for sharon grace, demo of portfolio mixed with a quick layout



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Trainging to be a conceptu-al artists, artist; Port-a-paks are heavy.

FLYTRAP, falling into raster.2014.


“ A classic beauty...equal to the art works that surround her at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art is Cheryl Miller. Actor of MGM-TV’s “Da-ktari” so says the photograph in hand. Considered to be a semiotic herself, an icon of knowledge and individuality as beauty, Chery Miller and Clarence the Cross-Eyed Lion brighten up the youth through the tube. I kicked my way out of her blue screen into a family of film and production. Cheryl gives birth to a magician, a scorerer’s apprentince in constant study of the image, and the act. Child magician to conceptual artist and professor of play. My brother is a photographer, a natural and sculptor; my next brother invented wakeboarding riding on a boogie board tied to a rope of a speedinl jet. Through the docu-mentary sport, Sideways films branch out the sport into the mainstream. My entire family is dedicated to the arts including my mother’s love for crafts and stamps. In those days, I thought everyone tried to be artists, It is not until I meet Charlie Stauntan that he turns me on to Art. He called himself a graphic photographer, at the turn of the centurey, and made art more dynamic, more inclusive, and hip. We inspired each other back and forth always play-ing. When I was 18, I was accidentally introduced to the museum system pf public vs private and the very discovery of its PRIVATEzed nature. By this time, Charlie had moved out to Los Angeles,

and every Thursday we would go to the

LACMA and MOCA. There I met face to

face the curation of Paul Schimmel. He

really new how to curate. His catalogs

were always impossible to read, crowd-

ed and so dense full of bad 90s typog-

raphy, but some of the largest photo

documentation of the work we had seen.

The work he would curate was astound-

ing. Everything at the Geffen Contemp

had a lot to do with becoming an artist.

On a Thursday inside Barbaras Kruger’s

installation we began acting out “Smear

the Queer” where through a double door

we discover Lygia Clark’s Experimental

Excerises of Freedom.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris eu lectus at dolor aliquet malesuada. Aenean sit amet nisl vitae massa vehicula dapibus. Nam faucibus fringilla nulla. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris eu lectus at dolor aliquet malesuada. Aenean sit amet nisl vitae massa vehicula dapibus. Nam faucibus fringilla nulla. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris eu lectus at dolor aliquet malesuada. Aenean sit amet nisl vitae massa vehicula dapibus. Nam faucibus fringilla nulla. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris eu lectus at dolor aliquet malesuada. Aenean sit amet nisl vitae massa vehicula dapibus. Nam faucibus fringilla nulla.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris eu lectus at dolor aliquet malesuada. Aenean sit amet nisl vitae massa vehicula dapibus. Nam faucibus fringilla nulla. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris eu lectus at dolor aliquet malesuada. Aenean sit amet nisl vitae massa vehicula dapibus. Nam faucibus fringilla nulla. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris eu lectus at dolor aliquet malesuada. Aenean sit amet nisl vitae massa vehicula dapibus. Nam faucibus fringilla nulla. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris eu lectus at dolor aliquet malesuada. Aenean sit amet nisl vitae massa vehicula dapibus. Nam faucibus fringilla nulla.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris eu lectus at dolor aliquet malesuada. Aenean sit amet nisl vitae massa vehicula dapi-bus. Nam faucibus fringilla nulla. Proin porta ornare eros ac imperdiet. Nulla in erat vitae nunc adipiscing posuere id at enim. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Cras ut dapibus diam. Etiam elementum lorem at risus dictum quis pretium tortor pretium. Donec et magna ac ipsum semper egestas. Sed arcu odio, interdum non interdum ut, porta sit amet risus.

Maecenas ipsum sem, ornare sed hendrerit et, sodales sed metus. Curabi-tur dignissim nisi ac augue adipiscing volutpat lacinia est suscipit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Proin et sem massa, eu vehicula sem. Donec feugiat, sem ac tempus elementum, urna sem accumsan tortor, nec imperdiet eros enim id quam. Cras pretium massa et nunc ornare venenatis feugiat libero faucibus. Nunc eleifend purus sed magna rhoncus sodales. Nullam ac est faucibus nisi semper mollis mollis eu tortor. Integer non turpis elementum ligula suscipit iaculis eu ultricies sem. Vestibulum non molestie nisl. Vestibulum eleifend ultrices mi ut consequat. Vivamus ante neque, tincidunt eget ullamcorper sit amet, blandit at nunc. Pellentesque ac turpis eget felis sollicitudin viverra. Maecenas vel nisi orci, eu rutrum neque.

