For Your Information—For Your Inspiration News & Notes


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St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church

910 Marne Highway Hainesport, New Jersey 08036-2666

Office Phone: 609.267.0740 Fax: 609.267.3798


The Reverend Dr. David B. Jost, Senior Pastor

The Reverend Laura Esposito, Associate Pastor

Elaine Jardine, Interim Director reJOYce Christian School

Beverly Grazioli, Sunday School Director

Rosanne Scassero, Church Secretary

Karen McMahon, Business Manager Mark Moore, Sexton Denisemarie Ramos,

Director of Music

St. Paul’s Mission Statement Rooted in God’s unconditional love,

the congregation of St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church

commits mind, body, spirit and treasure to make all people

disciples of Christ, to share God’s abundance, and to proclaim the Gospel

in word and deed.

Keep these folks in your prayers… ...those who are hospitalized, ill or other: George Adams, Bill Anderson, Jackie Anderson,

Kathryn Baltaitis, Fred Bertram, Gail Blakeslee, Steve Blum, Charlie Bohlen, Mark Boughen, Bob Breisch, Brenda, Linda Brooks, David Bulanauski, Viola Christensen, Amanda Costa, Bethany Costa, Erin Craig, Cheryl Crain, Tom D’Amico, Nina Davis, Joseph Denphy, Lauren Diorio, Brian Drea, Jane Emrick, Sharon Favaloro, Evan Frank, Clif Fernandez, Ernie Ferreny, Vandra French, Bill & Marge Gardner, Chris Giroso, Berta Graham, Bill and Laurie Grosspeter, Dale Hansen, Holly Hilferty, Alice Izzo, Rocke Izzo, Gussie Johnson, Pat Johnson, Rina Johnson, Janice Kaminski, Katie Kish, Dean Larson, Richard Leonhard, Morgan Lowe, Joy Lynch, Sarah Magyar, Edward McLaughlin, Joseph McMahon, Mary Meddahi, Gordon Moran, Debbie Norton, Elaine Orosz, Coletta Pagenkopf, Doris Palmer, Agnes Pape, Martha Paul, Michael Pissiti, Jim Potts, Hans Ritt, Mark Schwartz, John & Linda Schwarzmann, Les Smith, Darrell Soltesz, Christine Strimel, Bob Tolbert, Sheila Tolliver, Justin Vinluan, Carole Winter, Shirley Worthington, Lynette Zahirny.

...those who have long-term illnesses: Gerri Burns, Phil Boettge, Edith Crane, Robert Cross, Jack Daleus, Jack Dickson, Bob Grover, Ella Hikade, Arlene Kaye, Matthew Ottenwess, Virginia Sandstrom, Kathy Strano, Violet P. Wise.

...those who are shut-in: Marcy Boettge, Jane Brooks, Ilse Burrell, Victor Bush, Walt Cliver, Fran Craig, Mary Edwards, Millie Guenther, June Henning, John Johnson, Alice Karis, Nancy McKeown, Ruth Steever

...those in the military or other service: Michael Cobb, Navy, in Jacksonville, FL. Mark B. Moore, III, Army ...those who mourn: Family and friends of Harold Bozarth Sr., Tim

Bozarth’s grandfather Family and friends of David Alexander, Jeff

Alexander’s uncle Family and friends of Louise Davis, Paul Welch’s

aunt ...the following St. Paul’s families (You are all

members of the Prayer Team); The Natalie & Eric Houwen Family, Walter Hullings,

The Kevin & Linda Husted Family, The Fran & Carrie Izzo Family, Connye & Harvey Jackson, Pat Jackson

...for peace and unity in our own country.

Please help us keep this list updated. Let the church office know if someone should be removed from this list. (609) 267-0740 or

Worship Attendance

February 25 & 26, 2017

Total—272—7:30 PM—24 8:00 AM—26; 9:30 AM—88; 11:00 AM—134

The total giving for February was $39,683. Average giving for Mission Plan was $8,714. Average giving needed for Mission Plan $11,000 per week.

For Your Information—For Your Inspiration

News & Notes

for St. Paul’s Community

March 4 & 5, 2017

Worship Services:

Saturday, 7:30 PM Sunday, 8:00 AM Sunday, 9:30 AM Sunday, 11:00 AM Sunday School, 10:30—11:30 AM

The Great Thanksgiving... All baptized, believing Christians are welcome to the Lord’s Table. Come forward down the center aisle, pick up a glass and follow the directions of the ushers. Glasses of grape juice are available in the center of the tray. If you are unable to come to the altar, please inform an usher so that the Eucharist may be brought to you.

For Children Ages 2—6: Busy Bags are available near the Growing in Faith Together (GIFT) Table in the back of the sanctuary. One bag per child, please, and return bags to the bin following worship. Nursery care: There will be no nursery care during the service.

