, 1861; transferred to Co. D, no date; wounded in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; died of his wounds, July 20,1863, at Folly Island, S. C.

M c D O W E L L , W I L L I A M J.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, July 29, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, 00. H , August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. A, no date; re-en­listed as a veteran, December 22, 1863; wounded in action, May 16,1861, at Drewry's Bluff, Ya . ; promoted corporal, June-1, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

M c F A R L A N D , ANGUS.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, September 9, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, September 10, 1861; transferred to Co. K, no date;, wounded in action, May 7, 1861, at Chester Hill , Ya . ; dis­charged, September 16, 1864, as McFarlane.

M c F A R L A N D , HUDSON.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 10, 1861, at Paterson, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K, August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. F , no date;, re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

M c G A R R Y , JOHN.—Age, 43 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , January 13,1864; absent, sick, in hospital at Fort Monroe, Ya., at mus­ter-out of company.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1063

McGARY, THOMAS.—Age, 33 years. Enlisted, August 11,1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co, D, August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. B, no date; wounded in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C.; died of his wounds, August 8, 1863, at Fort Schuyler, New York Harbor; * also borne as MicGarry.

M c G E E , ABRAM.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, September 2,1861, at Woodstock, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co, B, September 5, 1861; transferred to Co. D, no date; discharged, September 20, 1861; also borne as Abraham Magee.

McGINNISS, P A T R I C K J.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Brook­lyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. "F, September 16, 1861; discharged, September 20, 1861.

M c G R A N A G L I A N , JOHN.-—Age, 22 years. Enlisted, August 19, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. D, August 21,1861; no further record.

McGRATH, JOHN.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, January 23, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

McGRAW, SIMEON—Late captain in Independent Battalion; commissioned, not mustered, captain, June 23, 1861, with rank from June 9, 1861, vice Nere A. Elf wing, promoted.

McGUIGAN, ARTHUR.—Age, 21 years. Enrolled, August .1, 1861, at Trenton, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as corporal, Co. D, August 21, 1861; returned to ranks, no date; promoted sergeant, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; wounded in action, May 19, 1861, at Bermuda Hun­dred, Ya . ; mustered in as second lieutenant, Co. E , April 20, 1865; discharged, July 20, 1865. Commissioned second lieuten­ant, March 30, 1865, with rank from January 1,1865, vice H . T. Garrihan, promoted.

McGUIRE, JAMES.—Private, Co. D, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. I, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

1064 R E P O R T OP T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

M c I L V A I N E , JAMES.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to. serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, August 20?.. 1862; mustered out, July 25, 1865, at Hilton Head, S. C,

McINNTS, JOHN.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, October 21,1863; transferred to Navy, April 26,1861.

McINTIRE, CORNELIUS,—Private, Co. H, One Hundred ana •Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. B, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

McINTIRE, JOHN.—Private, Co. D, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. I, this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, sick, in hospital at muster-out of company; also borne as James Melntire.

McINTYRE, THOMAS.—Age, 26 years. Enlisted, September 3, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B, September 5, 1861; transferred to Co. G, no date; re-en­listed as a veteran, December 22, 1863; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, no date.

M c K E E , J O S E P H S.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted, August 15,1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as sergeant, Co. K, August 16, 1861; returned to ranks, no date; killed in action. July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C.

McKEiE, THOMAS.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 21, 1861,. at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, August 26,1861; no further record.

M c K E E N A N , J A M E S , see James M. Keenan.

M c K E L L E R , R O B E R T F.—Age, 23 years. Enrolled, September 5, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as ser­geant, Go. C, September 10, 1861; transferred to Oo. A, no date;, wounded in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; pro­moted first sergeant, no date; mustered in as second lieutenant^ Co. I, March 18, 1861; transferred to Co. K, no date; mustered in as first lieutenant, August 17, 1861; discharged for disa­bility, September 26, 1861. Commissioned second lieutenant* March 30,1864, with rank from March 8, 1864, vice R. Edwards; promoted; first lieutenant, June 23, 1864, with rank from June 1, 1864, vice A . Hi Ingraham, killed.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1065

M o K E N Z I E , GEORGE,—Age, 13 years. Enlisted' at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Go A , February 21, 1865; deserted, June 30,1865.

M e K E N Z I E , MICHAEL.—Age, 30 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, Octo­ber 21, 1863; transferred to Navy, April 26, 1861.

.McKIE, THOMAS.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 18; 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, August 26, 1861; wounded in action, June 1, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Ya . ; discharged at expiration of term of service.

."McLAKE, JAMES, see James M. C. Lake.

M c L A U G H L I N , E D WARD.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A, August 21, 1861; no further record.

M c L A U G H L I N , JAMES,—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , August 27, 1861; transferred to Oo. If no date; discharged at expiration of term of service, as McLoughlin.

M c L A U G H L I N , JOHN.—Age, 24 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in ao private, Co. E , January 14, 1865; promoted corporal, May 1, 1865; sergeant, June 27, 1865; deserted, July 10, 1865, from Camp Raleigh, N. O.

M c L A U G H L I N , WILLIAM.—Age, 16 years. Enlisted, Septem­ber 6, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as musician, Co. B, September 11, 1861; transferred to Oo. I, no date; discharged at expiration of termi of service, as McLough­lin.

M c L E N A H A N , MATHEW.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. F, August 27, 1861; wounded and captured in action, July IS, 1863, at Fort WTagner, S. O ; died, December 31, 1861, in Libby Prison, Richmond:, Ya.

1066 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

M c L O U G H L I N , CORNELIUS.—Age, 33 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years;; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. F , August 31, 1861; transferred to Co. G, no date;: wounded in action, May 7, 1861, at Chester Hill , Va. ; dis­charged, September 16,1861, near Petersburg, Va., as Cornelius McLaughlin,

M c L O U G H L I N , JAMES.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 10, 1861, at Fort Hamilton, to serve three years; mustered in as musician, Co. I, August 2.6, 1861; discharged at expiration of term, of service.

McMAHON, JOHN.—Age, 29 years. Enlisted, August 9, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , August 16, 1861; discharged at expiration of term of service.

McMAHG'N, JOHN.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted, January 27, 1864, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; not mustered in as private, unassigned; no further record.

McMAHON, MICHAEL.—Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three7

years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, September 2, 1863; no further record subsequent to April 30, 1864.

McMAHON, THOMAS,—Age, 24 years. Enlisted, August 9, 1861, at Brooklyn, to. serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K, August 16, 1861; transferred to* Co. O, no date; trans­ferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, January 26, 1864.

McMAHON, THOMAS.—Private, Co. 0, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. C, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N . C.

McMANN, JOHN.—Age, 29 years. Enlisted, August 9, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, August 16, 1861; no further record.

McMANN, JOHN.—Age, 27 years. Enlisted, January 15, 1864, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I,

(January 29, 1864; promoted corporal, no date; wounded in action, May 16, 1864, at Drewry's Bluff, Va . ; promoted ser­geant, no date; drowned, June 8, 1865, by shipwreck while returning from furlough.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1067

.McMANN, THOMAS.—Age, 36 years. Enlisted, August 15,1861, at New, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. I, August 16, 1861; no further record.

MeMANUS, DANIEL.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted, August 18, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F , August 31, 1861; promoted corporal, no date; wounded in action, May 19, 1861, at Bermuda Hundred, Ya. ; returned to ranks, no date; discharged, September 20,1861.

M c N A L L Y , RICHARD.—Age, 30 years. Enlisted, August 6, 1861, at Derby, Conn., to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. I, August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. E , no date; wounded in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. O ; re-en­listed as a veteran, December 22, 1863; wounded in action, July 30, 1861, near Petersburg, Ya. ; absent, wounded, at mus­ter-out of company.

M c N A L L Y , TERRANCE.—Age , 35 years. Enlisted, August 2, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, August 16, 1861; discharged for disability, October 11, 1861.

McNAMARA, WILLIAM.—Age, 33 years. Enlisted, July 27, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co, I, August 16, 1861; wounded in action, May 7, 1861, at Chester Hill , Va . ; discharged at expiration of term of service.

McPHERSON, JAMES.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 6, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as ser­geant, Co. K, August 16,1861; wounded in action, July 18,1863, at Fort Wagner, S. O ; died of his wounds, July 21,1863.

M c R E A D Y , JOHN.—Private, Co. I, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. O, this*regiment, June 9, 1865; deserted, August 6, 1865, from camp at Raleigh, N. C.

McSHANE, BARNEY.—Age, 33 years. Enlisted at Poughkeep­sie, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, February 22, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. O. I

M c V E A O H , PATRICK.—Age, 26 years. Enlisted, August 21, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , August 27, 1861; transferred to Co. C, no date; discharged, September 20, 1861, as McVugh.

1068 R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

M E C H L E N , CHARLES.—Age , 25 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn^ to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, Janu­ary 21, 1865; mustered out, July 10, 1865, at McDougall Hospi­tal, New York Harbor, as Michlen.

• M E C R E A F , C H A R L E S . — A g e , 21 years. Enlisted, August 20, 1861, at Harrisonville, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A , August 21, 1861; transferred to Oo. D, no date; promoted corporal, August 22, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted sergeant, no date;, wounded in action, August 16, 1861, at Strawberry Plains, Via.,., and February 21, 1865, at Wilmington, N. C.; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as> McOreaf.

M E C R E A F , HENRY.—Age , 10 years. Enlisted, August 19, 1861, at Harrisonville, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A , August 21,1861; transferred to Oc D, no date;: discharged for disability, August 18, 1862, at Pulaski, Ga., as. McCreaf.

M E I R K E N D O L E R , G O T T L E B , see Gottlobb Merkendoler.

M E L I O K E , ANGE.—Age , 30 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to-serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A, Septem­ber 1, 1863; captured in action, February 20, 1861, at Olustee,,. F la . ; died of scorbutus, October 28,1861, at Andersonville, Ga.

M E L L I S , JAMES.—Age , 18 years.- Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. Q Y August 26, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863;; deserted, June 7, 1865, from hospital, New York.

M E N I C H , JOHN;—Age, 38 years. Enlisted, August 16, 1861, lat Williamsburg, to serve three years; mustered in as private,. Co. A , August 21, 1861; no further record.

M E N I L L E , LOUIS.—Private, Co. H , Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. H , this regiment, January 30,1864;• killed in action, February 20, 1864, at Olustee, Fla.

M E R C H A N T , ELMER.—Age , — years. Enlisted at Albany, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. K, October 20, 1863; died of disease, November 7, 1864.

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MERCILAR, FRANK.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Malone, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. F, January 16, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. O., as Mercilla.

MERCIOR, GEORGE.—Private, Co. H, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. H, this regiment, January 30, 1861; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as George A . Mercier.

M E R I C L E , H I R A M H.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Galeville, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, Sep* tember 13, 1861; no further record. " i

MERKENDOILER, GOTTLOBB.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted in Thirteenth Congressional District, to serve one year, and mus­tered in as private, Co. G, iSeptember 26, 1861; absent, sick, in hospital, at muster-out of company, September 1, 1865.

M E R L Y E , JAMES.—Private, Co. 0, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Oo. O, this regiment, June 9; 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

MERRILL, G E O R G E M.—Age, 19 years. "Enlisted, August 29, 1861, at Morris county, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered! in as private, Co. F , August 31, 1861; no further record.

MERRITT, N E W T O N A.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, September 8, 1861, at Luckasanna, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, September 10, 1861; transferred to Co, H , no date; deserted, September 26, 1861, from Camp Wyman, N. Y.

MESSENGER, A N D R E W J.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 1, 1861, at Paterson, N. J. , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. D, August 21, 1861; transferred to C o E , no-date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted corporal, June 27, 1865; mustered out with company, Septem­ber 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Andrew Messenger,

MESSENGER, CHARLES.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August-7, 1861, at Paterson, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K, August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. E , no-date; wounded and captured in action and paroled, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, no date.

1070 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

M E Y E R , MICHAEL.—Age , 23 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three year©, and mustered in as private, Go. H , August 25, 1863; deserted, May 4, 1864, from Gloucester Point, N. C , as Maier.

M I C H A E L , CILARLES.—Age, 44 years. Enlisted, September 9, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. C, September 10, 1863; no further record.

M I C H A E L S , J A C O B L.—Age, 21 yearss. Enrolled, August 11, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as corporal, Co. A, August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. F , no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted corporal, no date; sergeant, no date; mustered in as second lieutenant, Co. G, April 26, 1865; as first lieutenant, Co. B, June 11, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C ; also borne as David L. Michaels. Commis­sioned second lieutenant, March 30, 1.865, with rank frorrni Janu­ary 15, 1865, vice J . S. Giles, promoted; first lieutenant, May 17, 1865, with rank from April 6, 1865, vice H . EL Anderson, discharged,

M I C H L E N , C H A R L E S , see Charles Mechlen.

MICHON, EUGENE.—Private, Co. H, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. H, this regiment, January 30,1864; deserted, November 20, 1864, from Grant Hospital, Wil'let's Point, New York Harbor.

MIDDLEBROOK, G E O R G E L.—Age, 26 years. Enlisted at Kingston, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I, October 7, 1864; promoted corporal, no date; first sergeant, no date; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.

M I D D L E S D O R F , GEORGE.—Private, Go. A , Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. A , this regiment, January 30, 1864; killed in action, June 6, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Ya . ; also borne as Mittlesdorf.

M I D D L E T O N , J O S E P H T.—Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, unassigned, March 15, 1865; discharged, August 14, 1865, at New York city.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1071

MIGNON, ERNST.—Private, Co. D, Independent Corp®, light Infantry; transferred to Co. D, this regiment, January 30, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, March 31, 1861; deserted on expiration of furlough, May 30, 1861.

MILARTA, OTTO.—Age, 28 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private,. Co. H, February 17,-1865; mustered out, June 6, 1865, at New Berne, N. C.

MILES, C H A R L E S , see Charles Myers.

MILLER, A L B E R T F.—Age, 35 years. Enrolled, August 1,1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as second lieu­tenant, Co. K, August 16, 1861; promoted first lieutenant, no date; wounded in action,-July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. O ; mustered in as captain, October 23, 1863; wounded in action, June 1, 1861, at Cold Harbor, Ya. ; discharged, January 13, 1865. Commissioned second lieutenant, December 14,1861, with rank from August 16, 1861*, original; first lieutenant, July 18, 1862, w7ith rank from May 6, 1862, vice S, G. Gale, discharged; captain, August 28, 1863, with rank from July 18, 1863, vice James Farrell, killed; major, not mustered, December 10, 1864, with rank from July 30, 1864, vice N. A. Elfwing, promoted.

MILLER, AUGUSTUS.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Poughkeep­sie, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, January 20, 1865; died, May 5, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C ; also borne as Muller.

MILLER, CHARLES.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H, Octo­ber 20, 1863; killed in action, July 30, 1864, at Petersburg, Va .

MILLER, CONRAD.—Age, 23 years. Einlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Go. B, Janu­ary 20, 1865; mustered out, July 19, 1865, from McDougal Hos­pital, New York Harbor.

MILLER, DANIEL.—Age, 39 years. Enlisted, August 22, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co.' F , August 31, .1861; transferred to Co. C, no. date; dis­charged, June 12, 1863.

1072 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

M I L L E R , ENOCH.—-Age, 23 years. Einlisted, August 16, 1861, at Trenton, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. A , August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. B, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, January 20, 1864; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

MILLER, EVERETT 1 .—Age , 21 years. Enlisted, August 23, 1861, at Wall, N. J . , to serve three years.; mustered in as pri­vate, Go. G, August 26, 1861; transferred to Go. H , no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted sergeant, no* date; mustered out with company, Septmber 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. O.

M I L L E R , FRANCIS.—Age, 36 years. Enlisted, August 23,1861, at Key Port, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , August 27, 1861; transferred to Co. H, no date; re-en­listed as a veteran,' December 22, 1863; wounded in action, May 7, 1864, at Port Walthall, Va . ; deserted, December 25, 1864, from hospital, Fort Columbus, New York Harbor.

M I L L E R , GEORGE.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, August 1, 1861, at Sag Harbor, to serve three years; mustered in as private, in band, October 26, 1861; supposed to have been discharged in 1862.

MILLER, G E O R G E — A g e , 23 years. Enlisted, August 1, 1861, at Sag Harbor, to serve three years; mustered in as corporal, Oo. H , August 16, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; discharged, August 16, 1865, to accept commisson in United States Colored Troops; also borne as George F . Miller.

M I L L E R , GEORGE.—Private, Co. E , Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. E, this regiment, January 30, 1864; wounded in action, February 20, 1864, at Olustee, Fla . ; discharged, no date.

M I L L E R , GOTTLEIB.—Age, 27 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, Janu­ary 20, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

M I L L E R , HENRY.—Age , 22 years. Enlisted, August 28, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F , August 31,1861; transferred to Co. E, no date; wounded in action, February 20, 1864, at Olustee, Fla . ; discharged at expi­ration of term of service.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1073

MILLER, JR., HENRY.—Age, 29 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years', and mustered in as private, Co. H , August 11, 1862; mustered out, July 7,1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

MILLER, JOHN.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 3/1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. I, August 16, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0. , "

MILLER, JOSEPH.—Private, Co. E , One Hundred and Seven teenth Infantry; transferred to Oo. A , this regiment, June 9, 1865; deserted; never joined his company in One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry.

MILLER, LOUIS D.—Private, Co. K, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. E , this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

MILLER, STEPHEN.—Age, 30 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, February 18, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

MILLES, GEORGE.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Schenectady, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, Febru­ary 17, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Millis.

MILLINGTON, GEORGE.—Private, Co. F, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. F, this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, sick, at muster-out of company.

MILLS, CHARLES.—Age, 33 years. Enlisted, August 12, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K, August 16, 1861; wounded in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C.; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, January 5, 1861.

MILLS, CHARLES.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , August 21,, 1862; transferred to the Navy, no date.


1074 R E P O R T OP T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L ,

M I L L S P A U G H , WILLIAM.—Age, 31 years. Enlisted at Brook­lyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. A , December 10, 1863; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

MILROY, JAMES.—Age, 33 years. Enlisted at Grave send, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Go. D, September 2, 1863; transferred to Navy, April 26, 1864.

MILTON, RICHARD.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, August 1,1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A , August 21, 1861; discharged for disability, September 27, 1861.

M I N A C H , JOHN.—Age, 44 years. Enlisted, August 13,1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. I, August 21, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863;. wounded in action, June 30, 1864, near Petersburg, Ya . ; dis­honorably discharged, December 28, 1864, at Philadelphia, Pa.

MINARD, JEREMIAH.—Enlisted at Albany, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, October 30, 1863; •wounded in action, May 7, 1864, at Chester Heights, Ya . ; dis­charged, June 6, 1865, at New Berne, N. C.

MINITER, PRANK.—Age , 18 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , November 10, 1863; captured in action,-February 20, 1864, at Olustee, F l a . ; paroled, no date; wounded, no date or place; absent, wounded, in hospital at Philadelphia, Pa., at muster-out of company.

MINITT, LOUIS, see Louis Munet.

MINSICK, CONRAD.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, Janu­ary 20, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

M I T C H E L , CHARLES.—Age , 20 years. Enlisted, August 15, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. G, no date; deserted, September 12, 1861, from Camp Wyman, N . Y., as Mitchell.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H I N F A N T R Y , i


M I T C H E L L , CHARLES.—Age, 44 years. Enlisted, September 4, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve tbree years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. G, September 6, 1861; wounded in action, May 16, 1864, at Drewry's Bluff, Va. ; discharged, September 16, 1864, from hospital, at David's Island, New York Harbor.

M I T C H E L L , THOMAS.—Age, 36 years. Enlisted at Sullivan, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H, Febru­ary 14, 1865; deserted, August 13, 1865, from camp, Raleigh, N. C.

M I T C H E L L , WILLIAM.—Age, 18 yeans.. Enlisted, September 9, 1861, at Derby, Conn., to serve three years; mustered in as musician, Co. C, September 10, 1861; no further record.

MITTLESDORF, GEORGE, see George Middlesdorf.

MITTNARHT, ALEXANDER.—Private, Co. I, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Oo. G, this regiment, January 30, 1864; discharged, September 8, 1864, for promo­tion to second lieutenant, Fifteenth Artillery.

M O F F A T , GEORGE.—Age, 38 years. Enlisted at Albion, to serve three years., and mustered in as private, Co. I, February 22, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

.MOFFAT, JAMES.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted at Goshen, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F, January 16, 1865; deserted, March 10, 1865, at Wilmington, N. C.

MOLLER, GEORGE.—Private, Co. I, Independent Corps; Light Infantry; transferred to Co. E , this regiment, January 30, 1864; no further record.

M O N A G H A N , THOMAS.—Age, 24 years.. Enlisted, August 26, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , August 27, 1861; transferred to Co. G, no date; to Co. B, October 15, 1861; wounded in action, June 2, 1864, at Cold Harbor, V a . ; discharged, September 16, 1864.

M O N E L L , D A V I D B.—Private, Co. A , One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. K, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0., as David D. Morrell.

1076 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L ,

M O N E L L , P E T E R B.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered1 in as private, unassigned, Feb­ruary 21, 1865; promoted hospital steward, May 14, 1865; mus­tered out with regiment, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C .

MONROE, HENRY.—Age , 22 years. Enlisted at Cold Spring,, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, Febru­ary 14, 1865; deserted, August 6, 1865, fromi Raleigh, N. C.

MONROE, W I L L I A M J.—Private, Co. G, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Go. D, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out, August 29, 1865, at Albany, N. Y.

M O N T E N , C H A R L E S H.—Private, Oo. E , One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Go. A , this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

MONTONOUR, W I L L I A M H.—Private, Co. D, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. I, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, 'September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.

MOON, TIMOTHY.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted, July 27, 1861, at Trenton, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo.. H , August 16, 1861; transferred to Go. D, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; captured in action, August 25, 1864, at Bermuda Hundred, Va„; paroled, March 1, 1865, at Wilmington, N. C ; discharged, June 22,1864, at Annapolis, Md.

MOONEY, JOHN.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted at Albany, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , February 16,. 1865; promoted corporal, May 1, 1865; sergeant, June 27, 1865; deserted, August 16, 1865, from Raleigh, N. C.

MOONEY, STEPHEN.—Private, Co. A , One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. K, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

MOORE, GEORGE,—Age, 24 years. Enlisted! at Kingston, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , September 24, 1864; deserted, July 22, 1865, from Raleigh, N. C.


MOORSE, JOSEPH.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Rochester, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. H , February 17, 1865; mustered out with company, 'September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.

MORAN, DANIEL.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted, August 16, 1861,. at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private,. Oo. G, August 26, 1861; discharged, September 16, 1861, near Petersburg, Ya.

MORAN, JOHN, see John Marren.

MORAN, J O H N F.—Age, 32 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years', and mustered in as private, Co. A, November 9, 1863; promoted corporal, January 1,1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

MORGAN, HUGH.—Age, 17 years. Enlisted, August 19, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as musician, Co. F , August 26, 1861; discharged, September 20, 1861.

MORGAN, JAMES.—Age, 10 years. Enlisted, August 18, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, C o H , August 26, 1861; transferred to Co. A, no date; wounded in action, July 10, 1863, at Morris Island, S. C , and1 June 1, 1861, at Cold Harbor, Ya , ; discharged, September 22, 1861.

MORGAN, PATRICK.—Age, 41 years. Enlisted, August 10, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H , August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. B, no date; dis-. charged for disability,, April 30, 1862.