Mauris orci erat, aliquam mattis aliquam a, varius sit amet erat. Praesent nulla sapien, commodo eu ultrices nec, tempor vitae tellus. Donec a velit orci. Suspendisse suscipit porttitor magna nec ornare. Vestibulum eleifend est vel lacus lacinia nec mollis nisl sodales. Maecenas massa nunc, adipi-scing eget cursus a, sodales euismod lacus. Phasellus sodales sagittis tor-tor, et consectetur ligula mollis accumsan. Nulla eget enim et lorem sceleris-que interdum at eu elit. Suspendisse potenti. Cras tristique purus ac metus molestie a malesuada sem tincidunt. Aenean ac lacus libero. Donec convallis augue non metus hendrerit tincidunt vel sit amet urna. Aliquam sed leo risus, sit amet elementum massa. Suspendisse rhoncus auctor nunc a vehicula. Mauris placerat dolor et urna semper sit amet convallis nisi iaculis.



A corperation in the service of fine art non instructional status for the chance operation that natural disaster might occure in California,Play Play Play, willed it way into the void, in hopes of shelving itself for later use ala American Zoetrope. Film from the Sound Up. Every edit was a lie. They used their flashlightto examine their gun more carfully with in the black of the blank spaces, they were on the Verge of the “Age of Dissapperance.’

We want to set up

the collaboration as the elaboration

of the woman is as the printer

the trojan horse of the system

the A side.

Our position on the internet is a wikipetan.

Meet Elle, the anthropomorph of the collective con-science that is the Internet.

Like Tony Labat’s Glued to the raster like Garfield and in a closed circuit loop

Dropping out of San Francisco Art Institute, to tran-scend into the printing press.

We found that risk is made of the void, and in discover-ing the Riso printing process is made up of voids, we,

like the ink, decided to go through this.

This is a long term body of work presented in catalog.

It is a complete set of printed works - prints, pages, plexi record, fold outs, pop-ups, inserts, posters, magazine


The printed works root from an interactive content management system in constant reflexive development. B Side: the anthropomorph of the internet. Wikipetan is AIML, as ELIZA, who is Dr Sbasteo - who is Oscar Wilde in disguise: the ghost in the machine. the gaurd-

ians of knowledge.

We envision a long form publication like a semiotext(e) to develop what is necessary on written and visual fom. It is a longterm development of history. I can only offer you 70 years more of my life probably, as a discourse.

Erik maybe 40.

We want to collaborate with Colpa as the printed, real non meta form of our discourse.

This project began from a half-assed [L H O O Q ] silkscreening class at Sfai. In this program the work re-

quired the use of transparencies. This led to isolating the transparency as the work and later into smashing ink

cartridges, ELLE was born. CMYK is the birth of the cartridge explosion - the big bang! And in this we discov-ered there is more to life, there is RISO. We believe in a world that was born circa 1986; It is significant, it is

ironic, that the Riso the printer was invented in the year we consider a most important year of our common era.

Next message will be bullet points.s

We’re so starving. Be back in a while.

Second half coming in by sunrise.



A corperation in the service of fine art non instructional status for the chance operation that natural disaster might occure in California,Play Play Play, willed it way into the void, in hopes of shelving itself for later use ala American Zoetrope. Film from the Sound Up. Every edit was a lie. They used their flashlightto examine their gun more carfully with in the black of the blank spaces, they were on the Verge of the “Age of Dissapperance.’

Play is Pow-er.Ink is our weaponthe woman is as print-er. Flytrapsare every where.

The printer is only

a metaphor for the

notion of transmission

the printer carries


firmware is software

software is virus

prone all computers

can be injected with


all computers are

injected with viruses

the woman is as

the printer is as the

trojan horse as any

peripheral device, any

computational device,

any storage medium




all computers are

injected with viruses

the woman is as

the printer is as the

trojan horse as any

peripheral device, any

computational device,

any storage medium

can injected with

virus i.e. experimental

excersices of freedom

Lygia Clark. Distance

is a function of

resolution, not space.