Today's gospel tells of Jesus’ temptation in the desert. His forty-day fast becomes the basis of our Lenten pilgrimage. In the early church Lent was a time of intense preparation for those to be baptized at the Easter Vigil. This

catechetical focus on the meaning of faith is at the heart of our Lenten journey to the baptismal waters of Easter. Hungry for God’s mercy, we receive the bread of life to nourish us for the days ahead.

This Week’s Lessons Genesis 2:15-17; 3:1-7

Psalm 32

Romans 5:12-19

Matthew 4:1-11

Next Week’s Lessons Genesis 12:1-4a

Psalm 121

Romans 4:1-5, 13-17

John 3:1-17

Introduction from today’s lessons.

“It All Began in Baptism” A Lenten Bible Study at Lunchtime

On the Wednesdays of Lent, we will once again gather in the Parish Hall at noontime to spend time in study, prayer and soup! The focus will be “It All Began in Baptism.” Each week will be a study of the different aspects of baptism.

Sharyn Lyden has agreed to coordinate the donations of the soup and bread for these Lenten lunches. The luncheon dates are:

March 8, 15, 22, 29, April 5

Luncheon will begin at 12:05 pm.

Look for the sign up board in the narthex!

Please fill the empty spaces for March Worship Assistants. The sign-up sheet is posted in the narthex! There are empty spaces for Communion Assistants, Lectors, Clickers (Projection Assistants)! Please help out!

Sign up on the bulletin board in the narthex by the entrance.

Luther’s Small Catechism Beginning on Tuesday, March 7, the Tuesday night bible study group will begin a study of Luther’s Small Catechism. The group meets at 6:30 pm in the Study House. We’d love for you to join us! Contact Karen Shell if you have any questions.

Easter Basket Collection for the Children at

Bridge of Peace in Camden

We will be providing Easter Baskets again this year for the kids in Camden. This year, we will be trying something new. In the narthex, you will find a sign up sheet, and numbered bins for either a boy or a girl, along with the list of the items needed.

These aren’t your “run-of-the-mill” Easter baskets. We’re asking that the baskets be filled with toiletries and food items. Many of these children rely on the free breakfast and lunch provided by school, and they may go without over the Easter break.

“I don’t know if I can fill a whole bin,” you say to yourself. How about getting a group together to fill a bin—your bible study, youth group, or just a group of friends!

We are hoping to fill 50 baskets for the children. The filled bins are due back by April 2 so they can be delivered to Bridge of Peace in time for Easter.

If you have any questions, please contact

Pat Headrick—


Melissa Headrick—609-367-4661

or Claudia O’Malley—609-265-9047.

Thank you!!

Mitten Tree

The Christmas tree will remain in the narthex through March to receive donations of mittens, gloves, hats, scarves and children’s socks

to donate to those in the area who can use them.

Let’s keep the tree full!

Rings of Freedom, Rings of Responsibility, an Annual Milestone Ministry of St. Paul’s

On March 18 & 19 , at all four worship services, there will be a celebration for St. Paul's high school students who have reached this special milestone in their lives. We are acknowledging any student who is preparing to receive or has received their State Driver’s License.

You and your parents are invited to attend if you are a high school student who has received your driver’s license after March 1, 2016 or will be receiving one before September 1, 2017 and have not already received your key ring recognizing your achievement. We would like to know if you would like to participate in this special event so that preparations can be made. Key rings will be given out during worship to all participants to use or to keep in a place to remind them of the Christian emphasis of this milestone in their faith life. Please inform us if you are eligible and cannot be present but would like to receive a key ring, and we can arrange to give it to you individually. We will also provide you with the service of blessing to use privately.

THANK YOU for allowing us this opportunity to be a part of your faith journey! Contact the church office at (609) 267-0740 or

New Members Class A New Members class will start on

Sunday, April 2 at 2:00 PM in the Great

Room of the Study House. Anyone

interested in membership here at St. Paul’s

is encouraged to sign up for this four-part

class to learn some Lutheran history, to

learn who we are here at St. Paul’s and to

meet many of the key leaders of our

congregation. New members will be

received at the four services on April 29

and 30.

First Communion Class The next First Communion class will begin on Sunday, April 2 for anyone interested in what we Lutheran believe and teach about the Lord’s Supper. Classes are Sunday, April 2 at 2:00 PM in the Music Room and Wednesday, April 5 at 6:30 PM in the Music Room. First Communion will be offered at all four services on April 22 and 23.

In Search Of…. Seeking a 4-drawer filing

cabinet for storage of St Paul’s

historical documents,

photographs, films, and such.

If you have one to donate, please contact

Jeffrey Alexander at 609-261-1760, and he will

pick it up.