MORGAN, JR., PATRICK.—Age, 26 years. Enlisted- September 13, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as pri; vate, Co. A , September 16, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, Jan­uary 20, 1864; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh', N. C , as Patrick Morgan.

MORGAN, W I L L I A M A.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, January 11, 1865, at Norwich, to serve three years; mustered in as private,-Oo. C, January 13, 1865; mustered out with company, Septem­ber 1, 1865, at. Raleigh, N. C.

1078 R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

MORIARTY, FIRGUS.—Age, 28 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, October 20,1863; captured in action, August 25,1864, at Reams Station, V a . ; died, February, 1865, while a -prisoner of war.

M O R R E L L , D A V I D D., see David B. Monell.

M O R R E L L , JOSEPH.—Age, 18 years. Enrolled, September 9, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Go. C, September 10, 1861; transferred to Go. I, no date; re-en­listed as veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted sergeant, no date; mustered in as second lieutenant, Co. B, April 20, 1865; dismissed, June 20, 1865. Commissioned second lieutenant, March 30, 1865, with rank from January 1, 1865, vice J . W. Thompson, discharged.

M O R R E L L , P E T E R B.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, Feb­ruary 21, 1865; no further record.

M O R R E L L , P E T E R B.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. E , Septem­ber 13, 1861; discharged at expiration of term of service.

MORRIN, RICHARD.—Private, Oo. O, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Oo. C, this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, sick, at muster-out of company.

MORRIS, BENJAMIN.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, Janu­ary 16, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N, C.

MORRIS, GEORGE.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Syracuse, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Go. I, February 17,1865; deserted, August 6, 1865, from Raleigh, N. O.

MORRIS, JOSEPH.—Private, Co. I, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. G, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

MORRISY, THOMAS.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, July 28, 1861, at Albany, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Go. H , August 16, 1861; transferred to CO. F , no date; discharged, September 20, 1864.

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MORSBACK, ALBERT.—Private, Co. C, Independent Corps,. Light Infantry; transferred to Co. G, this regiment, January 30, 1864; no further record.

MORSEY, JOHN.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, January 19,1865; deserted, March 3,1865, from near Wilmington, N. C.

MORTON, GEORGE.—Age, 32 years. Enrolled, August 17,1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private,. Co. D, August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. E , no date; pro­moted first sergeant, no date; wounded in action, July 18, 1863,: at Fort Wagner, S. C ; promoted sergeant-major, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; mustered in as second lieutenant, Co. G, June 8, 1864; dismissed, January 17, 1865. Commissioned second lieutenant, May 18,1864, with rank from April 6, 1864, vice E . J . Hutchinson, promoted.

MORTON, JOHN, see John Martin.

MOSER, S A M U E L H.—Age, 24 years. Enrolled, August 1,1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as sergeant-major, September 5, 1861; promoted second lieutenant, Co. A, January 17, 1863; mustered in as first lieutenant, Oo. F , March 1, 1863; as captain, Co. C, February 25, 1864; killed in action, May 16, 1864, at Palmers Creek, Va,.; also borne as Mosher; Commissioned second lieutenant, February 5, 1862, with rank from January 18, 1862, vice A. H. Ferguson, promoted; first lieutenant, February 5, 1863, with rank from January 26, 1863, vice F . Hurst, promoted; captain, February 6, 1864, with rank from August 28, 1S63, vice T. L. Hatfield, transferred to Signal Corps.

MOSES, HERMANN.—Private, Co. G, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. G, this regiment, January 30, 1864; wounded in action, June 30, 1864, near Petersburg, V a . ; discharged, March 18, 1S65, at Coxs Ferry, Va.

MOTT, MARTIN.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Broooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , August 27, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863;" mus­tered out, September 2, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

MOTTISHED, JOHN, see John Mattishead.

1080 ' R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

MOUNGE, C H A R L E S W.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 20, 1861, at Harrisonville, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A , August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. D, no date; killed in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. 0., as Charles Mounce.

M O Y E R , ANTIONE.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Goshen, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , January 13, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Mayer.

M O Y L A N , BENNETT.—Private, Go. A, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. K, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Burnett Moylan.

M U L D O O N , P E T E R , see Peter Maldron.

M U L D R E Y , THOMAS.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , August 27, 1861; transferred to Co. I, no date; to Co. 0, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; pro­moted corporal and returned to ranks, no date; killed in action, July 30, 1861, near Petersburg,.Ya.

' M U L F O R D , J O S E P H L.—Age, 31 years. Enrolled, July 21, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as surgeon, September 5, 1861; mustered out, September 30,1864. Commis­sioned surgeon, December 14, 1861, with rank from September 5, 1861, original.

M U L H O L L A N , OWEN.—Age, 35 years. Enlisted, September 4, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, September 10, 1861; transferred to Co. A, no date; wounded in action, no date and place; died of his wounds, Feb­ruary 20, 1863; also borne as Mulholland.

M U L L E R , A U G U S T U S , see Augustus Miller.

M U L L E R , CHRISTIAN A.—Age, 33 years. Enlisted at Tarry­town, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, October 19, 1863; wounded in action, August 16,1864, at Straw­berry Plains, Va . ; discharged, May 28, 1865, at Fort Monroe, Va.

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M U L L E R , DANIEL.—Age, — years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to-serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F, January 16,1865; deserted, May 1, 1865, from Wilmington, N. O. •

M U L L E R , FRANCIS.—Private, Co. K, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. E , this regiment, June 9,. 1865; promoted corporal, July 9, 1865; absent, on furlough, at

v muster-out of company. «.

M U L L E R , FREDERICK.—Private, Co. 0, Independent Corps,. Light Infantry; transferred to Co. C,this regiment, January 30, 1861; wounded in action, June 1, 1861, at Cold Harbor, Ya. ; , discharged, June 2,1865.

M U L L I G A N , DENNIS.—Private, Co. B, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Oo. H, this regiment, June 9,. 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

MULLINS, FRANCIS.—Private, Co. C, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. C, this regiment, June 9,. 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

M U N C H , JOHANN.—Private, Co. C, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. C, this regiment, January 30,1861; killed in action, May 7, 1861, at Chester Creek, Va.

MUNDA, JOHN.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted at Kingston, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. E, September 26,1861;. mustered out, June 27, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

MUNET, LOUIS.—Private, Co. F , Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. E , this regiment, January 30,1864; discharged at expiration of term of service, as Minitt; also borne as Minet.

M U R C L E , SEBASTIN.—Private, Co. I, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Oo. G, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. O.

1082 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

MURDOOK, WILLIAM.—Age, 24 years. Enlisted, August 5, 1861, at Freehold, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H, August 16, 1861; promoted corporal, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; returned to the ranks, no date; mustered out with company, (September 1,1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Murdick.

M U R P H Y , ANTHONY.—Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Cb. I, March 28, 1864; transferred to Co. K, no date; wounded in action, May 16,1864, at Drewry's Bluff, Ya . ; deserted, June 30, 1865, from hospital.

M U R P H Y , H E N R Y C—Age 20, years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F, August 27, 1861; transferred to Co. C, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22,1863; deserted, at expiration of furlough, Novem­ber 19, 1864, from hospital at Fort Monroe, Ya.

M U R P H Y , JAMES.—Age , 19 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A, August 21, 1861; no further record.

M U R P H Y , JOHN.—Age, 43 years. Enlisted, August 24, 1861, at Brooklyn, to .serve three years; mustered in as private, Go. G, August 26, 1861; discharged for disability October 18,1861, at Annapolis, Md.

M U R P H Y , JOHN.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, January 4, 1864, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. A , January 5, 1864; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

M U R P H Y , J O H N — A g e , 33 years. Enlisted at Poughkeepsie, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, January 19, 1865; absent, without leave, at muster-out of company.

M U R P H Y , JOHN.—Age, 26 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co.B, January 20,1865; promoted corporal, no date; mustered out with company, Sep­tember 1,1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

M U R P H Y , JOHN.—Private, Co. D, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. I, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1083̂

M U R P H Y , JOHN.—Private, Oo. 0, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to, Co. 0, this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, sick, at muster-out of company.

M U R P H Y , J O H N J.—Age, 41 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , August 24, 18'61; no further record.

M U R P H Y , JOSEPH.—Age, 24 years. Enlisted, August 27,1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F , August 31, 1861; killed in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C.

MURPHY, MICHAEL.—Enlisted at Albany, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, October 30, 1863; died,. March 24,1864, in hospital at Hilton Head, S. C.

MURPHY, PETER.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serye three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H, August 24, 1863; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

M U R P H Y , THOMAS.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Canandaigua,. to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, Febru­ary 22,1865; deserted, August 4,1865, from Raleigh, N. C.

M U R P H Y , TIMOTHY.—Private, Co. I, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. G, this regiment, June 9,. 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

M U R P H Y , WTILLIAM.—Enlisted at Poughkeepsie, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, January 18, 1865; deserted, July 24, 1865.

M U R R A Y , JOHN.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Troy, to serve-three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , January 18, 1865; deserted, March 2, 1865, at Wilmington, N. C.

M U R R A Y , JOSEPH.—Age, 28 years. Enlisted at Albany, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, October 30, 1863; wounded in action, May 12, 1864, at Proctors Creek, Ya . ; transferred to One Hundred and Sixty-sixth Company, Second Battalion, Veteran Reserve Corps, no date; mustered out thereof, August 24, 1865, at Washington, D. C.

1084 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

M U R R A Y , PATRICK.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, Sep­tember 10, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, January 20, 1864; deserted on expiration of furlough, November 3, 1864.

M U R R A Y , W E L L S C—Private, Co. K, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. E , this regiment, June 9, 1865; promoted corporal, no date; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Welles C. Murray.

M U R R Y , FRANCIS.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Syracuse, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, February 22, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

M U R R Y , JOHN.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted at Lockport, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, March 16, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

M U R T H E R , J A M E S , see James Marther.

M Y E R , ANDREW.—Age , 23 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. C, January 23,1865; mustered out with company, September 1,1865, from Raleigh, N. C , as Mayer.

M Y E R , ERNST.—Age, 32 years. Einlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, Decem­ber 22, 1862; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Ernest Myers.

M Y E R S , CHARLES.—Age , 37 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, Septem­ber 1, 1863; mustered out, August 1, 1865, at'Buffalo, N. Y., as Miles.

N A G L E , THOMAS, see Thomas Magle.

N A S H , G E O R G E R.—Private, Co. E , One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. A, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Ral­eigh, N. C.

N A Y A N , S A M U A L , see Samuel Nevin.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1085

"NEDDO, ANDREW.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Watertown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , Janu­ary 13, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

N E F F , VALENTINE.—Age , 20 years. Enlisted at New York city, to. serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, January 28, 1862; discharged, May 26, 1865.

N E H L , PETER.—Age, — years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , September 2, 1863;'no further record.

NESBITT, J A M E S A.—Age, 18'years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, August 20, 1862; captured in action,'July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; paroled, no date; promoted corporal, no date; sergeant, March 1,1865; mustered out, June 27,1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

NTEVIN, SAMUEL.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, September 1,1861, at Westchester, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, September 5, 1861; promoted corporal, no date; re-en­listed as a veteran, February 29,1861; wounded in action, June 1, 1864, at Cold Harbor, V a . ; promoted sergeant, March 1, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Ral­eigh, N. C ; also borne as Navan.

N E W H A R T , CHRISTIAN.—Age, — years. Enlisted, August 1, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private,.

• Co. K, August 16,1861; promoted, hospital steward,.March 27, 1863; discharged, September 20, 1864, as Christain H . New-hart; also borne as Charles Newhaut.

N E W M A N , D A V I D J.—Age, 24 years. Enlisted, July 25, 1861, at Squan Village, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H, August 16,1861; discharged for disability, July 8, 1862.

N E W M A N , E D G A R B.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, September 3, 1861, at Katona, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. B, September 5, 1861; transferred to Co. F, no date; promoted corporal and sergeant, no dates; captured, February 21,1864, at Olustee, Fla . ; paroled, no date; discharged for dis­ability, June 19, 1865.

1086 R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

N E W M A N , ISAAC.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. D, September 26, 1864; discharged, June 27, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

NICE, JOHN.—Age, 32 years. Enlisted, August 27, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B,. August 31, 1861; killed in action, May 16, 1864, at Drewry's Bluff, Ya .

NICHOLAS, JAMES,—Age, 30 years. Enlisted in Thirteenth Congressional District, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. G, September 23, 1864; promoted corporal, May 9, 1865; mustered out, June 27, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

NICHOLS, G E O R G E W.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 1,. 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. D, August 21,1861; transferred to Co. H, no date; wounded and captured in action, no date; died of his wounds, July 21, 1863, at Charlestown, S. G.

NICHOLS, J A M E S M.—Age, 26 years. Enrolled at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as second lieutenant, Co. G, August 26, 1861; promoted first lieutenant, Co. . H , no date; mustered in as captain, Go. C, September 21, 1863; transferred to Go. E , November 9, 1863; discharged, September 13, 1864; also borne as Nicholls. Commissioned second lieutenant, Decem­ber 14, 1861, with rank from August 26, 1861, original; first lieutenant, July 18, 1862, with rank from June 18, 1862, vice W . L. Lockwood, promoted; captain, August 28, 1863, with rank from July 18, 1863, vice W. B. Ooan, promoted.

NICHOLS, JEREMIAH.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, Angust 27, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. F , August 31, 1861; transferred to Co. G, no date; dis­charged, September 16, 1861, near Petersburg, Ya. '

NICOLL, G E O R G E B.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H, Feb­ruary 27, 1864; promoted corporal, no date; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

N I E L Y , J O H N W.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 9, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K, August 16, 1861; transferred to Oo. C, no date; discharged, December 23, 1863; also borne as Nully.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1087

NIXON, JOHN.—Age, 28 years. Enlisted, August 20, 1861, at Woodstown, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co.) A, August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. B, no date; dis­charged for disability, September 28, 1862.

NIXON, THOMAS.—Private, Co. D, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. I, this regiment, June 9, 1865; deserted, June 9, 1865.

N O B L E , WILLIAM.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted at Buffalo, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, February 15, 1865; promoted sergeant, no date; deserted, August 18, 1865! at Raleigh, N. C. •

NODAL, RAPHAEL.—Private, Co. H , Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. H , this regiment, January 30,1861; killed in action, May 7, 1861, at Chester Hill, Ya.

N O L A N , JOHN—Age , 10 years. Enlisted, August 7, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H , August 16,1861; transferred to Co. A, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, January 20, 1861; wounded in action, May 7, 1864, at Port Walthall, Ya..; mustered out, August 17, 1865, at Provi­dence, R. I.

N O L A N , MICHAEL.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F, Septem­ber 12, 1862; killed in action, February 20, 1864, at Olustee, Fla.

N O L A N , PETER.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 29, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F , August 31, 1861; transferred to Co. A, no date; wounded in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wragner, S. C ; re-enlisted as a veteran,, December 22, 1863; mustered out with company, Sep­tember 1,1865, at Raleigh, N. O.

N O L A N , PETER.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted in Thirteenth Con­gressional District, to serve one year, and mustered in as pri­vate, Co. G, September 23 1864; mustered out, July 8, 1865, from Lovell Hospital, at Portsmouth Grove, R, I.

NOLON, JAMES.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, July 20, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, August 16,1861; discharged at expiration of term of service.

1088 REPORT O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

NOODT, LORENZO.—Private, Oo. F , Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. K, this regiment, January 30,1864;. discharged, September 10, 1864.

NOON, MARTIN.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , February 16, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N . 0.

NOONAN, JOHN.—Age, 44 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, Septem­ber 1, 1863; wounded and captured in action, May 16, 1864, at Drewry's Bluff, V a . ; died, September 18, 1864, at Anderson-ville, Ga.

NOONAN, THOMAS.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H, January 17, 1865; deserted, August 6, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.

NORRIS, WILLIAM.—Age, — years. Enlisted at Albany, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , October 19, 1863; no record subsequent to December 31, 1863.

NORTON, FREDERICK.—Age , 33 years. Enlisted at Lockport, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. B, February 25, 1865; deserted, April 2, 1865, at Raleigh, N. G.

NORTON, JOHN.—Age, 27 years. Enlisted at Albany, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, October 30, 1863; discharged for disability, December 7,1864.

NORTON, JOHN.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Kingston, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. F , September 23,. 1864; mustered out, June 27,1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.

N U G E N T , JOHN.—Age, 35 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, September 2,1863; wounded in action, February 20,1864, at Olustee, Fla . ; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. G.

N U L L Y , J O H N W., see John W. Niely.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1089

NTJTALL, ISAAC—Age, 38 years. Enlisted, August 10, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. F , no date; discharged, September 20, 1861, as Isaac L. Nuttle; born as Isaac L. Nuttall.

OATHOTJT, JOHN.—Age, 27 years. Enlisted at Gleina, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , February 18, 1865; deserted, March 25,1865, at Cox Bridge, N. C ; also borne as Oathaut.

O'BRIEN, JAME.S.—Age, 35 years. Enlisted, August 30, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Com­pany B, September 5, 1861; transferred to Co. G, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; wounded in action, May 16,1864, at Drewry's Bluff, Va . ; discharged for disability, July 3,1865, from hospital at David's Island, New York Harbor.

O'BRIEN, JEREMIAH.—Age, 29 years. Enrolled, September 11, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, September 16,1861; promoted corporal, March 16,1863; Wounded in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. O ; pro­moted sergeant, September 21, 1863; mustered in as second lieutenant, Co. K, May 22, 1861; killed in action, July 30, 1861, at Cemetery Hill , Va. Commissioned second, lieutenant, April 14, 1864, with rank from March 10, 1864, vice C, B. Wyekoff, dischargd; first lieutenant, not mustered, July 30, 1864, with rank from July 15, 1864, vice W. E . D'Arcy, promoted,

O'BRIEN, JOHN.—Age, 34 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and inustered in as private, Co. 0, August 27, 1862; died, April 15, 1865, in hospital at Wilmington, N. C.

O'BRIEN, JOHN.—Age, — years. Enlisted at Poughkeepsie, to serve three years, and mustered in as private Co. K, January 18, 1865; deserted, March 3, 1865, at Wilmington, N. C.

O'BRIEN, JOHN.—Corporal, Co. C, One Hundred and Seven-. teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. C, this regiment, June 9,

1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

O'BRIEN, MICHAEL.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Goshen, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , January 13, 1865; deserted, August, 15,1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

. 6 9

1090 REPORT OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

O'BRIEN, PATRICK.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, September 3, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B, September 5, 1861; transferred to Co. C, no date; pro­moted corporal, no date; sergeant, July 10, 1863; wounded in action, June 2, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va. ; discharged, Septem­ber 20, 1864.

O'BRIEN, TERRY.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 15, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as musician, Co. F , August 31, 1861; no further record.

O'BRIEN, WILLIAM.—Age, 28 years. Enlisted at Lockport, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Go. I, February 21, 1865"; promoted corporal, May 1, 1865; returned to ranks, July 22, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

0 'GRADY, THOMAS.—Age, 35 years. Enlisted, September 7, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Go. C, September 10,1861; transferred to Co. A, no date; re-en­listed as a veteran, December 22, 1863; mustered out, Augusi 12, 1865, at New York city.

OHTERS, A L E X A N D E R , see Alexander Others.

O ' L E A R Y , PATRICK.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, February 18,1865; promoted corporal, June 17,1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

OLIVER,' EDWARD.—Private, Co. G, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. D, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C. , "

OLIVER, E P H R I A M A.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Watertown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H, January 17, 1865; discharged for disability, July 17,1865.

OLSON, O L I V E R G—Age, — years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, February 18, 1862; discharged, February 18, 1865; also borne as Olston.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1091

O'NAILL, JAMES.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted at JMalone, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co,. F , January 7,1865; deserted, March 11, 1865, at Washington, D. C.; also borne as John Oi'Neil.

ONDERKIRKj WILLIAM.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, August 16, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co, G, August 26, 1861; transferred to Co. F , and pro­moted corporal, no dates; wounded in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; died of his wounds, July 26,*1863, at Beau­fort, S. C.

O 'NEIL, THOMAS.—Age, 39 years. Enlisted, August 21, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F , August 31, 1861; discharged for disability, May 12, 1863.

' O 'NEIL, THOMAS.—Age, 27 years. Enlisted, at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, October 21, 1863; transferred to Navy, April 26, 1864.

ORND, LOUIS G.—Private, Co. K, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. E , this regiment, June 9, 1864; absent, wounded, at muster-out of company.

O ' R O U R K E , DANIEL.—Age, 38 years. Enlisted, August 31, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, September 10, 1861; transferred to Co. G, no date; wounded in action, May 16, 1864, at Drewry's Bluff, V a . ; dis­charged, 'September 16, 1864, near Petersburg, Va.

ORR, DAVID.—Age, 26 years. Enlisted, July 20,1861, at Brook­lyn, tO' serve three years; mustered in as first sergeant, Oo. I, August 16, 1861; reduced to sergeant, June 19, 1863; returned to ranks, no date; wounded in action, June 8, 1864, at Cold Har­bor, Va. ; discharged at expiration of term of service.

ORTON, C H A R L E S C—Age, 19 years. Enrolled at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. F , January 16, 1862; re-enlisted as a veteran, January 20; 1864; promoted commissary-sergeant, January 24, 1864; mustered in as first lieutenant, Co. E , November 12,1861; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C. Commissioned first lieutenant, September 23, 1864, with rank from September 1.6, 1864, vice Z. Paddock, promoted.

1092 REPORT OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

OSBORN, A L V A H P.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted, October 1, 1861, at Trurnansburg, to serve three years; mustered in as leader in band, October 26, 1861; supposed to have been discharged in 1862.

OSBORNE, JOHN.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 11, 1861, at Newburgh, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B, September 5,1861; transferred to Co. K,no date; discharged, September 16, 1864. •

OSBURN, WILLIAM.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as corporal, Co. 0, Septem­ber 10, 1861; returned to ranks, no date; wounded, no date; promoted corporal, November 9, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; killed in action, May 16, 1864, at Palmer's •Greek,'Va.; also borne as William S. Osburn.

0 STRANDER, PETER.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted), August 8,1861, at Galeville, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K, August 16, 1861; wounded in action, July IS, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C.; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, January 26, 1864.

OSTROM, CHARLES,—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , November 11, 1862; discharged for disability, January 5, 1861.

OTHERS, ALEXANDER.—Private , Co. F, Independent Corps, Ligh Infantry; transferred to Co. E , this regiment, January 30, 1864; discharged at expiration, term of service; also borne as Ohters.

OWEN, S A M U E L V.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H, April 5, 1864; promoted corporal, March 1, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

O W E N , WILLIAM.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 13, 1861, at Trenton, N. J . , to serve three years'; mustered in as private, Go. H , August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. D, no date; pro­moted corporal, no date; discharged, September 20, 1861, from hospital.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1093

O W E N , W I L L I A M H.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 21,1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H , September 11, 1861; promoted corporal, October 11, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; wounded in action, May 16, 1861, at Drewry's Bulff, Ya., and August 11, 1861, at Strawberry Plains, Va . ; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, April 12, 1865, and mustered out, August 21, 1865, as of the One Hundred and Sixteenth Company, Second Battalion, Vet­eran Reserve Corps, at Washington, D. C.

O W E N , WILLIAM J.—Age, 26 years. Enlisted, August 14,1861, at Peekskill, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A, August 21,1861; transferred to Co. B, no date; wounded and captured in action, July 18,1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; paroled, no date; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, no date; also borne as Owens.