Raster is a


array .From a screen capture on the web via the moni-tor and printed through the portal, the “mean-ing” of images have been rasterized into a physical world, laid on the ground and off the wall, they settled for their new desktop home.“Taken from here to where it came from / And taken to a place and used in such a man-ner / That it can only remain as a represen-tation / Of what it was where it came from”


real and

the rub-ber stamp my moth

The Real Desktop inked gradiant sous ma

bite to graphic design identy crisis. the

real and the rubber stamp my mother

would use to sign for moi.



real and

the rub-ber stamp my moth

The Real Desktop inked gradiant sous ma

bite to graphic design identy crisis. the

real and the rubber stamp my mother

would use to sign for moi.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris eu lectus at dolor aliquet malesuada. Aenean sit amet nisl vitae massa vehicula dapibus. Nam faucibus fringilla nulla. Proin porta ornare eros ac imperdiet. Nulla in erat vitae nunc adipiscing posuere id at enim. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Cras ut dapibus diam. Etiam elementum lorem at risus dictum quis pretium tortor pretium. Donec et magna ac ipsum semper egestas. Sed arcu odio, interdum non interdum ut, porta sit amet risus.

Maecenas ipsum sem, ornare sed hendrerit et, sodales sed metus. Curabitur dignissim nisi ac augue adipiscing volutpat lacinia est suscipit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Proin et sem massa, eu vehicula sem. Donec feugiat, sem ac tempus elementum, urna sem accumsan tortor, nec imperdiet eros enim id quam. Cras pretium massa et nunc ornare ven-enatis feugiat libero faucibus. Nunc eleifend purus sed magna rhoncus sodales. Nullam ac est faucibus nisi semper mollis mollis eu tortor. Integer non turpis elementum ligula suscipit iaculis eu ultricies sem. Vestibulum non mo-lestie nisl. Vestibulum eleifend ultrices mi ut consequat. Vivamus ante neque, tincidunt eget ullamcorper sit amet, blandit at nunc. Pellen-tesque ac turpis eget felis sollicitudin viverra. Maecenas vel nisi orci, eu rutrum neque.

Mauris orci erat, aliquam mattis aliquam a, varius sit amet erat. Praesent nulla sapien, commodo eu ultrices nec, tempor vitae tellus. Donec a velit orci. Suspendisse suscipit port-titor magna nec ornare. Vestibulum eleifend est vel lacus lacinia nec mollis nisl sodales. Maecenas massa nunc, adipiscing eget cursus a, sodales euismod lacus. Phasellus sodales sagittis tortor, et consectetur ligula mollis ac-cumsan. Nulla eget enim et lorem scelerisque interdum at eu elit. Suspendisse potenti. Cras tristique purus ac metus molestie a malesuada sem tincidunt. Aenean ac lacus libero. Donec convallis augue non metus hendrerit tincidunt vel sit amet urna. Aliquam sed leo risus, sit amet elementum massa. Suspendisse rhoncus auctor nunc a vehicula. Mauris placerat dolor et urna semper sit amet convallis nisi iaculis.

Sed blandit sollicitudin mi a pretium. In ornare scelerisque felis, ac lobortis augue sagittis quis. Nunc neque nulla, pellentesque at eges-tas id, imperdiet sed nulla. Phasellus eros nisi, faucibus vitae interdum vitae, condimentum ultricies diam. Mauris id ipsum quam. Quisque in leo massa. Praesent at justo mauris, vitae ornare nunc.

Donec blandit, ligula facilisis aliquam tempus, metus tortor fringilla dui, pellentesque porttitor leo diam ac eros. Curabitur tempus, turpis a

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris eu lectus at dolor aliquet malesuada. Aenean sit amet nisl vitae massa vehicula dapibus. Nam faucibus fringilla nulla. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris eu lectus at dolor aliquet malesuada. Aenean sit amet nisl vitae massa vehicula dapibus. Nam faucibus fringilla nulla. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris eu lectus at dolor aliquet malesuada. Aenean sit amet nisl vitae massa vehicula dapibus. Nam faucibus fringilla nulla. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris eu lectus at dolor aliquet malesuada. Aenean sit amet nisl vitae massa vehicula dapibus. Nam faucibus fringilla nulla.




the will to the virtual, and one half the will manifest desinty. One day we flipped roles and thats when we became the raster and the void.

that feelingyou getfrombeing one half

THANKSFORREADINGLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con-sectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris eu lectus at dolor aliquet malesuada. Aenean sit amet nisl vitae massa vehicula dapibus. Nam faucibus fringilla nulla. Proin porta ornare eros ac imperdiet. Nulla in erat vitae nunc adipiscing posuere id at enim. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Cras ut dapibus diam. Etiam el-ementum lorem at risus dictum quis pretium tortor pretium. Donec et magna ac ipsum semper egestas. Sed arcu odio, interdum non inter-dum ut, porta sit amet risus.Maece-nas ipsum sem, ornare sed hendre-rit et, sodales sed metus. Curabitur dignissim nisi ac augue adipiscing