This Week at St. Paul’s

Sunday, March 5

8:00 AM Worship

9:30 AM Worship

10:30 AM Sunday School

11:00 AM Worship

7:00 PM Chorale (MR)

Monday, March 6

9:00 AM Aerobics (PH)

6:30 PM Girl Scouts (SH)

7:00 PM Bible Study (SH)

7:00 PM AA (PH)

7:30 PM Handbell Choir (S)

8:30 PM NA (MR)

Tuesday, March 7

10:00 AM EGA Board (PH)

6:30 PM Bible Study (SH)

6:30 PM Children’s Choirs 7:00 PM AA (MR)

7:30 PM Same Spirit/Capstone

Wednesday, March 8

9:00 AM Aerobics (PH)

9:00 AM Needle/Thread (SH)

12:05 PM Lenten Lunch (PH)

6:00 PM Weigh-In (SH)

7:00 PM Cub Scouts (PH)

Thursday, March 9

6:30 AM Men’s Prayer Breakfast (PH)

10:00 AM Bible Study (SH)

6:30 PM Ark Angels (MR)

7:00 PM Boy Scouts (PH)

7:30 PM Christus Choir (MR)

7:30 PM AA (SH)

Friday, March 10

9:00 AM Friday Fellowship

Saturday, March 11

7:30 PM Worship

8:00 PM NA (MR)

Daylight Saving Time begins on

March 12! Set your clocks ahead one hour tonight!

March 4 & 5, 2017

First Weekend in Lent

7:30 pm, 11:00 am Prelude Welcome & Parish Concerns Confession and Forgiveness Passing of the Peace Hymn #504, A Mighty Fortress Greeting Kyrie, page 138 Prayer of the Day: Lord God, our strength, the struggle between good and evil rages within and around us, and the devil and all the forces that defy you tempt us with the empty promises. Keep us steadfast in your word, and when we fall, raise us again and restore us through your Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

First Lesson

Pastoral Care & Comfort

Second Lesson

Lenten Verse Return to the Lord, page 142

Gospel Lesson

Response Sermon: Pastor Laura Esposito

Hymn #325, I Want Jesus to Walk with Me

Apostles Creed, page 105 Prayers of Intercession Offering

(7:30) Offertory, #186, Create in Me a Clean Heart (11:00) Offertory Anthem, I’ll Walk with Jesus, Chi Rho Choir

Offertory Prayer Great Thanksgiving, page 107 The Proper Preface Holy, Holy, Holy Lord, page108 Words of Institution Lord’s Prayer Invitation to Communion Communion Hymns: Page 112, Lamb of God

#788, If God My Lord Be For Me (7:30)

Show Me Thy Ways, Chi Rho Choir (11:00)

#785, When Peace Like a River

Post-Communion Rite Post-Communion Prayer Blessing

Hymn #320, The Glory of These Forty Days



Our Worship Assistants 7:30, 8:00 & 11:00

Altar Guild: Ann Macintosh, Carol Ritter, _____ Bread Provider: Laura Pagenkopf Communion Assistants: Joan Lynch, ______, Karen Shell, Lydia Cross, Amy Bescherer Projection Assistants: Darlene Workman, Bob Ritter, ______ Greeters: Rudi Bahr, Pat Jackson, Al & Barb Sloan Lectors: ______, Karen Shell, Amy Bescherer Ushers: Bill & Joan Lynch & Michael George, Joan Thompson & Carol Ritter, Erick Soles

To all who served as worship assistants this weekend, thank you for your ministry to

Flowers Provided to the Glory of God…

In recognition of our 150th Anniversary, we will be observing the old tradition of not having flowers on the altar during Lent. Sign up on the bulletin board by the entry doors to provide altar flowers for after Lent.

March Food Collection

Suggestions for this month: Canned tuna, peanut butter, canned fruits and vegetables.

As always, all items welcome!

Also all sized paper, plastic & cloth bags are needed.

Please place the items on the hutch in the narthex.

Save the Date!

Friday, October 20, 2017

Enjoy fun and fellowship as we celebrate the history of our congregation, rejoice

together in our present ministry and look forward to our future!

Deerwood Country Club, Westampton

$35 for adults—$15 for children 12 & under

There will be

an Altar Guild

meeting this


March 5,

following the 11:00 am service.

Dessert and coffee will be


Contact Peg Biringer with any


A Sesquicentennial Pathway

Jonathan Platt’s Eagle Scout Project

To commemorate the 150th anniversary of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church I have decided to devote my Eagle Scout project to help beautify the church gazebo. The gazebo is located on the grass in the rear of the cemetery and is rather secluded and uninviting. I will lead a team of volunteers to build an engraved brick pathway from the cemetery driveway to the gazebo as well as landscape around the gazebo to make it a more inviting place.