OWENS, G E O R G E H.—Private, Co. C, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. C, this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, sick, at muster-out of company.

OWENS, J A M E S , see James Collins.

OWENS, J O H N I.—Age, date and place of enlistment, term and date of muster-in as private, Co. A, not stated; deserted imme­diately after muster-in at Fort Hamilton, N. Y.

OWENS, L E M U E L J.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Peekskill, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, September 11, 1861; promoted corporal, September 10, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, January 20, 1861; wounded, no date; promoted ser­geant, March 1, 1865; mustered out, June 13, 1865; also borne as Samuel J . Owens.

O X L E Y , JAMES.—Age, 29 years. Enlisted, November 22, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, November 26, 1861; died, June 8, 1862, at Fort Pulaski, Fla.

P A C K E R , JAMES.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted, August 28, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F , August 31, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; mustered out, August 19, 1865, at Providence, R. I.

1094 R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

P A D D O C K , JR., ZACHARIAH.—Age, 29 years. Enrolled, Sep­tember 2, 1861, at Binghamton, to serve three years; mustered in as sergeant, Co. B, September 5,1861; promoted comimassary-sergeant, July 10, 1862; mustered in as second lieutenant, Co. D; February 26, 1864; as first lieutenant, Oo.' E , July 17, 1864; quartermaster, July 17,1864; mustered out with regiment, Sep­tember 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C. Commissioned second lieuten­ant, December 19,1863, with rank from September 30,1863, vice G. L . Smith, discharged; first lieutenant, June 23, 1864, with rank from May 26, 1864, vice J . R. Taylor, promoted; quarter­master, September 23,1864, with rank from; September 16,1864, vice I. M. Avery, mustered out.

P A I N E , A L B E R T M,—Age, 23 years. Enlistedi, August 5, 1861, at Sag Harbor, to serve three years; mustered in m private, Go. H , August 16, 1861; wounded in action, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; transferred to Navy, no date; also borne as Payne.

P A L M E R , A B R A M J.—Age, 15 years. Enlisted, July 31, 1861, at Trenton, N. J. , to serve three years; mustered in as musician, Co. H , August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. D, and returned to company as a private, no date; captured in action, July 18,1863, at Fort Wagner, S. 0.; paroled, no date; discharged, Septem­ber 20, 1864, as Abraham Palmer; also borne as Abraham J . Palmer.

P A R K E R , E D W A R D A.—Age, 28 years. Enlisted at Lockport, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Go. I, February 18, 1865; deserted, August 4, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

P A R K E R , JAMES.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Go. G, September 16, 1861; no further record.

P A R K E R , JAMES.—Age, date and place of enlistment, term and date of muster-in as private, Co. I, not stated; deserted from steamer Belvidere.

P A R K I N , PAUL,—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 19, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Go. D, August 21, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted corporal, June 16, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Parkins.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1095

PARRQTT, THOMAS.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to •serve three years, and mustered in as private, Go. G, August 26, 1862; killed in action, February 20, 1861, at Olustee, Fla.

P A R S H A L L , J O H N B.—Private, Co. G, One Hundred and. Sev­enteenth Infantry; transferred to Co. D, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N, 0.

PATNO, DENIS.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, at Malone, to serve * three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , January 7, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. G , as Dennis Pattino.

PATTERSON, C A L E B N.—Age, 27 years. Enrolled, July 27,1861, at' Freehold, N. J . , to serve three yearn; mustered in as second lieutenant, Co. H, August 26, 1861; discharged, December 20, 1861. Commissioned second lieutenant, December 14,1861, with rank from August 26, 1861, original.

PATTERSON, G E O R G E P.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted, August 1, 1861, at Farmingdale, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as sergeant, Co, D, August 21, 1861; promoted1 first sergeant, no date; wounded inaction, July 18,1863,at Fort Wagner, S. C ; discharged for disability, November 6, 1863, at Beaufort, S, C , as George B. Patterson.

PATTERSON, G E O R G E WT.—Age, IS years. Enlisted, August 28, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F, August 31, 1861; no further record.

PAULSON, WILLIAM A., see William A. Powelson.

PAXSON, J A M E S O.—Age, 26 years. Enrolled, July 21, 1861, at Trenton, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as first lieutenant, Co. D, August 21, 1861; as captain, June 30, 1862; wounded in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; died of his wounds, July 31, 1863, at Beaufort, S. C. Commissioned first lieutenant, December 14, 1861, with rank from August 21, 1861, original; captain, July IS, 1862, with rank from June 30, 1862, vice Daniel C. Knowles, discharged.

P A Y N E , A L B E R T M., see Albert M. Paine.

1096 R E P O R T O F TH-E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

P E A C O C K , JOHN.—Age, — years. Enlisted at Malone, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, July 30, 1863; wounded, no date; died of his wounds, March 22, 1861.

P E A R C E , B E N J A M I N B.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted, July 25, 1861, at Squan Village, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as corporal, Oo. H , August 16, 1861; captured in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort "Wagner, S. C ; died, January 9, 1861, at Rich­mond, Va . ; alsoi borne as Pierce.

P E A R S A L L , J O H N H.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 2, 1861, at Bronxville, to serve three years; mustered in as cor­poral, Co. H , August 16, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran and promoted sergeant, December 22, 1863; returned to ranks, no date; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.

P E A S E , NICHOLAS.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, September 4, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B, September 5, 1861; transferred to Co. H, no date; wounded in action, no date; transferred to Co. G, Tenth Regi­ment, Veteran Reserve Corps, February 6, 1864; also borne as Nicholas W. Pease.


P E C K , LYMAN.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Palatine, to serve three years, and mustered inas private, Co. A, February 20, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

P E C K , R E U B E N .—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Winden, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A, February 20, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

P E C K , W I L L I A M L.—Age, 27 years. Enlisted, August 16, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, August 26, 1861; transferred to Co. F, no date; promoted corporal, no date; returned to ranks, February 28, 1863; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps., July 29, 1864; also borne as Peek.

P E D D L E T O N , RICHARD.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted, August 12, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve threee years; mustered in as private, Co. I, August 16, 1861; no further record.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1097

PEDRO, J O S E P H H.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted, August 1,1861, at.Sag Harbor, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H , August 16, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; wounded in action, May 16, 1861, at Drewry's Bluff, Ya . ; discharged for disability, June 1, 1865.

P E E K , WILLIAM L., see William L. Peck.

PELISSIER, LOUIS.—Private, Co. H, Independent Corps, Light • Infantry; transferred to Co. I, this regiment, January 30, 1864; deserted to the enemy, while on picket, September 23, 1864, near Petersburg, Ya . ; also borne as Pellisier.

P E M B E R T O N , HENRY.—Age, 42 years. Enlisted, August 30, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F , August 31, 1861; transferred to Co. E , no date; to Veteran Reserve Corps subsequent to December 31, 1868.

i -

P E M B L E T O N , HARRISON.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, September 2,1861, at Washingtonville, N. J . to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B, September 5, 1861; transferred to Co. E , no date; discharged at expiration of service as Harrison C. Pembleton; also borne as H. C. Pembleton.

P E N D L E T O N , EDWARD.—Appointed assistant surgeon, De­cember 2, 1862; discharged, December 27, 1862; prior service, as hospital steward in Forty-seventh New York Volunteers; Commissioned, not mustered, assistant surgeon, December —, 1862, with rank from December 2,1862, vice P. E . Sickler, trans­ferred to Forty-seventh Infantry.

P E N N Y , JACOB.—Age, 26 years. Enlisted at Goshen, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, February 20, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

P E N U L E T , WILLIAM.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, August 8, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as musi­cian, Co. H, August 16, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, Decem­ber 22, 1863; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

P E R E N O , FREDERICK.—Age , 29 years. Date and place of enlistment, term and date of muster-in as private, Co. D, not stated; re-enlisted as a veteran, February 29, 1864; deserted on expiration of veteran furlough, May 20, 1864; also borne as Fredric Perrenot.

1098 REPORT O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

PERKINS, C H A R L E S J.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Schenec­tady, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , September 16,1861; discharged, September 20, 1864, as Charles Perkins.

PERKINS, JAMES.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Dix, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, February 22, 1865; mustered out, June 10, 1865, at New Berne, N. C.

PERKINS, WILLIAM.—Age, 44 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, • to serve three years, and mustered in as private, CP: D, Sep­tember 2, 1863; died of chronic diarrhoea, June 30, 1865, in hospital at Smithville, N. C.

P E R R E N O T , FREDRIC, see Frederick Pereno.

P E R R Y , G E O R G E H.—Age, — years. Enlisted, Au^ist 12, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Go. K, August 16, 1861; discharged, September 16, 1864.

P E R R Y , J A M E S H.—Age, 49 years. Enrolled, July 24, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as colonel, Octo­ber 26, 1861; died, June 18, 1862, at Fort Pulaski, Ga. Com­missioned colonel, December 14, 1861, with rank from October 26, 1861, original.

" F E R R Y , JR., J A M E S H.—Age, 21 years. Enrolled, July 29, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as second lieutenant, Co. I, September 14, 1861; discharged, September

• 3, 1862. Commissioned second lieutenant, December 14, 1861, with rank from September 11, 1861, original.

P E R R Y , J O H N LOYD.—Private, Co. C, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. C, this regiment, January 30, 1864; wounded in action, June 2,1864, at Cold Harbor, Ya . ; discharged, March 8, 1865, at Wilmington, N. C , as John Perry Loyd.

P E R R Y , JOSIAH.—Age, 40 years. Enlisted at Lockport, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, Feb­ruary 17, 1865; mustered out, May 3, 1865, from hospital at Newark, N. J .

P E S H O L D T , HERMAN.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Tarry­town, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, January 19, 1865; died of disease, August 11, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.; also borne as Pettyholdt and Petyhold.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1099

P E T E R S , JOHN.—Age, 3.1 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, unassigned, December 5, 1863; no further record.

P E T E R S , NICHOLAS.—Private, Co. B, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. H , this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865,

. at Raleigh, N. C.

PETERSON, ANDREW.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Tarry­town, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, October 21, 1863; captured in action, February 20, 1861, at

•Olustee, F la . ; died, September 18, 1861, at Andersonville, Ga.

PETERSON, C A R L OTTO.—Age, — years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, October 22, 1863; deserted on expiration of furlough, June 27,1861.

PETERSON, JR., EDWARD.—Age, 30 years. Enlisted, Septem­ber 1, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as sergeant, Co. B, September 5,1861; no further record.

P E T E R W T T C H , NICHOLS.—Private, Co. I, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. G, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.

PETTINGILL, JOHN.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Salem, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, February 16, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

P E T T Y H O L D T , H E R M A N , see Herman Pesholdt.

P E T Z H O L D , H E R M A N , see Herman Pesholdt.

P F H A L S , CHRISTAIN.—Private, Co. C, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. C, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

P H E N I X , EBENEZER.—Age , 20 years. Enlisted at Buffalo, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, February 17, 1865; deserted, August 3, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

1100 REPORT OP T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

PHIBBS, GEORGE.—Age, 43 years. Enlisted, August 3, 1861, at Gamp Wyman, N. Y., to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H , August 16, 1861; no further record.

PHILIPS, JOHN.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , February 25, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

PHILLIAS, JAMES,—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 7, 1861, at Paterson, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. K, August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. F, no date; discharged, September 20, 1864; also borne as Phillis.

PHILLIPS, S T E P H E N A.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1861, at North Point, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F , August 31,1861; transferred to Co. K, no date; promoted corporal, November 10, 1863; returned to ranks, no date; discharged, September 16, 1864.

PICKENS, G E O R G E W.—Private, Co. B, One Hundred and Sev­enteenth Infantry; transferred to Co.. H, this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, sick in hospital, at muster-out of company.

PIEPER, F R E D E R I C K H.—Age, 28 years. Enlisted at Brook­lyn, to serye three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A, August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. I, no date; promoted cor­poral and returned to ranks, no dates; discharged at expi­ration of service as Fredric H. Piper.

P I E R C E , B E N J A M I N B., see Benjamin B. Pearce.

P I E R C E , EPHRIAM.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Albany, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , August 28, 1863; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

P I E R C E , WILLIAM.—Age, — years. Enlisted at Kingston, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Go. K, September 28,1864; killed in action, January 15,1865, at Fort Fisher, N. O.

PIERSON, C H E S T E R P.—Private, Co. G, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. D, this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, sick in hospital, at Fort Monroe, Va., at muster-out of company.'

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1101

P I K E , JOHN.—Age, 24 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, December 22, 1863; mustered out, August 15, 1865, at Albany, N. Y .

PIMM, JOHN.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, September 2, 1861, at Harrisonville, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. B, September 5, 1861; transferred to Co. D, no date; deserted, January 25, 1864, from hospital, at Annapolis, Md.

PIMM, LEVI.—Age, 28 years. Enlisted, August 19, 1861, at YVoodstown, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as corpo­ral, Co. D, August 21, 1861; promoted sergeant, November 1, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; -wounded in action, May 16, 1864, at Drewry's Bluff, Ya. ; killed in action,

" August 16, 1864, at Strawberry Plains, Va.

PINKERTON, FRANCIS.—Age, 38 years. Enlisted, August 5, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F, August 31, 1861; transferred to Co. G, no date; dis­charged for disability, October 18,1861, at Annapolis, Md.

PINKERTON, HENRY.—Age, 40 years. Enlisted, August 18, 1861, at Camp Wyman, N. Y., to serve three years; mustered' in as private, Oo. F , October 10, 1861; transferred to Co, I and re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; appointed wag­oner, no date; mustered out with company, September 1,1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

PIPER, F R E D R I C H., see Frederick H. Pieper.

P L A T T , A R T H U R B.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, Sep­tember 14, 1864; wounded, no date; mustered out with com­pany, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C

P L A Y O L , JEAN.—Private, Co. H , Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. K, this regiment, January 30, 1864; deserted, while on recruiting service; also borne as Ployal.

PLUMMER, J O H N W.—Age, 33 years. Enlisted, January 18, 1865, at Norwich, to serve three years; mustered in as private,. Oo. C, January 19, 1865; promoted corporal, April 1, 1865;. mustered out wdth company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh,, N. C.

1102 REPORT OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

P L U N K E T T , JAMES.—Age, 28. years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. D, July 30, 1861; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

POOL, WILLIAM.—Age, 38 years. Enlisted, January 16, 1865, at Norwich, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, January 19,1865; deserted, May 9,1865, near Raleigh, N. C.

POPE, JOHN.—Private, Co. K, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. E , this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

P O P E , THEODORE.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 12,1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. H , no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted sergeant, no date; killed in action, January 15,1865, at Fort Fisher, N. C.

P O P P E , J O H N L — A g e , 24 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , April 7, 1862; promoted corporal, February 28, 1863; discharged for promotion to Third S. C. Colored Troops, June 18, 1863.

PORCH, W I L L I A M H.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, July 24,1861, at Porchtown, N. J.,'to serve three years; mustered in as cor­poral, Co. D, August 21, 1861; promoted sergeant, no date; killed in action, June 1, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va .

PORTER, GEORGE.—Private, Co. F, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. F , this regiment, January 30, 1864; no further record.

POST, F R E D E R I C K . — A g e , 19 years. Enlisted, August 10,1861, at Paterson, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K , August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. E , no date; re-en­listed as a veteran, December 22, 1863; deserted on expiration of furlough, February 4, 1864.

POTTER, HENRY.—Age, 24 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , August 18, 1862; wounded and captured in action, February 20, 1864, at Olustee, Fla. ; died, August 21,1864, at Andersonville, Ga.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1103

POTTER, H E R M A N B.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , August 27, 1861; transferred to Co. F , no date; re-en­listed as-a veteran, December 22, 1863; wounded in action, August 16,1861, at Strawberry Plains, Va. ; promoted corporal, no date; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C ; also borne as Harman B. Potter and as Henry B. Potter.

POTTER, PETER.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, re­serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, October 19, 1863; transferred to Navy, April 26, 1864.

POULSTON, W I L L I A M E.—Age, 17 years. Enlisted, August 14, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as musician, Co. I, August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. B, and returned to company, as private, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; dishonorably discharged, March 5,1864.

POUTEATJ, CHRISTOPHER.—Private, Co. I, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. G, this regiment, January 30, 1864; mustered out, May 16,1865, at Raleigh, N. C ; also borne as Poutean.

P O W E L L , W I L L I A M H.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Goshen, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. E , February 21, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C. •

POWELSON, W I L L I A M A.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted at Brook­lyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as corporal, Co. A , November 22, 1861; returned to ranks, July 3, 1863; dis­charged, November 21, 1864, as Paulson.

POWLES, JACOB.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted, August 12, 1862, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H, August 13, 1862; wounded in action, June 1, 1861, at Cold Harbor, Va . ; mustered out, May 23, 1865, at Ladies Home Hospital, New York city.

PRAS, GEAU.—Private, Co. I, Independent Corps, Light Infan­try; transferred to Co. K, this regiment, January 30, 1864; mustered out, June*3, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C ; also borne as Jean Prass.

1104 R E P O R T OP T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

PRATT, G E O R G E W—Private, Oo. A, One Hundred and Seven­teenth-Infantry; transferred to Co. K, this regiment, June 9, 1865; wounded in action, January 15, 1865, at Port Fisher, N. G.; absent, wounded at muster-out of company.

P R A Y , DANIEL.—Age, 30 years. Enlisted at Goshen, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, January 6, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

PRENTISS, WILLIAM J—Age, 28 years. Enlisted at Lock-port, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, February 23, 1865; died, June 22, 1865, in hospital, at Raleigh,

* N. O.

PRICE, SOLOMAN W.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted, August 3, 1861, at Centerport, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. H , August 16, 1861; transferred to Go. A, no date; died of pneumonia, October 27, 1861.

PRIDY, ROBERT.—Age, 24 years. Enlisted, August 19, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. D, August 21, 1861; transferred to Oo. I, no date; killed in action, February 20, 1864, at Olustee, Fla . ; also borne as Friday.

PRIEST, R U F U S G.—Private, Oo. G, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. D, this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, sick in hospital at Raleigh, N. 0., at muster-out of company.

PRINCE, BENJAMIN.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 23, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. G, August 26,1861; died of putrid sore throat, Decem­ber 11, 1862, at Fort Pulaski, Ga.

PRINGLE, WILLIAM.—Age, — years. Enlisted at Watertown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. A , Janu­ary 19, 1865; deserted, March 20,1865, near Little Washington, N . C.

P R U N E E T , WILLIAM.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, August 8, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. D, August 21,1861; no further record.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1105

P U D A A R T , FREDERICK.—Age , 25 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and. mustered in as private, Co. F, June 12,1862; killed in action, February 20,1861, at Olustee, Fla.

P U G S L E Y , JARVIS.—Age, 33 years. Enlisted, August 25, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as sergeant, Co. F , August 31, 1861; returned to ranks, no date; discharged, September 20, 1861.

P U G S L E Y , J O H N G.—Age, 35 years. Enlisted, September 11, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Go. F , September 16, 1861; wounded in action, May 16, 1864, at Drewry's Bluff, Ya. ; discharged, September 20, 1861.

PULLIS, THOMAS J.—Age, 28 years. Enlisted, August 6, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K, August 16, 1861; deserted, November 10, 1863; also borne as Thomas Pullis.

P U R C E L L , JOHN.—Age, 27 years . Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, Febru­ary 14, 1865; mustered out, June 10, 1865, at New Berne, N. C.

P U R C E L L , THOMAS.—Age, — years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, Septem­ber 1,1863; discharged, July 8,1865.

P U R D Y , ANDREW.—Private, Co. E , Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. D, this regiment, January 30,1864; discharged, April 25, 1865; also borne as Andrew C. Purdy.

P U R D Y , C H A R L E S N.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and' mustered in as private, Co. F , December 21, 1863; promoted corporal, March 1, 1865; deserted on expiration of furlough, July 1, 1865.

OJJACKENBOSS, EDWARD.—Private, Co. I, One Hundred and 'Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co, G, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.


HOG R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

Q U E A L , RICHARD.—Age, IS years. Enlisted, August 22, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, CO. G, August 26, 1861; transferred to Co. B, no date; promoted corporal, no date; discharged,September 20, 1861.

QUINLAN, TIMOTHY J—Age, 25 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , August 27, 1861; transferred to Co. A, no date; pro­moted corporal, April 13, 1861; wounded in action, no date or place; discharged for his wounds, December 28, 1864, as Tim­othy Quinlan."

QUINN, DANIEL.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Goshen, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , January 10, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

QUINN, PATRICK.—Age, 26 years. Enlisted at-New York city, to serve three 3'ears, and mustered in as private, Co. A , March 7, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

R A D L E Y , SEYMOUR.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Gleina, to .-serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co, A, February

17, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

R A G N E R , J A M E S H.—Age, IS years. Enlisted, August 19, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A , August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. B, no date; re-en­listed as a veteran, December 22, 1863; appointed musician, no date; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N C , as Rayner; also borne as Raynor.

R A H N , FRANK.—Private, Co. H , One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. B, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. a

R A I N E , WATSON.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, September 1, 1861, at New York city, to serve1 three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, September 6, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, February 29, 1864; deserted, August 4, 1865, from; De Lamater Hospital, at Norfolk, Ya.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1107

R A L S T O N E , EDWARD.—Age, 27 years. Enlisted, August 19, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Go. G, August 26, 1861; transferred to Co. K, no date; re-en­listed as a veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted sergeant, no date; absent, sick in hospital, at muster-out of company.

R A T H B O N E , JOHN.—Private, Co. K, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. E , this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, sick, at muster-out of company.

R A Y M E R , JOHN.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 18, 1861, at Keysport, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. D, August 21, 1861; no further record.

RAYMOND, BRADFORD.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Tarry­town, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. K, September 27, 1861; promoted corporal, no date; mustered out, ^September 27, 1865, at New York city.

RAYMOND, G E O R G E W\—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 8, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K, August 16,1861; transferred to Co. C, no date; appointed musician, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as George H. Raymond.

R A Y N E R , JOSIAH B.—Enlisted, August 7, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E, August 16, 1861; wounded in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; discharged for disability, December 11, 1863.

RAYNOLDS, G E O R G E F.—Private, Co. C, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. 0, June 9, 1865; mus­tered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Reynolds.

RAYNOR, JAMBS K., see James H. Ragner.

RAYNOR, J O S E P H B.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 9, 1861, at Paterson, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K, August 16, 1861; no further record.

R E A D , FRANK.—Private, Co. D, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. I, this regiment, June 9, 1S65; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

1108 REPORT OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

R E A M E R , JOHN.—Age, date, place of enlistment and muster in as private, Co. H, not stated; deserted, September 2, 1861, at Gamp Wyman, N. Y .

REIBER, EMILE.—Private, Co. H, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. H, this regiment, January 30,1864; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

R E D M A N , E N O C H J.—Age, 21 years. Enrolled, August 2, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. D, August 21, 1861; transferred to Oo. I, no date; re-en­listed as a veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted first sergeant, no date; mustered in as first lieutenant, Oo. F , January 6, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C ; commissioned first lieutenant, March 30, 1865, with rank from January 6., 1865, vice J . W. Williams, mustered out.

REDMOND, NATHANIEL.—Private, Co. D, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. I, this regiment, June 9, 1865; promoted corporal, no date; sergeant, August 17, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. O.

