Food Frenzy…. What Are YOU Eating? By Kate Stamoulis Ever go to the store and look on the back of...


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Food Frenzy…. What Are YOU Eating?

By Kate Stamoulis

Ever go to the store and look on the back of your

favorite “ TV Dinner In A Box”?

Calories, preservatives total fat, what is this???

Here are some answers.

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The Food Revolution-


The Secrets Behind

Fast Food


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The Food Revolution-ers

The Secrets Behind

Fast Food

Obesity Obesity

What is it?

Obesity has doubled in the past 20 years and tripled in the past 30. Obesity has caused heart attacks and over 300,000 deaths. Throughout the whole USA, Colorado is the healthiest state with only 15-20% adulthood obesity. West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Arkansas are 30-100% obese. The rest of the country is either 20-35% obese.

Power Words:Obesity: when you eat too much food and don’t get enough exercise. Heart Attack: damage to an area of the heart muscle that is deprived of oxygen; typically accompanied by chest pain going down one or both arms;

THINK: How serious is obesity in your family? What is the obesity rate in your state?

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The Food Revolution-ers

The Secrets Behind

Fast Food


The Secrets Behind Fast Food

Sometimes you bite into a Chicken McNugget and you wonder, “What is this made of? Where is it from? Where are the nutrients?” Here are some things that McDonalds doesn‘t want you to know:

• Because the Chicken McNugget has so much chemicals scientists call it the “chemical nugget”

• There are 38 ingredients in a Chicken McNugget, the homemade chicken nugget has about 5 or less

• Fast food fast food – take out the s in fast and you have fat

• America eats fast food more often because of the quick service, cheap prices and it tastes good (chemically taste) – they forget that fast food has very little nutrients.

• The average American should not have more than 65 grams of fat and 2,000 calories per day. But a meal from Burger King has 50 grams of fat and 2,000 calories. That is your for the day in one meal.

POWER WORDS!Nutrients: a substance that provides nourishment for the body.Calories: a quantity of food that produces energy

THINKDo people know how bad fast food is?

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The Food Revolution-


The Secrets Behind

Fast Food

Obesity The Food Revolution-ers

Some people are trying to stop obesity.

Ordinary people like you and me and even some celebrities! Here are 2 important people that are doing a healthy job fighting obesity

1 Michelle Obama. She and her team of White House chefs go to schools all around the country making sure kids are getting the right nutrients they need to learn.

2 Jamie Oliver. He is basically doing the same thing as Michelle Obama but he is a famous chef who started his own show called Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution. Last season he went into a town in West Virginia called Huntington and really changed the way they ate. For example, he showed school cafeteria workers healthier ways to cook food.

Power wordsRevolution: a movement for change

THINKHow can you help fight obesity in your community?

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How To Help

The Food Revolution-


The Secrets Behind

Fast Food

Obesity How To Help

To address the problem of adult and childhood obesity, you, yes you, can help others and yourself. Here are some tips that will keep you happy and healthy:

• Spread the word! Tell your friends and family about what obesity is, how fast food is involved and how obesity can affect your health.

• Limit sweets! Enough is enough!• Try a new healthy food every month, such as peaches, kiwis

and more!• Try not to visit fast food restaurants regularly. A treat every

once in a while is fine. • Food is healthier when it is homemade because you know

what is in it when you cook.

POWER WORDSHomemade: a meal made at homeSweets: candy, donuts, pastries, chocolate, ice cream, cookies THINK:

What health

y food tips

have you heard? What

will be your fi

rst ste

p tp

help obsesity?

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The Food


The Sercets Behind

Fast Food

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To learn more about the deep dark depths of obesity go to these websites

Let's Move

Interview with Jamie Oliver

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