The pathway will be constructed of 4”x8” red concrete bricks laser engraved with the inscription of your choice (up to 3 lines, up to 20 characters per line including spaces) for $35.00. These tribute bricks are perfect for honoring your family name, celebrating a precious memory or memorializing a loved one.

The brick will forever leave your legacy at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church while helping to raise funds for the project as well as for the sesquicentennial celebration being held later this year.

Questions? Contact Jon Platt at 609-225-1238 or

A Sesquicentennial Pathway

Jonathan Platt’s Eagle Scout Project

How can I order?

Bricks cost $35 each

Enclose Cash or checks payable to: St. Paul’s Lutheran Church

Write brick path on the memo line

Checks and order forms can be placed in the labeled manila

envelope in the narthex.

Name: ___________________________________

Phone #: _________________________________

Email (Optional): ___________________________

Each brick has 3 available lines, each limited to 20 at most

characters. Write your message here:

If you’d like to pay with credit card see our website at:

Order Your Spring Flowers for Easter

It’s time to order spring flowers to decorate the sanctuary for

Easter services. You may choose from the plants below. Cost for each plant is listed with the type.

Deadline for ordering is March 26, 2016.

I wish to order: (Choice of Plant) (Number) Large Daffodil ($6) ________ Mini Daffodil ($6) ________ 5-bloom Tulip ($6) ________ Hyacinth ($6) ________ White Lillies ($8) ________ Total Cost $________

To honor: __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ In loving memory of: __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________

If you wish to keep your Easter plant, it must be picked up by April 23. The plants remaining after this date will be planted on the church grounds.

My name___________________________ My Envelope Number Is______________

Order Your Spring Flowers for Easter

It’s time to order spring flowers to decorate the sanctuary for

Easter services. You may choose from the plants below. Cost for each plant is listed with the type.

Deadline for ordering is March 26, 2016.

I wish to order: (Choice of Plant) (Number) Large Daffodil ($6) ________ Mini Daffodil ($6) ________ 5-bloom Tulip ($6) ________ Hyacinth ($6) ________ White Lillies ($8) ________ Total Cost $________

To honor: __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ In loving memory of: __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________

If you wish to keep your Easter plant, it must be picked up by April 23. The plants remaining after this date will be planted on the church grounds.

My name___________________________ My Envelope Number Is______________

Order Your Spring Flowers for Easter

It’s time to order spring flowers to decorate the sanctuary for

Easter services. You may choose from the plants below. Cost for each plant is listed with the type.

Deadline for ordering is March 26, 2016.

I wish to order: (Choice of Plant) (Number) Large Daffodil ($6) ________ Mini Daffodil ($6) ________ 5-bloom Tulip ($6) ________ Hyacinth ($6) ________ White Lillies ($8) ________ Total Cost $________

To honor: __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ In loving memory of: __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________

If you wish to keep your Easter plant, it must be picked up by April 23. The plants remaining after this date will be planted on the church grounds.

My name___________________________ My Envelope Number Is______________

Loved Beyond Measure

ELEA Lutheran Schools Week March 5-11, 2017

Loved Beyond Measure

ELEA Lutheran Schools Week March 5-11, 2017

Loved Beyond Measure ELEA and the over 1400 schools and early childhood centers of

the ELCA invite you to:

Thank the staff, school board and leadership of your church’s school or center for the care, nurture, education and love of God they share with the many children and families who are served;

Pray for God’s continued blessings upon all of those children, families and staff;

Celebrate the incredible ministry of ELCA Schools and Learning Centers!


Where there is love, the heart is light, where there is love, the day is bright.

Where there is love, there is a song to help when things are going wrong.

Where there is love, there is a smile to make all things seem worthwhile.

Where there is love, there’s quiet peace; a tranquil place where turmoils cease.

Love changes darkness into light, and makes the heart take wingless flight.

Oh, blest are they who walk in love; they also walk with God above.

And when humans walk with God again, there shall be peace on earth. Amen.

Loved Beyond Measure ELEA and the over 1400 schools and early childhood centers of

the ELCA invite you to:

Thank the staff, school board and leadership of your church’s school or center for the care, nurture, education and love of God they share with the many children and families who are served;

Pray for God’s continued blessings upon all of those children, families and staff;

Celebrate the incredible ministry of ELCA Schools and Learning Centers!


Where there is love, the heart is light, where there is love, the day is bright.

Where there is love, there is a song to help when things are going wrong.

Where there is love, there is a smile to make all things seem worthwhile.

Where there is love, there’s quiet peace; a tranquil place where turmoils cease.

Love changes darkness into light, and makes the heart take wingless flight.

Oh, blest are they who walk in love; they also walk with God above.

And when humans walk with God again, there shall be peace on earth. Amen.