R E E D , C H A R L E S W.—-Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Camp Wyman, N.Y., to serve three years, and mustered in as sergeant, Co. G, August 26, 1861; returned to ranks, February 2, 1863; discharged, September 16, 1861, near Petersburg, Ya.

R E E D , GEORGE.—Age, 41 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , Janu­ary 4, 1864; wounded in action, May 16, 1864, at Drewry's Bluff, Va . ; absent, wounded, in. hospital, a t muster-out of company.

R E E D , G E O R G E H., see George H . Reid.

R E E D , JAMES.—Private, Co. A, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. K, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N, C.

R E E D , NATHANIEL.—Private, Oo. B, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. H, this, regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, sick, in hospital, at muster-out of company.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1109

R E E S E , SAMUEL*.—Private, Co. I, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. G, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with companv, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

R E I C K E , BERNARD.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, 'September. 9, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, September 10, 1861; transferredi to Co. I, no> date; dis­charged, expiration of term of service; also borne as Bernard N. Reicke.

REID, G E O R G E H.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, September 10, 1861; transferred to Co. D, no date; discharged, September 22, 1864, as Reed.

R E I F F , MICHAEL, see Michael Rieff.

R E I G A L , ADAM.—Age, 56 years. Enlisted at Raleigh, N. G , to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, June 12, 1865; mustered out with company, 'September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

REIGNOLDS, C H A R L E S , see Charles Reynolds.

R E I L L Y , C H A R L E S , see Charles Rielly.

R E L L , GEORGE.—Age, 41 years. Enlisted, November 30, 1863, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in asi private, Co. B, December 22, 1863; promoted corporal, March 1, 1865-; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Rill.

REMMER, AUGUST.—Private, Co. I, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. K, this regiment, January 30, 1864; wounded, no date or place; no further record subsequent to June 30, 1865.

R E M S E N , T R E A D W E L L W.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 20, 1861, at Valley Stream, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A , August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. H, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted corporal, June 6,1364; captured inaction, August 16,1864, at Strawberry Plains, Va. ; paroled, no date or place; mustered out, June 13, 1865, at Annapolis, Md.

1110 REPORT OP T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

R E N S H A W , J O H N , see John Henshaw.

RENTZ, CHRISTIAN.—Private, Co. F , Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. P, this regiment, January 30, 1861; discharged for disability, June 13, 1861.

R E O P L E , CHARLES.—Private, Co. D, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. I, this regiment, June 9, 1866; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. G , as Reopel.

R E V ILL, WILLIAM.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted, August 8, 1861, at Paterson, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered an as pri­vate, Co. K, August 16, 1861; discharged, September' 16, 1864; also borne as Revil and Reville.

R E Y N O L D , CHARLES.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Go. B, October 23, 1863; died of disease, July 2, 1864, at Fort Pulaski, Ga.; also' borne as Reignolds.

REYNOLDS, OSCAR.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , December 24, 1863; discharged for disability, May 10, 1865; see Fourth Artillery.

RHINES, JAMES.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, January 19, 1865; deserted, March 3, 1865, at Wilmington, N. O., as Ryan,

RIGOl, LOUIS.—Age, 33 years. Enlisted! at Auburn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. I, February 23, 1865; deserted, July 11, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

RICHARDS, GEORGE.—Private, Co. K, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. E , this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

RICHARDSON, WILLIAM S.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted^ August 9, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as pri-

. vate, Co. K, August 16, 1861; transferred to. Oo. 0, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, January 20, 1864; wounded in action, June 30, 1864, near Petersburg, Va . ; promoted sergeant, no date; deserted on expiration of furlough, June 30, 1864, from Judiciary Square Hospital, Washington, D. C ; also borne as William L. Richardson.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1111

RICHMOND, GEORGE.—Age, 17 years. Enlisted, August 13, 1861, at Trenton, N. J . , to serve three year®; mustered in as private, Go. H, August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. D, no date; appointed musician and returned to company as private, no

• dates; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; killed in action, July 1,1864, at Petersburg, Va., as George W. Richman.

RICHTER, JOHANN.—Private, Co. G, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. G, this regiment, January 30, 1864; re-enlisted as a veteran, March 31, 1864; deserted on expiration of furlough, May 25, 1864, as John Richter.

RICKER, G E O R G E B.—Private, Co. I, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. G, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Ral­eigh,' N. C.

RICKERT, ROBERT.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Albany, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F, February 10, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

RIDER, J A M E S A.—Age, 36 years. Enlisted at Malone, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Go. K, July 20, 1863; promoted corporal, no date; mustered out, June 16,1865, from hospital, Wilmington, N. C.

R I E C K E , B E R N A R D , see Bernard Reicke.

R I E F F , MICHAEL.—Age, 13 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, January 18, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Reiff.

RIELY, JO ( HN—Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. F, September 24, 1861; mustered out, June 27, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

R I E L L Y , CHARLES.—Private, Co. G, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. D, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Ral­eigh, N. G , as Reilly.

1112 REPORT OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

R I E N W A L D , ADAM.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, Septem­ber 1,1863; wounded and captured in action, February 20,1861, at Olustee, Fla. ; paroled, February 27,1861, near Wilmington, N. O ; mustered out, June 12, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.


R I K E M A N , MORTIMER.—Age, 38 years. . Enlisted, August 28, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F , August 31, 1861; transferred to Co. A , no date; re-en­listed as a veteran, December 22,1863; mustered out with com­pany, September 1,1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

R I L E Y , FRANCIS.—Age, 27 years. Enlisted, August 17, 1861, at Crugers, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A , August 21, 1861; no further record subsequent to April 30, 1864.

R I L E Y , GEORGE.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, September 10, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, January 20, 1864; deserted on expiration of furlough, March 18,1864, at New York city.

R I L E Y , JOHN.—Age, 13 years. Enlisted at Fort Pulaski, Ga., to serve three years, and mustered in as musician, Co. C, Janu­ary 31, 1863; mustered out with company, 'September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. G.

R I L E Y , L U K E M.—Age, 32 years. Enlisted, September 8, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. C, September 10, 1861; transferred to Co. B, no date; dis­charged, September 20, 1864.

R I L E Y , PATRICK.—Age, 24 years. Enlisted, August 19, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. D, August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. B, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, January 20,1861; promoted corporal and returned to ranks, no dates; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C,

RILL, G E O R G E , see George Rell.

RING, SIMON D. M. P.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F, November 2,1863; promoted corporal, March 1,1865; sergeant, no date; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1113

RINGSDOLPH, JOHN.—Age, 35 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K , January 20, 1864; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

RIORDON, J O H N F.—Age, 26 years. Enlisted, August 9, 18.61, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, August 16,1861; promoted sergeant, no date; discharged at expiration, of term of service; also borne as Riordan.

RISDEN, L E Y I B.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, July 29, 1861, at Trenton, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H, August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. B, no date; pro­moted corporal, February 1, 1863; returned to ranks, Septem­ber 10, 1863; promoted corporal, no date; wounded in action, June 1,1864, at Cold Harbor, Va . ; returned to ranks, no date; discharged, September 20, 1864; also borne as Risdon.

ROAOH, JOHN.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Auburn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, February 21, 1865; promoted sergeant, no date; deserted, August 4, 1865, from camp, at Raleigh, N. 0.

BOBBINS, LEMUEL.—Age , 18 years. Enlisted, August 1,1861, at Freehold, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H, August 16,1861; transferred to Co. F, no date; wounded and captured in action and paroled, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; died of his wounds, August 3,1863, at McDou-gall Hospital, Fort Schuyler, N. Y.

ROBERSON, JOHN, see John W. Robinson.

ROBERICHT, CARL.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1861, at Fort Hamilton, N. Y., to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B, August 27, 1861; wounded in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. 0.; captured and paroled, no date and place; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, no date.

ROBERTS, JOHN.—Private, Co. E , One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. A , this regiment, June 9,. 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Ral­eigh, N. C.

ROBERTS, JOHN.—Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, August 31, 1863; wounded, no date or place; died of his wounds, March 3,1861.

1114 " REPORT O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

ROBERTS, ROBERT.—Age, 35 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Go. B, February 21, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

ROBERTSON, GEORGE.—Private, Go. H, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Go. B, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. O,

ROBINSON, H E N R Y W — Age, 25 years. Enrolled, July 25, 1861, at Brooklyn, to .serve three years; mustered in as second lieutenant, Co. A, August 21, 1861; as first lieutenant, Co. B, December 23, 1862; dismissed, May 7, 1864. Commissioned second lieutenant, December 14, 1861, with rank from' August 21, 1861, original; first lieutenant, November 17,1862, with rank from August 29,1862, vice Nero Elfwing, promoted.

ROBINSON, JOHN.—Age, 39 years. Enlisted, August 27, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F , August 31, 1861; no further record.

ROBINSON, J O H N W.—Age, 32 yeans. Enlisted at Galeville, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Go. K, September 13, 1861; promoted corporal, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted sergeant, no date; discharged, November 3, 1864, for promotion; also borne as John Rober-son.

ROBINSON, JOSEPH.—Age, 30 years. Enlisted, September 2, 1861, at Chester, N, J . , to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. B, September 5, 1861; no further record.

ROCHE, JAMBS.—Age, date, place of enlistment and muster-in as private, Co. I, this regiment, not stated; missing in action, August 16, 1864, at Strawberry Plains, Ya.

ROCHE, MARIUS.—Private, Co. H, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. I, this regiment, January 30, 1864; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

RODE, WILLIAM.—Age, 28 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co, H, August 16, 1861; no further record.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1115

BODGERS, THOMAS.—Enlisted at Albany, to serve two years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, January 5, 1865; discharged, August 4, 1865.

ROE, THOMAS H.—Age, 17 years. Enlisted, August 15, 1861, at. Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as musician, Co. D, August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. A, no date; discharged, September 22, 1864.

ROESER, LOUIS.—Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B>, April 11, 1862; cap­tured in action, February 20, 1864, at Olustee, Fla . ; died, May 30, 1864, at Andersonville, Ga.; also borne as Roser.

ROGABER, MAXIMILLAN.—Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I, February 14, 1865; mustered out, July 26, 1865, at New York city, as Max Rug-gaber.

ROGAN, PATRICK.—Age, 33 years. Enlisted at Canandaigua, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, February

.24,1865; mustered out, July 19,1865, from: McDougall Hospital, New York Harbor.

ROGERS, C H A R L E S B.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Starkey, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, February 28, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

ROGERS, JOHN.—Private, Co. B, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. H, this regiment, July 9, 1865; absent, sick, in hospital, at muster-out of company.

ROGERS, JOHN.—Private, Co. D, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. I, this regiment, June 9, 1865; promoted corporal, July 22,1865; mustered out with com­pany, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

ROGERS, J O H N F.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 12, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, August 26, 1861; transferred to Co. I, no date; killed in action, June 1, 1861, at Cold Harbor, Va.

ROGERS, PATRICK.—Age, 26 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H, October 20, 1863; mustered out, May 23, 1865, at New York city.

1116 E E POET OP T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

ROGERS, PATRICK.—Age, 31 yeans. Enlisted, August 31, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered! in as private, Co. G, September 1, 1861; no further record subsequent to October 15, 1861.

R O G r E R S , PATRICK.—Age, 33 years. Enlisted, September 3, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, September 10, 1861; discharged, September 20, 1861.

ROGERS, 'SAMUEL—Age, 25 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, September 23, 1863; promoted.corporal, February 10, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

ROGERS, WILLIAM.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H, October 20, 1863; deserted, April 21, 1861, from camp at Glouster Point, Va.

R O L L E Y , ALLEN.—Private, Co. A, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. K, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

ROLLO, GEORGE.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Perrysburgh, to •serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, January 30, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

ROLLO, MARTIN.—Age, 38 years. Enlisted, December 19,1863, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; not mustered as private, unassigned; no further record.

, RONK, JOHN.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, September 2, 1861, at Chester, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B, September 5, 1861; transferred to Oo. D, no' date; wounded in action, July 10, 1863, at Morris Island, S. O ; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, January 27, 1861; mus­tered out, September 1, 1861.

RpOT, ROBERT.—Age, 18 years. Enrolled, August 21, 1861, at Olaverack, to. serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, August 26, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 18,63; promoted sergeant, no date; mustered in as second lieu­tenant, April 6, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C ; also borne as Robert B. Root. Com­missioned second lieutenant, May 17, 1865, with rank from, April 6, 1865, vice J . L . Michaels, promoted.


RORLINO, ROBERT.—Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. I, February 23, 1865; deserted while en route to regiment in 1865.

RORSCH, KARL.—Age, 28 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. O, January 18, 1865; deserted, March 29, 1865, while on march near Wil­mington, N. C.

ROSA, CHARLES.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted at Auburn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. I, February 23, 1865; deserted, June 16, 1865, from Raleigh, N. C.

ROSA, MOSES.—Private, Co. K, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Oo. E , this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with companv, September 1,'1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

ROSCH, CHARLES.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Auburn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, February 21,'1861; mustered out, August 30, 1865, at Raleigh, N. O ; also borne as Rosche.

ROSE, A L E X A N D E R M.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted, August 22, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as ser­geant, Co. F , August 31, 1861; returned to ranks, no date; transferred to Co. G, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, Decem­ber 22, 1863; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Abram M. Rose.

ROSE, JOHN L.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, August 21, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as sergeant, Co. F , August 31, 1861; returned to ranks, no date; transferred to Oo. G, no date; discharged for disability, October 18, 1861, at Annapolis, Md.; subsequent service in Co. F , Sixth Artillery.

ROSE, LUKE.—Age , 38 years. Enlisted at Galeville, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, September 13, 1861; killed in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C.

JROSEBUSH, W I L L I A M A.—Age, 27 years. Enlisted at Schenectady, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. I, January 17, 1865; mustered out with company, Septem­ber 1,1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.

HIS R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

R O S E N T H A L E , LEVI.—Private, Go. I, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. G, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

ROSS, EDWARD.—Private, Co. C, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. C, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

ROSS, WILLIAM.—Age, 26 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, Febru­ary 22; 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

ROST, BENJAMIN.—Age, 37 years. Enlisted in Eighteenth Con­gressional District, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, February 15, 1865; promoted corporal, April 1, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

ROTA, LUDWIG.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. H , January 18, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

ROTH, WILLIAM.—Age, 31 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , August 16, 1861; wounded in action, July 10, 1863, at Morris Island, S. C ; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; wounded in action, June 5, 1861, at Gold Horbor, Va . ; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. G ; also borne as Windlin Roth.

• R O W E L L , HORACE.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , Septem­ber 2, 1863; deserted, April 9, 1861, at Gloucester Point, Va.

ROWNTON, ALFRED.—Age , 20 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, Septem­ber 28, 1861; absent in confinement at muster-out of company.

R O Y C E , EUGENE.—Private, Co. G, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. D, this regiment, June 9,

- 1S65; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

F O R T Y - E l CfH'TH INF A XTR Y. 1119

ROYS, C. H.—First lieutenant and adjutant, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. C, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out to date September 1,1865. Commissioned first lieutenant in One Hundred and Seventeenth New York Infantry.

RUBRIOHT, CARL.—Age, 42 years. Enlisted, August 15, 1861, at Camp Wyraan, N. Y., to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F, August 31 1861; no further record.

R U D H A R T , FREDERICK.—Private, Co. F, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. F, this regiment, January 30, 1864; no further record.

R U G G A B E R , MAX, see Maximilian Rogaber.

R i U M S E Y , DUBOIS B.—Age, 20 years. Enrolled at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , Septem­ber 13, 1861; promoted corporal, October 28, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, January 20,1861; promoted first sergeant, no date; mustered in as second lieutenant, Co. A, March 24, 1865; mus­tered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Dubois Rumsey. Commissioned second lieutenant, March 30, 1865, with rank from January 1, 1865, vice G. R. Doughty, mus­tered out; first lieutenant, not mustered, May 17, 1865, with rank from April 16, 1865, vice T. Dawson, promoted.

R U S S E L L , JOSEPH.—Age, 27 years. Enlisted, August 7, 1861, at Troy, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K, August 16, 1861; transferred to Oo. F , no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, January 20, 1861; mustered out with company, Sep­tember 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

R Y A N , J A M E S , see James Rhines.

R Y A N , JOHN.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 27, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. .B, September 5, 1861; transferred to Signal Corps, Novem­ber 3, 1863.

R Y A N , J O H N (No. 1).—Age, 24 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , August 19, 1862; wounded in action, July 30. 1861, at Petersburg. Y a . ; no record subsequent to June 30, 1865.

1120 R E P O R T OP T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

R Y A N , J O H N (No. 2).—Age, 33 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn,, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. F, Novem­ber 24, 1863; wounded in action, May 7, 1864, at Chester Hill,. V a . ; discharged lor disability, August 10, 1865.

R Y A N , MARTIN.—Age, 33 years. Enlisted, September 3, 1861,. at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co.. B, September 5, 1861; no further record.

R Y A N , MICHAEL.—Age, 24 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, January 20, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.

R Y A N , PETER.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 18, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F , August 31, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, February 29, 1864;. promoted corporal, no date; deserted on expiration of furlough,, April 22, 1864.

R Y A N , TOBIAS.—Age, 34 years. Enlisted, September 8, 1861,. at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, September 10, 1861; wounded and captured in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; paroled, no date; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, January 26, 1864.

R Y A N , WILLIAM.—Private, Co. K, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. E, this regiment, June 9,. 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

R Y C H N E L , AUGUST.—Private, Co. E , One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. A, this regiment, June 9,. 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Rychner.

SAINSBURY, JAMES,—Age, 19 years; Enlisted at Albany, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. F , October 19, 1863; promoted corporal, June 20, 1865; discharged, July 22, 1865.

S A L A T E N , ALEXANDE'R.—Private, Co. F, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. G, this regiment, January 30, 1864; no further record.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1121

S A L E , JOHN W.—Age, 29 years, Enlisted, September 9, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as corporal, Co. 0, September 10, 1.861; transferred to Co. G and returned to ranks, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

SAMMIS, FRANCIS E.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 6, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private. Oo. K, August 16, 1861; died of disease, December 31,1861.

SAMMIS, GILBERT S —Age, 25 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Go>. K, August 28, 1862; wounded in action, no date, at Cold Harbor, Y a . ; died of his wounds, June 4, 1864.

SANDERS, ANDREW.—Age, 39 years. Enlisted at Volney, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. B, February 21, 1865; deserted, August 8, 1865, at Raleigh, N. O.

SAUER, GEORGE.—Private, Co. H, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. A, this regiment, January 30, 1864; wounded in action, May 16, 1864, at Drewry's Bluff, Ya . ; mus­tered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

SAUNDERS, JOHANN.—Age, 31 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. C, March 25, 1862; missing in action, August 16, 1864, at Deep Bottom, Va.

SAYERS, BENJAMIN.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , August 27,1861; transferred to Co. G, no date; killed accidentally, Feb­ruary 12,-1862, at Dawfuskie Island, S. C.

S A Y E R S , J O H N B.—Age, 28 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F , August 31, 1861; transferred to Co. G, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; wounded in action, May 7, 1864, at Chester Hill , Va. ; mustered out with company, Sep­tember 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.


1122 R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

S A Y E R S , N E W T O N B.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted'at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as corporal, Co. E , August 27, 1861; transferred to Go. G and returned to ranks, no dates; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22,1863; wounded in action, May 7, 1864, at Chester Hill , Va , ; absent, wounded, at muster-out of company.

SCANLON, JOHN.—Age, 35 years. Enlisted1, July 20, 1861, at Williamsburg, to serve three years.; mustered in as private, Co. H , August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. A, no date; died of chronic diarrhoea, November 23, 1863, at Beaufort, S, C.

S C A N P L A N K , JOHN.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H, January

, 18, 1865; deserted, June 27,1865, from camp at Raleigh, N. C ; also borne as Seanlon.

S C H A A F , HENRY.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted, July 23, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, August 16, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted corporal, January 1, 1865; returned to ranks, March 13, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N . G.

S C H A A N K E , CONRAD.—Private, Co. B, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. A, this regiment, January 30, 1864; discharged, April 24, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C ; also borne as Schrank.

S C H A F F , GEORGE.—Age, 44 years. Enlisted, August 24,1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, August 26,1861; no further record.

S C H A F F E R , JACOB.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. C, September 24,1864; mustered out, June 27,1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

S C H A F F E R , JACOB.—Age, 35 years. Enlisted at Beeding, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , February 24,1865; mustered out, June 2,1865, at New Berne, N. C.

SCBLAPZEL, FREDERICK.—Private, Co. K, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. E , this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H I N F A N T R Y . 1123

S C H E L L I N G , A N T H O N Y . — A g e , 38 years. En l i s t ed , August 8, 1861, at Hudson, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. I , August 16, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; absent, sick i n hospital , at muster-out of company; also borne as Scheeling.

S C H E N K E R , C H E R O T E . — P r i v a t e , Co. F , Independent Corps, L i g h t In fantry ; transferred to Co. F , this regiment, January 30, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, February 29,1861; deserted, on expiration of furlough, A p r i l 22,1861; also borne as Gerald Schenke and Gerome Schulker.

S C H I E L A S , J O H N , see J o h n Shields.

S C H I E L D E R , J O H N F . — A g e , 21 years. Enl is ted , August 1, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. H , August 26,1861; transferred to Co. F , no date ; captured i n action, M a y 7,1861, at Chester H i l l , Y a . ; died, J u l y 18, 1861, i n L i b b y prison, at Richmond, V a . ; also borne as Schulater and Schlieter.

S O H M I D , T H O M A S J . — P r i v a t e , Co. E , independent Corps ,Light In fantry ; transferred to Co. D , this regiment, January f30, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, February 29, 1861; deserted on expirat ion of furlough, May 30,1861; also borne as John Smi th .

S C H M I D T , E D W A R D . — A g e , 19 years. Enl is ted at Brook lyn , to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B , Janu­ary 20,1865; discharged, June 27,1865; also borne as Smith .

S C H M I D T , J O H N . — A g e , 30 years. Enl isted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. E , February 9, 1861; deserted, Augus t 17,1865, at Raleigh, N . C.

S C H M I D T , J O H N . — A g e , 19 years. Enl i s ted at Brooklyn , to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Oo. I, January 20, 1865; mustered out w i t h company, September 1, 1865, at Rale igh, N . C.

S C H M I D T , P H I L I P OTTO, see Phi l ipoteau Shmidt.

S C H N A T Z , N I C H O L A S . — A g e , 13 years. Enl i s ted , August 1, 1861, at Brook lyn , to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. F , August 16, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, January 20, 1861; wounded i n action, May 7, 1861, at Chester H i l l , V a . ; and January 15, 1865, at F o r t Fisher , N . C ; discharged for d isabi l ­i ty , August 11, 1865; also borne as Snatz.

1124 REPORT OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

SCHNEIDER, ANTON.—Private, Co. E , One Hundred and Sev­enteenth Infantry; transferred to Co. A , this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. O.

SCHNEIDER, LOUIS.—Age, 30 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. D, January 23, 1865; promoted corporal, June 16,1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

SCHNEIDER, LUDWIG.—Age, 28 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, Janu­ary 19,1865; died, August 8,1865, in Post Hospital, at Raleigh, N. C.

SCHNEIDER, PETER.—Age, 28 years. Enlisted at Poughkeep-sie, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, January 16, 1865; deserted, June 7, 1865, from hospital, at New York city.

S C H R A N K , CONRAD, see Conrad Schaanke.

SOHRIEBER, TRONGONT.—Private, Co. I, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. K, this regiment, January 30, 1864; mustered out, June 3, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C ; also borne as Tungot Schrieber.

SCHUOHART, CARL.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , Janu­ary 17, 1865; deserted, July 26, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C ; also borne as Schughart.

S O H U L A T E R , J O H N F. , see John F. Schielder.

S O H U L K E R , G E R O M E , see Cherote Schenker.

SCHULTZ, ERNST.—Age, 30 years. Enlisted at Poughkeepsie, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. D, January 20, 1865; mustered out with company, 'September 1, 1S65, at Raleigh, N. C , as Schultzr.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1125

SCHULTZ, H A R M A N 0.—Age, 20 years. Enrolled, August 5, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. C, no date; promoted sergeant, no date; mustered in as second lieutenant, Co, A , November 9, 1863; as first lieutenant, Co. G, April 20, 1861; mustered out, November 10, 1864, in the field, Ya. Commis^ sioned second lieutenant, August 28, 1863, -with rank from August 12, 1863, vice 0. E . Fox, deceased; first lieutenant, May 18, 1864, with rank from April 19, 1861, vice V . R. K Hillard, promoted.

SOHULTZ, THEOPHELE.—Private , Co. F , Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. F , this regiment, January 30, 1864; killed in action, February 20, 1864, at Olustee, Fla . ; also borne as Pheoplis Schults.

SCHWARD, EMILE.—Private, Co. I, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co, K, this regiment, January 30,1864; wounded in action, August 16, 1861, at Strawberry Plains, Ya . ; mustered out, June 12, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

SCOTT, CHARLES.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, September 9,1861, at Jamesbuirgh, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. 0, September 10, 1861; transferred to Co. G, no date, and to Oo. B, October 15,1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22,1863; wrounded in action, May 16, 1864, at Drewry's Bluff, Ya., and August 14, 1864, at Strawberry Plains, Y a . ; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

SCOTT, WILLIAM H.—Age, 33 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A, December 10, 1863; promoted corporal, no date; mustered out with com­pany, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

SCRIBINER, BENJAMIN.—Private, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. E , this regiment, June 9, 1865; no further record.

SCRIBNER, GEORGE.—Age, — years. Enlisted at Palermo, to serve three years, and mustered in asi private, Oo. K, February 14, 1865; deserted, July 24, 1865.

1126 R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

SCRIBNER, W I L L I A M H.—Age, 19 years-. Enlisted, August 18, 1861, at Wilton, Conn., to serve three years; mustered in as private, Go. A, August 21, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, Decem­ber 22,1863; mustered out with company, September 1,1865, at Raleigh, N . O.

SCUDDER, THEODORE.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 24, 1861, at Camp Wyman, N. Y., to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. G, August 26, 1861; transferred to Oo. D, no date; discharged for disability, no date.

SCUDDER, W I L L I A M S.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 1, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as corporal, Co. K, August 16, 1861; captured in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; returned to ranks, no date; died of disease, March 12, 1864.

S C U L L Y , PATRICK.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, September 13, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, September 11, 1861; no furl her record.

S E A M A N , W A R R E N H.—Age, 27 years. Enlisted, September 5,1861, at Millport, to serve three years; mustered in as private, band, October 26, 1861; supposed to have been discharged in 1862.

SEARS, B E N J A M I N F.—Private, Co. G, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. D, this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, sick, in hospital at muster-out of company.

SEARS, H E N R Y H.—Age, 23 years. Enrolled, August 19, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three yearsi; mustered in as sergeant, Go. E , August 21, 1861; promoted first sergeant, no date; re-en­listed as a veteran, December 22, 1863; as second lieutenant, Co. H, August 28, 1863; as first lieutenant, Co. B, March 20,1864; killed, August 16,1861. Commissioned! second lieutenant, February 6, 1864, with rank from August 28, 1863, vice H . Acker promoted; first lieutenant, June 23, 1864, with rank from March 19,1864, vice H . W. Robinson, dismissed.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1127

S E A W A R D , BENJAMIN.---Age, 23 years. Enrolled, October 13., 1862, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. K, November 1, 1862; promoted corporal, no date; wounded in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; promoted ser­geant, November 1, 1863; sergeant-major, June 23, 1864; mus­tered in as second lieutenant, Co. 11, July 10, 1864; wounded in action, August 16,1864, at Strawberry Plains, Va. ; mustered in as first lieutenant, October 17, 1.804; adjutant, October 19,1864; mustered out with regiment, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0. Commissioned second lieutenant, June 23,1864, with rank from May 26, 1864, vice Z. Paddock, promoted; first lieutenant, September 16, 1864, with rank from August 14, 1864, vice A. Lacoppidan, promoted; adjutant, November 30, 1861, with rank from October 19, 1864, vice C. Hale, discharged.

S E E , G E O R G E A.—Age, 24 years. Enlisted, August 5, 1861, at Bridgeport, Conn., to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, August 16,1861; transferred to Co G, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; wounded in action, June 2, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va. ; promoted corporal, no date; ser­geant, April 29, 1865; returned to ranks, no date; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

SEIFART, MATTHIAS,-—Private, Co. G, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. D, thisi regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

SETRING, ALVIS,—Age, 27 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to * serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, January 16, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. O ; also borne as Alvois Seiring.

SEITER, WILLIAM.—Age, 38 years. Enlisted at Kingston, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I, September 23, 1864; mustered out, June 27, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

S E L V E G E , J O H N W.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted, September 13, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I,.September 14, 1861; transferred to Co. B, no date; pro­moted sergeant, no date; discharged, September 10, 1863, for promotion to second lieutenant, First South Carolina Volun­teers; also borne as Selvage.

1128 R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

SENIOR, GEORGE.—Age, IS .years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mastered in as private, Co. F , Febru­ary 22, 1861; wounded in action, August 16, 1861, at Straw­berry Plains, V a . ; deserted, June 6, 1865, from hospital at David's Island, New York Harbor.

SEROSKY, WILLIAM.—Age, 31 years. Enlisted, August 13,' 1861, at Keysport, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. I, August 16, 1861; no further record.

S E T H E N , ZIBA, see Ziba Sithen,

S E T R E , LOUIS.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Go. C, January 21,1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C ; also borne as Louie Setre.

S E V E R , R A N D O L P H , see Rudolph Swer.

SEYMOUR, T H E O D O R E S.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, at Uphrata, to serve three years, and mustered in as private Co. A , August 8, 1864; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. G.

S H A P E R , J O H N G.—Age, 28 years. Enlisted at Poughkeepsie, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. D, Septem­ber 22, 1864; discharged, June 27, 1865, at Raleigh, N. O.

S H A F T , W I L L I A M E.—Private, Co. F , One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. F , this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, wounded, at muster-out of company.

S H A N L E Y , DANIEL.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to •serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , August 28, 1862; wounded in action, May 16, 1861, at Drewry's Bluff, V a . ; discharged for disability, January 5, 1861; also borne as Shanly and Shenley.

S H A N L Y , PATRICK.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted," August 13, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Go. G, August 26, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; wounded in action, June 1, 1861, at Gold Harbor, Va . ; discharged for disability, July 20, 1865, from hospital at Phila­delphia, Pa.; also borne as Patrick H. Shanley and as Patrick H . Shanly.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1129

SHANNON, G E O R G E W.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as first sergeant, Oo. E , August 27, 1861; reduced to musician, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted commissary sergeant, April 20, 1863; mustered out with regi­ment, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

SHANNON, PETER.—Age, 32 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. 0, August 26, 1862; mustered out, June 27, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.

SHANTY, NICHOLAS.—Age, 38 years. Enlisted, August 1, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H , August 16, 1861; no further record.

S H A R E R , DANIEL.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, October 20, 1863; deserted, August 1, 1861, from hospital at Willet's Point, N. Y . ; also borne as Shauer.

SHARP, HORATIO.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Kingston, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. D, September 23, 1864; discharged, June 27,1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

SHAW, CHRISTOPHER.—Age, 30 years. Enlisted at Canton, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. C, Febru­ary 18,1865; mustered out, July 31, 1865, from McDougal Hos­pital, at New York Harbor.

SHAW, LARRY.—Age, 30 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. A , December 3, 1863; deserted, July 31, 1864.

SHAY, EVERETT.—Private, Co. K, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. E , this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

SHEA, JOHN.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Schenectady, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, January 13, 1865; deserted, March 11, 1865, near Wilmington, N. 0.

SHEARD, THOMAS.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Goshen, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , October 8,1863; missing in action, May 16,1864, at Drewry's Bluff, Va .

1130 R E P O R T OP T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

S H E E H A N , J A M E S J.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E, March 12, 1862; discharged at expiration of term of service.

S H E E H A N , JOHN.—Age, — years. Enlisted at Kingston, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. H, September 23,1861; mustered out, June 27, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

S H E E H A N , PATRICK.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, August 26, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; wounded in action, August 16, 1861, at Strawberry Plains, Va. ; pro­moted corporal, September 16, 1861; discharged for disability, June 13, 1865, from White Hall Hospital, Pa.; also borne as Patrick H. Sheehan.

S H E E H A N , PATRICK.—Age, — years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, August 21, 1863; deserted, March 1, 1864.

SHEILDS, JAMES.—Private, Co. I, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. G, this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, sick, at muster-out of company.

S H E N L E Y , DANIEL, see Daniel Shanley.

SHERIDAN, EDWARD.—Age, 28 years. Enlisted, August 29, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F , August 31, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, Janu­ary 20, 1864; promoted sergeant, no date; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. G.

S H E R M A N , BENJAMIN.—Private, Co. K, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. E , this regiment, June 9, 1865; promoted corporal, August 21, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.

S H E R M A N , CHARLES.—Private, Co. B, One Hundred and .Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. H, this regiment, June 9,1865; deserted, June 12, 1865.

S H E R M A N , F R E D E R I C A.—Private, Co. A, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. K, this regiment, June 9, 1S65; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1131

SHERWOOD, E D W I N F.—Private, Oo, H , One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. B, this regiment, June 9,1865; discharged, May 5, 1865.

SHIELDS, JOHN.—Private, Co. F, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. F, this regiment, January 30, 1861; deserted on expiration of furlough, October 1, 1861; also borne as Schielas.

SHM1DT, PHILIPOTEAN.—Private, Co. D, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Oo. C, this regiment, January 30 1861; discharged, March 25, 1865, at Parson's Station; also borne as, Philip Otto Schmidt.

SHOREY, G E O R G E W.—Private, Co. A, One Hundred and Sev­enteenth Infantry; transferred to Co. K, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

SHORT, CHARLES.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 24,1861, iat Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, August 26, 1861; no further record.

SHORT, CHARLES.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 21,1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as, wagoner, Co, K, September 13, 1861; no further record.

S H O V L A N , DANIEL.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted, January 20, 1865, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in. as private, Co. C, January 21, 1865; mustered out with company, Septem­ber 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Shovlen.

SHULT, PETER.—Age, 26 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , Janu­ary 21, 1862; discharged, March 1, 1865.

S H U T E , H E N R Y C—Age, 15 years. Enlisted, August 18, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in. as private, Oo. G, August-26, 1861; appointed musician, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, March 31, 1861; mustered out with company, Sep­tember 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.

SIBLEY, E D W A R D — A g e , 23 years.' Enlisted, September 2, 1861, at Harrisonsville, N. J. , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. B, September 5, 1861; transferred to Co. D, no date; discharged, September 22,1861, as Edward Sybley.

1132 R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

SICKLER, OH AELES.—Private, Co. B, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Go. H, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C., as Sichler.

SICKLER, P E T E R E.—Age, 35 years. Enrolled at Albany, to serve three years, and mustered in as assistant surgeon, August 15, 1862; transferred to Forty-seventh Infantry, September 10, 1862. Commissioned assistant surgeon, August 18, 1862, with rank from August 9, 1862, additional.

SIDDON, HENRY.—Private, Co. C, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. 0, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

S I G E N T H A L E R , NICHOLAS,—Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Tar­rytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , January 16, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

SILCOCKS, ISAAC—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1861, at Paterson, N. J. , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , August 27, 1861; transfered to Co. B, no date; captured in action, July 18,1863, at Fort Wagner, S. O.; paroled, no date; killed in action, August 16, 1861, at Strawberry Plains, Ya . ; also borne as Silcox.

SILLIMAN, S A M U E L R.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co, E , August 27, 1861; no further record.

SILVERS, J O S E P H H.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, July 27, 1861, at Trenton, N. J., to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. D, August 21,1861; transferred to Co. B, no date; wounded and captured in action and paroled, July 18,1863, at Fort Wag­ner, S. C ; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, no date.

SIMMONDS, S T E R R Y H.—Private, Co. 1, One Hundred and Sev­enteenth Infantry; transferred to Co. G, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. a

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1133

SIMON, JOSEPH.—Private, Go. D, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. D, this regiment, January 30, 1861; discharged at expiration of term of service; also borne as Simons

SIMON, WILLIAM.—Age, 10 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H, October 20, 1863; transferred to Navy, no date.

SIMPSON, WILLIAM.—Private, Co. K, Third Infantry; trans­ferred to Co. C, this regiment, May 22,1865; mustered out, July 15, 1865, from Lovell Hospital, at Portsmouth Grove, R. I.

SIMS, C H A R L E S H.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H, August 20, 1862; mustered out, June 27, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C,

SINGLETON, THOMAS.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co, E , August 27, 1861; promoted corporal, no date; drowned, March 11, 1862, at Pine Island, S. C.

SISOHO, ABELL.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at South Valley, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, February 21, 1865; deserted, August 6, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

SITHEN, ZIBA.—Age, 29 years. Enlisted, August 9, 1861, at Porchtown, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H, August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. D, no date; dis­charged for disability, June 1, 1863, at Fort Pulaski, Ga.; also borne as Zethen.

S K E H A M , J A M E S J.—Private, Co. E, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. E , this regiment, January 30, 1861; discharged at expiration of term of service; also borne as Skein.

SMAIL, GEORGE.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Ellington, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, February 17, 1865; absent, sick in hospital, at muster-out of company.

1134 R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

SMALLING, G E O R G E E.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 27, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F, August 31, 1861; transferred to Oo. E , no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22,1863; wounded and cap­tured in action, August 16, 1864, at Strawberry Plains, Va . ; died at Andersonville, Ga., no date.

SMALLS, C H A R L E S F — A g e , 27 years. Enlisted, September 2, 1861, at Bethtina, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. B, September 5, 1861; transferred to Co. E , no date; promoted corporal, December 4, 1863; killed in action, May 16, 1864, at Drewry's Bluff, Va.

S M E D L E Y , JOHN.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. D, January 10,1865; promoted corporal, August 5,1865; mustered out with company, September 1,1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

SMITH, ANDREW.—Age, 32 years. Enlisted, August 22, 1861, at Peekskill, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, August 26, 1861; transferred to Co. B, no date; re-en­listed as a veteran, February 29, 1864; deserted on expiration of furlough, April 30, 1864.

SMITH, BARNEY.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Albany, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , October 19, 1863; wounded in action, February 22, 1864, at Olustee, Fla . ; discharged for disability, June 9,1865.

SMITH, CHARLES.—Age, 26 years. Enlisted at Poughkeepsie, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. G, Janu­ary 16, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.

SMITH, CHARLES.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Albany, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F, February 18, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.

SMITH, CHARLES.—Age, . 22 years. Enlisted at Auburn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, February 21, 1865; promoted corporal, May 1, 1865; deserted, August 2, 1865, at Raleigh, N. O.

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SMITH, C H A R L E S A.—Private, Co. B, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. H, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Ral­eigh, N. C.

SMITH, C H A R L E S T.—Age, — years. Enlisted at Plattsburg, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, Janu­ary 18,1865; deserted, March 15, 1865, at Wilmington, N. C.

SMITH, CHRISTOPHER.—Age, 26 years. Enlisted, August 13, 1861, at Bridgeport, Conn., to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, September 11, 1861; transferred to Co. E , no date; wounded and captured in action and paroled, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; killed, July 1,1861, before Peters­burg, Ya.

SMITH, D A N I E L B.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 7, 1861, at Galeville, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. K, August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. B, no date;.wounded and captured in action and paroled, July 18, 1863, ,at Fort Wag­ner, S. C ; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, no date; also borne as Smyth.

SMITH, D A N I E L H.—Private, Co, I, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. G, this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, wounded, at muster-out of company.

SMITH, E D W A R D , see Edward Schmidt.

SMITH, EDWARD.—Private, Co. I, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. G, this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, sick in hospital, at Raleigh, N. C , at muster-out of company; died, at Raleigh, N. C , no date.

SMITH, FRANCIS.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Albany, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , August 27, 1863; killed in action, February 20,1861, at Olustee, Fla .

SMITH, G E O R G E L.—Age, 21 years. Enrolled, August 6, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as first ser­geant, Co. K, August 16, 1861; promoted sergeant-major, December 21, 1862; mustered in as second lieutenant, Co. B, January 21,1863; transferred to Co. K, February 28,1863; dis­charged, September 30,1863. Commissioned second lieutenant, January 7, 1863, with rank from December 24, 1862, vice T, C. Vidal, promoted.

1136 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

SMITH, H E N R Y . — A g e , 22 years. Enlisted, September 2, 1861, at Cross Roads, N. J . , to servo three years; mustered in as private, Co. B, September 5, 1861; transferred to Co. D, no date; killed in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C.

SMITH, H E N R Y B.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 13, 1861, at Bridgeport, Conn., to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. F , no date; to Veteran Reserve Corps, July 29, 1864.

SMITH, JAMES.—Age, 24 years. Enlisted at Goshen, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, February 14, 1865; deserted, March 18, 1865, between Cox Bridge and Wi l ­mington, N. C.

SMITH, JAMES.—Age, 28 years. Enlisted at Lockport, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, February 21, 1865; promoted corporal, no date; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

SMITH, JAMES.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, August 16, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A , August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. G and promoted corporal, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted sergeant, no date; captured, no date; died while a prisoner of war, Apri l 29,1865; also borne as James M. Smitln

SMITH, J A M E S M.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 8, 1861, at Paterson, N . J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. K , August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. F , no date; re-en­listed as a veteran, December 22,1863; appointed musician and returned to company, as private, no dates; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N . G.

SMITH, J E S S E G.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E, August 27, 1861; transferred to Co. A , no date; promoted corporal, January 21,1863; returned to ranks, no date; missing in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. G ; also borne as Jesse J . Smith.

. SMITH, J O H N , see John Schmid.

SMITH, JOHN.—Age, 30 years. Enlisted, August 9, 1861, at Galeville, to serve three years; mustered in as corporal, Oo. K , August 16, 1861; promoted sergeant, no date; killed in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. O.

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S M I T H , J O H N . — A g e , 24 years. Enlisted, August 12, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Go. I , August 16, 1861; no further record.

S M I T H , J O H N . — A g e , 19 years. Enl isted, August- 26, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Oo. E , August 27, 1861; transferred to Oo. C, no date; k i l l ed i n action, J u l y 18, 1863, at For t Wagner, S. C ; also borne as John A . Smith .

S M I T H , J O H N . — A g e , 23 years. Enl isted, August 24, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. F , August 31,1861; transferred to Oo. 0, no date; wounded in action, J u l y 18, 1863, at F o r t Wagner, S. C ; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, January 26, 1864.

S M I T H , J O H N L . — A g e , 27 years. Enl is ted at B u s t i , to serve three years, and mustered in as private, C o K , February 21, 1865; mustered out w i th company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N . 0 .

S M I T H , J O H N S.—Age, 25 years. Enl is ted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. E , Septem­ber 2, 1862; captured i n action, M a y 7, 1864, at Chester H i l l , V a . ; died, September 3, 1864, at Andersonville, G a .

S M I T H , J O S I A H . — A g e , 19 years. Enlisted, September 7, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. C, September 10, 1861; transferred to Co. E , no date; re-en­l isted as a veteran, December 22,1863; mustered out w i t h com­pany, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N . C.

S M I T H , P A T R I C K . — A g e , 33 years. Enl i s ted , August 15, 1861, at Camp Wyman , N . Y . , to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. F , August 31, 1861; transferred to Co. A , no date; wounded in action, J u l y 18, 1863, at F o r t Wagner, S. C ; re-en­listed as a veteran, January 20,1864; wounded in action, August 14, 1861, at Strawberry Plains, V a . ; discharged for disabil ity, J u l y 24, 1865.

S M I T H , P E T E R . — A g e , 18 years. Enl is ted , August 27,1862, at Brook lyn , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. E , A u g u s t 28, 1862; captured in action, Ju ly 18, 1863, at F o r t Wagner , S. 0. ; paroled, no date; mustered out, June 27, 1865, at Raleigh, N . 0.


1138 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

SMITH, PETER.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , Decem­ber 22, 1864; mustered out, July 10,1865, at New York city.

SMITH, P E T E R H.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted, August 20, 1861, at Verplank's Point, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. A , August. 21, 1861; no further record.

SMITH, P E T E R W., see Peter W. Smyth.

SMITH, PHILIP.—Age, 24 years. Enlisted at Schenectady, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, February 14, 1865; promoted corporal, April 1, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

SMITH, RICHARD.—Age, 24 years. Enlisted at Albany, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, October 25, 1863; deserted to the enemy, February 12, 1864, at Sander­son, Fla,

SMITH, SAMUEL.-rPrivate, Co. E , Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. D, this regiment, January 30, 1864; discharged, December 25, 1864, at Norfolk, Va., as Sam­uel T. Smith.

SMITH, THOMAS.—Age, — years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, Septem­ber 2, 1863; deserted, June 30,1865, from hospital.

SMITH, 'WALTER S.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , August 27, 1861; transferred to Co. A, no date; captured in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. O ; paroled, no date; .dis­charged, September 16,1864, as Walter J . Smith.

SMITH, WESLEY.—Age , 18 years. Enlisted, September 14, 1861, at Wayfleld Corners, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, September 16,1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

SMITH, WILBUR F.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted, September 8, 1861, at Sharon, Conn., to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. D, September 11, 1861; transferred to Co. B, no date; captured, no date; died, February 29, 1864, at Rich­mond, V a ,

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SMITH, WILLIAM.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted, August 8, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Go. I, August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. G, no date; promoted corporal, April 16,1863; principal musician, May 1,1863; re-en­listed as a veteran, December 22, 1863; killed in action, June 1, 1861, at Cold Harbor, Ya .

SMITH, WILLIAM.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted at Schenectady, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. I, January 12,1865; wounded, March 25,1865; mustered out, July 7, 1865, from hospital at Portsmouth Grove, R. I.

SMITH, W I L L I A M H.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted, August 4, 1861, at Farmingdale, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H , August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. D, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, February 29,1864; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

SMYTH, D A N I E L B., see Daniel B. Smith.

SMYTH, P E T E R W.—Age, 22 years. Enrolled, August 20, 1861, at Peekskill, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. B, August 21, 1861; promoted sergeant, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, January 20, 1864; mustered in as second lieutenant, Co. H, February 10, 1865; as first lieutenant, Co. K, April 19, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C ; also borne as Peter K. Smyth and Smith. Oonir missioned second lieuenant, September 16,1864, with rank from August 14, 1861, vice B. Seaward, promoted; first lieutenant, March 30,1865, with rank from January 1, 1865, vice H . T. Gar-rihan, promoted.

SNATZ, NICHOLAS 1 , see Nicholas Schnatz.

SNIDER, LUKE.—Age , 21 years. Enlisted, August 6, 1861, at Paterson, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. K, August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. E , no date; re-en­listed as a veteran, January 20, 1864; promoted sergeant, no date; sergeant-major, April 20, 1865; mustered out with regi­ment, September 1,1865, at Raleigh, N. O.

SNOW, PETER.—Private, Co. K, Third Infantry; transferred to Oo. O, this regiment, May 22,1865; deserted, August 8,1865, at Raleigh, N . O.

1140 R E P O R T OP T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

SNYDER, CHARLES.—Private, Co. H , One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. B, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, 'September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

SNYDER, J O H N , see Jacob B. Klein.

SNYDER, RAWSON.—Private, Co. E , One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. A , this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, sick, in hospital, at muster-out of company.

S G M M E R V A L T , WILLIAM.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Goshen, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. K, January 18, 1865; mustered) out, July 3, 1865, from Lovell Hospital, at Portsmouth Grove, R. I., as William Sommersault.

SONDERMAN, WILLIAM.—Age, 30 years. Enlisted at Brook­lyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, January 23, 1865; died of typhoid fever, June 4, 1865, in Post Hospital, at Raleigh, N. C.

SOUDER, ELMER.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Swedesborough, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , August 21,1861; transferred to Go. D, no date; wounded in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. O.; discharged for disability from McDougal Hospital at Fort Schuyler, New York Harbor.

SPARKS, G E O R G E G.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted, July 25, 1861, at Blacks Mills, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as ser­geant, Go. H , August 16, 1861; wounded in action, no date; transferred to First Company, Second1 Battalion^ Veteran Reserve Corps, December 17, 1863.

SPEAR, CHRISTOPHER A.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Kings­ton, to serve one years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, Jan­uary 18, 1865; promoted corporal, "March 26, 1865; sergeant, May 1, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. O.

SPEARS, GEORGE.—Age, 33 years. Enlisted at Burke, to serve three years, and musterd in as private, Co. K, March 28, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1141

SPEARS, JAMES.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted, September 2,1861, at Wood;stown, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. B, September 5, 1861; transferred to Co. D , no date; wounded in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; trans­ferred to Yeteran Reserve Corps, January 27, 1861; also borne as James Speer and Spear.

S P E E L E R , HENRY.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 9, 1861, at Trenton, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in asi private, Co. H , August 16,1861; transferred to Co. D, no date; promoted corporal, no date; sergeant, August 22, 1863; discharged, Octo­ber 4, 1863, for promotion to first lieutenant, Thirty-fifth New Jersey Infantry, at St. Augustine, Fla. ; also borne as Henry A. Speeler.

SPEER, JAMES, see James Spears.

S P E L L , W I L L I A M H.—Musician, Co. H, One Hundred and Sev­enteenth Infantry; transferred to Co. E , this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

S P E L L M A N , PETER.—Age, — years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. K, February 25, 1865; deserted, March 15, 1865, at Wilmington, N. O.

SPENCER, F R A N K M.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted, September 5, 1861, at Millport, to serve three years; mustered in as private, in band, October 26, 1861; supposed to have been discharged in 1862.

SPENCER, JOHN.—Age, — years. Enlisted at Baldwin, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, February 21,1865; deserted, August 4, 1865.

SPOONER, JR., E D W I N B.—Age, 27 years. Enlisted at Brook­lyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as first sergeant, Co. B, September 5, 1861; transferred to Co. A , no date; discharged for disability, April 16, 1862, as Edwin B. Spooner.

SPOONER, HORATIO B.—Private, Co. G, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. D, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.

1142 R E P O R T OP T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

S T A A F E R , GARL L, A.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. B, January 20, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. G.

S T A G E , JOHN.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted, August 14, 1861, at Trenton, N . J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Go. H , August 16, 1861; transferred to Oo. B, no date; dis­charged, September 20, 1864; also borne as John H . Stage.

S T A L E Y , GEORGE: B.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, August 8, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as cor­poral, Oo. H , August 16, 1861; promoted sergeant, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted first ser­geant, no date; discharged, July 22, 1864, for promotion to first lieutenant, Co. H , One Hundred and Fifty-ninth New York Infantry; also borne as Stay ley.

S T A N L E Y , L A U R E N C E . — A g e , 37 years. Enlisted at Brook­lyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , December 31, 1863; mustered out, June 5, 1865, at New Berne, N. C.

S T A P L E T O N , PATRICK.—Private, Go. K, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. E , this regiment, June 9, 1865; promoted coporal, June 27, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

S T A P L E T O N , SAMUEL.—Age, 25 years. Einlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, Sep­tember 14, 1861; transferred to Co. H, no date; discharged at expiration of term of service.

S T A R C K , WILLIAM.—Age, 26 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, January 30, 1864; mustered out with companv, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as William P. Starck."

STARKS, E D W A R D M.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, January 25, 1865; dishonorably discharged, March 15, 1865.

STARR, CHARLES.—Private, Co. H , Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. K, this regiment, January 30,1864; deserted while on recruiting service.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H I N F A N T R Y . 1143

STATES, A L E X A N D E R . — A g e , 26 years. Enlisted, August 5, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; •mustered, in as private, Co. I, August 16, 1861; no further record.

STEARNS, GARY B.—Age, 27 years. Enlisted, July 22, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as corporal, Co. H, August 16, 1861; returned to ranks, no date; discharged at expiration of term of service; also home as Carey D. Stearns.

STEBBINS, J O H N B.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted, August 23,1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H, August 26, 1861; killed in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. 0.

STEDMAN, MATHIAS.—Age, 31 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private Co. H , February 25, 1864; promoted corporal, no date; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

S T E E N W E R T T , T H E O D O R E . O.—Age, 24 years. Enlisted, August 22,1862, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , August 23, 1862; wounded accidentally, no date; wounded in action, June 2, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Ya . ; dis­charged subsequent to June 30,1865, as Steinworth; also borne as Theo. O. Steenwerth.

STEERS, CLOSS.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Goshen, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, January 2, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.

STETGLER, CLERMONT.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, September 8, 1861, at Luckasanna, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, Septemjber 10, 1861; transferred to Co. H , no date; wounded in action, no date; died of his wounds, July 28, 1863, at Beaufort, S. G ; also borne as Clement V . Steigler.

STEINHARDT, CHARLES.—Private, Co. G, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. G, this regiment, January 30, 1864; re-enlisted as a veteran, March 31, 1864; deserted on expiration of furlough, May 25, 1864.

STEINWORTH, THEODORE* O., see Theodore O. Steenwertt.

1144 R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

S T E N K H O F F , LEVI.—Age, 29 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. B, Febru­ary 21, 1865; deserted, July 10, 3865, at Raleigh, N. 0.

STENSON, JOHN.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to •serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. B, January 19, 1865; deserted, July 10, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

S T E P H E N S , GEORGE.—Ago, — years. Enlisted at Albany, to serve three years, and mustehed in as private, Co. K, October 20, 1863; died of disease, October 20, 1861; also borne as \Stevens.

S T E P H E N S O N , JOHN.—Private, Oo. B, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. B, this regiment, January 30, 1864; re-enlisted as a veteran, February 29, 1864; promoted principal musician, no date; mustered out with regiment, Sep­tember 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. O.

S T E V E N S , F R E D E R I C K . — A g e , 26 years. Enlisted, September 20, 1864; at Kingston, to serve one year; mustered in as pri­vate, Go. F , September 26, 1864; promoted corporal, March 1, 1865; returned to ranks, June 17, 1865; mustered out, June 27, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

S T E V E N S , G E O R G E , see George Stephens.

S T E W A R T , J A M E S , see James Stuart.

S T E W A R T , J O H N M.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 23, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, August 26, 1861; transferred to Go. E , no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; appointed musi­cian, no date; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

STEWART, WILLIAM.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Go. F, Janu­ary f 17, 1865; promoted corporal, May 8, 1865; returned to ranks, no date; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865\ at Raleigh, N. C.

STIEGLER, C L E M E N T V. , see Clermont Steigler.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1145

STIMPSON, WILLIAM.—Age, 1!) years. Enlisted atGranby, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. K, Feb-

• ruary 14, 18(15; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.

ST. JOHN, MILES.—Age, 22 years. Enrolled, August 12, 1861, at Bridgeport, Conn., to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. I, August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. G, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted corporal, no date; sergeant-major, August 22, 1861; mustered in as second lieutenant, Co. H , April 20, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0. Commissioned second lieutenant, March 30, 1805, with rank from January 1, 1865, vice P. W. Smith, promoted.

STONE, C H A R L E S M.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted, October 1, 1861, at Trumansburg, to serve three years; mustered in as private, in band, October 26, 1861; supposed to have been dis­charged in 1862.

STONE, JOHN.—Age, 32 years. Enlisted, August 16, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A , August 21,1861; transferred to Co. G, no date; killed in action, May 16,1861, at Drewry's Bluff, Va.

STONE, W A L T E R H.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. E , Janu­ary 11, 1865; deserted, August 2, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

STONY, JOSEPH.—Age, IS years. Enlisted, August 11, 1861, at Key Port, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. D, August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. H, no date; re-en­listed as a veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted commissary sergeant, November 12, 1861; quartermaster-sergeant, April 20, 1865; mustered out with regiment, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. G ; also borne as Stoney.

STOUT, FRANK.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Norwich, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, January 13, 1865; wounded in action, February 21, 1865, near Wilming­ton, N. C.j discharged, June 5, 1865.

1146 R E P O R T OP T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

STOUT, JOHN.- -Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 13, 1801, at Key Port, N . J . , to serve three years; mustered' in as private, Go. D, August 21, 1861; transferred to Oo. H, no date; re-en­listed as a veteran, December 22, 1863; died of chronic diarrhea, February 21, 1S65, in hospital at Federal Point, N. 0.

S T R I C K L A N D , D U D L E Y W.—Age, 23 years. Enrolled, July 21, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as captain, Co. H , August 16, 1861; as major, January 1, 1863; as lieutenant-colonel, September 21, 1863; discharged, June 7,

1 1861. Commissioned captain, December 11, 1861, with rank from August 16, 1861, original; major, January 7, 1863, with rank from December 21, 1862, vice J . M. Green, promoted; lieutenant-colonel, August 28, 1863, with rank from July 18, 1863, vice J . M. Green, killed.

S T R I C K L A N D , W I L L I A M P.—Age, 51 years. Enrolled, July 24, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as chaplain, September 5, 1861; discharged, June 13, 1863. Com­missioned chaplain, December 11, 1861, with rank from Sep­tember 5, 1861, original; re commissioned chaplain, October 15, 1863, with rank from June 13, 1863, vice W. P. Strickland, discharged.

STUART, B Y R O N D.—Age, IS years. Enlisted, September 12, 1861, at Millport, to serve three years; mustered in as private, in band, October 26, 1861; supposed to have been discharged in 1862.

STUART, JAMES.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , August 27, 1861; transferred to Co. G, no date; discharged for disability, October 16, 1861, at Annapolis^ Md.; also borne as Stewart.

STUMPS, PETER.—Age , 21 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , Decem­ber 29, 1863; missing in action, May 7, 1861, at Chester Hill, Ya . ; also borne as Stubbs.

STURGES, JOSIAH.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, August 27,1862; wounded and captured in action and paroled, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; promoted corporal, March 1,1865; mustered out, June 27, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.

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STYLER, JOSEPH.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, July 30, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. D, August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. I, no date; discharged at expiration of term of service.

STYLES, BARCLAY.—Age , 20 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1861, at Woodsport, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F , August 31,1861; transferred to Co. D, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22,1863; promoted corporal, no date; wounded in action, August 16, 1864, at Strawberry Plains, Va . ; discharged for disability, May 27,1865, from hospi­tal at Chambersburg, Pa., as Bishop B. Styles.

STYLES, GEORGE.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, January 23, 1865; absent, sick, in hospital, at muster-out of company.

S U L L I V A N , DENNIS.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted, August 8, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. D, August 21, 1S61; transferred to Co. C, no date; dis­charged, September 20, 1864.

S U L L I V A N , JAMES.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted, August 31, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as cor­poral, Co. B, September 5) 1861; transferred to Co. F and returned to ranks, no dates; discharged for disability, Septem­ber 10, 1864.

S U L L I V A N , J A M E S S.—Age - — years. Enlistedoit Goshen, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , January 16, 1865; transferred to insane asylum at Washington, D. C.

S U L L I V A N , JOHN.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Goshen, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , January 16, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

S U L L I V A N , JOSEPH.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted at Troy, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , January 18, 1865; deserted, March 15, 1865, at Wilmington, N. C.

S U L L I V A N , MICHAEL.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 20, 1861, at Harlem, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A , August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. C, no date; dis­charged, September 20, 1864.

1148 REPORT OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

S U L L I V A N , THOMAS.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Kingston, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. H, Septem­ber 24, 1864; mustered out, June 27,1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

S U L L I V A N , THOMAS.—Age, — years. Enlisted at Auburn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, Feb :

ruary 21, 1865; deserted, August 4, 1865.

S U L L I V A N , W I L L I A M A.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted, August 5, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. I, August 16, 1S61; wounded in action, June 1, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va . ; discharged at expiration of term of service.

SULZA, CARL.—Private, Co. D, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. I, this regiment, June 9,1865; died, August 2, 1865, in post hospital, at Raleigh, N. C ; also borne as Carl Sulzer.

S U N N A B A N , P E T E R O.—Age, 35 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, February 21, 1865; deserted, March 27, 1865, at Cox's Ferry, N. C.

S U T L I F F , JOHN.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Johnstown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A, February 15, 1865; mustered out, July 18, 1865, from McDougall Hospi­tal at New York Harbor.

SWARTWOUT, S A M U E L M.—Age, 22 years. Enrolled, August 3, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered' in as first lieutenant, CO. I, September 14, 1861; as captain, Co. F, Janu­ary 25, 1863; as major, July 19, 1864; killed in action, July 30, 1864, at Cemetery Hill , Va. Commissioned first lieutenant, December 14, 1861, with rank from September 14, 1861, origi­nal; captain, January 7, 1863, with rank from December 24, 1862, vice D. W. Strickland, promoted; major, July 14, 1864, with rank from July 6, 1864, vice Nere A. Elf wing, resigned.

S W E E N E Y , T E R R E N C E M.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, August 6, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. K, August 16, 1861; discharged, September 16, 1864, as Derrance Sweeny.

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S W E E N E Y , JAMES.—Age, 21 years. Enrolled, August 15, 1861, at Bridgeport, Conn., to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. E , no date; promoted sergeant, no date; mustered in as second lieu­tenant, Co. K, November 1, 1863; cashiered, February 29, 1861, at Hilton Head, S. C. Commissioned second lieutenant, August 28,1863, with rank from July 18,1863, vice J . A . Fee, promoted.

SWER, RUDOLPH.—Age, 29 years. Enlisted at Albany, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. 0, October 30, 1863; captured in action, February 20, 1861, at Olustee, Fla. ; died at Andersonville, Ga., no date; also borne as Ran­dolph Sever.

S Y B L E Y , E D W A R D , see Edward Sibley.

T A C K M E Y E R , FREDERICK.—Age, 10 years. Enlisted, August 27, 1861, at Camp Wyman, N. Y., to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F , August 31, 1861; no further record.

T A F F E Y , LAWRENCE.—Age, 10 years. Ehlisted, January 6, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A , January 7, 1861; absent, sick, in hospital, at muster-out of company; also borne as Taffee.

T A F T , IRA B.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , August 27, 1861; transferred to Co. H, no date; discharged for disability, July 21, 1862,

TAGMIRE, FREDERICK.—Age , 10 years. Enlisted, August . 28,1861, at Camp Wyman, N. Y., to serve three years; mustered

in as private, Co. H, August 31, 1861; discharged at expiration of term of service.

T A I L L E U R , JOHN.—Age, date and place of enlistment and muster-in as private in Co. D, not stated; re-enlisted as a veteran, February 29, 1861; deserted on expiration of furlough, May 30, 1861, as Tailleun.

T A L L M A N , HENRY.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted at Albany, to serve three years; and mustered in as private, Co. 0, October 30, 1863; transferred to Navy", May, 1861.

1150 R E P O R T OP T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

T A N T U M , J O H N M—Age, 22 yeans. Enrolled, July 27, 1861, at Trenton, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as first sergeant, Co. D, August 21, 1861; as second lieutenant, June 30, 1862; as first lieutenant, May 23, 1863; as captain, Oo, P, July 6, 1864; killed in action, August 16, 1864, at Strawberry Plains, Va. Commissioned second lieutenant, July 18, 1862, with rank from June 30, 1862, vice J . Bodine, promoted; first lieu tenant, August. 28, 1863, with rank from May 22, 1863, vice B. R. Corwin, promoted; captain, July 14, 1864, with rank from July 6, 1864, vice S. M. Swartwout, promoted.

T A R E L L , J O H N , see John Traval.

T A S E N , R U D O L P H D.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, Sep­tember 14, 1861; no further record.

T A S K E R , RODOLPHUS D.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, Sep­tember 4, 1861, at Sag Harbor, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H , September 10, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted corporal, April 7, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0,

T A Y L O R , P R A N K B.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 21, 1861, at Bridgeport, Conn., to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, August 26, 1861; transferred to Co. E , no date; discharged, August 21, 1864, at expiration of term of service.

T A Y L O R , JOSEPH.—Age, 21 years, Enrolled at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F, April 6, 1862; promoted quartermaster-sergeant, February 28, 1863; mustered in as second lieutenant, Co. E', March 24, 1863; wounded and captured in action and paroled, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; mustered in as first lieutenant, October 31, 1863; wounded in action, June 2, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va . ; mustered in as captain, Co. C, July 17,1864; wounded inaction, August 16, 1864, at Strawberry Plains, Va , ; discharged for disability, November 3,1864. Commissioned second lieutenant, March 24, 1863, with rank from March 7, 1863, vice C. Hale, promoted; first lieutenant, August 28, 1863, with rank from July 18, 1863, vice R. L. Edwards, killed; captain, June 23, 1864, with rank from May 26, 1864, vice Wm. L. Lockwood, discharged. '

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1151

TAYLOR, WILLIAM.—Private, Go, D, One Hundred' and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. I), this regiment, June 9, 1865; promoted corporal, August 17, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

TAYLOR, WILLIAM HOWELL.—Age, 30 years. Enrolled, at Bermuda Hundred, Va., to serve three years, and mustered in as chaplain, May 13, 1864; discharged, June 14, 1865. Com­missioned chaplain, April 29, 1864, with rank from April 29, 1864, vice W. P. Strickland, declined.

T E A C H O U T , SQUIRE.—Private, Co. D, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. I, this regiment, June 9, 1865; discharged, no date.

T E R R E L L , HORATIO.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, September 6, 1861, at Oaraiel, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. C, September 10, 1861; transferred to Co. K, no date; wounded in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C.; pro­moted corporal, November 10, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; deserted, February 28, 1864.

T E R R E N S , GEORGE.—Private, Co. A , Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. 0, this regiment, January 30, 1864; discharged, May 2, 1865.

T E R R Y , B R Y A N T B.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 27, 1861, at Patchogue, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. F, August 31, 1861; transferred to Co. E , no date; captured in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; paroled, no date; discharged at expiration of term of service.

T E R R Y , GEORGE.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 17, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. D, August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. K; no date; no further record subsequent to December 31,1863; also borne as George H . Terry.

TERWILLIGER, ISAAC—Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Goshen, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , October 8, 1863; deserted, September 13, 1864.

TERWILLIGER-, J A M E S H.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Gale­ville, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, September 13, 1861; no further record.

1152 R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

T E T E D'HOMME, l ' l l lLBKUT.—I ' l ' ivale, Oo. F, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. F, this regiment, January 30, 1864; re-enlisted as a veteran, March 31, 1864; deserted on expiration of furlough, April 30, 1864.

T E T E R , ISAAC.—Private, Co. K, Third Infantry; transferred to Co. C, this regiment, May 22, 1865; deserted, August 8, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

T H A Y E R , ALBERT.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F, January 5, 1864; wounded in action, May 7, 1864, at Chester Hill, Va . ; discharged for disability, January 4, 1865.

T H A Y E R , G E O R G E E.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 9, 1861, at Troy, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. K, August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. F, no date; discharged, September 20, 1864.

THOMAS, C H A R L E S H.—Private, Co. G, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. D, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

THOMAS, C H A R L E S W.—Age, 38 years. Enlisted, October 10, 1861, at Annapolis, Md., to serve three years; mustered in as private, in band, October 26, 1861; .supposed to have been dis­charged in 1862.

THOMAS, JOHN.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, Septem­ber 1,1863; captured, no date; died, June —, 1864, at Ander-sonville, Ga.

THOMPSON, FRANK.—Age , 23 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , August 27, 1.861; transferred to Co. G, no date; re-en­listed as a veteran, March 31, 1864; wounded in action, June 19, 1864, at Bermuda Hundred, Va. ; mustered out, July 28, 1865, from McDougall Hospital, New York city.

THOMPSON, GABRIEL.—Age, 26 years. Enlisted, September 13,1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Oo. I, September 14, 1861; discharged at expiration of term of service.

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THOMPSON, JOHN.—Age, — years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. K, February 21, 1865; deserted, April 16, 1865, from camp near Raleigh, N. 0.

THOMPSON, J O H N W.—Age, 27 years. Enrolled, August 8, 1861, at Hudson, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, August 16,1861; transferred to Co. E , no date; promoted

' sergeant, no date; wounded in action, February 20, 1861, at Olustee, Fla , ; mustered in as second lieutenant, Co. A, July 14, 1864; discharged, August 16,1864. Commissioned second lieu­tenant, July 16, 1864, with rank from June 5, 1864, vice L. E . Lyon, deceased.

THOMPSON, JOSEPH.—Private, Co. I , Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. K, this regiment, January 30, 1864; mustered out, June 12, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

THOMPSON, OREN F.—Private, Co. B, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. H, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

THOMPSON, ROBERT.—Private, Co. I, One Hundred and . Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. G, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

THOMPSON, SAMUEL.—Age, 34 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. C, Decem­ber 31, 1863; transferred to Navy, May — , 1864.

. THOMSON, ANDREW.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted, August 17, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. D, August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. E , no date; to Co A , no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; appointed musician, no date; returned to company as a private, August 13, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

THONA, PIETRO.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. B, Decem­ber 19, 1861; wounded in action, May 7,1864, at Chester Hill , Ya . ; discharged for disability, September 27, 1864, as Peter Toner.


1154 REPORT OP T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

THROOP, J . MOTT.—Age, 26 years. Enrol'ed, March 22, 1864, at Raleigh, N. G , to serve three years; mustered in as assist­ant .surgeon, May 2, 1864; mustered out with regiment, Sep­tember 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C. Commissioned assistant sur­geon, April 7, 1864, with rank from March 22, 1864, vice E . Pendleton, resigned.

THURSTON, WILLIAM.—Private, Co. F, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. F, this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, sick, at muster-out of company.

TIBBY, JOHN.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted, August 6, 1861, at Philadelphia, Pa., to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H , August 16, 1861; no further record.

T I E R N A N , THOMAS.—Age, 35 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, Sep­tember 2, 1863; transferred to Navy, no date.

TIERNY, JOHN.—Age, .24 years. Enlisted, August 28, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B, September 5, 1861; transferred to Co. F, no. date; pro­moted corporal, no date; returned to ranks, February 28, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, February 29, 1864; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. G , as John Tierney.

TOBIN, DENIS.—Age, 20 years Enlisted in Twenty-fourth Congressional District, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, February 21, 1865; mustered out with com­pany, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N.C.

TOMPKINS, EDWARD.—Age, 17 years. Enlisted, August 5, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as musi­cian, Co. F , August 31, 1861; returned to company as private, no date; discharged for disability, November 19, 1863.

TONER, P E T E R , see Pietro Thona.

TOOLE, WILLIAM.—Age, 28 years. Enlisted, July 29, 1861, at Williamsburgh, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H, August 16, 1861; transferred to Go. A , no date; pro­moted corporal, July 18, 1863; returned to ranks, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, January 20, 1864; promoted sergeant, no date; returned to ranks, July 17, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

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TOWNSEND, A N D R E W E.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. H, February 28, 1865; mustered out with company, September I, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.

TOWNSEND, D A N I E L W.—Age, 24 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. H, February 28, 1864; mustered out with company, September I, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

TOWNSEND, HENRY.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 7, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H, August 16, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted corporal, no date; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

TRACY, THOMAS.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 17, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. D, August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. C, no date; re-en­listed as a veteran, February 29, 1864; promoted sergeant, no date; first sergeant, March 15, 1865; returned to ranks, no date; dishonorably discharged, September 1, 1865.

TRAINER, JOHN, see John Treynor. '

TRAINOR, PETER.—Age, 30 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A, Septem­ber 2, 1863; wounded and captured in action, February 20, 1864; died of his wounds, March 5, 1S64.

T R A P N E L L , FREDERICK.—Age, 34 years. Enlisted at Canan-daigua, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A, February 21, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

TRASK, EDWIN.—Private, Co. K, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. E , this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, sick in hospital at muster-out of company.

T R A Y A L , JOHN.—Age, 27 years. Enlisted, September 6, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, September 10, 1861; promoted corporal and returned to ranks, no date; discharged, September 20, 1864, as Tarelh

1156 R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

T R A V E R , WILLIAM.—Age, 26 years. Enlisted, July 25, 1861, at Stockport, to serve three years; mustered in as private, 06. I, August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. G, no date; promoted corporal, no date; promoted sergeant, February 2, 1863; re-en­listed as a veteran, December 22, 1863; captured in action, August 16, 1864, at Strawberry Plains, Va. ; paroled, no date; died at home, no date.

TRAVIS, C H A R L E S J.—Age, IS years. Enlisted at Peeks-kill, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , August 26, 1861; transferred to Go. B, no date; wounded in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; discharged for his wounds, September 16,1864.

TRAVIS, DANIEL.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted at Peekskill, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , August 26, 1861; transferred to Co. B, no date; promoted corporal, no date; sergeant, February 1, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, January 20, 1864; mustered out, August 30, 1865, at Ward Hospital, Newark, N. J .

TRAVIS, EDMUND R.—Age, 27 years. Enrolled at Peekskill, to serve three years, and mustered in as captain, "Co. B, Sep­tember 5, 1861; discharged, August 29, 1862; subsequent serv­ice as major in Sixth Artillery. Commissioned captain, Decem­ber 14, 1861, with rank f r a m i September 5, 1861, original.

T R E E N , JOHN.—Private, Co. C, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. 0, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1S65, at Raleigh, N. O.

T R E E N , WILLIAM.—Private, Co. C, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. C, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1S65,'> at Raleigh, N. C.

TREYNOR, JOHN.—Age; 21 years. Enlisted at Albany, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, October 30, 1863; promoted corporal, July 1, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Trainer.

TRIPP, R U F U S W.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, July 31, 1861, at Poughkeepsie, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H , August 16, 1861; discharged for disability, July 28. 1862.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1157

T R U E S D E L L , JAMES.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 6, 1861, at Galeville, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. D, August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. B, no date; re en­listed as a veteran, December 22, 1863; descried on expiration of furlough, May S, 1S65.

TRTJSDALE, GEORGE.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 20, 1861, at Galeville, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo, B, September 5, 1861; promoted corporal, March 13, 1863; killed in action, July 18, 1803, at Fort Wagner, S. G ; also borne as Truesdell.

TUOMEY, JOHN.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, January 19, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

T U R F L E R , FRANCIS A.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three year's, and mustered in as private, Go. E , August 27, 1801; discharged at expiration of term of service.

TURISON, G E O R G E W.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, March 11, 1862, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. D, March 19, 1862; discharged, March 19, 1865, at Norfolk, Va,, as Turrnisen.

TURNBULL, E D W A R D . — Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 19, 1861, at Shawangunk, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. F , August 31, 1861; transferred to Oo. K, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted corporal, no date; wounded in action, June 1, 1861, at Cold Harbor, Va . ; died of has wounds, July 20, 1864.

TURNER, ROBERT.—Age, 33 years. Enlisted, August 30,1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F , August 31, 1.861; transferred to Co. I, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

TURRNISEN, G E O R G E W., see George W. Turison.

TUTHILL, WINFIELD H.—Age, — years. Enlisted, March 11, ,1862, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K, March 18, 1862; captured,.February 21,1864, at Olustee, Fla . ; died of disease, July 4, 1864, as Winneld Tuthill.

1158 R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

T U T T L E , G E O R G E H.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 9, 1861, at Troy, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K, August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. 0, no date; promoted corporal, no date; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, Janu­ary 26, 1864.

T U T T L E , W I L L I A M H.—Age, IS years. Enrolled, August 25, "1861, at Camp Wyman, N. Y., to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F, August 31, 1861; promoted corporal and first .sergeant, no dates; re-enlisted as a veteran, February 29, 1864; mustered in as first lieutenant, Co. D, January 1, 1865; mus­tered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as William Turtle. Commissioned first lieutenant, March 30, 1865, with rank from January 1, 1865, vice R, F . McKeller, discharged.

T W A M L E Y , PETER,—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 10,1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as corporal, Co. I, August 16, 1861; dscharged at expiration of term; of service.

T Y B E , JOHN.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted, August 6, 1861, at Philadelphia, Pa., to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H, August 16, 1861; discharged for disability, October 18, 1861.

T Y B E R , A S H B E L L V.—Private, Co. B, One Hundred and Sev­enteenth Infantry; transferred to Co. H, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out, July 13, 1865, from hospital at Albany, N. Y., as Tyler.

U M P L E B Y , C H A R L E S B.—Age, 20 years. Enrolled, August 6, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as ser­geant, Co. K, August 16,1861; promoted first sergeant, no date; returned to sergeant, September 1, 1863; re-enlisted as a vet­eran, December 22,1863; promoted first sergeant, no date; mus­tered in as second lieutenant, Co. B, July 31, 1864; as first lieutenant, November 11, 1864; as captain, Co. K, March 17, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C. Commissioned second lieutenant, September 16, 1861, with rank from July 30, 1861, vice J . M. Williams, dis­charged; first lieutenant, December 10, 1864, with rank from November 11, 1864, vice H. C. Shultz, mustered out; captain, May 17, 1865, with rank from April 13,1865, vice J . A . Barrett, promoted.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1159

V A N A K E N , MARTIN.—Age, IS years. Enlisted, September 5, 1861, at Newburg, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. C, September 10, 1801; transferred to Oo. K, no date; wounded in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; pro­moted sergeant, no date; discharged, September 16, 1861.

V A N C E , JAMES.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Kingston, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. F , September 26, 1861; captured, April 16, 1865, at Faisons Station, N. C ; paroled, no date; deserted, April 25, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0., as Vane.

V A N C E , WILLIAM.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 29, 1861, at Newburg, to serve three years;; mustered in as private, Co. B, September 5, 1861; transferred to Co. K, no date; killed in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C.

V A N CLIEF, JOSEPH.—Age, 24 years. Enlisted at New York city to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, September 10, 1861; transferred to Co. H, no date; promoted corporal, no date; discharged at expiration of term of service as Van Cleaf.

V A N D E R B U I L T , JOHN.—Age, 26 years, Enlisted, August 25, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B, September 5, 1861; transferred to Co. C, no date; pro­moted sergeant, no date; first sergeant, September 21, 1863; returned to sergeant, no date; discharged, September 20, 1864.

V A N E , J A M E S , see James Vance.

V A N E C K , FRANK.—Private, Co. H, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. I, this regiment, January 30, 1864; wounded in action, May 16, 1864, at Drewry'si Bluff, Va . ; mus­tered out, June 5, 1865, at New Berne, N. C, as Francis Van Eck; also borne as Van Eyek.

VANNOAS, JOHN.—Age, 26 years. Enlisted at Middletown, N. J , to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. E , August 27, 1861; no further record.

V A N P R E E F , A D O L P H G.—Private, Co. A , One Hundred and 'Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. K, this regiment,

, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, ' at Raleigh, N. C.

1160 R E P O R T OF T E E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

V A N S , MARTIN C.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 17, 1861, at Bridgeport, Conn., to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. G, August 26, 1861; transferred to Co. F, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, January 20, 1861; wounded in action, May 11, 1861, at Drewry's Bluff, Va. ; killed in action, July 30, 1861, at Petersburg, Va.

V A N SA.NT, A L F R E D D., see Alfred D. Vanzant.

V A N S L Y C K , C H A R L E S P.—Private, Co. I, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. A, this regiment, January 30,1861; discharged, July 20,1865, as of Independent Battalion.

V A N S L Y K E , JOHN.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, September 11, 1861, at Mayfield Corners, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, September 16, 1861; deserted, September 26, 1861, from Camp Sherman, Washington, D. C.

V A N T A S S E L L , THOMAS.—Age, 18 years. Enrolled, August 26, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , August 27, 1861; transferred to Co. B, no date; promoted corporal, September 10, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; wounded in action, August 16, 1861, at Strawberry Plains, Va . ; promoted sergeant, no date; mustered in as second lieutenant, Co. I, March 28, 1865; mus­tered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Thomas W. Van Tassell; also borne as Thomas K. Van Tas-sell. Commissioned second lieutenant, March 30, 1865, with rank from January 1, 1865, vice C. B. Umpleby, promoted.

V A N ZANDT, THOMAS.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Brook­lyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , August 27, 1861; captured in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; died, no date, at Richmond, Va . ; also borne as James Van Zandt.

V A N Z A N T , A L F R E D D.—Age, 12 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. G, no date; to Veteran Reserve Corps, January 27, 1864; also borne as Van Sant.

V ^ . S E Y , THOMAS.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Paterson, N. J . , to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, August S, 1861; transferred to Co. E , no date; killed in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, & C.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1161

VELSOR, D A N I E L B.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted, August 3, 1861, at Centerport, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. H, August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. A, no date; missing in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C.

V E N V E Y , MARCOLE.—Private, Co. H, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. I, this regiment, January 30, 1861; captured, no date; killed while a prisoner of war, March 20, 1861.

Y E T E R A T E , FRANK.—Age, — years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, August 28, 1863; transferred to Navy, May 1, 1861.

Y F E I F F E R , VALENTINE.—Age , 31 years. Enlisted at Brook­lyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, January 23, 1865; died, July 17, 1865, in hospital at Raleigh, N. C , as Vfeifer.

V I D A L , T H E O D O R E C—Age, 22 years. Enrolled at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered iu as second lieuten­ant, Co. B, 'September 5, 1861; as first lieutenant, Co. I, January 26, 1863; transferred to United States Volunteer Signal Corps, to date March 3, 1863. Commissioned second lieutenant, December 11, 1861, with rank from September 5, 1861, original; first lieutenant, January 7,1863, with rank from December 21, 1862, vice S. M. Swartwout, promoted; captain, declined, August 28, 1863, with rank from August 28, 1863,

% vice Frederick Hurst, died of wounds.

V I E L T E R S , FREDERICK.—Age, 12 years. Enlisted at Brook­lyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. D, December 10, 1863; wounded and captured in action, August 16, 1801, at Deep Bottom, Va. ; died, June —, 1861, at Ander­sonville, Ga.

V O G H E R , F R E D E R I C K G—Age, 25 years. Enlisted, August 5, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I), August"21, 1861; transferred to Co. F, no date; dis­charged for disability, April 11, 1862, as George F . Vogler.

VOORHEIS, J A M E S M.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 8, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. I, August 16,1861; no further record,

1162 REPORT O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

VOORIS, ABEAM.—Age , 18 years. Enlisted at Fort Hamilton, N. Y., to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A, September 16, 1861; discharged, September 22, 1861, as Voras.

V O O R H E E F , LOUIS.—Age, 28 years. Enlisted, August 27, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F , August 31, 186i; promoted corporal, no (late; returned to ranks, February 28, 1863; promoted sergeant, November 9, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, February 29, 1861; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Vorkeef; also borne as Lewis Vorbeef, Lewis Vorheff and Lewis Vurheff.

V O R H E E S , J A M E S M.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted, August 8, 1861, at Freehold, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H , August 16, 1861; promoted corporal, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; transferred to Navy, no date.

V R E D E N B U R G , G E O R G E D.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted, August 17, 1861, at Yerplank's Point, to serve three years; mustered in as corporal, Go. A, August 21, 1861; wounded and captured in action, and paroled, July 18,1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; discharged, September 22, 1861, as George T. I). Yredenburg.

V R E E L A N D , ABRAHAM.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1861, at Paterson, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as xnuvate, Co. E , August 27, 1S61; wounded in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C.; killed in action, May 16, 1861, at Drewry's Bluff, Ya. , as Abram Vreeland.

V R E E L A N D , D A N I E L M.—Age, 26 years. Enlisted, July 23, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H , August 16, 1861; discharged for disability, October 6, 1862.

V R I E D E N B U R G H , JAMES.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted, August 17, 1861, at Verplank's Point, to serve three years; mustered in as corporal, Go. A, August 21, 1861; no further record.

V U R H E F F , LEWIS, see Louis Voorheef.

W A D H A N I S , SIDNEY.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted, September 1, 1861, at Armenia, to serve three years; mustered in as cor­poral, Go. B, September 5, 1861; killed in action, July 18,1863, at Fort Wagner, S. 0.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1163

WAGNER, AARON.—Private, Oo. G, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Oo. I), this regiment, June 9, 1865; deserted, August 6, 1865, from Post Hospital at Raleigh, N. C.

WAGNER, DAVID.—Private, Co. F, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. F , this regiment, June 9, 1865; discharged, June 7, 1865, as of the One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry.

WAGNER, J A M E S H.—Private, Co. G, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. D, this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, sick, in hospital at muster-out of company.

WAGNER, OSCAR.—Age, 32 years. Enlisted at Poughkeepsie, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. D, January 20, 1865; promoted corporal, no date; mustered out with com­pany, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. O.

W A K E F I E L D , EDWARD.—Age, 11 years. Enlisted at Brook-lyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. E , August 13, 1862; wounded in action, July 18, 1S63, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; promoted corporal, March 1, 1865; mustered out, June 27, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

W A L D E N , JACOB.—Private, Co. E , One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. A , this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Waldon.

WALDMIRE, BARNEY".—Age, 26 years. Enlisted, July 26, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as wagoner, CO. H, August 16, 1861; returned to company as pri­vate,'no date; discharged on expiration of term of service.

WALDRON, EDWARD.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F, Decem­ber 1, 1863; mustered out, July 1.5, 1865, at Portsmouth Grove, R. I.

WALElN, PATRICK.—Age, — years. Enlisted at New York •city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co, K, February 22, 1865; deserted, August 8, 1865, as Whalen,

1164 REPORT OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

W A L K E R , J O H N E.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 28, 1861, at Rahway, N. J. , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F , August 31, 1861; discharged for disability, April 11, 1862.

W A L L A C E , JAMES.—Age, 29 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, October 21, 1863; wounded in action, August 16, 1861, at Strawberry Plains, V a . ; mustered out, May IS, 1865, at White Hall Hospi­tal, Philadelphia, Pa.

W A L L A C E , LEWIS,—Private, Co. E , One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. A, this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, sick at muster-out of company.

W A L L A C E , S A M U E L K—Age, 26 years. Enrolled, August 5, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as first lieutenant, Co. F, August 31, 1861; discharged, December 29, 1862, at Fort Pulaski, Ga. Commissioned first lieutenant, December 11, 1861, with rank from August 31, 1861, original.

W A L L I N G , A N D R E W J.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 10, 1801, at Key Port, N. J . T to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. D, August 21,1861; transferred to Co. H, no date; promoted corporal, no date; wounded in action, no date; dis­charged for disability, June 6, 1864.

W A L L I N G , HENDRICKSGN.—Age, 20 years, Enlisted, August . 16, 1861, at Key Port, N. J. , to serve three years; mustered in as

private, Co. D, August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. H, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1S63; promoted cor­poral, July 153 1864; sergeant, January 16, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

W A L L I N G , THOMAS.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted, August 12, 1861, at Key Port, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co, D, August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. H, no date; died, November 21, 1861, at Hilton Head, S. C ; also borne as Thomas E . Walling.

W A L S E R , FERNANDO.—Private, Co. H, Independent Corps, . Light Infantry; transferred to Co. I, this regiment, January

30, 1864; wounded in action, January 15, 1865, at Fort Fisher. N. C ; absent, wounded in McDoiigal Hospital, New York Harbor, at muster-out of company.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1165

W A L S H , JAMES.—Age, — years. Enlisted at Goshen, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, January 6,1865; deserted, March 3, 1.865, at Wilmington, N. C.

W A L S H , JAMES.—Age, 28 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, November 25, 1863; no further record.

W A L S H , PATRICK, see Patrick Welsh.

W A L T , J O H N 0.—Age, 24 years. Enlisted, September 7, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, September 10, 1861; no further record.

W A L T E R S , GEORGE.—Private, Oo F, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. F, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered; out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

W A L T E R S , LEMUEL.—Age , 10 years. Enlisted, August 23, 1861, at Brick, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, August 26, 1861; transferred to Co. H, no date; dis­charged for disability, July 28, 1862.

W A L T E R S , THOMAS.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 21, 1861, at Bridgeport, Conn., to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, August 26, 1861; transferred to Co. E , no date; ire-enlisted as a veteran, January 20, 1864; wounded in action, July 30, 1861, at Petersburg, Va . ; no further record.

W A M P L E , C H A R L E S H.—Private, Co. D, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. I, this regiment, June 9, 1865; discharged, August 8, 1865.

W A N G A N M A N , CHARLES.—Private, Oo. O, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. C, this regiment, January 30, 1864; wounded in action, February 20, 1861, at Olustee, Fla . ; died of his wounds, May 4, 1864, at Tallahassee, Fla.

WARD, FRANK.—Age , — years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, Febru­ary 23, 1865; deserted, August 6, 1865.

1166 R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

WARD, J A M E S J.—Age, 38 years. Enlisted at Stephen-town, to .serve three years., and mustered in as private, Go. G, Sep­tember 3, 1863; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.

W A R D , JOHN.—Age, 36 years. Enlisted, July 25, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. E , August 27, 1861; transferred to Co. I, no date; discharged at expiration of term of service.

W A R D , JOHN.—Age, — years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H, January 18, 1865; deserted, March 1, 1865, from Provost Guard.

W A R D , J O S E P H G.—Age, 25 years. Enrolled, July 17,1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as captain, Oo. I, August 16, 1861; discharged, January 18, 1862. Commissioned captain, December 11, 1861, with rank from August 16, 1861, original.

W A R E , H E N R Y — A g e , 18 years. Enlisted, August 19,1861, at Harrisonville, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. A , August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. D, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted ser­geant, no date; first sergeant, May 1, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as David H. Ware.

W A R N E R , ISAAC J.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, September 2, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, September 10, 1861; promoted corporal, January 26, 1863; returned to ranks, no date; discharged, September 20, 1861.

W A R N E R , JOHN.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Albany, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. K, October 20, 1863; mustered out, June 23, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.; sub­sequent service in Battery E , Third U. S. Artillery.

W A S H B U R N , ELL—Age , 20 years. Enlisted, August 20, 1861, at Fort Hamilton, N. Y., to serve three years; mustered in as private, Go. B, August 21, 1861; deserted, August 3.0, 1861, at New York city.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1167

WATKINS, W I L L I A M W.—Age, 31 years. Enlisted at Brook­lyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co, B, August 8, 1862; absent, sick, in hospital at muster-out .of company.

WATSON, WILLIAM.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Sandford, to serve two years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, Feb­ruary 11,1865; mustered out with company, September 1,1865, at Raleigh, N. C . ­

W E B E R , H E N R Y J.—Age, 38 years. Enlisted, August 1, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H, August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. B, and to Veteran Reserve Corps, no dates.

W E E D , T R U M A N A.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Wilburham, Mass., to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. D, no date; discharged, September 20, 1861.

W E E K S , TIMOTHY R.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted, August 23, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. F , August 31, 1861; transferred to Co. B, no date; promoted corporal, no date; discharged for disability, April 30, 1862, as Wicks.

WEEST, FREDERICK.—Age , 31 years. Enlisted at Pough­keepsie, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. K, January 18, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.

W E G M A N , O H A R L E S M.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Sche­nectady, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, January 12, 1865; deserted, March 18, 1865, as Weyman.

W E I N G A R T N E R , LOUIS.—Private, Oo. G, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. H , this regiment, January 30, 1861; killed in action, February 20, 1861, at Olustee, Fla.


WEISCHT, ADAM.—Age, 13 years. Enlisted, August 17, 1861, at Fort Hamilton, N. Y., to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B, August 21, 1861; wounded in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wragner, S. C ; discharged for his wounds, Sep­tember 16,1864, as Weisecht.


WEISS, HENRY.—Private, Co. I, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. B, this regiment, January 30, 1864; wounded, no date or place; died of his wounds, September 1, 1861, at Hampton, Va .

WEISTERMIRE, JACOB.—Age, 30 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , January 17, 1865; mustered out with company, Septem­ber 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Westermire.

WEITZ, JOHN-—Age, 38 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, January 18, 1865; mustered out, June 10, 1865, at New Berne, N. C.

W E L A N , JAMES.—Age, 30 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, January 17, 1865; promoted corporal, June 1, 1865; returned to ranks, no date; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.; also borne as Whelan.

W E L C H , J O H N C—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 12, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, August 26, 1861; killed, November 28, 1861, accidentally shot, at Hilton Head, S. C.

W E L C H , J O H N P.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 7, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K, August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. C, no date; deserted, August 1, 1863, at Brooklyn, N. Y., while on recruiting service as Welsh. -

W E L C H , THOMAS.—Private, Co. I, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. G, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. O.

W E L C O M E , FRANCIS L\—Private, Co. F, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. F , this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, sick, at muster-out of company..

W E L L E R , LEROY.—Age, 17 years. Enlisted, September 9, 1861, at Havana, to serve three years; mustered in as private, in band, October 26, 1861; supposed to have been discharged in 1862,

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1169

W E L L E R , MONROE.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, September 5, 1861, at Millport, to serve three years; mustered in as private, in band, October 26, 1861; supposed to have been discharged in 1862.

WELLING, S A M U E L R,—Age, 39 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in, as corporal, Co. G, August 18, 1862; returned to ranks, no date; mustered out, June 27, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

W E L L M A N , HENRY.—Private, Co. H, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. I, this regiment, January 30, 1861; wounded in action, February 20, 1861, at Olustee, F la . ; mustered out, June 21, 1865, from White Hall Hospital, Phila­delphia, Pa.

W E L S H , EDWARB.—Private, Co. A, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. C, this regiment, January 30,1861; discharged on expiration of term of service as Edward W. Wesh.

W E L S H , J O H N P., see John P. Welch.

W E L S H , PATRICK.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Kingston, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. H, September 22, 1861; wounded in action, February 21, 1865, near Wilming­ton, N. C.; mustered out, June 27, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Walsh.

WENZIER, CONRAD.—Private, Co. F , Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Oo. G, this regiment, January 30, 1861; committed suicide by hanging, 1861, at Hilton Head, S. O.

W E B T Z , HERMAN.—Age, IS years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. H , January 18, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.

W E S H , E D W A R D Wr., see Edward Welsh.


1170 R E P O R T OP T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

WEiSTERFIELD, JAMES.—Age, -28 years. Enlisted, August 21, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Go. G, August 26, 1861; transferred to Co. K, no date; promoted corporal, no date; killed in action, July 18, 1863, at Port Wagner, S. C.

W E S T E R M I R E , JACOB, see Jacob Weistermire.

W E S T E R V E L T , A L B E R T B.—Age, 12 years. Enlisted, August 30, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F, August 31, 1861; transferred to Oo. C, no date; discharged, September 20, 1861.

W E T H E R S P O N E R , FRANCIS.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Watertown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Oo. A , January 13, 1865; mustered out with company, Sep­tember 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

W E T T M O R E , GEORGE.—Age, 18 years. Einlisted at Oanan-daigua, to serve two years, and mustered in as private, Go. G, February 21, 1865; died of typhoid fever, May 25, 1865, in hospital at Smithfield, N. O.

W E Y M A N , C H A R L E S M., see Charles M. Wegman.

W H A L E N , JAMEtS, see James Whelan.

W H A L E N , JOHN.—Private, Co. D, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. I, this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, wounded, at muster-out of company.

W H A L E N , JOHN.—Age, 28 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, Febru­ary 21, 1865; mustered out, June 15, 1865, at Smithville, N. C.

W H A L E N , PATRICK, see Patrick Walen.

W H A L E Y , JAMES.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 19, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A , August 21, 1861; transferred to Oo. G, no date; re-en­listed as a veteran, December 22, 1863; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.

W H A L F A I T H , RICHARD.—Age, 18 years. Einlisted, July 28, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H , August 16, 1861; no further record.

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W H E E L E R , C H A R L E S E.—Private, Co. B, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. H , this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, sick, at muster-out of company.

W H E E L E R , D A V I D B.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted, August 11, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. D, August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. O, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; wounded in action, June 1, 1861, at Cold Harbor, Va . ; promoted corporal, no date; sergeant, April 29, 1865; mustered out with company, Sep-

. tember 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

W H E E L E R , EDWARD.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, August 13, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. C, no date; re-en­listed as a veteran, December 22, 1863; wounded in action, June 1, 1861, at Cold Harbor, Va. ; promoted corporal, Sep­tember 16, 1861; transferred to Co. G-, Nineteenth Regiment, Veteran Reserve Corps, May 19,1865; mustered out, September 12, 1865, at Buffalo, N. Y."

W H E E L E R , J A M E S G.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted, September 11, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, September 16, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; wounded in action, June 1, 1861, at Cold Harbor, Va . ; deserted, no date; also borne as James J . Wheeler.

W H E L A N , JAMES, see James Welan.

. W H E L A N , JAMES.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted, July 30, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in .as private, Oo. D, August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. I, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; wounded in action, June 30, 1864, near Petersburg, Va.;- discharged, September 26, 1864, as Whalen.

WHITBEGK, JEREMIAH.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Troy, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , Janu­ary 13, 1865; discharged for disability, July 17, 1865.

WHITE, A M A S A B.—Age, 24 years. Enlisted, September 5, 1861, at Millport, to serve three years; mustered in as private, in band, October 26, 1861; supposed to have been discharged in 1862. , , , .

1172 R E P O R T OF T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

WHITE, DAVID.—Age, 27 years. Enlisted, August 7, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three year-si; mustered in as private, Co. A , August 21, 1861; wounded in action, July 10, 1863, at Morris Island, S. C , and July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; re-en­listed as a veteran, December 22, 1863; appointed wagoner, no date; mustered out, August 4, 1865, at New York city.

W H I T E , EDWARD.—Age, 13 years. Enlisted, September 6, 1861, at New Windsor, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. C, September 10, 1861; transferred to Oo. F , no date; discharged for disability, July 20, 1862.

W H I T E , GEORGE.—Private, Co. F , One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. F , this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, sick, at muster-out of company.

W H I T E , JAMES.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, August 8, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as corporal, Co. K, August 16, 1861; discharged for disability, May 12, 1863.

W H I T E , JAMES.—Age, 27 years. Enlisted, September 17,1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F , October 10, 1861; discharged, October 10, 1864. .

W H I T E , J A M E S C—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, September 5, 1861, at Millport, to serve three years; mustered in as private, in band, October 26, 1861; supposed to have been discharged in 1862.

W H I T E , T H O M A S M.—Age, 24 years. Enlisted-, August 26, 1861, at Woodstown, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co F , August 31, 1861; transferred to Co. D, no date; promoted corporal and returned to the ranks, no dates; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; appointed musi­cian, no date; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.

W H I T E , WILLIAM.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Oswego, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, February 14, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

WHITER, ABRAHAM.—Private, Oo. I, One Hundred and Sev­enteenth Infantry; transferred to Co. G, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. O.

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WHITFORD, ROBERT.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, August 11, 1SG1, at Brooklyn, to .serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F, August 25, 1861; died, June 21), 1862, at Fort Pulaski, Ga,

WHITLOCK, D A V I D B.—Age, 26 years. Enlisted at Brook­lyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , September 16, 1861; discharged, February 22, 1861, for promo­tion as first lieutenant, Thirty-ninth Infantry; also borne as Daniel M. Whitlock.

WHITSON, GEORGE.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Go. C, August 20, 1862; mustered out, June 27, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

W H Y T E , ARTHUR.—Age, 27 years. Enlisted, August 6, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mu'Stered in as private, Oo. K, August 16, 1861; no further record,

WICKOFF, C H A R L E S B., see Charles B. Wyekoff.

WICKS, TIMOTHY R,, see Timothy R. Weeks.

WIDMER, ALEXANDER.—Private, Co. F , Independent Corps, .Light Infantry; transferred to Co. G, this regiment, January 30, 1861; killed in action, February 20, 1861, at Olustee, Fla.

WIEiGAND, J O H N C—Age, 25 years. Enlisted, August 5, 1861, at Centerport, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H, August 16; 1861; transferred to Co. A, no date; promoted corporal, no date; returned to the ranks, August 8, 1863; pro­moted corporal, August 11, 1863; re-enlisted as a veteran, Feb­ruary 29, 1861; wounded in action, August 11, 1861, at •Strawberry Plains, Va . ; captured' in action, August 25, 1864; paroled, no date; promoted first sergeant, no date; mustered out with, company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

WIEGAND, PETER.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted, August 22, 1.861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as sergeant, Co. G, August 26,1861; promoted first sergeant, April 16,1863; wounded in action, June 1, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va , ; dis­charged, September 16, 1864, near Petersburg, Va.

WIESERT, J O H N A.—Age, 42 years. Enlisted, August 17,1861, at Camp Wyman, N. Y., to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H, August 26,1861; no further record.


WILCOX, F R A N K L I N L.—Age, 33 years. Enlisted at Brook­lyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, December 14, 1863; transferred to Navy, May —, 1864.

W I L D A Y , JOHN.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 5, 1861, at Paterson, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K, August 16,1861; transferred to Co. B, no date; captured in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; paroled, no date; discharged, September 20, 1864.

W I L E Y , JAMES.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 13, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, August 16,1861; no further record.

WILGUS, J O H N L.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, July 29, 1861, at Trenton, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. D, September 5, 1861; captured in action, July 13, 1863, at Morris1 Island, S. C ; died of chronic diarrhea,, December 2, 1863, at Richmond, Ya . ; also borne as John S. Willgus.

WILKINS, W I L L I A M F.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, August 9, 1861, at Galeville, to serve three years; mustered in as cor­poral, Co. K, August 16, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, Decem­ber 22, 1863; promoted corporal, no date; sergeant, November 1, 1861; deserted, July 21, 1865, as Willkins.

' WILLIAMS, AUSTON.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, Janu­ary 19, 1865; promoted sergeant, no date; returned to ranks, no date; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

WILLIAMS, C H A R L E S E.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Gale­ville, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K,

, September 13, 1861; transferred to Co. I, no elate; promoted corporal, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; wounded in action, June 30, 1864, near Petersburg, Ya . ;

• deserted on expiration of furlough, August 11, 1861, from hospital at Portsmouth, Va.

WILLIAMS, FRANK.—Age , 20 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, Sep­tember 1, 1863; wounded in action, no date; discharged for his wounds, June 19,1861.

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WILLIAMS, GEORGE.—Age, 10 years. Enlisted at Auburn, to serve two years, and mustered in as private, Oo. 0, February 21, 1865; promoted corporal, April 1, 1865; sergeant, July 1, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

WILLIAMS, GEORGE.—Private, Oo. A , v Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. K, this regiment, January 30, 1861; dishonorably discharged, May 29, 1865.

WILLIAMS, ISAAC—Age, 26 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, October 21, 1863; transferred to Navy, no date.

WILLIAMS, JAMES.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 21, 1861, at Paterson, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as sergeant, Co. E, August 27, 1861; transferred to Co. F , and returned to ranks and promoted corporal, no dates; miss­ing in action, August 16, 1864, at Strawberry Plains, Va., as James A . Williams.

WILLIAMS, JAMES.—Age, 28 years. Enlisted at Troy, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A, January 18, 1865; deserted, March 15, 1865, at Wilmington, N. C.

WILLIAMS, JARVIS W.—Age, 27 years. Enlisted, July 24, 1861, at Woodbridge, N. J. , to serve three years; mustered in as sergeant, Co. H, August 16, 1861; returned to ranks, no date; discharged at expiration of term of service.

WILLIAMS, JOHN.—Private, Co. D, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. I, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

WILLIAMS, JOSEPH.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, July 27, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, August 16, 1861; no further record.

WILLIAM'S, J O S E P H M.—Age, 23 years. Enrolled at Brook­lyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. A , March 15, 1862; promoted regimental quartermaster-sergeant, April 17, 1863; mustered iu as second lieutenant, Co. E , July 6, 1861; as first lieutenant, July 30, 1861; discharged for dis­ability, September 22, 1861. Commissioned second lieutenant, July 14,1861, with rank from July 6, 1861, vice A . Lacoppidan, promoted; first lieutenant, September 16,1864, with rank from July 30, 1864, vice J . O'Brien, killed.

1170 REPORT O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

WILLIAMS, R O B E R T 0.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, September 11, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Go. F , September 11,1861; promoted corporal, Feb­ruary 28, 1863; killed in action, July 30, 1861, at Petersburg, Va .

WILLIAMS, WILLIAM.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 8, 1861, at Galeville, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. D, August 21, 1861; transferred to Co. K, no date; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; deserted, Feb­ruary 28, 1864.

WILLIGERS, J O H N L.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, August 29, 1861, at Trenton, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B, September 5, 1861; no further record.

WILLITT, J O H N T.—Age, 28 years. Enlisted, August 29, 1861, at Trenton, N. J. , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B, September 5,1861; no further record.

W I L M A R T H , P E T E R B.—Private, Co. G, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. D, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Peter P. Wilmarth.

WILSON, JR., BENJAMIN.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted, August 26,1862, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. H , August 27, 1S62; captured in action, July 18,1863, at Fort Wagner, S. G ; died, July 2,1861, at Andersonville, Ga.

WILSON, FRANK.—Private, Co. C, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. C, this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

WILSON, GEORGE.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted at Kingston, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, March 1, 1861; transferred to Co. K, May 1,1861; absent, sick, in hospi­tal at muster-out of company; also borne as Willson.

WILSON, JAMES.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted at Goshen, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, February 20, 1865; promoted corporal, no date; mustered out with com­pany, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

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WILSON, JAMES.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, January 18, 18G5, at Poughkeepsie, to serve three years; mustered' in as private, Co. H, January 18, 1805; deserted, August 13, 1805, from camp at Raleigh, N." C.

WILSON, JAMES.—Age, 30 years. Enlisted, July 30, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, C o . I,. August 16, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, January 20, 1.861; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, n o i date; mustered out, August 26, 1865, at Washington, D. C , as of first battalion, unassigned, Veteran Reserve Corps, Cavalry.

WILSON, JAMES.—Age, — years. ' Enlisted at Albany, re­serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, October 20, 1863; captured in action, February 21, 1864, at Olustee, Fla . ; died of disease, April 20, 1864; also borne as Willson.

WILSON, J O H N C—Private, Co. K, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. E , this regiment, June 9, 1865; promoted corporal, August 23, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as. John R. Wilson.

W I N F E N , CORNELIUS, see Cornelius Winven.

WINSTON, D A V I D S.—Private, Co. F, One Hundred and Seven teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. F , this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, sick at muster-out of company.

W I N V E N , CORNELIUS.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 16, 1861, at Paterson, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. K, August 16, 1861; transferred to Co. E , no date; wounded in action, June 1, 1861, at Cold Harbor, V a . ; dis­charged on expiration of term of service as Winfen; also borne as Wynfen.

WESI, JOHN.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Tarrytown, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, January 20, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. O.

WISEBUM, E L L — A g e , 19 years. Enlisted, August 20, 1861, at Peekskill, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A, August 21, 1861; no further record.

1178 REPORT OP T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

WITCOMB, VITRUOIUS.—Age, 52 years. Enlisted, August 28, 1862, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as pri­vate, Co. H , August 30, 1862; mustered out, June 27, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as Vitrivius Witeomib; also borne as Vitruvius Witcomb.

WITE, JOHN.—Age, 28 years. Enlisted at Avon, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, February 14, 1865; deserted, August 9, 1865, from camp, near Raleigh, N. C.

WITFORD, ROBERT.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 20, 1861, at Paterson, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Oo. A, August 21, 1861; no further record.

WITHERSPOON, JAMES.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1861, at Bergen Point, N . J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , August 27, 1861; transferred to Co. H, no date; killed in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; also borne as James A . Witherspoon.

W O H L F A R T H , RICHARD.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, July 15, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A, August 16, 1861; promoted corporal and ser­geant, no dates; wounded in action, June 30, 1864, near Peters­burg, Y a , ; discharged, September 22, 1864.

WOLCOTT, J O H N G.—Assistant surgeon. Commissioned, de­clined, assistant surgeon, October 6, 1863, with rank from Sep­tember 26, 1863, vice P. H. Humphries, discharged.

W O L F , AUGUST.—Private, Co. H, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. I, this regiment, January 30, 1861; transferred to Navy, no date.

W O L F , HENRY.—Private, Co. K, One Hundred and Seven­teenth Infantry; transferred to Co. E , this regiment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

WOLSTON, A L F R E D , see Alfred Woolsten.

WOLT, J O H N C—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 19, 1861, at Camp Wyman, N. Y., to serve three years; mustered in as private, G O / H , August 26, 1861; died, May 18, 1862, at Daw-f uskie, S, C.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1179

WOOD, C O R N E L L S.—Age, 22 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to •serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , August 27, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, January 20, 1864; wounded in action, July 30, 1865, before Petersburg, Va . ; mustered out, September 23, 1865, at New York city.

WOOD, E D W A R D W.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. C, August 20, 1862; mustered out, June 27, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

WOOD, THOMAS B.—Age, 33 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. F, August 31, 1861; transferred to Co. I, no date; discharged on expiration of term of service.

WOOD, WILLIAM F.—Age, IS years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. G, Sep­tember 16, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted corporal, April 26, 1861; wounded in action, May 16, 1864, at Drewry's Bluff, Va , ; died of his wounds, September 24, 1861, at Annapolis, Md.

WOODS, EDWARD.—Age, 22 years, Enlisted, August 31,1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. B, September 5, 1861; transferred to Co. G, no date; re-en­listed as a veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted corporal. June 28, 1865; mustered out with company, September' 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.

WOODS, JAMES,—Age, 19 years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. I, January 19,1865; deserted, March 3, 1865, at Wilmington, N. C.

WOODS, J O H N W.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted at Cherrybrook, to serve one year, and mustered in as private, Co. C, February 23, 1865; mustered out with company, September1 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C , as John H. Wood.

WOODS, ROBERT.—Age, 26 years. Enlisted at Jamaica, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, Febru­ary 20, 1865; promoted corporal, no date; deserted, June 28, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

1180 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

WOODBURY, THOMAS I.—Age, 11 years. Enlisted at Brook­lyn, to serve three yeans, and mustered in as private, Oo. H, August 12, 1862; discharged for disability, June 12, 1863; also borne as Thomas J . Woodbury.

WOODSIDE, J O H N A.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, September 6, 1861, at West Farms, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Go. C, 'September 10, 1861; transferred to Go. D, no date; promoted corporal, no date; wounded in action, no date; discharged for his wounds, September 20, 1861.

WOODWARD, R E U B E N T.—Age, 38 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. E , August 27, 1861; transferred to Co. C, no date; promoted corporal, no date; transferred, October1 15, 1861, to Twenty-first Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers.

WOOLFENSINGER, RAPHEUS.—Private, Co. E , One Hun­dred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Go. A, this regi­ment, June 9, 1865; mustered out with company, September I, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

WOOLSTEN, A L F R E D . — A g e , 26 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, October 21, 1863; transferred to Navy, no date, as Woilston.

WORDEIN, A D E L B E R T J.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Nor­wich, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. 0, January 11, 1865; discharged for disability, July 17, 1865, from McDougal Hospital, New York Harbor.

W O R D E N , W I L L I A M H.—Private, Co. G, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. F , this regiment, June 9, 1865; absent, in hospital, at Fort Monroe, Va., at muster-out of company.

W O R K M A N , JOHN.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at Almond, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Go. O, February II, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

WORMWOOD, MORRIS.—Private, Co. F, One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. F , this regiment, June 9, 1865; discharged, June 6, 1865, as of the One Hundred and Seventeenth Infantry.

F O R T Y - E I G H T H INFANTRY. 1181

W R E N , WATSON.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted at New York city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. B, Sep­tember 5, 1861; no further record.

WRIGHT, A L F R E D S,—Age, 43 years. Enlisted, August 23, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, August 26, 1861; transferred to Co. K, ho date; dis­charged for disability, July 29, 1862, as Alfred Wright.

W Y C K O F F , C H A R L E S B.—Age, 19 years. Enrolled, August 25, 1861, at New York city, to serve three years; mustered in as private, CO. C, September 10, 1861; transferred to Oo. F , no date; promoted sergeant, no date; sergeant-major, Febru­ary 28, 1863; mustered in as second lieutenant, Co. A , Sep­tember 21, 1863; transferred to Co-. H, November 20, 1863; dis­charged, March 7, 1861, at Wykoff; also borne as Wickoff. Commissioned second lieutenant, August 28, 1863, with rank from July 10, 1863, vice Y. R. K. Hillard, promoted.

W Y C K O F F , J A M E S S.—Age, — years. Enlisted at New Yrork city, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. F , January 17, 1862; promoted corporal, February 28, 1863; re-en­listed as a veteran, January 20, 1864;. returned to ranks, no date; discharged, June 20, 1864, for promotion to lieutenant in Thirty-ninth Infantry. .

W^YMAN, JOHN.—Age, 26 years. Enlisted, August 8, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as corporal, Co. K, August 16, 1861; discharged for disability, October 17, 1862.

W Y N F E N , CORNELIUS, see Cornelius Winven.

Y A M , MAX.—Private, Co. I, One Hundred' and Seventeenth Infantry; transferred to Co. G, this regiment, June 9, 1865; discharged, June 7, 1865, from hospital, New York.

Y E R K S , J O S E P H W.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, August 7, 1861, at Brooklyn, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H, August 16, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; promoted corporal, no date; sergeant, April 20, 1865; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C.

1182 R E P O R T O F T H E A D J U T A N T - G E N E R A L .

Y E R K S , N A T H A N I E L G.—Age , 38 years. Enl is ted at Brook­lyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , Augus t 11, 1862; wounded i n action, June 2, 1864, at Cold Harbor , V a , ; discharged, no date.

Y O R K E R , J A O O B . — A g e , 28 years. Enl isted at Jacksonvil le, F l a . , to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. E , February 29, 1864; no further record.

Y O U M A N S , S A M U E L E ,—Age , 19 years. Enlisted, August 14, 1861, at Brooklyn , to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. G , Augus t 16, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; k i l l e d i n action, M a y 16, 1864, at Drewry's Bluff, V a .

Y O U N G , G E O R G E W . — A g e , 30 years. Enl isted, J u l y 28, 1861, at Brook lyn , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, A u g o s t 16, 1861; no further record.

Y O U N G , J A M E S . — A g e , — years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K , Septem­ber 1, 1863; ki l led i n action, August 25, 1864.

Y O U N G , J O H N . — A g e , 30 years. Enl isted, J u l y 28, 1861, at Brook lyn , to serve three years; mustered i n as private, Co. I , Augus t 16, 1861; discharged at expiration of term of service.

Y O U N G , J O H N . — A g e , 21 years. Enl is ted at Buffalo, to serve three years, and mustered i n as private, Co. C, February 15, 1865; mustered out w i t h company, September 1, 1865, at Rale igh, N . C ; also borne as Youngs.

Y O U N G , J O H N D.—Age, 29 years. Enlisted, September 9, 1861, at New Y o r k city, to serve three years; mustered in as sergeant, Go. C, September 10, 1861; no further record.

Y O U N G S , J O S E P H A . — A g e , 22 years. Enl isted, August 20, 1861, at Bridgeport , Conn., to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. A , August 21, 1861; transferred to Oo. E , and to Co. C, no dates; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; discharged for disability, September 29, 1861.

Z A H N , F R E D E R I C K . — A g e , 40 years. Enl isted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. H , Janu­ary 17, 1865; absent, sick in hospital at muster-out of company.

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ZAIH, HENRY.—Age, — years. Enlisted at Brooklyn, to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Go. I, January 20, 1865; mustered out, August 16, 1865, at New York city.

Z C H L Y U S K Y , E D VON.—Private, Co. I, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. I, this regiment, January 30, 1861; promoted corporal, no date; wounded in action, June 30, 1864, near Petersburg, Va. ; returned to ranks, no date; discharged, June 2, 1865, at Fort Monroe, Va., as Edward Zichlinsky; also borne as Edwin Zichlinsky.

Z E L L A R , MATHIAS.—Age, date and place of enlisment, and of muster-in as private, Co. D, not stated; wounded in action, June 28, 1864, near Petersburg, Va . ; no further record.

ZERWICK, JOHN.—Age, 23 years. 'Enlisted, August 19, 1861, at Trenton, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. D, August 21, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran, December 22, 1863; mustered out with company, September 1, 1865, at Raleigh, N. 0.

ZOiBEL, HIRONIMTJS.—Private, Co. C, Independent Corps, Light Infantry; transferred to Co. C, this regiment, January 30, 1864; discharged, November 25, 1861, as Hyronimus Zobel.

ZOLLOR, JOHN.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted at Goshen^ to serve three years, and mustered in as private, Co. K, January 18, 1865; ' mustered out, July 6, 1865, from Lovell Hospital, at Portsmouth Grove, R. L, as Zollar.

ZOUSKIE, WILLIAM.—Age, 35 years. Enlisted, August 10, 1861, at Key Port, N. J . , to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. H, August 16,1861; killed in action, July 18, 1863, at Fort Wagner, S. C ; also borne as Zouriskie and as William

.0. Zoroski.
